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Network Sca nner Problem Solving Getting T o Know Y our Machine Interne t Fax/Email Featur es Advanced In ternet Fax Features Setting Y our Machine Appendix UF-7000/8000 Operating Instructi ons Facsimile Model No.
2 LAN LAN LAN LAN Internet Fax Internet Fax PC Internet Fax Transmission Email Transmission Internet Fax Transmission PC Internet Fax Email Transmission Email Transmission "Machine" to ".
3 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Operating Instructi ons Outline Internet Fa x/Emai l/Network Sc an Feat ures, Operati ng Instructi ons Outl ine, Qui ck Operatio n Chart, etc. (see p ages 2- 16 ) Pre-Inst allati on Informa tion/Featu res, et c.
4 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Symbols/Icons The follo wing Symbo ls/Icons are used through out this Ope rating Instructio ns. Getting to k now your machi ne Before st arting Internet F ax/Email Fe atures Network scan Features When set ting the m ach ine modes Problem solv ing Appendix (Sp ecifications, Glossary , Index, etc .
5 Getting T o Know Y our Machine T able of Co nten t s Getting T o Know Y our Machine Inte rnet Fax/Email/ Network Sca n Featur es .............. ......... .............. . 2 Operati ng Instructions Outline ........... ......... .............. .......
6 Getting T o Know Y our Machine T able of Contents Receiving Docume nts ............. .............. .............. ......... .............. ........ 42 General Des cription ........ ............. ................... ............. ............. .
7 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Fax Para meters ............ .............. .............. .......... .............. ......... .......... 82 General D escriptio n .... ................... ............. ............. ............. ......... 82 Setting t he Fax Parameters .
8 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Operation Chart Sending Document s via LAN A B C Face Up Original Guides * 1 Mak e sur e th at th e ab ove m ess age is shown on the dis play . If not, pres s the ST OP key . Adjust to the original' s wid th Max.
9 Getting T o Know Y our Machine NOTE 1. If you r machine sounds an alar m (pi-pi-p i) in S tep 3 above, this indi cates tha t the Auto D ialer is Full ( More th an 50 full email ad dresses are ent ered or 50 t ransmiss ion rese rvation s includi ng G3 co mmunic ation j obs have been alre ady reserv ed).
10 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Operation Chart T o S top the T ransmiss ion Document Scanning via LAN NOTE 1. I f the Email transmis sion ca nnot be com pleted for any reaso n, the Emai l may be returned o r undel iver ed ; othe rwi se no repl y wi ll be pr in ted.
11 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Dialing (PC’ s IP Address) NOTE 2. If the PC’ s IP ad dress is not sh own on the LCD of your m achine, reg ister the PC ’s IP ad dress using y our machi ne’s Control Panel (see page 102 ). PRINT C OMM. JOUR NAL? 1:YES 2 :NO Print Commu nication Journ al (COMM.
12 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Mode Setting Using the Functions The follo wing fun ctions can be st arted by pressing first a nd then entering t he functi on number , or by pressing or scroll key rep eatedl y until t he desired funct ion appea rs on t he LCD di splay .
13 Getting T o Know Y our Machine NOTE 3. If the F ax Parame ter No. 14 0 is not p reset t o "2:V alid" position , the d isplay wi ll not sh ow the function .
14 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Cont rol Panel No. Icon Contents No . Icon Contents PRINT Key Used for Pri nter function . SCAN/FILE Key Used for N etwork Sca nner Func tion. EMAIL Key Used to s elect the Internet Fax/Email mode. ENERGY SA VER Key Used t o switch the ma chine into energy savin g.
15 Getting T o Know Y our Machine No. Icon Co nte nt s No. Ico n Content s REDIAL/P AUSE Key Used to enter a p ause w hen programmi ng or dial ing a t elephone number , or to redi al the last dial ed number . ABBR DIAL Key Used to start Ab breviated Dialing .
16 Getting T o Know Y our Machine Connecting the Cable (10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX Cable) Inser t the plug until a click is heard. (LAN cable is not included with the product.) Purchase a Categor y 5 Cable , compliant with EIA/TIA 568-A-5 standard. 10B ASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet Hub LINK Lamp Illuminates when connected to the LAN.
17 memo Getting T o Know Y our Machine Getting T o Know Y our Machine.
