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Pictur eT el® LiveGateway™ V ersion 3.1 Online Installation Guide W elcome to the PictureTel famil y of industry st andard, videoconferencin g products designed spec ifically for the Local Area Network (LAN).
Introducing PictureTel LiveGateway Overview This guide describes how to install and configure version 3.1 of PictureTel LiveGatewa y on Microso ft ® Windows NT servers.
Befor e Y ou Begin Overview Before you install L iv eGateway, make sure Liv eManager (version 3.1) o r other H.323 Gatekeep er has been installed on the network and LiveLAN (version 3. 0 or later) or other H.323 client, has been installed on the client PCs.
• H.261 video translation (packets <--> str eams) • T.120 data sharing • Extensive logg in g capa bi lity • Configured and maintained at the local server console, or throu gh LiveManager via SNMP LiveGatewa y lets L iv eLAN and NetConferen ce H.
LiveGateway Documentation The LiveGatewa y documentation is provided in two file formats: PDF and HTML. Use the PDF files if you want to view and/or print the documentation in a traditional book format. Note You need the Adobe Acrobat Rea der to print/view the PDF files.
3 or 4 200 MHZ Pentium Pro processor with 32 MB of memory (64 MB recom mended) Software R equirements Your network environment must meet the following minimum software re quirements: • Windows NT 4.
• An ISDN protocol Depending on the ISDN protocol y ou us e, you mig ht also need the followi ng information: • Number Type and Numb er Plan • Channel 1 and 2 Service Provider Identifier (SPID) .
• Whether SNMP is available in your network • Prefix I nform ation Obtain this information f rom either your system administrator or ISDN service provider : • Gateway Prefix • Dialing Pr efix Installation Location Where y ou install LiveGateway on your network can have an impac t on n etwork performance.
Installing LiveGateway Boards Overview You can install as many as four LiveGateway boards in one Windows NT server. E ach board provi des one H.323 to H.320 connection. The following inform ation describes how to install and remove LiveGatewa y boards.
The following sections describe the LiveGatewa y defa ult settings, and provide instructions for changing the settings, if ne cessary, to avoid conflicts. I/O Port Base Address Se ttings The default I /O port base address setting, as c on figure d on the LiveGateway board's DIP switch f o r the LiveGateway boa rd is 380 (hexadecimal).
Installing the LiveGateway Board Electrical current from p ower, telephone, and si gnal cables is potentially hazardous. When installing, moving, or opening your computer, disconnect all signal cables in accord ance with national and local laws.
To perform the POST te s t: 1. Select the server you want from the LiveGateway SNMP Manager's main application window. Once you have made your selection, the LiveGateway Server window is displayed. 2. Select the board you want to self test from this window.
• If the "Dia gnostics FAILED" m essage app ears, cont act PictureTel Customer support or your service provider. 4. Enter the I/O address that corresponds to your DIP switch settings when the following prompt is display ed: "Ent er I/O address in HEX.
MSN 1 MSN2 Multi-Subscriber numbers. Determined by your telephone service provider. State Indicates if the board is active (enabled)or inactive (disa bled). Enabled Operator Off Gatekeeper (button) Paramete rs that tell LiveGateway the LiveManager you want to register with.
Removing LiveGateway Boards . Electrical current from p ower, telephone, and si gnal cables is potentially hazardous. When installing, moving, or opening your computer, disconnect all signal cables in accord ance with national and local laws.
Installing the LiveGateway Softwar e Overview To install the LiveGateway software, use the Setup program des cribed in this section. The LiveGateway Setup program lets you: • Install the LiveGateway.
Installing the LiveGateway Software To install the L iveGateway software: 1. Insert the LiveGateway CD-ROM into the CD drive. 2. Click the Wi ndows NT Start button on your desktop, and choose Run... The Run dialog box is displayed. 3. T ype d:disk1setup, and click OK (for CD), wh ere d: represents the drive l etter associated with your CD.
5. To choose the default loc ation (C:..PictureTelLiveGatew ay) and begin the installation, click Next >. To enter a n ew path, click Browse..., enter the desired location, and click OK.
Configuring LiveGateway Boa rds When you configure the LiveGatew ay board, you need information about t he ISDN BRI network interfa ce y our computer uses a nd the board settings. The configuration fields and defa ults are outlined in Preparing Board Configuration Information .
Interrup t In the Interrupt field, click the down arrow to displa y an expanded list of IRQ values. The value you choose here cannot b e used b y any other device, including another LiveGateway board. For more information, refer to Finding and Resolving I/O and IRQ Conflicts.
