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User’s Manual The Prin tronix L503 5 Multi function Printer .
Consumables Information Printroni x ® has y ears of experie nce de signing printer imag ing system s. For the best po ssi ble perfo rmance o f your P rint ronix printer , use Ge nuine Printr onix par ts and s upplie s.
L5 035 M ultifu nctio n Prin ter User ’ s Manual 706590-00 1D.
e. You may n ot tran smit the S oftware P roduct o ver a ne twork, by teleph one, or e lectronic ally us ing any means; or rever se engine er, deco mpile or disa ssemble the So ftware.
Avis de conformite aux normes du mi nistere des Communcations du Canada: Cet appa reil n umerique de la c lasse A est confo rm á nor me NMB -003 du Ca nada.
Anmerku ng: Um die Ei nhaltung des EMVG s icherzus tellen si nd die Ger äte, wie i n den Handbüche rn angeg eben, zu insta llieren u nd zu betreiben . This prod uct has be en test ed and found to com ply with th e limits for Class A Inform ation Tec hnology Equip ment a ccording to Eur opean Standard EN 55022.
T rademark Ackno wledgeme nts IBM, OS /2, and Pr oprinter a re registe red trad emarks, an d IPDS and PC -DOS are trademar ks of Inte rnationa l Busin ess Machi nes Cor porat ion. Centroni cs is a r egistere d tradema rk of Geni com Co rporation. CSA is a regist ered certi fication mark of the Cana dian Stan dards Associ ation.
PhoenixP age PC L 5 is a registere d trademar k of Ph oenix Technol ogies LTD. PKUNZIP is a register ed trade mark of PKWARE , Inc. 3M is a reg istered trademar k of Minn esota Mi ning and Manufactur ing Comp any. SELFOC is a regi stered trad emark o f Nippon Sheet Gl ass Co.
Monotype Corporation Pl c, regist ered in the U.S. Pa t. and TM office and else where. Hiroshi ge and Ma rigold a re trade marks of A lphaOme ga Typograp hy, Inc.
13 Table of Contents 1 I ntroduction ..... ............ ........... ........ ......... 19 About This Manual .................... ................... ............. ...........19 General Safety Precauti ons ................... ............. ............
T a ble of C ontents 14 Function Key s .... ................... ............. ............. .............. 4 8 ONLINE K ey ............ ............. .................... ............. ....... 48 CLEAR Ke y .. ............ .................... .......
Table of Contents 15 Virtual Pri nter Menu ..... ................... ............. ............. ..108 Loading Fla sh Memory (If Equippe d) .... .................... ..109 The CNVT2FLS Utility Prog ram ............ ................... ......... 110 Downloadin g Into Flas h Memory .
T a ble of C ontents 16 Discharge LE D ................ ............. ................... ............ 19 3 Photorecep tor Drum ........ ................... ............. ............ 19 4 SELFOC L ens ® (LE D Print Head) ................... ........
Table of Contents 17 Memory Requ irements . ............. ............ .................... ..241 Safety Reg ulations ............ ............. ............. ............... 242 Electromag netic Inte rference ... ............ ............. .........242 Physical Characte ristics And Env ironment .
T a ble of C ontents 18.
19 1 Intr oduction About This Manu al This manua l exp lains ho w to use y our printer . Safety Notices And Special Information For yo ur safety and to pr otect valuab le equip ment, i t is ver y impo.
Chapter 1 General Safe ty Precautions 20 IMPORT ANT An important notice provides information that is vital to pr oper operation of the printer. NOTE: A note pr ovid es infor mation and helpfu l tips about printer operatio n.
21 Remove pa ckag ing mater ials c arefully and sav e them . If the p rinter is power ed on witho ut remov ing all i nternal tape and packin g, the printer may be da maged. Keep comb ustible m aterial s away fro m the prin ter. Disp ose of use d toner prope rly, as it is fl ammable.
Chapter 1 Safety Label Locations And Printer Views 22 Safe ty Label Locations And Pr inter V iews 1 3 15 13 4 2 14 E 10 E 13 5 6 8 9 10 7 11 12.
23 Legend: 1) Face Down Paper Output Tray 2) Top Cover 3) Front Upper Cover 4) Power Pape r Stacker(Optional) 5) Top Cover 6) Cut Sheet Paper Input C assette (Optional) 7) Power Switch 8) CAUTION 9) H.
Chapter 1 Safety Label Locations And Printer Views 24 Legend: 1) Front Upper Cover 2) CAUTION 3) CAUTION 4) WARNING 5) Open/Close Button Figure 2: Front View with Front Upper Cover Open $ $ % % 4 2 5 .
25 Legend: 1) Fus er U nit 2) Cleaning Unit 3) Discharge LED (not visible) 4) Main Charger 5) Toner Cartridge 6) Optional Cut Sheet Feeder Unit 7) Control Panel 8) Developing Unit 9) Waste Toner Recov.
Chapter 1 Safety Label Locations And Printer Views 26 Legend: 1) Power Switch 2) CAUTION 3) Parallel Port 4) 232/422 Switch 5) Diagnostic Port 6) Serial Port 7) Optional Coax/ Twinax Port Figure 4: Re.
Features 27 About The Printer Feature s Printin g spe ed is 35 pag es per minute on co ntinuo us lette r siz e and A4 size fanfol d forms (l ong edg e fed). In the optiona l cut sh eet mode, pri nting spe ed is 27 pages per minute o n letter s ize and A4 size cu t shee t forms ( long edg e fed) .
Chapter 1 About The Printer 28 • Serial Ma trix • Proprinte r ® II I XL • Epso n ® FX-1050 Printroni x LineP rinter Pl us provid es portr ait and l andscape image orientat ion. A utomatic 1 -up, 2- up, 4-up, a nd gray bar overpri nting are also p rovided .
29 2 Initial Setup Inst allation Overview This chap ter expl ains how to load pap er, po wer on the printer, us e the optiona l power s tacker, and how to use the c ontrol pa nel. The inst allation a nd setup of y our prin ter should be performe d by a ser vice pr ovid er trai ned an d aut h orize d by Pri ntron ix.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 30 Loading Pa per The followi ng se ction ex plains h ow to load f anfold paper. To l oad cut shee t paper, g o to pag e 33. Load ing F an fol d Pa per When loading fanfold paper, be sure the l eading edge of the paper has a cle an, separated perforation (without ragged edges or paper chaff).
31 IMPORT ANT The first fold of the paper should be facing toward the printer. Otherwise, a paper jam could occur during printing (see below). Legend: 1) Tractor Unit 2) Lower Paper Guides 3) First paper fold is toward printer 3. Pass the leading e dge of the paper between the l ower pap er guides, a s shown i n the ill ustratio n above.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 32 Legend: 1) Tractor Pins 2) Tractor Lock 3) Tractor Gate 4. Unlock onl y the ri ght tract or by pus hing forw ard on th e tracto r lock . 5. Open the l eft and ri ght tractor gates and place the paper about half-way on to the tracto r pins.
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 33 8. Tension the paper by movi ng the ri ght tractor slightly outward and lock the righ t tractor wi th the tra ctor lock . 9. If you are reloading paper followin g a “FAN -FOLD PA PER EMPTY” m essage w ith the pr inter pow er on, pr ess ONL INE to place the printer online.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 34 2. Load the ne w paper unifor mly in th e cassette, makin g sure the leading ed ge of the pap er is at the fron t of the cass ette. Do not load mor e pape r than sp ecified b elow, other wise a p aper jam may o ccur. Legend: 1) Cassette Cover 2) Cassette 3.
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 35 In order to m inimiz e the po ssibil ity of a pa per jam: • Only us e xerog raphic quali ty pape r. • Load paper in a cassette which h as been adjusted for th e exact paper si ze. (To s et the cas sette for the paper size, see the foll owing s ectio n.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 36 Legend: 1) IPS (Paper S ize Insert) 12/22 2) IPS 11/21 3) IPS 10/20 There are three holes in the forward end of the c ut sheet pa per feed casset tes. P lastic i nserts are set in these h oles accord ing to the size of the cu t sheet pap er loade d in the c assette (as show n in the table that follow s).
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 37 The foll owing tabl e lists the availabl e standar d se ttings for th e cut sheet p aper feed casset te (0 = plasti c inser t; — = no i nsert ): Cut Sh eet T ray L inking If your printer is equipp ed with the cut sheet paper feed option, you can use Tray Li nking.
Chapter 2 Loading Paper 38 To clear thi s mess age, either add pape r to the ac tive tr ay, or insert a m atchi ng tray in the al ternate tr ay positi on.
Loa din g C ut S hee t P ape r ( Opti on ) 39 V ariable T ray Length If your prin ter is equ ipped wi th the cut s heet paper f eed option, i t is possibl e to over ride the stan dard cut s heet paper tray le ngths. Th is feature is called Cus tom Tray L ength.
