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RQT9510- 1B EB Front speaker s and surround speakers SC-BT205 SC-B T2 00 Operating Instruct ions Blu-ray Disc Home Theat er Sound Syst em Model No. SC -BT205 SC-BT200 Dear customer Thank y ou for purc hasing th is produc t. For optim um perform ance and safety, ple ase read t hese ins tructions carefully .
2 RQT 9510 Indicate s feat ures app licable to: Ac cessori es Please che ck and ident ify th e suppli ed accessor ies. Use number s i ndicat ed in pare ntheses when asking for repla cement par ts. (Produc t numbers cor re ct as of March 2009 . These may be subje ct to change .
3 RQT9510 Caution for AC Mains Lea d For y our safety , please r ead the fo llowing text c arefully . Th is a ppli a nc e is suppli e d wi th a mo ulded thre e pi n ma i ns p lug f or you r saf e ty an d c o nv en ie nce. A 5-a mpere fus e is fitted in this p lug.
4 RQT 9510 T able of content s Accesso ries ................................... .....................2 Safe ty p recau tions ...... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .... ..2 Cauti on fo r AC Main s Lea d ... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..3 Unit and media care .
5 RQT9510 Using the remote control ≥ Use a lkaline o r mangane se ba tteries. ≥ Do not mix old and ne w batteri es. ≥ Do not use dif ferent types a t the sam e time.
6 RQT 9510 Con trol r eferen ce gu ide (m ain un it) 1 St an dby/o n sw itch ( Í /I ) ( > 14) Press to swi tch the unit fr om on to s tandby mode o r vi ce v ersa .
7 RQT9510 Asse mbling the spea kers [BT2 05 ] Front spe akers and Surr ound speaker s Preparation ≥ T o prevent dam age or scrat ches, l ay down a soft clot h and perf orm asse mbly on it. ≥ For assembly , u se a Ph i ll ips- head sc rewd river ( not inc luded).
8 RQT 9510 Positioning How you set up you r spea kers can af fect the bass and the sound fi eld. Setup example Pl ac e the fro nt, ce ntre, sur r o und s pea kers at ap pro xima tel y th e sam e dist ance fr om the se ating pos i t ion.
9 RQT9510 S peaker connect ions Tur n of f all equi pment befor e conne ction and read th e appropri ate oper ating i nstruc tions . Do not connec t the AC mains l ead until al l ot her connect ions ar e complete. Setu p example [BT205] : The speaker cab les are at tached to the speaker stands .
10 RQT9510 TV connections For connections with a video cable ( > below) For connections with a component video cable ( > 11 ) For connections with an HDMI cable ( > 11 ) OPTICAL 2(STB) 1(TV) .
11 RQT9510 Do not disconnec t the video cable even if the below is conne cted. Some feat ures may not be displayed. Do not disconnec t the video cable even if the below is conne cted. Some feat ures may not be displayed. Conn ection s with a c omponen t vi deo cable ≥ Connect to termi nals of the same colour .
12 RQT 9510 Connections to a Set T op Box, etc. Use the f ollowing con nections when you want to out put the or iginal sur round audi o from your Set T op Box, cabl e TV , VCR, DVD reco r der , et c. t hrough this u nit’ s s peake rs. ≥ Do not connect thr ough the video cass ette recor der .
13 RQT9510 Network connectio n AC mai ns l ea d con nec ti on ≥ Before turning the power on for the firs t time, be sure t o read t he prepar ation s for SMART SETUP. ( > 14) BE SURE TO READ THE CAUTION FOR THE AC MAINS LEAD O N P AGE 3 BEFORE CONNECTION.
14 RQT 9510 SMA RT SET UP The SM ART SETUP screen ass ist s you to m ake necessar y set ti ng s . When the system is swit ched on for the fi rst time, the SMART SETUP scree n for the basi c sett ings is displ ayed auto mati call y . Follow the on- screen pr ompt s to make basic sett ings f or the syst em.
15 RQT9510 Showing ST ART menu Some functi ons of this uni t can be operated f rom the ST AR T menu. 1 Pres s [ Í ] to tu rn on the u nit. 2 Pres s [ST AR T]. ≥ Items di splayed vary accord ing to the ch osen selec tor and media. 3 Pres s [ 3 , 4 ] to select the item and pr ess [OK].
16 RQT 9510 Sele cting t he playback source Selecti ng the so urc e from the S T ART men u Y ou can se l ect sou nd modes, d esi red so urc e, or access playback/ menus by using the ST AR T menu. 1 P res s [ Í ] to tu rn on the u nit. 2 P ress [S T ART ] to show the S T A RT menu.
