Nikonメーカー837 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DLP ® H I GH-DE F I N I T IO N TE LE VI S I ON MODELS C9 Series 7 3 7 Series 8 37 Series O W N E R ’ S GU I DE Gu id el in es fo r se t t ing u p a nd u si ng yo ur n ew wi de sc re en T V st a r t on • page 7 . For qu e sti o ns: • Visit our webs ite at ww w .
F CC Decla rat ion of Conformit y Product: Projection T elevision Receiv er Models: WD- 6 0C9, WD - 65C9, WD- 73C9 W D - 6 07 37 , W D - 6 5737 , WD -73737 , WD -8273 7 WD - 65837 , WD - 73837 , WD- 8283 7 Responsible Par t y: Mitsubishi D igital Ele ctronics Americ a, In c.
Content s Imp or tant Infor mation Ab out Y our T V Installatio n and Op erating Notes ............. 4 Impor ta nt Safet y Instruc tions ................ 5 Spe cial Feature s of Y our T V ................. 6 1 Basic S etup and Ope ration Pac ka ge Co nte nt s .
4 Internal Fa n s Internal cooling fa ns maintain p roper ope rating tem- per atures insi de the T V . It is nor mal to hear the fan s when you fir st turn on the T V , du ring quiet sce nes while viewing the T V , and fo r a shor t time af ter s hut ting of f the T V .
5 Impor t ant Safe t y Inst ructions Please re ad the following safegua rds for your T V and retain for f uture refere nce. A lways follow all w ar nings and instr uctions ma rked on the television. 1 ) Read these instr uctions. 2 ) K eep these i nstructi ons.
6 Y our new high- definition wides creen television has many spe cial featu res that make it the per fect ce nter of your home en tertainment s ystem , incl uding : 1 0 8 0 p High -Defin ition DLP D i.
7 Basic Setup and Operation 1 Before Y ou Begin Review the impor tant s afety , ins tallation, and op er - 1. ating informatio n at the beginning of this b ook. Choose a lo cation for your T V . 2. • Allow at least fou r inches of s pace on all side s of the T V to help prevent overheating.
8 1 . Basic Setup and Operation Re mo te Control GUIDE MENU INFO BACK ACTIVITY Pow er s T V o n or of f. Side but ton sets the co ntrol mode for the t ype of device to operate. Set mode to TV for norm al T V viewing. Number /let ter ke ys Channel tuning, page 1 2 MORE Displays a menu sh owing addi- tional fun ctions fo r the number key s.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 9 737 and C 9 ser ies . Flip o pen c over to use but tons on the fro nt panel. TV Control Pan el But tons on the control panel duplic ate some k eys on the remote control. Refer to • uppe r labels when no T V me nus are dis- play ed.
10 1. Basic Setup and Oper ation Set t ing U p Ot he r Inp uts Connec t your devices to the T V , making note of 1. which T V inpu t jack is used fo r each device. Se e “T V C onnections, ” page 1 4 , for recom mendation s. Po wer on the devices to ensu re detection.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 11 Abou t Auto In put S ensing / Auto Output Sensing This T V ’ s E asy Connec t ™ Auto Input Sen sing feature det ects most connect ions aut omatically . Aut o Inp u t / Auto O ut p ut S en si ng fo r Mos t Dev ic es When you fir st co nnect a device, the T V will : a.
12 1. Basic Setup an d Ope ration Sel ect in g an In put to Watch Pres s 1. ACT I V I T Y . Pres s 2. and to highlight an input. Pres s 3. ENTE R to swit ch to the input.
1 . Basic Setup and Operation 13 Maki ng Pictu re Adju st ment s T o get the be st pic ture under dif fere nt viewing con- 1. ditions, set the Pic ture Mode befo re changing othe r video set tings. Se e page 35 for mo re. a. Pres s MENU and go to the Adjust > Pic ture > Picture Mode menu.
14 2 TV C onnect ions Auto Input S ensi ng The T V’ s Au to Input Sen sing feature au tomatically re c- ognizes mos t connec tions and p rompts you to identif y the ty pe of device conne cted.