Chapter 2 Powering On The Printer 40 Powering On The Printer Legend: 1) Power Switch 1. Plug the pr inter int o a 200, 220, or 240 VAC, 30 Am p, 50-60 Hz power so urce as shown o n the rear pa nel lab el. (The DC p ower supply must be s et for the proper line voltag e.
Power Pape r Stacker (Option) 41 NOTE: The printer can be se t to power on i n the OFFLINE state instead o f the ONLINE state. To p rint, ONLINE must be l it; if it is n ot, press O NLINE.
Chapter 2 Parts Of The Power Stacker 42 Part s Of The Po wer S t acker . Legend: 1) AUTO Key 2) STOP Key 3) DOWN Key 4) HE AVY Key 5) Hook 6) Head/Tail Length Measuring Gauge (in inches) 7) Elevator 8.
Stacker O peration Key s 43 S t ac ker Opera tion Ke ys The power pa per stac ker conta ins four keys for operatin g the el evato r: • AUTO: Sets the elev ator in aut omatic mode . Press ing this ke y caus es th e elev at or ta ble to rise un til it reac he s its ma ximum upper pos ition and enabl es the stacker .
Chapter 2 Setting The Stacker Page Length 44 NOTE: Normal Mod e supports up to 28 lb. bond (1 05 g/m 2 ). Heavy Mode mus t be used f or me dia weights greater th an 34 l b. bond (12 8 g/m 2 ). S ome med ia that are 28 lb. bo nd (1 05 g/ m 2 ) and h igher r equire He avy M ode for rel iable stac king.
Stacker Full 45 NOTE: The elevato r stops automatic ally whe n it is f ully loa ded, without the STOP key being pr essed. 5. Remove the compl eted pri nt job fro m the elev ator, and do one of the foll owing: • To change th e paper mode, go to Step 6.
Chapter 2 Using The Control Panel 46 6. Check paper i nput to the printer to i nsure the fi rst paper perforatio n is f acing the printer an d reload paper, if necess ary, to align the first paper pe rforatio n. 7. If the Repr int on Fault option is e nabled in the Pa per Control menu, the pr inter rep rints the appl icable pa ges.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 47 Liqui d Crystal Displ ay (L CD) The liq uid cry stal dis play (also called L CD or m essage d isplay) on the contr ol panel d isplay s printe r operatin g status, confi guration options, a nd error c odes. S t atus Indicators The statu s indic ators di spla y the oper ation al stat us of the printer .
Chapter 2 Using The Control Panel 48 IMPORT ANT Do not press any control panel key when STAND BY is flashing. It may carry out unwan ted commands. ONL INE ONLINE l ights co ntinuou sly when the prin ter is onli ne (when the printer i s ready to print and acce pt data fro m the ho st).
CLEAR Key 49 • To place th e printer offline, press ONLINE until the ONLINE status in dicator bl inks. The LCD display s “OFFLINE.” The printer st ops proc essing and prin ting any new data , except f or any pages in proces s. • To start do wnloading files to the pr inter, pres s the O NLINE + PAGE E JECT key .
Chapter 2 Using The Control Panel 50 P AGE EJECT K ey The PAGE EJ ECT key ha s the follow ing functio ns when the pr inter is onli ne: When the J OB IN PROCES S sta tus in dicator light s steadi ly, pressing PAGE E JECT cau ses the p rinter to pr int all data in the printer.
CANCEL Key 51 CANCEL Key The CANCEL k ey has t he foll owing func tions whe n the pri nter is offline: • Cancels the curren t page i n process • Cancels any pages queued to prin t but not ye t printed • Cancels any input data no t yet pro cessed • Clea rs th e repr int buf fers • Cancels a downl oad if one is in process.
Chapter 2 Using The Control Panel 52.
53 3 Printer Configuration Printer Configur ation In order to prin t data, the printer m ust respon d correctly t o interface signals and c ommands r eceiv ed from the host compu ter. Configura tion is th e proce ss of matchi ng the printer’s operati ng charac teristics to those o f the ho st compu ter.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 54 Unlocking And Loc king The Configuration Menu In order to confi gure the p rinter w ith the co ntrol pan el, you n eed to unlock the ENTER k ey, whic h is lock ed by defa ult. The locked st ate secu res yo ur confi guration , preven ting al teration .
Moving Within The Configuration Menu 55 Moving W ithin The Configuration Men u Movement within the co nfigur ation me nus is controlle d by us ing the UP, DOWN, PREV, and NEXT keys.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 56 Printing The Cur rent Configuration You shou ld alw ays print out and store y our configu rations for futur e reference . The print out prov ides a li st of t he parame ters yo u set when you configu red the print er.
Factory Settings 57 Factory Settings The confi guration defaults set at the factory ar e listed below. Thes e values a re avai lable for l oading at any tim e, and are main tained in the printe r until a new confi guratio n is load ed. T able 1. Factory and C onfiguration Parameters Menu Item Default V alue Paper Control Image Wid th 14.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 58 Mode LinePrint er+ Config. Control Load Confi guration 0 Save Config uration 1 Print Co nfiguration Current Dele te Con figur ation 1 Power-up C onfigur ation 0 Prot.
Factory Settings 59 Dataproducts Data Bit 8 Enable Pape r Inst Li ne Disa ble Data Polarity Standa rd Strobe Pol arity Stand ar d Data Req Pol Standard Ready Pol arity Standard Online P olarity Sta nd.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 60 Series 1 Poll 0 Series 1 Delay 0+ Msec Series 1 Idle Disable Miscellaneous Panel K ey So und O n Alarm On Power-up S tate Online Hex Dump M ode Di sable PTX_SE TUP O.
Factory Settings 61 Max Fonts Loaded 05 Fonts Font Weight Standard Chars. 1 15 Bold Char s. 259 Extra Bold Chars. 269 Vir tu al P ri nt e r Virt ual Pri nter LP+ T able 1.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 62 Changing Printer Configurations In order to prope rly confi gure the p rinter, it is im portant th at you have a curre nt configura tion printo ut, as desc ribed previ ously.
Changing Printer Configurations 63 8. Select th e paramete r to acces s the value options. Baud Rate 9600 BAUD* 9. Scroll thr ough the p arame ter va lu e opti ons un til yo u reach the desire d valu e. Baud Rate 38400 BA UD 10. Select the c urrent val ue.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 64 Saving Configurations IMPORT ANT If you do not save your configuration, all of the new values will be lost when you turn off the printer. You can save up to eight differen t configur ation se ts to m eet eight unique pr int job req uiremen ts.
Saving Configurations 65 NOTE: If the “Protect Save Configs” option is enab led, the new config uration is n ot save d unles s the exis ting conf igurat ion has been d eleted . For more det ail, s ee page 58 Step Press LCD Mess age 1. Place the printer of fline.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 66 NOTE: If you want to make th e new printer con figuratio n active at power-u p, select thi s confi guration as the “Power-Up Config.” • If the conf iguratio n numb er has no t been pre viously save d or the “ Protect Save Con figs.
Configuration Menus 67 Configuration Menus The foll owing page s des cribe th e conf iguratio n menu s and t heir options. Fo r detail s on a par ticular menu, s ee the spec ified pa ge. Paper Cont rol (p age 68) Mis cella neous (page 97) Mode (page 76) Config.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 68 Paper Co ntrol Menu Paper Contro l Form Length Image W idth Inch Select* Length i n Inch es* 6 LPI S ele ct Lengt h a t 6LPI Paper Length Auto. Sele ct* Inch Sele ct 6 LPI Sele ct Lengt h in Inches Le ngth at 6LPI 2.
Paper Control Menu 69 Fanfold Output Into Stacker* Over St acker Hor. Imag e Shift Ver. Imag e Shift Toner Rep rint on Fault Paper Type Burst on Eje ct -100/100 in ches -99/10 0 inches -98/10 0 inches . . . 0/100 inche s* . . . 100/100 i nches -100/100 in ches -99/10 0 inches -98/10 0 inches .
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 70 Image W idth Image Wi dth speci fies the width of the image to be pri nted. The allowabl e range i s 2.0 to 14 .7 inches , in 0. 1 inch inc rements. The factory defaul t is 14.6 inches. For m Le ng t h Form Leng th is the l ogical form leng th for fanf old pa per.
Paper Control Menu 71 For examp le, a fo rm length paramete r settin g of 10 inches results in a pape r length settin g of 10 inc hes, as 10 inches is within the valid range fo r form leng th and p aper len gth parameters . A form length setting of 24 inche s resul ts in a paper len gth se tting o f 12 inc hes, as 24 is abo ve the vali d range.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 72 Horizont al Image Sh ift Horizon tal Image Shift specifi es the a mount t o shift a n image to the right for p recise po sitio ning on the page. Th e actual width of the image is not aff ected. The a llowable range is -1.
