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Oct 02 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide.
Oct 02 ii Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Document Title and Part Number B610 0 User’ s Guid e P/N 5934 4401 Disclaimer Every effort has been ma de to ensure that the informat ion in this do cument is com plete, accurat e, and up-to -date. Oki Data as s umes no responsibility for t he results of errors or omission s beyond its co ntrol.
Oct 02 Genicom Cont ents Preface 1-ix About th is Man ual 1-x Scop e 1 -x Overv iew 1 -x Printer O rientation 1 -xi Conv ention s 1 -xi About th e Printer 1 -xii Fea t ur e s 1-xi i A v ailable Config.
Oct 02 iv Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Chapter 2 Using the Printer 2-1 Connectin g the Power Cord 2-2 T urning Po wer On and Off 2-3 Connectin g the Printer to the Host Co mputer 2-4 P arallel Port 2-5 US .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide v Cleaning t he Printer 4-6 Cleaning the Exterior 4-6 Cleanin g the Interior 4-8 Moving the Printer 4-9 Movi ng the Printer a Short Distanc e 4-9 Movi ng the Printer a Lo.
Oct 02 vi Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Installing the Dupl exer 6-3 T esting th e Duplexer 6-6 Solvi ng D uplex er P roble ms 6 -7 Interp reting Duplexe r Erro r Codes 6-7 Installation Pr oblems 6-8 Cleari.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide vii Load ing th e Envel ope Feeder 8- 1 0 Solving Enve lop e F eeder Problems 8-1 2 Envelope s Become Crea sed when Printing 8-1 3 Inter preti ng Env elope Feed er Er ror.
Oct 02 viii Oki B6 1 00 Use r Guide.
Oct 02 Preface In this Chapter . . . ■ “W elcom e” on p age x ■ “ About this Manua l” on page x ■ “ About the Prin ter” on page x ii.
Oct 02 x Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide About thi s Manual Welcome Thank you f or selecti ng this printer . This User Guid e contains imp ortant i nformation abo ut the operati on and care of y our printer . Please r ead this ma nual in it s entirety a nd keep it at hand fo r later r efere nce.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide xi Abou t this M anual Chapter 7: Using the 550- Sheet Feeder This cha pter pro vides all of the informa t ion n ecessary to i nstall, use , and maintain t he 550-sheet paper fe eder option, including procedures f or cleaning the feeder and remo ving paper j a ms.
Oct 02 xii Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide About the Printer About th e Prin t er The print er uses a data modul ated laser beam a nd con v entional dry-ink xe rographic proces ses to produce i mages up to 1200 dpi resolution at a paper out put speed of 26 pages per minute.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide xiii About the Pr inter ■ Continuou s printing of up to 1750 sheets The print er can print up to 1050 sheets unattended when t he offse t catch tray is installed, and can pr int up to 1750 sheets attende d when two 550- sheet feeders are install ed and used alo ng with the front tray (100 sheet s).
Oct 02 xiv Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About the Printer.
Oct 02 Chapter 1 Getting Star t ed In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 1-2 ■ “Package Contents” on page 1-3 ■ “Printer Lo cation Requir ements” on page 1-4 ■ “.
Oct 02 1- 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Safety Precautions About th is Chapter This chapt er re vie ws the content s of the printer packaging, expl ains the part s of the printer , and descri bes the space and en vironment req uirements of t he printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 1 -3 Package Contents P ackage Contents Make su re tha t all o f the i tems shown be low are inc lude d in th e pr inter p acka ging . If any it ems are miss ing or damaged, c ontact your deal er . 1. Printer 2. Print Ca rtridge 3.
Oct 02 1- 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Printer Location Requirement s Printer Location R equiremen ts Printer W eigh t and Dimensions This pri nter weighs a pproximate ly 51 lbs (23 k g) and should al ways be lift ed by tw o people. The dime nsions of the printer are lis ted belo w .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 1 -5 Printer Location Requi rements Enviro nmen t Use t he fol lo win g guid elin es to d eterm ine th e bes t loca tion fo r the p rinte r: Hori zont al, sturd y , and s.
Oct 02 1- 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Parts of the Printer P ar ts of th e Print er The foll owing f igures indicat e the names and functions of the main pa rts of th e printer Fig ure 1-3: Front of the Prin ter . 1. Paper E xit Sl ot 2. P aper Output Tr ay 3.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 1 -7 Par t s o f the P rin te r Figur e 1-5: I nternal P arts of th e Printer (Front) 14. Print Ca rtridge Inte grated cartr idge contain s the toner and t he photo- sensit iv e drum. 15. Front Co ver Prov ides access to the interio r of the pr int er .
Oct 02 1- 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Parts of the Printer Figu re 1-7: Contr ol Panel. 18. LCD Display Sho ws error mess ages and other st atus mes- sages; also displa ys menus, subme nus, and set- tings . 19. LED Indica tors Sho w printer st atus. 20.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 1 -9 Optional Printer Accessories Optiona l Printer Accessories The foll owing f igure shows al l of the a vail able accessori es as insta l led o n the printer . NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d.
Oct 02 1- 10 Oki B6 100 User Guide Pap er Pa th Pa p e r Pa t h The foll owing f igure shows t he path that paper tra vels thr ough the prin ter: 1. The paper is initia lly fed from the f ront pape r tray or one of the other paper trays (1). 2. The image i s transferre d from the photo sensiti ve drum onto t he paper (2).
Oct 02 Chapter 2 Using the Print er In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 2-2 ■ “Connecting t he Power Cor d” on page 2 -2 ■ “T urning Po wer On and Of f” on page 2-.
Oct 02 2-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Connectin g the Power Cord About th is Chapter This chapt er provid es information concerni ng the daily use of the pr inter , including pr ocedures for conn ecting the pr inter and l oading print me dia, and gui delines fo r selecting pri nt media.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-3 T urning Power On and Off T urning Power On and Off Use t he fol lowing pr oced ure to turn the pr int er on. 1. T urn the pr inte r on by pre ssin g [ I ] o n the p o w er sw itc h on th e left front of th e prin ter .
