NETGEARメーカーXM128 ISDNの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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M-XM128NA-1 Novemb er 1997 NETGEAR , I nc. A B ay Networ ks Compan y 48105 W arm Spri ngs Blvd. Fremont, CA 94539 USA Reference Guide for the Model XM1 28 ISDN Digital Mod em.
ii © 1997 by NETGEA R, Inc . All ri ght s r ese rv ed . T rademarks Bay N etw orks is a re gi st er ed tra dema rk of Bay Net wor ks , In c. NETGE AR and Fir st Gea r ar e tr ad em ar ks B ay Netw orks, Inc . Mi cro sof t , W i ndo ws , an d W indo w s N T ar e re gi st er ed tra d em a rks of Mic ros of t Cor por at io n.
iii Bestätigung des Herstell e r s/ Impor teu rs Es w ird h iermi t be stätigt , d aß das Model NETGEA R Model XM 1 28 IS DN Di gita l Modem gemä ß der im BMPT -Amt sblV fg 243/1 991 und Vfg 46/199 2 a ufg ef ührte n Be st immung en entst ör t is t.
iv W orld W i de Web NETGE A R mai ntai ns a W orld W ide W eb Home P age that you c an acce ss a t th e uni vers al r esour ce loca tor (URL) ht tp:/ /NET GE AR.b ayn etw ork m. A d ire ct c onn ecti on to t he I nte rnet and a W e b br owse r su ch as I nter net Ex plo rer or Net sca pe are r equired.
Refe rence Guide for the Model XM1 28 ISDN Di gital M odem Contents v Contents Prefac e Purpose ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... xv i i Con ve nti ons .
vi Contents Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem Chapter 4 Configur ation Configur ing Y our ISDN Line and Network . ....................... . .................... ................... . . .... 4-1 Confi guring Y o ur Modem Using a T erminal Progr am .
Refe rence Guide for the Model XM1 28 ISDN Di gital M odem Contents vi i Command s f or In comin g Call s .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... 6-4 Dig ita l Da ta . ..... ..... ....
viii Con t ents Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem Chapter 7 Adv anced ISDN Cal l Co ntro l f or DSS 1 . .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .
Refe rence Guide for the Model XM1 28 ISDN Di gital M odem Contents ix Chapter 10 T rouble shooti ng P ower- o n Se lf - te st ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ...
x Contents Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem Appendi x D Status Registers and Result Codes Vie wing and Se tting S -Regist ers ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .....
Fig ures xi Figures Figure 1 - 1 . F ront panel of the Mode l XM128 modem (wit h S/T in t erf ace) . .... ..... ....... . 1-3 Figure 1 - 2 . F ront panel of the Mode l XM128 modem (wit h U interface) ... .......... ....... . 1-4 Figure 1 -3. Rear panel of t h e Model XM128 mo dem (with S i nt erf ace ) .
xii Figures.
Tab les xiii T a ble s T able 1. Manual cont ents .................................... ....................................................xix T abl e 2. Man u als ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .
xiv Table s T abl e 7-1 . S-re g i ster v a lue s a nd fu n cti ons . ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ... 7-2 T abl e 7-2. Outgoi ng lo w-la yer compati bility comma n ds ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ...
Tab les xv T able E-1. RJ-45 plug an d RJ-45 connect or pin assi gnments f or the S/ T interf ace . E-2 T able E-2. RJ-45 plug an d RJ-45 connect or pin assi gnments f or the U interf ace .... E -2 T able E-3. RJ-11 connector p in assignm ents .......
xvi Tables.
Pr e f ace xvii Preface Congrat ulations on your purch ase of the NETGEAR ™ Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem. The NETGEAR Model XM128 modem provides conn e c tio n f or one or more PCs to the Inter ne t or to the of fic e o ver I SDN (Inte grated Servic es Digita l Networ k) l ines.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem xvii i P reface Con ventions This s ection de scribes t he con ventions used in this guid e. Spe cial M essag e For mats This guide us es the fol lo wing formats to highl ight special messa ge s .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Pref ace xix Ot her C on v enti ons This g uide us e s the follo wing a dditional con ve ntions: italic s B ook ti tles and UNIX f ile, command, a nd directory names. cour ie r fon t Screen text, user - typed c om mand-line entries.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem xx Prefac e T able 2 lis ts the manuals t ha t ar e av ailable for v arious l ocalized pr oducts. Assigni ng multipl e subscriber numbe r s Chapt er 3 Chapter 5 (For using A T commands when assigni ng multipl e subscriber numbers .
