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Pla smaS ync 4 2X C10 Pla smaS ync 50X C10 Pla smaS ync 60X C10 English Us er ’ s Manual Downloaded From Manuals.
Pac ka g e C o n t e n t s Pl a sm a Mon it or Remo te con t ro l a nd A A Bat ter ies Powe r c or d U ser s Man ua l ( CD- R O M ) S t ar t U p Gui de ( Pa per / CD- R O M ) Mai n P o w er S w i tch co v er and scr ew Cab l e cl a m ps • • • • • • • Downloaded From TV-Manual.
Impor t ant Safety Instructions ..............................................................................................................English- 1 Impor t ant Information ..........................................................................
English English-1 Read Bef ore Opera ti ng Equip me nt. 1. Read t hes e in st ruc t ions. 2. K ee p th ese ins tru cti o ns. 3. Heed a l l wa r ni ngs. 4. Fol low al l i nst r uct ions. 5. Do not use t h is appa rat us nea r water . 6. Clea n on ly w ith a d r y c loth .
English English-3 Safety Precautions and Ma intena nce FOR O P TI MU M PERFOR M A NCE , PLE ASE NOTE TH E FOLLOWING W HE N SET TI NG UP A ND USING T HE MONI TOR: e plasma displa y's panel is made up of ne p icture elements (cells), o f which more than 99.
English-4 R ec o mm en de d Us e CAUT I O N COR R EC T PLA CE M EN T A ND A DJUSTM E NT OF TH E MONITOR C AN R EDUCE EY E , SHOUL DER A ND NE CK F ATIGUE . CH ECK T H E FOLLOWI NG WH E N POSITIO NI NG THE M ONITOR: For optimu m per forma nce, a l low 20 mi nutes for war m- up.
English English-5 R ec o mm en de d Us e - co nt in ued T o av oid or mi nimize image retent ion : Like all phospho r-based disp lay devices and all other gas plasma displa ys, plasma monito rs can be susceptible to image reten tion under certain circumstances.
English-6 U sing Op tion a l Stand/ M oun ts An optio nal stand or moun ting a pparat us can be installed either while the unit is in the u pright position o r while the unit is face-do wn. T o install the stand while in the up right position, lo wer the monit or on to to the feet as shown (F igure 1).
English English-7 M oun ting o n Ce i lin g En sur e th at the ce ilin g i s s tur d y e no ugh to su pp ort the weight of the u nit a nd t he mounti ng appa ratu s over t ime, a ga in st ea r t hqua ke s, u nex pec te d v ibrations , a nd other e x terna l forces.
English-8 U sing the Re mo te: Install the remo te con trol bat teries. e remot e contr ol is power ed by AA bat teries. T o install or replace ba tteries: A. Press and slide to o pen the cover . B. Align the batt eries according t o the (+) and (–) indica tions inside the case.
English English-9 P ar t Na mes an d F u ncti on s Contr ol Pa nel 1) POWER Sw itc hes th e pow er o n/sta ndb y . 2) MUTE Swi tches the audio m ute O N/OFF . 3) INPUT Swi tches between in put sour ces. A cts as SET but ton within the OSD men u. 4) PLUS (+) Incr eases the s etting ad justment wi thin OSD menu .
English-10 EXTERNAL CONTROL OUT 2 IN DVD/HD3 S-VIDEO IN DVI AUDIO3 R L (MONO) R L (MONO) R L (MONO) AUDIO2 AUDIO1 VGA Y Cr/Pr Cb/Pb DVD/HD1 DVD/HD2 IN VIDEO AC IN RL SPEAKER (S) 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 12 11 13 14 P ar t Names and F unc tions 1) EXTERN AL CONTROL O U T (D-Sub 9 p in) Connect RS-232C outp ut to a second moni tor .