Paper Control Menu 73 • With roll- feed pape r, the printer ca nnot s eparate th e paper because there are no perfora tions. Bu rst on E ject mus t be set to Disable. The perforations separato r is not used, and pap er is never rol led back out of the e ngine.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 74 T ray Link ing With tray link ing enabl ed, when the ac tive cut sh eet pape r tray (cassette ) runs out of p aper, the print er switc hes a utomatica lly t o the other cut sh eet paper tray, and co ntinues pr inting.
Paper Control Menu 75 “Tray Wid th” here is defi ned as the edge o f the paper paral lel to the drum. If the pa per tray is set for Letter siz e or A4 si ze, th e Variable Tray Wid th setting in the menus mu st be g reater than the len gth.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 76 No B ack Feed No Back Feed automat ically disable s (defau lt) or e nables b ack feeds. Mode Men u NOTE: The order an d numbe r of opti ons disp layed in this menu structu re varies dependi ng on th e emulati ons that ar e insta lled.
Config. Control Menu 77 NOTE: Each emu lation can ha ve its o wn set of conf iguratio n options i n additio n to those that are i n the pri nter syste m list. For informa tion on these uniqu e con figurati on sett ings, see the ap propria te emulati on man ual.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 78 NOTE: If the “Protec t Save Con figs.” opti on is ena bled, the n ew configur ation is not sav ed unle ss the exi sting con figur ation has been deleted. Prin t Configu ration Print c onfigu ration a llows yo u to out put a li sting of various stored printer c onfigura tion pa rameters.
Config. Control Menu 79 Delete Config uratio n Delete con figurati on allows you to de lete a config uration f ile. You can delet e one or all of you r eig ht custom ized co nfigurations . Configura tion 0 is a fact ory-pr eset co nfigur ation and canno t be change d or del eted.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 80 Host Int erface M enu The printe r provid es the following host inte rface opt ions: • Centronics ® parall el • Dataprodu cts ® paral lel (r equires op tional .
Centronics Parameters 81 Centro nics Parame ters Host Interfac e Data Bit 8 Enable* Disabl e Centroni cs Dataproduc ts Serial Paper Inst Line Data Polarity Strobe Polarity ACK Polarit y Busy Polar ity.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 82 Data Bit 8 Values: E nable (d efault) o r Disable. Normally, thi s parameter i s enabled. It allows ac cess to th e extended ASCII cha racter se t. Paper I nst (Instr uction) Line Values: Enable or Disab le (defa ult).
Centronics Parameters 83 ACK Pol arity Values: S tandard (def ault) or Inverte d. This p arameter must be set t o matc h the A CK sig nal po larity of yo ur host comp uter. The printe r sends a low-true signal c alled A CK (ack nowledge) to the host to indicate that it has recei ved a data byte fro m the host and is r eady to ac cept mor e data.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 84 Paper Inst (Instruc tion) Polar ity Values: S tandard (de fault) or Inve rted. This parame ter must be set to match th e PI line sign al polarity of your ho st co mputer. The Paper Instructio n line ( PI line) contro ls paper mo tion.
Dataproducts Parameters 85 Dataproduc ts Para meters Data B it 8 Values: Enable ( defau lt) or Dis able. Normally, t his pa rameter is enabled. It all ows acce ss to the extended A SCII char acter set . Paper Inst (I nstructi on) Line Values: E nable or Disable (d efault).
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 86 Data Polarity Values: S tandard (de fault) or Inve rted. This parame ter must be set to match th e Data sig nal po larity of your ho st co mputer. There are no rmally seven o r eight da ta bits th at define e ach A SCII charac ter sent fr om the h ost comp uter to the printer.
Dataproducts Parameters 87 Onli ne Polarit y Values: Stand ard (defaul t) or Inver ted. This para meter mus t be set t o matc h the Online sign al polarity of your hos t compute r. The printe r sends an Onli ne signa l to the host indic ating th at commu nication can b e accomp lish ed whenev er the Rea dy si gnal is true.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 88 Serial Para meters (RS-2 32 And RS-422) Host Interfa ce Series 1 Delay Enable* Disabl e Centroni cs Dataproduct s Ser ial Host Protocol Baud Rate Data Bits Stop Bits.
Serial Pa rameters (R S-232 And RS -422) 89 Host Protocol The Host P rotocol pa rameter a llows you to selec t the softwa re flow control protocol us ed for c ommunic ations be tween the printer an d the host c omputer. You can a lso turn off softwar e flow control .
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 90 ACK/N AK The ACK/N AK protocol gives the pri nter a means to acknowl edge it has eith er acce pted a tra nsmiss ion (ACK) or did n ot receive a transmis sion (NA K).
Serial Pa rameters (R S-232 And RS -422) 91 The printe r uses d ifferent re sponse c haracte rs to repres ent buf fer full and b uffer empt y, depe nding on w hether it is on line or o ffline.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 92 SERIES 1, 2 CH When yo u selec t the Series 1 with 2 Charact ers proto col, the printer behaves exactly th e same as the S eries 1 with 1 Charac ter protoco l, except tha t the pr inter send s two-c haracter r esponse s to the host.
Serial Pa rameters (R S-232 And RS -422) 93 Stop Bits Values: 1 ( default) or 2. This para meter mus t be set t o matc h your host compu ter. Stop bits signal the end of a trans ferred seri al data word. Parity Values: None (de fault), 0, 1, Even, o r Odd.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 94 RTS Func tion Values: On/Off line&Bu f (defaul t), True, Fa lse or On/ Offline. This parame ter must be set to match y our hos t computer.
Serial Pa rameters (R S-232 And RS -422) 95 Buffer S ize Value: 819 2 bytes. This para meter re flects t he size in charact ers of th e printer’s data buffer. This para meter ca nnot be changed i n the c urrent re lease of the emulation software . Howeve r, it mig ht be c hangeable in a fu ture rel ease.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 96 NOTE: This parameter i s used on ly with the S ERIES 1, 1 CH and SERIES 1, 2 CH protoc ols. See the de script ion of the Hos t Protoc ol menu op tion on page 90 for more i nformati on. Series 1 Delay Values: 0+ M sec, 15+ Ms ec, or 30+ Msec.
Miscellaneous M enu 97 Miscellane ous Menu Panel Key Sound Panel ke y sound a llows y ou to confi gure the printer to beep whe n you pres s a key ( switch). The defaul t setting is On. Alarm Alarm allo ws yo u to confi gure the p rinter to beep when a printe r fault cond ition oc curs.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 98 Power-up State Power-up s tate al lows yo u to co nfigure the p rinter to power up in the offlin e or o nline st ate. Th e defau lt settin g is Onl ine. Hex Du mp Mode Hex dump m ode allo ws you to place the printe r into the “hex du mp” mode, in wh ich the pr inter out puts a hex adecimal data s tream.
Miscellaneous M enu 99 If a fault occurs while printing a hex dump, the printer reverts to the normal fa ult state. When t he faul t is clear ed, the pr inter r esumes printing the hex du mp (eith er a par tial lin e with a for m feed , or nothing at all).
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 100 Displ ay Langu age Display La nguage allows y ou to sel ect the la nguage used for control panel message s and configur ation pr intouts. The avai lable choice s are Englis h, Germ an, French , Itali an, Spa nish, or Dutch.
Font Memory Menu 101 Font Memory Me nu Font Me mory Max Char Memory 50 Kbytes 100 Kbytes 150 Kbytes . 300 kbyt es* . 900 Kbytes Max Ca che Memor y 50 Kby tes 100 K bytes 150 K bytes . 200 kby tes* . 900 K bytes Max Ca che Size 50 cha rac ters 100 cha racters 150 cha racters .
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 102 NOTE: The Font M emory M enu is no t availab le in the PCL5 emulatio n. For m ost appli cations , the defaul t setting s for font memor y are accep table. The refore, do not change the defaults unless your applica tion r equires an uncom mon font memor y confi guration .
Font Memory Menu 103 Max C ach e Me mory The Maximu m Cach e Memory option s pecifies the size o f the memory b lock tha t can be a llocated to the f ont cache. The font cache s tores bi tmaps that are cr eated on de mand from the font outlines stored i n Flash me mory.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 104 The allowa ble range is 1 KB ytes to 20 KByt es, in 1 -KByte increm ents. The de fault val ue for thi s param eter is 1 K Bytes. Max Fon ts Load ed The Maxim um Fonts Loaded op tion spec ifies th e numbe r of scalab le font outlines that ca n be c oncurrent ly lo aded into R AM in the printer.
Test Pr int Me nu 105 T est Pri nt Menu The Test prin t menu de fines and activates a te st pr intout. You must specify the test p attern and the num ber of pag es to be p rinted. T est Pattern The Test Patt ern op tion sel ects the t ype of patt ern to be used fo r the test printou t.
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 106 Print Stat istics Menu The Prin t Statisti cs menu provides access to inf ormation about memory capac it y and print er usage . System Memo ry The L5000 s eries p rinters h ave 32 MB of RAM (Random A ccess Memory ), and 8 M B of Flas h Memory.
