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MGC 5 0/MGC 100 Getting Started Guide Ve r s i o n 9.0.4 | August 2010 | DOC223 0 A.
T rademark Information P olycom®, the P olycom “T riangles” logo, and th e names and marks associated with P olycom ’s products are trademarks and/or service marks of P olycom, Inc., and are registered and/or common-law marks in the Un ited States and various other cou ntries.
Regulatory Notices United St ates Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Part 15: Cl ass A Statement. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the li mits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
EC Mark R&TTE Directive Polycom Inc., declares that the MGC-50 and MGC-100 with NET -2/4/8 card is in conformity with the following releva nt harmonized standards: EN 60950: 1992 Including Amendme.
i T able of Content s Bef ore Yo u B egin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 MGC Unit Main Features . . . . . . . .
MGC-50/MGC-100 G etti ng Started Guide ii Video Conference Attribut es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Entry Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Basic Op erat ions .
iii Defining a New Video Meeting Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12 Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Resource Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MGC-50/MGC-100 G etti ng Started Guide iv.
1-1 1 Before Y ou Begin This Ge tting Starte d Guide p rovides in formati on on the in stalla ti on an d basic operati on of your MGC-50/100. For more informati on on defining and running conf erences.
Chapter 1 - Before Y ou Begin 1-2 MGC Un it Main F eature s The MGC unit of fers the following features: • Supports a large numb er of ports ( 48 for the MGC- 50, 96 for the MGC- 100) runni ng at 12.
MGC-50/MG C-100 Getti ng Started Guide 1-3 MGC-50/MG C-10 0 S pec ificat io ns T able 1-1 lists the specification s of the MGC-50 an d the MGC-100 unit s.
Chapter 1 - Before Y ou Begin 1-4 Channe l aggregat ion H.221, BONDING, Multi-Rate (H0 ) Network Interface s MGC- 50/MGC-10 0 Netw ork in ter fac es ISD N: T1 PRI, E1 PRI, Multirate ISDN, NF AS, Lease d lines -T1 /E1, Swi t ched 56 IP (H.323 a nd SIP): LAN T1-CAS T1-CAS l ines for Audio Only connec tions AT M : 25 (FVC.
MGC-50/MG C-100 Getti ng Started Guide 1-5 S torage a ltitude Up to a pprox. 12,000 m (40,000f t) Operatin g ESD +8kV S torage ESD +15kV Con fer en ce S e tup MGC-50/M GC-100 Integrat ed sched uler Ye.
Chapter 1 - Before Y ou Begin 1-6 Network Eq uip ment, Numb ers and Ad dress es Obtain th e following in formatio n from you r n etwork adm i nistrato r: • IP address for t he MGC-50/MGC-100 • Sub.
2-1 2 Hardware Description The fo ll owin g comp onen ts make u p the MGC unit : • Main Contr ol Module • Backplane • Power Su pply Module(s) • Fans • Alarms port • Functi onal Modules —.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Description 2-2 MGC-10 0 Compon en t s Loca tio n Figure 2-1 shows the f ront panel of the MGC-100. The front pane l provides access to t he Main Control M odule, the Func tional Modul es, and the Power Supply M odules.
MGC-50/MGC- 100 Getting Started Guide 2-3 Figure 2-2 shows the rear panel of th e MGC-100. The rear panel provi des access to the network I/ O card connectors. I/O cards are in serted via the rear panel. In addition, the rea r panel houses the ma in power switch, AC inl et, fans, the fuse, additi onal communications ports and alarm ports.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Description 2-4 Figure 2-3 shows the f ront panel of the MGC-100 NEB S Standa rd. The front panel, as in t he MGC-100, provides access to the Main Control Module, t he Func tion a l Mo dules , an d the P ower Sup ply M o dul es.
MGC-50/MGC- 100 Getting Started Guide 2-5 Figure 2-4 shows the rea r panel of th e MGC-100 NEBS S tandard. The rear p anel, as in th e standard MGC-100 , provides acc ess to th e network I/O card conne ctors and fa ns. I/O car ds are inser ted via th e rear panel.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Description 2-6 MGC-50 Co mp onents Location Figure 2-5 shows the f ront panel of the MGC-50. The front panel pro vides access to t he Main Control M odule, the Func tional Modul es, and the Power Supply M odule.