Interf ace (ISDN BRI Configur ation) Obtain the BRI c on figuration informa tion from the Telecom Administrator who supplied the BRI line. To configure the ISDN BRI line, click the Configure button. The BRI Configuration screen is displayed. Gatewa y Prefix The Gatewa y prefix is the number that LiveLAN users must enter before an H.
Sw itch Ty pe s In the Switch Type field, click the down arrow to display an expanded list of switch types. If you choose a switch t ype that requires additional information, the BRI Configuration screen ex pands: Check the following table for your switch type and its default values.
NET3 Taiwan Unknown Unknown NA Optional NET3 Swiss ISDN Unknown NA Optional NET3 I t al y ISDN Unknown NA Optional NET3 Norwa y ISDN Unknown NA Optional NET3 Singapore ISDN Unknown NA Optional Euro-IS.
SPID Enter the alpha-numeric Service Provider ID (SPID) issued b y the service provider. Because LiveGatewa y uses two BRI lines, you need to enter two SP IDs for switch types that use them. MSN Enter the Multi-Subsc riber Number (MSN) issued by the servic e provider.
this checkbox is enabled (checkm ark present in box ) L iv eGatewa y will dire ct all incoming calls to this client for operator assistance. Enab ling Aut oStart Select this checkbox to automaticall y start the L iv eGatewa y service on bootup.
If you click Restart Now, the following screen is d isplayed. When you click OK, LiveGatewa y restarts, a self-test is ex ecuted, and the following screen is displayed.
Running the Configuration Utility You can chan ge information for a LiveG ateway board b y running the LiveGateway Configuration utility as follows: 1. Click the Windows NT Start button, and choose P rograms -> PictureTel LiveGatew ay -> LiveGat ewa y Configuration.
Deinstalling LiveGatewa y To remove LiveGate w ay from the server: 1. Click the Windows NT Start button, and choose Settings -> Control Panel. 2. Select the Services group. 3. If LiveGateway SNMP management has been en abled, stop the SNMP service.
Managing LiveGateway fr om the LiveManager Gatekeeper Overview This chapter describes how to view and mana ge LiveGatew ays remotely b y using the LiveGatewa y SNMP Manager feature f rom within the LiveManager application. To use this feat ure, SNMP service for e ach LiveGatewa y must be enabled.
SNMP S ervice To manage a LiveGateway s erver fr om the LiveGatewa y SNMP Ma nager, the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) service of the LiveGateway must be enabled. If you checked the SNMP enabled che ck box on the LiveGatewa y Configuration screen when you installed LiveGatewa y, SNMP service is available.
3. Choose "Exit" to quit the application. View 1. The Status Bar feature is enabled (with a checkbo x) as the s ystem default value. W hen enabled, a helpful message about the selected me nu bar option is displayed at the bottom of the LiveGateway SNMP Manager window.
If you want to save all of your changes to the window siz e, position and column widths, choose File > Save Windows Layout & Position from the LiveGateway SNMP Manager window's menu bar.
4. To change the d efault value s for the SNMP paramete rs that will be assigned to all LiveGatewa y servers added in the future, enter the values to be chan ged. You can assi gn the following parameters: a) Read Community Name b) Write Community Name c) Timeout Inte rval d) Number of times to r et ry.
2. Enter the name or addres s of the LiveGatewa y server in the text box of the Name/Address tab. If you are entering an ad dress, use standard decimal notation format. An ex ample of an IP server address is 3. Modify the SNMP parameters on the SNMP tab.
• Boards To add more servers, rep eat steps 1 through 4. Chan ging Ser ver Inf ormation To change a LiveGatewa y server's name, address or SNMP parameters, perform the following proce dure: 1. Select the se rver from the list of servers display ed in the L iveGatewa y SNMP Mana ger window.
Multiple server s can also be deleted by selecting all of the se rvers to be deleted before selecting the "Remove Server..." me nu item. The message box asking you to confir m the deletion will then appear for eac h selected server.
From the LiveGatewa y Server window, you can: • View the Status, Interface, I / O Address, I R Q (Interrupt), and Hardw are version information for each LiveGateway boa rd installed in the server .
Settings Tab The Settings tab, which is shown in the following illustration, provides the following information,: • LiveGatewa y Software Version Number • Gatekeeper Name or Address.
Using the M enu bar The menu bar for the LiveGateway Ser ver window lists the following selections: Menu B ar Select ion Descr iption File 1. Choose "Save Window La yout" to save the window size, current tab selection, and column widths. 2. Choose "Close" to close the L iv eGatewa y Server window.