Introduction 1-1 Chapter 1 Intr oduction Congrat ulations on your purch ase of the NETGEAR Model XM128 ISDN D i gital Modem. The Model XM12 8 m od em sets a new pr ic e a n d perform ance sta ndard for t he rapid ly gr owi ng I nternet and tele c om mut ing a ppl ications.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 1-2 Introduc t i on The Model XM128 modem has two analog port s t o connec t analog de vices such as fax machines, modems, and tele phones.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Introduction 1-3 Inter face Opti o ns Several inte rfaces a re a vailab le. T able 1-1 lists the interfac e opt ions for t he Model XM128 m ode m as a pplic able f or each region.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 1-4 Introduc t i on Key : 1 = P WR ( power ) LED 2 = ISDN LEDs 3 = RS -232 COM L EDs 4 = P HO NE 1 and PHON E 2 L EDs Figure 1-2.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Introduction 1-5 COM LEDs: DTR Green On The data te r minal o r computer connect ed to the COM por t on the M odel XM128 mode m is r eady t o commun icate. DSR On The Model XM128 modem is ready t o c om m uni cate with the connect ed data terminal or com put er .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 1-6 Introduc t i on Rear P anel As ill ustrate d in Figur e 1-3 and Figure 1- 4 , the rear p a nel c ontains a powe r switc h, a po wer recepta cle, and ports to connec t a computer , ISDN l ine, and two analog de vices (phone, f a x , or modem).
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Introduction 1-7 T able 1-3 describ es the components on the rear panel of the Model XM128 modem. T able 1 -3. Rear panel compo nen ts Label Descript ion ON/OFF This s witch t ur n s pow er on or o f f .
Ins ta lla tio n 2-1 Chapter 2 Installa tion This chapte r i nf or mation about install ing and using the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem. Packag e C o n t e nt s Y our pa c ka ge s hould co nta in the.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 2-2 Ins ta lla tio n T o qua l ify for produc t updat es and prod uc t w arr a n ty r e gistratio ns, f ill in the W arranty a nd Owner Regis tration Card wit hin 30 days of purchase a nd r e turn it to NETGEAR , In c.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Inst allatio n 2-3 T o install your Model XM128 modem, follo w these steps: 1. Connect the male end of the 25 - pin cab le to t he RS-23 2 COM port o f the Mod el XM128 modem. 2. Connect the othe r e nd of the 25-pin cable (female end) to the seria l (COM) port on y ou r comp ute r .
Setup for W indows 95 and Wi ndows NT 4.0 3-1 Chapter 3 Setup f or Windo ws 95 and Windo ws NT 4.0 This c hapter c ontains st e p-b y-step procedure s both for inst alling the W indo ws NT and W indo ws 95 dri v ers and for conf iguring Dial- Up Netw orking for the Model XM128 modem.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 3-2 Set up for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 9. Select th e Model XM128 modem driv er wit h the prot ocol that y our hos t is us ing . General ly , the foll owing examples work. Howe ver , we recomme nd that y ou v erify the p rotoc o l y our I nterne t service provid er (ISP ) us es.
Configuration 4-1 Chapter 4 Configuration This c hapter des cribe s the pr ocedur es for c onf iguring your Model XM128 modem and y our I S DN line . Configuri ng Y our ISDN L ine and Netw ork The setup pro c e dur e f or the Model XM128 modem needs to be done only once.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 4-2 Configuration The setup pro c e dur e f or the Model XM128 modem needs to be done only once because the sett ings are stored in the non vola tile RAM o f the modem and turn ing the po we r of f doe s not era se the informatio n.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Co nf i gur at ion 4-3 In order to issue a n A T command statement, you f irst need to run your communicat ions sof tware and conf igure it to the port c onnected to the Mode l XM128 modem .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 4-4 Configuration T able 4-3 list s the c ommand s for vie wing both the n um e rical and verbose re sult c ode s. Using A T Commands to V erify Modem Response Use A T commands t o make su re the M odel XM1 28 modem respond s, and f ollo w the se steps: 1.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Co nf i gur at ion 4-5 Switch T ype Setup f or North America In North America , the popular types of switches are A T&T 5E SS , N orthe rn T elec o m D MS 1 00, and S iemens EWSD.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 4-6 Configuration SPID Setup for North Ameri c a SPID num b ers are need e d un le ss yo ur swit c h type is A T&T 5ES S with Poi nt-to-Point Protoc ol . The ISDN switche s us e SPID numbers to rep rese nt the s ubscribed netw ork ser vic e s .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Co nf i gur at ion 4-7 Ente ring DNs Y ou will nee d to enter the phone numbers giv en to you r ISDN line. The p hone numbers will be clea r e d whene ve r the switc h type i s change d. 1.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 4-8 Configuration Fo r e xa m p le, if the protocol you wa nt is PPP , type the command A TB40&O2. Fo r other X.75 or V . 110 pr otocol options, re fer to Appendi x C, “ A T Command Set Referenc e.
