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2 English Operating Instructions (For F acsimile) Digital Copier Befor e oper ating this equi pment, plea se re ad these instr ucti ons co mplete ly an d keep thes e opera ting instr uctio ns f or fut ure refe rence .
IMPOR T ANT INFORMA TION When requ esting inf o r mation , suppli es or ser v ice alwa ys refer to the model and ser ial numbe r of your machine. Th e model an d ser ial number plate (Mai n Name Plate) is located o n the ma chine as shown below . F or your conv eni ence, space is provide d below to reco rd informa tion you may need in the fu ture.
INST ALLING Y OUR MA CHINE 3 This c opier i ncludes 3 operating instr uc tion m anuals, please use the corr ect manual when o perator i nter vention is nece ssar y . <Copier > Use the in f or mation provide d in thi s manual whenev er a copier function r equires inter vention.
INST ALLING Y OUR MA CHINE 4 Operat ion Char t (Fo r F a csim ile) ■ ■ ■ ■ How to Load Originals ■ ■ ■ ■ Basic Operation (1) On the ADF (2) On the Platen Glass (Flatbed) Place the orig inal(s ) F ace Up on the ADF unti l the lead ing ed ge placed into the ma chine stops.
5 T ab le of Contents Precau tions ....... ............. ................... ............. .................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ........ 9 ■ For your safe ty ......... ............. ...............
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 6 Loading Documents ...................... ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .................... ........ .. 39 Basic T ra nsmission Settings .............. ............. ..
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 7 Journals and Lists ..................... ............. ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .................... . 79 ■ Transacti on Journal .. ................... .........
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 8 Energy Sta r The DP-135FP complies with Tier 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Program. This voluntary program specifies certain energy consumption and usage standards for copiers. These copiers will automatically “ power down ” after a specified period of non-use.
9 GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHI NE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE Precaut ions For your saf ety ■ ■ ■ ■ Laser safety ■ ■ ■ ■ Caution Labels LASER SAFETY This unit emplo ys a laser . Only qualified ser vice personnel should attempt to ser vice this de vice due to possib le e y e injur y .
GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 10 Handin g T oner and P aper Ve n t i l a t i o n • Do not look directly at exp osure lamp when copying. • Do not turn the powe r switc h off or open the fr ont panel during copying or pr inting. • Do not drop paper c lips or other metal objects into the copier .
GETTIN G T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 11 GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHI NE Installati on (see Note 1) ■ ■ ■ ■ The copier should not be installed in areas with the follo wing c onditions: • Extremel y high or lo w temperature and humidity .
GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 12 Over view Externa l View ■ ■ ■ ■ Fr ont & Right Side Vie w Exit T ray Control P anel ADF (A utomatic Document Feeder) Right Cover Sheet Bypass Release B.
GETTIN G T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 13 GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHI NE ■ ■ ■ ■ Rear & Left Side Vie w Do not bloc k the ventilation openings Handset Kit (Optional) T elephone Line Jack Ext.
GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 14 Contr ol panel ■ ■ ■ ■ K eys and Indicator s (For F acsimile) 2SIDED DP-135FP P APER TRA Y SELECT SE 2 in 1 ZOOM (50~200%) SEARCH DIRECT OR Y abc.
GETTING T O KNO W Y OUR MA CHINE 16 Function Selection Selecting the F ax or C op y Mode Y ou can s et the P ow er ON default mode to either F ax or Copy Mode. (See page 37) F actor y Sta ndard Se tting is Cop y Mode. (see Note 1) NOTE 1. Beep sound i ndica tes unav ailabl e combi ned op eration s.
17 INST ALLING Y O UR MA CHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE Setting the Dia ling Method (T on e or Pulse) Y our mac hine can ope rate with either of two dia ling method s (T one or Pul se), dependi ng on the type of te lephon e line you are con nected to .
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 18 Adjust ing the V olume Setting the Moni tor and / or Ring er V o lume Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX M ODE". Setting the Monitor V olume Y ou can adjus t the monitor and ring er v olume on your machin e.
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 19 INST ALLING Y O UR MA CHINE Setting the Ringer V olume (see N ote 1) 1 Standby 2 repea tedly to rai se the volume. or repea tedly to l ower the v olume. NOTE 1. You can also a djust the vo lume of the key t ouch t one and the vo lume of the b uzzer in th e Fax Paramete r No.
