Nortel Networksメーカー555-7101-215の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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555-710 1-215 CallPi lot Installa tion and Conf igurati on Part 2: 702t Server Hardware Installatio n Product r elease 2 .02 Standar d 1.0 May 2003 555-7101-215.
CallPilot Installa tion and Conf igurati on Part 2: 702t Server Hardware Installatio n Publ ica tion n umbe r: 555- 710 1- 21 5 Product re lease: 2.02 Documen t release: Standard 1 .0 Date: May 200 3 Copyright © 2003 N ortel Networ ks, All Rights Res erved Printed in Canada Informati on is su bject to c hange with out not ice.
*Nortel Ne tworks, the Nortel N etworks l ogo, the Globemark , and Un ified Netw orks, BNR, CallPilot, DMS, DMS-100, DMS-250, DMS-MTX, DMS-SCP , DPN, Dualmode, Helmsman, IVR, MAP , Meridian, M eridian.
Part 2: 702 t Server Hardwa re Install ation v Publicat ion his tory May 2003 Standar d 1.0 issue for CallPi lot 2.02. Ap pendix A on th e EMC emission l evel prot ection h as been added to the document. Information o n single-poi nt groundi ng has been ad ded to Chapter 3 , “Insta lling the ser ver an d connecti ng the per iphera l devices ”.
vi Call Pilo t Publ ica tion h ist ory Stan dard 1.0.
Part 2: 702 t Server Hardwa re Install ation vii Contents 1 702t se rver descri ption 9 Server features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Slot assignment s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conten ts Standard 1 .0 viii CallP ilot.
Part 2: 702 t Server Hardwa re Install ation 9 Chapter 1 702t server de scription In this chapter Server features 10 Slot as signmen ts 14 IRQ mapp ing tab le 17 Network connecti vity 19 Suppor ted pe.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 10 Call Pilo t Server fe atures Introduction This sect ion provi des a gener al overvi ew of the 70 2t ser ver . Server dimensions Height 49 cm (19.3 i n.) W idth 21 cm (8.3 i n.) (chass is), or 25 cm (10 in .) w ith fee t Depth (dis tance fr om front t o back) 45 cm (17.
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 11 Front panel features The follo wing dia gram shows th e front pa nel feat ures o f the 702t server: The table below de scribes t he parts that are ident ified i n the above diagra m.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 12 Call Pilo t 2b. V olume c ontrol Contr ols headpho ne volu me for audi o outpu t. 2c. Headphone j ack Jack for audio output from CD-ROM. 3. ON/OFF push but ton Tu rns the server ’ s power on or of f. 4. Reset pus h button Momentaril y disconne cts the p ower to the serve r .
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 13 Rear panel diagram Refer to “ Slot a ssignments ” on page 14 for slot assignment s.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 14 Call Pilo t Slot assignments Introduction The slot a ssignment t ables sh ow the f ollowing: the physi cal lo cation of boards in side t he server , relat iv.
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 15 Slot as signments : 702t se rver with RAI D Slot num b er CallPilot-assigned board labe l a a. In some CallPilot Manage r applicatio ns, the CallPilot-assigned b oard label appears.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 16 Call Pilo t Slot assignments: 702t server without RAID Slot num b er CallPilot-assigned board labe l a a. In some CallPilot Manag er applicat ions , the CallPilot-assigned boar d label appears. This label corresponds to the slot number.
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 17 IRQ mapping table The follo wing tab le list s the ass ignments for e ach Inter rupt Reque st (I RQ). Y ou do not need thi s informat ion fo r instal lation, but it may be usefu l for troubles hooting.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 18 Call Pilo t 15 Slot 5 ( RAID/On-Board SCSI contro llers ) Note: Both SCSI controll ers are on IRQ 15, which allows the SSU to autom aticall y resolve any IRQ c onflict.
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 19 Network connectivity Introduction This sect ion descr ibes how the 702t s erver can be integr ated int o your network. The integrat ion depend s on th e type of s witch you ar e using.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 20 Call Pilo t Sample network setup: Meridian 1 The follo wing diagra m shows a Ca llPilot server ne twork set up with a Meridian 1 switch .
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 21 Sample network setup: Succession CSE 1000 The follo wing diagra m shows a Ca llPilot server ne twork set up with a Suc.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 22 Call Pilo t In this i llustr ation, the tel ephony LAN (TLAN) pr ovides IP connectiv ity between the Suc cessi on CSE 1000 system and the i2004 In terne t phonese ts .