As ync to Sync PPP 5-1 Chapter 5 Async to Syn c PPP This c hapter de scribes t he appli c ation of asynchrono us to s ync hronous H DLC con vers ion. In ter net and Remote Access P PP an d SL IP Mor e an d mor e In t e rnet S ervice Pr o v i ders are o ffer ing their s e rvice s through dial-up IS DN lines for highe r da ta bandwi dth.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 5-2 Asy nc to Sync PPP Most of the time, you on ly use this prot oc ol for making c alls t o remot e sit e s with ISDN LAN Router s. If the r e m o te a c c e ss site you a r e ca lling use s a T ermin al Adapte r suc h as th e Model XM 128 modem, you can use V .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Asy nc to Sync PPP 5-3 An swer ing As yn c to Syn c PPP ca lls There is no need to configur e the ISDN mode to the protocol of an inc om ing cal l.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 5-4 Asy nc to Sync PPP Dial ing P re- stored Ph one Numbers The A TDS n command, n=0,1,.. ,39, dials the (n+1)th phone number tw i ce for both of the Multilin k PPP connecti ons. The command A TDSn+S m , (n a nd n=0,1,.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Asy nc to Sync PPP 5-5 Each Octet_i is in the range f rom 0 to 255. The angle brack ets (<) and (>) are part of the this command. The command A TEPD? can be used to vie w c ur r ent setting of the Endpo int Discrim inator Ad dr ess.
ISDN Overview 6-1 Chapter 6 ISDN O verview This c hapter c ov ers the procedur e s for initiati ng and r e cei ving ca lls o ver d igital lines usi ng your Model XM 128 ISDN Digi tal Modem.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-2 ISDN O verv iew Dialin g Out Usi ng ISDN Mode Op tional Speech Bearer Serv ice The M odel XM 128 modem supp orts IS DN data u tilizi ng Speech Bea r er Se r vice. T o enable this functio n, you nee d to set S-re gist er S83 bit 7 to 1 (A TS83.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-3 Con ventiona l dia ling commands A TD, A TDT , a nd A TDP , used by much of the ex isti ng communica tion software , c an be mapped onto one of the new dia ling commands according to the A T&O setting as sho wn in T able 6-1 .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-4 ISDN O verv iew Co mman ds f or In comi ng C alls When a call c om es in, the c a ll i s carried by one of the f ollowi ng prot oc ols: • V .120 • HDLC PPP , MPPP , or SLIP • V .110 •X .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-5 Det erm ining the P acket Lengt h The user’ s i nf or m at ion is sent on a fra me- by-frame basis for V .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-6 ISDN O verv iew Answering a Call Us ing MSN When answering a n in coming c a ll , the ca ll is fir st ide ntifie d if t he call e r number match e s the Multip le Subscri ber Number (MSN) settings.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-7 If an incom ing set up me s sa ge is offered w i th add re ssing infor mation (t ha t is , the a ppropria te part of the Ca lled Party Num b er), this address i s compared w ith the MSN number s assigne d by the A T&ZIn =s c om mands.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-8 ISDN O verv iew If yo u want the Model XM 128 mod e m to a nswer inbound calls us ing al l possibl e protoc ols, ref e r to T able 6-4 for the commands use d to set the bes t- e f fort call answeri ng bit.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-9 If the addr e ss - m a t c h ing process is again unabl e to te ll whic h pr otocol to use, the Model XM128 modem goes i nto the Multi Auto-answeri ng Routine b y e xamining the B ch a nne l data patte r n and, hence, det e r mi ning the protocol to use.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-10 ISDN O verv iew V .110 I SDN Communic atio ns This s ection de scribes h ow t o set up and conf igure you r Model XM128 modem wi th the V . 110 Protoc ol. Answer ing a V .110 Call After you set the prope r V .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-11 The highest a synchronous V .110 user rate depe nds on bit 4 of S119 as follo ws: • S119. 4=0 (19 .2 Kbps) • S119. 4=1 (38 .4 Kbps for a r e a s othe r tha n Ja pa n) • S119.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-12 ISDN O verv iew Answer ing a V .120 Call In most cases , the re is no ne e d to con f igure the Model XM128 modem to properly answer cal ls. The Model XM128 modem decides which protoc ol to use b y detecting the type of data tha t is recei ve d.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-13 Now you are ready to dial the ph one number . I f you need to sa ve the s etting i nto NVR AM , use the foll owing commands and follo w these steps : 1. Enter A T&W0 ( sa ve the setti ngs to pro f ile 0) [Pr ofil es availa ble: 0-3].