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 20 Ho w T o Enter Cha racte r s T o en ter character s or symbols f or the Station Na me (See pag e 25), Logo (See page 22), Cha racter ID (See page 23), etc.
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 21 INST ALLING Y O UR MA CHINE User P a rameters Setting the Date and Ti me At stan dby the display will s how the date and tim e.
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 22 Set ti ng Y our LO GO (see Note 1) When you send a docu ment, your LOGO a ppears on the t op of the copy printed out at t he other s tation. The LOGO he lps to ident ify you to someone who receives y our document. Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON.
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 23 INST ALLING Y O UR MA CHINE Setting Y our Character ID . 20 If the r emote m achine h as Charact er ID ca pabilities, when you are sending or receiv ing, your Character ID will appear on the remot e m ach ine' s di spla y and the remo te mac hine' s C har acter ID will a ppear on y our di spla y .
INST AL LING Y OUR MA CHINE 24 Setting Y our ID Number (Fax T elephone Num ber) (see Note 1) (see Note 2) If the remote mac hine does not have a Character ID but has an ID Numb er , when se nding or rec eiving, your ID Numb er will appear on the remote ma chine 's display and their ID Number wi ll appear o n your display .
25 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE Director y Search Dialing Entering the Direc tory Sear c h Dial ing T o use the Dir ector y Search Dia ling, you must first sto re the station names an d their telephone numbers usi ng the following proced ure.
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 26 7 Enter th e telep hone number (up to 36 digits i ncludin g pauses and spac es). Ex: Sele ct and continue pressi ng the appropr iate ke y on the ke y pad unt il the des ired Cha racter / Sym bol is dis play ed, then sel ect anothe r ke y on the keypad to enter othe r Char acter s / S ymbo l s.
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 27 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE Ch angin g Di rec tor y S earch Dial in g If you hav e t o change a ny of the Dire ctor y S earch Dial ing Stations, f ollow the steps below . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 28 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 7 then enter a new telephone number . (See Note 1 ) Ex: 8 T o retur n to s tandby , pres s NOTE 1. If you make a mista ke, use or to move the c ursor bey ond the inc orrect nu mber, press then re-e nter the new nu mber .
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 29 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE Erasing the Dir ectory Sear ch Dialing (see Note 1) If you hav e t o erase any of th e Direct or y Sea rch Dial ing Stations, f ollow the steps below . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON.
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 30 Setti ng Up Gr oup Dial ing T o s et a Group Dialing, f ollow the step s below . Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX M ODE". 1 2 3 4 ↓ 3.0 se c. lat er 5 Enter a Group n ame using character keys (up to 15 characters ).
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 31 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE Changin g Gr oup Diali ng If you hav e t o change t he Grou p Dialing , f ol low the steps below . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 32 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 7 Use or to s earch a telephone number you wish to change. 8 then enter a new telephone number . (See Note 1 ) Ex: 9 T o retur n to s tandby , pres s NOTE 1. If you make a mis take, use or to move the curs or beyo nd the incorrec t numbe r, press then re-e nter the new nu mber .
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 33 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE Erasing Group Dialing (see Note 1) If you hav e t o erase a G roup , f ollow the step s below . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 34 Fa x Pa r a m e t e r s Setting the F ax Pa rameter s (see Not e 1) (see Note 2) Y our facsimile mac hine has a var iety of adjust ab le F ax P aramet ers. These pa rameters, listed in the Par ameter T able, are preset f or you and do no t need t o be chan ged.
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 35 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE F ax P arameter T abl e No. P arameter Settin g Number Setting Commen ts 02 RESOLUTI ON *1 Standard Setting the home p osition for the RESOLUTION. 2F i n e 3S - F i n e 05 MEMORY 1 Off Setting the home p osition for the MEMOR Y .
PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 36 34 E NERGY SA VE TIMER 1 5 min. T o reduce the power consumption in standby , your machine is designed to power down t o the Energy Sa ver Mode and Sleep Mode after a specif ied period of inactivity . Y ou may change the dela y time to enter int o each mode as required.