Oct 02 2-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Connectin g the Printer to the Host Comp uter Connecting the Pr int e r to t he Host Co mputer Y ou must connect the printer t o your computer usi ng an IEEE 1284 pa rallel cable or a USB cable . These cab les are user -supplie d.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-5 Connectin g the Printer to the Host Compu ter Pa r a ll e l Po r t The paral lel port is t he default po rt. T o connect the printe r to your computer using the paral lel port, si mply connect t he parallel ca ble to the pa rallel port o n the printe r , then connect th e cable to your comput er .
Oct 02 2-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Connectin g the Printer to the Host Comp uter 22. Press t he SELECT butt on to e nter th e mod e subm enu . 23. Press the NEXT b utton unti l the desired mode is sho wn on the second li ne of the display . The availabl e mod e se tting s in clude Bidir ectional and Standar d .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-7 Connectin g the Printer to the Host Compu ter USB Port The USB port o f your print er provides a reliable, high-speed, bi -directio nal connect ion between your pri nter and PC. The USB s tandard i s designed to del iver complex, graph ic-rich document s to the p rinter with spe ed and accurac y .
Oct 02 2-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Connectin g the Printer to the Host Comp uter Insta llatio n for Win dows Use th e fol lowing pr oced ure to inst all USB for Windows: 1. V eri fy that your system supports USB a nd has an av ailable USB conn ector . If you do n ot ha ve an a vaila ble connector , you may need to p urchase a USB hub .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-9 Connectin g the Printer to the Host Compu ter Ins t all ation fo r Mac OS 8. 6 1. Power on th e pr inter and th e hos t com puter . 2. Ensu re tha t the "A pple Lase rWri ter Soft ware " is ins talled . 3. Attach t he USB cable to the host and the printer .
Oct 02 2-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Connectin g the Printer to the Host Comp uter 15. Press t he NEXT but ton until the desired int erpreter is shown on the second line of th e dis- play . Th e available in ter prete r sett ings inclu de A u to Sw itch , PCL , and Post Script 3 .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-11 Selecting Print Media Selecting Print Med ia Y ou r printe r can print on a v arie ty of media , including pl ain paper , label s, transparenci es, and en velopes . Always use p rint medi a that meet the g uidel ines f or u se wi th this prin ter .
Oct 02 2-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Selecting Print Media Recommended OKI Print Media T o purchase OKI media, cont act your lo cal OKI dealer or visit u s at www .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-13 Selecting Print Media Print Media Capacities Y ou r printe r can hold up to 175 0 sheets of s t andard weight pa per , depe nding upon t he options instal led.
Oct 02 2-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Selecting Print Media Print M edia Weight, T ype, and Si ze The foll owing t able defi nes print media t hat you can use i n each of the p aper sour ces, and also indicat es the feed o rientation—long e dge feed (LEF) or short edge fe ed (SEF).
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-15 Loading the Univer sal Paper T ray Loading the Universal Paper T ray The 550-s heet uni versal pa per tray tha t sits i nside the pr inter ca n accommodate pap er sizes from postc ard to le gal.
Oct 02 2-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Loading the Universal Paper T ray 3. If the pa per you are using is l onger than A4 (11.7 inches / 297 cm), press th e square green but ton on the bot tom of the pape r tray t o release the r ear of the tra y , and pull t he tray out to exten d it.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-1 7 Loading the Univer sal Paper T ray 5. V e rify tha t the paper tray plate h as dropped do wn into the base of the pape r tray .
Oct 02 2-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Loading the Universal Paper T ray 7. Squeeze t he right width gu ide, lift it u p, and adjust the guides to matc h the paper width. 8. Sque eze the leng th gui de, lif t it up, and adju st the guide to match the pap er leng th.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-19 Loading the Univer sal Paper T ray 10. Push the p aper tray co m pletel y into the prin ter . V e rify that the tray is properl y seated. 11. Use the p aper le vel indi cator on the fr ont right of t he printer to determine when the paper supply i s low .
Oct 02 2-2 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Loading the Front T ray Loading the Front T ray The fron t tray loc ated on t he front of the pri nter can ac commodate a maximum of 1 00 sheets of paper , and can also accommo date a maximum of 30 sheets of st andard labels, tr ansparencies , or postcar ds, and a maximum of 10 standar d en ve lopes.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 2-21 Loading the Front T ray 3. Slide t he paper guide s so they ma tch the size of the paper that you are loadi ng. 4. Stack the paper tha t you will load in the fr ont tray , making sure that t he edges are aligned and neat .
Oct 02 2-2 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Loading the Front T ray.
Oct 02 Chapter 3 Understanding and Navigating the Control Pa n e l M e n u s In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 3-2 ■ “Control P anel Features ” on page 3- 3 ■ “Na .
Oct 02 3-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About th is Chapter This chapt er explains the control panel and it s functions. It e xplains ho w to nav igate throughout the v arious men us and submenus that allo w you to vie w and change the pr inter settin gs.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-3 Control Panel Features Control Panel Features The contr ol panel is located on the f ront of the prin ter . It cont ains the displ ay , indi cators, and pushb uttons tha t allow y ou to view and change the p rinter setti ngs.
Oct 02 3-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Control Panel Features LED I ndica tors The LED indi cators also ind icate printer status. The four indicators can each b e on, of f, or blinki ng, indicating di fferen t phases of prin ter operation. The table belo w expl ains the LED indicat ors.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-5 Control Panel Features Pushbutton s The contr ol panel push buttons al low you to access and navi gate menus, an d also assist yo u in reco vering from printer er rors. The t able belo w explai ns the functions of the eight pus hbuttons.
