Atto technologyメーカーUL3Dの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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A TT O T echnology , Inc. Inst allation and Operation M anual A TT O ExpressPCI Host Adapters Dual Channel Ultra3 (UL3D) Dual Channel U ltra3 66 MHz (UL3D -66) Single Ch annel Ultra3 (UL3S) Single Cha nnel Ultra3 66 MHz (UL3S-66) © 2003 A TTO T echn ology , Inc.
Contents 1 What is ATTO Express PCI? ............. ......... ......... .............. .......... . 1 Plug and Play for PCI-based compu ters Fea tur es Operating Systems Dimensi ons Power Requiremen ts Operatin g Envi ronment Relia bility SCSI Bus 2 SCSI is a key technology for storage .
1 A TTO T echnolog y Expres sPCI Ultr a3 SCSI Host Adapters I nstall ation an d Operat ion Manual 1 What is A TT O ExpressPCI? Comp atib le w ith virt ually al l popu lar SCSI devi ces , A TTO Expr es.
2 Introduction SCSI Bus ❖ SCSI-3 connecto rs ❖ UL3S /UL3S-6 6 external : (1) 68-p in VHDC I ❖ UL3S /UL3S-6 6 internal : (1) 68- pin Wi d e ❖ UL3D /UL3D-66 exte rnal: ( 2) 68- pin VHDC I ❖ UL3D/ UL3D -66 in terna l: (2 ) 68-pi n Wi d e ❖ Maximum Ho st PCI tr ansfer rate ❖ 32-bit /33MHz : 133 MB/s ec.
3 A TTO T echnolog y Expres sPCI Ultr a3 SCSI Host Adapters I nstall ation an d Operat ion Manual 2 SCSI is a key technology for storage SCSI is a serial comm unicatio ns techno logy desi gned to tra nsfer lar ge amou nts of dat a between a variety of hardwar e systems over lo ng distances.
4 Glossary topology logical layout of the pa rts of a co mpute r system or netwo rk and their interconnec tions transceiver a transm itter/receiver mo dule transfer rate the rate at which byt es or b its are transferred , as in mega bytes or gigabits per seco nd.
5 A TTO T echnolog y Expres sPCI Ultr a3 SCSI Host Adapters I nstall ation an d Operat ion Manual 3 Inst al ling the Expres sPCI SCSI Host Adapter Y ou will need a b asic un derstand ing of SCSI befo r e installing the A TTO Expr essPCI ho st adap ter .
6 Hardware inst allation Exhibit 3-2 The A TTO Expr essPCI UL3S/UL3S -66 ada pter Exhibit 3-3 The A TTO Expr essPCI UL3D/U L3D-66 ada pter 64 / 32-Bit PCI 2 .2 Com plia nt C onn ector 68- pi n V H DCI Connecto r 68- p in Conn ec to r Ultra3 SCSI Processor Ch anne l 2: 68-pin VHDCI Connector Ch anne l 1: 68-pin VHDCI Connector 64/3 2- B it PCI 2.
7 A TTO T echnolog y Expres sPCI Ultr a3 SCSI Host Adapters I nstall ation an d Operat ion Manual 3.1 Determining cabli ng and termination Cables an d devices mus t be chosen to ma ximize perfo rmance a nd minimi ze the electr ical noise from the high-s peed data t ransfer s availab le with the SCS I pr otocol.
8 Cables and termination Connectors A TTO ExpressP CI UL3S/UL3S-66: one indus try standar d 68-pin “P” (16-bi t) cable conn ector for internal device connect ions and one 68 -pin “P” (16-bi t) VHDCI (V er y High D ensity Cab led Intercon nect) c able c onnector f or exter nal device connections.
9 A TTO T echnolog y Expres sPCI Ultr a/WIDE SCSI Hos t Adapter s Instal lati on and Oper ation Manu al jumper p laced ove r the p ins desig nated for supplyin g termina tion. Check with yo ur drive manufact urer if yo u are not su re which pi ns to use.
10 Cables and termination.
1 1 A TTO T echnol ogy Expre ssPCI Ultr a/WIDE SCSI Host Adapter s Instal latio n and Opera tion Manu al 3.2 Inst alling and Up dati ng Device Driver s After ins talling the A TT O Expr essPCI host adapter , you mu st config ur e your system to r ecogn ize and use it by instal ling drive rs for your oper ating syste m.
12 Install, up d ate drivers 9 After all ot her drive rs have been p rocessed, press Enter and procee d with the r est of the Windows Installation procedur e.
13 T o instal l a new cop y of W ind ows N T ont o a SCSI disk a ttached to y our Expr essPCI adapt er . 1 S tart Windows NT text mode setup as per the instruc tions prov ided with Windows NT . 2 Press F6 when the fir st blue win dow , Win dows NT Setup , appears.
14 Install, up d ate drivers The A TTO Express PCI Conf iguratio n T ool, available on the A TTO web site, www .attote index.html, wil l veri fy driv ers and firmw are vers ions a nd att empt to flash . Inst ructio ns for using this utilit y are provid ed as part of the downlo ad proces s.
15 A TTO T echnolo gy Express PCI Ultra /WIDE SCSI Host Adapters I nstall ation an d Operat ion Manual 4 Maximizing Performance with ExpressPCI HBA If you ar e getting le ss performan ce than you expe.
16 Maximize performance available in th e file St r i p e . t x t on th e CD whi ch has been includ ed with your A TTO ExpressPCI adapters. Increase tra nsfer size If you ar e writing to an ap plicati.
17 A T TO T echnology Exp ressPCI Ultra 3 SCSI Host Adap ters Ins tallat ion and O peratio n Manual 5 T ro uble shooti ng This cha pter cont ains solu tions fo r the mos t common p r oblems you m ight encoun ter . If you need additio nal ass istan ce, pleas e r efer to th e A T TO T echn ology web s ite (www .
18 T roubleshooting.
i A T TO T ec hnolog y Express PCI Ultra3 SCSI Host Adapt ers I nstall ation an d Operati on Manual Appendix A Standards a nd compliances The e quipm ent des cribe d in this ma nual g ener ate s and uses radio fr equency ener gy .
ii Appendix B SCSI host adapter selecti on guide A TT O T echnology off ers a n umber of SC SI an d Fibr e Channel soluti ons for storag e. The fo llowi ng chart compares the featur es of ExpressPCI SCSI host adapte rs. Supporte d platfor ms incl ude Sun S olaris; Li nux; NetWare; SCO Unix; Wind ows 2000, 95 /98, NT , and Macintosh O S and O S X.
iii A TTO T echnology ExpressPCI Ult ra3 SCSI Host Adapters Install atio n and Operati on Manual Appendix C Fibre Channel ho st adapter gui de A TT O T echnology off ers a n umber of SC SI an d Fibr e Channel soluti ons for storag e. The fo llowi ng chart compares the featur es of ExpressPCI Fibr e Channel host adapters.
iv Appe ndix D Conta ct A T T O T ec hnolo gy , Inc. Customer service, s ales inform ation and tec hnical sup port are avai lable by ph one Monday through Frida y , Eastern Standar d T ime 8:00 a .m. to 8:00 p .m., or by e-mail and web s ite 24-ho urs a da y .
デバイスAtto technology UL3Dの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Atto technology UL3Dをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAtto technology UL3Dの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Atto technology UL3Dの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Atto technology UL3Dで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Atto technology UL3Dを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAtto technology UL3Dの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Atto technology UL3Dに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAtto technology UL3Dデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。