MGC-50/MGC- 100 Getting Started Guide 2-7 Figure 2-6 shows the rear panel of the MGC-50. I/O cards are inserted via t he rear panel. The rear panel also pr ovides access to t he fans, power suppl y module, net work connections, ad ditional c ommunications po rts, the main power switch, AC inlet, and fuse.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Description 2-8 MGC Un it Co mp onent s The following tabl e describes the MGC components. A more detailed descripti on is found in t he MGC-50/MGC-100 Hardware & Installati on Manual.
MGC-50/MGC- 100 Getting Started Guide 2-9 Function al Modules Th e Functio nal Modu les, also k nown as ca rds, perform the vario us audio , video, and data pr ocessing fu nctions for the MG C unit. Both th e MGC-100 and the MGC-50 use the same fun ctional mod ules.
Chapter 2 - Hardware Description 2-10.
3-1 3 Initial System Configur ation The MGC-50/ MGC-100 requires b asic configurat ion before yo u can start running conf erences. Initial IP Con figuration The system is shipped with a defaul t IP address: 1 Ordinari ly , you need to change the MCU’ s defa ult IP address to the IP address approp riate fo r the site 's LAN.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-2 Fig ure 3-2: MGC-50 Rear Panel 2. Connect a monitor and the keyb oard to the appro priate con nectors in the MCU.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-3 Figu re 3-4: Att aching the M onitor and Ke y Board to t he MGC-50 3. Inse rt th e DOS di skette into the MCU di skette drive . 4. Rese t the MC U (by tu rning i t off and th en on), o r if i t is turne d off, turn it on.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-4 Inst alling the MGC Manager T o config ure and control the MGC unit an d to setup confer ences you must install t he MGC Manager software o n a customer -provided c omputer or server . Up to 30 MGC Manager -enabled PCs can be connected to each MGC-50 or MGC-100.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-5 The User I nformation screen opens. 6. Enter yo ur name and the name of your company in the appropr iate boxes. For a standard inst allation, enter Polyco m in the Ser ial box. 7. Clic k Next . Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the i nstallation process.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-6 S t arting the MGC Manager Once the MGC Manag er application is inst alled, it can be us ed to set up and monitor mult ipoint audio a nd video confe rences, and to per form system configuration acti vities for the MGC unit to which it con nects.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-7 Defini ng an MCU T o manage and control the MGC uni t from the MGC Man ager applica tion it must be added to the MCUs Network list. The MCU IP add ress must match the IP ad dr ess defi ned in the MCU. For de tai l s , see “In itial IP Conf ig ur at io n” on page 3-1 .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-8 Connecting to an MCU Once the MCU connectio n parameter s are defined, the MGC Manager can be connected to all defined MCUs simultaneousl y . The MGC Manager allows you to set up c onferenc es, make reservatio ns, monitor On Going Co nferences and perfor m other act ivities on several MCUs.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-9 Configurin g the Network Services The Network Services inclu de the parameter s of the networks connected t o the MCU. If no Network Servi ces have been con figured, depend ing on your system configuration, the appropriate Network Service must be configured.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-10 3. In the MCU tree, ex pand the MCU C onf igura tio n tree. 4. Expand th e Network Services tree. 5. Right- click the Net work Services - I SDN icon, and then click New Network Service . The new Network Service con figuration wizard - Sett ings tab opens.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-11 6. In th e Se tting s dialog box, d efine the foll owing parameters: 7. Clic k Next . The PRI Sett ings dialo g box opens. T able 3-1: Settin gs Dialog Box Options Fiel d Description Net Service Name Enter a unique n ame using u p to 20 chara cters to identif y the Network Service.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-12 8. In the PRI Settings dialog box, def ine the followi ng parameters : 9. If you a re not defining a sub-service or if you have c ompleted the sub-service def inition, click Ne xt to continue . The Span Definiti on dialog box opens.