18 Internet Fax/Email Features Pre-Inst allation Information/Features Before sett ing up your Pana sonic m achine o n your ne twork, p lease rea d this en tire sec tion to be familia r with it s f unctions .
19 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Y ou r machin e can be set up as either an SMTP Ma il Server or a POP3 Client . Dep ending on the type o f setup, d if ferent functio ns are avail able as follows. Import ant Note! The De fault setti ng of F ax Parameter N o.
20 Internet Fax/Email Features Setup (SMTP Ma il Server/ POP3 Client) T o install your mac hine as a n SMTP Mai l Server , the foll owing ne twork pa rameter s need to be program med on y our network and on yo ur machi ne.
21 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es T o install your mac hine as a POP3 Clie nt, the following n etwork p ara meters ne ed to be pro grammed on yo ur network.
22 Internet Fax/Email Features Setup (SMTP Ma il Server/ POP3 Client) For the tot al s ystem to w ork prope rly via L AN, cert ain i nformatio n and a dditional param eters mus t be set. Please conta ct your netw ork admini strator for the requ ired inform ation and conne ction to the LAN.
23 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Explanation of Content s MAC Address : MAC Addre ss from the 3 rd p age of the Fax Parame ter List p rintout (press ). (1) IP Address The Interne t Protoco l (IP) addres s assig ned to yo ur machi ne. (2) Subnet Mas k : The Subnet Mask number .
24 Internet Fax/Email Features Internet Comm unication T ransmission/Re ception Y our machi ne allows you to transm it document s over the Inter net to anot her Internet Fax or a PC .
25 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Direct IF AX XM T Direct IF AX XMT uses Sim ple Mail T ransfer Proto col (SMTP) t o transfer mai l reliabl y and ef ficien tly . An import ant featur e of SMTP is it s cap abilit y to trans port mail across n etworks , usually referred to as SMT P mail rel ay by employ ing SMTP Server .
26 General Descript ion Y our mach ine uses the same commun icatio n protocols as email: the Si mple Mai l T rans fer Protocol (SMTP). The dif ferences from a st andard G3 fax c ommunic ation us ing the Pub lic Swit ched T elephone Networ k (PSTN) ar e as follows.
27 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Internet Ma il Rece ption 1. Y our ma chine ca n receiv e text email from a PC and p rint ANSI c haracters. It will print a " ❚ " symbol if an unrecogn ized cha racter is received . 2. Received em ail fo nt and ch aracter si ze are fixed and cannot b e changed .
28 Internet Fax/Email Features Sett in g the In te rne t Par amet ers Basic P arameters Followi ng Six (6) Ba sic Param eters mu st be p re-programm ed into th e machi ne.
29 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es * Contac t your Netwo rk Adminis trator for th is inform ation. END_P29 Paramete r Comment s 22* LDAP Server IP IP Address of the LDAP Se rver . (Availa ble when DNS setting is "OFF" on the Fax Parameter No. 161)(A vaila ble for some countries only .
30 Internet Fax/Email Features Sett in g the In te rne t Par amet ers Network Se ttings NOTE 1. T o prin t a Internet Parame ter List, p ress . 1 When the Fax Parameter No. "169 DHCP CLIENT" is s et to "INV ALID", the Key Operato r must adminis ter the f ollowin g Netw ork settings manuall y .
31 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es DATE & TIME 0 9-0 1-20 04 12 :00 Press or to sc roll the d isplay t o the de sire d Us er (Int ern et) P arame ter , select "IP ADDRESS" 3 SET MO DE (1-8) ENTER N O. O R ∨ ∧ 2 4 5 Input Sub net M ask same procedur e as S tep 4.
32 Internet Fax/Email Features Send ing Do cume nt s Manual Email Addressing NOTE 1. I f your mac hine so unds an alarm (pi-pi-pi ) when pressin g the KEYBOARD Button or any Auto Diale r Entries t.
33 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es NOTE 3. If the t ransm ission can not be complete d for any re ason, the emai l may return u ndeli vered; otherwis e no repl y will be printed. 4. For the machin e to p erform the email address completi on the Fa x Param eter No.
34 Internet Fax/Email Features Send ing Do cume nt s Qui ck Name Sea rch/ One-T ouc h/A bbre via ted and Dir ect ory Search Emai l Addr essi ng NOTE 1.
