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Features • Programmable Audi o Output for Interfacing with Common Audio DAC – PCM Format Co mp atible –I 2 S Format Comp atib le • 8-bit MCU C51 Core-based (F MAX = 20 MHz ) • 2304 B ytes of.
2 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 3. Block Diagram Figure 3-1. A T89C5132 Block Dia gram Notes: 1. Alternate fu nction of Port 3 2. Alternate fu nction of Port 4 3.
3 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 4. Pin Descri ption Figure 4-1. AT89C5132 8 0-pin TQF P Package P0.3 /AD3 P0.4 /AD4 P0.5 /AD5 VSS VDD P0.6 /AD6 P0.7 /AD7 P2.0 /A8 P2.1 /A9 P3.1/TXD P3.2/INT 0 P3.3/INT 1 P3.4/T0 P3.0/RX D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 11 10 P2.
4 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Figure 4-2. A T89C5132 84-pin PL CC (1) Note: 1. For developm en t board onl y . 4.1 Signals All the A T89C513 2 signals a re detai led by fun ctionality in Tabl e 1 to Table 14 . Ta b l e 1 . Po rts Si gnal De scrip tion PLCC84 P0.
5 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Ta b l e 2 . Cloc k Si gna l Desc r ipt ion Ta b l e 3 . Ti mer 0 and T imer 1 Sign al Descripti on P2.7: 0 I/O Port 2 P2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up s. A15:8 P3.7: 0 I/O Port 3 P3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up s.
6 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Ta b l e 4 . Audi o Interfac e Signa l Descript ion Ta b l e 5 . USB Controll er Signa l Descrip tion Ta b l e 6 . Muti MediaCard Int erface Sig nal Descripti on T0 I Timer 0 External Clock Input When timer 0 op erates as a counter , a falling edge on the T0 pin increments the count.
7 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Ta b l e 7 . UART S ignal Description Ta b l e 8 . SPI Controll er Signa l Descr iptio n Ta b l e 9 . TW I Controller Signal Des cription Ta b l e 1 0 .
8 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Ta b l e 1 1 . Keyp ad Interfa ce Signa l Desc riptio n Ta b l e 1 2 . External Ac cess Signal D esc ri ption Ta b l e 1 3 .
9 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Ta b l e 1 4 . P ower Signal De scrip tion Signal Name T yp e Description Alternate Function VDD PWR Digit al Supply V olt age Connect these pins to +3V supply volt a ge. - VSS GND Cir c uit Gr ou nd Connect these pins to ground.
10 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 4.2 Internal Pin S tructure Ta b l e 1 5 . D etailed In ternal Pin Str ucture Note s: 1. F or i nfor matio n on r esist ors v alue, inpu t/ou tput level s, and dr ive c apabil ity , r efer t o the Section “DC Cha racteristics”, page 18 3 .
11 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 5. Address S pa ces The AT8x C5132 der ivatives implemen t four dif ferent add ress spac es: • Program /Code Memo ry • Boot Me mory • Data Memo ry • S pe cial Func tion Registe rs (SFR s) 5.0.1 Code Memory The AT89 C5132 impl ements 64 K Bytes of o n-chip program/c ode memor y in Flash t echnolog y.
12 AT89C5132 4173ES–USB– 09/07 Peripheral s The AT8xC5132 peripherals are br iefly described in the following sections. For fur t her details on how to int erface (hardw are and s oftware) to the se peripher als, pleas e refer to the AT8 xC5132 co mplete dat asheet.
13 AT89C5132 4173ES–USB– 09/07 Serial I/O Interfa ce The AT89 C5132 imp lements a serial p ort with its own baud r ate gener ator prov iding on e single s ynchrono us commu nication mode an d three full- duplex Un iversa l Asynchr onous Receiver Transmitter ( UART) co mmunication modes.
14 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 6. Electri cal Characteristics 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 6.2 DC Characte ristic s 6.2.1 Digit al Logic S torage T emperatu re ............. ...................... .. -65 ° C to +1 50 ° C V olta ge on any other Pi n to V SS .
15 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Notes: 1. T ypical v alues are obtained using V DD = 3 V and T A = 25 ° C. They ar e not tested an d there is n o guarantee on thes e val ues . 2. Flash rete ntion is gua ranteed with the same fo rmula for V DD mi n down to 0 V .
16 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Figure 6-2. I DL Tes t Condition , Idle Mode Figure 6-3. I PD Test Co ndition, Powe r-Down Mode 6.2.3 A-to-D Converter Ta b l e 2 .
17 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 6.2.4 Oscillat or and Crys t al Sche matic Figure 6-4. Crysta l Connection Note: For op eration with m ost st andard cryst als, no extern al compone nts are needed on X1 and X2. It may be n ecessary to add external cap acitors on X1 and X2 to ground in s pecial cases (ma x 10 pF).
18 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Paramet ers Ta b l e 4 . PLL Fi lt er Chara cte ris tic s V DD = 2.7 to 3.3V , T A = -40 t o +85 ° C 6.2.6 USB Con nection Sche matic Figure 6-6. USB Co nnection Paramet ers Ta b l e 1 6 . USB Char acteri stics V DD = 3 to 3.