Oct 02 3-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Naviga ting the Cont rol Panel Menus Navigating the Control Panel Menus NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r dri ver settin gs will o verride any settings from the printer m enu or p rinter front pane l.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-7 Naviga ting the Cont rol Panel Menus The foll owing f igure sho ws the sequence of pushb uttons and displ ay messages that a llow y ou to change t he number of copi es printed.
Oct 02 3-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Menu Structu re Menu Structu re NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r dri ver settin gs will o verride any settings from the printer m enu or p rinter front pane l.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-9 P aper M enu P aper M enu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Paper Menu Media S ize/T ype This submenu allows you to set th e media size and typ e for the Front Tray and set the medial type for all ot her trays.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-11 Interface Menu Interface Menu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Interface Menu Paralle l Setup This subme nu allows you to set up the parallel interface. Int e rpre te r: Auto Switch Fo r m a t : Raw Mode : Bidire ctional Delay.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-13 PS M enu PS Menu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide PCL Menu PCL Me nu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r dri ver settin gs will o verride any settings from the printer m enu or p rinter front pane l.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-15 PCL M enu Symbol S et This submenu allows you to choo se a sym bol se t. 10U:PC-8 CP437 10U:PC-8 CP4 3 7 11U:PC-8 D/N 12U:PC -850 17U:PC -852 9T :PC-T urkish 19U:WIN.
Oct 02 3-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide PCL Menu FF Mode This submenu allows you to def ine the acti on prom pted by a form feed—a form feed equal s either a form feed alon e or a carriage return and a form feed together . FF = FF FF = FF FF = CR/FF 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-1 7 System Menu Syst em Menu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide System Menu Job Tim eo u t This submenu allo ws you to increase or decrease th e time limit (in seconds) for PostScript jobs. A 0 setting indic ates no timeout. This setting applies only to P ostScrip t jobs. 0 0 - 99999 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-19 Quality Menu Quality Menu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-2 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Fu nction s Menu F unctions M enu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r dri ver settin gs will o verride any settings from the printer m enu or p rinter front pane l.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 3-21 Sta tus Me nu Status Menu NO TE: Settings in y our software ap plication will o ve rride an y settings in your printer driv er . Y our printe r driv e r setting s will ov erride a ny settin gs from the pr inter men u or prin ter front panel.
Oct 02 3-2 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Status Menu.
Oct 02 Chapter 4 Maintaining the Print er In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 4-2 ■ “Replacing Pr inter Components ” on page 4-3 ■ “Cleanin g the Prin ter” on pa g.
Oct 02 4-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About th is Chapter This chapt er provide s informa tion about maintai ning your pri nter . Althou gh the prin ter requires ver y little maintena nce, with normal dai ly use you will ne ed to perform some r outine mainte- nance pr ocedures, includi ng replacin g consumable items a nd cleaning the printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 4-3 Replacing P rinter Components Replacing Pr inter Component s Replac ing the Pr int Ca rtr idge The print cartridge con tains the dry i nk as well as the xerographic drum and associ ated compo- nents t hat create the xerograp hic image on a s heet of pa per .
Oct 02 4-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Replacing Printer Componen ts Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to rep lace the pri nt cartr idge: 1. Place a d rop-cloth or some pap er on the table or floor near t he printer . 2. Press th e button on th e top of the printe r to open the fr ont cov er, and pull the co ver al l the way o pen.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 4-5 Replacing P rinter Components 6. On le vel su rface, f irmly hol d down the pri nt cartrid ge. Pull the plast ic sealing t ape straight out (hor izontally) fr om the cartridg e.
Oct 02 4-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Cleaning the Printer Cleaning th e Printer Cleaning the Exterior The co vers an d tray faces of the prin ter may collect dust and dir t through normal use. Alt hough ext erior dirt sh ould not af fect printer performance, an occasional e xterior cleaning helps main- tain t he appearance of t he printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 4-7 Cleaning the Prin ter 4. V erify that th e power sw itch of the print er is in the [O ] (off) pos ition , the n inse rt the plug of the power cord into t he A C outl et. 5. T urn the printer on b y pressing [ I ] on the po wer swit ch on the r ight side of the printer .
Oct 02 4-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Cleaning the Printer Cleaning the Interior The inte rior of the printer does n ot generally ne ed to be clea ned unless a pape r jam drops toner onto the pa per path or you acci dentally spill toner inside the pr inter when inst alling a ne w toner cartri dge.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 4-9 Movi ng the P rin ter Moving the Printer F ollo w the guidel i nes b elow when li fting or mov ing the printer : ■ The print er is very heavy . It should al ways be lift ed by tw o people. The weight of the printe r without pape r tray , toner cart ridge, and pap e r is about 55 lbs ( 25 kg).
Oct 02 4-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Storing the Pr inter for Long Periods of Ti m e Moving the Pr inter a Long Distance Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to mo ve the pr inter a lon g distance: 1. T urn the printer of f by pr essing t he [ O ] on the po wer switch on the right si de of the printe r .
Oct 02 Chapter 5 T roubleshooting In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 5-2“ ■ “Insta llation Prob lems” on page 5- 2 ■ “Pap er Jams” on page 5-5 ■ “Print Imag.
Oct 02 5-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installation Pro blems About th is Chapter This chap ter descri bes the problems t hat you may encounte r when using your printer , and pro- vides pr ocedures for re solving the p roblems. Thi s chapter also l ists the war ning and erro r mes- sages t hat appear on t he contr ol panel disp lay .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-3 Installation Pro blems Inoperativ e Printer If you ha ve problems turni ng on the printe r , check the pos sible causes l isted in the table belo w .
Oct 02 5-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installation Pro blems Noise, Smoke , or Sme ll If you no tice unusual noi se, smoke, or smell after tur ning the print er on, tu rn th e prin ter off immediate ly and disconnect it fr om the A C wall outl et . Use the follo wing procedur e to deter - mine the c ause of and alle viat e the prob lem: 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-5 Pap er J a ms Pa p e r J a m s P aper jams a re generally t he most common and reocc urring problem en countered when using any p rinter . P aper may jam an ywhere along t he paper path—from t he paper tray to the output tray .
