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• 2 Every e ffort has been made to ensure that the in formatio n in this docu ment is complete, accurate, and up-to -date. The manufac turer assum es no res ponsibili ty for th e results of errors beyond i ts contro l.
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 3 Cont ents Notes, Cautions, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Model summary .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 4 Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Printer Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Which printer dr iver to use? .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 5 Printing custom page sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Printing custo m pages using the Po stSc ript driver . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Printing custom pages using the P CL dr iver .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 6 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Factors that affect Color Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Viewing conditions .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 7 Proof and print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 29 Printing copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Deleting copies .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 8 Matching Specific Colors (e.g., a Com pany logo) . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Printing Vivid Co lors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268 Color matching: PCL Driver . . . . . . . . .
ES 3037/3037e Wi ndows Contents • 9 Defining Overlays: Po stScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Defining Overlays: PCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Printing posters: PCL only . . . . .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Contents • 10 Printing on bo th sides of the paper (duplex printing ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Duplex printing us ing the PostScript dr iver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Contents • 11 Problem solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Paper feed pro blems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Paper jam has be en cleared, but printer does not print.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Contents • 12 Consumables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Toner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Drums . . .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Contents • 13 Setting Up an Administrative Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Creating PostScript For ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Creating PCL Macro s (Forms) . . . . . . .
ES 3037/3037e Not es, Cautions, etc. • 14 Not es, Cautions, etc. NOTE A note appears like this. A note provides additional information to supplement the main text which helps you to use and understand th e product. CAUTIO N! A caution appears like this.
ES 3037/3037e Introduction • 15 Introduction Congratul ations o n purchasi ng this O KI Execut ive Ser ies color printer ! In this c hapter you w ill find a summary of the main features of your printer followed by some advice on ho w to us e this User ’s Guide t o get the mos t from y our printer.
ES 3037/3037e Introduction • 16 FE A T UR E S • Single p ass digit al technology for high quality , speed and reliabi lity . • Duplex printing for fast reliab le two-sided output (st andard on ES 3037e, o ptional o n ES 3037). • High cap acity 10Gb hard disk drive (s tandard on ES 3037e, opti onal on ES 3 037).
ES 3037/3037e Introduction • 17 • Automatic color bal ance adjustment: in order to ensure consistent output at all ti mes, the machine automatical ly performs a color c heck when the machine is switched on, when the top cover is opened and then closed, and adjusts the color bal ance automatically .
ES 3037/3037e Introduction • 18 HOW TO USE THIS MAN UAL This manu al will lea d you lo gically thr ough the unp acking, s etup and operati on of your p rinter to h elp yo u to make the best us e of its many ad vanced fe atures.
ES 3037/3037e Introduction • 19 Printing Pages The whol e book, Ind ividual pa ges, or sec tions may be printe d. The procedu re for printi ng from Acr obat Reade r is: 1. From the toolb ar , selec t File , then Print (or pre ss the Ctrl + P keys). 2.
ES 3037/3037e G etting started • 20 Getting star t ed UNPACKING After u npackin g the printer and cho osing a sui table pla ce to put i t, check t hat a ll the necess ary p arts ar e ava ilabl e to co ntinu e: zpri nter an d toner s.ep s 1. The printer .
ES 3037/3037e Getting started • 21 CD-ROM DISK CONTENTS The CD-R OM disk s suppl ied with y our print er contai n the f ollowing software: • CD1 - Dr iver s, Sof tware U tiliti es • CD2 - Manual.
ES 3037/3037e G etting started • 22 PRINT ER LOCATION Place the printer on a fl at surf ace large enough an d stron g enough to accep t the size and wei ght of the prin ter. There mu st be suffic ient space around the printer to allow for access a nd printe r main tenance.
ES 3037/3037e Getting started • 23 PRINTER COMPONENTS zprin ter c ompon ents 1 a.eps 1. T op cover 2. Control panel 3. T op c over rel ease catch 4. Multi-pur pose (MP) tray (man ual feed) 5. Paper s upport exten sionPap er guide s 6. Righ t side cover 7.
ES 3037/3037e G etting started • 24 PRINT ER COMPON ENTS (CONT INUED) 11. Discharge r oller 12. Fuser un it 13. Image drum (cyan) 14. Image drum (magenta) 15.
ES 3037/3037e Getting started • 25 PRINT ER COMPONENTS (CONTINUED) 18. S tra ight-thr ough exit paper tray 19. Interfac es and ca rd slot 20. USB in ter face c onnec tor 21.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 26 Setting up Before connecting th is printe r to a compu ter and powe r supply, the toner c artridges must be ins talled an d paper mu st be in serted i n the paper t ray. P ACKAG ING AND PROTECTIVE SHEET REMOVAL 1. Re move a ny adhesiv e tape and packa ging from the prin ter .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 27 3. Remove the LE D head restra iner from beh ind the LED hea ds in the top cove r . zmpacka ging re moval on e.eps 4. Remo ve th e black imag e drum and pl ace i t on a l evel su rfa ce. zmim age drum re move set up.ep s CAUTION! • Never e xpose image dr ums to lig ht for more than 5 minutes.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 28 5. Re move t he protecti ve sheet. zmprot ectiv e sheet re moval one.eps and zm protect ive shee t remov al two.e ps 6. P ut the b lack image drum bac k into th e printer (1) , then pus h the tab (2) inwards an d remove the blank ing plate from the drum .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 29 T ONER CAR TRIDGE INSTALL ATION 1. For each color to ner cartr idge: a. Remove the cartridg e from its p ackage. b. Shake th e toner c artridge ba ck and fo rth sev eral times , then holding i t horizont ally, remo ve the tape, and the n remove th e plastic clip from behind the colore d lever.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 30 c. Insert the toner cartridge in its i mage drum , left si de first, engag ing the drum loca ting peg i n the ho le in the t oner cartrid ge.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 31 d. Gently push the ton er cartri dge down, en gaging the locking pin into the gr oove on the ima ge drum. zmtoner cartri dge ins tall t wo.eps e. Gently push the c olored lever towar d the rea r of the ma chine until it s tops.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 32 2. Cl ose the to p cover . zmclose top cover .eps.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 33 LOADING PAPER 1. Pull out the paper tra y . zmset up loadin g paper on e.eps 2. Adjust t he paper guid es and r ear stopper for the siz e of paper being us ed. zmsetu p load ing pa per two. eps and zmsetu p loadi ng pape r four .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 34 3. C lose the paper tray gentl y . zmsetu p loading paper s ix.eps Impor tant! To prevent pape r jams: • Don’t leave s pace between th e paper and th e paper guide s and rea r stoppe r . • Don’t overfill the paper tray .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 35 4. For face down printing (to the to p of the pr inter), mak e sure the rear paper exit is c losed : – Paper i s stacked in print ed order – Paper tray capac ity is abo ut 500 sh eets, depe nding on paper weight. 5.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 36 6. L oad let terhead paper face down : zmsetu p load ing pape r four fa ce down .eps abc.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 37 MANUAL FEED zmulti purpos e tray .eps 1. Open the Multi-pur pose tray a nd extend the paper feed guides. 2. Load the paper and adju st the pape r guides to the size of the paper being used. – Load the pap er into th e Multi-p urpose tra y tray with th e print face upward.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 38 PO W E R CO NN E C T I ON 1. Co nnect the power cable (1) to the p ower sock et on the printer , then to a grounded powe r supply outl et. zmpow er conn ection.e ps WARNI NG Ensure both the printer powe r switch and the AC supply are swit ched O FF be fore con necti ng th e pow er ca ble.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 39 2. Switch th e printer ON using the main power switch (2). The printe r will go th rough its initializ ation and warm up sequenc e. When the printer is ready , the READY indica tor comes o n and stay s on (gr een) an d the LCD in dicates ONLINE.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 40 CONTROL PANEL LCDp anel _bw .jpg 1. Attention indicator (red) . ON in dica tes that attention is r equire d, but printi ng will conti nue . FLASHING indicates tha t attention is required, bu t printi ng will stop . 2. Ready ind icator ( green) .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 41 CONTROL PANEL (CONTINUED) 1. Menu button . Press br iefly to enter the MENU mode. Press br iefly ag ain to sele ct the nex t menu. Press for more tha n 2 seco nds to scroll through t he differe nt menus. 2. Item( +) butt on .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 42 CONTROL PANEL (C ONTINUED) 5. Online butt on . Swit ches betw een onl ine and of fline sta tus – When pr essed in M enu mode, i t return s the printe r to on line st atus . – When pr essed with DA T A PRESENT dis played, it fo rces the printe r to print o ut the rema ining dat a in the pri nter.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 43 MENU SETTINGS Chang ing th e display language cont rol pane l - la nguage setu p.eps 1. Press the ONLINE bu tton to ret urn the prin ter to offline status. 2. Press the MENU button repeated ly until SYSTEM CONFIG MENU is dis playe d.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 44 Printin g the Menu Map Print a list of men u settings to confirm th at the pri nter is correc tly confi gur ed. cont rol pane l - co nfirm ation p rint. eps 1. M ake sure th ere is pape r in the paper tray . 2. P ress th e MENU button unti l the INF OR MA TION M ENU is displa yed, t hen press t he SEL ECT butto n.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 45 Media se ttings Selecti ng paper feed contr ol pane l - pap er fe ed sele ctio n.eps 1. Press the ONLINE bu tton to plac e the pr inter offline. 2. Press the MENU button repeated ly until PRI NT MENU i s displayed , then pres s the SE LECT button .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 46 Selecting th e paper size control panel - paper size.eps 1. P ress th e ONLINE b utton to pl ace the pr inter offline. 2. P ress th e MENU button u ntil PRINT MENU i s displayed, t hen pres et S ELECT . 3. P ress ei ther I TEM (+) or (–) button r epeatedly until EDIT SIZE is displ ayed.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 47 Selec ting the media ty pe and weight Your pr inter autom atically detects paper type and weight. You ha ve the option , however , to over ride these s ettings as follo ws: contr ol pan el - medi a type an d weight .eps 1.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 48 MEDIA RECOMMENDAT IONS We reco mmend the follow ing guide lines when se lecting paper and envelo pes for u se in thi s printe r: Pape r • For recomme nded pa pers see your Ha ndy Refere nce Guide. • Paper should be sto red flat an d away from moisture, direct sunli ght and he at sourc es.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 49 Envelope s • Use only recomme nded envelope s (OKI 52 20630 1 and 5 22 06302): see p age 4 7 2. • Enve lopes s hould be store d flat and awa y from moi stur e, direct sunlight and heat sou rces. • Don’t use envelop es with windows or m etal clasps.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 50 P APER FEED AND E XIT Selec tion of whic h paper feed and wh ich paper e xit to us e for printing and wh ether simp lex (single si ded) or du plex ( double s ided) printing i s availab le, dep ends upon the paper size, medi a weight and medi a type tha t is used .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 51 P aper weights and m edia settings Feed Exit Media weight T rays 1, 2, 3 MP T r ay (Ma nua l) Straight-Thru (fac e up) To p (fac e down) Paper , US Bond (Metri c) 17 lb. (64 g/m 2 ) Light S a S a S a S a 18 to 19 lb. (68-71 g/m 2 ) Medium light S a S a S a S a 20 to 24 lb.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 52 PRINT ER SETTINGS Confirming current set tings Current menu setting s can be confirm ed by printing the MenuMap: see “ Printing the MenuM ap” on page 44 . Chan gi ng the se ttin gs . contr ol pan el - p rinte r sett ings.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 53 LIST OF MENU SETTINGS Listed i n the follo wing ta bles are th e availa ble prin ter settings . The default s ettings for t he printer are in bold text. Prin t Jobs Me nu This men u only appears i f the ha rd disk dr ive is in stalled.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 54 T est P rin t Men u Item Va l u e Description PRINT ID CHE CK PATTERN Execute Prints ID check pattern to detect bad ID.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 55 Print Menu The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e Description COPIES 1 to 999 Sets the number of copies. DUPLEX On; Off S pecif ies two-sided (duplex) pr inting if the optional duplex unit is install ed. BINDING Long edge ; Short edge Sets binding for duplex printing.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 56 RESOLUTION ES 3037 - 600 x 1200 dp i ; 600 dpi ES 3037e - 1200 dpi , Fast 1200 dpi, 600 dpi Selects print resolution. T ONER SAVE MODE ON; OFF ON: Enables T oner S ave mode. OFF: Disables T o ner Save mode. MONO -PR INT SPEED Auto ; Color speed; Normal speed Selects monochrom e printing speed.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 57 Media Menu The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e Description TR A Y 1 MEDI ATYP E Plai n ; Let terhead; Transp arency; B ond; Recycled; C ard stock; Rough.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 58 MP TRAY PAP E R S IZ E A3 Nobi ; A3 Wide ; A3; A4 Short E dge; A4 Long Edge; A5; A6; B4; B5 Short Edge; B5 Long Edge; Legal 14; Legal 13.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 59 Colo r Menu The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e Descrip tion AUTO DENSITY MODE Auto ; Manual. Select whether density adjustment and T oner R esponse Curve (TRC) compensation is automatic. Auto : Density adjustment is automatically run under specified conditions, and reflected in t he TRC compensation.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 60 CYAN, MAGENT A, Y ELLO W OR BLAC K DARKNESS 0 +1+2+3-4-3-2-1 Adjusts Cyan, Magenta, Y ellow or Black engine density . The Darkness settings for each of CMYK will be re flected as offset values (additions) to t he corrections through the Adjust Density/TRC Compensation function.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 61 CMY 100% DENSITY Disable ; enable Selects enable/disable 100% output against the CMY100% TRC compensation. Ordinarily , the TRC compensation function controls the appropriate print density; thus, 100% output is not always enabled.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 62 System configuration menu The defau lt settin gs are bold . Item Va l u e Desc ription POWER SA VE DELAY TIME 5 min; 15 min; 30 min; 60 min ; 240 min Sets the time before print er enters power save mode.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 63 LOW TONER Continue ; S top If set to CONTINUE, allows pr inting to continue when Low toner is displayed. If S TOP is selected - when Low toner is displayed, the printer goes off line. JAM RECOVERY ON ; OFF Sets whether or not print ing will continue after a paper jam has been cleared.