17 RQT9510 Enjoying sound from a ll spea ker s and various s ound effect s ≥ The following sound ef fects/modes may n ot be available or have no ef fect with some sources, or when head phones are used ( > 18 ). ≥ Y ou m ay exp er ienc e a reduc tion in sound qual ity when t hese sound effect s/mode s are use d wi th s ome s ources.
18 RQT 9510 Basic operation ∫ T o adjust the volume. It is al so poss i ble to adj ust t he vo lume wit h the volum e knob o n the mai n unit. ∫ T o mute the sound. Inst ructi on s for opera tions ar e gener ally de scribe d u sing t he r emote co ntrol i n these oper ating inst ructi ons.
19 RQT9510 O the r o per at ion s du ri ng play (Th ese funct ions may not wor k depending on t he media.) Stop The s t opped positio n is memorize d. Resum e play functi on Press [ 1 PLA Y] to re star t from this pos iti on.
20 RQT 9510 Basic operat ion [AVCH D] [MPEG2] It is possi ble to pl ayback the High Definit ion (A VCHD format) video r ecorded on a Panaso nic High def initi on Video Cam era on a DVD-RAM/R/RW/R DL/+R/+R W /+R DL, or SD card and S tandard Def initio n (MPEG2 format) Video re corded on the Panasoni c SD Video Cam era on a SD card .
21 RQT9510 Enjoying BD-LIVE or BONUSVIEW i n BD-Video [BD-V] What is BONUSVIEW ? BONUSVIEW allows you to enjoy fun ctions such as pi cture- in-p icture or sec ondary audi o etc., with BD-V ideo suppo rtin g BD-ROM Profile 1 ver sion 1.1/ Final S tandard Pr ofile.
22 RQT 9510 Play ing DivX ® videos [D iv X ] ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: Thi s D iv X ® Certifi ed device must be regist ered in order to pl ay DivX V ideo-o n-Deman d (VOD) content . Fir st genera te the DivX VOD regist ration cod e for your dev ice and subm it it dur ing the re gistrat ion proces s.
23 RQT9510 Playing s till pi ctures [JPEG ] Playback of t he BD-RE, DVD- RAM/R/R DL o r CD-R/R W with s till pictur es rec orded. This un it can also p lay st ill pict ures r ecorded on the SD card or USB memory . In addi tion, you can also conn ect Panasoni c digi tal camera by USB connect ion.
24 RQT 9510 Playin g still pict ures Useful functi o ns durin g still p ictur e play St ar t Slide Show Y ou can d i spla y s till pict ure s one by one at a con stant in ter val . BD-RE, DVD-RAM 1 W hil e the “Albu m Vie w” screen i s dis played Pre ss [ 3 , 4 , 2 , 1 ] to se lec t the al bum an d p res s [OPTION].
25 RQT9510 Pl ay i n g mu si c [CD] [MP3] Y ou can general ly play avai labl e music CD or MP3 files recorde d onto a DVD-R/R DL, CD-R/RW and USB device. (About struct ure of fo lders D 47, “S truct ure of folder s that can pl ay back on thi s unit” ) 1 Insert a d isc o r USB dev ice.
26 RQT 9510 Listening to the R adio Up to 30 st atio ns can be set. 1 Pre ss [RADIO] to select “ FM ”. This u nit: Pr ess [ SELECT OR]. 2 Pre ss [ST A TUS] to select the position to start the auto preset search . Each time you pr ess the butt on: LOWE ST (fa cto r y pr es et) : T o begin aut o preset wit h the lowest freque ncy (FM87.
27 RQT9510 Enjoying TV , etc. with t his uni t’ s speak ers Y ou can e nj oy T V broadcast s with thi s u nit’s s peakers. Prepa ration Confirm the audio connection to the O PTICAL IN or AUX termin al on thi s u nit ( > 10 to 12 ). Tur n on the TV .
28 RQT 9510 Linked o perations with the TV (VIERA Link “HDA VI Co ntrol TM ”) When switching bet ween th is unit’ s speaker s and TV speak ers, the TV screen may be blank for sev eral sec onds.
29 RQT9510 If you connect this uni t to a TV that has “HDA VI Control 2” or lat er with an HDMI cable, you can oper at e thi s unit using butt ons on th e TV remote co ntrol . The butt ons that yo u can use for this uni t vary dep endi ng on the TV .
30 RQT 9510 Using the i Pod Y ou can enjoy iPod music thr ough thi s unit’ s speake rs or view iPod vi deos/pho t os on the TV . Prep ar ation ≥ T o view photos /videos from the i Pod – Ensure t he video conn ection to the VI DEO OUT t ermi nal on t his u nit ( > 10 ) .