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-13 10. T o add or modify the sub -service, in the Su b Service di alog box define the followi ng par amet ers : 11 . Cl i c k OK . The Sub Service dial og box closes and y ou are retu rned to the PRI Setti ngs dialog box (step 9) where y ou click Next to continue.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-14 12. In t he Span De finition dialog bo x, define the f ollowing paramet ers: 13. Cli ck Next to continue. The defa ult values di sp lay ed fo r th e S p an’ s techn ic al p a r am ete rs are ap propriate for most ISDN network s, therefore y ou skip thei r definition.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-15 The Spans and Phones dialog b ox opens. This dial og box is used to assign circuit i dentification n umbers and the dial-in ph one number ranges to be used in d ial-in conferences. Circuit orders are automat ically assigned to spans.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-16 14. Define th e Spans and Phone s parameters as follows: T o define the NF AS parameters, see the MGC Administrator ’ s Guide , Chap ter 3 . Defining Sp ans 15. T o assi gn circuit id entification n umbers and orders: a.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-17 The Add Span dialog box opens. b. Define t he following para meters: c. Once you have defin ed all the i dentification numbers click OK . The Add Span dialog box closes and you are returned to the Spans and Ph ones dial og b ox.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-18 T o del ete a circuit identificati on entry: • In the Spans pane, click th e Circuit Id e ntific at io n entry y ou want t o delete and cl ick the Minu s button.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-19 T o delete a di al-in number en try: • In the Dial In P hone Num be r pane , click th e entry to d elete a nd click th e Minus button.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-20 T o configure the Net-2/Net-4/Net-8 IS DN Netwo r k Interface module: 1. In the Br o wser pane, right -click the sl ot containing the Net-2/4/8 card, and then c lick Prope rties . Alternati vely , double-cl ick the slot containing the card.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-21 Cir cuit ID of th e P R I line d efin ed i n Net wor k Ser v ice t o t he a p prop ri at e span in the Car d Setting s - Net-8 Ne twork Parameters . Not all spans may be currently i n use. In such a case, only t he spans being use d are confi gured.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-22 2. Right- click the uni t (span) to con figure and select one of the clocking options: 3. After set ting t he c lock source, a Wa r n i n g message box opens, instru cting you to reset th e MCU.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-23 IP Network Servic es The IP Networ k Service defines t he properties of the IP network use d for connecting IP en dpoints to the conferenc e and the IP cards (ins talled in the MCU) to wh ich the networ k is connec ted.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-24 The new Network Service con figuration wizard - Sett ing dialog b ox opens. 5. Define the followi ng fi elds: T able 3 -7: S etti ngs Optio ns Field Description Service Name S pecify the serv ice name us ing up to 20 character s.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-25 Network DHCP-Obtain IP Address Automati cally Select this check box to use a DHCP server for automatic assign ment and tr acking of IP addresses to the conferencing devices. When the DHCP server is used, the IP address of the card appe ars as 0.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-26 Defini ng S tatic Routes 6. T o defi ne a static route: a. Clic k the plus (+) but ton. The Ad d Ro ut e dialog box ope ns.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-27 c. Cl ick OK . The system re turns to th e Se ttin gs dialog bo x, displaying th e added static route. Defi ni ng Qu ality o f Serv ice 7. T o define Qual ity of Service parameters: a. Cl ick t he Quality of Service bu tton.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-28 c. Click OK to apply yo ur setting s and return to the Settings di alo g box. DiffServ and Precedenc e DiffSe rv and Precede nce are two methods for encodin g the p acket’ s priority in the pac ket header .