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 64 PCL em ulat ion The defau lt settin gs are bold . Item Va l u e Description FONT SOURCE Resid ent ; DIMM0; Downloaded Selects location of the PCL font used. DIMM0 is displayed only when font DIMM ROM exist s in the slot.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 65 SYMBOL S ET PC-8 , PC-8 Dan/Nor , PC-8 TK, PC-775, PC-850, PC- 852, PC-855, PC -857 TK, PC-858, PC-866, PC-869, PC-1004, Pi Font, Plska Mazvi a, PS Ma th, PS T ex t, Roman-8, Roman-9, Roman Ext, Serbo C roat1, Serbo Croat2, S panish, Ukrainian, VN Int’ l, VN Math, VN US, Win 3.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 66 A4 PRI NT WIDTH 78 column; 80 column If you are printing a letter size document on an A4 size sheet, select 80 column . This condenses the print to fit on t he slightly narrower A4 sheet, without changing the line br eaks.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 67 PP R Emulation Me nu The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e Description CHARACTER PITC H 10 CPI ; 12 CPI; 17 CP I; 20 CPI; PROPOR TIONAL S pecifies character pit ch in IBM PPR emulation. FONT CONDENSE 12CPI TO 20CPI ; 12CPI T O 12CPI S pecifies 12CPI pitch for Condense Mode.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 68 LETTER 0 STYLE Disable ; Enable Specifies the style that replaces 9BH with o and 9DH with a zero. ZERO CHARACTER Normal ; Slashed Sets the zero to be slashed or unslashed. LINE PITCH 6 LPI ; 8 LPI S pecifies the line spacing.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 69 FX emulation The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e De scription CHARACTER PITCH 10 CPI; 12 CPI; 17 CPI; 20 CPI; P ROPOR TIONAL S pecif ies character pitch in this emulation. CHARACTER SET Set 1; Set 2 S pecifies a character set.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 70 ZERO CHARACTER Normal ; Slashed Sets the zero to be slashed or unslashed. LINE PITCH 6 LPI ; 8 LPI Specifies the l ine spacing. WHITE PAGE SKIP OFF ; ON Specifies whether or not the printer ejects a blank sheet. Not available with dupl ex operation.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 71 P arallel menu The de faults are bold . Item Va l u e Description PARALLEL Enab le ; Disable Select s parallel (Centronics) interf ace. BI-DIRE CTION Enable ; Disable Selects bi-directional comm unication. ECP Enable ; Disable Selects ECP mode.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 72 Network menu Only appears if the netw ork car d is in stalled. The defau lt settin gs are bold . Ite m Va l u e Description TCP/I P Enable ; Disable Selects TCP/IP protocol. NETWARE Enable ; Disable Selects Netware protocol.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 73 PS FL ASH RESIZE 0% [n.n MB] TO 90% [n.n MB], in 10% increments Changes the size of the flash memory ar ea. “n.n” indicates the actual size in MB. Note: S pecial data is stored in the Flash Mem ory , therefore you cannot specify 100%.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 74 CAUTIO N! The Disk Maint enance Menu can be used t o initialize th e printer’s internal hard disk driv e, to reassign the p artition contents, or to reformat the partitions. Unless you know what you are doing, please avoid this section of the Menu.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 75 Sys tem adjust me nu The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e De scription X AD JUST 0.00 MM ; Range +0.25 TO +2 .0 MM and – 2. 0 TO – 0.25 MM in 0.25 mm increments Adjusts overall print position horizontally in 0.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 76 PCL TRA Y 4 ID# 1 – 59; default = 21 Sets T ray 4 number for P CL emulation. PCL TRA Y 5 ID# 1 – 59; default = 22 ) Sets T ray 5 number for P CL emulation. PCL MP TR AY ID# 1 – 59; default = 4 Sets MP T ray number f or PCL emulation.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 77 Maintenance men u The defa ult se tti ngs ar e bold . Item Va l u e Description EEPRO M RESE T Execute Initializes EEPROM for each unit. SAVE MENU Execute Saves the current menu settings. RESTORE MEN U Execute Reverts to stored men u settings.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 78 Usage m enu Item Va l u e Description T OTAL PAG E COUNT nnnnnn Shows total number of p ages printed. T RAY 1 PA GE COUNT nnnnnn Shows numbe r of pages printed from Tray 1. T RAY 2 PA GE COUNT nnnnnn Shows numbe r of pages printed from Tray 2.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 79 MAGENTA TONER 15K = xxx% ; 7.5K = yyy% Displays magenta toner remaining. Y ELLO W TONER 15K = xxx% ; 7.5K = yyy% Displays yellow toner remaining.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 80 LIST OF ADMINISTRAT OR MENU SETTINGS To ente r this m enu, turn on t he printe r while h oldin g down the ITEM + button. NO TE Only syst em administ rators ha ve access t o this men u. OP menu The defau lt settin gs are bold .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 81 PCL EMULAT ION MENU Enable , Disab le Enable/Disable PCL EMULA TION MENU. Set to Disable, PCL EMULA TION MENU is not displayed. PPR EM ULATIO N MENU Enable , Disab le Enable/Disable PPR EMULA TION MENU. Set to Disable, PPR EMULA TION MENU is not displayed.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 82 Colo r Menu Item Va l u e Descrip tion RESET C GAMMA F IL TER EXECUTE Reset the s tored TRC data (retained for tracking). For example, cor rect values could not be taken due to “out of or der” situation. This is mainly for maintenance purposes and not ordinarily used .
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 83 SETTING C OLOR TUNING FR OM THE FRONT PA NEL You can use the printer’s menu to a djust the color intensi ty for a specifi c color by adju sting the HIGHLIGH T, MID-T ONE and DARK (shadows) Col or Tuning Patte rns. • To increase the color intensity , use a higher positive settin g (default = 0 , maximum = +3).
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 84 For exa mple, to ad just the i ntensity of the mag enta portion: 1. P rint the Color T uni ng Pattern: colo rtune .jpg a. Make s ure letter s ize pap er is load ed in the tr ay. b. Press th e MENU butto n repeate dly unti l COLOR MENU displ ays.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 85 2. Adjust t he Mage nta highlight color. a. Press the IT EM button r epeatedly until MAGENTA HIGHLIGHT nn displ ays. b. Press the VALUE bu tton repea tedly unt il the new value you wish to use display s (e.g., +3). c. Press the SELECT button.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 86 SWITCHING OFF In normal circumstan ces the power sa ve facili ty should be us ed to avoid h aving to swi tch the pri nter off. Howev er if you do wish to switch the prin ter off man ually, p lease ca rry out the followin g proc edu re: contro l panel - swit ching o ff.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 87 INT ERF ACES connect 2.bmp Your pr inter is e quipped wi th a sele ction of d ata inte rfaces: 1. Paral lel – For di rect co nnection to a PC. This por t requires a bi-direc tional ( IEEE 128 4 compli ant) parallel cable.
ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 88 3. Ether net – For network cable co nnecti on. See y our printe d Software Installation Gui de for i nformatio n on: • Making the inter face connec tions • Installing the printer drivers • Installing network software.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 89 W indows XP Print er Drivers See your printed S oftware Ins tallatio n Guide for in formatio n on insta lling prin ter drive rs. W HICH PRINT ER DRIVER TO US E? Your pr inter come s with Windows drivers for PCL and A dobe ® PostS cript ® (PS).
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 90 ENABLING INST ALLED OPTIONS I N THE DRIVERS Certain options s uch as add itiona l memory, t he duplex er, or additio nal tray s may be install ed in you r printer . Before using the printer, y ou must e nter the p rinter driv er(s) and enable t he options .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 91 For addition al memo ry: PostScr ipt driv er only If you h ave a dditional memor y in y our printe r, use these i nstruct ions to update th e Windows PostSc ript driver so that i t recogniz es the additiona l memo ry: 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 92 Fo r the int ernal hard disk driv e PostScript driver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Device Setting s tab .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 93 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. On the Dev ice Option tab, cl ick Pr inter Ha rd Dis k . C93_XP_PCL_HDDk.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 94 F or addi tion al pape r tray s PostScript driver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Device Setting s t ab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 95 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. On the Dev ice Option tab, sel ect the app ropriate nu mber of tra ys (n ot incl udin g the M ulti- purp ose tr ay).
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 96 For the duplex unit PostScript driver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Device Setting s t ab. U nder Inst alla ble Options , click Duplex and s elect Installed in the drop-down list.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 97 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. Click the De vice Option ta b, cl ic k D uplex Option Unit . C93_XP_PCL_Duplex1k.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 98 F or the hi gh capacity feeder PostScript driver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Device Setting s t ab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Printer Drivers • 99 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. On the Dev ice Option tab, s elect the number o f trays installed (4 or 5).
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 100 F or the fi nisher PostScript driver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Device Setting s t ab. U nder Inst alla ble Options , click Finisher , the n select Installed in the drop-do wn list.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 101 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. On the Dev ice Option tab, cl ick Finisher . C93_XP_PCL_Finisherk.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 102 CHANGING DEFA ULTS FO R PAPE R FEED, SIZE AND MEDIA IN THE DRIVER The nor mal defa ult for th ese items is auto matic dete ction. The fol lowing pr inter d river instr uctions ar e given as a guid e only.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 103 3. If you wil l be using h eavy med ia, transpare ncies, env elopes or labels, cl ick the Job Options tab and set the O utput Bin under Finisher to St acker (Face-up) . C93_XP_PS_ OutputK.tif 4. Click the Paper /Quality tab.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 104 5. Click the Advanced button. 6. Un der Paper/Output , select the med ia size in the Pa per Siz e drop -do wn lis t.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 105 7. Under Document Options → Printer Feat ures , clic k Medi a Ty p e and select the media from the dr op-down l ist. C932 kPSA dvanc ed2 k.tif 8. Click OK twice a nd close the Printer s and Fax es dial og box.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 106 PCL dri vers 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s . 2. Ri ght cl ick the printer na me and click Pri nti ng Pref erences . 3. O n the Setu p tab, unde r Media , select the re quire d pape r size in the Size drop-d own list.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 107 5. Select t he requir ed paper ty pe under We ight . C93_ XP_PC L_Wei ghtK.t if 6. Click the Paper Feed Options button an d make any other sele ctions th en clic k OK . C93_XP_PC L_FeedOpt .bmp 7. Click OK twice a nd close the Printer s and Fa xes dial og box.
ES 3037/3037e W indows XP P rinter Drivers • 108 Netw ork Prin ter Status u tility • Available on TCP/IP network c onnect ion only . The Netw ork Pr inter St atus util ity is ava ilable if y our admi nistrato r has installed i t.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 109 W indows XP Operation This sec tion exp lains ho w to set up colo r printing and how to u se the printer ’s features includin g: • N-up pri nting (se e p.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 110 F ACTO RS THAT AFFECT COLOR PRINTING The PC L and P ostScrip t printer drivers supplied w ith yo ur prin ter provide s everal co ntrols fo r changing th e color o utput. For gen eral use the default driver s ettings p roduce good results for mos t doc uments.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 111 V iewing co nditions A docume nt can look very diff erent unde r various lighting conditio ns. For exam ple, the colors m ay loo k different when v iewed stan ding next to a s unlit windo w, compared t o how the y look unde r standa rd office fl uorescent lighting.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 112 How your sof tware appli cation displays co lor Some gr aphics applica tions su ch as Cor elDRAW ® or Adobe ® Photos hop ® may displa y color differen tly from "office " applic ations such a s Micr osoft ® Word.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 113 CHOOSING A COL OR MATCHING METHOD There is no one way to ach ieve a good matc h between the document display ed on you r monito r, and its printed eq uivalent . There are many fac tors invol ved in ach ieving acc urate and reproduc ible color .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 114 Matching Pho tographic Image s RGB only Oki Co lor Matchi ng (see page 121) is a gen erally a go od ch oice.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 115 Printing Vivid Col ors RGB only • Use Oki Col or Matching (see page 121 ), wit h the Monitor 6500k V ivid, sRGB or Digital Camera settings (PCL or PS). RGB or CMYK • Use PostScri pt Color Mat ching (see page 123) with t he Saturati on option.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 116 COLOR M ATCHI NG: PCL DRIVER Color Matc hing Options The Col or Matchin g optio ns in the PCL driver can be u sed to hel p match y our printe d colors to the ones dis played on your mon itor. T o manua lly set the color m atching o ptions in the PCL dri ver: 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 117 C93_XP_PCL_Color1k.tif a. Click Manual Color under Color Mode , then click Natural under Color Sett ing . C93_XP_PCL_Color2k.tif 4. Select t he metho d you wish t o use: Monitor ( 6500k) P erceptual Optimized for pr inting photograp hs when using a monitor with a colo r temperatur e of 6500K .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 118 without a ny modifica tion, and o nly color s that fall o utside the printa ble colo rs are modified. 5. S et any oth er requir ed parameters using the on-line Help for guid ance. 6. W hen you a re don e, click OK and cl ose the P rinting Preferen ces d ialog box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 119 The Print Color Swatch Utility For use wi th applic ations w hich all ow you to set your own RGB valu es for colors .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 120 COLOR M ATCHI NG: P OSTSCRIPT DRIVER Color Matc hing Options The P ostScript driver o ffers sev eral di fferent me thods of control ling the col or output of the printer. T o manually se t the color mat ching options in the PostScript driver: 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 121 4. Select t he metho d to use from the Color Control Method drop-down l ist unde r Color Mode : a. Color C ontrol = OKI Colo r Matchin g This i s OKI’ s proprie tary co lor matc hing syste m, and affect s RGB data only .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 122 • Monitor (6500k) Perceptual Optimized for printing photographs when using a monitor with a color temperature of 6500K. • Monitor (6500k) Vivid Optimized for printing bright colors when using a monitor with a color temperature of 6500K.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 123 b. Color C ontrol = Post Script Colo r Matc hing This u ses PostS cript Color Renderi ng Dictio naries bui lt into the pr inter, and affects bo th RGB an d CMYK dat a. Select t he render ing type fr om the Rendering Intent drop-down l ist.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 124 –A u t o Best choice for printing general documents. – Perce ptual Best choice for printing photographs. Compresses the source gamut into the printer’ s gamut while maintaining the overall appearance of an image.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 125 e. Color C ontrol = Pri nt in Grays cale This o ption prints all docum ents as m onochro me..