Maintenance M enu 107 Mai nte nanc e Menu The Main tenanc e menu pr ovide s acce ss to inf ormation about servic e level s for en d-users a nd serv ice t echnici ans. User Ma int The User M aintena nce optio n resets th e servi ce level p age c ount after you complete prevent ive main tenance ( levels A , B, and C).
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration 108 V irtual Printer Menu The Virtu al Printer menu allows th e user to se lect which emu lation they want t o use that is c urrently l oaded in flash memory. V irt ual Pri nte r The Virtua l Printer op tion allows the user to sel ect which e mulation, or partiti on, the printer should s witch to u sing.
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 109 Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) Printer em ulatio n and o perating system software are loade d into flash mem ory at th e factory, but you will instal l sof t.
Chapter 3 The CNVT2FLS Utility P rogram 110 The CNVT2FLS Utility Program The CNVT2FLS pro gram is a D OS util ity that i s suppli ed with the flash softwa re on dis kette. This u tility con verts logo , form, TIFF, setup, and font fi les into downloada ble forma t.
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 111 • The first file name following the co mmand name is th e name of the input fi le that you want t o conver t. • The second file name is th e name of th e downl oadable output file , which th e utility will crea te.
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 112 7. To convert a setup file, ente r the foll owing at th e DOS pr ompt, for exam ple: CNVT2FLS setup.ptx setup.dwn setup.ptx A <Return> wher e setup.ptx is the na me of on e of the setup fil es yo u want to co nv ert.
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 113 To downlo ad emulat ion so ftware, as well as downloadab le fil es for logos, form s, TIFF, setup, and fonts t o the printer, d o the fo llowing: 1.
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 114 12. Connect the pa rallel data cabl e to the paralle l port of the printer . 13. Plug the printer AC power plu g into its electr ical out let. 14. Power on the compu ter. 15. Set the prin ter power swit ch to | (on) .
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 115 The file name o f the co mpressed file o n the di skette ta kes th e form part_num .zip, for exa mple 1234 24. At the DOS pr ompt t ype: A:PKUNZIP A: part_num where part_num is the six di git num ber you note d in th e previou s step.
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 116 30. Type the fo llowing a t the DOS p rompt : DIR <Ret urn > You will see a directo ry list ing con tainin g the file part_num .exe, where the filename i s the si x dig it number (e.g., 123 456.exe) you noted above.
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 117 37. At the DOS pr ompt on th e comp uter type , for exampl e: 123456.exe -pb <Return> where 123456.exe is the emu lation fi le you no ted in step 30 (for an emul ation on multip le disk ettes) or in step 34 (for an emulation on a s ingle di skette).
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 118 45. On the prin ter contro l panel , press and hold down the ONLINE + PAGE EJECT k eys. W ithout re leasing the keys , power the printer on . Contin ue holdin g the ONLINE and PAGE EJ ECT keys down. 46. When yo u see “W AITING FOR FILE DOWNLOAD ” on the LCD, rele ase the ONLINE and PAGE EJEC T keys .
Loading Flash Memory (If Equipped) 119 51. Download the fi les to the printer by usi ng the DOS copy command. You c an downloa d the file s one at a time by ent ering one file n ame per DO S copy c ommand. Al terna tively, you c an copy mul tiple files in one copy c ommand.
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 120 60. Disconnec t the paral lel data c able fr om the com puter and f rom the printer. 61. Reconnec t the cus tomer’s data input cable( s) to the printer , if requir ed. 62. Plug the printer AC power plu g into its electr ical out let.
Flash Message s 121 Flas h M ess age s Table 2 . Flash Messa ges Error Code Message Explanation H0 TEST HARDW ARE PLEASE W AIT The p rint er i s r unn ing it s ha rdwa r e self-t est. H1 DIAGNOSTIC P ASSED The self- test has f inished, and there w ere no errors.
Chapter 3 Downloading Into Flash Memory 122 K2 WRONG FILE CHECKSUM The printer detected emulation or file corrupt ion during do wnload o r emulation bootup. Re-install the emulat ion or re-dow nload the flash files. K3 DC PROGRAM NOT V ALID There is no e mulation ins talled or the emulatio n in flash memory is corrupted.
123 4 Consumables Replacement Consu mable Replacement Repl acemen t In terv als For the bes t print q uality, rep lace the print er consuma bles at the interva ls specifi ed below. Th e yie ld of the s upplies is base d on a 4% co verage of lette r size (8 .
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 124 Re pl ac in g T he T o ne r Ca rtr i dg e NOTE: When repl acing the ton er cartrid ge, put the old cart ridge on a disposab le wra pper (e.g., paper towe ls, ne wspaper) to minimiz e toner spi llage. Vinyl g loves ma y be worn to prevent t oner from co ntacting th e skin.
Replacing The Toner Cartridge 125 3. Rotate the old to ner cartr idge cou nterclock wise until the n otch is ali gned with the pin in the tone r hop per, and rem ove the cartridge. Legend: 1) Toner Cartridge 2) Positioning Pin 3) Notch 4. Put the old ca rtridge in to a pl astic ba g and dis card it.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 126 7. With the cove r tape facing up, begin ins erting the cartr idge into the toner hop per, and s lowly p ull off the cove r tape in the direction of the a rrow. Rem ove the l ast of t he tape jus t as t he cartri dge is c omple tely ins ide the ho pper.
Replacing The Toner Cartridge 127 9. Rotate the c artridg e clockwi se until it stops. Legend: 1) Toner Cartridge 10. If any tone r has sp illed, r emove i t with wet tis sue pape r or a toner vacuu m.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 128 Replaci ng The W aste T on er Bottle When the “W ASTE TONER FULL ” messag e appears on the control panel, r eplace th e waste ton er bot tle by perfo rming the follo wing steps, a nd disca rd the ful l bottle.
Replacing The Waste Toner Bottle 129 3. Remove the cap fr om the out side of the waste toner bot tle, and cap the ton er bottle . Legend: 1) Cap 2) Waste Toner Bottle 4. Remove the waste t oner bottl e from th e unit and d iscar d it. 5. Install a new waste t oner bottl e.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 130 Installing The Ph otor eceptor Drum Drum li fe depends on med ia used a nd proper maintena nce a nd operatio n of the printer. P rint med ia othe r than bon d paper ( e.g., labels, card stock, p lastic, or vi nyl) can r educe drum li fe as muc h as 50%.
Installing The Photoreceptor Drum 131 4. Remove th e thre e thumbs crews o n the upp er inner cover. Then remove t he cover. Legend: 1) Upper Inner Cover 2) Thumbscrews (3) CAUTION Failure to perform Step 5 will damage the photorece ptor drum.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 132 6. Remove th e deve loping un it by hol ding th e lever in one han d and pull ing the developi ng unit pa rtially ou t of the printer . Legend: 1) Hanger 7. With the other hand , grasp t he hang er and remo ve the develop ing unit fr om the pr inter.
Installing The Photoreceptor Drum 133 CAUTION The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failure t o perform step s 9 and 10 wi ll damage the drum. 9. Rotate the tr ansfe r elevator drive shaft cou nterclo ckwise. Watch the char ger mov ement: a.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 134 10. Lower the transport unit by tu rning the green le ver on th e transpo rt unit to the left. Legend: 1) Green Lever 1.
Installing The Photoreceptor Drum 135 11. Loosen the thr ee thu mbscrews securi ng the d rum plat e and remove t he drum p late. Legend: 1) Drum Plate 2) Thumbscrews (3) 3) Screws (2) 4) Lower Inner Cover 12. Remove the two scr ews on the lower in ner cov er.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 136 13. Remove the nu t from the end of th e drum s haft. Legend: 1) Nut 14. Screw the d rum auxi liary r od onto the drum sha ft.
Installing The Photoreceptor Drum 137 CAUTION Avoid touching the surface of the drum with your hands, which reduces the life of the drum. 15. Carefully p ull the ol d drum ou tward alo ng the d rum aux iliary rod. Hold the front a nd back ends when t he drum i s nearl y out of the printer , and re move it with b oth hands .
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 138 19. Using both ha nds, car efully slid e the drum onto the dr um auxiliar y rod. W hen the dr um reaches the area where the auxiliar y rod conn ects t o the drum shaft, li ft the drum very slightl y ove r the co nnection.
Proper Disposal Of A Dr um Unit 139 26. Install th e deve loping un it.(S ee pag e 140.) 27. Raise the tra nsport u nit by rev ersing step 10. 28. Install th e upper i nner co ver a nd tighten the thum bscrew s. 29. Close the was te toner r ecovery unit and e nsure tha t it la tches.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 140 Developing Unit Installation CAUTI ON Failure to perform step 1 wi ll damage the photoreceptor drum. 1. On the de velop ing un it, rotate the le ver full y cl ockwis e so th at it is poin ting s traight u p. Legend: 1) Guide Rail 2) Hanger 3) Lever 2.