19 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 6.3 AC Characte ristic s 6.3.1 External 8-bit Bus Cy cles Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 6 . Ext ernal 8-bi t Bus Cycl es Timing Symbol Definitions Timin gs Test cond itions: c apaciti ve load o n all pin s = 50 pF.
20 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Ta b l e 8 . Ext ernal 8-bi t Bus Cycl e – Data Wr ite AC T imings V DD = 2.7 t o 3.3V , T A = -40 ° to +8 5 ° C 6.
21 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Figure 6-9. Exte rnal 8- bit Bu s Cycle – Data Write Wave forms 6.3.2 External IDE 16-bit Bus C ycles Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 9 . Ext ernal IDE 16- bit Bus Cycl es Timin g Symbol Defi nitions 6.3.
22 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Ta b l e 1 0 . Ex ternal IDE 16 -bit Bus Cy cle – Data Re ad AC Ti mings V DD = 2.7 to 3. 3V , T A = -4 0 ° to +85 ° C Ta b l e 1 1 .
23 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Waveforms Figure 6-10. Extern al IDE 16-bi t Bus Cycle – Data Read Wave for ms Note: D15:8 is written in DA T16H SFR. Figure 6-1 1. Extern al IDE 16-bi t Bus Cycle – Data Writ e Wavefor m s Note: D15:8 is the content of DA T16H S FR.
24 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Timings Ta b l e 1 3 . SPI Int erface M aster AC Timing V DD = 2.7 t o 3.3V , T A = -40 ° to +8 5 ° C Notes: 1.
25 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Waveforms Figure 6-12. SPI Sl ave Wavefo rms (SSCPHA = 0 ) Note: 1. Not Defin ed but generally the MSB of the cha racter which h as just been rec e ived. Figure 6-13. SPI Sl ave Wavefo rms (SSCPHA = 1 ) Note: 1.
26 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 Figure 6-14. SPI Ma ster Wavefo rms (SSCPHA = 0) Note: 1. SS handled by so ftware usin g general purp ose port pin. Figure 6-15. SPI Ma ster Wavefo rms (SSCPHA = 1) Note: 1. SS handled by so ftware usin g general purp ose port pin.
27 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 V DD = 2.7 to 3.3 V , T A = -40 to +85 ° C Notes: 1. At 100 k b it/s. At other bi t-rates this valu e is inversely pro portional to t he bit-rate of 1 00 kbit/s . 2. Determi ned by the ext ernal bus-line c apacita nce and the external bus-li ne pull-up resi stor , this must be < 1 μ s.
28 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 6.3.5 MMC In terface Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 1 4 . M MC Interface Timing Sy mbol Defini tions Timings Ta b l e 1 5 . MMC Inter face AC Timing s V DD = 2.7 to 3.3 V , T A = -40 to +85 ° C, CL ≤ 100pF ( 10 cards ) 6.
29 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 6.3.6 Audio Inter f ace Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 1 6 . A udio Interfa ce Timing Symbol Defi nitions Timings Ta b l e 1 7 . Audi o Inter f ace AC ti mings V DD = 2.7 t o 3.3V , T A = - 40 to +85 ° C, CL ≤ 30pF Note: 32-bit forma t with Fs = 48 kH z.
30 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 6.3.7 Analog to Digit al Converter Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 1 8 . A nalog to Digi tal Conve rter Tim ing Symbol Definitio ns Cha racteris tics Ta b l e 1 8 . A nalog to Digi tal Conve rter AC Char acterist ics V DD = 2.
31 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Waveforms Figure 6-19. Analog- to-Digit al Converte r Internal W aveform s Figure 6-20. Analog- to-D igit al Converte r Charac ter i stics ADEN Bi t ADSS T .
32 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 6.3. 8 Fla sh Mem ory Definit ion of Sy mbols Ta b l e 1 9 . Fl ash Memo ry Timing S ymbol De finitions Timings Ta b l e 2 0 . Flash M emory AC T iming V DD = 2.7 t o 3.3V , T A = -40 ° to +8 5 ° C 6.
33 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 Timings Ta b l e 2 2 . Externa l Clock AC Timings V DD = 2.7 t o 3.3V , T A = -40 to +8 5 ° C Waveforms Figure 6-23. Exter nal Cl ock Wavefo rm Figure 6-24. AC Testing Input/Out put Wavef orms Note s: 1.
34 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 7. Ordering Information Note: 1. PLCC8 4 package o nly available for developm ent bo ard. Possib le O rder En tries (1 ) Part Number Memo ry Size (Bytes) Su pply Vo.
35 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 8. Package Informati o n 8.1 TQFP 80.
36 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT8 9C5132 8.2 PLCC84.
37 4173ES–USB– 09/07 AT89C5 132 9. Dat asheet Revision History for A T89C5132 9.1 Change s from 4173A-08/02 to 4173B-03/ 04 1. Suppres sion of ROM product v ersion. 2. Suppres sion of TQF P64 packag e. 9.2 Cha nges from 4173 B-03/0 4 - 4 173C - 07 /04 1.
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デバイスAtmel AT89C5132の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Atmel AT89C5132をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAtmel AT89C5132の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Atmel AT89C5132の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Atmel AT89C5132で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Atmel AT89C5132を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAtmel AT89C5132の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Atmel AT89C5132に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAtmel AT89C5132デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。