Planet TechnologyメーカーADE-4100の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ADSL Modem Router With 4-port S w itch A DE-4100 User ’ s Manual.
ii Cop y right Copyright (C) 2003 PLANET Technology Corp. All rights reserved. The products and programs described in this User ’ s M anual are licensed products of PLANET Technology, This User ’ .
iii Trademarks The PLANET logo is a trademark of PLANET Technology. This documentation may refer to numerous hard w are and soft w are products by their trade names. In most, if not all cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks by their respective companies.
i T A BLE OF C ONTENTS CH A P T ER 1 IN T RODUC T IO N ................................................................................ .1 ADE-4100 F EATURES ............................................................................................ .
ii T CP S TATUS ........................................................................................................ . 38 R OUTE T ABLE ....................................................................................................... . 39 L EARNED MAC T ABLE .
1 Chapter 1 Introduction This Chapter provides an overview of ADE-4100's features and ca- pabilities. Congratulations on the purchasing o f ADE-4100. T he ADSL Mode m Router w ill allo w m ultiple LAN users to share an Internet user account, via a DSL connection.
ADE-4100 User Manual 2 L A N Features w Built-in 4-port switch. Four Auto-Negotiation, Auto-MDI/MDI-X Ethernet RJ-45 ports are used to connect o ff ice net w or k or w or k stations. w DHCP Server support. D y na m ic Host Con f iguration Protocol provides a d y na m ic IP address to PCs and other devices upon request.
Introduction 3 Ph y sical Details Front Panel 1 2 LAN 3 4 W AN ADSL ACT P WR A D S L M o d e m R ou t er wit h 4 - po rt S wit ch ADE-4100 Figure 1-2: Front Panel LED de f initions LEDs Color Active Description P W R Green ON T he po w er adaptor is connected to the Mo- de m .
ADE-4100 User Manual 4 I f ADE-4100's IP Address or pass w ord is lost, the f ollo w ing procedure can be used to recover f ro m this situation. Pressing the Reset button f or m ore than 10 seconds. ADE-4100 w ill restore to f actor y de f ault setting.
5 Chapter 2 Ins t allation This Chapter covers the physical installation of ADE-4100. S y stem Requirements • PC or T CP/IP co m pliant w or k stations • 32 MB RAM • Ethernet Net w or k Inter f .
ADE-4100 User Manual 6 Connect the supplied po w er adapter to ADE-4100 and po w er up. Use onl y the po w er adapter provided. Using a di ff erent one m a y cause hard w are da m age. Step 5 Check the LEDs For each LAN (PC) connection, the corresponding LAN LED should be ON (pro- vided the PC is also ON.
Login And Syste m Status 7 Chapter 3 Login And S y stem S t atus This Chapter details the first time login procedure and the Status screen Login ADE-4100 contains an H TT P server. T his enables y ou to connect to it, and con f ig- ure it, using y our W eb Bro w ser.
ADE-4100 User Manual 8 Figure 3-1: Logon W indow If y ou can't connect I f AD W does not respond, chec k the f ollo w ing: • Machine is properl y installed, LAN connection is OK, and it is po w ered ON. Y ou can test the connection b y using the "Ping" co mm and: • Open the MS-DOS w indo w or co mm and pro m pt w indo w .
Login And Syste m Status 9 Status Home Once y ou login in ADE-4100, its Ho m e page w ill appear. It sho w s the f ir m w are versions and W AN and LAN inter f ace status. Figure 3-2: Home page A DSL T he A DSL Status page sho w s the ADSL ph y sical la y er status.
ADE-4100 User Manual 10 L A N T he L A N page sho w s the in f or m ation and status o f LAN port, DHCP client table, and lin k ing status o f Ethernet inter f ace. Figure 3-4: LAN status PPP T he PPP page sho w s the status o f PPP f or each PPP inter f ace.
11 Chapter 4 S y stem Configuration This Chapter details the configurations for ADE-4100 O v er v ie w T his chapter describes the setup procedure f or: • W AN Access • LAN con f iguration PCs on y our local LAN m a y also require con f iguration.
ADE-4100 User Manual 12 Figure 4-2: Per VC Settings T o s w itch bet w een the PVCs, please choose the options o f virtual circuit and clic k on the Submit button to s w itch over. Figure 4-3: Switch between PVCs Internet connection ser v ices T y pes o f Internet connection services supported b y ADE-4100 are explained belo w .
Syste m Configuration 13 Figure 4-5: Encapsulation types of Bridge mode Step 2 Clic k “ submit ” to co mm it m odi f ications y ou ’ ve done, then clic k “ Sa v e Configura- tion ” to store settings. (Modi f ications w ill not ta k e e ff ects until next reboot.
ADE-4100 User Manual 14 be obtained f ro m ISP. And VCI/VPI values m ust be obtained f ro m the m as w ell, f or so m e local ISPs don ’ t o ff er this in f or m ation activel y . T o set up a PPPoE or PPPoA connection f or W AN, f ollo w the instructions belo w : Step 1 Fill in the VCI/VPI entries w ith the in f or m ation y ou get f ro m ISP.
