ATTO Technologyメーカー5300の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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FastS tream VT 5300 Inst allation and Operation Manual Fibre Channel to SCSI V irtual T ape Appliance © 2006 A TTO T echnology , Inc. All rights reserved.
Content s 1.0 ATTO FastStream VT 5300 increases reliability ... .........................1 Hardware features Virtual Tape features Backup and r estore features Management and control fea tures 1.1 Physical attributes ... ..............................
4.0 Modify storage .......... ............................................. .............. ...........17 Initialize and verify drives Add drives to a RAID Group Rebuild RAID Groups Add or remove Hot Spares Add a VTL from another FastStream VTL Delete a VTL Secure data through Write Protection Move Virtual Tape Cartridges 5.
1 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 1.0 A TT O FastStream VT 5300 increases reliability The A TTO Fa stS tre am™ V irtual T ape 5300 Appliance is a mid -range storage solution that emulates a tape library for fast backups on demand and err or-fr ee r estor es of critical data.
2 Introduction SCSI Tape Library ATTO iPBridge 2700 4-Gb FC Switch Possibl e storage configurations Ethernet Fibre Channel SCSI embedded ATTO iPBridge 1500/1550 /2500 ATTO FibreBridge 2400 SCSI Tape L.
3 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 1.1 Physical attributes The A TTO FastS tream VT 5300 is a Fibr e Channel to SCSI virtual tape appliance which can be seam lessly integrated into an existing storage envir onment.
4 Installation A bicolor Ready/Fault LED is lighted green to indicate ready , lighted yel low to show a faulted condition, and off indicates not ready . SCSI ports: A green LED on each port indicates activity if is li t. Fibre Channel port: bicolor LED indicates FC speed.
5 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 2.0 Inst allation If you have not alr eady completed the instructions on the Quick S tart page packed with your FastS tr eam VT 5300, use the following instructions to install the FastS tream VT 5300.
6 • The switch(es) allows UDP broadcast messages to be passed through. • A router is not placed between the host running QuickNav and the FastStre am VT 5300. • You have connected the FastStream VT 5300 and the network using at least Cat5e cabling.
7 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 2.1 Configure V irtual T ape The A TTO FastS tr e am VT 5300 allows configuration of storage into a JBOD, RAID Level 0, RAID Level 1, RAID Level 10 or RAID Level 5 V irtual T ape Libr ary (VTL).
8 Use quick initia l configuration Quick Configuration quickly generates a V irtual T ape Library after you answer a few key questions. The procedure uses all attached SCSI disks to build a single VTL. If you want to initially create more than one VTL, use custom setup.
9 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual are filled in automatica lly by the FastStream but you may change thes e parameters if you wish. 9 Click Next . 10 The Virtual Tape Library Setup page appear s. If the new configuration is the way you want it, click on Commit.
10 Secure dat a through Wr ite Protection For added security , write protection can be enabled for any tape cartridge with a VTL. When write protection is enabled, existing data on the tape cartridge cannot be overwritten or erased.
11 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 2.2 Optional changes to system p arameters Default values ar e appr opriate for most conf igurations, but may be modified for your needs using A TTO FastS tr eam VT 5300 br owser-based user in terface.
12 Exhibit 2.2-1 System Conf iguration page Advanced CLI p age Changes to other parameters may be made us ing the Advanced page. CA UT ION CA UT ION Do not use this page unless you a re directed to by an A TTO technician. Changing p arameters may cause loss of dat a and/or disruption to performance and reliability of the FastStream.
13 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 3.0 Monitor storage and diagnose configurations Y ou may determine the performance of drives attached to the FastS tr eam VT 5300 using various displays and tests in the FastS tr eam GUI.
14 Health and S tatus Monitor p age 1 If you are not alr eady in the FastStream GUI, type the IP address of yo ur appliance, as found in Use the FastStream VT 5300 GUI on page 23, in a standard browser, click Enter Here and type in your username and password.
15 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual message; it cannot respond to a rejection by a server for an invalid address. Ensure all E-mail addresses typed in are valid. Each E-mail is time stamped when it leaves as part of the SMTP header information as shown in Exhibit 3.
16 Scan drive surfaces The read only test performs a non-destructive scan over the entire surface of e ach drive to identify bad areas of the disk drives and d etermine read performance. It may be run while data is passing through the FastSt ream. Running this test may negatively impact performance.
17 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 4.0 Modify storage Use the FastS tr eam GUI to r eplace a failed drive, add new drives or r edesign VTL configurations. The FastSt ream GUI takes you step by step through many procedures which allow you to modify your storage and VTL.
18 Rebuild RAID Group s If you receive an E-mail notification from the FastS tream VT 5300 as set up previously using the Phone Home error not ification (refer to Configuration Display page on page 14) or otherwise realize a VTL ’ s RAID Group has been compromised because of a failed drive, you need to rebuild the VTL ’ s associated RAID Group.
19 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Add a VTL from another FastS tream VTL If you want one FastS tream VT 5300 to recognize a library from another FastStream device, the FastS tream VT 5300 must discover it through mapping.
20 Move V irtual T ape Cartridges The Move Medium page is an interface which simulates a generic library front panel operation. 1 If you are not alr eady in the FastStream GUI, type the IP address of .
21 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 5.0 Up date storage and firmware Y ou can update the A TTO FastS tr eam VT 5300 at any time. Refer to www m for complete information. Several methods are available to update the A TTO FastS tream firmware and to re-initialize attached storage.
22 Use FTP over Ethernet 1 Establish an FTP link to the ATTO FastStream VT 5300 that is to be flas hed. 2U s e t h e PUT command to download the firmware. For exam ple PUT c:firmwareFS5300100.IM A 3 Once the download is comp lete, cycle power on the ATTO FastStream VT 5300 to implem ent the new firmware .