Oct 02 5-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Pap er J a ms The most co m mon cau ses of paper jams are: ■ The print er is not plac ed on a le vel surf ace. ■ The print media does not con form to the speci ficatio ns. ■ The paper is not loade d correct ly in the front paper tray or t he cassette.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-7 Pap er J a ms Clearing an E2 Paper Jam If an E2 e rror code prece des the erro r message on the f irst l i ne of the control pan el display , paper has jammed some where between t he feed area and the re gistra tion sensor .
Oct 02 5-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Pap er J a ms 4. Remov e any j ammed or wrinkled pap e r fr om the paper tray . 5. Remov e any j a mmed paper f rom the inside of the paper tray well . 6. If th e jam oc curr ed whi le fe eding from T r ay 2 or 3, remove th e pap er tray ass ociat ed wit h that fe eder and remo ve any ja mm ed pa per .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-9 Pap er J a ms 8. Insert each pap er tray into th e appr opriate pap er tray well, either on the optional feeder or on th e printer . 9. If the front tray is open, close it . Then pull on t he recessed area on the fro nt cov er to open it.
Oct 02 5-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Pap er J a ms Clearing an E3 Paper Jam If an E3 error mess age appears on the printe r display , there is a paper j am between the print car- tridge and the paper e xit slot. Use the follo wing procedur e to remov e a paper jam f r om this locati on.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-11 Pap er J a ms 5. Lift up on the green le ver on the left si de of the inside of the printer , and fold t he cov e r to ward you. Remo ve an y jammed paper . 6. Insert the pegs on the sides of t he print car tridge i nto the channel s on the insi de of the printe r , and push the c artridge into the printer .
Oct 02 5-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Pap er J a ms Clearing an E4 Jam If an E4 e rror code prece des the erro r message on the f irst l i ne of the control pan el display , paper ha s jammed somewhe re near the pape r exit slot . Use the f ollowing procedure to c l ear a pape r jam i n this locat ion: 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-13 Pap er J a ms 4. If you ar e using the d uplex er , push th e green tabs to ward t he center of the duplex er and pull th e duplex er to ward you to r emove it.
Oct 02 5-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Pap er J a ms 7. If you r emoved the duple xer , inse rt the duple xer int o the printe r . 8. Push the g reen tabs at the side s of the duple xer out tow ard the side s of the prin ter . 9. Close th e rear co ver .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-15 Pap er J a ms Clearing an E7 Paper Jam When an E7 error message is sho wn on the display sc reen, there is a paper ja m in th e duplex er .
Oct 02 5-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Pap er J a ms 4. Push the g reen tabs on the sides of the dupl exer t owar d the cent er of the duple xer , and grasp t he recessed area s on the side s of the duple xer and remove it from the pri nter . 5. Push the t abs (1) out toward the sides of the duple xer , and lift to op en (2) the dup lexer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-1 7 Pap er J a ms 7. Slide the ta bs on the l eft an d righ t sid es of t he du plexer into the ch an nels in side the printe r , and push the d uplexer completely into the printer .
Oct 02 5-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Pap er J a ms Clearing an E6 Paper Jam If an E6 e rror code prece des the erro r message on the f irst l i ne of the control pan el display , paper ha s jammed at the of fset cat ch tray . Use the foll owing p r ocedur e to cle ar a paper jam in this lo catio n: 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-19 Pap er J a ms NO TE: If the paper tray is in the e xtended position (L egal 13, 14, o r A4) , remov e the tray before openin g the rear cover .
Oct 02 5-2 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Print Image Quality Problems Print Im age Quality Proble ms When f uncti onin g corr ect ly , the pr inter s houl d prod uce p rinte d pap er tha t is rela tively flat a nd undamaged, c ontaining a f used ima ge of corr ect intensit y—without strea ks, smears, spot s, or missing a reas.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-21 Print Image Quality Problems Ve r t i c a l b l a c k streaks The print cartri dge is old o r damaged. Replace the print cartridge . Repetitiv e defects Th e paper pa th is dir ty . The p rint cartridg e is old or damaged.
Oct 02 5-2 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Print Image Quality Problems Black pag e The p rint cartridg e is old or damaged. The hig h-voltage power sup ply may be defective. Replace the print cartridge . Contact yo ur dealer or an authorized se rvice pro vider .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-23 Print Image Quality Problems Blotchy print The prin t media is outside t he recommended specifications. The prin t media is moist. The p rint cartridg e is old or damaged. Use the recom mended print med ia. Remov e the moist media and load ne w , dry media.
Oct 02 5-2 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Print Image Quality Problems Other Print Imag e Quality Problems The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is print image pr oblem: ■ The f inished print has a proble m tha t is n ot identif ied by a ny of the ot her procedure s in this m anua l.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-25 Miscellaneous Problems Miscellane ous Pro blems Some prin ter probl ems may not generate er ror codes or prod uce observ able pri nt image defects.
Oct 02 5-2 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Miscellane ous Problems Printer is Inoperative The foll owing c haracteristi cs def ine this type of problem: ■ The print er appears to h ave no power . ■ The contr ol panel does not light up or d isplay chara cters.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-27 Miscellaneous Problems Print er Oper ates Errat ically The foll owing c haracteristi cs def ine this type of problem: ■ The print er does not f unction correc tly . ■ The print er may go into fr equent warm-up. ■ The contr ol panel may di splay garbled characters.
Oct 02 5-2 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Miscellane ous Problems Printer Makes Unusual Noises The foll owing c haracteristi cs def ine this type of problem: ■ The print er makes un usual noises or makes more n oises than us ual either whil e idle or whil e prin ting .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-29 Miscellaneous Problems Room Lights Dim or Flicker W hen Printer Starts The foll owing c haracteristi cs def ine this type of problem: ■ Nearb y lights di m sli ghtly or flicker when you f irst tu rn on the prin ter or when th e printer begi ns printing.
