Nordic Star Productsメーカー4.3Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Nordic Messaging T echnologies, Sweden, http://www .nordicmessagin, XF AX User ’ s Guide 4.3a.
XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 2 Content s 1. Overview ..... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............... 6 2. Installatio n ..................... ........................... .......................
XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 3 14.1 Commands..................... .......................... ........................... ............. 36 14.1.1 faxad m ................................... ........................... ...................... 36 14.1.2 fax2bmp .
XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 4 15.1.32 FAXNO ............. ........................... ........................... ............. 49 15.1.33 FLOW ........................ ........................... ........................... .... 49 15.1.34 FONTDIR .
XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 5 15.1.82 T30_RTC ................... ........................... ........................... .... 56 15.1.83 T30_PAGELENGTH .......... ........................... ...................... 56 15.1.84 TONE ...................
Overview XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 6 1. Ove rview The fax sys tem is const ructed in ac cordance wi th a client-s erver pri nciple, wit h a fax host that is ru n in the backgroun d and a number of cli ent programs that the user ut ilizes t o communic ate with t he host.
Overview XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 7 XF AXDIR Director y for the configurat ion files (defaul t is /etc/xf ax) SPOOLDIR Director y for mess ages in th e outgoing queu e (defaul t is /usr/ spool/xf .
Instal lation XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 8 2. Inst allat ion The sof twa re is dis trib uted in a t ar arc hive, w hich ex tra cts int o a temp or ary direct ory , /tmp/xfax.
Configuring the software XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 9 3. Config uring the sof tware The behavio r of XF AX is mainly controll ed by a number of keywords u sed in the confi gur atio n fil e, co nfig . Y ou c an al ter th e way X F AX ac ts by m odify ing co nfi g and then resta rt faxmaster .
Configuring the software XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 10 3.3 Adding actions Y ou can tell faxmaste r that it should execu te a specific scr ipt or program af ter a fax has be en sent or coul d not be sent .
Configuring the software XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 11.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 12 4. Sending a f ax Man y of the fax m ess ages th at are se nt are of a ve ry sim ple n atu re. Th ey may involve confirmatio n of an agreed time, an order , cancellat ion or simil ar , which only ta kes up a couple of lines.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 13 # cat price list | faxsend 7586535 - or # faxsend 7586535 - <pricelist This s ends th e co nten ts in th e pr ice list fil e to th e fax send c omm and.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 14 This s ends the f ile news.txt to the rec ipie nts who a re show n in the fi le customer - fax . If this method is used then only one copy of the fa x file is saved, plus a small control f ile per recipient , which means that a minimum of hard disk space is taken u p.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 15 with a co ver sheet , in a s imple way . The user i s request ed to feed in the recipi - ent’ s fax number , name and compan y , and then a page with thi s is cre ated and the sender’ s (your) informat ion plus a mes sage which c an be entered in.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 16 always giv e the area code , e.g. in the tel ephone book, wit hout any problems ar is- ing dur ing tra nsm issi on.
Sending a fax XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 17 LOCAL_ZONE Gives the zone that sho uld be used when the area code is not included in the telephone number , i.e. with local calls. E.g.: LOCAL_ZONE=LOCALL Y AREA_CODES<...> Here one a rea code i s given per line and to which zone t he area co de belongs.
Receiving faxes XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 18 5. Recei ving faxes Receivi ng a fax is simpler t han sending one . It does not requi re any speci al effor t by the user . The faxmaste r receives fa xes in the bac kground and sends a me ssage to the s ystem admini stration a nd possibl y other users when this is done.
Handling faxes XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 19 6. Handling f axes The fax system co ntains a number of commands for handli ng faxes and fax queues. A desc ription is giv en below of what can be done by using these com- mand s. G ene rall y , co mma nds are run whi ch a ffect a f ax u sing t he f ax’ s ID num- ber as an ar gument.
Handling faxes XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 20 INTR T ra nsm issi on i nte rrup ted UNKN Unspecifi ed error Numerical error codes abov e 20 means that a fail ure has occur red during fax dat a transmi ssion.
Handling faxes XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 21 6.5 Printing a fax Faxes that lie in a queue for outgoi ng faxes plus re ceived faxes can be p rinted out on an HP Laser jet compati ble print er . The command that is us ed is faxpri nt with the fax’ s ID or a file name as an arg ument.
Handling faxes XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 22 By giving t he parameter -x to fa xq -f it is possi ble to see if t here is one part icular modem which cause s more faulty transmiss ions than any other . In such a case there is a sus pic ion o f there b eing a har dw are pr oblem .
XF AX in a Windows environment XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 23 7. XF AX in a Wind ows environment If you ha ve a networ k with PC machi nes which r un W indows an d a UNIX machine which run s XF AX, these worlds can be combined and XF AX used direct fr om the W indows envir onment.