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-14 ISDN O verv iew 3. Enter A T&W Z (if you wan t to save th e setti ng). After th ese commands a r e ent ere d, the A TD c ommand gene rate s two consecuti ve set up messages to in vok e b undle ini tia tion.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-15 128 Kbps Spee ds BRI ISDN consists of t hree (2B+D) log ical c ha n nels. Each B channel can be used independentl y for a dial- up c onn e c tion running at 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps (bits per second) .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-16 ISDN O verv iew Because the V .42 bis algor ithm needs an error -free tr ansmission channel be tween t he compre ssion and decompr e ss ion pr o cesses, it can only wor k with a protoc ol that has error c ontrol competence.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-17 The A TB 0x c om mands not onl y specif y the ou tgoing pr otocol, b ut a l so s e t the def ault layer 3 for an incomi ng X.75 call wit hout layer 3 i nformation. It is im por ta nt f or both e nds of a n X.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 6-18 ISDN O verv iew The de vices in the two sit es then use X.75 Mult iple Link Protoc ol or c F os channel bun dling proto col to c oordinate the two B channels. The former wo uld need an ov erhea d of 2 octets for each packe t.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN O v erview 6-19 Although not de fined in X.75, the XID frame is based on the encoding in I S O St andar d 8885 a nd on being used in V .
Advanced ISDN 7-1 Chapter 7 Adv anced ISDN This c hapter pr ovides informatio n about usi ng adv ance d ISDN for the Model XM 128 I S DN Digita l M ode m.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-2 A dva nc ed IS D N Co ntr ol of Outg oing Servi ce Ind ica tor The high-la yer compatibilit y and lo w-laye r compati bility infor m a tion pr ovides a means for compati bility checking b y t he c al le d par ty .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-3 Bearer capa bility and lo w- l ayer compatibil ity informati on elements a r e dete r m ine d when you conf igure t he B c hannel pr otocols us ing the A TBnn command.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-4 A dva nc ed IS D N The num ber - suba ddress st ring s is def ined as: s = [[Yn ][Nn]own-n umb er][/[[Z n]own-su baddres s]/] Yn specif.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-5 Cal l Co ntr ol f or 1T R6 ( Old Ge rman I SDN) In order to initi ate a 1TR6 IS DN ca ll, tw o information ele m e nts are nece ssary: • Servi c e indic ator , whic h deter m i ne s wha t kind of bea rer servic es are desired.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-6 A dva nc ed IS D N Co ntr ol of EAZ (E NDGER Ä TEA USW AHLZI FF ER) EAZ (or terminal se lection code) is the last digit of an ISDN phone number in 1TR6.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-7 The EAZ (last digit) of the dest ination address in an inc om ing setup message i s chec ked w ith the proto col of each EAZ. If th ere is a matc h and th e service indi cated i s c ompatible with this pr otocol, the call be accepted usi ng the protocol.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-8 A dva nc ed IS D N In som e areas , ho we v er , it is very expe n sive t o g et add i tiona l s ubscriber nu m be r s.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-9 If you w an t the Model XM128 modem t o answer i nbound calls as often a s poss ible, you c an se t the best-e ff or t ca ll answering bit as follo ws: • S119. 3=0 for Answe r i ng ca ll only when number matched (by def a ult) • S119.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-10 A dva nc ed IS D N Data Call Indication Data calls a r e acc e pt e d b y the Mo del XM128 modem in the same way as with any ter min a l adapte r .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-11 P oint-to-P oint Configuration In so me a reas, t he D irect-D ial-I n (DDI ) num ber i s le s s expen siv e than the M SN ; therefo re, you might want to subsc r ibe to point -to-point I S DN to employ the DDI function.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 7-12 A dva nc ed IS D N Nn is the i dentif ier of the numberi ng plan for the A TDx command: • N0 for unkno wn ( de fault if Nn is omitted) • N1 for ISDN numbering plan (Re c . E.164) • N3 for data numberi ng plan ( Rec .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Advanced ISDN 7-13 User - T o-User Information The Model XM128 modem supports user -to-use r i nform at ion exchange via the D channel. T o transm it a messa ge , use the A TT4<message. .