Oct 02 5-3 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Miscellane ous Problems Printer Int e rferes wit h Nearby Radio or T elevision Rece ption The foll owing c haracteristi cs def ine this type of problem: ■ When the pr inter begi ns printing, it causes audio noi se in nea rby radios o r interferes with the pic ture in nearb y tele visions.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-31 W arning Messages and Err or Messages W arning Messages and Error Messa ges The contr ol panel dis play show s a warnin g message or error message when there is a p roblem with th e printer .
Oct 02 5-3 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide W arning Messages and Error Messages Error Mess ages T able The table belo w lists er ror messages, th e possible causes of each error , and the ac tions requir ed to reco ver f rom each erro r .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-33 W arning Messages and Err or Messages U2 RO S F AILURE Call Service The R OS has failed. T urn the printer of f, then turn it o n. If the problem recurs, contact an authorized service provider . U4 FUSER F AI LURE Call S ervice The fuser has fa iled.
Oct 02 5-3 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Printing a T est P age or Conf iguration Summary Printing a T est Page or Con figuration Summary Te s t P a g e Printi ng a test page veri fies that the printer is oper ating correct ly . Use the foll o wing proce dure to prin t a test page : 1.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 5-35 Printing a T est Page or Con figuration Summary Configura tion Summar y A conf iguration s umm ary lists the current pri nter settin gs. Use the follo wing pro cedure to print a conf iguration s ummary: 1. Press t he MENU button on the control pa nel.
Oct 02 5-3 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Printing a T est P age or Conf iguration Summary.
Oct 02 Chapter 6 Using the Duplexer In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 6-2 ■ “ About the Duple xer” on p age 6-2 ■ “Insta lling the Dupl exer” o n page 6-3 ■ .
Oct 02 6-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About the Duplexer About th is Chapter This chapt er provide s all of the inf ormation necessa ry to instal l, use, and maintain th e duplex er . NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-3 Installing the Duplexer Installing t he Duplexer NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 6-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Duplexer Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to ins tall the duple xer: 1. T urn the printer of f and remo ve the A C plug from th e A C wall outlet. 2. If you ar e using the pape r tray in its e xtended posi tion (Lega l 13, 14, or A4), r emov e the paper t ray from the prin ter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-5 Installing the Duplexer 4. Slide the ta bs on the l eft an d righ t sid es of t he du plexer into the ch an nels in side the printe r , and push the d uplexer completely into the printer .
Oct 02 6-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide T esting the Duplexer T esting th e Duplexer After i nstalling the duplex er , use the follo w ing proc edure to mak e sure it tran sports paper cor - rectly : 1. T urn the pr inte r on by pre ssi ng the [ I ] on the p ower swit ch on the ri ght si de o f the p rinte r .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-7 Solving Duplexer Problems Solving Duplexer Problems When there is a problem with the duple xer , the pri nter control pa nel displays an error code and error mes sage.
Oct 02 6-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Solving Duplexer Problems Installation Pr oblems Simple o versi ghts duri ng installati on may cause pro blems when you f irst use the d uplex er . If the dupl exer is inoperati ve af ter you ha ve insta lled it, use the follo wing proc edure to check sev- eral po ssible causes.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-9 Solving Duplexer Problems Clearing Du plex Paper Jams When an E7 error message is sho wn on the display sc reen, there is a paper ja m in th e duplex er . Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to cle ar a duple x paper j am: 1.
Oct 02 6-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Duplexer Problems 4. Push the g reen tabs on the sides of the dupl exer t owar d the cent er of the duple xer , and grasp t he recessed area s on the side s of the duple xer and remove it from the pri nter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-11 Solving Duplexer Problems 7. Slide the ta bs on the l eft an d righ t sid es of t he du plexer into the ch an nels in side the printe r , and push the d uplexer completely into the printer .
Oct 02 6-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Duplexer Problems Correcting Miscellane ous Duplexer Problems Some duple xer pr oblems may not cause an error message and may not int erfere with the opera- tion of the pr inter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-13 Solving Duplexer Problems Inoperative Du plexer NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 6-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Duplexer Problems Duplexer Op erates Err atically The foll owing c haracteristi cs def i ne th is duplex er problem: ■ The duple xer d oes not function correctly . ■ The contr ol panel does not display an e r ror c ode.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-15 Solving Duplexer Problems Duplex Makes Unusua l Noises The foll owing c haracteristi cs def i ne th is duplex er problem: ■ The duple xer ma kes unusual noi ses or makes more noise than us ual either while i dle or whil e prin ting .
Oct 02 6-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Removing the Duplexer Removing the Dup lexer Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to remo ve the dup lex er: 1. T urn of f the p r inte r and disconnect the A C powe r cord from th e A C wall outlet.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 6-1 7 Removing the Duplexer 4. Pull the duple x unit to ward you whil e sliding the lef t and right ta bs inw ard, then grasp the recess ed areas on th e sides of the du plex unit and remov e it from the printer . 5. Close th e rear co ver .
Oct 02 6-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Removing the Duplexer.
Oct 02 Chapter 7 Using the 5 5 0 Sheet F eeder In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About the 550 She et Feeder” on page 7-2 ■ “Insta lling the 550 Sheet Pape r Feede rs” on page 7-4 ■ “T esting .
Oct 02 7- 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide About the 55 0 Sheet Feeder About th is Chapter This chap ter pr ovides all of th e info rmat ion n eces sary t o ins tall , use, and main tain the 5 50 sh eet paper fe eder option, including procedures f or cleaning the feeder and remo ving paper j ams.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 3 About the 55 0 Sheet Feeder Major Compo nents of th e 55 0 S heet Feeder The foll owing i llustration shows t he major components o f the 550 shee t feeder: Mounting.