Syste m Configuration 15 connection handsha k e. T he de f ault value is 1432. A uthentication W hen A U T O option is chosen, the PAP m ode w ill run f irst then CHAP. A utomatic Reconnect I f y ou chec k this option, the Disconnect T i m eout should set to 0 second.
ADE-4100 User Manual 16 Fixed IP for W A N I f y our ISP has assigned static IP address, y ou m a y connect to the Internet b y using a f ixed, or static address. T o set up a Fixed IP f or W AN, do the f ollo w ing steps as an exa m ple. Step 1 Enter the in f or m ation o f Static IP A ddress , Subnet M ask and Gate w a y provided b y ISP.
Syste m Configuration 17 Figure 4-10: DHCP client enable Step 3 Clic k on “ N AT ” tab on le f t panel, and enable the N A PT f unction in the option m enu. Step 4 Clic k “ Sa v e settings ” on le f t panel to w rite con f iguration into m achine, and reboot to m a k e settings e ff ective.
ADE-4100 User Manual 18 Special purpose m ulticast pac k et (such as RIP 2 pac k et) should run w ithout • inter f erence. T able 4-1 IGMP pac k ets process Note : Before the IG M P mode is enabled; please go to the Misc Configuration page to enable the IG M P pro x y.
Syste m Configuration 19 T able 4-2 W AN con f igurations Overvie w Bridge Mode (D y na m ic IP) Router Mode (D y na m ic IP) Router Mode (Static IP) Configuration - W A N Enabled? Y es Y es Y es VPI Provided b y ISP Provided b y ISP Provided b y ISP VCI Provided b y ISP Provided b y ISP Provided b y ISP Static IP Address N/A (0.
ADE-4100 User Manual 20 L A N Configuration T he LAN IP and Subnet Mas k o f ADE-4100 are the values seen b y the users on their internal net w or k . T he de f ault IP is 10.
Syste m Configuration 21 Figure 4-14: DHCP server settings • Ethernet M ode Setting: B y clic k ing this lin k , y ou w ill be directed to Ethernet Mode page. Y ou can speci f y the t y pe o f LAN connection or use AutoSense. De f ault is AutoSense.
ADE-4100 User Manual 22 Figure 4-16: PPP Configuration Ÿ Session Name T his f ield allo w s the user to enter his/her o w n session Na m e to distinguish di f- f erent session f or di ff erent PPP accounts and di ff erent PVCs. Ÿ PVC T his f ield allo w s the user to choose the speci f ic PVC f or PPP session.
Syste m Configuration 23 PPP Con f iguration Status w ill be displa y ed at the botto m o f this page to sho w all the Session Na m es w ith its Adapter (PVC nu m ber), Mode (PPPoA or PPPoE), Service .
ADE-4100 User Manual 24 m ore than one local PC can be associated w ith one W AN Inter f ace. Clic k the Session Na m e Con f iguration lin k to add the session na m e f or W AN inter f ace.
Syste m Configuration 25 Figure 4-19: NAT Session Name Configuration Ÿ Session Name T his f ield allo w s the user to enter his/her o w n session Na m e to distinguish di f- f erent NA T session f or di ff erent inter f aces a m ong di ff erent PPP sessions and di ff erent PVCs.
ADE-4100 User Manual 26 requests o f y our net w or k , ADE-4100 w ill f or w ard those requests to the appropriate co m puter. (Note: DHCP f unction m ust be disabled or the local server itsel f has to be f ix-IP addressed to use this f unction.
Syste m Configuration 27 DNS Configuration T he DNS Configuration page allo w s y ou to set the con f iguration o f DNS prox y . ADE-4100 supports the DNS prox y f unction. For the DHCP requests f ro m local PCs, the DHCP server w ill set the LAN port IP as the de f ault DNS server.
ADE-4100 User Manual 28 pac k ets w ill be f or w arded to the destination PC. Destination M A C W hen the bridge f iltering is enabled, enter the Destination M A C address , select Block and clic k A dd . T hen all inco m ing W AN and LAN Ethernet pac k ets m atched w ith this destination MAC address w ill be f iltered out.
Syste m Configuration 29 Chapter 5 PC Configuration This Chapter details the PC Configuration required on the local ("In- ternal") LAN. O v er v ie w For each PC, the f ollo w ing m a y to b.
ADE-4100 User Manual 30 Windo w s 9x/ME 1. Select Control Panel - Network . Y ou should see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing: Figure 5-1: Net w or k Con f iguration 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol f or y our net w or k card. 3. Clic k on the Properties button.
Syste m Configuration 31 Figure 5-3: Gateway Tab ( W in 95/98) • On the DNS Configuration tab, ensure Enable DNS is selected. I f the DNS Server Search Order list is e m pt y , enter the DNS address provided b y y our ISP in the f ields beside the Add button, then clic k Add .
ADE-4100 User Manual 32 Figure 5-5: Network Configuration ( W in 2000) 3. Select the TCP/IP protocol f or y our net w or k card. 4. Clic k on the Properties button.