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 126 OKI “USING IC C PROFILES” FEATURE: P OSTSCRIPT D RIVER ONLY • Affe cts RGB d at a only . This pr ovides a m ethod of matc hing R GB colors similar to Windows ICM m atching.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 127 T o set up ICC profiles: 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers and Faxes. 2. Right cli ck the p rinter nam e and cli ck Printing Preference s . 3. Click the Color ta b. 4. Under Color mode , se lect Using ICC Profile in the Color Control Method drop -do wn list .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 128 5. Click t he New button. C93_XP_ PS_ICC2.bmp 6. S elect the Input profile and Output profile in the drop -down lists under Select ICC profile . 7. Select the d esir ed Rendering Intent and type in a name for the pro file and c lick OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 129 W INDOWS ICM COL OR MATCHING • ICM is the color management system bui lt into Windows. • Aff ects RGB data only .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 130 PRINTING MULTIPLE PAGES ON ONE SHEET (N-U P PRINTI NG) N-Up printing using the PostScript driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e appropri ate PS dr iver on th e General tab, then cl ick the Preferences button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 131 N-Up pr inti ng usin g the PCL dr iver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, click the appropr iate PCL d river on the General t ab, then c lick the Prefer ences button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 132 PRINT ING CUSTO M PAGE SIZES Custo m page sizes ca n only be prin ted from the mult i purpose tr ay. The print er media s ize for the mul ti purpos e tray m.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 133 4. Click the Paper /Quality tab. Under T ray Selection , select Multi-Purpos e T ray in the Paper Source drop-down l ist. C93_XP_PS_ Custom2.bmp 5. Click the Adv anced butto n. Under Paper/Output , select Post script Custom p age Size in the Paper Si ze drop-dow n list .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 134 Printin g custom pages us ing the PCL driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e PCL dri ver on the Gene ral tab, then cl ick the Prefer ence s butto n.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 135 4. On the Setup tab, under Media , select Use r Defined Size in the Size drop-do wn list. C93_XP_PC L_Custom2 k.tif The S et Free S ize dial og box ap pears. 5. Select t he unit , then enter the width and length mea suremen ts and cli ck OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 136 6. Ch eck t hat User Defin ed now appe ars in t he Size list on the Setup tab. 7. Click OK twice. 8. Click Print . NO TE To save the sett ing for fu ture use: • Click Paper Feed Options , the n click Custom Size .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 137 CHANG ING THE RESOLU TION FOR A PRINT JOB 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, click the appropr iate d river on t he General t ab, then c lick the Prefer ences button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 138 DUPLEX P RINTING (PRINTIN G ON BOTH SIDE S OF THE PAPER) • S tandard p aper sizes only . • Paper weight r ange 20 to 28 lb.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 139 Duplex pr inting using the PostScri pt driv er 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, cl ick the PS driver o n the General tab, then click the Prefer ences bu tton.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 140 Duplex printin g using the P CL driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e PCL dri ver on the Gene ral tab, then cl ick the Prefer ence s butto n.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 141 PRINTING BOOKLETS Printing book lets using the PostScript driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, cl ick the PS driver o n the General tab, then click the Prefer ences bu tton.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 142 3. O n the Layout tab, under Pag es Per Sh eet , s elect Booklet in the dro p-down li st. C93_XP _PS_Booklet.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 143 Printing b ooklets using the PCL dr iver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dia log box, click the PCL dr iver on the Ge neral tab , then click the Prefer ences bu tton.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 144 PRINTING W AT ERMAR KS: PCL DRIV ER ONLY 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e PCL dri ver on the Gene ral tab, then cl ick the Prefer ence s butto n.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 145 5. If you wis h to print th e watermark only on the first page of the document , sele ct First Page only . 6. Click OK twi ce. 7. Click Print . NOT E To c reate a new wate rmar k or e dit an exi stin g wat erm ark: • Click the Ne w or Edi t button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 146 COLLATING Collati ng can be carried o ut with o r without a ha rd disk drive instal led. Howe ver, prin ters with a hard d isk drive wi ll provid e grea ter perfo rma nce. The fol lowing i nstructi ons exp lain how to sele ct coll ating using the prin ter dr iver.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 147 PROOF AND PRINT Proof an d print a llows prin ting of a s ingle co py of a do cumen t for checki ng before printin g multipl e copies of the sa me docu ment. 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 148 3. Enter the nu mber o f copi es an d, if r equir ed, se lect Collate . C93 _XP_PS _Pro of.bmp C93_X P_PC L_Proo f.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 149 Printing co pies 1. Press the MENU button to access the PRINT JOBS ME NU , then press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter y our person al ID numbe r using the buttons on the prin ter contr ol panel. 3. Press the V A LUE button until ALL JOBS or th e requir ed job n ame is dis playe d.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 150 SECURE PRINTING (PRINTIN G CONFIDEN TIAL DOCUMENTS) Secure p rinting or printin g with passwo rds allows the printin g of confide ntial doc uments o n printe rs that are share d with othe r users. 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 151 a. Enter a j ob name o f up to 16 c haracters under Job Name and, if r equired, select Request Jo b Name for e ach print job . C93_ XP_Job PIN.b mp b. Type in a four digit pe rsonal ID nu mber fr om 0000 to 7 777, then click OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 152 Printin g a confident ial documen t from the f ront pane l 1. P ress the M ENU butto n to acce ss the PRINT JO BS MENU and pr ess t he SEL ECT bu tton. 2. E nter the pe rsonal ID number yo u set above using the b uttons on the printer c ontrol panel .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 153 STORE TO HARD DISK Store to h ard disk ( job spool ing) all ows print jo bs to be pr epared an d stored o n the h ard disk for prin ting on de mand. Th is is g ood for fo rms, generic memos, lette rhead s tationery, e tc.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 154 a. Enter a job name of up to 16 c haract ers under J ob Name Setting and, if requi red, sel ect Request Job Name for eac h prin t jo b . C93_XP_Jo bPIN.bmp b. Type a fou r digit persona l ID number fr om 0000 to 7777, then cl ick OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 155 T o print a stored document 1. Press the ME NU button to acce ss the PR INT JOBS MEN U and press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter the person al ID numbe r you s elected a bove usi ng the buttons on the prin ter control panel.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 156 PRINTING OV ERLAYS What ar e Over lays ? An Ov erlay can be a comb inatio n of graph ics, fon ts, or tex t that is stored in the printer’s flash memory or on the hard disk (su pplied on some mod els, optional on others ), and printe d whenever r equired.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 157 T o crea te over lays: 1. Create the document that yo u wish to use for Ov erlay p rinting (e.g. a l etterhead) a nd genera te a PRN fil e (print fi le) us ing the printer driver .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 158 Creating documents to u se as overlays An over lay ca n be created in an y softwar e applic ation that can handle l ogos, letterhe ads, forms, etc. and c an print to a file. PCL Dri ver To crea te a print (PRN) file : 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 159 Po s tS c r i p t 1. With the f ile to be s tored as an overla y open in your ap plicati on program , choose File then Print . 2. Ensure that the Pr int T o Fi le option i s switched on in you r applica tion’s Print di alog box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 160 Downloadin g the print file to use as an overlay In the pr evious topic, you c reated a print (PRN) file on your PC ’ s hard di sk. This topic expl ains how download th is file to the printer using t he Storag e Device Manager .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 161 PCL: T his aut omatically generate s a BIN fi le. PostS crip t : This autom aticall y generate s a PostSc ript hst file. Note the name th at the fi le is ass igned in the Stora ge Device Ma nager. Names a re case sensit ive .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 162 Defining Overlays: PostScript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s. 2. RI ght clic k the pri nter nam e and click P rinting P reference s . 3. Click the Overlay ta b. 4. Click the Overlay button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 163 5. Click the New button. C93_XP_PS_ Overlay2.b mp 6. Enter th e file na me of the o verlay i n the Overlay Nam e list, and sele ct the pages o n which i t is to be printed. NOT E The Overlay Name must be EXACTLY the same as th e file name you made a noted of in the previous section.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 164 7. E nter or select a form nam e in the dr op-down list unde r For m sett ing , then click Add. C93_XP_PS_ Overlay3.bmp 8. Click OK . 9. If requir ed, cont inue to ad d files t o the ov erlay by repeatin g steps 5 throu gh 8.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 165 10. Highligh t the over lay name (s) un der Defined Overlay and cl ick Add to add the overlay( s) to the li st under Active O verlay (to sele ct more t han one ov erlay , hold the CTRL k ey while c licking on each name).
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 166 Defin ing Ove rlays: PC L 1. Click Star t → Settings → Pri nte rs a nd Faxe s. 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click Print ing Prefer ences . 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab. 4. Click the Overlay ...
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 167 5. T o de fine an overlay , cli ck the De fine Overlay s button. C93_XP_PCL _Overlay2.bmp 6. Enter the file nam e of the ove rlay i n the Overlay Name list . 7. Enter the ID of the fi le in I D V alues . Please refer to the instruc tions fo r the S torage De vice Ma nager uti lity .
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 168 11. Sele ct Print Using Active Ove rlays . C93_XP_PCL _Overlay3.bmp 12. Cli ck OK . 13. Cli ck OK to close th e Printing P referenc es dialo g box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operation • 169 PRINTING POST ERS: PCL DRIVER ONLY This op tion allo ws you to c onfigure and prin t posters by breaking u p the docum ent page in to mul tiple pie ces which p rint enl arged on separat e sheets. Then the s eparate s heets are c ombin ed to prod uce a post er.
ES 3037/3037e Windows XP Operat ion • 170 4. Click Options... and enter th e configura tion de tails C93 _XP_PC L_Pos ter2.b mp 5. Click OK twice. 6.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 171 Windows 2 000 Print e r Drivers See your printed S oftware Ins tallatio n Guide for in formatio n on insta lling prin ter drive rs. W HICH PRINT ER DRIVER TO US E? Your pr inter come s with Windows drivers for PCL and A dobe ® PostS cript ® (PS).
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 172 ENABLING INST ALLED OPTIONS I N THE DRIVERS Certain options s uch as add itiona l memory, t he duplex er, or additio nal tray s may be install ed in you r print er. Before using the printer, y ou must e nter the p rinter driv er(s) and enable t he options .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 173 4. Under Inst allable O ptions , click Memory Configuration , then set the me mory in the drop-do wn box to b e the same as that now installe d in the pr inter , as shown in the Men uMap (to generate a MenuMap printout, see “Pr inting t he MenuMap ” on pag e 44 ) C932kPSM emoryk.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 174 Fo r the int ernal hard disk driv e PostScript driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties . 3. Click t he Device Settin gs tab .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 175 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. O n the Device Optio ns ta b, cl ic k Printe r Hard Dis k . C932kPCLHDDk.tif 4.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 176 F or addi tion al pape r tray s PostScript driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 177 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. O n the Device Optio n tab, select the appro priate numbe r of trays (no t includ ing the Mu lti Pu rpose tray ).
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 178 For the duplex unit PostScript driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties . 3. Click t he Device Settin gs ta b. Un der Inst allable Options , click Duplex and s elect Installed in the drop-down box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 179 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. Clic k the Device O ption ta b, c li ck Duplex Option Unit . C932kPCLDuplex1k.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 180 F or the hi gh capacity feeder PostScript driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 181 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. O n the Device Optio n tab, select the num ber of tr ays installe d (4 or 5).
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 182 F or the fi nisher PostScript driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties . 3. Click t he Device Settin gs ta b. Un der Inst allable Options , click Finisher , the n select Installed in the drop-do wn box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 183 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. O n the Device Optio n ta b, clic k Finisher . C932kPCLFinisherk.tif 4. Click OK and close th e Printe rs dialog b ox.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 184 CHANG ING DEFAULTS FO R PAPE R FEED, SIZE AND MEDIA IN THE DRIVER The nor mal defa ult for th ese items is auto matic dete ction. The fol lowing pr inter d river instr uctions ar e given as a guid e only.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 185 3. If y ou will be u sing heav y media , transparencies , envelo pes or labels, cl ick the Job Options tab and set the O utput Bin under Finisher to St acker (Face-up) . 4. Clic k the Paper/Qu ality tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 186 C932kPSAd vancedk.tif 7. Under Document Options → Printer Fe atures , click Media Ty p e and se lect t he media from the drop -down box . C932kPSAd vanced2k.tif 8. Click OK twice and close t he Print ing Pref erences dial og box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 187 PCL driv er 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Rig ht click t he printe r name an d click P rinting Pref erences . 3. In the Setup t ab, und er Media , selec t the required paper size in the Size drop-do wn box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 188 6. Click P aper Feed Options and make any other select ions, then cl ick OK . C93_Me _PCL_P aper Feed Opt.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Printer Drivers • 189 Network Printer Status ut ility • Available on TCP /IP networ k connecti on only . The Networ k Printe r Status utility is availab le if your adm inistrator has ins talled it.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 190 W indows 2 000 Operation This sec tion expl ains how to se t up colo r printing and how to use the printe r’s features inc luding: • N-up printi ng (se.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 191 F ACTORS THAT AFFECT COLOR PRINTING The PCL and PostS cript p rinter dr ivers su pplied wi th your p rinter provid e sever al contr ols for changing the co lor outp ut. For g eneral use the de fault dri ver settin gs prod uce go od results for most document s.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 192 Vi ewing condit ions A docum ent ca n look ve ry differ ent und er variou s lighti ng conditi ons. For example , the color s may look different when view ed standin g next to a sunli t window, co mpared to h ow they lo ok unde r standar d office flu oresce nt lighting.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 193 How your software applica tion displays color Some g raphics a pplication s such a s CorelD RAW ® or Adob e ® Photosho p ® may display color differentl y from "of fice" applica tions such as Micr osoft ® Wo rd.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 194 CHOOSING A COLOR MATCHING METHOD There is no one wa y to achi eve a goo d match between the docu ment dis played on your monitor , and it s print ed equiva lent. There are many fa ctors i nvolve d in achiev ing acc urate and repro ducib le color.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 195 Matc hing Pho togra phi c Ima ges RGB only Oki Color Matchin g (see page 202 ) is a gener ally a good choic e.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 196 Printing Vivid Colors RGB only • Use Oki Color Matchi ng (see page 202), with the Monitor 6500k V ivid, sRGB or Digi tal Camera sett ings (PCL or PS). RGB or CM YK • Use PostScript Col or Matching (see p age 204) with the Saturation optio n.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 197 COLOR MAT CHING: PCL DRIV ER Color Matching Option s The Colo r Matching option s in the PCL d river ca n be used to help match yo ur prin ted color s to the o nes dis played o n your m onitor. NOT E The PCL driver’s color options are only designed to wo rk with RG B data.