1. Choose "Help" to display the online help for the Settings tab. Monitoring Live Gateway Status The status information for the LiveGat eway Board is displayed under the "Status" column heading on the Gateway Boards tab of the LiveGatewa y Serv er window.
Fail The Fail status indi cates that the LiveGate way is not working because LiveGatewa y failed the POS T test. To correct the pr oblem, refer to the POST Results desc ribed in Appendix C. The Failed status re mains until y ou perform another POST test, during which the Self Test status appears.
5. Specify the Gateway Prefix that L iveLAN users and LiveManag er will use to direct a call throug h a LiveGateway . This number is the same for all LiveGate wa ys on the network. 6. Specify the Dialing Prefix which the LiveGa t eway will use to make an outg oing call.
Setting Off Line S tatus To set the LiveGateway Board's sta tus to Off Line: 1. Open the LiveGatewa y server from the LiveGatewa y SNMP Manager window.
To start the self -test, refer to the preceding section, "Performing a Self Te st ." Performing a Loop Back T est The Loop Back Test simulates an inbound H.320 call to a LiveLAN client. This test loops back video and audio at the H.320 subsystem within the LiveGateway board.
V iewing the POST Result To view the Power On S elf Test (POS T) result for the sel ected LiveGatewa y Board: 1. Open the LiveGatewa y server from the LiveGatewa y SNMP Manager window. 2. Select the Gatewa y Boards tab of the LiveGateway Server window.
5. To close the Statistics window, click the [X] in the upper right-hand corn er. V iewing Board Settings and V ersion Information Information about the LiveGatewa y board is important when y ou en counter problems that you cannot correct and need to report them to PictureTel.
Using Pictur eT el LiveGatew ay Overview With PictureTel LiveGatewa y installed on a server, LiveLAN and NetConferenc e users and other H. 323 terminals can place calls to H.320 clients and to other LiveLAN and NetConference users ac ross an ISDN WAN.
Outgoing Ca lls When a user makes a LAN to W AN call, LiveMa nager checks fo r availabl e resources and passes th e call to LiveGatewa y. If the re is more than one LiveGate way installed on a server, LiveManager uses the bandwidth information to dete rmine which LiveGateway will complete the call.
2. If no tones are received within 30 seconds, the ca ll is routed to the H.323 client designated as the operator station. If an H.323 Terminal that suppor ts call transfer, such as Li veLAN, is being used as the operator station, an operator (person) asks for the name or H.
In this sample configuration: • There are two n etwork segments, each with one ro uter. • LiveManager is running on Server A with a network topolog y map. • Server C has a LiveGatewa y connected to a dial-up ISDN BRI line. • LiveLAN Client S and H.
Managing Operator Station Information You can specif y a LiveLAN user, or another H.323 client that supports call transfer, as an op erator station to transfer incoming calls from H.
NOTE : This utility (and associated files) ma y also be copied from the "ToolsGwSnd Recorder" director y of the Installation CD-ROM to another PC running Windows 95 or NT. This may be necessar y if th e LiveGatewa y Server is not e quipped wi th audio reco rd and playback capa bilities.
Locked Conference Me ssage The Locked Conference message is pla y ed to the H.320 system caller by the LiveGateway automated attendant when an attempt is made to dial into a PictureTel H.
Procedure fo r Using the Live Gateway Audio Clip Reco rder The following steps describe how to use the LiveGatewa y Audio Clip Recorder: Note To use this program, you must have a Wi ndows NT-compatible microphone, sound card, and speakers confi gured on your server.
Menu Bar The LiveGatewa y Audio Clip Recorder menubar contains two selections: 1. File 2. Help File From the File menu, you can select the folder for storing/saving your audio clip files or exit (quit) the program. Select Audio File Folder You may wish to save your customized audio clips (*.
Line Information for ISDN BRI Service Overview The following tables list the LiveGatewa y requirements for the most common U.S. central office switches and the European swi tches. The most common US central offi ce switches in clude the AT &T 5ESS, Nort hern Telecom DMS-100, and Siemens switch t y pes.
B1 Service DMD DMD B2 Service DMD DMD D Channel Signaling onl y Signaling onl y CSV 1 1 CSV Channel Any Any CSD 2 2 CSD Channel Any Any CSD Limit 2 2 TEI Dynamic Dynamic MAXB Channel 2 2 MTERM 2 1 if one DN, 2 if two DNs Terminal Type A A ACT USR Yes Yes Note : The number of SPIDs must equal the numbe r of DNs.
