PlanetメーカーADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ADE-4120 ADS L Firewall Rou t er User ’ s Manual.
ii Co p y right Co p y r ig h t (C) 2 0 04 P L ANET T echnolo g y Cor p . All ri g hts reserved. T he produc t s an d progra m s describe d i n t h is User ’ s M anu a l ar e licensed pro d uc t s o.
T able of Conten ts C H A P T ER 1 . IN T RODUCTIO N ............................................................................................................................. .1 1.1 A N O VE R VI E W O F THE ADE-41 2 0 ............................
iv A PPEND I X B . FA Q A N D PRODUC T SUPPORT................................................................................................ . 36 A PPEND I X C GLOS S A R Y ............................................................................
1 Ch a pte r 1. Intr o ducti o n 1.1 An Over v iew of the ADE- 4 120 T he ADE-4120 ADS L Fire w all Router pro v ides o f f i c e and residential users the i dea l solution f or s ecurel y sharing a high-speed ADS L broadband Internet connection on a 10/100Mbps F ast Ethernet backbone.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 2 LAN site and automat i c s w itching bet w een MDI and MDI-X f o r 10Base- T and 100Base- T X port s is supported.
Chapter 1 Introducti o n 3 1.4 ADE-4120 App l ication Internet Connection w ith Fi r e w all: T he y are the pe r f e c t s olution to connect a s mall group of PCs to a high-speed broadband Internet c onnection. M ulti-users can ha v e high-speed Internet access simu l taneousl y .
4 Ch a pte r 2. Using the R o uter 2.1 Cautions for using the A DE -4120 Do not pla c e the ADE - 4120 under high hu m idity and high te m perature. Do not use the sa m e power source for ADE-4120 with other equip m ent. Do not open or repair the ca s e yourself.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 5 2.3 The Rea r Ports ADE-4120 Port Meaning A DSL Conne c t the supplied RJ- 1 1 cable to this port w hen connecting to the ADSL/telephone net w ork. CONSOLE Conne c t a RS - 232 cable to this port w hen connecting to a PC ’ s R S-232 port (9-p i n seria l port).
6 Ch a pte r 3. Conf i gurati o n T he ADE-4120 can be con f igured w ith y our Web bro w se r . T he w eb bro w ser is included as a s t andard application in the f ollo w ing operation s y stems, UNIX, Linu x , Mac OS, W i ndo w s 98/N T /2000/Me, etc.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 7 1. Go to S t art / Settings / Control Panel . In the Control Panel, doub l e-click on Ne t w ork and choo s e the Configuration t ab. 2. Select TC P / I P -> NE2000 Com p atible , or the name o f an y Net w ork Inte r face Ca r d (NIC) in y our PC.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 8 5. T hen s elect the DNS Configuration tab. 6. Select the Disable D NS radio button and cli c k “ OK ” to f i nish the c on f iguration.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 9 3.3.2 For W indows N T4.0 1. Go to S t art / Settings / Control Panel . In the Control Panel, doub l e-click on Ne t w ork and choo s e the Protocols tab. 2. Select TCP/I P Protocol and click Properties . 3. Select the Ob t ain an I P address from a DHC P ser v er radio button and click OK .
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 10 3.3.3 For W indows 2000 1. Go to S t art / Settings / Control Panel . In the Control Panel, doub l e-click on Ne t w ork and Dial-up Connections . 2. Double-click L A N A r e a Connection . 3. In the L A N A rea Connection S t atus w indo w , click Properties .
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 1 1 4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties . 5. Select the Obtain an I P add r ess automati c all y and the Obta i n DNS ser v er address automaticall y radio buttons. 6. Click OK to f ini s h the c on f iguration.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 12 3.3.4 For W indows XP 1. Go to S t art / Control Panel (in Classic Vi e w ). In the Control Panel, double-click on Net w ork Connections. 2. Double-click Lo c al Area Connection 3. In the L A N A rea Connection S t atus w indo w , click Properties .