May 2003 702t server d escription Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 23 Network requir ements Appropriat e networki ng equipment must be ava ilable for both the CLAN and ELAN. The CLAN and ELAN mus t be prope rly confi gured for correct Cal lPilot operati on.
702t serv er descri ption Standard 1 .0 24 Call Pilo t Supported periph eral devices Introduction This sect ion ident ifies e xtern al device s that ar e support ed by th e 702t server .
Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 25 Chapter 2 Preinstallation requirements In this chapter Inst alla tion over view 26 Unpack ing the 702 t server 29 Removin g the side pa nel 31 Inspec ti.
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 26 Call Pilo t Installation over view Introduction This sect ion provi des an o verview of the st eps requi red to install the 702t server a nd periphe ral de vices.
May 200 3 Prein stallatio n requirem ents Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 27 6 Set the DI P switches on the modem (s ee page 41) . ❒ 7 Connect t he 702t server an d devices a s follows : ❒ Connect t he monitor , keyboard, and mouse (see p age 43).
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 28 Call Pilo t Conventions for warnings Y ou may enc ounter th e followi ng types of warnings i n this gu ide. Do not ignore t hem. . DANGER Risk of elect ric shoc k W arns you of an immedia te elect rical h azard, which, if no t avoided , will res ult in sh ock, ser ious inj ury , or death.
May 200 3 Prein stallatio n requirem ents Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 29 Unpacking the 702 t server Introduction Follow thi s procedur e to unpac k the se rver and p eriphera ls. T o unpack th e equipment 1 Careful ly open t he cardboar d carto n contain ing the s erver .
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 30 Call Pilo t What’ s next? Remove the se rver c over so th at you can i nspec t the int erior of the serv er .
May 200 3 Prein stallatio n requirem ents Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 31 Remov i ng the sid e pa nel T o remove the side panel The follo wing diagra m shows how to r emove th e side pane l. See the instruc tions for removal on page 32 .
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 32 Call Pilo t Note: Th e illust ration s hows a cu stomer -suppli ed padloc k (A). 1 If a padlo ck is ins talled on t he bac k of the syst em, unloc k and remov e it. Refer to “A” in the illu stration .
May 200 3 Prein stallatio n requirem ents Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 33 5 Use yo ur left ha nd to pu ll the back end of t he cover to ward you to diseng age the bott om row of t abs from the notche s in the cha ssis, as shown i n the diagr am on pag e 32.
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 34 Call Pilo t Inspec ting the serv er i nterior Introduction Y ou shoul d perfor m a visua l inspect ion for l oose compone nts, fore ign matter , or shipping d amage ins ide the s erver . Protective foa m The server is shipp ed with protecti ve foam to prevent damage d uring shipping.
May 200 3 Prein stallatio n requirem ents Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 35 4 Review the slot l ocations (se e “ Rear panel dia gr am ” on page 1 3). 5 Do one of the followi ng: IF THEN you obs erve any damage contac t your No rtel Netwo rks techni cal suppo rt re pres enta tive .
Pre insta lla tion r equi rem ents Stan dard 1.0 36 Call Pilo t.
Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 37 Chapter 3 Installing the server and connecting the peripheral devices In this chapter Inst alli ng th e serv er 38 Prepari ng the m odem 39 Connecti ng .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 38 Call Pilo t Install ing th e ser ver Introduction Before you install the 702t server , ensure t hat the c hosen loca .
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 39 Preparing t he modem Introduction Y ou requ ire a modem t o suppor t remote d ial-up ac cess to t he CallPil ot server .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 40 Call Pilo t Modem DIP sw itches Set th e mo dem DI P swit che s befo re yo u conn ect th e mod em to the Call Pil ot server . Note: This section a pplie s onl y to t he US Ro botics 33.
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 41 T o set the modem D IP swit ches Use a pair of twee zers or a small scr ew driver to set the DIP swit ches a s describe d in the “ Change to ” co lumn of t he fol lowing ta ble: Note: ON i s down.
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 42 Call Pilo t What ’ s next? Continue wi th “ Connecting perip herals t o the serv er ” on page 43. 6 OF F OFF Ca rrie r D etec t (CD ) o verri de OFF: The modem s ends a CD signal when it connects with an other modem; it dr ops the CD on disconn ect.