XF AX in a Windows environment XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 24 1: 0855576861:Fredrik Nilsson:Infofl ex Connect 2:faxnr:recipient:company 3:faxnr:recipient:company 3) Put a file in the users home- catalog/ .
Overlay files and cover sheets XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 25 8. Ove rlay fil es an d cover s hee t s Overlay fi les are files store in the XF AX fax format which can be used as cover pages or mer ge on to each fax page sen t as a form template fo r example.
Overlay files and cover sheets XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 26 company name and :RECNAME: where you want to have the name, faxsr is called up in the following wa y: # faxsr ETCDIR/cover.icab "REC=Infof lex Connect AB" "RECNAME=Ste- fan Norlin" >cover.
Overlay files and cover sheets XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 27 Last but not leas t. Y ou are welcome to conta ct your retail er or Nordic Messa ging T echnologies if you need any help in settin g up and usin g cover she ets.
XF AX and e-mail XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 28 9. XF AX and e-mail XF AX can be used, t o advantage , as a fax gateway in a syste m for elec tronic mail. By addres sing your lett ers in a special way you can se nd both fax and elec- tronic mail from one a nd the same pr ogram, the m ail cl ient.
XF AX and e-mail XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 29 R$+.fax<> $#xfax $:$1 This rule should be placed in the ru le set up, ruleset , SO and states that al l mail to *fax@i sh ould be sen t on to the deliver y agent xfax. Bef ore rule SO is used anothe r rule, S3 will be used.
XF AX and e-mail XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 30 ! Mount the m essage on a cover s heet. Y ou may possib ly wish to hav e diffe rent cover sheet s for various depar tments or simi lar . ! Place t he fax in a queue with the aid of faxsend. ! Report ba ck on any pr oblems via mail .
XF AX and Ghostscript (sending PDF and Postscript) XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 31 10. XF AX and Ghost scrip t (sendi ng PDF and Post script) Using XF AX with the software Ghos tscript makes it possi ble to fax Postscript and PDF documents .
XF AX and Ghostscript (sending PDF and Postscript) XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 32 5. I the above works out O K, you s hould now be able to fax Posts cript an d PDF files . If you are using XF AX 4.2a or later faxsend di rectly suppor ts file s with .
The integrated HTT P server XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 33 1 1 . Th e int egrat ed HTTP serve r XF AX f eatu res an in tegr at ed HTT P ser ver, which mak es it pos sib le to use a brow ser a nd to s en d a fax, d isp lay f axe s, dis pla y que ues et c.
The integrated SMTP server XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 34 12. The i ntegrated SMT P server XF AX features an i ntegrate d SMTP server , which makes it possi ble to send a f ax via S MT P . Y ou need to enabl e the SMTP ser ver in ord er to use it (see SMTP_ENABLE).
Modems and flow c ontrol XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 35 13. Modems a nd flow control When sending a fax the speed over the lin e is generally 9 600 bps (bits per sec- ond) or a t best 14 400 bps.
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 36 14. Command reference Here we desc ribe the s yntax of each command in the s oftware. Y ou can use -v a s an optio n for most of th e commands to ge t syntax i nformation for the command. T o get debug information, especial ly good for faxmaster , use -debug or -xdb.
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 37 Used fo r con necti on to the fa x serv er, faxmas ter . Parame ters: -v Shows the program versio n and sy ntax. -q D oes not wri te info rm ation to th e scre en . -u user Logs on as spe cified us er .
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 38 !FROM The identi ty of the sender !SUBJECT The subject li ne Files which ar e created are called <pi d>.
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 39 -f Shows the queue of faxes which it has n ot been pos si- ble t o se nd. -s Shows the queue of faxes which have been sent. -r Shows the queue of recei ved faxes. -d [dir ] Lists t he fax fi les which are to be foun d in the di rec- tory dir .
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 40 -v Shows the program versio n and sy ntax. -c id Chooses the national s et of chara cters when con verting the text fil e to fax format.
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 41 -u user Se nds the f ax as stat ed by the u ser . - If this par ameter is given, th e program data reads fr om standar d input in stea d of fro m the gi ven f iles . E.g. fax- send 75865 35 - <letter or cat lette r | faxsend 7586535 - .
