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SQT0108 -1 until 2014/02/10 Owne r ’ s Manu al Blu-ray Disc TM Player Model No. DMP-BD 901 DMP-BD 91 DMP-BD 81 Thank you for purchasing this product. Please read t hese instructions c arefully before using this product , and save this manual for future use.
2 SQT0108 Getting started IMPORT ANT SAFETY INS TRUCT IO NS Read t hese op erating instru ction s carefu lly bef ore usi ng the un it. Follo w the saf ety in struct ions on th e unit an d the ap plicabl e safet y inst ruction s liste d belo w . Keep th ese oper ating in struct ions hand y for future reference.
3 SQT0108 Precautions Unit T o reduce the ris k of fir e, ele ctric s hock or p roduct damag e, ≥ Do no t expos e this u nit to ra in, moi sture, d rippin g or sp lashing. ≥ Do not place objects fi lled with liquid s, such as vases, on this unit .
4 SQT0108 T able of contents IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pre cautio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Getting started Acc essor ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Unit and media care . . . . . . . . . 5 Pla yable me dia . . .
5 SQT0108 Getting started Connec tions an d Sett ings Playback Setti ngs Reference Accessor ies Check the supplied accessories before using this unit. 1 Remote control (N2QA YB 000952 ) 2 Batteries fo r remote control 1 AC powe r supply cord (K2CB 2YY000 92) ≥ Product numbers are provided in this Owner ’s Manual correct as of December 2013.
6 SQT0108 Play able media ≥ See pages 7 and 30 f or more information on the types of content that can be played. Devi ce Media marki ngs Device ty pes Conten ts format BD-Video V ideo BD-RE Vid eo ,.
7 SQT0108 Getting started ∫ Types of discs tha t cannot be played in this unit Any other disc that is not specifically supported or previously d escribed.
8 SQT0108 Control r ef erence guide When other Panasonic devices respond to the remote control of the unit, change t he remote control code. ( > 25) 1 T urn the unit on and off 2 TV operation buttons Y ou can operat e the Panasonic TV using this unit’s remote control.
9 SQT0108 Getting started Connec tions an d Sett ings Connecting to a TV Connect the power supply cord after m aking all connections. ≥ Before ma king any connections, we r ecommend that y ou tem porarily disconnect all the units from AC power outlet.
10 SQT0108 Connecting to the netw or k The following services can be used when this unit is connected to broadband. ≥ Firmware can be updated ( > 12) ≥ Y ou can enjoy BD-Live ( > 17 ) ≥ Y .
11 SQT0108 Connec tions an d Sett ings Settings The following settings can be performed any time in the Setup menu ( > 24, 25). After connecting your new player for the first time and pressing [ Í ], the basic s ettings screen will appear . Preparation T urn on the TV and select the appropriate video i nput.
12 SQT0108 If your wireless netw ork is encrypted; Enter your encryption key (password). ≥ Y ou c an switch between capital and lower case letters by pressing the “Shift” key . ≥ Refer to the owner’s manuals of the hub or router. ≥ Do not use this unit to connect to any wireless network for which you do not have usage rights.
13 SQT0108 Connec tions an d Sett ings Playback Playback Inser ting or remo ving media Notes ≥ When inserting a media item, ensure that it is facing the correct way , which is the right side facing up. ≥ If you connect a Panason ic product with a USB connection ca ble, the setup screen may be displayed on t he connected equipment.
14 SQT0108 HOME menu Major functions of this unit can be operated from the HOME menu. Preparation T urn on the TV and select the a ppropriate video input. 1 Press [ Í ] to turn on the unit. ≥ After network service introduction banner is shown, the HOME menu is displayed.
15 SQT0108 Playback Multi User Mode Multi User Mode allows individuals to customize settings and sw itch to the ir saved settings e asily . Up to four people can use the unit with their own settings.
16 SQT0108 Play back 1 Insert the media. Playback starts depending on the media. 2 Select the item to play and press [OK]. Repeat this step if necessary . ≥ DISCS CONTINUE TO ROT A TE WHILE MENUS ARE DISPLA YED. Press [ ∫ STOP] when you have finished playback to protect the unit’s motor, your TV screen and so on.
17 SQT0108 Playback Press [POP-UP ME NU/TOP MENU]. ≥ Select the it em and press [OK]. While playing, press [ST A TUS]. The status messages give you information about what is cu rrently being played. Each t ime you press [ST A TUS], the display information may change or disappe ar from the screen.
18 SQT0108 Netw or k Ser vice (Enjoying Netflix, etc.) Network Service allows you to acce ss some specific websites suppo rted by Panasonic. This unit has no f ull browser function and some features of websites may not be available. ≥ Some services, such as Netflix require a registered account.