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 13 4. Select Inte r net Proto c ol ( T CP/IP) and click Properties. 5. Select the Obtain an I P add r ess automati c all y and the Obta i n DNS ser v er address automatical.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 14 6. Click OK to f ini s h the c on f iguration. 3.4 Factory De f ault Settings Be f ore con f igurat i ng this ADE-4120, y ou need to kno w the follo w ing de f ault settings. 1. W eb Configurator Does not require u s er name and p ass w ord 2.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 15 are sho w n belo w . L A N Port W A N Port I P address Subnet Mask DHCP ser v er functio n Enab l ed I P addresses for distribution to PCs 100 I P addres s es cont i nuing f rom through 192.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 16 3.6 Configuring with the Web Browser Open the w eb bro w se r , enter the lo c al port I P address of this ADE-4120 , w hich defau l t s at , and click “ Go ” , y ou w ill get a f un c tion o v er v i e w page w hen login succes s f ull y .
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 17 Setup 1 S y stem p arameters Select the operating mode in Setup1 page o f w eb con f iguration s er v er as f ollo w s: Y ou can get the s e modes f rom y our IS P . P l ea s e chec k section 3.5 for detail. After y ou select the mode y ou w ant, plea s e click “ Ne xt ” to continue.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 18 creating w ith y our ADS L Route r . Unless y ou ha v e spec i f ic interna l needs or in the router mode, there should be no rea s on to c hange these v alues. Please check w ith y o u r IS P to see i f y ou need to enter Router & Doma i n Names to b e v i e w ed b y y our ISP's net w ork.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 19 Setup 4 VC p aramete r s Y ou should c heck w ith y our IS P f or VPI/VCI and AAL5 Encap s ulation for A T M VC paramete r . After y ou c omp l ete the sett i ngs of this page, click “ Ne xt ” to continue. 3.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 20 S te p 6 Confi r m p arameters T his page sho w s all t he sett i ngs y ou ha v e con f igured. P l ease cl i ck “ Finish ” button to comp l ete y our s etting s . T he “ Sa v e Con f igurat i on & Re s tart S y stem ” p age is sho w n.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 21 3.6.3 Basic T he basic con f igurations are listed these functions in common u s e for the ADS L Route r s y stem. Please link to the spec i f ic f eature p age to s et the s e parameters.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 22 Log t able dis p l a y setting T he pac k et log setting allo w s the displa y o f the in c om i ng and outgoing data on the MONI T OR. Chec k the bo x to enable log t able then y ou can f i nd the r ecord on the “ Monitor ” .
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 23 U ser access control Y ou can f ill in the LAN I P address, MAC address and port r ange to limit the Internet access of the lo c al use r .
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 24 Fo r w ard T his page allo w s y ou to setup up the public ser v ices on y our net w ork. It p r o v ides thre e sub - f un c tions: V irtual Ser v e r , Prot for w arding and Port T riggering.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 25 3.6. 3 .6. 3 Port Trig g ering T he R outer w ill w atch the outgoing data f o r spec i f i c port. If the PC behind the router sends the data w itch is mat c hing the 'Port T r i ggeri n g table' through the route r , the router w ill record it.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 26 help s y ou di v iding the client PC s on the LAN into s e v eral group s and ea c h group access Internet through one rea l I P Address. Y ou also can s et s i ngle loca l I P Addre ss map to single Global I P Addres s .
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 27 DDNS DDNS(D y namic DNS) ser v ice points a f i x ed hostname to a d y namic W AN I P address o r static I P address, allo w i n g y our computer to be ac c essed f rom v arious locations on the Internet w ithout k no w ing y our current I P .
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 28 3.6.4 Advance T his funct i on allo w s y o u to ma k e routing con f i guration. S t atic route Y ou ma y set up a s t atic route i f y ou w ant to conne c t y our route r to more than on e net w ork.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 29 RIP RI P (Routing Informat i on Protoco allo w s a r outer to e x change routing information w ith other routers.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 30 3.6.5 Utility T his funct i on pro v ides y ou the s y stem in f o r mation, s t atus and f irm w are upgrade. S y stem T his page pro v ides y ou the general s y stem i n f ormation including f irm w are v ersion.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 31 Fir m w a r e up g rade T his page allo w s y ou to upgrade the f irm w are through T F T P s erve r . Please note that y ou ha v e to setup a TF T P s er v er f irst and store that f irm w are f ile on the T FT P ser v e r director y .