Developing Unit Installation 141 3. Rotate the ha nger t o the rig ht so that i t rests aga inst t he developi ng unit, an d push the devel oping uni t in. 4. Rotate the de velop ing rol ler knob c ountercloc kwise un til the unit drop s into it s final r esting p osition.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 142 5. R otate th e deve loping unit l ever ful ly coun tercl ockwis e to lock the devel oping uni t in plac e. 6. Install the uppe r inner c over, and secure i t with th e three thum bscrews. Legend: 1) Upper Inner Cover 2) Thumbscrews (3) 7.
Replacing The Developer 143 Replacing The Developer Legend: 1) Toner Cartridge 2) Toner Hopper 3) Auger 4) Toner Sensor 5) Developing Tank 6) Developing Roller 7) Toner Supply Roller 8) Screws 9) Cove.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 144 IMPORT ANT When replacing developer in an e xisting developing unit, you must empty and clean the unit before adding new developer (every 1 50,000 pa ges). Developing Un it Removal 1. Turn the po wer swit ch OFF. 2.
Developing Unit Removal 145 6. Remove the three screws on the devel oping uni t cover and remove t he cover. Legend: 1) Toner Spray-Guard B rush CAUTION The toner sensor is se nsitive to both electrosta tic discharge (ESD) and positional adjustment. Do not touch the sensor with your hand or jar it from its factory-set posi tion.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 146 10. Vacuum the tone r from the to ner spray -guard brush on the develop ing unit. 11. Shake th e new de veloper bottle seve ral time s, remov e the bottle cap, and s crew the nozz le tig htly onto the bott le. 12.
Replacing The Dev eloping Unit 147 Replacin g The Deve lopi ng Unit CAUTION Do not do this procedure unles s you have rece ived the appropriate training. Do not damage the sensors while cleaning the developing uni t. (If damage occurs, contact your service re presentati ve.
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 148 4. Remove th e three thu mbscre ws and the upper in ner cov er. Legend: 1) Upper Inner Cover 2) Thumbscrews 1 2 2.
Replacing The Dev eloping Unit 149 CAUTION Failure to perform step 5 will damage the photoreceptor drum. 5. Rotate the de velop ing unit l ever fu lly clock wise so that it is pointing s traight up (to se parate th e deve loping un it from th e photorec epto r drum).
Chapter 4 Consumable Replaceme nt 150 7. With yo ur other hand, gra sp the han ger and r emove the develop ing unit fr om the pr inter. Legend: 1) Hanger 8. Place th e old dev eloping u nit in a p lastic b ag and dispose of it proper ly. 9. Vacu um any s pilled to ner.
151 5 Scheduled Maintenance Ma intain ing Print Quality To maint ain goo d print qual ity, cl ean the printer ac cordin g to the schedul es and procedu res li sted in th is ch apter. 1. Do a Gener al Clean ing. (Se e page 1 64.) 2. Clean the m ain ch arger, precharger, and tr ansfer charge r.
Chapter 5 Maintenance Tools 152 Maintenance T ools In order to perform maintenan ce on t he printe r, you n eed the followin g tools : Recommen ded tone r vacu um cleane r models are: • 3M ® model .
153 Serv ice Level Pag e Counts IMPORT ANT Keep a record of all maintenanc e done on your printer. Maintenance log sheets are provided i n Appendix A. Photocopy the pages and keep your maintena nce log in a binder near the printer. Every time you or your service provider do printer maintenance ma ke an entry in the log.
Chapter 5 Clearing Ser vice Level Me ssages 154 A serv ice lev el incl udes all leve ls prec ede i t. For exam ple, at 150,000 pa ges, you shoul d do Level B and Level A service . At 900,000 p ages, your ser vice p rovider m ust do L evel F, L evel E, and Level D ser vice.
User Cleaning Schedule 155 Main tenance Schedules User Cleaning Sched ule Each tim e you per form mai ntenance, you mu st rese t the ser vice level pa ge count b y select ing the Us er Main tenance op tion on the Maintenanc e menu. (The Mainten ance menu i s detailed in Chapter 3, “Printer Co nfigurat ion.
Chapter 5 Maintenance Sc hedules 156 User Repl ace ment Sched ule Replace the followi ng ite ms after the speci fied numb er of let ter siz e pages ( 4% coverag e) have printed. Appen dix A, “Ma intenan ce Log Sheets,” cont ains log sheets y ou ca n photo copy.
Tech Service Replacem ent Schedule 157 T ech S erv ice Repl ace ment Sched ule Use the following maint enance kits to replace the li sted pri nter component s after the spec ified nu mber of l etter size pages (4% covera ge) have been pr inted. Appendi x A, “Ma intena nce Lo g Sheets,” contains l og sheets you can photocop y for yo ur use.
Chapter 5 Maintenance Sc hedules 158 Item Part Number Maintenance K it, Level E , L5035 70 6803-001 • Main charge r • Precha rger • Transfer char ger • Smoke fi lter • Cleaning unit • Halo.
Tech Service Replacem ent Schedule 159 Maintenance Ki t, Level F , L5035 706809-0 01 • Main charg er • Precharge r • Transf er char ger • Smo k e fil ter • Xenon (flash) lamp.
Chapter 5 Maintenance Sc hedules 160 Item Part Number Maintenance K it, Level G, L50 35 706815-001 • Main charge r • Precha rger • Transfer char ger • Smoke fi lter • Cleaning unit • Halog.
Tech Service Replacem ent Schedule 161 Item Part Number Maintenance Ki t, Level H, L50 35 706827-0 01 • Main charg er • Precharge r • Transf er char ger • Smo k e fil ter • Cleaning u nit .
Chapter 5 Maintenance Sc hedules 162 T able 5. Par ts The Service Provider Replaces Item Par t # Frequency (Pages) Action Service Level Main c harger 705741-00 1 300,000 Replace D Precharge r 705742-0.
Tech Service Replacem ent Schedule 163 WA R N I N G The flash f user capaci tor (P/ N 703531- 561) must be replac ed at least ever y 2,400,000 letter siz e pages. Failure to do so may endanger equipment and personnel. WARNUNG Der kondensator der Flash-Einbrennvorrichtung muß nach mindestens 2.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 164 AVISO El condensador flash del fusor se debe sustituir como mínimo cada 2.400.0 00 páginas de tamaño ca rta. De lo c ontrario, pueden causarse da ños a los equipos y al pe rsonal.
Cleaning 165 Following i s the gen eral cl eaning proced ure: 1. Turn the po wer switc h OFF. 2. Open the p rinter front uppe r cover. ( See page 124.) 3. Inside the front co ver, va cuum u p the toner , paper d ust, etc. 4. On the was te tone r recovery unit, press the O pen lev er down.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 166 5. Vacu um the dev elopi ng unit and ton er hopper. 6. Vacuum the cleani ng uni t..
Cleaning 167 7. Vacuum th e fuse r unit. 8. Vacuum th e lamp hou sing filter on the under side of t he fuse r unit..
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 168 CAUTI ON The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failur e to perform steps 9 and 10 will damage the drum. 9. Rotate the tr ansf er elevator drive s haft co unterclock wise. Watch th e charge r movem ent: a.
Cleaning 169 12. Using a vac uum, clea n the to ner, pape r dust, et c. Be su re to clean und er the tr ansport unit as we ll. 13. Wipe off th e dirt on the transpor t surfa ce with wet tissue paper. 14. Using an ammonia- bas ed wax-f ree cle ane r or rubbing alc oh ol, clean the belts to r emove res idue buildup a nd restore their tack y surface.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 170 16. Using a vac uum, cle an the toner , paper d ust, etc. i n the trac tor area. Legend: 1) Tractor 17. Open the pap er guide by pres sing the green le ver down.
Cleaning 171 18. Open the l id on the top cover. 19. Open the p aper guide by pressi ng the gu ide lev er down. 20. Using a vac uum, clea n the pa per dust, etc .
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 172 Cleaning The Chargers 1. Turn the po wer swit ch OFF. 2. Open the printer front upp er cove r. (see pa ge 124) 3. Loosen th e thumb screw a nd remov e the main charger by pulling it toward you. Legend: 1) Thumbscrew 2) Main Charger 4.
Cleaning The Chargers 173 CAUTION Use caution in handling to avoid damaging or brea king the charger wir es. 5. Using the brush c leaner (lis ted on p age 152), clean the exposed side of th e charge r grid and the body of the main charger to remove paper dus t, etc.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 174 6. Positio n the mai n charger wit h the cha rger grid up and th e front end of the c harger toward y ou, as sh own in the figur e below . Refer to th e figure below and t he inset d rawin g in the fi gure, and remo ve the charger g rid from the main charger as foll ows: a.
