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VQT3V 18 Owne r ’ s Manu al Blu-ray Disc TM Player Model No. DMP-BD 871 DMP-BD 87 DMP-BD 77 Thank you for purchasing this product. For optimum performanc e and safety , please read t hese instructions carefully . Please keep this manual for future reference.
2 VQT3V 18 Getting started IMPORT ANT SAFETY INS TRUCT IO NS Read the se operating instructions carefully before using the unit. Follow the safety instru ctions on the uni t and the app licable safety instruction s listed below . Keep these operating instructions handy for fu ture reference.
3 VQT3 V18 Unit T o red uce the ris k of fire, elect ric shock or p roduct dam age, ≥ Do no t expo se thi s uni t to ra in, mo isture , dr ippin g or sp lashi ng. ≥ Do not place objects fi lled with liquids, such as vases , on th is un it. ≥ Use onl y the recomm ended acce s sories.
4 VQT3V 18 Accessories Check the sup plied accessories bef ore using this unit. 1 Remote control (N2QA YB00 0734) 2 Batteries for remote co ntrol ≥ Product numbers provided in this Owner ’s Manual correct as of December 201 1. These may be subject to change.
5 VQT3 V18 Play a ble media ≥ See pages 6 and 33 f or more information on the types of content that can be played. Type Logo e xamples Type deta il Playable co nten ts BD-Video V ideo BD-RE Video, J.
6 VQT3V 18 ∫ Discs that cannot be played in this unit Any other disc that is not specifically supported or previously described. ≥ DVD-RAM ≥ Super Audio CD ≥ Photo CD ≥ DVD-Audio ≥ Video C.
7 VQT3 V18 Control r eference guide 1 T urn the unit on and of f 2 TV operation buttons Y ou can operate the Panasonic TV through the unit’ s remote control (Depending on the TV these buttons may not w ork.). [ Í TV] : T urn the televis ion on and off [A V] : Swit ch the input select [ ij VOL] : A djust the v olume 3 Select title numbers , etc.
8 VQT3V 18 STEP 1 : Connectin g to a TV Perform either one of the following connec tions in accordanc e with your TV input terminal. ≥ Before making any connections, we recom mend that y ou temporarily dis connect all the units from AC power . ≥ Do not connect video signals through a video recorder .
9 VQT3 V18 STEP 3 : Connecti ng to the netw o r k The following services can be used w hen this unit is connected to broadband. ≥ Firmware can be updated ( > 13) ≥ Y ou c an enjoy BD-Live ( >.
10 VQT3V 18 STEP 4 : Connectin g to an A C power sou r ce ≥ This unit consumes a small amount of AC power ( > 32) even when turned of f. In the interest of power conservation, if y ou will not be using this unit for an extended period of t ime, it can be disconnected.
11 VQT3 V18 STEP 5 : Settings After connecting your new player for the first time and pressing [ Í ], a scre en for the basic set tings will appear . Preparation T urn on the t elevision and sel ect the appropriate video input on the television. 1 Press [ Í ].
12 VQT3V 18 ∫ “Search f or wireless network” The available wireless networks will be display ed. 1 Select your network name and pres s [OK]. ≥ If your network nam e is not display ed, search again by pressing the [R] button on the remote control.
13 VQT3 V18 If you have more than one Panasonic player/ recorder and the remote control operates both products at once, you will need to change the remote control code to prevent this occurrence.
14 VQT3V 18 Pl ayback Inser ting or re mo ving media ≥ When inserting a m edia item, ensure that it is facing the right way up. ≥ If you connect a Panas oni c product with a USB connection cable, the setup screen may be displayed on the c onnected equipment.
15 VQT3 V18 Multi User Mode Multi User Mode is a function that enables switching of multiple settings easily . Up to 4 people can use the unit with their own settings.
16 VQT3V 18 Play back 1 Insert the media. Playback starts depending on the media. 2 Select the item to play and press [OK]. Repeat this procedure if necessary . ≥ DISCS CONTINUE TO ROT A TE WHILE MENUS ARE DISPLA YED. Press [ ∫ STOP] when you have finished playback to protect the unit’s motor , your television screen and so on.
17 VQT3 V18 Press [POP-UP ME NU/TOP ME NU]. ≥ Select the it em and press [OK]. While playing, press [ST A TUS]. The status messages give you information about what is current ly being played. E ach time you press [ST A TUS], the display information may change or will disapp ear from the s creen.
18 VQT3V 18 Enjo ying Networ k Ser vice (NETFLIX, et c.) Y ou can e njoy Network Service. * Images are for illustration purposes, contents may change without notice. Preparation ≥ Network connection ( > 9) ≥ Network setting ( > 11 ) 1 Press [NETWORK].
19 VQT3 V18 Home Netw or k fea ture Y ou can s hare photos, videos an d music stored in the DLNA Certified media server (PC with Windows 7 installed, smartphone, etc.) connected to your home network, and enjoy the contents with this player . Preparation 1 Perform network connec tion ( > 9) and ne twor k s ett in gs ( > 1 1) of this unit.
20 VQT3V 18 “HDMI CEC” This uni t support s HDMI CEC (Cons um e r Electronics Control). Y ou can use this func ti on by connecting t he equipment with an HDMI cable. See the operating instructions for connected equipment for o perational de t ails.