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 198 T o m anually se t the color matching optio ns in the PC L drive r: 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght clic k the app ropria te printer n ame and c lick Printing Prefe rences . 3. Click the Color tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 199 4. Select t he metho d you wish t o use: Monitor ( 6500k) P erceptual Optimized for pri nting photo graphs wh en using a mo nitor with a color tem peratur e of 6500K. Monitor ( 6500k) V ivid Optimized for pr inting b right c olors when using a moni tor with a color tem peratur e of 6500K.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 200 Th e Print Color Swatch Ut ility For use with ap plications which allo w you to set your o wn RGB values f or colors.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 201 COLOR MATCHING: P OSTSCRIPT DR IVER Color Matching Option s The PostS cript dri ver offers s everal dif ferent methods o f controlling the color output of the print er. T o manually set the color ma tching options in the P ostScript driver: 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 202 Color Control = OKI Co lor Mat ching This is OKI’s proprietar y color matching system, and affect s RGB data only . Select the type to be used from the drop -down list b ox under Color Setting : C932 kPSCol or2k.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 203 • Digital Camera Optimized for printi ng phot ographs tak en with a d igital camera. This tend s to produce pr ints with lighter and br ighter colors . For som e photogr aphs, othe r setting s may be better depend ing on the subjects and the c ondit ions unde r which they were tak en.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 204 Color Control = PostScript Co lor Mat ching This us es PostS cript Colo r Render ing Dicti onaries bu ilt into the printe r, and affects both R GB and CMYK data. Selec t the renderin g type from the Rendering Intent drop-down li st box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 205 • Rendering Intent s When a documen t is pri nted, a con versi on takes place fr om the docum ent’s color spac e to the pr inter c olor sp ace. The rendering intents are essentia lly a set of rul es that det ermine how this c olor conver sion takes place.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 206 Color Control = Using ICC Profi le This opti on prov ides a m ethod of mat ching RG B colors similar t o Windows ICM matchin g. See “O KI “Using ICC Profiles ” feature: PostSc ript driv er only ” on pag e 207.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 207 OKI “USING IC C PROFILES” FEATURE: P OSTSCRIPT DRIVER ONLY • Aff ects RGB data only . This p rovides a method of matc hing RGB c olors s imilar to Windo ws ICM matchi ng.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 208 T o set up ICC profiles: 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght cl ick the printer na me and click Pri nti ng Pref erences . 3. Click the Color tab. 4. Un der Color mode , select Using ICC Profile in the Col or Control Method drop-do wn box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 209 5. Click the New button. C93_ 2k_PS _ICC2. bmp 6. Select the Input profile and Output profile in the drop-down boxes un der Select ICC pr ofile . 7. Select th e desire d Rendering Intent and type in a name fo r the profile, the n click OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 210 WINDO WS ICM COL OR MATCHI NG • ICM is the color managemen t system built into Windows. • Affe cts RGB d at a only .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 211 PRINTING MUL TIPLE PAGE S ON ONE SHE ET (N-UP PRINTING) N-Up printing using the PostScript driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, click the PS driv er on th e Genera l tab , then click the Layout tab .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 212 3. Un der Finishing Mode , select th e requir ed number of pages per sh eet. C932kPCLNUpk.tif 4. Click Options and se lect t he Page Borders , Page Layout and Bind Mar gin , then cli ck OK . C93_2 k_PCL_NU p2.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 213 PRINTING CUSTOM PAGE SIZES Custom pag e sizes c an only b e printed fr om the Mul ti-purpos e tray. The printe r media size for the Multi -purpo se tray mu.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 214 4. Click the Paper/Qu ality tab. Under T ra y Selection , sele ct Mult i-Pu rpos e T ray in the Paper Source drop-down box . C93_ 2k_PS _Cus tom1.bm p 5. Click the Advanced button. Under Paper/Output , select Post scrip t Cust om Page S ize in the Pa per Size drop-down box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 215 6. Click the Edit Custom Page Size button . C93_ 2k_PS _Cus tom4.bm p 7. Enter the width and hei ght for the custom paper and sel ect the Paper Fe ed Direct ion .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 216 Printing custom pa ges using the PCL dr iver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e PCL dri ver on the Gene ral tab, then cl ick the Setup tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 217 4. Select t he unit , then enter the width and length mea suremen ts and cli ck OK . C93_ Me_P CL_Cus tSiz e2.bmp 5. Chec k that User Defined now appears in the Si ze box on the Setu p ta b. 6. Click OK . 7.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 218 CHANGING THE RESOLU TION FOR A PRINT JOB 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e appropr iate driv er on the General tab. 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 219 DUPL EX PRI NTING (PRINTING ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PAPER) • S tandard p aper sizes only . • Paper weight range 20 to 28 lb.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 220 Duplex printing using the PostScript driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the P rint dia log box, click the PS dr iver on the General ta b, then cl ick the Layout tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 221 Duplex printi ng using the PCL driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dia log box, click the PCL dr iver on the Ge neral tab , then click the Setup tab. 3.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 222 PRINTING BOOKLETS NOT ES • Y ou must have the duplex unit installed and e nabled in order to print booklet s. • Not availa ble on some network c onnection s: see the Help file. • Some sof tware applications may not support booklet printing.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 223 Printing book lets using the PostScript driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dia log box, click the PCL dr iver on the Ge neral tab , then click the Layout tab .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 224 Printing boo klets using the PCL driv er 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the P rint dia log box, click the PS dr iver on the General ta b, then cl ick the Setup tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 225 4. Click the Options button and set Signature , 2Pa ges , Right to Lef t a nd Bi nd Margin as required, then cli ck OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 226 PRINTING W AT ERMAR KS: PCL DRIV ER ONLY 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, click th e PCL dri ver on the Gene ral tab, then cl ick the Job Options tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 227 5. If you wis h to print th e watermark only on the first page of the document , sele ct First Page only . 6. Click OK . 7. Click Print . NOT E To c reate a new wate rmar k or e dit an exi stin g wat erm ark: • Click the Ne w or Edi t button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 228 COLLATING Collati ng can be carried o ut with o r without a ha rd disk drive instal led. Howe ver, prin ters with a hard d isk drive wi ll provid e grea ter perfo rma nce. The fol lowing i nstructi ons exp lain how to sele ct coll ating using the prin ter dr iver.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 229 PROOF AND PRINT Proof an d print a llows prin ting of a s ingle co py of a do cumen t for checki ng before printin g multipl e copies of the sa me docu ment. 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 230 3. Enter the nu mber o f copi es an d, if r equir ed, se lect Collate . C93 _2k_PS _Pro of.bmp an d C9 3_2k_ PS_Proo f.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 231 Printing cop ies 1. Press the MENU button to access the PRINT JOBS ME NU , then press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter y our person al ID numbe r using the buttons on the prin ter contr ol panel. 3. Press the V A LUE button until ALL JOBS or th e requir ed job n ame is dis playe d.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 232 SECURE PRINTING (PRINTIN G CONFIDEN TIAL DOCUMENTS) Secure p rinting or printin g with passwo rds allows the printin g of confide ntial doc uments o n printe rs that are share d with othe r users. 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 233 a. Enter a j ob name o f up to 16 c haracters under Job Name , and, if r equired, select Request Jo b Name for e ach print job . job pi n.bm p b. Type in a four digit pe rsonal ID nu mber fr om 0000 to 7 777, then click OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 234 Printing a confid ential doc ument from the front panel 1. P ress the M ENU butto n to acce ss the PRINT JO BS MENU and pr ess t he SEL ECT bu tton. 2. E nter the pe rsonal ID number yo u set above using the b uttons on the printer c ontrol panel .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 235 STORE TO HARD DISK Store to Har d Disk (job sp ooling) allows prin t jobs to be pr epared an d stored o n the h ard disk for prin ting on de mand. Th is is g ood for fo rms, generic memos, lette rhead s tationery, e tc.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 236 C93_ 2k_PS _Store.bm p an d C93_2 k_PCL _Store.bm p a. Enter a job name of up to 16 c haract ers under J ob Name Setting and, if requi red, sel ect Request Job Name for eac h prin t jo b . job pi n.bm p b. Type a fou r digit persona l ID number fr om 0000 to 7777, then cl ick OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 237 T o delete a stored job from the hard disk drive 1. Press the ME NU button to acce ss the PR INT JOBS MEN U and press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter the person al ID numbe r you s elected a bove usi ng the buttons on the prin ter control panel.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 238 PRINTING OV ERLAYS What are O verla ys? An Ov erlay can be a comb inatio n of graph ics, fon ts, or tex t that is stored in the printer’s flash memory or on the hard disk (su pplied on some mod els, optional on others ), and printe d whenever r equired.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 239 To c r e a t e o v e r l a y s : 1. Create the document that yo u wish to use for Ov erlay p rinting (e.g.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 240 Creating docume nts to use as overlays An over lay ca n be created in an y softwar e applic ation that can handle l ogos, letterhe ads, forms, etc. and c an print to a file. PCL Dri ver To crea te a print (PRN) file : 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 241 Po s tS c r i p t 1. With the f ile to be s tored as an overla y open in your ap plicati on program , choose File then Print . 2. Ensure that the Pr int T o Fi le option i s switched on in you r applica tion’s Print di alog box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 242 Downloading the print f ile to use as a n overlay In the pr evious topic, you c reated a print (PRN) file on your PC ’ s hard di sk. This topic expl ains how download th is file to the printer using t he Storag e Device Manager .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 243 5. Select t he Project menu a nd then ch oose Send Project Files to Print er . This d ownloads the file to the print er. The Sto rage Dev ice Manage r displays "Command Is sued" to ind icate that the fi le was downlo aded suc cessfully .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 244 Defining O verlays: PostScript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. RI ght clic k the pri nter nam e and click P rinting P reference s . 3. Click the Overlay ta b. 4. Click the Overlay button. C932k PSOver lay1k.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 245 5. Click the New button. C93_Me _PS_Over lay2. bmp 6. Enter the fi le name of the overlay in the Over lay Nam e box, an d sele ct the pages o n which i t is to be printed. NOT E The Overlay Name must be EXACTLY the same as th e file name you made a noted of in the previous section.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 246 7. E nter or se lect a form na me in the drop-d own box under For m sett ing , then click Add. C93_Me _PS_Over lay3. bmp 8. Click OK . 9. If requir ed, cont inue to ad d files t o the ov erlay by repeatin g steps 5 throu gh 8.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 247 10. Highligh t the over lay name (s) un der Defined Overlay and cl ick Add to add the overlay( s) to the li st under Active O verlay (to sele ct more t han one ov erlay , hold the CTRL k ey while c licking on each name).
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 248 Defining O verlays: PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click Print ing Prefer ences . 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab. 4. Click the Overlay ... button. pcl jo b op tions o verl ay .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 249 5. T o de fine an overlay , cli ck the De fine Overlay s button. pcl ov erlay define .bmp 6. Enter the file nam e of the ove rlay i n the Overlay Name box. 7. Enter the ID of the fi le in I D V alues . Please refer to the instruc tions fo r the S torage De vice Ma nager uti lity .
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 250 11. Sele ct Print Using Active Ove rlays . pcl ov erlay print .bmp 12. Cli ck OK . 13. Cli ck OK to close th e Printing P referenc es dialo g box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows 2000 Operation • 251 PRINTING POST ERS: PCL DRIVER ONLY This op tion allo ws you to c onfigure and prin t posters by breaking u p the docum ent page in to mul tiple pie ces which p rint enl arged on separat e sheets. Then the s eparate s heets are c ombin ed to prod uce a post er.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 252 Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers See your printed Soft ware Install ation Guide for informati on on instal ling pri nter dr ivers. WH ICH PRINT ER DRIVER TO USE? Your p rinter comes with Windows drivers fo r PCL and Adobe ® PostS cript ® (PS).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 253 ENABLING INSTALLED OPTIONS IN THE DR IVERS Certain o ptions suc h as addi tional me mory, the dup lexe r, or additiona l trays may be i nstalle d in your printer. Before u sing the p rinter, yo u must ent er the pr inter dri ver(s) and enable the option s.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 254 4. Under Ins t alled Memory , adjust the amount of memo ry to be the same as that no w installed in the printer , as sho wn in the MenuMap (to gener ate a Menu Map prin tout, see “ Printing the MenuM ap” on p age 44).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 255 For the inter nal hard disk drive P ostS cri pt or PC L dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. O n the Device Optio ns tab, ch eck Pr inte r Hard Di sk .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 256 F or addi tion al pape r tray s PostScript or PCL driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties . 3. On the Device O ptions tab, sele ct the n umber of trays installed (not inclu ding th e Multi-pur pose tr ay).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 257 For the duplex unit P ostS cri pt or PC L dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hig hlight the printer name and click File then Pr oper ties . 3. Clic k the Device O ptions tab, ch eck D uplex Option Unit .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 258 F or the hi gh capacity feeder PostScript or PCL driver 1. Click St a r t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Highlig ht the printe r name an d click File then Properties . 3. On the Device O ptions tab, sele ct the n umber of trays inst alle d.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 259 CHANG ING DE FAULTS FOR PAPER FEED, S IZE AND MEDIA IN THE D RIVER The normal defau lt for these items is au tomatic d etection. The foll owing pr inter driv er ins truction s are give n as a guide onl y.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 260 5. Select the required pape r feed und er Source . 6. Select the required pape r type un der Ty p e (Pos tScript) or Weight (PCL). 7. Click P aper Feed Options and make any other select ions then cl ick OK .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Print er Drivers • 261 Network Printer Status ut ility • Available on TCP /IP networ k connecti on only . The Networ k Printe r Status utility is availab le if your adm inistrator has ins talled it.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 262 Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation This sec tion expl ains how to se t up colo r printing and how to use the printe r’s features inc luding: • N-up.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 263 F ACTORS THAT AFFECT COLOR PRINTING The PCL and PostS cript p rinter dr ivers su pplied wi th your p rinter provid e sever al contr ols for changing the co lor outp ut. For g eneral use the de fault dri ver settin gs prod uce go od results for most document s.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 264 Vi ewing condit ions A docum ent ca n look ve ry differ ent und er variou s lighti ng conditi ons. For example , the color s may look different when view ed standin g next to a sunli t window, co mpared to h ow they lo ok unde r standar d office flu oresce nt lighting.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 265 How your software applica tion displays color Some g raphics a pplication s such a s CorelD RAW ® or Adob e ® Photosho p ® may display color differentl y from "of fice" applica tions such as Micr osoft ® Wo rd.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 266 CHOOSING A COLOR MATCHING METHOD There is no one wa y to achi eve a goo d match between the docu ment dis played on your monitor , and it s print ed equiva lent. There are many fa ctors i nvolve d in achiev ing acc urate and repro ducib le color.