PR OGRAMMING Y OU R MA CHINE 37 PROGRAMMING Y OUR MA CH INE (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) 58 LANGUA GE *1 A-English Selecting the language to be shown on the displa y and repor ts. 2 C-F rench 3 Spanish 61 F AX/COPY MODE 1 F ax Setting the home position to either F AX or CO PY Mode during standby .
This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank. PR OGRAMMIN G Y OUR MA CHINE 38.
39 BA S I C OPERA TIONS BASIC OPERATIONS Loading D ocument s (1) On t he ADF (2) On th e Platen G lass (F latbed) Place the orig inal(s ) F ace Up on the ADF un til the le ading e dge plac ed into the machine sto ps. Adjust the O rigin al Wi dth G uides to center the or iginal(s) on the ADF .
40 Basic T ran smissi on Settin gs Origin al (Ph oto/T ext)/C ontr ast/Re soluti on Y ou can temp orari ly chang e the transmiss ion setti ngs either b ef ore or afte r you place the o rig inal on the ADF or Platen G lass. After your or iginal ha s been se nt, your machine will autom atically retur n to th e preset se ttings.
41 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Resolution (see No te 1) Y our ma chine is pr eset to S tandard reso lution , which is sui table f or most documents. Use Fine or Super Fine f or detailed or iginals. T o temp orari ly change the Res olution, follow the step s below .
42 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) (see Note 1) A Communi cation J our nal lets you verify if the transmiss ion was succes sful. Y ou c an se lect the co nditi on to p r int th e Communicati on Jour nal as f ollows. When y ou s et C OMM. JO URNAL = OFF : a Communicat ion Jo ur nal w ill not pr int .
43 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Send ing Do cum ents Y ou ca n ch oose e ith er Me mory or Dire ct T ran smi ssio n. Use Memo r y T ransm ission if: • Y ou want to s end the do cument to mul tiple stations. • Y ou hav e to retr iev e the ori ginal( s) immedia tely .
44 (see Note 1) Å @ Å @ (see Not e 2 ) Å @ Å @ (see Note 3) Å @ Å @ (see Note 4) (see Note 5) NOTE 1. While storing, the File N umber of the docum ent(s ) being store d is s hown at the up per right c orner of the displa y . It is al so printed on the Communicatio n Jour nal (COMM.
45 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Manu al Nu mber Di aling (see Note 1) (see Not e 2) (see No te 3) T o dial the telephone number manually , follo w the steps below . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
46 NOTE 1. If you need a s pecial a ccess n umber to get an o utside li ne, dia l it firs t then pr ess to enter a pause (represent ed by a "-") b efore di aling the full n umber.
47 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Direct ory Sear ch Diali ng Direct or y Sear ch Diali ng allows you to dial a fu ll telepho ne number by sear ching the station's name. Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
48 (see Note 1) ADF Scanning 4 a All doc ument(s ) are stored into m emor y wi th a file numb er . Then, th e mach ine star ts dialing t he telepho ne number . Platen Glas s (Flatbed) Scanni ng 4 b When an o rig inal i s place d on the Platen G lass, the disp la y is as sh own to the r ight.
49 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Multi-Station T ransmission (Br oadcasting) (see Note 1) If you ha v e to send the s ame docume nt(s) to multipl e stations, you can sav e time in f eeding the document( s) by using mem or y transmis sion. That is, y ou can stor e the document (s) into memor y and th en send i t to the station(s ) automat ically .
50 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) ADF Scanning 4 a All doc ument(s ) are stored into m emor y wi th a file numb er . Then, th e mach ine star ts dia ling t he telepho ne numbers i n sequenc e.
51 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Direct T ransmission (see Note 1) Manual Number Dialin g (D irect T r ansmis sion) T o dial the teleph one number m anually , f o llow the ste ps below . I f y o u r m a c h i n e ' s m e m o r y i s f u l l o r y o u w i s h t o s e n d t h e docu ment imme diatel y , use Direc t T ran smis sion.
52 (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) (see Note 3) ADF Scanning 4 a The mac hine sta r ts to dial the t elepho ne number . Platen Glas s (Flatbed) Scanni ng 4 b When an o rig inal i s place d on the Platen G lass, the disp la y is as sh own to the r ight. Press or to selec t the size of the o rig inal o n the Platen G lass and p ress to star t dialing .