35 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es NOTE 4. If the t ransm ission can not be complete d for any re ason, the emai l may return u ndeli vered; otherwis e no repl y will be printed. 5. For the machin e to p erform the email address completi on the Fa x Param eter No.
36 Internet Fax/Email Features Send ing Do cume nt s Entering the E mail Hea der A B C Email Ad dress Y ou can ent er th e Ema il Ad dres s fo r CC (Carbon Copy) and BC C (Blind C arbon Copy ). If you w ould lik e to enter CC and /or BCC, change Fax Parame ter No.
37 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es nn STN( S) AR E SET ADD MO RE O R STA RT Enter Emai l stat ion(s) and then p ress . • Quick Name Searc h Email Addre ssing • One-T ouch/ABBR.
38 Internet Fax/Email Features Send ing Do cume nt s Duplex Sending <Original> <Received> 1/2 1 2 34 3/4 2-Side d origi nals ca n be sent as p age or ders. 3 1 7 INSER T SECO ND SIDE ORIENT ATIO N AS IS 1 3 5 A B C 2 Second Side Page No.
39 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es 5 4 Enter st ation( s) (See pages 32-3 5) 6 7 8 PRESS STAR T TO CONTIN UE Pres s or to se lect the bind ing po sition. (Sel ect w ithin 10 se c.) NOTE: If the p age co unt for the Back side doe s not match th e pag e coun t for the Fro nt side (i .
40 Internet Fax/Email Features Send ing Do cume nt s Returned E mail When usi ng the Inte rnet co mmunic ation mod e, a failu re report will be printed au tomatica lly for ea ch tran saction if the email is returned undel ivered by th e mail se rver .
41 memo Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es.
42 Internet Fax/Email Features Receiving Document s General Descript ion Y ou r machin e of fers you a choi ce to receiv e Fax d ocument s unattende d (by default) or manu ally ov er regu lar telep hone lines.
43 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Figure 2: Internet Fax Re ceived on a PC • For you r referen ce, the ab ove exampl e is fr om Windo ws Messagin g runni ng under M icrosof t ® Window s ® . • T o run the V iewer , pleas e refer to y our applic ation’ s User M anual.
44 Internet Fax/Email Features Receiving Document s Receivi ng Email f rom a PO P Server Y our machine offers a choic e to recei ve and pri nt Inter net email messag es via L AN unatten ded or manually when subscrib ing to a POP Mail Se rver . Setting the POP Parameters NOTE 1.
45 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es 146 POP T IMER 3 min. (0-6 0) Enter the desired downloa d interval ( 0 -6 0 ) T o retu rn to st andby . 3 7 5 4 147 AUT O POP R CV 2:VALID Select the desir ed Setting and press .
46 Internet Fax/Email Features Receiving Document s Unattended Email Reception from the P OP Server Manual Emai l Retrieva l from the POP Ser ver When the Fax Parameter N o. 146 ( POP TIMER ) is set to a v alue betw een 1 an d 60 minu tes, and Fax Parameter No .
47 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es When the F ax Parame ter No. 14 7 ( AUTO POP RCV ) is set to " Invalid ", t he machi ne will query t he POP Server f or new emai l at the in terval sp ecified by Fax Pa rameter No.
48 Internet Fax/Email Features Progra m Keys Setting th e POP Ac cess Key Using PO P Acces s Key NOTE 1. I f secu rity is a co ncern and to prevent una uthoriz ed person nel from retri eving you r email from the POP Server whe n programmin g the Pr ogram Key , leav e the POP Password field "Blank ".
49 Internet Fax/Emai l Featur es Intern et Fax/Email Features POP PA SSWO RD Ex: "P ANA" (Up to 10 char acters) POP US ER NA ME Ex: "kate " (Up to 40 c haracters ) 5 4 PROG.
50 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Internet Comm unication Fe atures Inbound Routing Using t he Inbound Routing featur e, your machine can ro ute docum ents received from a G3 fax m achine t o email addres s(es) or to Inte rnet Fax ma chine (s) conne cted to a LAN as an ema il, as we ll as to other G 3 fax m achine(s) over the teleph one li ne.