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 267 Matc hing Pho togra phi c Ima ges RGB only Oki Color Matchin g (see page 276 ) is a gener ally a good choic e.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 268 Printing Vivid Colors RGB only • Use Oki Color Matchi ng (see page 276), with the Monitor 6500k V ivid, sRGB or Digi tal Camera sett ings (PCL or PS). RGB or CM YK • Use PostScript Col or Matching (see p age 278) with the Saturation optio n.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 269 COLOR MAT CHING: PCL DRIV ER Color Matching Option s The Colo r Matching option s in the PCL d river ca n be used to help match yo ur prin ted color s to the o nes dis played o n your m onitor. NOT E The PCL driver’s color options are only designed to wo rk with RG B data.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 270 T o manua lly set the color m atching o ptions in the PCL dri ver: 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he approp riate pr inter na me and cl ick Fi le , t hen Propert ies . 3.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 271 4. Select t he metho d you wish t o use: Monitor ( 6500K) P erceptual Optimized for pri nting photo graphs wh en using a mo nitor with a color tem peratur e of 6500K. Monitor (6500 K) Vivid Optimized for pr inting b right c olors when using a moni tor with a color tem peratur e of 6500K.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 272 Th e Print Color Swatch Ut ility For use with ap plications which allo w you to set your o wn RGB values f or colors.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 273 COLOR MATCHING: P OSTSCRIPT DR IVER Color Matching Option s The PostS cript dri ver offers s everal dif ferent methods o f controlling the color output of the print er. Some of the colo r matching options o nly work o n certai n types o f data.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 274 T o m anually se t the color matching optio ns in the PostScri pt dri ver: 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File → Properties . 3. Click the Color tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 275 4. Select th e method to use from the Colo r Cont rol drop-down l ist box under Color Mode : a. Color C ontrol = OKI Colo r Matchin g b. Color C ontrol = Post Script Colo r Matc hing c. Color Control = Windows ICM d.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 276 a. Color Control = OKI Color Matching This is OKI’s pr oprietary color mat ching sy stem, and affect s RGB data only . Selec t the type t o be used f rom the drop -down li st box under Color Setting : C93M ePSCol or2k .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 277 Digital Camera Optimized for printi ng phot ographs tak en with a d igital camera. This tend s to produce pr ints with lighter and br ighter colors . For som e photogr aphs, othe r setting s may be better depend ing on the subjects and the c ondit ions unde r which they were tak en.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 278 b. Color Control = PostScript Color Matching This use s PostScr ipt Color Rend ering Dic tionaries built into the pri nter, and affe cts both RG B and CM YK data. Select the rendering type fro m the Rendering Intent drop -do wn lis t bo x.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 279 • Rendering Intent s When a documen t is pri nted, a con versi on takes place fr om the docum ent’s color spac e to the pr inter c olor sp ace. The rendering intents are essentia lly a set of rul es that det ermine how this c olor conver sion takes place.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 280 c. Color Control = Windows ICM This is the co lor mana gement sy stem buil t into Wi ndows. See “W indows IC M color mat ching” on p age 281 . d. Color Control = Using ICC Profiles This opti on provid es a metho d of mat ching RGB c olors similar to Windo ws ICM matchi ng.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 281 W INDOWS ICM COL OR MATCHING • ICM is the color management system bui lt into Windows. • Aff ects RGB data only .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 282 OKI “USING IC C PROFILES” FEATURE • Affe cts RGB d at a only . This pr ovides a m ethod of matc hing R GB colors similar to Windows ICM m atching.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 283 PRINTING MUL TIPLE PAGE S ON ONE SHE ET (N-UP PRINTING) N-Up printing using the PostScript driver 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 284 N-Up printing using the PCL driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the prin t dialog b ox, cli ck the appr opriate PC L driver , then click Properties (or Setup , or your appl ication ’s equivalen t).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 285 PRINTING CUSTOM PAGE SIZES Custom pag e sizes c an only b e printed fr om the Mul ti-purpos e tray.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 286 4. Click Custom Size . C93_Me_PS_ CustSize2.bmp 5. Type in the name you wish to use for the cu stom paper siz e in the Paper name box. E nter the width and length for the custom p aper and sel ect T rans verse if you wis h to rotate the image by 90 degr ees.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 287 Printing custom page s using the PCL driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the p rint dialog box, clic k the appr opriate PC L drive r , then click Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent ).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 288 4. E nter the w idth and le ngth meas urements then c lick OK . C93_ Me_P CL_Cus tSiz e2.bmp 5. Ch eck t hat User Defin ed now appe ars in t he Size box on the Setup tab.. 6. Click OK . The Cus tom Pa ge Si ze is add ed to the bott om of t he Paper Size list.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 289 CHANG ING THE RESOLU TION FOR A PRINT JOB 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the p rint dialog box, clic k the appr opriate dr iver , the n click Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 290 DUPLEX P RINTING (PRINTIN G ON BOTH SIDE S OF THE PAPER) • S tandard p aper sizes only . • Paper weight r ange 20 to 28 lb. US Bond (75 t o 105 g/m ² ). • Paper must be loaded print side up .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 291 To print a document on both si des of the paper: 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the p rint dialog box, clic k the appr opriate dr iver , the n click Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 292 PRINTING BOOKLETS : PCL ONLY , WINDOWS Me ONLY 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the prin t dialog b ox, cli ck the appr opriate PC L driver , then click Properties (or Setup , or your appl ication ’s equivalen t).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 293 C93MePCLBookletk.tif 4. Click Options and set Signature , 2Pages , Right to Lef t and Bind Margin as req uired, th en clic k OK . pcl bookl et set up option s.bmp 5. Click OK to close the Prope rties d ialog box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 294 PRINTING WATERMARKS 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the prin t dialog b ox, cli ck the appr opriate PC L driver , then click Properties (or Setup , or your appl ication ’s equivalen t).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 295 5. If you wis h to print th e watermark only on the first page of the document , sele ct First Page only .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 296 COLLATING Collati ng can be carried o ut with o r without a ha rd disk drive instal led. Howe ver, prin ters with a hard d isk drive wi ll provid e grea ter perfo rma nce. The fol lowing i nstructi ons exp lain how to sele ct coll ating using the prin ter dr iver.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 297 F ONT SUBSTI TUTION: P OSTSCRIPT ONLY 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printer . 2. Right cli ck the a ppropriate PS d river , th en clic k Properties (or Setu p , or yo ur appli catio n’s equivalent) .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 298 PROOF AND PRINT Proof a nd print allows pri nting of a single cop y of a doc ument for checkin g before p rinting multiple copie s of the same docum ent. 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 299 C93MeP SProofk.t if an d C9 3MePCLPro ofk.tif a. Under Job T ype , select Proof and Print . b. Enter a j ob name o f up to 16 c haracters under Job Name Settin g and, if requ ired, sele ct Request Job Name for each print job .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 300 Printing copies 1. P ress th e MENU button to access th e PRINT JOBS MENU , then pres s the SE LECT butto n. 2. E nter you r persona l ID nu mber us ing the bu ttons on th e printe r contro l panel.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 301 Deleti ng copies If the proo f is not ready for printi ng, the job m ust be dele ted from th e printer : 1. Press the ME NU button to acce ss the PR INT JOBS MEN U and press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter y our person al ID numbe r using the buttons on the prin ter contr ol panel.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 302 SECURE PRINTING (PRINTIN G CONFIDEN TIAL DOCUMENTS) Secure p rinting or printin g with passwo rds allows the printin g of confide ntial doc uments o n printe rs that are share d with othe r users. 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 303 3. On the Job Options tab, enter the number o f copies and, if required, ch eck the Collate box . a. Under Job T ype select Secure Print . b. Enter a j ob name o f up to 16 c haracters under Job Name , and, if r equired, select Request Jo b Name for e ach print job .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 304 Printing a confid ential doc ument from the front panel 1. P ress the M ENU butto n to acce ss the PRINT JO BS MENU and pr ess t he SEL ECT bu tton. 2. E nter the pe rsonal ID number yo u set above using the b uttons on the printer c ontrol panel .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 305 STORE TO HARD DISK Store to hard disk (job sp ooling) al lows print j obs to be temporar ily stored o n the ha rd disk be fore printi ng. 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 306 4. O n the J ob Options tab. a. Under J ob T ype select S tore to HDD , enter the number of requir ed copi es and, if required, check th e Collate box. b. Enter a job name of up to 16 c haract ers under J ob Name Setting and, if requi red, sel ect Request Job Name for eac h prin t jo b .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 307 Printing cop ies 1. Press the ME NU button to acce ss the PR INT JOBS MEN U and press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter the person al ID numbe r you s elected a bove usi ng the buttons on the prin ter control panel.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 308 PRINTING OV ERLAYS What are O verla ys? An Ov erlay can be a comb inatio n of graph ics, fon ts, or tex t that is stored in the printer’s flash memory or on the hard disk (su pplied on some mod els, optional on others ), and printe d whenever r equired.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 309 To c r e a t e o v e r l a y s : 1. Create the document that yo u wish to use for Ov erlay p rinting (e.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 310 Creating docume nts to use as overlays An over lay ca n be created in an y softwar e applic ation that can handle l ogos, letterhe ads, forms, etc. and c an print to a file. PCL Dri ver To crea te a print (PRN) file : 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 311 Po s tS c r i p t 1. With the f ile to be s tored as an overla y open in your ap plicati on program , choose File then Print . 2. Ensure that the Pr int T o Fi le option i s switched on in you r applica tion’s Print di alog box .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 312 Downloading the print f ile to use as a n overlay In the pr evious topic, you c reated a print (PRN) file on your PC ’ s hard di sk. This topic expl ains how download th is file to the printer using t he Storag e Device Manager .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 313 3. Select Add File to Project from th e Project menu , and select the P RN fi le(s) that you cr eate d earli er . PCL: T his aut omatically generate s a BIN fi le. PostS crip t : This autom atically g enerates a P ostScrip t hst file.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 314 Defining O verlays: PostScript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab, then cli ck the Over lay button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 315 C93_Me _PS_Over lay2. bmp 5. Enter the fi le name of the overlay in the Over lay Nam e box, an d sele ct the pages o n which i t is to be printed. 6. Enter or select a f orm name in the d rop-down bo x unde r Form setting , then click Add .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 316 9. Highlig ht the ove rlay name( s) under Defined Overlay and click Add to add the overlay(s) to th e list unde r Active Overl ay (to se lect mor e than one overlay , ho ld the CT RL key while clicki ng on each name).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 317 Defining Ov erlays: PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. Click the J ob Optio ns tab, then c lick the Overlay . .. button.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 318 4. T o d efine an over lay , click the Define O verlays button. pcl ov erlay define .bmp 5. E nter the f ile name o f the ov erlay in the Ov erlay Name box. 6. E nter the I D of the f ile in ID V alues .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 319 10. Select Pri nt Using Active Overlay s . pcl ov erlay print .bmp 11. Click OK . 12. Click OK to close the Prope rties d ialog box.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 320 PRINTING POST ERS: PCL ONLY This opti on allows you to con figure and print poster s by break ing up the docu ment pa ge into mu ltiple pi eces whi ch print en larged o n separ ate sheets. The n the sepa rate sheets are combin ed to produc e a poster.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Me / 98 / 95 Operation • 321 4. Click Options... and enter the confi guration details. C93_ Me_PCL_ Poster2 .bmp 5. Click OK twi ce.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 322 W indows NT 4.0 Print er Drivers See your printed Soft ware Install ation Guide for informati on on instal ling pri nter dr ivers. WH ICH PRINT ER DRIVER TO USE? Your p rinter comes with Windows drivers fo r PCL and Adobe ® PostS cript ® (PS).
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 323 ENABLING INSTALLED OPTIONS IN THE DR IVERS Certain o ptions suc h as addi tional me mory, the dup lexe r, or additiona l trays may be i nstalle d in your printer. Before u sing the p rinter, yo u must ent er the pr inter dri ver(s) and enable the option s.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 324 4. Under Installable Options , click Memory Configuration , then sel ect the me mory in the Change ‘Memory Configuration’ Setting l ist wh ich .
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 325 For the inter nal hard disk drive P ost Scri pt dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. Click the De vice Settings tab.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 326 PCL dri ver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. O n the D evice Op tion tab, click Printe r Hard Dis k . C93_NT_PCL_HDD.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 327 For addition al paper tr ays P ost Scri pt dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. Click the Device S ettings ta b .
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 328 PCL dri ver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. O n the D evice Op tion tab, select the appropri ate number of trays ( not inclu ding the M ulti-pur pose tr ay).
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 329 For the duplex unit P ost Scri pt dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties .
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 330 PCL dri ver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. O n the D evice Op tion tab, click Duplex Option Unit . C93_NT_PCL_Duplex1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 331 For the high ca pacit y feeder P ost Scri pt dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties . 3. Click the Device S ettings ta b .
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 332 PCL dri ver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. O n the D evice Op tion tab, under A vail able Option s , sele ct the numbe r of tray s installed ( 4 or 5) i n the A vai labl e T ray list.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 333 For the finishe r P ost Scri pt dr iver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Highligh t the prin ter name and clic k File then Prope rties .
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 334 PCL dri ver 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click File the n Properties . 3. O n the D evice Op tion tab, click Finisher . C93_NT_PCL_Finisher.t if 4.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 335 CHANG ING DE FAULTS FOR PAPER FEED, S IZE AND MEDIA IN THE D RIVER The normal defau lt for these items is au tomatic d etection. The foll owing pr inter driv er ins truction s are give n as a guide onl y.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 336 C93_NT _PS_Outpu t.tif 4. Click the Adva nced tab. Under Document Options → Paper/ Output : a. Click P aper Source and select the pap er feed in the Change ‘Paper Source’ Setting li st. C93_ NT_PS_ Sourc e.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 337 b. Click Paper Siz e and sele ct the si ze in the Change ‘P aper Size’ Setting list. C93_NT_PS_ Size.tif c. Click Media T ype and sele ct the media from t he Change ‘Media T ype’ Se tting list.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 338 PCL dri vers 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght cl ick the printer na me and click Document Default s . 3. In the Se tup tab, u nder Media , sele ct the requir ed p aper size in the Size drop-d own list.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 339 5. Select t he requir ed paper ty pe under We ight . C93_ NT_PCL _Wei ght.tif NOT E • If Printer Set ting is selected, mak e sure the pr inter has been set to the corr ect media t ype.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 340 6. Click the Pap er Feed Options button a nd make a ny other selecti ons the n click OK . C93_NT _PCL_F eedOp t.
