OutbackメーカーExcelsior Select 6 Burnerの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Assem bly an d Oper ating Instr uction s for O utback® Excel sior Sel ect 3 Bu rner and Excelsio r Sele ct 6 Burn er Gas BB Q Ph otogr aphs ar e not to sc al e . S p eci f ic at i on s s u bj ec t t o c h a n g e withou t pr i or n otic e. W A RNING • Fo r out d oo r us e o nl y.
2 Par t s List Quantitie s vary accor ding to model purcha sed. Spe cifica tions s ubject to cha nge withou t p rior no tice . For more detai ls on hardware, pl ease see ‘Hard war e Re f er ence Diagr am ’.
3 Part s Diag rams Quantitie s vary accord ing to model purc hased. Spe ci ficatio ns subje ct to chan ge w ithout prior n otice. For m ore details on hardwa re, please see har dware pack page.
4 Ha rdware R efe r ence D iagra m Spe cif ications s ubj ect t o change without prior n otice. D1 D5 D2,D3, D4 D5,D6 D7 D8.
5 At t ac h t h e Ri gh t F r o n t L eg ( C10 ) t o t h e Tr ol l ey F o ot (C 1 5 ). Assem bl y IM PORT ANT! • TOOLS NEEDED F OR ASSEMBLY: Me di um siz e flat blade or Ph il lips/Crosspo i nt screwdr i ver, ad justable spanner o r me t ric spa nne r set.
6 Atta ch the Bot tom Sla t As se mbly (C1 2) to th e Ba se Tray (C1 3) u sin g th e M 6x 15 B o lts (D 5) . Attach the leg a sse m bly to the Base Tray (C13) using the M6x15 Bol ts (D5).
7 Alig n the Ga s B ot tle H old e r (C 14 ) w ith the Bo tto m S lat A ss e mb ly (C 12 ). Atta ch the Le ft F ron t Le g (C8 ) and Le ft R ea r Le g (C 9) to the Gas Bo ttle Hold er (C14 ).
8 Atta ch th e Ga s Bo tt le Ho lde r (C14 ) to the Bo tto m Sla t As se mbly (C1 2 ) us ing th e Sc re ws (D2) and Washe rs (D3). Un s c r ew t h e L oc k n ut s ( D 9) from b ot h en d s of th e A xl e ( C1 8) . Insert the axle throug h the c lamping bracke t s into t he Gas Bottle Holde r ( C 14) and tigh ten the cla m p screws.
9 Sl i d e t h e W h eel s ( C 1 7 ) ov er eac h en d o f th e a xl e. S ec u r e t h e w h e el s i n t o p l a c e w i t h t h e locknuts. 10 9 Ca refu lly tu rn the co mple te d tro lle y o ve r, r i gh t s ide up .
10 Re m ove al l cooking compo nents, fla m e tam er , and any int ernal packaging fro m the Barbe cue Body (B1). Carefully tu rn the ba r becue body ups ide-down. CAUTIO N! Care must be taken t o ensure the hood doe s not fall open unexpectedly or becomes da m aged w hen i t is se t on t he ground .
11 Attach the Re ar Lef t Endcap (C4) t o barbecue body us ing the M6x 15 Bolts (D5 ). 14 13 Attach the Front Left Endc ap (C3) t o barbe cue body using the M6x15 Bol ts (D5) .
12 Carefully p l ace t he barbe cue body onto t he t ops o f the le gs. The tops of t he l egs should slot i nto the endcaps. W hen done corre c tly, the ba r becue should be abl e to stand on its own we i ght . WARNING : D O NOT RELEASE THE BARBECUE BODY WHILE T HE BARBECUE HAS NOT BEEN PROPERL Y SEATED.
13 Atta ch the Sid e S he lf S hie ld (C2 ) to the en dca ps us ing the M4 x1 5 B ol ts (D1 ). 18 17 Se cure the Le gs (C8, C9 , C10, C11 ) to the Endc aps (C3, C4 ) and the Side Shelf (C6 ) using M6x 35 Bolts (D7 ) .
14 Lay the Ut ensi l Trays (C5) into t heir pos iti ons on either s ide o f the bar becue body. 20 19 Attach the S i de She l f Hook (C21 ) to th e Side Burner Shelf (C1) usin g the 1/4-20UNCx12 Bolts (D8), Hoo k the side burner she lf to t he e nd caps.
15 22 21 Attach Drip Trip Le f t B r acket (B7) onto Bar be cue Body (B1) by inser ti ng M 5x15 B olts ( D2) t hrough Ø5 W ashe rs ( D3 ), drip t rip le ft brac ket, le ft side wall of bod y and secure with M5 N uts (D 4). Re peat above proce ss for D rip T rip Righ t Brac ket (B 8).
16 Re m ove t he pla stic wrap fr om the La va Rock ( B9) a nd then p lace a un i form layer in to Lav a Rock Ba sket (B10) . Lay the lava rock carefully into t he body ensur ing it lies le vel w i thin t he body. Lay the cooking gri ll (B11) and griddle ( B12) i nt o p l ace.
17 25 Place the Si de Bu rner Grid (C23) onto side burner she l f as shown . NOTE : Make su re t he bas e of c ooking utensil to put on t he side bur ner is larger t han 120mm and small e r t han 220mm . Insert the W ar mi ng Ra ck (B14) into the hood and barbe cue body.
19 Imp ort ant Inf orm at ion Please r ead t hese i nstructio ns carefully before assem bly and use of you r bar bec ue. n Re ta in th es e in s tr u cti on s fo r fu t u re ref erence. n This product is for outdoor us e only. Do not use in doors.
20 Ins t alla tio n Selecting a Locatio n This barbec ue i s f or outdoor u se only and should be placed in a wel l-venti lated area, a nd on a s af e and even surface. N ever pl ace your barbecue be low gro und level. Take c are to ensu re t ha t it is not pl aced UNDE R any com bus tib le surfac e.
21 an t i-clockwi se to t he high position, takin g care to protect y ourself f ro m th e f la m es. • Wh en th e righ t bu rn er is li t, turn th e remaining bu r ners on f rom righ t to left. • Confirm that eac h b urner is a lig ht bef ore tu r ning on the next burner.
22 W hen f lare- ups do occur, t h e y can usu a lly be extinguished b y applyi ng bak ing soda o r salt directly o nto the lava rock. A lways protect your hands wh en ha ndling anyt hing near the cooking surface of the barbec ue a nd tak e care to protect yourself f rom the fla m es.
23 brush. Be caref ul not to damage the cooking surface, re-oi l and cure. Bu r n er Provided that t hey are operati ng correctl y, in normal usage, burni ng of f the res idue af ter cookin g w ill keep the burners c lean.
24 T echn ical Sp eci ficat ions Sp ecif ic ati ons ar e subj ec t t o ch an g e wi th out pr i or n ot ic e. Notes: CE A pproval Heat Input Bu rn e r s Injecto r Siz e Gas /Pre ssure Outback® Excelsio r Select 3 Bu rn e r Gas BBQ 0359 359BR665 12.96 kW 3 1.
25 Problem Possi ble Cause Sol ution Bur ner will not li ght using the ignition sy st em LP gas b ottl e i s e m pty Replace with full bottle Fault y re gulator Have re gulator checke d or rep l ace d.
26 O U T B AC K 1 0 Y E AR W AR R AN T Y OUT BA CK barbecues are warrant ed to t he ori gi nal purchaser agai n st def ec ts i n materi als and workm anship.
デバイスOutback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Outback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOutback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Outback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Outback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Outback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOutback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Outback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOutback Excelsior Select 6 Burnerデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。