Oct 02 7- 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Installing the 5 50 Sheet Paper F eeders Installing t he 55 0 Sheet P a per Feeders NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 5 Installing the 5 50 Sheet Pa per F e eders Insta lling One Pa p er F eeder NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 7- 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Installing the 5 50 Sheet Paper F eeders 3. T urn the printer of f by pr essing [ O ] on t he power switch on t he left front of the unit. NO TE: Installing the paper feeder while the printer is on may damage th e printe r or paper feeder .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 7 Installing the 5 50 Sheet Pa per F e eders 6. Remo ve the mai n paper tray fr om the printer . 7. Align th e holes on the bottom of t he printer with the pegs on the paper feed er, a nd lower the pri nter onto th e paper feede r .
Oct 02 7- 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Installing the 5 50 Sheet Paper F eeders 9. Load paper into the pap er tray . 10. Insert the fe eder paper tr ay and the main paper tra y all the way in to the paper feeder , mak- ing sure each is prope rly seat ed inside th e printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 9 Installing the 5 50 Sheet Pa per F e eders Installing T w o Paper F eeders NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 7- 10 Oki B6 100 User Guide Installing the 5 50 Sheet Paper F eeders 4. Insert the three thumbscre ws supplied wi th the paper feeder in to the tw o holes on th e base of the u pper paper fe eder and t urn them until tight. 5. T urn the printer of f by pr essing [ O ] on t he power switch on t he left front of the printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 11 Installing the 5 50 Sheet Pa per F e eders 7. Close th e front tray , and remov e any p rinted sheet s from the output paper tray .
Oct 02 7- 12 Oki B6 100 User Guide Installing the 5 50 Sheet Paper F eeders 10. Insert the three t humbscre ws suppli ed with the paper feeder into the holes on the b ase of the pr int er . 11. Load paper into the pap er trays for both pape r feeders.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 13 Installing the 5 50 Sheet Pa per F e eders 14. T urn the pr inte r on by pre ssin g [ I ] o n the p o w er sw itc h on th e left front of th e prin ter .
Oct 02 7- 14 Oki B6 100 User Guide T esting the 55 0 Sheet Feeder T estin g the 55 0 Sh eet Feeder After i nstalling the 550 sheet paper feeder , use the follo wing test pr ocedure to verify that the feeder is operatin g correctly . 1. T urn the pr inte r on by pre ssi ng the [ I ] on the p ower swit ch on the ri ght si de o f the p rinte r .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 15 Selecting Print Media Correct Paper Storag e It is i mportant to sto re paper corr ectly pr ior to placing it in the pr inter , si nce improper stor age can cause frequent pap er jams and poor pr int quality .
Oct 02 7- 16 Oki B6 100 User Guide Load ing P rin t Med ia Loading Print Med ia Load ing th e A4/Let t e r/Leg al Paper T ray The 550-she et uni vers al paper tray has tw o width guides th at are located on t he sides of the tr ay , and one lengt h guide that is locat ed near the center of the tray .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 17 Loading Prin t Media 3. If the paper you are usi ng is longer than A4 (11.69 inches, 297 m m), pr ess the square green b utton on the bottom o f the paper tray to relea se the rear of the tr ay , and pul l the t ray out to e xtend it .
Oct 02 7- 18 Oki B6 100 User Guide Load ing P rin t Med ia 6. Align the edge s of the pape r and place it i n the ce nter of the paper tray wit h the side t o be printe d facing do wn.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 19 Loading Prin t Media 9. Grasp the paper tray with both hands and i nsert i t into the paper tray wel l on the printer . 10. Push the p aper tray co m pletel y into the pr inter , making sure the tray is pr operly seated.
Oct 02 7- 20 Oki B61 00 User Guide Solving 55 0 Sheet Feeder Problems Solving 55 0 S heet Feeder Problems When there is a problem with the 550 sheet feeder , the print er control pane l displays a n error code and e rror message.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 2 1 Solving 550 Sh eet Feeder Problems Interpret ing Paper Feeder Erro r Mess ages The print er control pane l displays e rror messages when there is a p roblem with the printer or any o f the option al paper- handling compone nts.
Oct 02 7- 22 Oki B61 00 User Guide Solving 55 0 Sheet Feeder Problems Installation Pr oblems Simple o versi ghts during ins tallation may ca use problems whe n you first use the pape r feeder . If the paper feed er is i nope rative after y ou have ins talled it, us e the f ollowing proc edure to check se veral p ossible caus es.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 2 3 Solving 550 Sh eet Feeder Problems Clearing an E2 Paper Jam If an E2 e rror code prece des the erro r message on the f irst l i ne of the control pan el display , paper ha s jammed some where between the paper source fe ed area and th e toner ca rtridge.
Oct 02 7- 24 Oki B61 00 User Guide Solving 55 0 Sheet Feeder Problems Correcting M iscellaneous Paper Feeder Problems Some pap er feeder probl ems may not cause an e rror message and may not interf ere with the operati on of the printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 2 5 Solving 550 Sh eet Feeder Problems Inoperative 5 50 Sheet Paper Feeder NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 7- 26 Oki B61 00 User Guide Solving 55 0 Sheet Feeder Problems Feeder Operates Erratically The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is feeder probl em: ■ The feede r does not funct ion correctly . ■ The contr ol panel does not display an e r ror c ode.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 27 Solving 550 Sh eet Feeder Problems Feeder Makes Unus ual Noises The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is feeder probl em: ■ The feede r makes unusu al noises or mak es more noise tha n usual either while idle or whil e prin ting .
Oct 02 7- 28 Oki B61 00 User Guide Removing the 55 0 Sheet Feeder Removing t he 55 0 Sheet F eed er Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to remo ve the 550 sheet feeder: 1. T urn the printer of f b y pressing t he [O] on the po wer switch on the front left of the prin ter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 7- 2 9 Removing the 55 0 Sheet Feeder 4. Remov e the paper trays from the 5 50 sheet feeder and the print e r . 5. Remo ve the t hree scre ws that secure the printer to the paper fe eder . 6. Lift t he printer t o remo ve it fr om the feeder .