2 . T V Connections 15 Inputs a nd Outp uts 1 2 3 HDMI AV R AUDIO OUTPUT L R Pb Y/ VIDEO Pr Pb Pr INPUT 2 INPUT 1 DIGIT AL AUDIO OUTPUT DVI/PC AUDIO (480i / 480p / 720p / 1080i) L R L R INPUT AUDIO Y/ VIDEO 3D GLASSES EMITTER ANT RS-232C IR- NetCommand Output R RS - 2 RS-232C control j ack of fer ed o n 83 7 se ri es.
16 2 . T V Connections Inpu ts and Out puts, contin ued 1 . ANT ( Antenna ) Connec t your main antenna or dire ct cabl e ser vic e (no cable b ox) t o ANT . The ANT input ca n receive digital and anal og ov er -the-air channe ls from a VHF /UHF antenna or non-scrambled digital/ analog cable source.
2 . T V Connections 17 H D MI De vice HDTV Ca ble Box, Satellite Receiver , DV D/ Blu-ray P layer Required: HDMI-to-HDMI cable. Connec t an HDMI ca ble from the T V back panel to the HDMI device output. HDMI device s provide video and audio through the s ingle cable.
18 2 . T V Connections DV I Video Device Cabl e Box, Satellite Rec eiver , DV D Pl a ye r Connec t DVI devices ( digital only) to the T V ’ s HDMI input jacks.
2 . T V Connections 19 VCR or D VD Recor der to an Anten na or W all Outle t Cable Required: T wo-way RF split ter T wo coa xial ca bles Right and lef t a nalog audio c ables Compone nt or composite video c ables Note: • Use compo site video only if compon ent video or HDMI a re unavailable.
20 2 . T V Connections A/ V Receiv er Most setup s require eithe r a digital audio c able or analo g stereo audio c ables . T o sen d audio from T V channels re ceived on the ANT input or devices c on- nected dire ctly to the T V , you must u se one of the connec tions shown below .
21 U sing T V F eatures 3 Sel ec ti ng an Input The A ctivity menu lets you switch T V inputs. T he inputs a re organize d into groups based o n poss ible ways t o use the m. Pres s the 1. ACT I V I T Y key . Use 2. to mov e through groups of T V inputs.
22 3. Using T V Feat ures Ch annelV iew Channel Listings Cha nne lV iew . Pr ogr ams fo r the tun ed ch an nel a re liste d on rig ht sid e of sc re en.
3 . Using T V Feat ures 23 Pres s the INFO key t o see the on-s cree n status display . The mo st common dis plays are shown here. Sam ple infor matio n from the o n- scr ee n status di spl ay 1. Curre nt Input 2. Audio Indicator . Key: T V sp eaker s Ex terna l sound system Headphones Mute 3.
24 3 . Using T V Fea tures T V S igna ls and Displa y Form at s Signal Definitions 480i: Ol der t ype of interlac ed signa ls from the ANT input, composite VIDEO , compon ent Y Pb Pr , or HDMI jacks. 480p : Progre ssive- scan DVD signa ls on comp onent Y Pb Pr or HDMI jacks.
3 . Using T V Feat ures 25 This se ction provides Ins truction s for viewing 3D video us ing 3D glasse s and the T V’ s 3D feature. Th e 3D options are found in the Adjust > 3 D Mode me nu described on page 34 . Init ial Set up Check if your HDMI 3D vide o source device outpu ts 1.
26 3. Using T V Feat ures Conn ect ing a Com puter to t he T V Use one of the conne ction method s listed below base d on your computer’ s video output.
3 . Using T V Feat ures 27 Tip Set the comp uter’ s sc reen s aver t o display a pat tern af ter several minutes of inactivit y . T his acts a s a reminde r that the T V is powered on a nd the lamp is in use. Th e lamp is in use whe never the T V is powered on, even if the scree n appe ars da rk.
28 3. Using T V Feat ures The USB M edia Player M enu Displa yin g th e Men u Back up the data on your USB drive before co n- 1. necting it to the T V . Mitsu bishi is not res ponsible for any file damag e or data los s. Connec t your USB card reade r or USB drive to the 2.
3 . Using T V Feat ures 29 Thumb nail a nd Playli st Menus JPEG Thum bna il M enu Use these keys while viewing JP EG thumbnail images or the music tr acks in a playlist. Moves the highlight from item to it em. GUIDE Rotates a thumbnail clo ck wise in 90 ˚ increm ents or ENTE R Plays the slide show or playlist star ting with the highlighted item.