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-29 8. In th e Se tting s dialog box, C lick Next. The DNS Settings d ialog box opens . For H.323 con ferencing, DNS can b e used for gatekee per discovery usin g the gatekeeper h ost name.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-30 9. Define the following parameters: 10. Cli ck Next. T able 3 -10: DNS S et ti ng s Opt i ons Field Description Use DNS Servers Select: • Off – DNS serv ers are not us ed in the ne twork. • Spec ify – to manually set the IP a ddress of the DNS se rvers.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-31 The H.323 dialog box opens. 1 1. Define t he following parameters: This d ial og bo x i s s k i ppe d when defi ning a SIP -onl y Ne t work Serv ice. T able 3 -1 1: H.323 Parameters Fiel d Desc ript ion Forwarding Sele ct this chec k box to en able Forward ing.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-32 Gatek eeper Use G ate ke epe r • Off – selec t this option if a gatekeep er is not present i n your netwo rk. In this c ase, the MCU uses the IP addresses for dial out a nd the endpo ints u se the IP addre sses of the MCU IP cards for dial-in.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-33 Service Mode (cont.) • Bo ard Hunting – In thi s mode, the MCU is registe red with the gatekeepe r using the Network Service prefix. In ad dition, al l the IP cards that are de fined in the same Network Service reg ister with the g atekeepe r with the same pr efix.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-34 Service mod e (cont.) Note : In c urrent Cisc o implemen tations w hen there is m ore than one IP card in use, th e gatekeep er select s one of the boar ds that are registered with the dial ed string. Thus the system does not automatic ally forwar d the calls to an availabl e card.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-35 The following t able describes the gatekeeper mo des that can be confi gured with each of the liste d gatekeepers. 12. Click Next . Prefix (c ont.) Y ou can define several N etwork Servi ces on the MCU wit h each on e of them co ntaini ng one or several IP cards.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-36 The SI P dialog box app ears. 13. Define t he followi ng para m eters: This dial og box is s kipped when defining a n H.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-37 Configure SIP Serv ers Manu all y Se lec t thi s opt ion to man ual ly co nfigu re t h e SI P servers. Af ter sel ecting this option cl ick the SIP Servers bu tton to acc ess the ma nual conf iguration window .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-38 The followi ng table li sts the suppo rted SIP P roxies and the ir Registra tion modes: Registe r OnGoing Conferen ces/ Meeti ng Room s/ Entry Queues & SIP Factorie s Select the conferencin g entity to register with the proxy .
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-39 14. T o configure the SIP servers manual ly: a. Cl ick t he SIP Servers button. The SIP Settings di alog box opens.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-40 SIP Servers Preferred SIP Server Select: • Off – No SIP serv er is used. Di al-out option is availabl e only wh en confere nce partic ipant s are defined b y their IP addre sses. • Spec ify – to manually define the SIP s erver .
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-41 c. Cl ick OK . The SIP dialog box reap pears. 15. Clic k Next. The Security dialog b ox opens. The Security dial og bo x lists the authentic ated entities registe red w ith th e preferred p roxy . The Authenticat ion is done in the SIP server an d can be skipped.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-42 16. Cli ck Next . The Span dialog b ox opens. This dial og box is used t o define th e cards to which the network, whose properties are defin ed in the Network Service, is connected. A spa n def i nes th e ca rd’ s para mete rs an d netw ork s ettin gs.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-43 The IP SP A N dialog b ox opens. This dialog box is used to de fine the IP card to which th e IP network is connect ed and that should be u sed with this Network S ervice.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-44 IP Address The IP addr ess of the IP card inst alled i n the MCU. If the DHCP option is se lected for this Network Service, this field i s disabled, an d shows t he address, a s the IP add ress will be retrieved f rom the DHCP .
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-45 c. Click th e Fixed Por ts & NA T button to configure the NA T for each span—as each mapped IP sho uld be kno wn to the firewall—and th e fixed signalin g an d media por ts.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-46 d. (Optional ) Define the fo llowing fields. T able 3 -17: Fix ed Ports & N A T Op tion s Field Description Enable Fixed Port s Enable Fix ed Ports Sel ec t this che ck box to enab le the co nfiguratio n of firewal l ports used for sig naling, contro l and media.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-47 Port Range Definitions (cont.) In this example po rt number 1 037 has n ot been allocated , as the st arting ran ge for audio a nd video port alloc ation has to be an eve n number . If an odd number is entered an erro r message a ppears to remind yo u of this requirement.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-48 When fixe d po rts are exha usted Selecting one of th e following options defi nes the card beha vior when all alloc ated ports in the fir ewall are exhau sted when the initia l number of predicted call s is excee ded.