ES 3037/3037e Windows NT 4.0 Printer Drivers • 341 Network Printer Status ut ility • Available on TCP /IP networ k connecti on only . The Networ k Printe r Status utility is availab le if your adm inistrator has ins talled it .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 342 W indows NT 4.0 Operation This sec tion expl ains how to se t up colo r printing and how to use the printe r’s features inc luding: • N-up prin ting.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 343 F ACTORS THAT AFFECT COLOR PRINTING The PCL and PostS cript p rinter dr ivers su pplied wi th your p rinter provid e sever al contr ols for changing the co lor outp ut. For g eneral use the de fault dri ver settin gs prod uce go od results for most document s.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 344 Vi ewing condit ions A docum ent ca n look ve ry differ ent und er variou s lighti ng conditi ons. For example , the color s may look different when view ed standin g next to a sunli t window, co mpared to h ow they lo ok unde r standar d office flu oresce nt lighting.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 345 How your software applica tion displays color Some g raphics a pplication s such a s CorelD RAW ® or Adob e ® Photosho p ® may display color differentl y from "of fice" applica tions such as Micr osoft ® Wo rd.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 346 CHOOSING A COLOR MATCHING METHOD There is no one wa y to achi eve a goo d match between the docu ment dis played on your monitor , and it s print ed equiva lent. There are many fa ctors i nvolve d in achiev ing acc urate and repro ducib le color.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 347 Matchi ng Specific Colors (e .g., a Company logo) RGB only • Oki Color Matchin g (see page 354 ), and the sRGB se tting: PCL or PS dri ver . • PostSc ript Colo r Matching using the Absolut e Colori metric opti on (see page 35 6).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 348 COLOR M ATCHI NG: PCL DRIVER Color Matc hing Options The Col or Matchin g optio ns in the PCL driver can be u sed to hel p match y our printe d colors to the ones dis played on your mon itor. T o manua lly set the color m atching o ptions in the PCL dri ver: 1.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 349 C93_NT_PCL_Color1.tif a. Click Manual Color under Color Mode , then click Natural under Color Sett ing .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 350 4. Select the method you wish to u se: Monitor (6500K) Perceptual Optimize d for pr inting ph otographs when using a monit or with a c olor temp erature of 6 500K. Moni tor (65 00K) Vivi d Optimi zed for pr inting br ight col ors when us ing a mon itor with a c olor temp erature of 6 500K.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 351 The Prin t Colo r Swatc h Util ity For use wi th applic ations w hich all ow you to set your own RGB valu es for colors .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 352 COLOR M ATCHI NG: P OSTSCRIPT DRIVER Color Matc hing Options The P ostScript driver o ffers sev eral di fferent me thods of control ling the col or output of the printer. T o manually se t the color mat ching options in the PostScript driver: 1.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 353 4. Select t he metho d to use from the Color Control Method drop-down l ist unde r Color Mode : a. Color Control = OKI Color Matching (see page 354) b. Color C ontrol = Post Script Colo r Matc hing (see page 356) c.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 354 a. Color Control = OKI Color Matching This is OKI’s pr oprietary color mat ching sy stem, and affect s RGB data only . Selec t the type t o be used f rom the drop -down li st under Color Setting : C93_NT_PS_Color2.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 355 Digital Camera Optimized for printi ng phot ographs tak en with a d igital camera. This tend s to produce pr ints with lighter and br ighter colors . For som e photogr aphs, othe r setting s may be better depend ing on the subjects and the c ondit ions unde r which they were tak en.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 356 b. Color Control = PostScript Color Matching This us es PostS cript C olor Rend ering Dicti onaries built into the printer , and affec ts both RG B and CMY K data. Select the rendering type fro m the Rendering Intent drop -do wn lis t.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 357 • Rendering Intent s When a documen t is pri nted, a con versi on takes place fr om the docum ent’s color spac e to the pr inter c olor sp ace. The rendering intents are essentia lly a set of rul es that det ermine how this c olor conver sion takes place.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 358 c. Color Control = No Color Matching Use this option to switc h off all printer color matc hing. d. Color Control = Print in G rayscale This option pr ints all documen ts as monochr ome.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 359 PRINTING MUL TIPLE PAGE S ON ONE SHE ET (N-UP PRINTING) N-Up printing using the PostScript driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, select t he PS dr iver , then cli ck Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 360 N-Up printing using the PCL driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, selec t the PCL dr iver , the n click Propert ies (or Setup , or your applic ation’s equiva lent) .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 361 4. Click the Options button and sele ct the Page Bord ers , Page Layout and Bind Margin , then click OK .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 362 PRINT ING CUSTO M PAGE SIZES Custom pa ge sizes can only be printe d from the M ulti-purp ose tray. The pr inter medi a size for the Multi- purpos e tra.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 363 3. On the Job Options tab, under Finisher , se lect St ac ker(Face- up) in the Output Bin list . C93_NT_PS_Custom1.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 364 4. Click the Advanced ta b. Un der Document Options → Tra y Source : a. Click Paper Source and selec t Multi-Pur pose T ray in the Change ‘Paper Source’ Setting li st.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 365 b. Click Pape r Size and select Postscript Custom Pag e Size in the Change ‘Paper Size’ S etting list.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 366 6. E nter the Width and Height for the cus tom paper an d sele ct the Paper Feed Direction . 7. Click OK twice, the n print the d ocument.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 367 Printing custom page s using the PCL driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, select t he PCL driver , then cl ick Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 368 4. On the Setup t ab, under Media , sel ect User Defined Size in the Size list. C93_NT_PCL_Custom.tif The Se t Free S ize dia log box a ppear s. NOT E You may see a Wa r n i ng di alog box indicating a conflict.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 369 5. Select t he unit , then enter the width and length mea suremen ts to use, the n click OK . C93_ Me_P CL_Cus tSiz e2.bmp 6. Chec k that User Defined now appears in the Si ze li st on the Setu p ta b. 7.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 370 CHANGING THE RESOLU TION FOR A PRINT JOB 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Print dia log box, se lect the appr opriate driv er , then c lick Propert ies (or Setup , or your applic ation’s equiva lent) .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 371 4. Select t he requir ed pri nting reso lution unde r Quality . C93_NT_PS_Reso.tif and C93_NT_PCL_Reso.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 372 PRINTING ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PAPER (DUPL EX PRIN TING) • S tandard paper sizes only . • Paper weight range 20 to 28 lb.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 373 Duplex printing using the PostScript driver 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, select t he PS dr iver , then cli ck Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 374 Duplex printing using the PCL driver 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int . 2. In the Pri nt dialog box, selec t the PCL dr iver , the n click Propert ies (or Setup , or your applic ation’s equiva lent) .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 375 PRINTING BOOKLET S: PCL DRIV ER ONLY Printing b ooklets using t he PCL d river 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, select t he PS dr iver , then cli ck Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 376 4. Click the Options button and set Si gna ture , 2Pages , Right to Lef t and Bind Margin as requi red, then click OK .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 377 PRINTING WATERMARKS: PCL DRIVER ONLY 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t . 2. In the Pr int dialo g box, select t he PCL driver , then cl ick Properties (or Setup , or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 378 5. If you wi sh to pr int the waterm ark onl y on the fi rst page of the docum ent, se lect First P age only . 6. Click OK twice and print the do cument . NOT E To creat e a new w atermark o r edit an ex isting w atermark : • Click th e New or Edit button.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 379 COLLATING Collating can be car ried out with or withou t a hard d isk drive i nstalled. However, printer s with a h ard disk d rive will provide gr eater performanc e. 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 380 PROOF AND PRINT Proof a nd print allows pri nting of a single cop y of a doc ument for checkin g before p rinting multiple copie s of the same docum ent. 1. O pen th e file in your app licatio n and s elect File → Pr int .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 381 5. On the Job Options tab, under Job T ype , sele ct Proo f a nd Print . a. Enter a j ob name o f up to 16 c haracters under Job Name Settin g and, if requ ired, sele ct Request Job Name for each print job .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 382 Printing copies 1. P ress th e MENU button to access th e PRINT JOBS MENU , then pres s the SE LECT butto n. 2. E nter you r persona l ID nu mber us ing the bu ttons on th e printe r contro l panel. 3. P ress th e V ALUE b utton until ALL JOBS or the requ ired job name is disp layed .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 383 SECURE PR INTING (PRINTING CONFIDENTIAL DOCU MENTS) Secure printin g or printi ng with pas swords allows the printing of confiden tial docu ments on print ers that are shared with other users. 1. Open the file in y our applic ation and select File → Prin t .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 384 a. Enter a job name of up to 16 char acters und er Job Name , and, if requ ired, select Request Job Name for each print job .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 385 b. Type in a four digit pe rsonal ID nu mber fr om 0000 to 7 777, then click OK . C93_NT_PS_Secure.tif and C93_NT_PCL_Secure.tif 6. Enter the numbe r of copi es and, i f required, sele ct Collate . 7. Click OK and print the document.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 386 Printing a confid ential doc ument from the front panel 1. P ress the M ENU butto n to acce ss the PRINT JO BS MENU and pr ess t he SEL ECT bu tton. 2. E nter the pe rsonal ID number yo u set above using the b uttons on the printer c ontrol panel .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 387 STORE TO HARD DISK Store to h ard disk ( job spool ing) all ows print jo bs to be pr epared an d stored o n the h ard disk for prin ting on de mand. Th is is g ood for fo rms, generic memos, lette rhead s tationery, e tc.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 388 a. Enter a job name of up to 16 c haract ers under J ob Name Setting and, if requi red, sel ect Request Job Name for eac h prin t jo b . job pi n.bm p b. Type a fou r digit persona l ID number fr om 0000 to 7777, then cl ick OK .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 389 T o print th e stored documen t 1. Press the ME NU button to acce ss the PR INT JOBS MEN U and press the SE LECT button. 2. Enter the person al ID numbe r you s elected a bove usi ng the buttons on the prin ter control panel.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 390 PRINTING OV ERLAYS What are O verla ys? An Ov erlay can be a comb inatio n of graph ics, fon ts, or tex t that is stored in the printer’s flash memory or on the hard disk (su pplied on some mod els, optional on others ), and printe d whenever r equired.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 391 Once some one has s et up all the neces sary ove rlay files on the printer , other use rs only hav e to switch on the req uired se ttings in th e printer dr iver to us e the o verlays.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 392 5. Try to keep the over lay to a single s heet. Don’t use N-up, duplex , finisher options, e tc. when c reating an ov erlay . Thes e can be a dded when p rinting the docume nt that inc ludes the over lay .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 393 Downloading the pr int file to use as an ove rlay In t he pr evio us t opic, you c reated a prin t (P RN) f ile on you r PC ’ s ha rd disk. Thi s topic e xplains ho w downlo ad this fi le to the printer us ing the Storage Dev ice Manager.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 394 4. Make s ure the pri nter bein g used is highli ghted in th e lower window of the S t orage Dev ice Manager . 5. S elect t he Project menu and th en choose Send Project Files to Printer . This down loads the file to th e printer.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 395 4. Click the New button. C93_Me _PS_Over lay2. bmp 5. Enter th e file na me of the o verlay i n the Overlay Nam e list, and sele ct the pages o n which i t is to be printed. NOT E The Overlay Name must be EXACTLY the same as th e file name you made a noted of in the previous section.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 396 6. E nter or select a form nam e in the dr op-down list unde r For m sett ing , then click Add. C93_Me _PS_Over lay3. bmp 7. Click OK . 8. If requir ed, cont inue to ad d files t o the ov erlay by repeatin g steps 4 throu gh 7.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 397 9. Highligh t the over lay name (s) un der Defined Overlay and cl ick Add to add the overlay( s) to the li st under Active O verlay (to sele ct more t han one ov erlay , hold the CTRL k ey while c licking on each name).
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 398 Defining O verlays: PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Hi ghlight t he printe r name an d click Document Default s . 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab. 4. Click the Overlay ... button. pcl jo b op tions o verl ay .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 399 5. T o de fine an overlay , cli ck the De fine Overlay s button. C93_ NT_PC L_Ov erlay1. bmp 6. Enter the file nam e of the ove rlay i n the Overlay Name box. 7. Enter the ID of the fi le in I D V alues .
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 400 12. Sele ct Print Using Active Ove rlays . C93_NT_PCL_Overlay2.bmp 13. Cli ck OK . 14. Cli ck OK to close th e Default di alog box.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 401 PRINTING POST ERS: PCL DRIVER ONLY This op tion allo ws you to c onfigure and prin t posters by breaking u p the docum ent page in to mul tiple pie ces which p rint enl arged on separat e sheets. Then the s eparate s heets are c ombin ed to prod uce a post er.
ES 3037/3037e W indows NT 4.0 Operation • 402 4. Click t he Options... button and enter the confi guration details C93_ Me_PCL_ Poster2 .bmp 5. Click OK twice and print the do cument .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 403 Maint enance ADDING PAPER The LCD di splay i ndicates when the num ber of sheets of paper in any paper tray falls belo w 30. 1. Pull out the paper tra y . zmset up loadin g paper on e.eps 2. Remove an y remai ning she ets of paper .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 404 5. Cl ose the paper tr ay gentl y . zmsetup loadin g paper six.ep s Impor tant! To prevent pape r jams: • Don’t leave s pace between th e paper and th e paper guide s and rea r stoppe r . • Don’t overfill the paper tray .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 405 CHANG ING THE TONER CAR TRIDGE When t he toner is running low, *** TONER LOW is d isplaye d in the control panel ( *** is th e color nam e). If print ing co ntinues w ithout replacing the ton er cart ridge, CHANGE *** TONER is di splaye d and pri nting is canc elled .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 406 3. Move the lever (1) on the e nd of the toner car tridge in the directio n of the arrow as far as it wil l go, then remove the toner cartrid ge (2), lifting the le ver end of the cartr idge first to diseng age the loc ating peg on the ima ge drum f rom the to ner cartrid ge.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 407 5. Shake th e new ton er cartridg e back an d forth s everal tim es. Then, ho lding the toner cartr idge horiz ontally , remo ve the tape. 14_-90 00.ep s and 15_-900 0.eps 6. Insert the new toner cart ridge into the i mage drum, left side first, engaging the dr um locating peg in the hole in the toner cart ridg e.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 408 7. Gently push the toner cartrid ge down eng aging the lockin g pin into the groove o n the imag e drum. 17_-9 000.ep s 8.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 409 9. Gently wipe th e correspond ing LED he ad surface with the LE D lens cl eaner supp lied with the tone r cartridge. zled he ad cl eaning .eps CAUTION! Do not use methy l alcohol or other solv ents on t he LED head otherwise damage to the lens s urface will occ ur .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 410 10. Close th e top cov er . zmclose top cover .eps NOTE After in stalling the new toner c artridge, t he mess age on the display TONER LOW or CHANGE TONER should disappear. However, this sometimes does not disappear until printing has been carr ied out.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 411 CHANG ING THE IMAGE DRUM When the ima ge drum r eaches the end of its product life, *** CHANGE DRUM is dis played in the con trol pan el (*** is the co lor n ame). If printin g continu es without replaci ng the im age drum, CHANGE *** IMAGE DRUM is displayed a nd print ing is c ancelle d.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 412 2. Re move t he appropri ate image drum/tone r cartri dge from the prin ter . c9_0 70.jp g 3. Re move the n ew image d rum from the packaging. 4. Re move t he protecti ve sheet and film fr om the ne w image drum . zmprot ectiv e sheet re moval one.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 413 5. Install the n ew image dr um in the printer . 13_- 9000.e ps 6. Push the tab inwards and remo ve the bl anking pla te (2) from the image drum. C93_ NT_PCL _Wei ght.tif 7. Install a new toner ca rtridge of t he corr espondin g color: s ee “Changin g the toner cartridg e” on page 40 5.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 414 CHANGING THE TRANSFER BELT When the transfer be lt reach es the end o f its life, CHANGE BEL T UNIT is dis played in t he contr ol panel. The tran sfer bel t life is approx imately 80, 000 sheets, l etter lon g edge feed .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 415 3. Press bac k the lo ck lev er (1) and , using th e handles (2 and 3), remove the old tr ansfer belt from t he printer .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 416 CHANGING THE F USER UNIT When the fuser un it reaches the end of its prod uct life, CHANGE FUSER UNIT is display ed in the control pan el. Fuser unit life is approx imately 80,000 letter- size sheets . 1. Swi tch off the pri nter and o pen the top cover.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 417 2. Move the two locking levers ( 1) to the rea r of the m achine to releas e the fuser u nit, the n use the h andle to r emove th e fuser from the printer . C93_f user02 .bmp 3. Remove the new fuser un it from i ts packaging and l ift off the ship ping tape (1) holdin g the leve rs at either end of the fuser .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 418 4. Us ing the h andle (1), l ower the new fuser uni t into the printer and pus h down fir mly to lock it in pl ace. C93_NT_PCL_Weight.tif 5. Make sure the t wo sprin g loaded lo cking levers lo ck the fu ser unit int o place.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 419 CLEA NING TH E LED HEAD S Clean the L ED head s when • printin g is unc lear • printin g has w hite l ines • when text i s blurred 1. Switch o ff the printer and open th e top cov er. zmopen t op cov er. eps 2. Gently wipe ea ch LED he ad surface with the LED lens cl eaner or a soft tiss ue.