30 3 . Using T V Feat ures Phot os a nd Moving Video as Compos ite Vid eo Connec t the camer a to the T V using a compo site video cabl e if: • Y ou are una ble to see image s using the USB po r t. • Y ou wish to view moving video from the came ra.
3 . Using T V Feat ures 31 Introduct ion to H om e- Theater Co ntrol This T V offe rs a ch oice on home -theater - control system s. This summ ar y of fe rs so me examples of the co ntrol methods available using the T V’s rem ote c on t rol .
32 4 TV M e n u s Displays or clea rs the ma in menu. Mov es up one me nu level. • Clear s the curre nt menu. • Mov es navigation int o options • area. Selects an item . • Mov es the highlight within me nus. Makes adjustments in s ome menus. Look for the key g uide at the bot tom of e ach m enu.
4 . T V Menus 33 Pic tu re See page 35 for p icture adjus tments. Audio See page 36 for au dio adjustments. Reset Resets au dio and pic ture adjustments fo r the current inp ut. Highlight the • Reset icon and pre ss ENTE R twi ce . Reset • has no ef fe ct on set tings fo r Balance , Liste n T o , Language , Fil m Mode , and Advanced Pic tu re .
34 4. T V Menus Adjust, continued P icture+ Per fec t Co lo r Per fec tC ol or S li d er s Adjusts the s aturatio n (intensit y) of six c olor s for the current im age source.
4 . T V Menus 35 P icture Mode Brilliant For use under br ight light; una vailable when the cur rent input is name d Game or PC . Set the Picture M ode fir st before cha nging other vide o set tings, as so me set tings are stored inde pen dently for e ach Picture Mode.
36 4. T V Menus Spea k ers The Spe ak ers option displays only if an A / V receiver or headpho ne connec tion has be en detected. Detection o ccur s on the right A VR AUD IO OUTPU T jack and the DIG IT A L AUDIO O UT jack. An A / V receiver can a lso be detected on a n HDMI jack.
4 . T V Menus 37 C aptions Capt ions on A nalog C han nels The T V can dec ode caption s from the ANT I NPUT and the composite VIDEO jacks. Broadca st er s can s end either st andard close d caption s or text ser vic e. Standa rd closed c aptions follow the dialog ue of the progr am and display in a small se ction of the sc reen.
38 4 . T V Menus La nguage English Span ish Displays on- scre en menus in e ither English or S panish. Note: T o listen to audio in other langua ges (when available) , see Adjust > Audi o > Liste n T o > S AP (analog signa l) or Lan gu a ge (digital signal) on page 36 .
4 . T V Menus 39 Init ial, con tinu ed Lamp La mp Standard, Bright Standard is for most viewing conditions. Us e Bright in brightly lit rooms. Y ou may notice incre ase d fan noise when u sing the Bright setting.
40 4. T V Menus Inp ut s N ame Cab l ebox , Ca m(co rd er ), CD, D VD (DVD, DVD2 , Blu -r ay ), DVR, G am e (Ga me, P S, X box , Wi i), MP3 Pl aye r , PC, Sa te lli te, VCR , AVR Delete ( de activated HDMI only) On/ O ff ( AN T only) Lets you assign or • change na mes of inputs a ppea ring in the Activity me nu.
4 . T V Menus 41 How is the Ac tivity Men u Ge ne rat ed ? The T V automatically ge nerates the Activit y menu base d on reco gnized inputs. If the inp uts have been named a s device type s, the T V group s the device typ es base d on how they can be used.
42 4 . T V Menus TV Lo c k s Parental Lock by Pr ogr am Ratings Restri cts acce ss us ing U .S. -bas ed ratings sent by broadca sters. Time Lock by Time Restri cts T V use by time of day . Pan el Lo ck Contro l Panel Disa bles the bu t tons on the T V ’ s co ntrol panel.
4 . T V Menus 43 Lock, cont inu ed Par ent al Loc k Off, On Disa bles or e nable s blocking ba sed o n V - Chip signals a nd the U.S. rating syst em. Start Time Sets the time of day for enfo rceme nt of rating re stric tions set in the Par ental menu.