Analog Cal l Handling 8-1 Chapter 8 Analog Cal l Handling This c hapter out lines the s teps re quir ed to pl ace and a ns wer analog calls thr ough the I S DN line f or your Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem. The ana log adapters e nable you to c onnec t analog d ev ices (for e xa m ple, te lephone , f ax, or m odem) to an ISDN basic rate line .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 8-2 Analog Call Handli ng A T Com mands f or Analog Calls T able 8-1 list s som e of the most freque ntl y u se d A T commands. T able 8-2 list s the A T commands that are specif ic to European switche s.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Analog Cal l Handling 8-3 Making and Receiving Ana l og Calls This sectio n e xplains the rol e of analog a dapt e r s in pla cing outgoing analog c all s and rece ivi ng incoming a na l og ca lls.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 8-4 Analog Call Handli ng Ac cepti ng an Inc oming C a ll Incomi ng ISDN cal ls are di rected t o one of the analog p or ts (P HONE 1 or P HONE 2) if: • A voi ce call is s ent to one of the two analog adapte rs automati call y when it is rec ei ved.
M od em U p gr ade 9-1 Chapter 9 Mode m Upgrade This c hapte r desc ribes ho w to up grade f lash electric ally erasa ble pr ogrammable read-o nly memory (EEPR OM ) f irmware on your Model XM12 8 ISDN Digi tal Modem.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 9-2 Modem Upgrade Up grade Inst ru cti ons T o upgrade your Model XM128 modem, turn the modem on a nd foll ow thes e steps: 1. Start any communic at ions p rogram t hat sup p orts th e X-modem Pr otocol.
Troubleshoot ing 10 -1 Chapte r 10 T r oubleshoo ting This c hapter pr ovides quick easy- re fere nce tr o ubleshooti ng table s for t he Model XM128 I SD N Digita l Modem. F or troubl eshooting purposes, the Model XM1 28 modem perf orms its own diagn ostic tests, which can pro vide information ab out e a c h of its f unc tions.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 10-2 Troublesho oting The LNK LED light s up for a ha lf se c ond to indi cate the succes s of the po wer-on se lf-test. Then the LNK LED becomes the normal phys ical la yer (layer 1) acti ve indic a t or .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Troubleshoot ing 10-3 B1/B 2 Loop bac k with S elf-te st An A T and T11 command is designed for te stin g th e re a diness of your ISDN line that uses one B channe l (B1) to place a call to itse lf and uses the other B channel (B2) to recei ve the call.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 10-4 Troublesho oting Dial ed digi ts d etec ted, plea se h ang- up t he ha ndse t….! ! On-h oo k act ion is d etec ted, (Hoo k In terr upt). .... ... OK List en to t he R ING and then pick up phon e set #2 .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Troubleshoot ing 10-5 Setting up the Embedded EP A The EP A records and analyz es v a rious protocols on the B channel, D chann el and DTE-DCE inte r f ace. The results ar e displ a ye d with ANSI co lor .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 10-6 Troublesho oting The DTE-DCE protoco ls ( a t the R refe rence point accordin g to th e ISDN nomenclatur e ) include the A T commands/res ponse s as w e ll as the CAPI inter na l int erfac e.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Troubleshoot ing 10-7 The anal yzed result s can be viewe d as if containe d in a ful l screen editor . Se v eral num ber keys are used to contr ol the di splay . For PC users, it is con venient to use th e ke ys on t he num eric keypad (mak e sur e th at Num-Lock is on.
Technical Spe cification s A-1 Appendix A T echnic al Specifi cations This a ppendix pr ovides the technic al spe c ific ations for the Mo de l XM128 I SDN Digita l Modem. Ge n eral Spec if ica tions Net wor k Prot oco ls and S ta nda rds Co mpa ti bilit y W AN Protocols : Multi link P P P , B A C P , PPP V .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem A-2 Technical Spec ifications Data Co mp r essi on Hi/fn LZS (Stac) Compres sion with CCP V . 42bis Po w e r A d a p t e r 16 V , 1A (22W max.) UL/CSA (North America) CE/TUV (Europe) TM ark (Japa n) Physical Spec ifications Dimensions: 190 x 122 x 31 m m 7.
Securi ty F uncti ons B-1 Appendix B Security F unctions This appendix de sc ribes the securi ty fun ct ions of th e Model XM128 ISDN Digit a l Modem. The modem p r ovi de s tw o types of securit y functi ons that m a y be e nabled to prev ent unauthorize d connec tions.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem B- 2 S ecurity Functions The two types of sec ur ity are summarized in T able B -1 . L e vel 1 Secu rity This secur ity lev el performs only passwo rd checking. W ith Le vel 1 s ecurity , the l oc a l m ode m mainta ins the c onnection if the passw ord is m atched.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Securi ty F uncti o ns B-3 L e vel 3 Secu rity After the pa ssword is m atche d, the local m ode m prompts the re m ote use r to e nter a callbac k number . The three le vels of securit y ar e summari z e d in T able B-2 .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem B- 4 S ecurity Functions Y ou ar e a sk ed to enter the or iginal passw or d, to enter a ne w password, a nd then to reenter the n e w passw ord f or verif ication.