31 RQT9510 This syst em featur es two dif fer ent iPod pl ayback mo des. The fir st of these i s EXTENDED mode, f or play back of musi c an d video co ntent s.
32 RQT 9510 Enjoyin g VI ERA CAST TM Y ou can access a selecti on of Inte rnet servi ces from the Home screen with VI ERA CAST, for exam ple Y ouT ube, Pic asa Web Albu ms. (Curr ent as of March 200 9) ≥ VIERA CAST requir es a broadband I nternet connecti on.
33 RQT9510 Network se ttings These sett ings are used if you will connec t this unit to the Interne t. ≥ The connect ion to the Int ernet may t ake t ime or the Inter net may not be conne cte d dependi ng on the conne ct ion env ironment . ( > 40) It i s requi red tha t you use a broadba nd connec tion.
34 RQT 9510 Netwo rk settings Setti ng the conne ction speed When the connect ion tes t resul ts dis plays “F ai l” af ter the I P and DNS-IP addr esses are ass igned, perform th e follow ing setti ngs.
35 RQT9510 Changing settings wi th the on-screen me nu O n-scre en menu o perat ions 1 Pre ss [BD /SD] to se lect “BD/DVD”. 2 Pre ss [DISPLA Y]. 3 P ress [ 3 , 4 ] to select the men u an d press [ 1 ]. 4 Pre ss [ 3 , 4 ] to select the item and press [ 1 ].
36 RQT 9510 Changin g settings wi th the on-sc reen menu T o select these sett ings, per form step s 1 – 5 ( > 35) Menus Ite ms Setti ngs and detai ls Play Repeat Play (Only when th e elapsed time is bei ng displ ayed on the uni t’ s displa y .
37 RQT9510 Changing the unit’ s se ttings Change the uni t’ s setti ngs if nec essary . The setti ngs remain i ntact even if you swi tch the unit to stand by . Underli ned i tems a r e th e f actor y pres et s. Se tup menu op era tion s 1 While st opped Press [BD /SD] to se lect “BD/D VD”.
38 RQT 9510 Changin g the unit’ s setti ngs T o select these sett ings, per form step s 1 – 5 ( > 37) “Sound” Dynamic Range Compres sion [BD- V] [A VCHD] [DV D-V] [Di vX] (Dol by Digital , Dol by Di git al Pl us and Dolby T r ueHD onl y) Change t he dy nami c r ange ( > 55) f or l ate ni ght viewi ng.
39 RQT9510 *1 This function has no ef fect when S.SURROUND is selected dur ing AUX (TV) playba ck. *2 In t h is u n it, a P 4H D ( > 56) vi deo process or is used to provi de video of optimal resolut ion to the connec t ed TV . “TV/De vice Con nection” TV A s p ec t Set to match the type of televisi on con nected.
40 RQT9510 Changi ng the unit’ s settings T o select these setting s, perform step s 1 – 5 ( > 37) “Network Se ttings” IP Addres s / DNS S ettings ( > 33) ≥ Press [OK] to show the f ollowing s ettings. Connection T est — — — — IP Address Auto-Assignment ≥ On ≥ Off IP Address — — —.
41 RQT9510 Delay t ime ( ) For opt imum lis tenin g wit h 5.1- channel s ound, a ll the speakers , except for the subwoofer , sh ould b e the same dist ance fro m the seatin g positi on. If you have t o plac e the centr e, surr ound spe akers cl oser to the seating pos i ti on, adjus t the delay ti me to make up for the dif ferenc e.
42 RQT9510 Wireless connection s (optional) ∫ Wir eless se tup diagra m LS : Surrou nd (left ), RS : Surround ( right) ≥ Place on t he sid e of the s eating po sition .
43 RQT9510 S peaker ins t alla tion option Y ou can att ach all of the spe akers (ex cept subwoof er) to a wa ll. ≥ The wall or pill ar on which t he speakers are to be attache d should be cap able of su ppor ting 10 k g per scre w . Consult a qualifi ed b uilding contracto r when a ttac hi ng the speak ers t o a wall.
44 RQT 9510 Media (Dis c, card and USB devic e) inf or ma ti o n Th is chart shows the dif ferent type of ret ai l/ commercia l discs you can use, and als o includ es the indus try- stand ard logos that shoul d appea r on the disc s and/ or p ackagin g.
45 RQT9510 ■ About playback compa tibili ty for BD-R and BD-RE wit h high definiti on recordi ngs of high defini tion broa dcast s With SC-BT200 or SC-BT205 purch ased in the bel ow coun tries, i t .