Command reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 42 14.2 Exit codes The cli ent pr ogr ams use th e foll owin g exi t code s: 2 Error in seria lisati on file 3 Error in confi guration fi le 4 Invalid ar.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 43 15. Keyword reference The keyword s below are used in the c onfigurat ion fil e ETCDIR/config. The file can be modifi ed according to req uirements wit h the help of a normal text editor .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 44 15.1.3 ACCESS_SMTP ACCESS_SMTP=”str ing” Specifi es which ho sts or net work can ac cess the S MTP server . Example: ACCESS_SMTP=, 4 See also : USER_FILE 15.1.4 ACCEPT_USERS ACCEP T_USERS=“user1[ :user2 .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 45 15.1.9 BROKE N_SELECT BROKEN_SELECT This ind icates that XF AX should be run on SCO Xenix. 15.1 .10 BU SY_ F AIL BUSY_F AIL=number of r etries Gives the maximum number of retri es when engaged.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 46 15.1.16 DEBUG DEBUG If this key word is g ive n, debu g infor mati on is wr itte n to standar d output ,i .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 47 Indica tes how long after an attemp t is made to make a connecti on the attempt should be discontinue d if the conne ction is not establi shed. 15.1.23 D OMAIN DOMAIN=domain Specifi es the doma in name to use whe n sending e -mail.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 48 User The user who plac ed the fax in the queue. 15.1.27 EXECUTE_BEFORE_ SEND EXECUTE_BEFORE_SEND=progr am Gives a pr ogram which is executed befo re a fax is pl aced in queue .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 49 15.1.32 F AXNO F AXNO=string Gives th e fax number that appe ars on the cove r sheet, wh en sending by means of the scrip t xfa x . 15.1.33 F LOW FLOW=value Normally XF AX tries to set up the port for CTS/R TS flow contro l.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 50 cut the identity st ring after 10-1 1 chara cters, an d so you should c hoose a sho rt and cle ar st ring. 15.1.39 INIT_STRING INIT _STR IN G = “str ing” Gives th e initia tion strin g that sho uld be sent to the modem b efore connec tion is made .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 51 Indica tes the l anguage whic h should be used in menus et c. Permitted v alues are eng, sw e and s we8. S tandard value: eng 15.1.46 L D_PREFIX LD_PREFIX = stri ng Gives the te lephone numbe r prefix for lo ng-dista nce calls.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 52 S tandard value: “l p” 15.1.5 2 LP_P RIN T_OPTI ON LP_PRINT_OP TION=string Indica tes which parame ters are used togethe r with the printout progr am, nor- mally 1p, to indicate a special print er , e.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 53 15.1.59 NO_ERROR_SA VE NO_ERROR_SA VE Indica tes that the f ax yfile sh ould not be saved i f it has not bee n possible to se nd a fax in a queu e. This k eyw ord is no rma lly defi ned in t he con fig urat ion file .
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 54 Indica tes that cli ent programs sh ould be quiet and not wr ite infor mation onto the screen as standard. F or example t his is equal to calling faxsend with the ar gu- ment -q. 15.1.67 RECEIV E_ONL Y RECEIVE_ONL Y Indica tes that fax lines shoul d be used onl y for recei ving.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 55 Normally t he communica tion speed between the co mputer and t he modem is 19.200 bps. By using this keywor d that can be changed. Not any value can be used. Poss ible values: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 56 15.1.80 SYMBOL_SE T SYMBOL_SET=symbolse t Gives th e set of s ymbols that sh ould be used . Applicabl e choices are 0 for Roman-8, 1 for Latin-1 ( ISO 8859-1) and 2 for W indows. S tandard value: 1 (Lat in-1) 15.
Keyword reference XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 57 15.1.87 W AIT _FOR_TO NE W AIT_FOR_T ONE or W AIT_FOR_DIAL TONE Indica tes that the modem should wait for t he connection ton e before it begins to dial t he teleph one number .
T roubleshooting XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 58 16. T roubleshoo ting In order to obtain mor e informatio n from faxmas ter on what hap pens while the program i s being r un, you can s tart fa xmaster with t he paramet er -debug .T h e na little m ore de tail ed info rmat ion is w ritten o n the scr een wh ile the p rogra m is being ru n.
T roubleshooting XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 59 There is a problem when s ending a fa x abroad Do you use T ele2 and dial 007 instead of 009 ? Ensure th at the line the modem i s connect ed to is r egistered wi th T ele2. T ransmission of f axes is ofte n broken of f bef ore they are finished or there are lines mi ssing in the middle of a fax.
T echnical specifications XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 60 17. T echni cal speci fication s XF AX is fax softwa re for sending Group 3 faxes wit h the aid of Class 2-compat - ible fax modems. The maximum s peed for sending faxe s is 14.400 bps, however 9.
T echnical specifications XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 61 US Robotics Courie r (with Class 2.0) US Robotics Sport ster (with Class 2.0) ZyXEL U-14 96E ZyXEL Omni 288S ZyXEL U90F Problems can arise - p articul arly sens itive i s the recept ion of fa xes - if t he seria l ports which ar e used are not of good quality .
XF AX - User ’s Guide 4.3a 62 Index C Cover sheets usin g 25 D document codes usin g 15 G Ghostscript usin g with XF AX 31 H Handling faxes print ing 21 resched uling 20 schedul ing 20 O Overlays us.
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