AT Com mand Set Reference C-1 Appendix C A T Command Se t Reference This a ppendix pr ovides information for us ing A T commands for the Model XM128 ISDN Dig ital Modem. Operation Mode of the DTE Interface The operation m ode for t he DTE i nt erfa ce is Si mp lex mode .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-2 AT Command Set Reference A T Command De scription s The A T com mand is a command in asynchronous da ta format is sued by the computer t o the Model XM128 mode m thr ough the asynchronous comput er-mode m i nte rface .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem AT Comma nd Set Reference C-3 Bnn Sel ect ISDN T eleservice. B mu st be follo wed by t wo digits . See also S- reg isters 82 and 102. F or a descripti on of Extended S-r egisters , ref er to T abl e D-4 on page D-5 in Append i x D , “St atus Regist ers an d Re sult Codes.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-4 AT Command Set Reference CPn Loopbac k 4 control CP0 Disabl e Loopbac k 4 CP1 Enab le Loo pback 4 CRn n=0-3 0 * Resum es a pre vio usl y suspended call ; n i s t he cal l identifi er (Europe) .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem AT Comma nd Set Reference C-5 D As D ial s (numbe r and options) that f oll ows f or the analog adapter , PHONE 1 . DBs Dial s (numbe r and options) that f ollows f or the analog adapter , PHONE 2 .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-6 AT Command Set Reference JSn n=0-255 *3 2 Sub-threshol d fo r MPPP in Kbps unit KAxn n=0-63 *0 Ad d- pe rsis t time i nte r v al f or B.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem AT Comma nd Set Reference C-7 Descr iption of ATI3 Out put The Link Statu s Rep ort output is disp layed on the screen as follo ws: NE TGE.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-8 AT Command Set Reference T able C-2 sho ws t he outp uts f o r the A T13 commands. T able C-3 lists the e xtended A T& command s et.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem AT Comma nd Set Reference C-9 &Dn Data T erminal Read y ( D TR) opt i ons. See also S- register s 21. 6 t o 21. 7 a nd 25. F or a descript ion of Extended S-r egist ers, ref er to T ab le D-4 on pa ge D-5 in Appendi x D , “St at us Registers an d Res ul t Codes.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-10 AT Comm and Se t Reference &Knn V .120/X.75 co m p ression cont rol. The command &K m ust be f oll o wed by t wo digi t s.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem AT Comma nd Set Reference C -11 &Wn n=0- 3 Writes cur rent se tt in gs to user profi l e n in non vol at ile RAM. See also S-reg ister 35. 6. F or a desc ript i on of Extended S- register s, ref er to T abl e D-4 on page D-5 in Appe ndix D , “Status Reg is ters and Result Cod es.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem C-12 AT Comm and Se t Reference T able C-4 lists the e xtended A T* comman d set. T able C-4. Extended A T* comm an d set Command Options F unction and descri ption *Cn n=0-3 Char acter len gth, incl uding sta r t, st op and parity bi t.
Status Registers and Result Codes D-1 Appendix D Status Re gist er s and Result Cod es This appendix de sc ribes the purpose and applic a tion of sta tus regis ters a nd re sult c ode s for the Model XM 128 ISDN Digi tal Modem.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-2 Status Re gisters and Result C odes 2. T ype the &Vn command A T &Vn to view all of the S -reg i ster s etti n gs.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-3 2. Use T able D -1 t o con vert t he d e cimal b it value to binar y . 3. Use T able D -2 to perf orm a logi c OR operat ion with the val ue to set bit 3 to 1 (binary).