Syste m Configuration 33 Figure 5-6: TCP/IP Properties ( W in 2000) 5. Ensure y our T CP/IP settings are correct: Using DHCP T o use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the de f ault W indo w s settings. Restart y our PC to ensure it obtains an IP Address f ro m ADE-4100.
ADE-4100 User Manual 34 Windo w s XP 1. Select Control Panel - Net w or k Connection. 2. Right clic k the Local Area Connection and choose Properties . Y ou should see a screen li k e the f ollo w ing: Figure 5-7: Network Configuration ( W indows XP) 3.
Syste m Configuration 35 Using DHCP T o use DHCP, select the radio button Obtain an IP Address automatically . T his is the de f ault W indo w s settings.
ADE-4100 User Manual 36 M acintosh Clients Fro m y our Macintosh, y ou can access the Internet via ADE-4100. T he procedure is as f ollo w s. 1. Open the T CP/IP Control Panel. 2. Select Ethernet f ro m the Connect via pop-up m enu. 3. Select Using DHCP Server f ro m the Configure pop-up m enu.
37 Chapter 6 Admin Privilege This Chapter details the operation of ADE-4100 and the status screens. T he lin k s under A dmin Pri v ilege are onl y to be accessed and con f igured, w hen it is login w ith ad m inistrator login na m e and pass w ord. W A N Status T he W A N Status page sho w s the in f or m ation and status o f W AN PVCs.
ADE-4100 User Manual 38 Figure 6-2 : AT M Status Screen TCP Status T he T CP Status page sho w s the statistics f or all T CP connections. T his is f or internal net w or k onl y .
Ad m in Privilege 39 Route Table T he Route T able page displa y s routing table and allo w s y ou to m anuall y enter the routing entr y . T he inter f ace br0 m eans the USB inter f ace; lo0 m eans the loop bac k inter f ace.
ADE-4100 User Manual 40 S y stem Default Gate w a y Configuration T he s y ste m - w ide De f ault Gate w a y no w provides three options: Auto, User- selected Net w or k Inter f ace, and None.
Ad m in Privilege 41 A DSL Configuration T he A DSL Configuration page allo w s y ou to set the con f iguration f or ADSL proto- cols. T rellis T rellis Code. B y de f ault, it is al w a y s enabled. Handshake Protocol T his is f or the ADSL handsha k e protocol.
ADE-4100 User Manual 42 T his f ield allo w s the user to Enable or Disable the RIP session. T he resulting RIP session w ill m onitor all net w or k inter f aces that are currentl y available f or m essages f ro m other RIP routers. Supplier Inter v al T his f ield allo w s the user to enter the Supplier Interval ti m er in second.
Ad m in Privilege 43 • V2 MC: T he supplier trans m its in RIPv2 Multicast. Listener T his f ield allo w s the user to select the Listener Mode (RIP Receive) • V1: T he listener receives the RIPv1 onl y . • V2: T he listener receives the RIPv2 onl y .
ADE-4100 User Manual 44 Figure 6-9: M iscellaneous Configuration Screen W A N side H TT P ser v er W hen it is enabled, the W eb setting pages o f ADE-4100 can be accessed f ro m the W AN side. Users can li m it the ad m inistration privileges to a speci f ied IP address or li m it to LAN side user.
Ad m in Privilege 45 W hen it is enabled, the F T P connection can be established f ro m both the LAN and W AN sides. T F T P ser v er W hen it is enabled, it can upgrade the i m age code w ith the T F T P client application run at either the LAN or W AN sides.
ADE-4100 User Manual 46 nect: So m e ISPs w ould ter m inate the PPP session due to the inactivit y . For the PPP connect on W A N access , the PPP w ill be auto m aticall y reconnected w hen an URL is entered in the bro w ser (pac k et interested in going out the W AN).
Ad m in Privilege 47 Code Image Update T he Code Image Update page allo w s y ou to upgrade the i m age code locall y . Bro w se the location o f f ir m w are f ile, and clic k the Upload to start the update. Net w ork Code Image Update T he Net w ork Code Image Update page allo w s user to upgrade the i m age code f ro m re m ote F T P server.
48 A ppendix A T roubleshooting This Appendix covers the most likely problems and their solutions. O v er v ie w T his chapter covers so m e co mm on proble m s that m a y be encountered w hile using ADE-4100 and so m e possible solutions to the m .
Appendi x A - Troubleshooting 49 I reconnect it? A ns w er 2 Y ou have to go to the PPP lin k under Status colu m n, choose the correct PVC and Connect option, and then clic k Execute to restart a ne w PPP secession.
50 A ppendix B S pecifications A DE-4100 A / A DE-4100B Product ADSL Mode m Router Model ADE-4100A ADE-4100B Annex A Annex B ADSL Standards Full-rate ANSI T 1.
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Planet Technology ADE-4100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPlanet Technology ADE-4100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Planet Technology ADE-4100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Planet Technology ADE-4100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Planet Technology ADE-4100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPlanet Technology ADE-4100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Planet Technology ADE-4100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPlanet Technology ADE-4100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。