44 4 . T V Menus Lock, cont inu ed Time Blocks all u se of the T V du ring the time pe riod you spe cif y . Y ou must e nter a pass c ode to use the T V when the time lo ck is in ef fect. Loc k by Tim e Enable s/ disab les Lo ck by Ti me . Loc k Tim e, Unlock Time T o set the lock a nd unlock times: Highlight the hour digits for the 1.
45 5 Ne t Comma n d IR Co nt rol Net Com ma nd I R hom e -th ea ter c on t rol i s avai l- • ab le o n 8 37 se ri es m od el s. IR em it t er c ab le s ar e avai la bl e for p ur ch as e • fr om Mi t su bi sh i.
46 5. NetCommand IR Control (8 37 S eries) The N et Comma nd system uses emit ters c onnected to the IR – Net Command Output jack to control other devices suc h as DVD players, cab le box es, satellite rece ivers, and VCRs. IR em it t er c ab le s ar e avai la bl e for p ur c has e fr om Mitsubishi.
5 . NetCommand IR Control (8 37 Se ries) 47 T o pe r form this p roce dure, you need: The re mote controls for both the T V and the • device you w ant to control. An IR emit ter ca ble available from Mitsubis hi • . Note: T o set up an A/V receiver , see “Setting Up A/V Receiver Control,” page 52 .
48 5 . NetCommand IR Control (8 37 S eries) S pecial Operat ion Methods Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use Power On Ma nu al Power O n /Of f Use for devices that have only one POWER key . Pres s 1. ACT I V I T Y .
5 . NetCommand IR Control (8 37 Se ries) 49 Key Name in Learning Screen Special Operation Description and Setup How to Use En ter E NTER- Key F un ct io ns (ca bl e boxes , sat el lit e re ce iver s , etc.) Some devices have two keys that ha ve “ e nter” func tions.
50 5. NetCommand IR Control (8 37 S eries) NetC ommand Specialized De vice K eys Refer to this char t whe n “lear ning” device keys. “Learn” some, all, or none of the keys used for eac h device typ e . See page 48 for m ore on keys marked in the “Spe cial Ope ration Method” c olumn.
51 6 Ne t C ommand IR C ont rol of an A / V Rec eiv e r Cont rolling an A/V Recei ver after NetComm and Set up Switc hin g Audio to a nd fr om t he A / V Receiver Pres s 1. MORE and then 9 ( AU D IO ) . Pres s 2. to show the Spe ak ers option . Pres s 3.
52 6 . NetCommand Con trol of an A/V Rec eiver (8 37 S eries) IMPORT ANT T o h ea r au di o se nt f ro m th e T V t o th e A / V r ec ei ver , you m us t have: Phys ica ll y co nn ec te d t he T V to th e A / V r ec eive r • vi a th e a na log o r di gi ta l au d io ou t pu t .
6 . NetCommand Cont rol of an A/V Re ceiver (8 37 S eries) 53 Autom at ic Au dio or Au dio/ Vid eo Sw itchi ng The following setups e nable the A / V re ceiver to switch automatically to the cor rec t input when you sele ct a device in the T V’ s Activit y menu.
54 6. NetCommand Control of an A/V Receiver (8 37 S eries) Settin g Up A/V Receiv er Cont rol, contin ued Ca se 2 : Automati c A/V Re ceiver S witchi ng to a Su rr ound S ound Devic e Not e: Use t h is s et up t o se nd d igi t al s ur ro un d so un d fr om a d evi ce d ir ec t l y to you r so un d sys te m.
6 . NetCommand Cont rol of an A/V Re ceiver (8 37 S eries) 55 Multip le vide o input s thro ugh a si ngle H DMI c abl e. Y ou c an conn ect m ultipl e video d evices to a n A/V r ec eiver th at ha s an HDM I output. T he option al a udio co nne ction a llows you to hea r , thr ough th e A/ V re ceive r , device s con necte d to the T V on ly , e.
56 Appendix A : B ypas sing t he Pare ntal Lock .............. 57 Appendix B : Programm ing t he Remote Cont rol ........... 59 Appendix C : HDM I Contr ol of CEC Devices .............. 66 Appendix D : TV Care ........................... 69 Appendix E : T roubles hooting .