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-4 Status Re gisters and Result C odes S-R e gi s te r D esc r ipt io ns In mos t bitm ap p ed S-re gisters, t he d ef a ult bit value is 0 (which is the norma l s itua tion) and only the nondef ault situa tion is de scribed.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-5 T able D-4 de s crib es each extend ed S-re gister . De f a ul ts a r e i ndic ated by a plus sign (+) in the Defa ult or referenc e co lumn of the tabl e.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-6 Status Re gisters and Result C odes S20= DTE speed (bp s) auto-det ected from A T co m m and +003 0 0 230400 bps 1 1 115200 bps 3 3 576.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-7 S21= (conti nued) 6- 7 0 0 Assum es t hat Dat a T e rminal Ready (DTR) is al wa ys on. &D0 64 40 1 08. 1, DTR of f - o n t r ansiti on cause s dial of t he def ault numb er.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-8 Status Re gisters and Result C odes S24= B it m apped r egister . 0-1 0- 3 0- 3 Ring v olume cont rol, in inc rements of 1 in dec imal value N0 - 3 2 0 0 Igno re S21.1-2 when PHONE 1 k eypad i s dial ed.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-9 S35= B it m apped r egister 4 16 10 When Data/ V oice is press ed, the Model XM128 modem dia ls t he def ault numbe r . 7 128 80 E nab le e xt e nded numeric al r esult codes from 50 -71 whe n an er ror corr ected connect ion is m a de.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-10 Status Registers and Result Codes S64= 0-255 0- FF Security callbac k ti m er in unit o f 1 sec ond . +050 S80= B it m apped r egister +000 4 0 * 0 Do not send low- lay er compati bilit y inf or mati on f or PHONE 2 (M odel X M12 8 mod em ) or i n te r na l f ax/ mod em (2864I) .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-11 S82= ISDN B channel pro tocol Bn 60 V .120 6400 0 61 V .120 5600 0 62 X.75 64000 T ranspa rent 63 X.75 56000 T ranspa rent 64 X.75 64000 T .70 65 X.75 56000 T .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-12 Status Registers and Result Codes S84= 3 8 8 Disp la ys S-regist er value i n he x fo r m a t. 4 0 * 0 In dicat es Calle r ID a fter t he 1st RING mes sage. 16 10 Disa bles Call er I D i ndi cation.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-13 S87= 5-6 0 * 0 Bundle connec tion is dis ab led. &Jn 32 20 B undl e connection i s enabled in ans wer mode onl y . 64 40 B undl e connection i s enabled in cal l mode only .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-14 Status Registers and Result Codes S104+n= Ou t going ser vice add itional (f or 1TR6 onl y) inf or mat i on: n=0, analog a dapter , PHONE 2 n=2, ISDN data n=3, analog a dapter , PHONE 1 1 1 F ernsprechen 2 2 a/b - Dienst e 7 7 Daten bert ragu ng 64 Kbps .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-15 S108+n= (conti nued) SI =7 0 0 0 Daten be r t ragu ng 64 Kb ps (X.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-16 Status Registers and Result Codes S108+n= High- lay er com patibility (Non- 1TR6) n=0, analog a dapter ,PHONE 2 n=2, ISDN data n=3, analog a dapter , PHONE 1 0 * 0 No high-l ay er c om pati bi lity inf or m ati on el ement is sent.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-17 S118= (see AT & Z I n = s ) Bit Decimal He xadecimal 0 0 0 Enab les dial- in call. 1 1 Disa bles dial -in cal l (di al out only). 2 0 0 Defa ult B ch annel line spe ed is 64 Kbps f or ISDN data call.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-18 Status Registers and Result Codes S119= (conti nued) 2 0 * 0 Disa bles point - to-mult i po int sig naling DDI function. 4 4 E nab les point- to-mult i p oint sig naling DDI function. 3 0 * 0 Inbo und cal l ignored when no MSN (EAZ) is matched.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-19 A TXn Res ult Cod e Optio n T able T able D-5 lis ts the dif f erent options a va ila ble when settin g the A TXn command. The def a ult v al ue for n is 5 when th e Model XM 128 mod e m is sh ipped.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-20 Status Registers and Result Codes * Use S42.6 to disable RINGING result c ode 20 CONNECT 57600 % % % % @ 21 CONNECT 76800 % % % % @ 22.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-21 Result Code Ch a r t Symbol Ref e r e nce T able D-6 list s the res ult c o de s .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem D-22 Status Registers and Result Codes Res ul t Code Fi eld D esc ript io ns T able D-7 list s the res ult c o de f ield d e sc r iptions.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Status Registers and Res ult Codes D-23 Co nnect St rings for Err or Co rrecte d Conn ectio ns T o e na ble the follo wing numerical (A TV0) and verbo se (A TV1) result code s when an error corr e cted c onnectio n is made, set S3 5 bit 7 to 1.