Service Provider ID (SP ID) 2 2 Directory Numbers (DNs) 2 2 B1 Channel Cir cuit Switch Yes Yes B1 Channel Bearer Restriction No PMD No PMD B1 Channel Ter minal Adapter Functional Functional B1 Channel.
CAT IBA BCHDN 2 BCDN C56 and C64 CT CMD BCHCT 2 IBCHCT 2 OBCHCT 2 ORIG1 1 PIC 0288 - C56 and 0288 - C64 CHRG F RSA1 COS ACOU and ICND and R ND CRBLI M 16 ACOLIM 15 NPA = 815 DN = 3337891 EQN = 20- 0- .
OBCHCT 2 CHRG FRSA1 COS NOICND and NRND CRBLI M 2 Terminal Service Profile Data View TSP, EQN 20- 0- 3- 4-, USID 1, TSPID 815333789001, TERMLIM 1, TSPCOS C MDBCHR ; VIEW TSPDNCT, EQN 20- 0- 3- 4-, TSP.
Access Data EQN 20- 0- 3- 4-, CLOSS 0, BCHEQN 2. BCEQN SP and AU3 &C56 and C64 and PMD CPDDN 8153337890 and 8153337890 - CMD and 8153337890 - PMD, CPVDN2 8153337890 and 8153337891 - VI, COE CLASS1, LINKOPT DYNNOPA L, BAPROF 0, Note : The SPID number field should contain onl y numb ers.
Switch T ype Number Type Number Plan VN3 in France Unknown Unknown ITR6 in Germany Unknown ISDN All other types Not used Not used Ordering ISDN Service in the United States An ISDN BRI line is needed to operate PictureTel LiveGatewa y. An ISDN BRI line can take sev eral weeks to install from the time you place the order; therefor e, plan ahead.
5E8 or Higher** NI2 ( 1DN) Higher** NI1 ( 2 DNs) Line Code Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 2B1Q Point-to- Point 2B1Q Multipoint 2B1Q* Standard 2B1Q* Standard Service Provider ID (SP I D) Not needed for this configuration Two required One assigned by telephone compan y Two assigned by telephone compan y.
CSD channel Any An y Any Any CSV LIMIT 1 1 1 1 CSD LIMIT 2 2 2 2 MAXB CHNL (maximum B- channel) Must be set to 2. Must be set to 2. Must be set to 2 Must be set to 2 MTERM 1 2 2 2 TERMTYP (Terminal ty.
Line (DSL) Service Provider ID (SP I D) Director y Numbers (DN) Two Two Two Two (one for each B-channel) Provisioning Parame ters B1 B1 Se t circuit switch to Yes Set circuit switch to Yes Set Be arer.
Set Ring to Yes Set Ring to Yes Set EKTS to No Set EKTS to No Set data option: PROVLLC CMDATA (lower l ayer compatibility ) EWSD NI1 Switc h Information Line Code Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 2B1Q Na.
- IBCHCT = 2 - OBCHCT = 2 - COS = NI C ND (class of service ; no ISDN calling # deliver y) - P I C = XXX-C56 (wher e XXX is the inter-excha nge carrier 's code) - P I C = XXX-C64 (wher e XXX is t.
I/O Port Base Addr ess Settings Overview This appendix lists the I/O Port Base Address settings that can be selected for the LiveGatewa y board. The board’s I/O port address i s set by DIP Switch, DS-1, which is located just below the BRI module on the board.
Switch 1 corresponds to the least significant bit of a block of 32 b y te I/O port addresses. When it is in the off position, it sets bit 5 of the address, and its numerical weight is 20 hexadeci mal. Switch 5 corresponds to the most significant bit of a block of 32 byte I/O port addresses.
1 X 200 0 X X X X 1 X X 220 0 X X X 1 X X 240 0 X X X 1 X X X 260 0 X X 1 X X 280 0 X X X 1 X X X 2A0 0 X X 1 X X X 2C0 0 X X 1 X X X X 2E0 0 X 1 X X 300 0 X X X 1 X X X 320 0 X X 1 X X X 340 0 X X 1 .
0 X 1 X X X X 3C0 0 X 1 X X X X X 3E0 0.
Using The LiveGateway Event Log Overview LiveGatewa y stores infor mational messages, tracking messages, warnin g messages, and error messa ges in an event log .