English English-11 P ar t Na mes an d F u ncti on s - co nt in ued 1) POWER ON/ST ANDBY Swit ches the power on/standb y . *If the P ower In dicator o n the displa y is not glowing, then no con trols will wo rk. 2) VIDEO Swi tches the inp ut signal to the VIDEO so urce.
English-12 PO W ER T o turn the unit O N and OFF: 1. Plug t he pow er cord i nto an A C outle t. 2 . P ress t he Po wer button ( on t he un it ). e monitor' s ON/ ST A NDBY ind icator tu r ns red a nd t he un it wi l l be i n STANDBY mode. 3.
English English-13 REMOTE CONTR OL ID e remot e contr ol included wi th the display can be used to con trol up t o 26 individual moni tors using wha t is called the REMOTE CONTR OL ID mode. e REMOTE CONTROL ID mode wo rks in conj unction with the Mo nitor ID , allowing con trol of u p to 26 individual mo nitor s.
English-14 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) U sing t he OS D U se the Rem ote Contr ol or th e con trol pa nel on the fro nt of the unit t o enter the o n-screen displa y menu to ad just settings. 1. Pres s t he M EN U but t on on t he remote or t he E X I T but ton on t he C ont rol Pa nel .
English English-15 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu 2 Explanation Default Reset PIC TU RE PIC TU RE M EM ORY Sto re p ic tu re m en u set t ing s an d in pu t ter mi na l in for ma ti on.
English-16 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu 2 Explanation Default Reset AUD IO BAS S Adj us ts t he l ow fr eq ue nc y sou nd . Pr es s + or - to a dj us t. 0 YE S TR EB LE Adj us ts t he h ig h fr eq ue ncy s ou nd. P re ss + o r - to a dju st .
English English-17 On - Scr een Disp la y ( OS D ) Main Menu Sub Menu Sub Menu2 Explanation Default Reset SET UP (co nt in ued) BAC K GRO UN D C ho os es t he b ri ght ne ss o f ba ckg ro und w he n th er e is n o inp ut signal present. GRA Y YES SI DE M AS K Adj us ts t he co lo r of th e si de m as k wh en a 4 : 3 ima ge i s di sp laye d.
English-18 Operation Picture Size Us ing Vid eo Signa ls Select one of seven pict ure sizes man ually . While viewing videos o r digital video discs, per fo rm the follo wing actions: 1. Press the S IZE butt on on the remo te contr ol. 2. T o switch the scr een sizes, press the SIZE b utto n again within 3 seconds.
English English-19 Picture Size Us ing C om pu ter Sig na ls T o expand a 4:3 imag e to ll t he en tire screen, switc h to the widescreen mode. While viewing videos o r digital video discs, per fo rm the follo wing actions: 1. Press the S IZE butt on on the remo te contr ol.
English-20 Operation - co nt in ued Sp lit Scr een M ode T o displa y multi ple pictur es on the screen, perform the follo wing actions: 1. Press the desir ed SPLIT SCREEN function bu tton o n the remot e (PIP , S BY S, SINGLE). Onl y certain R GB signals a re s uppo r ted.
English English-21 Picture-in- Pictu re M ode Press the + a nd - butt ons to cha nge the position of the sub- pic ture. Press the p and q bu tton s to chang e the size of the sub- pic ture. Press the S ELECT/FREEZE but ton to cha nge the active pic ture.
English-22 Operation - con tin ued Picture Set ti ngs M en u Sto ring picture set tings is function stores the curren t inpu t signal and PICTURE menu settings in memo r y in or der to recall these settings if necessar y . Up to six di erent settings ca n be stor ed.
English English-23 is monitor u se s R X D, TX D and GN D lines for R S-23 2C control . e reve rse t ype c able ( null mod em c able ) should be u se d for RS - 232C control. is Plasma m onit or can be co ntro lled via personal com puter usin g an RS-232C connection.
English-24 RS- 232C - con tin ued e fol lowi ng control s equence is us ed for a sing le monitor When using the f ollowing co ntro l commands, all o f the daisy-chained moni tors can be con trolled at the same time from the p rimar y monito r .