Connector Pin Assignment s E-1 Append ix E Connector Pin Assignme nts This a ppendix de scribes t he c onnec tor pinout ass ignments for the Model XM 128 IS DN Digi tal Modem. The Model XM128 modem featu res one RJ-45 ISDN conne ct or a nd tw o RJ-11 phone conne ct or s.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem E-2 Conn ect or Pin As signments T able E-1 list s t he pin assig nm e nts f or the RJ-45 plug a nd RJ- 45 con nector f o r the S/T i nt erfa ce. T able E-2 list s the pin assig nments for the RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 connector f o r the U inte rface.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Connec t o r Pin As signments E -3 RJ-11 Plu g and Connect or Figure E- 2 shows an RJ-11 plug and an RJ-11 connector . Figure E-2. RJ-11 plug and RJ-11 connector T able E-3 l ists the pin assignment s for RJ-11 plugs a nd t he RJ-11 conne ctors f or the PHONE 1 and PHONE 2 ports.
Serial Port Interface F-1 Appendix F Serial P or t Interfa ce This appendix pr o vides infor mation a bout the se r ia l por t int erfac e for the Model XM 128 I S DN Digita l M ode m. RS- 232 Se rial Inter face T able F-1 de sc ribes the RS-232 25-pin se ri a l port int e rface for the M odel XM 128 m ode m.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem F-2 Serial Port I n terface Asynchr ono us Cable Connections T able F-2 pro vides inf ormation about the a synchrono us flo w control cable c onnec tion. 22 125 CE Ring indicato r ( RI ). ‹ 24 113 D A T ransmi t cl oc k signal (s ource: DTE).
ISDN Reference G-1 Appendix G ISDN Reference This app endix e xplai ns ISDN technic al terms . The appendix al so prov ides you with f orms t o assist you when working with your loc al t e l ephone company to set up ISDN service s to use wit h your Model XM 128 ISDN Digi tal Modem.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem G-2 ISDN Reference Bas ic Rate Inte rfac e When you ord er a Bas ic Rat e Interfa ce (BRI) IS DN line , you rec eive what is known as the 2B+ D servic e.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN Reference G-3 The B c hannel s are u sed for carr ying u ser c omm unica tion in forma tion, which ca n be data, voi ce, or fax. V oic e and analog da ta must be sent on the B channels.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem G-4 ISDN Reference Not all t he int erfaces m ust ex ist in actu al implementatio ns. For exampl e , no t all hous es are equip pe d with a PBX (NT2). In thi s case , the U inte rface i s provid ed by t he N T -1 de vice.
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN Reference G-5 • Make sure t he tele phone compan y pr ovides y ou with: – The s w itch t ype informati on Ask the tele phone c omp a n y r e presenta ti ve which swit ch type is a v ai la b le in your a r e a.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem G-6 ISDN Reference Order For m for A T&T 5E SS Switch ( NI-1 ISDN ) T o or d er ISDN s e r vic e f or the A T& T swit ch, provi de the inf or m a tion on this f or m to your local telephon e c o m pa ny by photocop ying and f a xi ng t his or de r f or m .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem ISDN Reference G-7 Or d e r F o r m f or DMS-100 Switc h (NI-1 or Custom ISDN) T o order ISDN service fo r the DMS - 100 swi tch, pr ovide the inform ation on this for m to your local telephon e c o m pa ny by photocop ying and f a xi ng t his or de r f or m .
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem G-8 ISDN Reference Order Form f or EW SD ( NI-1 ISDN ) T o or d er ISDN s e r vic e f or the EWSD switch, pro vide the information on this f orm to your lo cal telephon e c o m pa ny by photocop ying and f a xi ng t his or de r f or m .
Ind ex 1 Numerics 1TR6 co m muni catio n in comi ng ca lls 7-8 outgoing calls 7-5 placi ng a c a ll 7-12 A addre ss a m bi guity 6-8 , 7-9 addre ss matching 6-8 amb igui ty resolut ion 7- 9 an al og c.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 2 Index D D channel 10-5 , 10-6 data call indic ation 7- 10 data compressi on 6-15 dat a over sp ee ch ch an n el 6-7 DCA 5- 5 diag nostic .
Ref e re nce Guide f or the M odel XM128 I SDN Digital M odem Index 3 O out of band sig naling G-2 outgoi ng call s 6- 1 P pa ckage cont ent s 2-1 pack et len gth, det ermin ing 6-5 pas s words, setti.
Refe r e nce Gui de for the Mode l XM128 ISDN Digi tal Modem 4 Index V V .110 call an swer ing 6-1 0 m ak i ng a cal l 6- 10 V .120 answ ering in comi n g cal ls 6-12 , 6-13 bundl ed call 6-13 conf ig.
デバイスNETGEAR XM128 ISDNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NETGEAR XM128 ISDNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNETGEAR XM128 ISDNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NETGEAR XM128 ISDNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NETGEAR XM128 ISDNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NETGEAR XM128 ISDNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNETGEAR XM128 ISDNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NETGEAR XM128 ISDNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNETGEAR XM128 ISDNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。