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 32 Router i s re s tarted, y our bro w ser session w ill be dis c onnected. It ma y appear that y ou r bro w ser session doe s n't w ork. W hen the A D S L Router re s tarts after a f e w second s , y ou can input the default I P addres s ( http://192.
Chapte r 2 Using ADE- 4 120 33 3.6.6 Monitor T his fun c tion i s used to monitor the Net w ork status or the s t atu s o f the ADS L Route r . T he a v ailable option s depend on y our ope r ation mode. Click on the icon in the left w indo w then the t able w ill pop up.
P L A NET A D E -4120 A DS L Fire w all Router 34 Ch a pte r 4. Troublesho o ting If the ADE-4120 ADS L Fire w all Router is not f unctioning properl y , y ou can re f er f irst to thi s chapter for simple troubleshoot i ng before c on t acting y our s er v ice pro v ide r .
35 App e nd i x A. Specif i cati o n Product ADS L Fire w all Router Model ADE-4120 A / ADE-4120B Hard w are S tandard ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 I T U G .992.1 ( G .dmt) including - Anne x A (ADS L o v er POTS f or ADE-4120A ) - Anne x B (ADS L o v er ISDN for ADE-4120B ) G .
36 App e nd i x B. FAQ and P roduct Suppo rt Most problems can be sol v ed b y using the T rouble s hooting in C hapter 4 and the follo w ing F AQ. If y ou cannot resol v e the problem, please c ontact the dealer w here y ou purchased thi s product.
37 H o w do I g et Na p ster to w ork w ith the Router? Napster is f ull y compatible w ith the Router and requires no spec i al s ettings. H o w can I not r ecei v e corrupted FT P d o w n loads? If y ou are e x periencing corrupted f iles w hen y ou do w nload a f ile w ith y our F T P client, tr y using another F T P program.
38 W h y can't I connect t o the W eb Configura t or? Y ou can r emo v e the p r ox y ser v er settings in your w eb bro w se r . W h y is that i can pi n g to ou t side hos t s, b ut not access Inter n et w e b sites? Check the DNS ser v er settings on y our PC.
39 App e nd i x C Glossary A d dress mask A bit mask used to se l ect bits f r om an Internet address f or s ubnet addressing. The mas k is 32 bit s long and s elects the net w ork portion o f the Internet address and one or more bits o f the lo c al portion.
40 e v er y de v ice on y our net w ork. DHCP soft w are t y picall y runs in servers and is also found i n net w ork de v ices such as Routers. DMT Discrete Multi- T one f r equenc y signal modulat i on D o w nstream r ate T he line r ate for return messages or data transfers f rom the net w ork mach i ne to the user's premise s machine.
41 Internet address An IP address is assi g ned i n block s o f numbers to u s er organi z ations access i ng the Internet. T hese add r esses are established b y the United States Department o f D e f ense's Net w ork In f o r mation Center.
42 on connection b y simu l ating a d i al-up connection. Remote ser v er A net w ork computer al l o w s a user to l og on to the net w ork f rom a distant l ocation. RFC Request f or Comments - Refers to do c uments published b y the Internet Engineering Task Force (IE T F) proposing standard protocols and pro c edures for the Internet.
43 accessed b y mult i ple users, such as Ser v er PCs, or printers. I f y ou are using y our Router to share y our cable or DSL Internet connect i on, conta c t y our ISP to s ee i f the y ha v e assigned y our home a s tatic IP address. You w ill need that addres s during y our Router's con f iguration.
デバイスPlanet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Planet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPlanet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Planet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Planet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Planet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPlanet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Planet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPlanet ADSL Firewall Router ADE-4120デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。