English English-25 RS- 232C - con tin ued 3) C ontrol sequ enc e 1) e command fr om a com puter t o the Plasma monito r will take 400ms. 2) e Plasma monit or will send a return comma nd 400ms* a er it has r eceived an encode. If the comma nd is not receiv ed correctly , the Plasma monito r will not send the return comman d.
English-26 Structure o f the Read-command ASCII HEX Function Data Function Data POWER ON vP 1 76h 50h 31h POWER OFF vP 0 76h 50h 30h INPUT VIDEO1 vI v1 76h 49h 76h 31h INPUT S-VIDEO vI v3 76h 49h 76h .
English English-27 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g No pic t u re e sig na l ca ble shou ld be prope rly conne ct ed to t he d ispl ay card/ co mp ute r . e di splay c a rd shou ld be prope rly se ated i n its s lot. Front Po wer Sw itch a nd c omputer power sw it ch shou ld b e in th e O N po si ti o n.
English-28 Sp e c i fi ca ti ons 4 2X C1 0 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 42 "/1058 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.900 mm (W)/0.676 mm (H) Resolutio n 1024 x 768 Frequency Horizon tal AN ALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 91.
English English-29 Sp e c i fi ca ti ons 50 X C1 0 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 50"/1269 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.81 mm (W)/0.81 mm (H) Resolutio n 1365 x 768 Frequency Horizon tal AN ALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 91.
English-30 Sp e c i fi ca ti ons 60 X C1 0 PDP Mod ule Diagonal: 60"/1514 mm Pixel Pi tch 0.966 mm (W)/0.966 mm (H) Resolutio n 1366 x 768 Frequency Horizon tal AN ALOG: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 108.5kHz DIGIT AL: 15.625/15.734kHz, 31.0kHz - 91.
English English-31 Specification of the signal Sig. c n y S M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H . q e r f V n o i t u l o s e R no. H X V Signal T ype Hz (kHz) terminal (4:3) (16:9) terminal (4:3) (16:9) H V presence Gr.
English-32 4 2X C1 0 Su ppor ted Reso lut ion s ( Vid eo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-33 Specification of the signal Sig. c n y S M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H . q e r f V n o i t u l o s e R no. H X V Signal T ype Hz (kHz) terminal (4:3) (16:9) terminal (4:3) (16:9) H V presence Gr .
English-34 50 X C1 0 S up por ted Reso lu ti ons (Vid eo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-35 S u ppo r ted R esol uti on s ( PC ) 60 X C1 0 Specification of the signal Sig. c n y S M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I M O O Z L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I . q e r f H . q e r f V n o i t u l o s e R no. H X V Signal T ype Hz (kHz) terminal (4:3) (16:9) terminal (4:3) (16:9) H V presence Gr .
English-36 60 X C1 0 S up por ted Reso lu ti ons (Vid eo ) Specification of the signal Sig. t c e l e s D H R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I R E D N U 1 : 5 3 . 2 9 : 4 1 M O O Z C I M A N Y D L L U F L A M R O N T U P N I .
English English-37 Pi n As si g n m e n t 1) Analog RGB I npu t (Mini D-SUB 15P) V GA Pin No. Name 1 Video Signal Red 2 Video Signal Green 3 Video Signal Blue 4 GND 5 DDC-GND 6 Red-GND 7 Green-GND 8 B.
DEC L A R A TI ON OF C ONF OR MI T Y is device comp lies with Pa rt 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is s ubject to the follo wing two condi tions. (1) is device may not ca us e harmful interfer ence, and (2) this device must accep t any in terference r eceived, incl uding interf erence that ma y cause undesired o peration.
デバイスNEC 42XC10の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NEC 42XC10をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNEC 42XC10の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NEC 42XC10の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NEC 42XC10で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NEC 42XC10を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNEC 42XC10の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NEC 42XC10に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNEC 42XC10デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。