Oct 02 7- 30 Oki B61 00 User Guide Moving the 55 0 Sheet Feeder Moving the 55 0 Shee t Feeder When mo ving the print er a short dist ance, you may lea ve the 550 sheet pape r feeder atta ched. Ho wev er , when mo ving the pri nter a long d istance, please remov e the 550- sheet pap er feeder to av oid damagi ng either the p rinter or t he feed er .
Oct 02 Chapter 8 Using the Envelope F eeder ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 8-2 ■ “ About the En v elope Feeder” on page 8-2 ■ “Insta lling the En velope Fe eder” on page 8-3 ■ .
Oct 02 8-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About the Envelope Feeder About th is Chapter This chapte r provides all of the inf ormation necessa ry to install, use, and maintain th e en vel ope feeder , including procedure s for removin g paper jams. NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-3 Installing the Envelope F eeder Installing t he Envelope Feeder NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 8-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Envelope Feeder Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to ins t all the optio n: 1. T urn the pr inter of f by pressi ng [ O ] on the po wer switch on the right side of the unit, and disconne ct the po wer cord from t he A C outlet.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-5 Installing the Envelope F eeder 3. Pull on t he recessed area on the fr ont of th e printer t o open the front tray . 4. Remo ve the ge ar co ver on th e left side of t he inside of th e printer a nd store it in a safe place.
Oct 02 8-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Envelope Feeder 5. Push the envelope fe eder al l the way into the pr inter unti l it sto ps, mak ing sure it is sea ted firmly in side t he pri nter . NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-7 T esting the Envelo pe F ee der T esting th e Envelope Feeder After i nstalling the en velope feeder , use the followin g test proce dure to ver ify that the f eeder is operati ng correctly . 1. T urn the pr inte r on by pre ssi ng the [ I ] on the p o w er sw itch o n the righ t side of the print er .
Oct 02 8-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Selecting Print Media Selecting Print Med ia Y ou r printe r can print on a v arie ty of media , including pl ain paper , label s, transparenci es, and en velopes . Always use p rint medi a that meet the g uidel ines f or u se wi th this prin ter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-9 Selecting Print Media Correct Paper Storag e It is i mportant to sto re paper corr ectly pr ior to placing it in the pr inter , si nce improper stor age can cause frequent pap er jams and poor pr int quality .
Oct 02 8-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Loading the Envelope Feeder Loading the Envelope Feeder Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to loa d en v elopes in to the en v elope feeder: 1. If you ar e planning to us e large si ze en velop es, pull out t he ex tension at t he end of t he paper t ray .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-11 Loading the Envelope Feeder 3. Lo wer the paper holder . 4. Adjust t he paper guide to the size of t he en velopes or postcards you are us ing.
Oct 02 8-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Solving Envelo pe Feeder Problems When the re is a problem wi th the en v elope feeder , the printer contr ol panel d isplays an er ror code and e rror message.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-13 Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Envelopes Become Cr eased when Pr inting If en ve lopes are crease d or wrinkl ed after printing, li ft up the fuser rele ase le vers at the left and right side of the fuser un it, and try printing aga in.
Oct 02 8-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Envelope Feeder Problems 4. Remov e the caps (green) on th e inside of the rear cov er at the l eft and right. 5. Store t he caps in the hol es provi ded on the inside of the rear co ver . 6. Close th e rear co ver .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-15 Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Interpretin g Envel ope Feeder Erro r Mess ages The print er control pane l displays e rror messages when there is a p roblem with the printer or any o f the option al paper- handling compone nts.
Oct 02 8-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Inoperative En velope Feeder NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-1 7 Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Feeder Operates Erratically The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is en velope f eeder proble m: ■ The en velope fee der does not f unction correc tly . ■ The en velope fee der does not f eed paper , or feeds pa per without a request.
Oct 02 8-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Envelope Feeder Problems Envelope Feeder Mak es Unusua l Noises The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is en velope f eeder proble m: ■ The en velope fee der makes un usual noises or makes more n oise than usual either while idle o r whi le prin tin g.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 8-19 Maintaining t h e Envelope F eeder Maintainin g the Envelo pe Feeder The en velope fee der requires v ery little mai ntenance; ho wev er , with normal use you will need to perf orm some routine mai ntenance tasks s uch as cleani ng the en velope f eeder .
Oct 02 8-2 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Maintaining the Envelope Feeder.
Oct 02 Chapter 9 Using the Offset Catch T ray In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page 9-2 ■ “ About the Of fset Catch T ray” on page 9-2 ■ “Insta lling the Of fset Catc .
Oct 02 9-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide About the Offset C atch T ray About th is Chapter This chap ter pro vides all of th e information necessary to in stall, use, a nd maintain the Of fset Catch T ray , including proc edures for cle aning and remov ing paper jams.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-3 About t he Offse t Catch T ray Major Compon ents of th e Offse t Catch T ray The f ollowing illust ratio n shows th e ma jor co mpone nts of the of f set catch tray:. 1. Pa pe r Gu i d e 2. Output T ray 3. P aper Stop 4.
Oct 02 9-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Off set Catch T ray Installing t he Offset Cat ch T ray NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-5 Installing the Off set Catch T ray Use the f ollo w ing procedure to install the offs et catch tr ay: 1. Remov e any c ardboard inse rts or pa cking tape from t he interior and exteri or of the of fset catch tray . 2.
Oct 02 9-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Off set Catch T ray 4. Push up on t he top co ver tabs to relea se the top co ver , and lift it off of t he printer . 5. Lo wer the of fset catch tray onto th e printer while inserting the stub at the f r ont o f the of f- set cat ch tray int o the ho le on the top of t he printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-7 Installing the Off set Catch T ray 7. Close th e rear co ver . 8. Lift up the paper guide a nd open the of fset tray .