53 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Directory Sear ch Dialing (Dire ct T ransmission) ( see No te 1) Direct or y Sear ch Diali ng allows you to dial a fu ll telepho ne number by search ing the station's name. (T o use Dire ct T ran smissi on, you must change the F ax P aram eter No .
54 V oice Mode T ransmission Off-Hook Dialing F or Off-Hook Di aling, follow the st eps below . (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) If y ou wish to send the documen t after talk ing with other par ty first, use V oice Mo de T ransmissio n. Y our mac hine requi res an optional fax hands et or an exter nal telep hone.
55 BA S I C OPERA TIONS On-Hook Dialing (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) (s ee Note 3) F or On-Ho ok Dia ling, follow the steps b elow . Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE". 1 Set the or igi nal(s) face up on t he ADF .
56 T ransmission Reser v ation Memory T ransmission Reservation (Multi-task ing) If y our mac hine is on-l ine busy transmittin g from me mor y , receivin g or pr inting r eceived documen ts, y ou can reser ve a transmi ssion by the following proced ure.
57 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Redialin g A utomatic Redialing Manual Redia ling Y ou can a lso red ial the las t dialed numb er manually by pressing ke y . T o redial the last dialed number through memory (see N ote 1) If a busy line is det ected, the m achin e will redia l the numbe r up to 5 tim es at 3 minutes i nter val.
58 Receiving Docume nts Reception A utomati c Rece ption Y our mac hine will receive documen ts auto matically if the F a x P arameter No . 17 (REC EIVE MO DE) is set to “ Aut o ” .
59 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Print Reduc tion This mac hine can u se Letter , Legal or A4 si ze plain paper f o r recordi ng. Some times, ov e rsized docume nts sent to you by the other p ar ties cannot be pr inted within a single page. When this occ urs, the do cument wi ll be divide d into se parate pages.
60 Receiv ing Oversiz e Do cuments If the rec eived document is e x tremely lo ng (ov er 39% l onger tha n the recor ding paper ), the do cumen t will be divided into separate pages. When pr inting on separate pag es, the bottom 0 .4 in (10 mm ) of first pa ge will be ov er lapp ed on top of the next page.
61 BA S I C OPERA TIONS Substitute Memory Reception (see Note 1) (se e Note 2) If the rec ording pa per r uns out or jam s or if the ton er r uns out dur ing rec eption, the machin e automa tically star ts rec eiving docume nts into its i mage da ta mem or y .
This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank. 62.
63 AD V ANCE D FEA TUR ES ADVANCED FEATURES P olling Setting the P olling P assw or d If the polli ng passw ord does not matc h with the poll ed station, your polling r equest wil l be refused autom aticall y . (see Note 1) (see Note 2) T o set th e polling password, f ollow the step s below .
AD V ANCE D FEA TURES 64 T o P oll Do cuments from Another Station The f ollowing proced ure lets you poll a document fr om one or multiple stations. Be sure to se t the polling password bef o re polling. (See pag e 63) Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON.
AD V ANCED FE A TURES 65 AD V ANCE D FEA TUR ES (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 5 Dial by any combin ation o f the follo wing met hods ( up to 10 sta tions ): • Manual Numb er Diali ng, pres s after each.
AD V ANCE D FEA TURES 66 Edit File Mode Deleting a File (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) T o d elete t he reser v ed file(s ) in mem or y , f ollow the ste ps below . 1 2 3 Ente r th e fi le n umb er or use or to se lect t he f ile that you w ant to del ete.
AD V ANCED FE A TURES 67 AD V ANCE D FEA TUR ES Receive T o Memor y Setting RCV T o Memory Pa ss w ord/Setti ng RCV to Memor y Setting the RCV T o Memory P asswor d This feature is used to secure a ll recei v ed docum ents by stor ing them into the mem or y .
AD V ANCE D FEA TURES 68 Setting RCV T o Memory (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX M ODE". 1 2 3 4 NOTE 1. When the me mory overfl ows, th e mac hine wi ll st op rec eiving a nd rel ease t he lin e.