Appe n dic es 57 Bypas sing t he Par ental Lock Af ter you set the lock, you must us e your pass co de to : View a locked progra m • View the locked T V • Cancel the lo ck • Enter the • Lock menus If you forget your pass co de, you can view the locked T V without e ntering your pass c ode.
58 Appe nd ic es This pa ge int ent ionally left blank.
Appe n dic es 59 This app endix explain s progra mming the T V ’ s re mote control to operate other A / V device s. This is distinc t from Net Command control. F unc ti ons Availabl e for O th er A / V D evices The T V’ s re mote control can be p rogra mmed to oper ate other t ype s and b rand s of A / V pro ducts.
60 Appe n dic es Prog ra m m ing t he Remote Cont rol Press the s ide but ton on the remote control to 1. chang e to the corre ct mo de for the produ ct you want to control. Refer to the table below . Only one of each device t yp e can be c ontrolled in ea ch mode.
Appe n dic es 61 Prog ram ming Cod es Appendix B: Pr ogrammin g th e Remot e Control, cont inu ed Audio Amplifi ers Adcom 4 1 1 00, 40577 Alt ec Lans ing 4 1 7 42 Bel Canto Design 415 8 3 Bose 4067 4.
62 App en dice s Progr ammi ng Codes , conti nue d Appendix B: Pr ogrammin g th e Remot e Control, cont inu ed A/V Receivers I n t e g r a 418 0 5 , 413 2 0 , 41 2 9 8 , 40842 JBL 4 1 306, 401 1 0 J V.
Appe n dic es 63 Progr ammi ng Codes , conti nue d Appendix B: Pr ogrammin g th e Remot e Control, cont inu ed VCRs Day tron 202 78, 2 00 37 Dell 2 1 97 2 Denon 200 8 1 , 20042 Direc T V 20 739 Dish N.
64 Ap pe nd ic es Progr ammi ng Codes , conti nue d Appendix B: Pr ogrammin g th e Remot e Control, cont inu ed VCRs Sa ns ui 204 79, 2020 9, 20 0 67 , 2 0000 Sa nyo 20479 , 201 5 9, 20 0 4 7 , 2 004 .
Appe n dic es 65 Progr ammi ng Codes , conti nue d Appendix B: Pr ogrammin g th e Remot e Control, cont inu ed DVD and Blu-ray Players GFM 3 1 268 , 3067 5 Go Vide o 3 1 730, 3 1 304, 3 1 1 58, 31 1 4.
66 Appe nd ic es If prompted fo r a name, 4. highlight the name you want to assign the device. Highlight 5. On . Highlight 7. EXI T and pre ss ENTE R to close the New Devi ce Fo und screen. Note: At any time after completing Auto Input Sens- ing, you can set the TV’ s HDMI control on or off in the Inputs > HDMI Control menu.
Appe n dic es 67 HDMI Cont rol of an HDMI A / V Receiver and Con necte d Devices Note: Connect the A/V receiver to the TV befor e con- necting any other device to the A/V receiver . Enable HDMI Co ntrol for the A / V re ceiver as 1. described in “Ena bling HDMI Control of CEC Devices” on the opposit e page .
68 Appe nd ic es Using H DMI Co ntrol As an example of u sing HDMI Control, pre ss PL A Y on the device itself to : Pow er on the T V • Switch to the de vice (no need to display the • Activity me nu) Begin play of the device • Direct K eys T es t your equipme nt with the T V ’ s rem ote control to find addition al suppo r ted comm ands.
Appe n dic es 69 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp car - tridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury . Replace lamp car - tridge only with the same part number 915B403001.
70 Appe nd ice s Lamp-Car tridge Repl acement Rem ovi ng t he O ld L a mp Ca r t r id ge T ur n of f T V power an d unplug the T V . A llow the 1. lamp to cool for at le ast one hour b efore pro cee d- ing. Af ter the lamp has c ooled, rem ov e the cover of the 2.
Appe n dic es 71 Cl ea ning Recommendations Norm ally , light dusting with a dr y , non -scr atching duster will keep your T V clea n. If cleaning beyond this is need ed, plea se use the following guidelines: Firs t, turn of f the T V and unplug the p ower cord from the power outlet.