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 420 T RANSPOR TING THE PRINTER This pr inter is a precis ion mach ine. If it is trans ported wi thout its protec tive pac kaging i t may be prone t o mech anical d amage. To prepa re the pr inter for tr anspor tation: 1. Turn off the prin ter .
ES 3037/3037e Maintenance • 421 08_- 9000.e ps 7. Secure the cover with packing tape. 06_- 9000.e ps 8. Place the bo ttom styrofoam packing piece on the skid and lowe r printer on to it. The n place t he remai ning styro foam packing pieces around th e printer .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 422 T roubleshooting L CD MESSAGES The li quid crys tal d isplay (LCD) on the c ontrol panel ind icate s the printe r status and if there is a pro blem with the print er.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 423 COMMUNICA TION ERROR T here is an er ror with comm unications to comput er . DA T A ARRIVE Data has been received but processing has not started yet. DA T A P RESENT Un-printed data remains in buffer . Wait ing for data to follow .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 424 RAM CHECK RAM is being checked after switching printer on. REGISTRA TION ADJUST TEST Registration adjustment being tested. REGISTRA TION ERROR An error has occurred set ting up the registration. REMO VE THE P APE R Indicates wrong paper being used.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 425 P APER JAMS Paper j ams are ind icated by an error message on th e displa y. Pap er jams ar e cleared as fol lows: 1.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 426 3. Check t he transf er belt and right side c over a. Remove a ll four ima ge drums and place t hem on a flat surface a way from light.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 427 b. Carefull y remove a ny jamme d paper from the trans fer belt and top pap er exit . zpaper jam 3.eps and zpap er jam 4.eps c. Open the right si de cove r and re move any jammed pa per, then close the right side cover.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 428 4. Check the straight-t hrough exit pape r tray : remo ve an y jammed paper from the s ide exit tr ay (if neces sary , open t he tray a nd remove an y jam med paper , then cl ose it).
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 429 5. Check t he fuser u nit : a. Release th e fuser rol ler lock lev ers at eit her end of th e fuser and slowly remove the jammed paper. hot.tif and c9_ 090bw.jpg a nd C9 3_fuse r04b.bmp b. Relock the l evers at e ither end of t he fuser .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 430 C93_fuser04a.bmp 6. Check th e paper sep arato r : a. Release and lift the separator (1 ). c93_31 bw .jpg and c93_ 30bw .jp g b. Remove a ny jamme d paper f rom the pri nter. zp aper jam 6. eps c. Replace the se parator.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 431 7. Check the duplex unit. a. Open the small fr ont cove r and pul l on the b lue handl e to slide th e duplex unit and pa per tray out. zduple x insta ll 2.ep s b. Lift the du plex top c over and r emove an y jamm ed paper.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 432 8. Check any additional p aper trays : if any additiona l paper trays ( 1 ) or the high capacity feeder ( 2 ) are i nst alled, pull o ut the paper tr ays and ch eck that no paper is jammed al ong the variou s pa rts of the exit path .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 433 PARALLEL TRANSMISS ION MODE The paral lel port supports IE EE-128 4 and ECP mode. If your comput er’ s paral lel por t is not c ompatibl e with one o f these mo des, the prin ter may not p rint at al l or it may print c orrupted da ta.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 434 PROB LEM SOLVING Paper feed prob lems Paper jam s are frequent. • More th an one she et feeds a t a time. • Pape r cu rls. • Paper feeds at an angle . Paper jam has been cleared, but printe r does not print .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 435 PROBLEMS PRINTING FROM W INDOWS Cannot config ure for parallel connection. Possible cau se Remedy The computer does not support bi-directional parallel interface. There is no fix for this problem. Y ou should only us e a computer that does support a bi-directional parallel interface.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 436 Can not co nfig ure for USB conne cti on . Printout is garble d or incorrect with paralle l connection. NOT ES • Windows 95 does not s upport USB. • Windows 98 up graded from Windows 95 may not support USB.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 437 Cannot print . • LPT WRITE ERROR dis playe d. • PRNUSBX WRITE ERROR is display ed. Possible cau se Reme dy Interface is disabled. In the printer menu settings, enable Parallel or USB interface. Printer is switched OFF .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 438 Application erro r or genera l pr otection fault is displayed . Printing is slow . Print er requests paper size chang e to continue printing. Possible c ause Remedy Application is not suitable for Windows version.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 439 PROBLEMS WITH POO R QUALITY PRINTING Long itudinal w hit e stripe s Long itudinal f ading Fa int printing Fading in patches Possible cau se Reme dy LED head is dirty . Clean LED head with lens cleaner or soft t issue.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 440 Longitudinal black stripes Faint s hadin g on unpr inted se ction s Blurred letter edg es Possible c ause Remedy Image drum is damaged. Replace image drum. T oner is low . Change toner cartridge. Periodic black lateral lines or spots.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 441 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS The power is on, but th e printer does not go online. Print processing does not start. Pri nt pr ocess ing canc els . Printer makes a strange noi se. Possible cau se Remedy Bad connection Swit ch off the printer and disco nnect the power ca ble.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Troubleshooting • 442 An aste risk (*) symbol appear s on the display , repeat edly moving a cross th e fir st line then t he secon d. It take s a long time to s tar t prin ting. Possible c ause Remedy The main board is not properly seated in the printer .
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 443 Accessories INTRODUCTION Depending on the configurati on of you r printer , you may wish to add one or mo re of the f ollowing options a s your nee ds evolve: • Add.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 444 ADDITIONAL MEMORY Additi onal memor y incre ases the print er’s capac ity to pr ocess compl ex da ta: • Recomme nded fo r duplex pr inting o r if error m essages ap pear when pri nting co mplex data. • Used for graphic- intensi ve appli cations on network s.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 445 Installing additi onal memory 1. Switch o f f the p rinter and disconn ect the po wer cable an d printer interfac e cable .
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 446 3. In sert the memor y module s the sl ots as follow s: push out the white tabs at either e nd of the s ocket. ugc9_0 72.jp g a. Align the module with the narrow stri p (1) on its metalli c contac t edge to the right (tow ard the slo t identifi er numbers ) of the control bo ard.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 447 feel the bo ard engag e the conn ector, then m ake sure t he white tabs come up t o lock the m odule in place . ugc9_0 73.jp g 4. Replace t he main bo ard and sec ure it with t he two screw s. 5. Reconnec t the printer interface cable an d power c able, then switch o n the printer .
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 448 INT ERNAL HARD DISK DRIVE The opti onal interna l hard dis k is used to store doc uments for pr oof and pri nt, passwor d or secur e printing . Installing the hard disk drive 1. S witch off the printer and disco nnect the p ower cab le and printe r interface c able.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 449 3. Hold the ha rd disk drive by the lock ing h andle (1) , then insert the handle loca ting lugs ( 2) and fou r locat ing feet (3) into the holes in th e main board making su re the hard dis k connector (4) starts to engage with the soc ket on the control board.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 450 The pr inter will automa tically c onfigure to include t his optio n. However , you can also set th e menu manually as follows : 1. P ress th e MENU button u ntil DISK MAINTENANCE is disp layed , then pr ess the S ELECT butto n.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 451 DUPL EX U NIT Installation 1. Switch o f f the p rinter and disconn ect the po wer cable. 2. Remove the paper tray (1) : slide it o ut until it r eaches its stop, then lift up to remove the t ray compl etely from t he printer .
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 452 4. Place the duplex unit on to p of the pap er tray so that they are aligned flush, then open the sma ll cover on the duplex u nit and pull the blue hand le gen tly until the duple x unit and paper tray are lo cked toge ther .
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 453 7. In the p rinter driv er(s), chan ge the set tings to include th e new duple x unit : – For Wind ows XP: see page 96 – For Wind ows 2000: see page 1 78 – For Wind ows Me / 98 / 95 ( PostScript d river onl y): see page 257 – For Wind ows NT 4.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 454 Removing th e duplex unit The dup lex u nit may b e remove d from the printer as foll ows. 1. S witch off the printer and disco nnect the p ower cab le. 2. O pen th e small fro nt cover an d pull the colore d handle ( 1) to slide t he duplex uni t/paper tray out o f the printe r as a compl ete uni t.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 455 8. Press the ONLINE bu tton to tu rn the prin ter back to online status. 9. Disengag e the du plex option settin g in the pri nter drive r: – For Wind ows XP: see page 96 – For Wind ows 2000: see page 1 78 – For Wind ows Me / 98 / 95 ( PostScript d river onl y): see page 257 – For Wind ows NT 4.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 456 ADDITIONAL PAP ER TRAYS Two add itional p aper tra ys can be i nstalle d and, when c ombined with the s tandard paper tray , paper c apacity in creases to approx imately 165 0 sheets . Install ation 1. S witch off the printer and disco nnect the p ower cab le and printe r interface c able.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 457 2. Lower the printer gently o n to the addi tional paper tr ay unit aligning the holes and conn ection soc ket on the base of th e printer wi th the loc ating pegs and conn ector on the additiona l paper tray uni t. zadd itiona l pa per t rays insta ll.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 458 3. Load pap er in ea ch tray , usi ng the same pr ocedure yo u use for loadi ng p aper in T ray 1. zmset up lo ading paper two.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 459 7. Print a Men uMap (see “Pr inting the Me nuMap” on page 44) and check t hat the n ewly adde d tray(s) n ow appear under the MEDIA ME NU as T ray2, Tray3.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 460 HIGH CAPACITY FEEDER (HCF) The hi gh capacity fe eder con sists of thre e paper tr ays togethe r as one u nit, mounte d on cast ers. Ea ch tray holds app roxima tely 550 sheets , dependin g on pap er weight, in creasi ng the total printer capaci ty to abou t 2200 she ets.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 461 2. Lower the printer gently o n to the hig h capacity feeder al ignin g the holes and conn ection soc ket on the base of the printer wi th the pins and co nnector plug on the high capaci ty feeder . zhigh ca pacit y unit.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 462 3. L oad paper in each tray , usi ng the sa me proc edure yo u use for loadi ng p aper in T ray 1. zmset up lo ading paper two.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 463 7. Print a Men uMap (see “Pr inting the Me nuMap” on page 44) and check th at the ne wly added tray s (T ray2, 3 and 4 if only the HCF is installed, or Tr ay3 , 4, and 5 i f the optio nal tray is also installed) appear u nder the MEDIA M ENU.
ES 3037/3037e Accessories • 464 FINISHER The Fin isher all ows you to staple, p unch and o ffset the p rinted doc ument s emer ging from y our p rint er.
ES 3037/3037e Specifications • 465 Specifications Print method LE D exposed light so urce elec tronic pho tographic memory Resolution ES 3037 - 600x 1200 d pi ES 3037e - 1200x120 0 dpi Colors Cyan, .
ES 3037/3037e Specifications • 466 Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface Designati on : USB s peci ficat io n V er sion 1.1 Connec tion : USB T ype B Req uired cable : Shi elded, USB specific ation V ersion 1.
ES 3037/3037e Specifications • 467 Paper cap acity Tr a y 1 • 530 she ets 20 -lb.US Bon d pape r • 250 transp aren cies Option al T rays 2 an d 3 • 530 she ets 20 -lb. US Bo nd pap er Option al High Capa city Fee der • Three tray s, each 530 shee ts 20-l b.
ES 3037/3037e Specifications • 468 Operating environm ent Operatin g: • 50 to 90°F (10 to 32 °C) • 20 t o 80% R H max imum w et bul b temp erat ure 77 °C (2 5°C) For ma ximum p rint qu ality • 62.
ES 3037/3037e Cons umables • 469 Consumables TO N E R TYPE C 5 c9_034 a_bw.jp g Description ................. ............. ..... Order No. Black Toner .................. ............. ...... 5 2114901 Cyan Toner ............ ................... ...
ES 3037/3037e Cons umables • 470 F USER UNITS c9_037 bw .jpg Description .................. ................. Order No. Fuser Unit, 120V ..... ............. ............ 419 46101 Fuser Unit, 230V ..... ............. ............ 419 46103 TR A N S F E R B E L T c9_039 bw .
ES 3037/3037e Cons umables • 471 OKI ® PRINT M EDIA OKI Banner Paper banner_b w.jpg Order No. White , 70-lb. I ndex, 35.4 ’ ’ x 12.9’’ . 100 sheets .......... ....... 5220 6001 OKI SynFlex™: Waterproof and Tear proof synfl ex_bw .jpg Order No.
ES 3037/3037e Cons umables • 472 OKI ® PRINT MEDIA (CONTINUED) OKI Premium Card Stock Order No. White, 6 0 lb. Cover, 8½ x 11''. 250 she ets ...................... 522 05601 White, 9 0 lb. Index, 8 ½ x 11''. 250 sheets .......
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 473 F actory Default Settings PRINT ME NU Item Factory defaul t setting COPI ES 1 DUPLEX OFF BINDING LONG EDGE OUTPUT BIN F ACE DOWN JOB OFFSET ON PA P E R F.
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 474 MEDIA MENU Item Factory defa ult setting T R AY 1 M E D I AT Y P E P L A I N TRA Y 1 MEDIA WEIGHT AUTO T R AY 2 M E D I AT Y P E P L A I N TRA Y2 M EID I.
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 475 COLOR MENU Item Factory de fault se tting AUTO D ENSIT Y MOD E AUTO ADJUST DENSIT Y [EXECUTE] COLOR TUNING [PRINT P A TTERN] CY AN HIGH-LIGHT 0 CY AN MID.
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 477 PP R EMULATION MENU Item Factory defa ult setting CHARACTER PITCH 10 C PI FONT CONDENSE 10 CPI to 12 CPI CHARAC TER SE T S ET 2 SYMBOL S ET IBM-437 LETTE.
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 480 SYST EM ADJUST MENU Item Factory d efault se tting X ADJUST 0.0 mm Y ADJUST 0.0 mm DUPLEX X ADJUST 0.0 mm DUPLEX Y AD JUST 0.