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 43 Connecting peripherals to the serve r Before you begin A legend is lo cat ed adj ace nt to the per i pher al con nector pa nel at th e ba ck o f the serve r .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 44 Call Pilo t Rear panel The follo wing dia gram shows th e serv er connect ors for t he power co rd and the pe riphera.
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 45 T o connect the mouse, keyboard, and monitor to the server 1 Place the monito r , k eyboard, an d mouse i n the same locatio n as the server .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 46 Call Pilo t Connecting the server to the ELAN Introduction Connect th e CallPil ot server to th e Meridian 1 switch or Successio n CSE 1000 syst em using the Embedd ed LAN (ELAN).
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 47 4 Connect an RJ-45 networ k cable from t he ELA N hub to the ELAN conne ctor on th e serv er .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 48 Call Pilo t Connecting the server to the CLAN (optional) Introduction This sect ion provi des instr uctions t o connect the serve r to the Cu stomer LAN (CLAN). Note: Th e CLAN is opti onal.
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 49 What ’ s next? Continue wi th “ I nstal ling th e No rtel Netw orks softw are fe atu re key adap ter ” on page 50.
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 50 Call Pilo t Install ing the No rt el Netw or ks soft wa re featur e key adapte r Introduction The softwar e featur e key is a securit y device t hat stor es the uni que seria l number of t he server .
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 51 Requirements For i nst al lati on, y ou req uire a Phil lips No. 1 s crew driv e r . T o install the s oftware f eature k ey adapte r 1 Ensur e that ther e is no c able co nnecte d to the par allel p ort.
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 52 Call Pilo t Connecting the server to power Before you begin Ensure tha t prop er power and grounding are avail able for all the power outlets serv ing the Cal lPi lo t ser ver and it s assoc iat ed peri pher al s.
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 53 Before you connect th e serv er to the power sourc e, review t he follo wing diagram to ensure that al l periphe ral ha rdware devi ces are in pla ce.
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 54 Call Pilo t T o connect the server to power 1 Plug t he ser ver ’ s AC po wer cord i nto the server ’ s rear pa nel. 2 Plug th e other en d of the server ’ s AC power co rd into a prope rly grou nded pow er ou tlet or po we r bar .
May 200 3 Installi ng the server and conn ecting the perip heral devi ces Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 55 What ’ s next? If W indows NT starte d successf ully , proceed with t he swit ch and ser ver set up as descr ibed in Pa rt 3 of the Ca llPilot Install ation and Con figurati on binder .
Installi ng the server an d conn ecting th e periphera l device s Standa rd 1.0 56 Call Pilo t.
May 200 3 EMC emi ssion le vel prote ction for t he 702t Server Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 57 Append ix A EMC emission level protection for the 702t Se rver T o lower t he EMC emiss .
EMC emis sion lev el protec tion for the 702t Se rver Standard 1 .0 58 Call Pilo t Ferrites secured to an external cable The ferri tes ar e secur ed to t he appr opriat e cabl e with pl asti c en closur e clip s. T y wrap s are adde d to th e cable lo op.
Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 59 Index A adapter software feature key , ill ustration 50 assigned board label CallPilot Mana ger 15 C cable, multi I/O connections RS-232 23 CLAN media a.
Index Standa rd 1.0 60 Call Pilo t software feature key ad apter 50 TLAN 21 IRQ mappi ng table 17 K keyboard connecting to the serv er 45 descripti on 24 keylock 50 M M1 and CallPilot ser ver network .
May 200 3 Inde x Part 2: 702 t Server H ardware Insta llation 61 setting modem DIP swi tches 41 side p anel removing 31 side p anel r emov al diagram 32 slot as signmen ts serve r with RAID 15 withou .
Index Standa rd 1.0 62 Call Pilo t.
CallPilot Installa tion and Conf igurati on Part 2: 702t Server Hardware Installatio n Copyright © 2003 N ortel Networ ks, All Rights Res erved Informati on is su bject to c hange with out not ice. Nortel Networks res erves the right to m ake changes in de sign or c omponent s as p rogress i n engi neering an d manufac turing may warrant.
デバイスNortel Networks 555-7101-215の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks 555-7101-215をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks 555-7101-215の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks 555-7101-215の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks 555-7101-215で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks 555-7101-215に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks 555-7101-215デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。