19 SQT0108 Playback Home Netw or k fea ture [BD901] [ BD91] Before using the f ollowing features, be sure to configure the conn ected equipment on y our Home Network. Y ou can share photos, videos and music stored in the DLNA Certified media server (PC with Windows 7 installed, smartphone, etc.
20 SQT0108 “HDMI CEC” This uni t support s “HDMI CEC” (Consum er Elect ronics Cont rol) funct ion. See the ow ner’s manuals for conn ected equipment for o perational details. Preparation 1 Set “HDMI CE C” to “On” ( > 25). (The default setting is “On”.
21 SQT0108 Playback Setti ngs ∫ Shuffle Select whether or not to play r andom. ∫ St art Slideshow S tart the slideshow . ∫ Stat us Show the status messages. ∫ Rota te Right ∫ R o tat e L e ft Rotate the still picture. ∫ Wa l l pa p e r Set the st ill picture to the wallpaper of HOM E menu.
22 SQT0108 Setup menu Change the unit’s settings if ne cessary . The settings remain intact even if you switch the unit to standby . Some items are com mon to the Option menu.
23 SQT0108 Setti ngs ∫ Dynamic Range C ompression Y ou can listen at low volumes bu t still hear dialogue clearly . (Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD only) ≥ “Auto” is effective o nly when playing Dolby TrueHD.
24 SQT0108 ¾ CC Reset Restore the default “Clos ed Caption” settings. ∫ Easy Netw ork Setting ( > 11 ) ∫ Network Settings Perform network-related settings individually . Press [OK] t o show the following settings: ¾ LAN Conne ction Mode Select the LAN connection method.
25 SQT0108 Setti ngs The following items use the same password. Don’t forget y our password. ∫ DVD-Video Ratings Set a ratings level to limit DVD-Vi deo play . ∫ BD-Vi deo Rati ngs Set an age limit of BD-Video play . ∫ Networ k Servi ce Lock Y ou can restrict the usage of Network Service.
26 SQT0108 ∫ Fi rmw are Upd ate ( > 12) Press [OK] t o show the following settings: ¾ Automatic Update Check When this equipment remains connected to the Internet, it will check for the latest firmware version when it is turned on and you can update it if nece ssa ry .
27 SQT0108 Setti ngs Reference Reference T r oubleshoot ing guide Before requesting service, please perform the followi ng step s. ∫ Unit does not respond to remote control or unit’s buttons. Disconnect AC power supply cord, wait 1 m inute, then reconnect AC power supply cord.
28 SQT0108 The TV screen turns black. ¾ When “24p O utput” is set to “On”, HDMI authentication takes place a nd a black screen is displayed. This unit does not recognize the USB connection correctly . ¾ Disconnect and re-connect the USB cable.
29 SQT0108 Reference I can’t co nnect to th e network. ¾ Confirm the network connection and settings. ( > 10, 1 1, 24 ) ¾ There m ay be interference that prevents the unit from detecting y our home network. Place the unit and the wireless router closer to each other .
30 SQT0108 Specifica tions ≥ S pecifications are subject to change without notice. ≥ With certain recording states and folder structures, the play order may differ or playback may not be possible.
31 SQT0108 Reference The audio output dif fers depending on the settings on the unit. ( > 23, “Digital Audio Output”) ≥ The number of channels listed is the maximum possible number of output channels when connected to amplifier/ receiver compatible with the respective audio format.
32 SQT0108 “A VCHD” is a trademark of Panason ic Corporation and Sony Corpor ation. Java is a register ed trademark of Ora cle and/or its af filiates. Manufacture d under licen se from Dolby L aboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are tradem arks of Dolby Laborator ies.
33 SQT0108 Reference Limited W ar ranty (ONL Y FOR U .S.A. AND PUERT O RICO) Panasonic P roduct s Limited W arranty Limited W arranty Coverage (For USA and Puerto Rico Only) If your product does not w.
34 SQT0108 Limi ted War r ant y (Onl y for C ANAD A) Panasonic Canada Inc. 5770 A mble r Driv e, Mis siss auga , Ont ario L4W 2T 3 P ANASONIC PRODUCT - LIMITED W ARRANTY EXCHANGE PROGRAM Panasonic Canada Inc.
35 SQT0108 Reference R eferencia rápida en español (Spanish Quick R efer ence) ≥ Conéctelo cuando haya realizado el resto de conexiones. Ahorro de energí a Esta unidad consume una pequeña cantidad de energía aunque esté ajustada en el modo de espera (Accionamiento rápido : Desactivado, aprox.
Inde x A Audio Changing audio . . . . . . 16 Language . . . . . . . . 23, 31 B BD- Live . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 C Clo sed Ca ption . . . . . 21 , 23 D DLN A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 F File form at .
デバイスPanasonic DMP-BD91の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DMP-BD91をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DMP-BD91の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DMP-BD91の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DMP-BD91で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DMP-BD91を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DMP-BD91の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DMP-BD91に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DMP-BD91デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。