ES 3037/3037e Factory Default Settings • 481 MAINT ENANCE MENU USAGE MENU Display s printer page coun ts and dat a for pri nter co nsumable s. Item Factory d efault se tting EEPRO M RESE T [EXEC UTE.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 482 Software Utilities OVERVIEW Include d with your printer is a sele ction of so ftware util ity prog rams design ed to he lp you ge t the mo st out of y our printer. Load the se programs from the Menu Inst aller lo cated on C D1.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 483 COLOR SWA TCH UTILITY Color Swa tch Samples The Colo r Swatch Utility allows y ou to print c olor samp les or swatches on your Oki color printer . The sw atches are used wi th you r software program to selec t and rep roduce col or accur ately.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 484 Sel ectin g Co lors When y ou load the utility , a swatch page dis plays c ommonly used colors. Select p rint to pr int sam ple pages . color _swa tch_sam ples.j pg Color Samples Use the c olor bloc ks to pi ck the spec ific c olors th at you want to appea r in your printed document.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 485 Creating Custom S watch Colors If you don ’ t find y our desir ed color , you can c reate or customiz e colo rs: 1. Select C ustom Swatch fro m the File men u. 2. On the po p-up wind ow , the re are 3 sl ide bar s that allow y ou to cust omize sw atches: – Hue bar ch anges the hue of the s watch es.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 486 P DF DIRE CT PRINT UT ILITY PDF Dire ct Prin t allo ws you to se nd a se lecte d PD F file d irec tly to the pri nter, a faste r and eas ier pr ocess than u sing Ad obe Acr obat separ ately before pr inting.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 487 Star ting To start PDF Di rect Prin t: 1. Right-c lick on the file your wan t to print in W indows E xplorer , or on the fil e icon on the Desktop.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 488 The Start scree n provides the follo wing featur es: •S e l e c t P r i n t • Paper Source • Copies • 2-sided printing • Binding •C o l l a t e •.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 489 PD F V ersion Check The vers ion leve l of P DF files s upported is versi on 1.3 or below. A “Warning ” dialog display s for an y PDF f ile whose ve rsion i s not suppo rted. For additi onal info rmation, see th e PDF Pri nt Direct Help fil e in the PDF Direct Print Utility.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 490 STORAGE DEVICE MANAGER FOR WINDOWS This Util ity lets you man age the pr inter’s hard disk and flas h memory , and downl oad fonts, macros an d firmware. Install the utili ty from CD 1 using t he Oki Menu Installe r.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 491 Genera l Info rmati on Storage Device Mana ger (SD M) provid es a mean s of ma naging • The printer ’ s i nternal hard disk drive (st andard on all dxn models): 10 GB [p ar titioned as Common, PCL and PostS crip t].
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 492 Summary of St orage Device Mana ger Functions • Create or modify a project. • Download files to a printer . • Add or remove printers being administered. • Reboot the pri nter . • Manag e the Pr oof & Pri nt and Sec ure Pri nt spo oler que ues on the internal hard drive.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 493 Administration On networ k systems , the Admi nistrat or overse es the Sto rage Devi ce Manager software and can use it to manage and mo nitor the p rinter’s internal hard disk and flas h memory .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 494 • Format the internal hard drive. CAUTIO N! Y ou can a lso use Storage Device Manag er to for mat the partitions on the printer’s hard drive, but this will wipe out all the content s of the p artition and can cause seri ous problems.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 495 Usin g Storag e Devi ce Mana ger Open ing the P rogra m 1. Click Star t → Programs → Oki → Oki Storage Device Manager → Oki S t orage Device Manager . The SDM - Prin ter Discov ery dialo g box opens. discove ry .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 496 Setting Up an Administrative Pa ssword 1. W ith the S torage Device Mana ger pro gram open, c lick Administrator Functions in the Pr inters m enu. passw ord. tif 2. Type in the def ault password (p1 xs7d0m) u nder Enter Passw ord , then cli ck Change Pa ssword .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 497 Crea ting P ostScript F orms Creatin g & Downloading a P ostScript Proj ect Step 1: Create the Forms in Your Softw are Application 1. Create the document in yo ur software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print and mak e sure the O ki PostS cript dri ver is sele cted.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 498 Step 2: Create a New P roject 1. O pen S torage Device Man ager . 2. Click Projects → New Project . The Proj ect dial og box op ens. 3. Click Projects → Save Proj ect , enter the path/na me for storing th e project o n your h ard drive or your network , then click Save .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 499 Step 4: Check the Lo cation f or Sto ring the Files in th e Prin ter’s Memory • If your printer is equipped with an internal hard disk drive, the Storage Device Manager will automa tically save t he forms to the Post Script p artition on the h ard drive.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 500 Creating PCL Macros (Forms) There are two ba sic pr ocesse s to prod ucing P CL macro s: A . Creatin g and downl oading the PCL proj ect B . Test printing the macro Impor tant! Unless you are ex perienced with PC L macro commands , it is best to sta y with the P ostScript Form s.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 501 A: Creating a nd Downloading a PCL Project Step 1: Create the Forms in Your Softwar e Application 1. Create the document in yo ur software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print and mak e sure th e Oki PC L driver is sele cted.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 502 Step 3: Convert the Files to Binary (.bin) Format 1. Click Pr ojects → Filter Macro File . The Fil ter Printe r Patterns dialog b ox appear s.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 503 2. Make any adjustm ents in the s ettings. 3. Click OK . The Open d ialog box appears. 4. Make su re Print spool files (*.prn) is sel ected in the File of type drop-down list. 5. Under Look in , go to the folder whe re the fi les are sa ved an d double- click the fil e name.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 504 Step 4: Add the bin Fi les to the P roject 1. Click Projects → Add File to Project . The O pen dialo g box appears. 2. Hi ghlight t he.bin fil e you wis h to add an d click Open . The fi le name ap pears in the Project d ialog box .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 505 Step 5: Check.bin File Setting s and Sa ve the Pro ject 1. T o ch eck the setti ngs for th e bin files, d ouble -click the fi le name.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 506 B: T est Pri nting PCL Macros 1. W ith S torage Dev ice Mana ger open and the app ropriate printe r icon h ighlight ed, click Prin ters → T est Ma cro .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 507 Printing t he File Li st To print o ut a list of fi les in t he printer’ s memory: 1. With S tora ge Device Manager open, cl ick Pr inters → Print File Listing . Command Is sued app ears. 2. Click OK and wait for the File L ist to pr int.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 508 Main tain ing th e Interna l Hard D rive an d Fla sh Mem ory H DD Print Jo bs The HDD Pri nt Jobs feat ure allows y ou to view a nd delete the Pro of & Pri nt and Secur e Prin t files stor ed on the p rinter’s internal hard driv e.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 509 4. Delete the files. • Click Cancel Jo b(s) to delete th e files w ithout pr inting the m. • Click Print Jo b(s) to print the fi les out be fore they ar e auto- matical ly deleted. Impor tant! You will not be pr ompted to c onfirm th e dele tion.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 510 Show Resources Use the S how Resou rces featur e to dele te files f rom the i nternal hard driv e and f lash m emor y. 1. O pen Storage Device Manager a nd clic k the ic on for the printe r whose con tents you wish to view .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 511 Using Ov erlays Before o verlays can be pr inted, they must be created in a softwa re applica tion and sa ved as a print fil e, then download ed to the printer ’s internal hard disk drive or flash me mory usin g Storag e Device Manager.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 512 Use ov erla ys • in plac e of pre-pr inted stationer y • to add y our logo or company add ress to a d ocument • to cre ate forms from pre- stored m odular p ieces.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 513 Windows 2 000 an d XP PCL In Windows 2000, ov erlays ca n only be prin ted using the P CL driv er. Defin ing Overla ys: 2000 PC L 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the O ki PCL printer icon, the n click Printing Prefere nces .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 514 Printing Using Ov erlays: 2 000 PCL 1. O pen th e documen t in the software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 515 Editing De fined Overl ays: 2000 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the O ki PCL printer icon, the n click Printing Prefere nces . The Oki Printin g Prefer ences dial og box ap pears.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 516 Dele ting D efine d Overla ys: 2 000 PC L 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght cl ick the O ki PCL pr inter ico n, then click Printing Prefe rences . The O ki Printi ng Prefere nces dia log box a ppears.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 517 Windows Me/98/95 PCL Defining Ove rlays: Me/98/95 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the O ki PCL printer icon, the n click Properties . The Oki Propert ies dialog box ap pears. 3. Click the Job Options tab, click the Overlay button .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 518 Printing Overla ys: M e/98/95 PCL 1. O pen th e documen t in the software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print . The Pri nt dialog box appea rs. 3. M ake s ure the Ok i PCL d river is select ed, then cl ick Propert ies (or yo ur appl ication ’s equivale nt).
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 519 Editing De fined Overl ays: Me/98 /95 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the O ki PCL printer icon, the n click Properties . The Oki Propert ies dialog box ap pears. 3. Click the Job Options tab.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 520 Delet ing Defined Overlays: Me/ 98/95 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght cl ick the O ki PCL pr inter ico n, then click Prope rties . The O ki Proper ties dia log box a ppears. 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 521 Windows Me/98/95/PostScript Defin ing Overlay s: Me/98/9 5 P ostS cript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right clic k the Oki PostS cript prin ter icon, then clic k Propert ies . The Oki Propert ies dialog box ap pears.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 522 Print ing Usin g Overl ays: Me /98/95 Post Script 1. O pen th e documen t in the software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print . 3. Make sure the Oki PostS cript pr inter is selecte d, then cl ick Propert ies (or yo ur appl ication ’s equivale nt).
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 523 Deleting Defined Overlays: Me/98 /95 PostScript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right clic k the Oki PostS cript prin ter icon, then clic k Propert ies . The Oki Propert ies dialog box ap pears. 3.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 524 Windows NT 4.0 PCL Defi ning O verlays : NT 4 .0 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght cl ick the O ki PCL pr inter ico n, then click Document Defaults . The Oki Default di alog box app ears.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 525 Printing Overla ys: NT 4. 0 PCL 1. Click File → Print . The Prin t dialo g box app ears. 2. Make su re t he Oki PCL dri ver is sele cted, t hen cl ick Pr operti es (or yo ur appli cation’s equ ivalent) . The Oki Propert ies dialog box ap pears.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 526 Editin g Defined Overlays: NT 4.0 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Prin ters . 2. Ri ght clic k the PCL printer i con, then c lick Document Defaults . The O ki Defaul ts dialo g box appe ars. 3. Click the Job Opt ions tab.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 527 Defin ing Overlay s: NT 4.0 PCL 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the Pos tScript pri nter icon, th en clic k Document Defaults . The Defau lt dialog box appear s. 3. Scroll do wn to Layout , and c lick Overlay .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 528 Set up an Overlay Group: 6. Click New . The Defi ne Overlay s dialog box appear s. 7. Un der Group Name , enter a name fo r the group of overlay s you are creating.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 529 Windows NT 4.0 P ostScr ipt Defin ing Overlay s: NT 4.0 PostScript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the Oki Post Script pr inter ic on, then cl ick Document Defaults . The Defau lt dialog box appear s.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 530 Print ing Usin g Overl ays: NT 4.0 PostS cript 1. O pen th e documen t in the software appl ication . 2. Click File → Print . The Pri nt dialog box appea rs. 3. S croll down to Layout , then click Use Over lay .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 531 Deletin g Def ined Ove rlays: N T 4.0 P ostS cript 1. Click Star t → Settings → Printers . 2. Right cli ck the Pos tScript pri nter icon, th en clic k Document Defaults . The Defau lt dialog box appear s. 3.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 532 PRINTSUPER VISION PrintS uperVisi on is a web- based app lica tion for ma naging pr inting devic es connec ted to a netwo rk. Print SuperVi sion pr ovides a ccess to networ ked printe r data for mo nitoring , report ing and ma naging network ed print ers.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 533 Ty p e s o f U s e r s • Guest user s , without use rname, can get basic information about dev ices, suc h as type, s tatus and locati on of printin g devices.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 534 System Requirements Server Soft ware Pentium 75, 64M B or bett er with CD support run ning: • Windows 98 with Microsof t Personal Web Server V ersion™, available for free download from Microsof t™ as Option Pack 4.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 535 NETWORK PRINT ER STATUS UTILITY This ut ility cre ates an ad dition al tab (S TATUS) in t he Post Script and PCL driv ers that al lows the clien t to monito r the sel ected prin ter’s status. To I n s t a l l 1.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 536 3. Click the UPDA TE button to see device sett ings. The followin g screen displa ys: NetStatus2k.tif Click on an item to s ee this information : Tray s: Pa pe.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 537 Checkin g the Print er Status Click the W EB SETTING b utton. The fol lowing scree n displa ys: NetStatusk.ti f Click o n the items listed on the left to s ee:.
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 538 OKI LP R UTILITY Oki LP R Utility al lows you to pri nt direct ly to a print er on the networ k without a print s erver. It cre ates an Oki Printer Por t, and in stalls a pop-up status bo x so yo u can moni tor printe r status .
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 539 Oki LPR Statu s Box lpr_ status.j pg The Oki LPR Util ity Stat us Bo x display s the foll owing info rmation: • Printers: Names of added pr inters (Y ou can .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 540 Index A Addit ion al me mory 444 enabling in Window s 2000 driv er 172 enabl ing in Wind ows Me /98/ 95 driver 253 enabling in Windows NT driver 323 enabling in Win.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 541 Wind ows Me /98/9 5 252 Drivers,printer Window s NT 32 2 Window s XP 89 Duplex printing Wind ows 20 00 219 Wind ows Me /98/9 5 290 Window s NT 37 2 Window s XP 138 .
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 542 in the Wi ndows NT pri nter driv er 335 Media Menu 55 Memory, enablin g Wind ows 20 00 172 Wind ows Me /98/9 5 253 Window s NT 32 3 Wind ows NT drive r 323 Window s.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 543 in the Wi ndows NT pri nter driv er 335 Parallel Menu 71 PDF direct print utility 486 Posters Wind ows 20 00 251 Wind ows Me /98/9 5 320 Window s NT 40 1 Window s X.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 544 Window s XP 108 Storage device manag er 490 Store to hard disk Wind ows 20 00 235 Wind ows Me /98/9 5 305 Window s NT 38 7 Window s XP 153 System Adjus t Menu 75 System Conf ig.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 545 Wind ows IC M col or ma tchi ng 210 Wind ows ICM Colo r Mat ching Wind ows 20 00 210 Window s XP 129 Wind ows ICM color matc hing Wind ows Me /98/9 5 281 Wind ows M.
ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 546 over lays 390 poster s 401 printer drivers 32 2 proof an d print 380 rend eri ng int ents 357 resol uti on 37 0 secure prin t 38 3 store to har d disk 387 watermark.
デバイスOki 3037の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Oki 3037をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOki 3037の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Oki 3037の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Oki 3037で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Oki 3037を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOki 3037の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Oki 3037に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOki 3037デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。