46 RQT 9510 About MP3/JPE G/DivX file s Fi le f orm a t MP3 JPEG Playabl e media CD-R* 1 , CD-RW* 1 , DVD-R* 1 , DVD- R DL* 1 , USB d evice CD-R* 1 , CD-R W* 1 , DVD- RAM* 2 , DVD-R* 1 , DVD-R DL* 1 , BD- RE* 3 , SD card, USB device Extensi on Files m ust have t he extensi on “.
47 RQT9510 ∫ Struct ure of f olders that can pl ay back on this unit Y ou can play fil es on this unit by stru cture of fo lders as shown below . However dependi ng on the method of writing dat a (wri ting sof tware ), play may not be in the order you numbered the folder s.
48 RQT 9510 T roubleshooting guide Befor e request ing serv ice, make t he foll owing check s. If you are in dou bt about some of the check poi nts, or if the solut ions indi cated in the chart do not sol ve the pro blem, cons ult your dealer fo r instru cti ons.
49 RQT9510 Disp lays Pag e TV screen and video The displ ay is dim. ≥ C hange “ FL Display ” in the Setup menu. 38 The elap se d time displa yed is ac tu al ly le s s tha n th e play ti me. ≥ The displayed pl ay time is convert ed from the number of frames at 29.
50 RQT 9510 T roubleshoo ting g uide So un d Pag e Card USB iPo d o p er at io n Radio No sound. Low volume. Distor ted sound. Cannot h ear the de sired audio t ype . ≥ T ur n the vol ume up. ≥ T ur n the muti ng off . ≥ Check conn ect ions to spea kers and oth er equipment .
51 RQT9510 Optiona l wireless system (SH -FX70) Page Network Other difficulties wi th playback Whe n oth e r Pan asoni c pr oduct s re sp on d to t hi s re mot e cont rol Change t he remote control code o n the main un it a nd the r emote co nt rol (th e tw o must mat ch) i f yo u place other Panas onic product s clos e toge ther .
52 RQT 9510 Me ssa ges The f oll owin g messa ges or s er v ice num be rs ap pea r on the t ele vi s ion or u nit’ s dis pl ay w h en s omet hi ng u nus ual i s det ect ed d uri n g s tart up a nd use . On the t elevi sion Page Authori sation Error .
53 RQT9510 Frequently as ked ques tions On the unit’ s display Page UNSUPPORT ≥ Y ou have insert ed a med ia the unit can not play . ≥ Y ou tried to ope rate with a non-c ompa tible USB devic e.
54 RQT 9510 Language code list Enter the code wit h the numbe red butt ons. Licens es Abkhazian: 6566 Afar: 6565 Afrikaans: 6570 Albanian: 8381 Amharic: 6577 Arabic: 6582 Arme nian: 7289 Assamese: 658.
55 RQT9510 Glossary A VCHD A VCHD is a new format (s tand ard) for hig h defi nition video camera s tha t ca n be used t o re cord an d pl ay hig h-res olut ion H D ima ges . BD-J Some BD-V i deo d i scs contain Ja va appl icat ions, and t hese appli catio ns are call ed BD-J.
56 RQT 9510 Glos sary JPEG (Joi nt Photograp hic Expert s Group) T his is a system used for compr ess ing/de coding col our sti ll pic tures. If y ou sel ect J PEG as the storag e system on digit al cam eras, e tc., the dat a will be co m pres sed to 1/ 10–1/100 of it s ori ginal size.
57 RQT9510 S pecifi cations ∫ Front speaker s [BT205] SB -HF770 T ype 1 way 1 speak er system (Ba ss refl ex) Full range 6.5 cm Cone type (Bamboo Cone) Impedance/ Input p ower (I EC) 3 ≠ /125 W (Max) * 1 Output soun d pres sur e 7 9 dB/W (1.
58 RQT 9510 S pecifica tions Playa ble disc: BD-Vi deo:BD- ROM V ersion 2 BD-RE: V ersion 3 (Single Layer , Dual L ayer), J PEG* 6 BD-R V ersion 2 ( Single Layer , Dual L ayer) DVD-RAM: DVD Video Reco.
Panasonic Corporation We b S i t e : http://panasonic. net Pursuant to at the directive 2004/ 108/EC, arti cle 9(2) Pana sonic T esting C entre Pana sonic Ma rketi ng Euro pe Gmb H Winsbergring 15, 22525 H amburg, Germany C Panasoni c Corpor ation 2009 p RQT9 510-1B F040 9BL1059 Inde x A AC mains l ead con nection .
デバイスPanasonic SC-BT205の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic SC-BT205をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic SC-BT205の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic SC-BT205の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic SC-BT205で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic SC-BT205を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic SC-BT205の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic SC-BT205に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic SC-BT205デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。