AD V ANCED FE A TURES 69 AD V ANCE D FEA TUR ES Printi ng Out Document s T o pri nt the doc ument(s), f ollow the steps b elow . (See Note 1 and 2) After rec eiving d ocument( s) with the Rec eive T o Memor y feature , the f ollowing me ssage wi ll app ear on the display .
AD V ANCE D FEA TURES 70 (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) 5 Enter th e passw ord to p rin t the docum ent(s). (See Note 1) Ex: 6 Mac hin e wi ll st ar t to print t he d ocu men t(s) . NOTE 1. If the passw ord h as not been set, your m achine w ill not pro mpt you to enter t he pas sword.
71 NETW ORK FEA TURE Network Features Distinctive Ring De tector (DRD) Y our ma chine has a specia l f eature in conjun ction w ith an optiona l ser vice provided by many loca l telephone compani es. It can distingu ish up to 4 telephone numbers with a cor respondin g rin g patter n identifyi ng each number .
NETWORK FEA TURE 72 PIN Code A ccess Select ing the Acce ss Met hod (P refix or Suffix) If your PBX requir es a PIN ( P erso nal I dentifi catio n N umber ) code to get an outs ide line, your machine can be set to pr ompt the user to enter a PIN co de before any dialing .
NETWORK FEA TURE 73 NETW ORK FEA TURE Dialing with a PIN Code Make sure that th e F AX Mode i ndicator is ON. If no t, press to se lect the "F AX MO DE". 1 a Set the or igi nal(s) face up on th e ADF . 1 b Place a book or an or igin al face down on the Pla ten Glas s.
NETWORK FEA TURE 74 (see Note 1) (see N ote 2)(See (see Note 3) 5 ADF Scanning 6 a All doc ument(s ) are stor ed into me mor y wit h a fil e number . Then the machine star ts dialin g the telep hone numbe rs in seque nce.
NETWORK FEA TURE 75 NETW ORK FEA TURE Sub-A ddressin g General Description The Su b-Addr essing function a llows you to fur ther ro uting or f orwarding or rel a ying of documen t(s) to the desired recipien t(s) when used i n combi nation with the Networ king version of L aserF ax software.
NETWORK FEA TURE 76 Setting the Sub-Address into the Directory Sear ch Dialing Numbers (see Note 1) Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX M ODE". 1 2 3 ↓ 3.0 sec . later 4 Enter th e station name.
NETWORK FEA TURE 77 NETW ORK FEA TURE Sending a F AX with Sub-Address Using Direct ory Search Dialing The ope ration is the s ame as for nor mal dialing Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
NETWORK FEA TURE 78 Using Manual Number Dialing Use to sepa rate the T ele phone number and the Su b-Ad dress (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) (see Note 3) Make sure that the F AX M ode in dicator is ON. If not, pres s to select the "F AX M ODE". 1 a Set the orig inal(s ) f ace up on the ADF .
79 PRINTI NG JOURNALS AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS Jour nals an d Li sts T r ansaction Journal The "J our nal" i s a record of the last 40 transactions (a transactio n is recor ded each tim e you send or rece ive a documen t).
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LIS TS 80 (see Note 1) 4 Sele ct the vi e w mode. to view transmissio n transactions only to view all transac tions Ex: Y ou ca n view the transacti ons in th e jour nal by pressing or .
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LI STS 81 PRINTI NG JOURNALS AND LISTS Sample T ransaction Journal ( 1) (2) ***************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE OCT-12-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 ********* (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) NO.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LIS TS 82 Explanation of contents (1) Pr intou t dat e (2) Printout time (3) J our n al num ber (4) Co mmunica tion result : "OK" in dic ates tha t the communi catio n was succe ssful . "BUSY" indic ates th at the comm unica tion ha s f ailed becaus e of b usy line.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LI STS 83 PRINTI NG JOURNALS AND LISTS Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) The Commu nicat ion Jou r nal (C OMM. Jou rnal) lets y ou ve rify wheth er the t ra nsmissi on or po lling wa s successf ul. Y ou may selec t th e pr intou t cond itio n (Off/A lwa ys/Inc.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LIS TS 84 Explanation of contents (1) Indicate s the comm unica tion mode (2) Star t time of c ommunic ation (3) End time of comm uni cation (4) File number : 001 to 9 99 (When the c ommu nicat ion i s stored into memory , a fi le n umber is assi gned f or ea ch commun icat ion.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LI STS 85 PRINTI NG JOURNALS AND LISTS Directory Sear c h Dialing List T o pr int the D irector y Search Dialing L ist you hav e stored. Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE".