51 Advanced In ternet Fax Features Dynamic Host Configuration P rotocol (DHCP) DHCP is a protocol for dyna mically assigning IP addresses to Internet Fax and client PCs.
52 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Internet Comm unication Fe atures Relayed T rans mission Y our mac hine allow s you to tra nsmit an e mail recei ved from an Inte rnet Fax o r PC connected to the LAN to m ultiple fax machine s via a t elepho ne line.
53 memo Advanced In ternet Fax Features.
54 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Sender S elect ion Setting the Sender Se lection Sending Document s with Sender Selection NOTE 1. I f you d o not sel ect a User Name, th e machin e select s the default U ser Name (0 0) that was program med in th e User Param eters for ord inary transm ission.
55 Advanced In ternet Fax Features NOTE 2. The Sen der Sele ction Li st can be printed ou t with th e Fax P arameter Li st. T o enable th e printing o f the Se nder Selec tion List , change t he set ting of Fax Parameter No. 145 ( Sender Selection ) to " V alid " i n adva nce ( see page 87 ).
56 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Inboun d Routing Setting the Routing Parameters Quick Name Search Email addressing for Inbound Routing AAA LAN AAA BBB BBB Y o ur machine c an rou te docume .
57 Advanced In ternet Fax Features No. 153 TSI Routing: Set this parame ter to p erform a Num eric ID (TSI f rame in formation ) query with in its auto dial er and to ro ute the received docume nt(s) to the correspo nding st atio ns email ad dress(es ) or tele phone num ber(s).
58 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Fax Forward NOTE 1. W hen th e Fax Forward feature is set, t he assig ned addres s will be restricte d from edi ting.
59 Advanced In ternet Fax Features NOTE 3. It is n ot possi ble to rec eive a do cume nt if the m emory of your mac hine over flows or is about 95% used .
60 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion General Descript ion The Interne t Relay ed T rans missio n featur e can sav e your ti me and transmiss ion co sts i f you nee d to se nd the sa me documen ts to m ultip le G3 fax machin es.
61 Advanced In ternet Fax Features Relay Ne twork This Fea ture sa ves you r time and long d istan ce pho ne line c osts when se nding an Interne t Fax direc tly from your machin e to the en d rece iving st atio n(s).
62 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion T able 1, 2 and 3 are sa mple se ttings for the Sample Netwo rk show n in Figure 1. NOTE 1. T he Rela y XMT Pass word mu st be regi stered for your m achine to work as a Relay S tation .
63 Advanced In ternet Fax Features Setting Up Y our Ma chine as an I nternet R elay S t ation T o set up you r mach ine as a Relay S tation , the fo llowing p aram eters mus t be set properly . 1. Relay XMT (Fax Parameter No . 142) Selectin g whethe r the ma chine wil l accept and pe rforms G3 relayed transmis sion (see page 87 ).
64 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion Programming the End Rece iving St ation into your Auto Dialer If the Fax Parameter No . 140 ( LAN Relay XMT Request ) is set to " Va l i d ", you can enter the Relay Ad dress by the follo wing pro cedure.
65 Advanced In ternet Fax Features 4 3 Enter the teleph one numb er (up to 36 digit s). If th e Relay an d the End R eceiving S ta tions are both in the same area, om it the Country Code and th e Area Code f rom the End Rece iving S tation. The End Receivin g S tation is a local teleph one numbe r as view ed from th e Relay S t ation.
66 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion Sending via an I nternet Relay Sending via an I nternet Relay NOTE 1. T he "#" character is not avai lable for the em ail addres s of the re lay st ation .
67 Advanced In ternet Fax Features NOTE 2. If the R elay S tation req uires a sp ecial ac cess num ber to get an out side line , enter that a ccess number f irst, t hen press to en ter a pau se (r ep resen ted by a "- ") bef or e ente rin g th e full num ber .
68 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion Sending Document(s) from a PC to a G3 Fax Machine Using yo ur emai l applica tion, y ou can s end a ny docum ent(s) from y our PC as a TIFF-F att ach ment to on e or mu ltiple G3 fax mac hines au tomatica lly throug h the Intern et Relay S tat ion.
69 Advanced In ternet Fax Features A TIFF Converte r sof tware is used on your PC t o convert document(s) into a "TIFF" file forma t, which al lows the Internet Fa x to re ceive th e docume nt as an atta chment to an em ail.