72 Appen dice s Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action For m a t When the pi cture shap e see ms incor rec t, use MOR E > 0 ( FOR M A T ) to chang e the shap e of the pictu re. Pres s the MORE ke y and the n repeat- edly p res s 0 ( FO RM A T ) to cycle through the available asp ect r atios.
Appe n dic es 73 Reset Name When to Use How to Use Resulting Action A / V R es et (for all inpu ts) T o res et audio and video adjustme nts for all inputs to the original factor y set tings. While viewing the T V , pre ss the control-panel buttons ACT I V I T Y and VOL U ME D OW N at the same time.
74 Appen dice s Appendix E: T r oubleshoo ting, con tin ued Ge ne r al T V Ope r at io n Sympt om Re mark s 1. A fan is running even while the T V is p ow ere d of f. The roo m is too warm. When the T V is off, internal comp onents continue to draw power and must be c ooled by the fan.
Appe n dic es 75 Appendix E: T r oubleshoo ting, con tin ued TV Powe r On /O f f Sympt om Re mark s 1. T V ta kes an ex ces sively long time to power on. When p owered on, the T V ne eds time to boot up, just as a c om- puter doe s. Also, the T V ’ s la mp requires a few mome nts to heat up to full brightnes s.
76 Appen dice s Appendix E: T r oubleshoo ting, con tin ued Pic t ur e Sympt om Re mark s 1. Picture does not lo ok like a high-definition picture. Not all signals a re high-def inition signals. T o rece ive high-defini- tion progr amming fro m your cable or s atellite provider , you must subscr ibe to the provider’ s high -def inition ser v ice.
Appe n dic es 77 Appendix E: T r oubleshoo ting, con tin ued Sound Sympt om Re mark s 2. The soun d does not match the sc reen picture. The T V’ s “ Listen to : ” set ting may be set to SAP (analog progra m from the ANT inpu t) .
78 Appe nd ic es Appendix E: T r oubleshoo ting, con tin ued N et Com ma nd I R Con t ro l (N etC om ma nd - eq ui pp ed m od el s on ly ) Sympt om Re mark s 3. T he A / V rec eiver is the sele cted audio sou rce but there is no s ound. A / V Rec eiver Set Up for Audio - Onl y Switching • Check to see if the A / V Receiver power is tur ned on.
80 T r ademark and License I nformation Mitsubishi T V So f t ware END-USER LI CENSE A GREEMENT F OR EMBEDDED SOFTWAR E IM PO RT AN T – RE A D CA RE FU LL Y: This L ice ns e Agr ee men t is a le ga l agr ee men t bet we en yo u (eithe r an i ndiv idu al or a n en tit y) an d Mit sub ishi D ig ita l Ele ctr oni cs A me ric a, I nc.
Wa r r a n t y 81 Mi t su bis hi DLP Proj ect ion T el e vision Limi ted W a rr ant y MITSUBISHI DIGIT AL ELECTRON ICS AMERICA , INC. (“MDE A ”) war rants a s follows t o the origina l purchase r .
82 War r an t y OWNER REGISTR A TIO N CARD IS NOT A CONDITION OF COVER AGE UNDER THIS LIMITED W ARR A NT Y . Howev er , plea se return the Ow ner Regis tration Card s o that we can cont act you should a ques tion of safet y arise whic h could af fect you.
Inde x 83 Inde x A Acce nt Lighting 33 Activit y Menu 21 Automatic G ene ratio n 4 1 Change Input N ame 40 Customizing 40 NetCommand-Controlled Switch- ing of A / V Rec eiver Inputs 48 Removing a Disc.
84 Index Pic tur e Picture+ Adjustme nts 34 Picture Menu Adjus tments 35 Picture Qu alit y and Film Mode 33 T rouble shooting 7 6 Pow er On /Of f 9, 1 2 T rouble shooting 7 5 R Ratings ( T V and Movie.
We b s i t e : w .com E-m ai l: MDEAser F or qu est ions, ca ll Consum er Relat ions at 800-332 - 2 1 1 9 T o orde r replac ement or ad dit ional remote cont rols or lam p car tridg es, Vis it our website w w w .mit su par t s.
デバイスNikon 837 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nikon 837 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNikon 837 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nikon 837 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nikon 837 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nikon 837 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNikon 837 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nikon 837 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNikon 837 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。