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-49 18. Clic k OK to return to th e Span dialo g box. The n ew span is added to the Spa ns table. 19. In the Spans dialog box, cli ck Fi nish to complete the IP Ne two rk Service defin ition. The new netw ork service is a dded to th e IP Network Servi ces list.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-50 By default, t he first IP Netwo rk Service you d efine is set as the system default. Wh en defining addi tional IP Networ k Services this def ault can be changed. Fo r more details , see the MGC Administrator ’ s Guide, Chapter 3 .
Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration 3-51 4. Double-click the IP ca rd. Alternatively , right-click the IP card i con, and then click Proper ties . The Car d Settings-Com mon Parameters dialog box opens. The Common Parameters tab is for vi ewing purposes only .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 3-52.
4-1 4 About Conferences Diff erent conference types are available acc ording to their init iation modes: reservationless con ferences and scheduled c onferences.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 4-2 database appl ication whether a conference with a specific Numeric ID may be started. This is the method used with W indows Messenger and Offi ce Communicator t o initiate mult ipoint V ideo or Audio conferences.
Chapter 4 - About Conference s 4-3 Vi deo Con ference Attrib utes There are f our general type s of video conf erences: • V ideo Sw itching - A co n ference in wh ic h all particip ants use th e same video and aud io formats.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 4-4 Entry Qu eue An Entry Qu eue is a speci al rout ing lo bby that is u sed f or routin g part icip ants to their t arget c onference. One or several dial-in numbe rs are assigned to the Entry Queue, and the y are used by call ers to all conferen ces.
5-1 5 Basic Operations This chapt er describes how to st art, monitor and manage On Going Conferences. Reserva tion T emplates A Reservation templ ate includes the conference paramet ers, such as the conference me dia ( audio, video ), video session, line rate, v ideo p rotocol an d other video parameters, IVR Service and more .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-2 S t arting a Confe r en ce Y ou can star t an On Going Confer ence from one of the default Reser vation templates pr ovided with the system or you can define a new On Going Conferen ce.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-3 4. Right- click the icon of the Reservat ions in Database template a nd clic k S tart Immediately . If more than one MCU is connect ed, select the name of th e MCU to run the c onference f rom the pop-up li st. The confer ence begins and a ppears in the list of On Going Confer ences.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-4 Vi ewing the Conference Dial-in Properties The dial- in numbers and passwords needed to enter a conferenc e, including IP Network Prefixes and Nume ric IDs appear in the MGC Manager S t atus pane.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-5 Connecting to a Co nference /En try Queue Defined dial -in participa nts can connec t to any conf erence by dialing t he conference diali ng string (ISDN, H.323 or SIP). The MCU ident ifies their CLI or I P address ( as d ef ine d in the partici pan t pr ope rti es) an d routes t hem to the appropriate conference.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-6 For example, if the IP Network Service prefix is 27, the conference Numeri c ID is 1478 and the confere nce name is ‘MARKETING’, the par ticipant can dial 27 1478 or 27MARKETING . IF the Entry Queue name is EQ1 and its numeric ID is 3000, the partici pant can dial 273000 or 27EQ1 t o access the MR.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-7 Monitoring On Goi ng Confe r en ces Y ou can monito r conferences an d perform variou s operations while conferences are runni ng. Monitori ng involves viewi ng the status of On Going Conferen ces and the status of their partici pan ts.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-8 Monitoring a Conference When you click a conferen ce icon , the confer e nce appears in the St a t us pane. However , to get more det ails regarding t he conferen ce and particip ants statuses or to mo nitor several conf erences simultaneously , it is advised to monitor the conference s in the Monitor pane.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-9 The Participant Monitoring Filter dialog box opens. 4. Select th e appropriate check boxes that indicate th e statuses to moni tor .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-10 The conference an d participant detai ls appear in th e Monitor pane. The S tatus and Monitor panes take the form of a t able. Each row represents a conferenc e or a participant. Each col umn represents a parameter t hat is being moni tored.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-11 2. Expand the On Going Conferen ce or Reservati on to list it s participant s. The participants a re listed below the conferen ce or Reservation. Differen t icons are used to indicat e the participant roles and t heir connecti on status.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-12 Particip ant Level Monitoring In addition to the data that appears i n the S tatus and the Monitor panes, you can view detai led information about the connection pa rameters and status of each of the c onference participants.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-13 Opera tions Performe d Du ring On Goin g Confer ences The follo wing operations c an be performed d uring On Going Confer ences: • Adding a new part icipant to a co.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-14 T o add a new partic ipant to a Confer ence: 1. List the On Going Conferences. 2. Right-cli ck the icon of the co nference to which to ad d a participant, and then click New Participant . Alternati vely , click the conference icon, an d then c lic k the New Participant button on the Conf er ence T oolbar .