Cleaning The Chargers 175 7. Using the brush c leaner, cl ean both sides o f the charge r grid, as shown below. Legend: 1) Brush Cleaner 2) Charger Grid 8. Using the wi re clea ner (listed o n page 1 52), clea n the two wir es in the mai n charge r, as shown below.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 176 9. Install the charg er grid. 10. Return the m ain c harger to i ts ori ginal pos ition. Fa sten th e main charger scre w to se cure it.
Cleaning The Chargers 177 12. Loosen the thu mbscre ws (2), precharge r screw an d tran sfer/ separato r char ger screw , and remove the ch argers by pull ing them towar d you. Legend: 1) Thumbscrews 2) Transfer/Separator Charger 3) Precharger 13. Place the c hargers on a flat, clean wor k surfac e.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 178 CAUTI ON Use caution in handling to avoid dama ging or breaking the charger wir es. 14. Using the br ush cle aner and the wire c leaner, clean the chargers by rem oving the dust a nd dirt on the wires. (The precharg er contai ns one wi re, whil e the trans fer/separ ator charger c ontai ns two wires ).
Cleaning The Fuser Unit Cover Glas s 179 CAUTION The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum. Failure to perf orm steps 3 and 4 w ill damage the drum. 3. Rotate the tr ansfe r elevator drive shaft cou nterclo ckwise.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 180 4. Lower the transport unit by tu rning the green lever on the transpo rt unit to the left. Legend: 1) Holding Plate 2) Thumbscrew 3) Green Lever 4) Fuser Unit 5) Thumbscrew (2 places not visible) 5. Loose n the thumbscr ews on the righ t and left fuser unit holding plates.
Cleaning The Fuser Unit Cover Glas s 181 CAUTION Do not scratch or place your hands directly on the cover glass. Fingerprints on the cover glass or lamps will caus e them to break. 9. Using the fuser co ver gla ss scra per (list ed on page 152), remove t he dirt an d toner b uildup on the co ver gla ss surface.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 182 11. Remove the two screws that sec ure the l amp duct f ilter un it to the fuser , then re move the l amp duct f ilter un it and t he foam gasket . Legend: 1) Foam Gasket 2) Screw (4) 3) Filter Holding Plate 4) Lamp Filter (Air Filter) 5) Lamp Duct Filt er Unit 12.
Cleaning The Cut Sheet Option Rollers 183 Clea ning Th e Cut Sheet Opt ion Rolle rs NOTE: This proced ure o nly appl ies to prin ters with the cu t sheet option insta lled. 1. Turn the po wer switc h OFF. 2. Remove the upper and lower paper cas settes fr om the pr inter.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 184 3. There are two pickup roller units ( upper and lower) lo cated a t the back of the cas sette ope ning. On the uppe r roller unit, loosen the green thumb screw. Sl ide the uni t to the left, and pull the unit to ward you and out of t he printer.
Cleaning The Cut Sheet Option Rollers 185 6. Install th e upper a nd lower pickup rol ler uni ts: a. Align the shaft pin wit h the s lot in the coupl ing, an d alig n the alignm ent pi n on the uni t with the h ole in the frame . b. Tighten the green thumb scre w.
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 186 7. There are two rever se roller units ( upper and lower) lo cated a t the back of the cas sette ope ning (un derneath t he uppe r and lower pi ckup roll er units ). On th e upper rev erse rol ler uni t, loosen t he green t humb s crew.
Cleaning The Cut Sheet Option Rollers 187 8. On the lowe r revers e roller u nit, loose n the green thumb sc rew. Remove the rolle r unit by moving it downwar d while sl idin g it to the left. Legend: 1) Thumbscrews 9. Wipe off th e dirt on the reve rse ro llers w ith a Torays ee cloth (listed on page 15 2).
Chapter 5 General Cleaning 188 10. Install the u pper and lower reverse roller un its: a. Align th e shaf t pin with th e slot i n the coupl ing, and a lign the align ment pi n on the un it with the hole i n the fram e. b. Tighten the green thumb scre w.
Cleaning 189 Ma jor Clean ing Cleaning 1. Turn the po wer switc h OFF. 2. Open the p rinter front uppe r cover. ( See page 124.) 3. Open the w aste to ner rec overy uni t by push ing do wnward on the lever. P ull the g reen hand le and swing the unit ou tward away from the prin ter.
Chapter 5 Major Cleaning 190 4. Remove th ree thumb screws on the uppe r inner cover. Then remove the co ver. Legend: 1) Upper Inner Cover 2) Thumbscrews (3) 1 2 2.
Cleaning 191 5. Loosen the three thu mbscre ws se curing the d rum p late and remove t he drum p late. CAUTION Do not turn the cleaning unit upside down, or toner might spill. Do not touch the brush surface with your hand. Legend: 1) Thumbscrews (3) 2) Drum Plate 3) Cleaning Unit Handle 6.
Chapter 5 Major Cleaning 192 7. Vacuum the bru sh on the cleaning unit. Turn the end of the shaft to rota te the b rush. Con tinue t o rotate and v acuum the brush u ntil the en tire br ush surfac e is cl ean.
Discharge LED 193 Discharg e LED CAUTION Do not flex the discharge LED as it will break. 8. Remove the dischar ge LED r etaining screw. 9. Remove the dischar ge LED by pullin g it towa rd you. Legend: 1) Discharge LED 2) Screw 10. Using a Tora ysee cl oth (li sted on pa ge 152 ), wipe of f the dir t on the dischar ge LED.
Chapter 5 Major Cleaning 194 Photoreceptor Drum 11. Install the d ischar ge LED. 12. Remove the de velop ing unit. (See pag e 147.) 13. Remove the ph otorecep tor drum . (See pa ge 130). 14. Place the p hotorece ptor dru m on a cov ered work surfac e.
SELFOC Lens ® (LED Prin t Head) 195 19. To avoid expo sing the drum t o light for a prolong ed perio d of time, te mporarily pac k the dru m in it s origi nal pack aging material, an d clo se the box c over. S et the drum aside fo r now. (It will be installe d in a l ater ste p.
Chapter 5 Major Cleaning 196 24. Wipe the SELFOC l ens by mo ving a Toray see cl oth from th e inner pa rt of the p rinter toward yo u. Wipe th e lens in this manner s everal ti mes until there is no more dirt on the cloth. NOTE: Always wip e the S ELFOC lens with the unu sed side of the Toraysee.
197 6 T r oubleshooting T roubleshootin g This chap ter disc usses di agnost ic tests, pa per jams , and sy stem messages ( status a nd erro r). Diagn ostic s The printe r includes self-d iagnosti c circui ts and s oftware to a id in the discov ery, prev ention, and cor rection of s ystem pro blems and failures.
Chapter 6 Fanfold Paper Jams 198 • Print Co nfiguration : Prints all curr ent co nfiguration paramete rs in the pr inter, i ncluding Print S tatistics (Config. C ontrol me nu). Online Diagnostics When onli ne, the printe r continue s to sense and report problems or conditi ons as th ey aris e.
Paper Jam Nea r The Paper Output Section 199 Paper Jam Near The Paper Output Sect ion 1. When paper motion stop s, wait 15 seconds, then open the fro nt cover. (S ee pag e 124). 2. Push down on the o pening le ver of th e waste toner r ecovery unit, and p ull the green ha ndle to sw ing the unit outwar d.
Chapter 6 Fanfold Paper Jams 200 CAUTI ON The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the dr um 3. Rotate the tr ansf er elevator drive s haft co unterclock wise. Watch th e charge r movem ent: a. If the cha rger st arts to m ove up, it is alr eady in th e down positio n.
Paper Jam Nea r The Paper Output Section 201 CAUTION To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before ope nin g the tr ansp or t un it. 4. Lower the t ransport u nit by turning the green lever on th e transport unit to the left.
Chapter 6 Fanfold Paper Jams 202 7. Separat e the pa per at the perforat ions on b oth the pape r inp ut and the out put se ctions. Th en pull the jamm ed paper out. When re moving th e paper fr om the pa per input sect ion, rais e the trac tor gates fir st, then pull o ut the jamm ed pape r.
Paper Jam At The Bac k Of The Paper Cassette 203 CAUTION To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before closing the transport unit.
Chapter 6 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 204 2. To lower the pa per guide, pull the gree n lever up . Remove a ny jammed pa per, a nd return th e green l ever to its origin al positio n.
Paper Jam At The Bac k Of The Paper Cassette 205 3. Open the l id on the top cov er, and p ull the gre en lever up. Remove any jammed paper , and return the green lever t o its origina l positi on.
Chapter 6 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 206 Paper Jam In The T ransport Input Section 1. When paper motion stops, wait 1 5 seconds , then open the front cove r.
Paper Jam In The Transport Input Section 207 CAUTION The transfer charger must be in the down position to avoid scratching the drum 3. Rotate the tr ansfe r elevator drive shaft cou nterclo ckwise. Watch the char ger mov ement: a. If the char ger starts to move up, it i s already in the dow n position .