Date and Ti me The date is the month and day that LiveGatewa y generated the message. T he time is the hour and minute that LiveGatewa y generated the message. Event Code The event code is a code for th e message. Refer t o Using the Event L o g Information f or details on the event codes.
name 0x0002 PictureTel LiveGatewa y shut down in file server: server name LiveGatewa y has shut down normally (that is, a user has unloaded LiveGateway f rom the server) or abnormall y (for exampl e, a fatal error). If a fatal error has occurred, this messag e is preceded b y a fatal error message.
0x0402 L ive Gateway go ing to RESET stat e LiveGatewa y card about to reset. Self -test button pressed on LiveGatewa y, or LiveGateway service stopping. No action required. 0x0403 L ive Gateway go ing to IDLE state. System initializa tion complete, or previous call has ended.
Code Solution 0x0420 LiveGateway Atte mpting inbound call to terminal ID H.320 system attempting to connect to H.323 terminal. No action required. 0x0421 H.320 call successful for Li veGat eway LiveGatewa y successfully completed call to H.320 s y stem.
state H.323 call signaling channel. 0x042C LiveGateway g oing to AWAITING CS D ISC CONF state LiveGateway c all disconnecting from H.323 s y stem, rem oving H.323 call signaling channel No action required. 0x042D LiveGateway g oing to AWAITING TICL STO P state LiveGatewa y going o ff line, or service is stopping.
0x8060 PCI Manager Received Stat us Code: Li veGat eway software detect s possible system trouble. Use this information when reporting issues to PictureTel. 0x8062 HC Control Received Stat us Code: Li veGat eway software detect s possible system trouble.
Major Alarm Mes sages The following t able shows Categ o ry 5 (major alarm) messag es that appear in the event log and the recommended acti on for each mess age. Event Code Description Probable Cause Possible Solution 0x0080 Sy stem memor y pool has reached a critical low: The server does not have enough memory to run Li veGat eway.
number within the time limit. 0x0285 SDC could not start a tim er. Software bug. Report error to PictureTel. 0x0286 Download to L iveGate way timed out. Files did not download from the server to the Li veGat eway board within the allotted time. Report error to PictureTel.
0x0384 L iveGateway Driver fa il ed to create registr y name: Not enough privilege s. Log in as the s ystem administrator. 0x0385 LiveGate w ay Driver f ail ed to set value f or registry name: Not enough privilege s. Log in as the s ystem administrator.
Event! 0x0486 I nval id Event Receiv ed In Service Queu e Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0487 I nvalid Channel Manager Event Received Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0488 Not Enoug h Memor y! Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0489 ERROR - new st ate change not handled by state changer Software Error Contact PictureTel.
0x0495 F ailed to get CP's user interfa ce Software Er ror Contact PictureTel. 0x0496 F ailed to get H245's IbufferNoti f y interface Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0497 SDC Creation F ailure Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0498 Vig a Driver creation failure Software Er ror Contact PictureTel.
returned val ue 0x0586 Transport Connect returned value Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0587 Transport Send returned value Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0588 Transport GetInfo returned value Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0589 Tr ansport Receive re turned value Software Error Contact PictureTel.
header 0x0595 Could not obtain a RAS sequence number Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0596 Attempted to access TICL in an invalid state Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x0597 Gatekeeper discovery is unsupported at this time Software Error Contact PictureTel.
0x05A4 Endpoint value deleted Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x05A5 Atte mpt to create timer failed Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x05A6 Attempt to access nonexistent timer Software Error Contact PictureTel. 0x05A7 Attempt to convert address string failed Software Error Contact PictureTel.
PictureTel. 0x80A3 Audio DSP Download Failed: Possible Hardware Failure Run Customer Diagnostics/contact PictureTel. 0x80A4 B R I Module Download Failed: Possible Hardware Failure Run Customer Diagnostics/contact PictureTel.
0x02A5 SDC had a software error. Software bug. R eport error to PictureTel. 0x02A6 Li veGat eway configuration f ile is missing. LiveGatewa y cannot find the configuration file.
not serve the destination desired. This caus e is supported on a network dependent basis. 4 Send special information tone This cause indicates t hat the cal led part y cannot be reached for rea sons that are of a long term nature and that the s pecial informa tion tone should be returned to the calling part y.
19 No answer from user (user alerted) This cause is used wh en the called part y has been alerted but does not respond with a connect indication within a prescribed period of time. Note: This cause is not necessaril y generated b y Q.931 procedures but may be generated by inter nal network timers.
(address incomplete) cannot be reached be cause the called p arty number is not in a valid format or is not complete. 29 Facilitie s rejected This cause is returned wh en a supplementar y service requested b y the user cannot be provide by the network.