70 Advanced Internet Fax F eatures Relayed T ransmiss ion Printout s and Report s When you u se Relay ed T ran smissi on, relay s tation w ill sen d the follo wing tw o reports to help yo u check and keep tra ck of yo ur fa xes. 1. Relay XMT Report (COMM.
71 Advanced In ternet Fax Features Sample R elayed T ransmissi on Notifica tion Email to a Manag er Explanation of Content s (1) Emai l address of the se nder's Intern et Fax (Y our machine ) or .
72 Setting Y our Machine Progra mming A uto D ialer Programming Address Book NOTE 1. T he requ ired six (6 ) Basic Inte rnet Parame ters must be set wh en sendi ng via LAN (see p age 28 ). ADD STAT ION sales@ pana soni ADDRES S BOOK (1-3) ENTER NO .
73 Setting Y our Machine SALES sales@ pana sonic .co ADD STAT ION ENTER EMAI L AD DRESS 3 8 1:ADD ST ATIO N? PRESS SE T TO SELE CT 6 9 T o re cord anot her numb er , rep eat Steps 4 to 8. T o return to st and by , press . STOP 5 4 Ente r t he em ail ad dre ss (Up to 6 0 characters) ADD ST ATIO N ENTER T EL.
74 Setting Y our Machine Progra mming A uto D ialer Programming One-T ouch Key 2 <13 > ENTE R EMAI L ADDR ESS → 1:ONE- TOUCH 2:ABBR NO. Lower Indic ator turns OF F . 1 2 6 When Fax Parameter No. 1 19 is set to "1 : One-T ouch", see pa ge 86.
75 Setting Y our Machine ONE-TO UCH< > PRESS ON E-TOU CH 8 5 6 Enter the Em ail Addres s (up to 60 c haracters ). [022] ENTER EMAI L AD DRESS 5 6 4 T o record anot her numbe r , repeat S teps 3 to 7.
76 Setting Y our Machine Progra mming A uto D ialer Printing Out Directory Shee t After programm ing the O ne-T ouch Emai l Address (es), you can pri nt the Directory Sheet whi ch incl udes each st ation’ s name. This she et is availa ble whe n the Fax Paramet er No.
77 Setting Y our Machine Explanation of Content s : T elephone Nu mber is p rogramme d : Email Add ress is p rogramme d : Group D ial is prog rammed (None): Pro gram Key is program med Cut the Di rectory She et along t he dashed lines and inse rt into t he Directory Holder .
78 Setting Y our Machine Setting Y our Machine Progra mming A uto D ialer Changing or Erasing the Se ttings of the One-T ouch/Abbre viated Dialing Numbers NOTE 1. T o correct a mist ake, us e or to move the cu rsor to the right s ide of the incor rect number ; pr ess then reen ter the new number .
79 Setting Y our Machine NOTE 2. If the O ne-T ouch/Abbrev iated Dial ing Num ber has b een used for a com municati on reservati on, the se ttings cannot b e changed or erased until the comm unicat ion has finished . [022] P ANAFA X aaa@pa nafa x.
80 Setting Y our Machine Progra mming A uto D ialer Changing or Erasing the settings of the Addre ss Book ADDRES S BOO K (1 -3) ENTER NO. OR ∨ ∧ 1 2:MODI FY ST ATION ? PRESS SET TO S ELECT 3a 3:DELE TE ST ATION ? PRESS SET TO S ELECT 3b T o change To e r a s e 2 (When Fax Parameter No .
81 Setting Y our Machine ENTER LE TTER (S) PA_ Enter a lette r(s) of a na me yo u wish to se arch. Ex: PA N A F A X MODIFY ST ATION ENTER L ETTER (S) PANASO NIC ed@pan ason ic.
82 Setting Y our Machine Fax Paramet ers General Descript ion Y our machine has a v ariety o f adju stable Fax Para meters . These p arame ters, lis ted in the Parameter T able, are preset for you an d do not ne ed to b e change d. If you d o want to make a c hange, re ad the t able c arefully .
83 Setting Y our Machine NOTE 3. Fax Pa rameter se tting mod e is a ccessible only when the ma chine is in the Rea dy Mode. 04 STAMP (HOM E) 1:OFF Chang e setting.