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LIS TS 86 Sample Dir ectory Dial List Explanation of contents ************** - DIRECTORY DIAL LIST - ***************** DATE OCT-12-2000 **** TIME 15:00 ******** (1) (2) STATION NAME TELEPHONE NO. ACCOUNTING DEPT 313 333 3456 ENG.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LI STS 87 PRINTI NG JOURNALS AND LISTS Jour nals an d Li sts F AX P arameter List T o pri nt a F A X P arameter List: Make sure that th e F AX Mode indica tor is ON. If not, p ress to select the "F AX MODE". 1 2 3 12 45 78 0 3 6 9 abc.
PRINTING JOU RNALS AND LIS TS 88 Sample F AX Parameter List Explanation of contents (1) P aramet er numb er (2) Description : "(HOME)" me ans ho me po sition s etting. (3) Selectio n (4) Current sett ing : "----" i ndicates code or pass word is no t set.
89 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE T roub leshooti ng Inf ormat io n Code s When so mething unusual occ urs, the display ma y sh ow one of the Inform ation Codes listed bel ow .
MAINTENANCE 90 (see Note 1) 501/502 Commun icatio n error o ccurred us ing th e internal V .34 Modem. Chec k wi th the other party . -- 540/541 542 543/544 Comm unica tion e rror occurre d while tran smitti ng. 1. Reload the d ocument(s ) and sen d agai n.
MAIN TENANCE 91 MAINTENANCE If Y ou Have An y of These Probl ems Mode Symptom Cause / Action page During Standb y "JA N-01-1 999" appears o n the d ispla y . The batte ry is not insta lled o r the ba ttery is comp letely discha rged. In stall a Ne w batte ry and reset the cloc k.
MAINTENANCE 92 Adding P a per See Operat ing Instr ucti ons (For Copier) P .21 Adding T oner See Operat ing Instr ucti ons (For Copier) P .23 Remo ving P ap er Jam s See Operat ing Instr ucti ons (For Copier) P .25 ~ 28 Print Copy Qualit y V er t ical li nes pri nt ing on the re ceiv ed docum ent Print a J ournal repor t (e.
MAIN TENANCE 93 MAINTENANCE Replacing the Lithium Battery When "JAN- 01-1999" ap pears on the di spla y , replace the Li thium Bat ter y by follo wing the p rocedur e below . 1 1 Remo v e the Rear Access Cover . (1 Screw) 2 T ur n the P ower Switc h to the "O " (OFF) positio n.
MAINTENANCE 94 Cleaning the Docum ent Scanning Area • Wipe mar ks off with c loth and a neutral deter gent. • Wipe aga in with a dr y c loth. If the rec eiving par ty re por ts that the recei v ed docume nts were blac k, or conta in b lack lines, tr y maki ng a copy on your unit to v erify .
MAIN TENANCE 95 MAINTENANCE Cleaning the P rinter Roll er T o clean th e pri nter roll er If you find toner on the back of the recording paper , the pri nter roller i n the fuse r unit is probably di r ty . 1 2 The ma chine wi ll pr int out 3 Cleani ng Char ts.
MAINTENANCE 96 (see Note 1) 3 Load the Cl eaning Ch ar t s into the paper tra y f ace down. (See Note 1 ) 4 5 The Machine wil l f e ed the char ts and clean the prin ter roller . NOTE 1. If you have installe d the o ptiona l paper tray (s), lo ad the Cleanin g Charts into the u pper pa per tray .
MAIN TENANCE 97 MAINTENANCE Chec king the T elephone Line If you do no t hear a dial t one whe n the ke y is pres sed, no r through the te lephone c onnected to the ma chine or when the t elepho ne does no t ri ng (No aut omatic receive). 1 Unplug the T eleph one Line Cable from the tele phone jack that was supplie d by the telephon e com pany .
This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank. MAINTENANCE 98.