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-15 3. In th e Name box, enter the part icipan t’ s na m e. 4. For video participan ts using H.221 aggregation , enter the ph one numbers separated by semicolons. For exa mple, for a 2B p articipant: 9251921;92519 22. If using Bonding (both numbers are the same) , enter th e number once.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-16 b. If you are d efining an H.323 part icipant : In the Participant IP box, enter the IP address of the participant’ s endpo int. Alt ernat ively , in th e Alias Na me field, enter the Alias of the endpoint as registered with the gatekeep er and then select the Alias T ype.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-17 3. Clic k the Partici pants tab to add participan ts to the conference. The Properties - Partic i pants dialog box opens. 4. In th e Pr e-Defined Partici pants li st, se lect t he part icipa nts to a dd and then clic k the >> button.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-18 Making Dial-Out Connections When the Dial-O ut Manually opt ion is selected for the c onference, the operator conn ects the dial-out part icip ants to the co nference. Also when a participant is disconnected from t he conference, you can reconnect the participant to the conference.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-19 Disconnecting Particip ant s When a participant does not need to co ntinue in a conferenc e, you can disconnect ing or delet e the partici pant.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-20 T o dele te a par ticip ant: 1. In the Mo nitor pane, Sta t u s pane or Br owser pane, right-click the partic ipant ic on, and then cli ck Dele te . Alterna tively , cl ick the Partici pant icon, and then click the Delete button on the Part icipant T oolbar .
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-21 T o mute a p art icip an t us ing M GC M anage r: • In the Monitor or the S tatus pane, r ight-click the partic ipant ic on, and then click Mute Audio to mu te the audi o signal, or c lick Mute V ideo to mute the video signal.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-22 T o Lock or Unlock a confer ence: • Right-cl ick the confer ence icon, a nd then click Lock Confere nce or Unlock Conference . Alterna tively , c lic k the Confer ence icon, and then click th e Lock button or Unlock butt on on the Confer ence T oolbar .
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-23 T o change the duration o f an On Going Confer ence: 1. In th e Br owse r , Monito r or S tatus pa nes, right-click the con ference icon, and then click Prop erties . The Confer ence Pr o pert ies dialog box open s. 2.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-24 4. Click OK . The Confer ence Pr operties dial og box cl oses. Th e confer ence’ s duration is changed. T erminating a Conference Manually Y ou can manuall y end the conf erence before it s scheduled end t ime.
Chapter 5 - Basic Operations 5-25 Changing the Layout in a Continuous Presence Con ference Y ou can select a part icular V ideo Layout (tha t is a specific arran gement of video windows on t he screens) or Aut o Layout duri ng On G oing Cont inuo u s Presence confere nces.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 5-26.
6-1 6 Defining a New Audio Conference The following entiti es can be defined for Audio Only conferencing: • Define an Audi o Only Entry Que ue • Define an On Goi ng Audio Only Confer ence • Defi.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-2 The Entry Queue Pr op erties d ialog box opens . 3. In the Name box, spe cify a name for the Entry Queue using up to 20 characters.
Chapter 6 - Defining a New Audio Conference 6-3 participan ts to connect to the t arget conference. For Ad Hoc Entry Qu eue definition, see th e MGC User ’ s Guide, V olume II, Chapter 3. 10. Add a di al-in number to the Entry Queue by clicki ng the plus [+] b utton.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-4 The New Entry Queue i s added to the Meeting R ooms, Entry Queues & SIP Factor i es list. T o set the Aud io Only Entry Qu eue as the de fa ult Entry Qu eue, see Chapter 7, “Creating an On Going V ideo Conferen ce” on page 7-6.