21 VQT3 V18 Settings Option menu A variety of play back operations and se ttings can be performed from this menu. Available options dif fer depending on the playing contents and the condition of the unit. About Mult i U s e r Mode : Sett ings of the items wit h this indication are saved by the respective users registered in the Home menu.
22 VQT3V 18 ∫ Video The recording method of original video appears. ∫ Primary Video The recording method of original primary video appears. ∫ Secondary Video ∫ T op M e nu Display T op Menu. ∫ Pop-up Menu Display Pop-up Menu. ∫ Menu Display Menu.
23 VQT3 V18 Setup menu Change the un it’ s sett ings if ne cessary . The sett ings remain intact ev en if you switc h t he unit to s tan dby . Some items in the Setup menu are common to the Option menu. Y ou can get the same effect with both menus .
24 VQT3V 18 ¾ HDMI Audio Outp ut This setting selects whether or not to output audio from HDMI. ∫ Downmix Select the downmix system of multi-channel to 2-channel sound. ≥ Select “ Surrou nd enco ded”, when t he conn ected equipment su pports the vir tual sur round func tion.
25 VQT3 V18 ¾ Network Drive Connection It is possible to access the shared folder of equipment not compatible with DLNA, such as the Window s XP operatin g system, and play back video, still pictures, and music on this unit . For the set ting and oper ation method of connec ted equipment, refer to t he followin g Website.
26 VQT3V 18 ¾ Screen Saver Function This is to prevent burn-in on the screen. ≥ When this is set to “O n”: If a list of playbac k content is displayed and there is no operation for 10 minutes or m ore, the screen switche s to HOME menu automatically .
27 VQT3 V18 Reference T roubleshooting g uide Before requesting service, please perform the followi ng steps. The followi ng do not indicate a prob lem with this unit : – Regular disc rotating sounds. – Image dist urbance during search. ∫ Unit doesn’t respond to remote control or fr ont panel buttons.
28 VQT3V 18 This unit does not recognize the USB connection correctly . ¾ Disconnect and reconnect the USB c able. If it still does not recognize the con nection, turn the power of this unit off and on again.
29 VQT3 V18 Cannot hear the des ired a udio t ype. ¾ Check the connections and the “Digital A udio Out pu t” s ett ing s. ( > 8, 23) ¾ T o output audio from a device connect ed with an HDMI cable, set “HDMI Audio Out put” to “On” in the Setup menu.
30 VQT3V 18 Messages The following messages or service numbers appear on the television or unit’s display . Cannot play . ¾ Y ou insert ed an incompatible disc (Discs recorded in P AL video, etc.). Cann o t di s p lay on this un it . ¾ Y ou tried to play a non-compatible im age.
31 VQT3 V18 Supplemental inf or mation ∫ Display languages list ∫ Language code list ∫ Unit’ s display list This list only contains displays that are dif f icult to read.
32 VQT3V 18 Pr ecau tions of W ir el ess LAN connecti on The following limit s are in place regarding the usage of this unit or Wi reless LAN Adaptor .
33 VQT3 V18 ≥ With certain recording states and folder structures, the play order may differ or playback may not be possible. The audio output dif f ers depending on the settings on the unit .
34 VQT3V 18 “A VCHD” is a trademark of Pan asonic Corpor ation and Sony Corporation. Java is a registe red trademark of Oracle an d/or its affi li ates. The Wi-Fi CE RTIFIED Logo is a cert ification mark of the W i-Fi Allia nce. The Wi-Fi Pro tected Setup Mark is a m ark of the Wi-Fi Alli ance.
35 VQT3 V18 This product i ncorporates the follo wing softwar e: (1) the sof tware developed indepe ndently by or for Pan asonic Corporation, (2) the sof tware owned by third p arty and li censed to P.
36 VQT3V 18 c-arse license Copyright 1 998 by the Massachusetts Institute of T echnology . Permission to u se, copy , modify , and distribute th is software and it s documenta tion for any purpose an .
37 VQT3 V18 Limited W ar r anty (ONL Y FOR U .S.A. AND PUER T O RICO) Pana sonic Consum er Mar ketin g Company o f North Amer ica, Divisi on of Panaso nic Corpora tion of North A merica One Panasonic .
38 VQT3V 18 Limi ted War r an ty (O nl y for C ANAD A ) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 A mbler Dr ive, Miss issaug a, Onta rio L4W 2T 3 P ANASONIC PRODUCT - LIMITED W ARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc.
39 VQT3 V18 R efer encia rápida en español (Spanish Quick R eference) ≥ Conéctelo cuando haya realizado el resto de conexiones. Ahorro de ene rgía Esta unidad consume una pequeña cantidad de energía aunque esté ajustada en el modo de espera (Accionamiento rápido : Desactiva do, aprox.
Inde x A Audio Changing audio . . . . . . 16 Language . . . . . . . . 24 , 31 B BD- Li ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 D DLN A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 F File f or m at . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Firm ware up da t e . . . . . . . 13 H HDM I C E C .
デバイスPanasonic DMP-BD871の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DMP-BD871をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DMP-BD871の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DMP-BD871の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DMP-BD871で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DMP-BD871を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DMP-BD871の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DMP-BD871に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DMP-BD871デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。