99 APPENDIX APPENDIX Specificat ions Compati bility ITU-T G roup 3 Coding Sc heme MH, MR, MMR (Conforms to ITU-T Recom mendations ) Modem T ype ITU-T V .34, V .17, V .29, V .27 ter and V .21 Modem Speed 33600 ~ 2 400 bps Original Siz e (ADF) B4/Legal /Letter/Invoice Max.
APPENDIX 100 (see Note 1) Recording P aper Capacity 250 s heet pape r tra y , pl us 50 sh eet bypass Director y Se ar ch Dialing Memor y Capacity 100 sta tions (10 group dial ing are included .
APPEND IX 101 APPENDIX Options and Supplies Please conta ct your loca l P anasoni c dealer f or av ailabilit y . A. Options: Or der No. Picture Description UE-403 171-A U Handset K it UE- 4100 45 Expa.
APPENDIX 102 Installi ng the Handset Ki t (see Note 1) 1 T ur n the P ower Switch O FF when install ing the han dset kit. Remov e the hands et kit ou t of the car to n. Connect the handset c ord to th e handset cradle. 2 Hook the pro jections of th e handset cra dle into squa re holes on the left side of the machine.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 103 APPENDIX Expansion Flash Mem ory Card Install ing the Ex pansion Flash Mem or y Card ( 1 MB: UE- 410045, 2 MB: UE-4 10046, 4 MB : UE-410 047) Before install ing, make sure th at there i s no doc ument fil e(s) stor ed in me mor y .
APPENDIX 104 FCC Notice f or User in USA W ARNING ! This equipm ent has bee n tested and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to pa r t 15 of the FCC Rul es.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 105 APPENDIX The tel ephone Co nsumer Protect ion Act of 1991 m akes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or oth er electr onic device to sen d any mes sage via telep hone f.
APPENDIX 106 Notice f or User in Can ada The lnd ustr y Ca nada L abel iden tifies c er ti fied eq uipment. This cer tifi cation means tha t the e quipment m eets cer tain tele communic ations n etwor k protec tive , operatio nal and safety requir ements.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 107 APPENDIX L' é tiquett e de I ndustr ie Can ada id entifie l e mat é r iel hom ologu é . Cette é tiquette cer tifie que l e mat é riel e st conforme à cer taines n or mes de protectio n, d'exploitation et de s é curit é des r é seau x de t é l é communication s.
APPENDIX 108 Glossar y ADF (Automatic Document Feed er ) The me chanism that de livers a stack of docum ent pages to the s canner one page at a tim e. A uto Print Reduction The me thod of a utomatic ally re ducing a receiv ed docum ent so that it can be pri nted onto a s tanda rd size pi ece of pl ain pap er .
APPEND IX APPENDIX 109 APPENDIX Gr oup Dialing The abi lity t o program many teleph one number s into a single s tation so that ma n y locati ons can b e dialed in se quence uti lizing a single ke y stroke . Header A row of infor mation that i s transmitte d by the sending mac hine and pr int ed on the t op of each page by the rec eiving unit.
APPENDIX 110 Pr otocol A protoco l is the spec ial set of r ules for communicat ing that the e nd poin ts in a tel ecommunica tion conn ection us e when they send signal s back and f or th . Both end points must reco gnize and obser ve the protocol . PSTN Public Switch ed T ele phone Ne twork.
APPEND IX 111 APPENDIX ITU-T Im age No. 1 All sp ecificatio ns are b ased on th e ITU-T Im age No . 1 (The sam ple shown below is not to scale). THE SLEREXE COMP ANY LIMITED SAPORS LANE - BOOLE - DORSET - BH 25 8 ER TELEPHONE BOOLE (945 13) 51617 - TELEX 123456 Registered in England: No.
This pag e is inte ntional ly left blank. APPENDIX 112.
INDEX 113 A Automati c Reception .. ............ .................... ......... 58 Automati c Reduction .. ............ .................... ......... 59 C Character ID .. ............. ............ .................... ......... 23 Communic ation Jo urnal ( COMM.
デバイスPanasonic DP-135FPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DP-135FPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DP-135FPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DP-135FPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DP-135FPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DP-135FPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DP-135FPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DP-135FPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DP-135FPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。