84 Setting Y our Machine Fax Paramet ers No. Para mete r Set ting Number Setting Comm ents 001 CONTRAST (HOME) 1 Lightest Setting the h ome positio n for the CONTRAST . 2L i g h t e r *3 Normal 4D a r k e r 5D a r k e s t 002 RES OLUT ION (HOME) 1 S tandard Setting th e home posi tion for th e RESOLUTION.
85 Setting Y our Machine 024 PRIN T REDUCT ION 1 Fixed Selecting print r eduction mode. Fixed :Redu ce receiv ed docum ent acco rding t o setting of Paramet er No. 25. Auto :Reduce received docume nt accord ing to t he lengt h of recei ved docu ment s.
86 Setting Y our Machine Fax Parameters 082 QUICK MEMORY XMT 1 Invalid Selecting whet her the machine performs Quick Memory T ransmission. Invalid : S tores all documen ts into memory first before diali ng the telephone number . Va l i d : S t arts dialing the telephone number immediately after storing the first page.
87 Setting Y our Machine 142 RELA Y X MT (A.K.A. LAN RE LA Y ST A TION ON UF-770i) 1 Invali d Select ing whe ther the machine acce pts an d perfo rms G3 relay ed transm ission. (Relay S tatio n Functio ns) *2 V alid 143 RELA Y XMT REPOR T 1 O ff Sett ing how the COMM.
88 Setting Y our Machine Fax Paramet ers 161 DNS SERV ER 1 Invalid Selecting wheth er to enabl e the DNS Server . *2 V alid 162 TI FF VI EWE R URL 1 No ne Sele cting whe ther to inc lud e th e URL ad dr ess i n the email m essage body .
89 Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. The s etting num ber marke d with an a sterisk (*) ind icates th e facto ry sta ndard sett ing. 2. Th is parameter supports an opti onal tel ephone service "D istincti ve Ring Serv ice" provid ed by your local telephone company .
90 General Descript ion Using Email to Program or Retrieve Parameters This fea ture is a powerful tool, wh ich pr ovides a conveni ent and ea sy way of retriev ing or prog ramming Internet Paramete rs, Auto Dialer D ial ing Nu mbers, Pro gram keys a nd Journa l retrie val from you r PC by s ending a text emai l messag e to yo ur m achin e.
91 Setting Y our Machine Using a PC to Input the Internet Pa rameters Remot ely This featu re prov ides a c onvenien t and an e asy way to input the Interne t Parameters right from your PC by se nding a text emai l messa ge to you r mach ine. The follow ing p arameters can be i nput remo tely via a PC.
92 Setting Y our Machine Progra mmin g or R etrieving Para meters via E mail T o Retrie ve Each Para meters T o retrieve the existin g p aram eters, send a pl ain te xt email to your m achine&apos.
93 Setting Y our Machine T o Edit the Retrieved or Backup I nternet Parameters /Auto Dialer File Afte r rece ivin g your mach ine ’s email with the Inte rnet Param eters and /or Auto Dialer , store the emai l file as text (.txt) on your PC fo r backup purposes .
94 Setting Y our Machine T o Edit the Retrieved or Backup Internet Parameter s File Y our Machi ne’ s Inte rnet Parame ters Email Sam ple (1) To : Y our mac hine's email ad dress. From : This fiel d is norm ally not v isible wh en creati ng new e mail me ssage(s).
95 Setting Y our Machine (2) @send er to @en d : Defines the Sender info rmation to be se t in section (2) between @se nder to @end block. Edit, D elete or Register up to 24 User Names and their Email Addre sses for the S end er Se lec tion f eat ure (see page 54 ).
96 Setting Y our Machine T o Edit the Retrieved or Backup Auto Dialer Dat a File Y our Machi ne’ s Addres s Book (Auto Dialer) Ema il Sample F rom: "Y our Machine" <> Subject: Y our Machine's SYSTEM P ARAMETER List T o: user1@panasonic.
97 Setting Y our Machine NOTE 1. The em ail addre ss and th e tele phone num ber canno t be pro grammed via emai l when: •A u t o D ial er Nu mber h as been u sed fo r commun ication re serva tion. • Received documen ts are s tored in the i mage dat a mem ory of the mach ine.