Chapter 6 - Defining a New Audio Conference 6-5 Definin g an On Going Audio Co nfe re n ce The follo wing procedur e describes the main parameters required t o define an Audio conference without Encryp tion. For a detailed descri ption of all parameters, see the MGC Manager User ’ s Guide V oicePlus Edition , Chapter 2.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-6 3. If Audio L ook & F ee l is not set fo r the MCU, i n the Media box, select Audio to define an Audi o Only confer ence and hide t he video prop erties. If Au dio L ook & Fee l is set for the system, the con ference is automa t i c al ly s e t to Au dio and all th e video paramet ers are hidden.
Chapter 6 - Defining a New Audio Conference 6-7 10. Clic k the Set tings ta b. The Properties - Se tt ings dialog box open s. Parameters in the Confer ence Pr operties - Se ttings dial og box are grouped in two main pan es: Gen e ral Setti ngs and Media Sett ings .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-8 13. If you want to set up a dvanced parameters, cl ick th e Advanced button on either pane. For mo re information, see the MGC Manager User's Guide V oicePl us Edition , Ch apter 2. 14. Clic k the P articip ants tab to add p redefin ed partici pants to the conference.
Chapter 6 - Defining a New Audio Conference 6-9 Defini ng a New Au dio Onl y Meetin g Room A Meeting Room is a conference r eservation without al located resources whose defaul t durati on is set to 2 hours. A Meet ing Room is c reated on ce, and can be activat ed as many times as required .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-10 5. Usuall y Meetin g Rooms in cl ude undefi ned part ic ipants. Ho we ver , it is possible to ad d defined part icipants fro m the Pr e-Defined Pa rticipan ts list, by selecting the participants and then clicking t he >> button.
Chapter 6 - Defining a New Audio Conference 6-11 9. Select the L imi ted Sequ ences check box, to limit the numb er of times that the M eeting Room ca n be activated . If this c heck box is clear ed, the Meetin g Room can be acti vated an unli mited number of times.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 6-12.
7-1 7 Defining a New V ideo Conference The following entiti es can be defined for V ideo conferen cing: • Define a V i deo Entr y Queue • St art an On Going V ideo Conference • Set up a V ideo M.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-2 T o de fine a new Video Entr y Que ue : 1. Expand t he MCU tree, ri ght- click th e Meeting Ro oms, Entry Queues an d SIP Factor i es ic on and then cl ick New Entry Queue . The Entry Queue Pr op erties d ialog box opens .
Chapt e r 7 - Defining a New Vi deo Confere nc e 7-3 4. In the Ent ry Queue Service box sel ect a predefined Entry Queue Services that will be used to pl ay voice messages a nd prompts to participants waiting in t he Entry Queue. Leave thi s field blank to use a default Entry Queue Service, i f one is defined.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-4 The new Ent ry Queue is added to the Meet ing Rooms, Entry Queues & SIP Factor i es list. Setting an Entry Queue as Defaul t A default Entry Queue can be defined for the MCU, regard less of the dialed IP card.
Chapt e r 7 - Defining a New Vi deo Confere nc e 7-5 Creatin g a T arget Confe ren ce from an Entr y Queue Y ou can create a ne w On Going conference or Reservatio n with the same parameters as the Entry Que ue. This is especially useful for V ideo Sw itching conferences, since their parameters must be the same as those o f the Entry Queue.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-6 Creatin g an On Going V ideo Conferen ce The followin g procedure descr ibes the main paramet ers required to se t up a V ideo Conference. For a detai led descriptio n of all parameter s, see the MGC Manager User ’ s Guide, V olume I, Chapter 4 .
Chapt e r 7 - Defining a New Vi deo Confere nc e 7-7 4. In th e User Defined Fields box e s, enter the request ed info rmation (if required). 5. Change the Confere nce’ s Dura tio n if required. 6. In th e Supported Netwo rk box, select the ap propriate net work types th at will be used to connect participant s to the conference.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-8 12. Opt ional. In the W eb/Ch airperson Passwor d box, enter the chairperson password (if th is option is e nabled in th e IVR Service assigned to th e conference). 13. Clic k the S ettings tab . The Properties - Setti ngs dialog box op ens.