Chapter 6 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 208 CAUTI ON To avoid damaging the printer or causing false paper jams, the transport lever must be in the fully down position before opening or closing the transport unit. 4. To lower th e transp ort route s urface, t urn the gr een tran sport unit lever to the left.
Paper Jam In The Transport Input Section 209 5. Remove knob A fr om it s place as sh own below. A ttach knob A to the pa per f eed shaf t, and turn knob A coun tercloc kwise. This causes the jam med paper to be mov ed to th e eject sid e. Remove any jammed paper , and return knob A to its ori ginal position .
Chapter 6 Cut Sheet Paper Jams 210 Paper Jam In The T ransport Output Section 1. When paper motion stops, wait 1 5 seconds , then open the front cove r. (See page 124.) 2. Pull up the botto m lever to raise th e paper g uide, a nd turn th e green k nob B coun terclock wise.
Paper Jam In The Transport Output Section 211 Paper Jam In The Fac e Up Or Down Paper Path 1. When paper motion stop s, wait 15 seconds, then open the fro nt cover. (S ee pag e 124.) 2. Push the t op and m iddle le vers d own. Pull the botto m lever up to raise the pa per guide.
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 212 System Status An d Err or Messages Messages When an error occurs, the pri nter disp lays an appr opriate me ssage on the con trol panel LCD. S ome err ors are o perator-c orrectabl e, some re quire fi eld servi ce, and ot hers requi re the pr int job b e run again .
Messages 213 • Any pages left in t he printe r at the ti me of fa ilure will be reprinted. No data i s lost. • Fanfold p aper: the printer r eprints al l page s that hav e not completel y exite d the pri nter at the time o f failure.
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 214 • If the fault is no t cleared: a. The print er beeps and brie fly dis plays th e followin g message : b. The print er then redisp lays the orig inal faul t mess age, or any other unclea red fault message .
Messages 215 5. Press ONLINE to r esume p rinting. Note tha t pages ha ve bee n lost. IMPORT ANT If Reprint on Fault is disabled and an error occurs, and if either the “Reload Paper in Tractors” o.
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 216 a. The print er goes O FFLINE. b. Press O NLINE to resume printing . • If the fault is cle ared, and if you need to r eload pape r int o the tractors (such as after a pa per jam), th e foll owing mes sage appears : a.
Error Mes sages 217 Error Mes sages Table 6, “Error Mes sages,” o n page 2 18, lists errors by error code and shows which ar e operat or-correc table, whi ch requir e field service, and whi ch requir e reprinti ng. • Operator -corre ctable er rors include paper jams, mi ssing consu mab le s, and powe r pap er st acke r pro ble ms .
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 218 T able 6. Er ror Mes sages Error Code Error Message Operator Correctable Field Service Required Reprint Required none TRAY MISMATCH á 01 Front C over .
Error Mes sages 219 16 Paper Jam at Entrance (A) áá 17 High Vol tage Failu re á 18 Drum Mo tor Fail á 19 Su rfac e Vo ltag e too High á 1A Su rfac e Vo ltag e too L ow á 1B Tractor Detent Fail .
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 220 2D T oner Empty á 2E Rese rved 2F Rese rved 30 Rese rved 31 Rese rved 32 LE D Head Over heat á 33 Rese rved 34 Rese rved 35 Rese rved 36 Rese rved 37.
Error Mes sages 221 44 Engine CPU Fail á 45 Engine CPU Fail á 46 Engine CPU Fail á 47 Engine CPU Fail á 48 Cont roller Comm . Fail á 49 Cont roller Comm . Fail á 4A Cont roller Comm . Fail á 4B Cont roller Comm . Fail á 4C Controll er Comm. Fa il á 4D Controll er Comm.
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 222 5B Stacker Fail áá 5C Stack er F ail áá 5D Stacker Com m. Fail á 5E Rese rved 5F Rese rved 60 Cut-shee t Comm.
Error Mes sages 223 72 Engine CPU Fail áá 73 Paper Jam at Entrance (A) áá 74 Rese rved 75 Rese rved 76 Rese rved 77 Rese rved 78 Main Charger Error áá 79 Transfer Cha rger Error áá 7A Pre-Char.
Chapter 6 System Stat us And Error Messa ges 224 T ABLE NOTES: 1. For any error with Re print on Fault enab led: If the pri nter st ops while in the mid dle of prin ting a p age, relo ading the paper and reprintin g are required. Th ere may be other c ases requ iring reloadi ng and re printin g; if so, a message will appe ar.
225 A Maintenance Log Sheets The log she ets on the follow ing pag es are inte nded fo r your us e. These may be ph otocopied and kept in a bin der nea r the printer . Be sur e to us e them e ach ti me eit her you or your servi ce pro vider perform printer maintenan ce.
Appendix A 226 Level A Ma intenance - 15,000 Pages (User) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning N/A Clean Main cha rger 705741-0 01 Clean Precha rger 705742-001 Clean T ransfer .
Level B Mai ntenance - 150,000 (U ser) 227 Leve l B Main tenance -1 50,00 0 (User) Action Item Part # Performed By Da te Clean Genera l cleani ng N/A Clean Main c harger 705741-001 Clean Pr echarger 7.
Appendix A 228 Level C Ma inten ance - 600 ,0 00 (Us er) Action Item Part # Performed By Date Clean General c leaning N/A Clean See Note 1 Cover glas s N/A Clean SELFOC lens N/A See Note 2 Photorecep .
Level D Maint enance - 300,000 (Servic e Kit) 229 Leve l D Main tenance - 30 0,000 (Service Ki t) Item Part Number Maintenance Ki t, Level D, L50 35 706802-0 01 • Main charg er • Precharge r • T.
Appendix A 230 Level E Ma in ten ance - 600 ,000 ( Servi ce Ki t) Item Part Number Maintenance K it, Level E , L5035 70 6803-001 • Main charge r • Precha rger • Transfer char ger • Smoke fi lt.
Leve l F Mai nten ance - 900,0 00 (S ervi ce Kit ) 231 Leve l F Maintena nce - 900, 000 (Servi ce Kit) Maintenance Ki t, Level F , L5035 706809-0 01 • Main charg er • Precharge r • Transf er cha.
Appendix A 232 Level G Mai ntenance - 1,200,000 (Ser vice Kit) Item Part Number Maintenance K it, Level G , L5035 706815 -001 • Main charge r • Precha rger • Transfer char ger • Smoke fi lter .
Level H Mai ntenance - 2,400,000 (Servic e Kit) 233 Leve l H Main tenance - 2, 400,000 (Servic e Kit) Item Part Number Maintenance Ki t, Level H, L50 35 706827-0 01 • Main charg er • Precharge r .
Appendix A 234.
235 B Specifications Paper Specificat ions Paper Si zes *Measured f rom main folding/c utting perforatio n to main f olding / cutting pe rforati on. Paper ty pes Fanfol d (standard) Cut shee t (option.
Appendix B 236 Specification I nch Millimete r Dimension in Figure Pin hol e cen ter to fold ing perforati on 1/6, 1/ 4, 1/3, o r 1/2 4.23, 6.35, 8.4 7, 1.20 8 Hole center li ne to edg e of form 0.236 ± 0.028 6.0 ±0.1 1 Hole di ameter 0.156 ±0.004 4.
Paper Specifications 237 Legend: 1) “B” 2) Center Line 3) Main Folding/Cutting Perforation 4) “E” 5) “C” 6) “D” - Cen ter Line Deviation 7) Tractor Pin Hole 8) “A” 9) Fanfold Paper 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 Paper thi ckness 0 .
Appendix B 238 Paper W eigh t s Pape r Output Performa nce Cha ract eristic s Fan fold p ape r Cut sheet paper Paper fe ed Fan fold p ape r Cut sheet paper 18 to 44 lb. bond , 44 to 125 lb. tag/label 18 to 44 lb. bond Automa tic paper parkin g mechanis m incor porat ed 3000 sheets (18 lb.
Performanc e Characterist ics 239 Prin ti ng Spee d Cut sheet p aper See the table b elow. Fanfold pape r 5.0 inc hes per second fo r continu ous, f anfold forms .
Appendix B 240 Maximum effective pr int width Duty cycle Mech anical life W arm-up ti me First page pri nting time MTBF/M PBF MTTR 14.7 inch es 300,000 total pages/mo nth of fanfold paper form (1 1- inch length) and or cut sheet paper (letter) 5 ye ars or 18, 000,000 pages (1 1-in ch lengt h) 150 se c.
Host Interf aces 241 Hos t Inter faces NOTE: For interface details, s ee Appendix C, “Host I/O Interfaces.” NOTE: Dataproducts parall el inter face req uires an op tional adapter c able.
Appendix B 242 Safety Reg ula tions Electrom agnet ic I nterf eren ce Physical Charac teristics And Environment UL CSA EUROP E 1950 950 EN 60950 FCC Euro pe Class A EN 55022 Cl ass A Dimensi ons Weight Input vol tage range Power c onsumpti on 47.5 inch H x 50.