98 Setting Y our Machine T o Edit the Retrieved or Backup Auto Dialer Dat a File Dele ting th e Ent ire A uto Dia ler If you wis h to dele te the e ntire A uto D ial er data in y our mac hine, ty .
99 memo Setting Y our Machine.
100 Network Scanner Document Scanning Document Scanning via LAN NOTE 1. A uto Dialer (Ad dress Book o r One-T ouch/ABBR .) is o nly avai lable when stati ons are regi stered (see p ages 72 and 74 ) .
101 Network Sca nner NOTE 2. If t he PC’s IP Address i s not shown on the LCD of you r machine , register t he PC’ s IP Addr ess using y our machi ne’s Control Panel (see page 102 ). 3. Y ou can searc h for ano ther name st arting with the sam e charac ter by s crolling with the Cursor Keys ( / ).
102 Network Scanner Address Book Adding your PC's IP Addres s If the Scan ner Confi guration i s not set with the Panasoni c Comm unicatio ns Utility of Panaso nic-DM S softw are (refer to Panasoni c-DMS CD ), input yo ur PC’ s IP Addres ses us ing the ma chine ’s Ke ypad.
103 Network Sca nner For ONE-TOUCH For ABBR No. 5 (2 times) For QUICK NAME SEARCH (When Fax Parameter N o. 1 19 is set to "2:Q uick Nam e Sea rch ", see page 86 .) 6 IP ADDRESS 0-9, * ONE-TO UCH < > PRESS ONE -TCH OR ∨ ∧ For ONE-TOUCH/ABBR.
104 Network Scanner Address Book Editing/ Erasing your PC's IP Address If you hav e to cha nge or eras e any of the Addre ss Book st ation s, follow t he ste ps bel ow . For ONE-TOUCH/ABBR. NO. (When Fax Parameter No. 1 19 is set to "1:One-T ouc h", see p age 86 .
105 Network Sca nner FTP: Consult with your network admini strator . 4 5 3 DESTINATION : PC 1:PC 2:FTP PORT NUMBER 6 509 Enter a ne w S t ation (Max. 4 0 characters) STATIO N NAME <1 3 ↑ > SALES 01 3 IP ADDRESS <13 ↑ > _ NOTE: [03] or <13 ↑ > is not indi cate d wh en reg iste rin g wit h the Qui ck Name Searc h.
106 Setting the Scan Pa rameters Scanner Se ttings (Sca n Paramete rs) No. Modes Fun ction Initial Se tting 00 SCANNER SETTINGS Print s the scanner setting s. PRESS SET TO PRINT 02 COMPRESSION MODE Sets the defau lt compre ssion m ode setti ng.
107 Network Sca nner Scanner Se ttings (Scan Parame ters) (For key Operat ors) No. Mode s Function Initia l Setting 01 ABBR GROUP ID Select s the ABBR. Grou p ID settings. 0-99 0 4 SCAN PARAM. (0-9) ENTER NO. OR ∧ ∨ or 5a 5b-1 6 (2 times) T o return to st andby .
108 Network Scanner Function Select Mode Y ou can tem poraril y add th e file name o r sele ct the c ompressi on forma t when scanning docu ment(s). The p aramete rs are returned to the pre set posi tion when the sc anning i s finish ed. T o change the def ault setti ngs, set the Scan P arameter N o.
109 Network Sca nner 5 SCAN FILE NAME E NTER NAME SELECT MODE ( 1-2) ENTER N O. O R ∨ ∧ (When Cu stom is Select ed) T o cor rect a mis take, u se or to move the c urs or to the r ight side of the inc orrect char acter , press then reenter th e new c haracter .
110 Network Scanner Direct Connection (with Crossover Cable) Direct Connection (with Crossove r Cable) T urn OFF th e Power Switch (Machine and PC). Conne ct a Cross over LAN Cab le betwee n your mach ine and th e PC. LAN Cable (Crossover) To P C (Back Side of M achine) NOTE: Do n ot use Standard LAN Cable.
111 Network Sca nner T urn ON the Power Swit ch (Machi ne and PC). Input the N etwork Add ress (Machine and your P C). IP and Subn et Mask IP: 192.
112 Problem Solving T roubleshooting If Y ou H ave Any of These Pro blems Mode Symptom Poss ible Cause / Action Page During T ransmis sion Documen t doesn' t feed/mul tiple feed 1. Check that y our document is free of st aples and paper clip s, and that it is not grea sy or to rn.