42 Switching equipment congestion This cause indicates th at the swit ching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a period of high traffic. 43 Access inform ation discarded This cause indicates that the network could not deliver acce ss information to the remote user as requested, i.
55 Incoming calls barre d within CUG This cause indicates that although the calling party is a member o f the CUG for the incoming CUG ca ll, incoming calls are not allowed for this membe r of the CUG.
81 Invalid c all reference value This cause indicates t hat the equi pment sending this cause has received a m essage with a call reference which is not currentl y in use on the user-netw ork interfac e.
compatibility , high layer compatibility o r other compatibility attributes (e.g. data rate) which cannot be accommodated. 90 Non-existent CUG This cause indicates t hat the speci fied CUG does not exist.
100 Invalid information element content s This cause indicates t hat the equi pment sending this cause has received and information ele ment whi ch it has impleme nted; however, one or more fie lds in the I.E. are coded in such a wa y which has not been implemented by the equipment sending this cause.
Using LiveManager to T r oubleshoot LiveGateway Overview You can use the L iv eGatewa y SNMP Manager feature of LiveMana ger to access the LiveGatewa y boards installed in a LiveGateway server. The Live Gatewa y SNMP Mana ger feature lets you access, control and monitor the LiveGateway boards installed in a LiveGatewa y server.
4. The Statistics for the selec ted LiveGateway Board are display ed in the Statistics window. The information in this window is read-onl y. 5. To close the Statistics window, click the [ X] in the upper right-hand corn er.
To perform a Loopback Test on a L iv eGatewa y Board: 1. Open the LiveGateway server from the LiveGatewa y SNMP Manag er window. 2. Select the Gateway Boards tab of the LiveGat eway Server window. 3. Perform one of the following actions: • Click on a board in the list to highlight the board, and select Operations.
window. 2. Select the Gateway Boards tab of the LiveGat eway Server window. 3. Perform one of the following actions: • Click on a board in the list to highlight the board, and select Operations->.
1. Open the LiveGateway server from the LiveGatewa y SNMP Mana ger window. 2. Click the Settings tab. The following information is displayed for ea ch board in the Setting s tab: • LiveGatewa y Software Version Number • Gatekeeper Name or Address Viewing LiveGatew ay POST Results LiveManager retrieves and displa ys LiveGateway POST results.
0x0B GPP Shared Memory Re source Test 0x0C GPP to Shared Memor y Transfer Test 0x0D GPP Wild Interrupt Test 0x10 Audio DSP SRAM Test by GPP 0x11 VDSP SRAM to GPP DRAM Transfer Test 0x12 Audio DSP SRAM.
0x55 Conflict Shared Memory DSPs and GPP 0x56 Conflict Shared Memory GPP only 0x57 Read Shared M emor y after ISA Write Resolving LiveGatew ay Pr oblems The following information describes how to iden.
What You Should C heck and/or Verify: • Was installation from CD ROM successful? • Did you configure and en able an y boards via the configuration utility ? • After you started the appl ication,.
installed). Proble m: Live Gateway Starts, T hen Fails Use the following c hecklist to quickl y identify and resolve this problem. Probable Causes: • POST failure . • POST successful, but card not responding. • Missing download file. • Download timeout/possible har dware failure with ISA access.
Possible Solutions: • Start LiveManager application. • Add LiveGatewa y server network information to LiveManager network topolog y. • Configure LiveManager via the L iveGate way configuration utility . Problem: LiveGateway Online, But Can't Make Or Receive Calls Use the following c hecklist to quickl y identify and resolve this problem.
Possible Solutions: • Reconfigure ISDN switch setting s (MSNs, SP I Ds). Problem: Can Call In From WAN, Can't Call Out Use the following c hecklist to quickl y identify and resolve this problem. Probable Causes: • Caller is entering incorrect H.
Contacting T echnical Support Overview For assistance of an y kind, contact your Distributor for support. If you do not know where you purchased your equipment, call Pic tureTel directly and we will assist or direct y ou to your appropria te Distributor if applicable.
3. After receiving the RMA number, wrap th e component in an antistatic ba g, and pack the component in a shipping container, using bubble wrap if necessar y.
デバイスPictureTel 3.1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
PictureTel 3.1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPictureTel 3.1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。PictureTel 3.1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。PictureTel 3.1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
PictureTel 3.1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPictureTel 3.1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、PictureTel 3.1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPictureTel 3.1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。