Physical Char acteristics And Env ironment 243 Environm ent Sound L evel Temperature (5F) 86 77 50 Humidity (%) RH 30 70 80 Maximum Temperature/ Humidity Limits T empera ture Humidity Operating : .
Appendix B 244.
245 C Host I/O Interfaces Overview The printer provides con nections on the right rear side panel for the following host I/O interfac es: • Serial Interface (RS-232 or RS-422 ) • Centronic s Para llel Inte rface • Dataproduc ts Parall el Inter face Only on e interfa ce is ac tive at a time.
Appendix C Overview 246 Legend: 1) Parallel Port 2) Diagnostic Port 3) Optional Coax/Twinax Port 4) Serial Port 5) 232/422 Switch Figure 6. Cable Connections The RS-232/422 se lect switch located on the c over plate mus t be set properly for your application.
Performance Considerations 247 Perf ormance Consi derat ion s The printe r prints l etter si ze and A4 size fa nfold pape r at 27 pages per minu te portrai t (one pa ge ever y 2.2 seconds ) and 35 pages p er minute lan dscape. To sustai n printin g at full s peed, data for e ach page mu st be rec eived a nd render ed in less th an 2.
Appendix C Overview 248 On mini or main frame co mputers, printer pe rforman ce probl ems can u sually be solve d by h aving the system admin istrator perfor m one or mo re of the following : • assi.
RS-232 Serial Int erface 249 Also if possi ble, eli minate sending white spac e (spa ces o r tabs) at the end of l ines if it is not n ecessa ry. Memory i ntensiv e applic ations m ay requir e an adjus tment to the allocati on of glob al mem ory for opt imal p erformanc e.
Appendix C Overview 250 RS-232 Serial Interface Connector Pin Assignment s The printe r provid es a 25 -pin DB-25 S con nector ins ide the lo wer cabinet for conne ction of a serial interfa ce cable . This con nector is also us ed for the RS-422 s erial inte rface.
RS-232 Serial Int erface 251 RS-232 Serial Interface Signals The RS-232 serial interfac e signa ls are defi ned bel ow. Receive Data (RxD) - Serial data strea m to the print er. Transmit Data (Tx D) - Seri al data s tream from the print er for transmittin g statu s and co ntrol in formation to the h ost.
Appendix C Overview 252 RS-232 Serial Interface Configuration The printe r is confi gured for the RS- 232 ser ial interf ace vi a the Serial Inte rface m enu, as describe d on page 8 8.
RS-422 Serial Int erface 253 RS-422 Serial Interface This i nterface is used with bi t serial de vice s compa tible with EIA- RS-422B or CCITT V.27 and V.1 1 standards . The in terface circuit charac teristics are compat ible wi th the El ectronic Industry Associ ati on Spe ci fi cat ion .
Appendix C Overview 254 RS-422 Serial I nterface Connector Pin Assignments The printe r provid es a 25 -pin DB-25 S con nector ins ide the lo wer cabinet for conne ction of a serial interfa ce cable . This con nector is also us ed for the RS-232 s erial inte rface.
RS-422 Serial Int erface 255 RS-422 Serial Interface Signals The RS-422 serial interfac e signa ls are defi ned bel ow. Received Data (RxD) - Seria l data stre am from th e host to th e printer . Transmitt ed Data ( TxD) - Serial data stream from the p rinter to the host.
Appendix C Overview 256 RS-422 Serial Interface Configuration The printe r is confi gured for the RS- 422 ser ial interf ace vi a the Serial Inte rface m enu, as describe d on page 8 8.
Centronics Par allel Interface 257 Centronics Pa rallel I nterface This inter face ena bles the p rinter to operate with contr oller s designed for buffer ed Centro nics pri nters. The interfac e is ca pable of trans ferring up to 20 0,000 cha racters per sec ond.
Appendix C Overview 258 Input Signals Output Signals Signal P in S ignal Pin DA T A LINE 1 2 A CKNOWLEDGE 1 0 DA T A LINE 2 Return 3 21 SELE CT 13 DA T A LINE 3 Return 4 22 PA P E R E M P T Y Ret urn .
Centronics Par allel Interface 259 Centronics Parallel Interface Signals The Centroni cs inte rface sign als are define d below. PAPER E MPTY (PE) - A high true level from the printer to indicate the printe r is in a fault c ondition.
Appendix C Overview 260 Centronics Parallel Interface Configuration The printe r is confi gured for the Centr onics interface v ia the Centroni cs Inter face menu, a s describ ed on pag e 81.
Dataproducts Parallel Interfac e 261 Dat apro ducts Parall el In terf ace This inter face all ows the pr inter to operate with contr ollers des igned for Dataprodu cts p rinters. Th e interfa ce is c apable of t ransfer ring up to 500,00 0 charac ters pe r secon d.
Appendix C Overview 262 Input Signals Output Signals Signal Pi n Sign al Pin DA T A LINE 1 19 READY Return 22 6 DA T A LINE 2 Return 19 3 ON LINE Return 21 5 DA T A LINE 3 Return 1 2 DA T A REQUEST Return 23 7 DA T A LINE 4 Return 41 40 Return 39 DA T A LINE 5 Return 34 18 Interfac e V er if.
Dataproducts Parallel Interfac e 263 Dat aprod uct s Parallel Interface Signals The Dataprod ucts in terface s ignals are defin ed below. READY - A high tr ue signa l from the printer indica ting AC po wer and DC vol tages a re presen t, paper i s loaded properly, and the printer is not in a fault c ondition.
Appendix C Overview 264 Dat ap roduct s Parallel Interf ace Configu ration The printe r is confi gured for the Datap roducts interfac e via the Dataprodu cts In terface men u, as d escribed on page 85.
Termination Resistors 265 T ermination Resistors For paral lel i nterface confi guration s, the pr inter is equip ped wit h 470 ohm pul lup an d 1K p ulldow n termina ting r esisto rs loca ted on the printe r mother board, P /N 703220- 001. General ly, thes e termin ating r esisto rs are suitab le for m ost applicat ions.
Appendix C Overview 266.
267 Index A ACK Pola rity , 83 Adjustme nts loading fl ash memo ry, 1 12 software u pgrades , 112 Alarm, 9 7 AUTO function key , 43 B Baud Rate, 92 Buffer Si ze, 95 Busy Po lari ty, 83 Buttons S ee Fu.
Index 268 Configura tion pri ntout, 78 Config. Contr ol menu options d elete con figurati on, 79 options p ower-up co nfigur ation, 79 options p rint config uration, 78 options p rotect save CFG (conf.
Index 269 Errors operator-c orrectab le, 212 requiring field servic e, 212 requiring reprin ting, 212 Errors r equiri ng field s ervic e, 212 Errors req uiring reprinting , 212 F Face up or face d own.
Index 270 I IGP / PG L Emulat ion, 27 IGP / VG L Emulat ion, 27 Impact Printer Emulati on, 27 Important notice, 19 Input se ction transport p aper jam s in, 206 Int erfac e conn ectio ns I/O loca tion.
Index 271 Maintenanc e Ki t Level D, 1 57, 229 Level E, 158, 230 Level F, 15 9, 231 Level G, 160 , 232 Level H, 1 61, 233 Maintenanc e log sheet s, 2 2 5 Maintenanc e menu, 10 7, 10 8 Maintenanc e men.
Index 272 PAG E EJECT function key , 50 Page leng th printer setting, 44 stacker setti ng, 44 Pages reprinting after faul t, 2 12 Pane l Key So und, 97 Paper loadin g, 3 0 cut sh eet, 33 fanfold, 30 P.
Index 273 Print qu ality problem s, 151 Print Stati stics m enu, 106 Print St atistics m enu opt ions printer life, 1 06 system m emor y, 106 Printer emulation s, 27 general i nformati on, 27 powering.
Index 274 notices, 19 precautions , 2 0 Safety r egulation s, 242 Schedule s maintenanc e, 155 SELFOC le ns cleaning , 195 Serial interface RS- 232, 24 9 RS- 422, 25 3 Serial Interface menu opti ons b.
Index 275 Start Te st, 10 5 Status la mps, 46 FAU LT , 4 8 JOB I N PROCESS, 47 LINE SYNC, 47 ONLIN E, 48 STAND BY, 4 7 SYS A VAIL , 47 STOP function key , 43 Stop Bits , 93 Strobe Pola rity, 82 , 86 S.
Index 276.
P RINTRONIX , I NC . 14600 M yford Road P .O. Box 19559 Irvine, CA 9 2623-9559 Phone: (71 4) 368-2300 Fax: ( 714) 368-2600 T echnical Support: (714) 3 68-2686 P RINTRONIX Nederland BV P .
デバイスPrintronix L5035の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Printronix L5035をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPrintronix L5035の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Printronix L5035の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Printronix L5035で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Printronix L5035を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPrintronix L5035の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Printronix L5035に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPrintronix L5035デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。