113 Problem Solving Inform ation Code When an anoma ly occu rs, the di splay m ay sh ow one o f the Inform ation Codes listed be low . These wil l help y ou to iden tify and corre ct the problem. Info. Code Meaning P ossible Action Page 030 Docum ent is misfeed ing.
114 Problem Solving Inform ation Code 712 Incorrect Em ail Addres s. Check the email ad dress an d send again. Check the IP Address of the SMTP Server with the Netwo rk Admi nistrator . -- 714 Cannot Lo g on to th e LAN. Check the 10Base -T/100Base- TX cable connect ion.
115 Inform ation Code Problem Solving NOTE 1. Afte r ident ifying the problem and tak ing the re commen ded ac tion, if th e informat ion Cod es keep reoc curing o r Inform ation Codes that a ppear on y our mach ine are not liste d above, please c ontac t your loc al Panaso nic Au thorized D ealer .
116 Problem Solving Error Message Error Mess age Sent to t he Sender Error me ssages that are e maile d from yo ur mach ine to t he origi nal send er duri ng remote program ming of the Auto Di aler vi a email.
117 Error Message Problem Solving Inter net Fax Re turn Rece ipt Erro r Messa ges Error m essages that are printed o n the Inte rnet Fa x Return R eceip t when remo te progr amming of t he Auto Dialer v ia Email fails. Erro r Messag e Possible Cau se / Act ion 1 Format Err or : <@co mmand bl ock, the "@end " comm and is m issing.
118 Appendix Sp ecifications For Email (Internet Fax ) Network Scanner (St andard) St andard Compliance 10BASE-T Ethernet (IEEE 8 02.3), 100BASE- TX Fast Ether net (IEEE802.3u ) Connector Interfa ces 10/100 BAS E-TX port: RJ-45 Comp atibility I ETF RFC 230 5, ITU-T T .
119 Appendix Appendix Glossary 10BASE-T/100 BASE-TX An Et hern et sta nda rd fo r cab le. The 10/100 refe rs to it s 10/1 00 Mbp s ban dwidth, the ba se to sin gle chann el bas eband, a nd the T t o th e T wist ed pai r . The cable us es two p airs o f unsh ielded twis ted wire s.
120 Appendix Glossary Duplex Scan The abili ty to s can both sides of 2-sided o riginal(s) for trans missio n. Email Address T he a ddre ss fo r se nding and r eceiv ing data b y emai l. It cons ists of User nam e, Sub -dom ain name and Domain name. End Receiving Sta tion In a relay network, the final sta tion des ignated to receive the docum ent.
121 Appendix ISP (Internet Se rvice Provider) An instit ution t hat provid es acce ss to the Internet in some form, usu ally f or money . Journal A repor t that is p rin ted by your mac hin e list ing t he l ast 20 0 tr ansac tio ns. Key Name An alterna te to th e stati on name t hat ca n be progra mmed for e ach Auto Di aler di aling ke y .
122 Appendix Glossary One T o uch The abili ty to store fu ll emai l addr esses i nto the dialer and then util izing a single keys troke to speed dial that em ail address in the futu re. One T ouch Dialing The abili ty to dial an ent ire email address by pressi ng one k ey .
123 Appendix Glossary Sleep Mode The low est power s tat e that the m achine enters af ter the specified time wi thout actu ally tu rni ng Off. SMTP (Simple Mail T ransfer Protocol) This is the ma in comm unicatio n proto col used to sen d and rec eive ema il on the Internet .
124 A Automati c Document Fee der ................ ............. 119 B Basic Pa rameters ........ .................... ............. ........ 28 C Changing o r Erasin g the Set tings of the One- Touch/ Abbreviated Dialing N umbers ....................
125 Appendix S Sender Selec tion .......... ............ ............. ............. . 54 Sender Selec tion List ... ............ .................... ....... 55 Sending a Document to a PC via LAN .. .............. 27 Sending Docume nt(s) fro m a PC t o a G3 Fax Machin e .
デバイスPanasonic UF-8000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic UF-8000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic UF-8000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic UF-8000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic UF-8000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic UF-8000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic UF-8000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic UF-8000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic UF-8000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。