Chapt e r 7 - Defining a New Vi deo Confere nc e 7-9 connec t participants to the conference at this li ne rate or lower , according to their ind ividual cap abilitie s. In a Confer ence On Port (COP) , select the estimated hig hest transfer rate common to al l p articipants.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-10 Confer ence Pr operties - General tab. For more information about COP , see “V ideo Conference T ypes” o n page 4-3.
Chapt e r 7 - Defining a New Vi deo Confere nc e 7-11 Alternatively , select the Auto Layout check box to have th e system automati cally and dy namically appl y layouts with t he appropriat e number of display win dows accord ing to the nu mber of conn ect ed vi deo partic ipants .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 7-12 Defini ng a Ne w V ideo Meeting Room A Meeting Room is a conference reservation withou t resource allocation, whose default duration is set to 2 hours. T o define a New V ideo Meeting Room: 1. Expand th e MCU tree.
8-1 8 Management T ools V arious management tool s are available t o the MGC-50/1 00. For detail s on other management tools, see th e MGC Ad ministrator ’ s G uide .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-2 The Resour ce Report dial og box opens. The Resource Report window con tains the following columns: T a ble 8-1: Resou rce Report C olumns Column Titl e Description Subj ect T ype of M CU resource.
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-3 Resources Report - Network Resources The Ne twork Resour ces desc r i bes th e ba ndwi dth a n d por t a vaila bil ity for partic ipants connect ing over vari ous types of net works. This infor mation includes network reso urces onl y .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-4 Resource Report - Netw ork Reso urce s Det ai ls • ISDN Services - ISDN Network S e rvices. This section describes th e available ban dwidth, in B channels, for each type of ISDN connect ion.
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-5 Resources Report - Media Resources Media Resources used by participants from dif ferent types of net works are displayed in the lo wer section of t he Resources Repo r t w i n dow . T o vi ew th e Media Resour ces details , use the scroll bar on the right side of the window .
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-6 -Quad Mode must run on the V ideo+8 card. Pa rticipan ts fr om mu lt iple V ideo+8 cards can tak e part in a single c onference. — V ideo P rocessors - T otal number of vi deo processors fro m all V ideo+8 car ds install ed in the MC U.
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-7 The following mo des are available: — Circular - The system allo cates the next avai l abl e sequen tial unit in the order in which it is n umbered on the card according t o the unit numbers.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-8 Listin g the Installed Card s Y ou can check which functio nal modules are installed in a particular MCU by listing th em. T o lis t an MCU ’ s fu nctiona l modu les: 1. In the Br owser pane, expand the MC U tree.
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-9 When the Car ds icon in th e Br owser pane is double-clicked , the S tatus pane disp lays t he sta tus o f the card. Occupied slots app ear in green while empty slots appear in grey . The slot number appear s next to t he sl ot ico n.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-10 For more information about viewing card parameters, see MGC Manager Administrator ’ s Guide , Chapter 4. Clock This column is valid onl y for ISDN and Serial (MPI-8) Network I nterface cards .
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-11 MCU Fault s Report The Faults function record s faul ts related to the MCU th at are enco untered during o peration.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-12 The Faults wi ndow opens. The foll owin g colum n s appea r in the Faults report: T able 8-3: Faul ts C olumn s Field Description Time Lists th e date and time that the fault occurre d. This col umn also i ncludes the icon indicating t he fault Lev el.
Cha pter 8 - M an agem ent T o ols 8-13 2. Y ou may save th e Faults repo rt to a text file. T o do so, cli ck the Save to file button. The Save As dialog b ox opens. 3. Select a desti nation folder and en ter the file name, and th en click Save . Y ou are returned to the Faults windo w.
MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide 8-14 Reset MCU The Reset MCU funct ion is used to reset the MCU when there are substantial changes to the MCU hardware, or when there are problems with the MCU.
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Polycom DOC2230Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPolycom DOC2230Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Polycom DOC2230Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Polycom DOC2230Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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