Oct 02 9-8 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Installing the Off set Catch T ray 10. Push the tra y in u ntil it match es t he siz e of pa per th at wi ll be p rint ed. 11. Inser t the plug of the power cor d into the AC outlet and tu rn the print er on by p res sing [ I ] on t he power switc h on th e fr ont le ft of th e pr inter .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-9 T esting the Offset Catch T ray T estin g the Offset C atch T ray After i nstalling the offs et catch tray , use the fol lowin g test proced ure to ve rify tha t it is operat - ing corr ectly . 1. T urn the printer on b y pressing the [ I ] on th e power switch on the f ront left of th e printer .
Oct 02 9-1 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Offset Catch T ray Problems Solving Offset Catch T ray Pr oblems When the re is a problem wi th the of fset catch tray , the printer control panel di splays an error code and e rror message. Most of fset catch tra y error codes indicat e routine stat us condition s such as a paper jam.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-11 Solving Off set Catch T ray Pro blems Installation Pr oblems Simple o versi ghts during ins tallation may ca use problems whe n you f irst use th e of fset catch tray . If the of fset cat ch tray is inoperati ve af ter you hav e insta lled it, use t he follo wing proce dure to check sev eral possi ble causes.
Oct 02 9-1 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Offset Catch T ray Problems Clearing an Offse t Catch T ray Paper Jam If an E6 e rror code prece des the erro r message on the f irst l i ne of the control pan el display , paper ha s jammed at the of fset cat ch tray .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-13 Solving Off set Catch T ray Pro blems 4. Squeeze t he latch on t he upper pa rt of the re ar cov er , and pul l the co ver to ward y ou to open it.
Oct 02 9-1 4 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Offset Catch T ray Problems Correcting Mi scellaneous Offset Ca tch T ray Prob lems Some of fset cat ch tray problems may not cause an error message and may not in terfere wit h the operati on of the printer .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-15 Solving Off set Catch T ray Pro blems Inoperat ive Of fset Catch T ray NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d. The printer dri ve r does not. Y ou m u st enable (activ ate) the opti on in the printer d river after the optio n is inst a lled.
Oct 02 9-1 6 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Solving Offset Catch T ray Problems Offset Ca tch T ray Operate s Erratical ly The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is offs et catch tr ay problem: ■ The of fset ca tch tray does not function cor rectly . ■ The of fset ca tch tray does not transport paper , or tr ansports paper without a req uest.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-1 7 Solving Off set Catch T ray Pro blems Offset Ca tch T ra y Makes Un usual N oises The foll owing c haracteris tics def ine th is offs et catch tr ay problem: ■ The of fset ca tch tray makes unusual noises or make s more noise th an usual e ither while idle o r whi le prin tin g.
Oct 02 9-1 8 Oki B6 1 00 User Gu ide Main tain ing t he Offs et Catc h T ra y Maintainin g the Offset Catch T ray The of fset ca tch tray requir es very little main tenance; ho wev er , with norma l use you will nee d to perf orm some routine mai ntenance tasks s uch as cleaning.
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-19 Moving the Offset Catch T ray Moving the Offset C atch T r ay Moving t he Offse t Catch T ray a Shor t Dista nce Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to mo ve the of fset ca tch tray a shor t distance: 1. T urn the printer of f by pr essing t he [ O ] on the po wer switch on the right si de of the printe r .
Oct 02 9-2 0 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Removing the Offset Catch T ray Remo ving the Offset Catc h T ray Use the f ollo w ing proc edure to remo ve the of fset catch tray: 1. Pull the output tray al l the way ou t and lower the paper stop. 2. Push the p aper stop into t he output tray .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide 9-21 Removing the Offset Catch T ray 4. T urn the printer of f by pr essing [ O ] on t he power switch on t he front left of the printer , and disc onnect the po wer cord fr om the A C outlet. 5. Sque eze th e latc h on the uppe r lef t of the rear c ov e r of th e prin ter, and pull t he cover to ward you to ope n it.
Oct 02 9-2 2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Removing the Offset Catch T ray 7. Repl ace the to p cover of the pr inter. 8. Close th e rear co ver of t he printe r .
Oct 02 Appendix A Customer Suppor t and P a r t Numbers In this Chapter . . . ■ “ About this Chap ter” on page A-2 ■ “Oki Data on the Internet ” on page A-2 ■ “Servic e and Support” .
Oct 02 A-2 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Oki Data on the Internet About th is Chapter This chap ter discuss es sources of hel p, information a nd technical sup port. Oki Data on th e Internet www .okidata.com Y our Gate way to OKI Pr oducts and Serv ices www .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide A-3 Service and Suppor t Service and Su ppor t United S tates and Canada Oki Data i s firmly c omm itted to the satisf action of our customers. If you hav e a problem that your cust omer documentatio n cannot solv e, contact th e liste d sources for ser vice or s upport.
Oct 02 A-4 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Service C enters Service Centers Authorized Serv ice Providers Oki Data ha s ove r 2,000 loc al Authorized Ser vice Pro viders in North a nd South America. For the m ost c omp rehen siv e , up- to-d ate li sting of Ok i Data aut horiz ed Se rvice Cent ers: • Consult o ur web site at www .
Oct 02 Oki B6 100 Us er Guide A-5 Oki Part Numbers Oki Part Number s The foll owing t ables list Oki part numbers fo r the Oki B6100 p rinter , opti ons, and consumab les. Printers Consumables Option s NO TE: The printer automatic ally recognizes an opti on after the option is installe d.
Oct 02 A-6 Oki B6 1 00 User Guide Oki Part Numbers.
デバイスOki 6100の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Oki 6100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOki 6100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Oki 6100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Oki 6100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Oki 6100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOki 6100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Oki 6100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOki 6100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。