23 A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual 6.0 Interface options The best way to manage, monitor and configur e the FastS tr eam VT 5300 is to use its GUI, but you may use a terminal emulation pr ogram or T elnet. The FastSt ream VT 5300 GUI is the preferred method to operate and manage the FastStream VT 5300.
24 Note In serial port sessions, there is no prompt on the line below the word Ready . Begin typing commands in the blank line where the cursor is resting. No username or p as sword is required for serial port access. 5 To verify that you have connected successfully, type help a fter the Ready prompt and press Enter.
i A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Appendix A Cabling Additional information to physically connect ports to devices and to your SAN. SCSI cabling Cables and devices must be chosen to maximize performance and minimize the electrical noise from the high-speed data transfers available with the SCSI protocol.
ii Appendix 1 Connect the cable from the SCSI de vice to a VHDCI SCSI port on the FastStre am VT 5300. 2 Check the type of cable, ca ble length limit and number of devices re commended for the port. See Exhibit A-1 . Keep cable lengths as short as possible to ensure the highest signal quality and performan ce.
iii A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Appendix B Designing RAID group s The A TTO FastS tr eam VT 5300 pr ovides instant har dwar e data pr otection and intelligence to existing SCSI storage independent of the storage type.
iv Appendix users with critical data which cannot be lost or corrupted due to the failure of a single drive. Wi t h R A I D L e v e l 1 , t h e h o s t s e e s w h a t i t b e l i e v e s to be a single physical dr ive of a specific size: it does not know about the mirrored pair .
v A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Appendix C CLI provides an ASCII-based interface The command line interface (CLI) uses ASCII commands typed while in CLI mode. CA UT ION CA UT ION Do not use CLI unless you are directed to by an A TTO technician.
vi Appendix CLI error mes sages The following error messages may be returned by the Command line Interface ERROR. Invalid Command. Type 'Help' for command list.
vii A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual CLI summary The following chart summarizes the Command Line Interface commands, their defaults, and an example of how to enter the commands. Commands which have no default values have a blank entry in that column of the table.
viii Appendix Exit exit FCConnMode loop set fcconnmode ptp FCDataRate auto get fcdat arate FCHard disabled set fchard disabled FCHardAddr ess fp1=3 ; fp2=4 set fchardaddress 1 122 FCPortErrors get fcp.
ix A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual RGHaltConversion rghaltconversion g1 RGHaltRebuild rghaltrebuild g1 RGMemberAdd rgmemberadd g1 22 RGMemberRemove rgmembe.
x Appendix CLI command explanations Command Line Interfa ce commands are listed alphabetically with explana tions of what the y are used for , their defaults and syntax. CA UT ION CA UT ION Do not use CLI unless you are directed to by an A TTO technician.
xi A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual DefaultInterle ave DefaultInterl eave assigns or retrieves the system-default interleave size for new RAID Gr oups. If an interl eave size is not explicitly specified when a RA ID Gr oup is crea ted, then the Defa ultInterlea ve value is used instead.
xii Appendix Ema ilNotifyAddre ss Configur es n otification a ddr esses using an in dex (a number between 1 and 5 , inclusive), the f ull E-mail addr ess of the r ecipient, a fully qualified Internet E-m ail addr ess not mor e than 128 ch aracters long, and a level.
xiii A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual FCDataRate Specifies the rate the Fa stStr eam uses, 1 Gigabit/sec., 2 Gigabit/sec.
xiv Appendix IPDHCP Selecting DHCP all ows the FastS tream to r equest an IP addr ess fr om the netw ork. The network must ha ve at least one DHCP server .
xv A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual RAIDCommandTimeout Specifies in milliseconds the range of time the drives have to r espond. Y ou must use RGCommit befor e using this command. CA UT ION CA UT ION If you set this value too low , failures may occur during normal operation.
xvi Appendix RGDispla y Displays status i nformation for a si ngle RAID Gr oup, or if All is used, all av ailable RAID groups. RGDisplay [GroupName | All ] RGHaltConversion S tops the conversion on the specified existing RAID Gr oup. RGHaltCo nversion [GroupNa me] RGHaltRebuild S tops the r ebuild(s) on the specified existin g RAID Gr oup.
xvii A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual RMSt atus Displays the statu s of all RAID Memb ers within th e specified RAID Gr oup or a specific RAID member (if specified) within the specified RAID Gr oup.
xviii Appendix SerialPortBaudRate Configures the baud rate for the unit’ s RS-232 serial port . The number of data b its is fixed a t 8 with no parity . set SerialPortBaudRate [ 2400 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 1 15200] get SerialPortBaudRate SerialPortEcho Contr ols if t he unit echoes characters on its RS-232 port.
xix A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Appendix D S t andards and compliances The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radio fr equency energ y .
xx Appendix European S tandards Declaration of Conformity This following statement applies to the A TT O FastStream VT 5300. This device has been tested in the basic operatin g configuration and found.
xxi A TTO T echnology Inc. FastS tream VT 5300 Installation and Operation Manual Appendix E W arranty , cont act information Manufactu rer limited warranty Manufacturer warrants to the original purchaser of this product that it is free from defects in material and workmanship as described in the A TTO T e chnology website, www .
xxii Appendix.
デバイスATTO Technology 5300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ATTO Technology 5300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはATTO Technology 5300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ATTO Technology 5300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ATTO Technology 5300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ATTO Technology 5300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はATTO Technology 5300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ATTO Technology 5300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちATTO Technology 5300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。