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1 Read this m anual car efully before you u se this ma chine and keep i t handy for fu ture referenc e. For safe and correct use, be sure to read “Safety Information” pamphlet and “Product Safety Guide”.
i Definitions o f note s W e use the follo wing icons throug ho ut this User’s Guid e: Compilation and public ation notic e Un der ou r supe rvis ion, this m anual has be en co mpi led and pub lishe d, cov ering the lat es t prod uct’s descripti ons and sp eci fica tions.
ii Tabl e of Co nte nt s Section I Machin e ope ration key s 1 Usi ng th e cont rol pane l 2 Using th e prin ter keys ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .. ..... .
iii 3S c a n n i n g 29 Scanni ng a doc ument using the WIA d river... ....................................................................... ............. .. ....29 WIA compl iant ... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .....
Section I Mach ine o per ation key s I Using the control panel 2.
2 1 1 Using the prin ter keys 1 You can a ccess the f o ll owing featu res from your ma chine’s co ntr ol panel . Jo b Can cel 1 To cancel t h e cu rrent prin t job, p res s . Yo u can cle a r th e data th a t is le ft in the machine’s memor y b y pres si ng .
Section I I Win dows ® II Printing 4 Scanning 29 Remote Setup 42 PC-FAX Send Software 44.
4 2 2 Note Th e scr eens in this sectio n are f rom W ind ows ® 7. S creens on your P C may vary d ependi ng on your operati ng system. Using the prin ter driver 2 A prin ter d river is soft war e th.
Printin g 5 2 Printing a docume nt 2 W hen th e ma chin e rece ives da ta fr om you r com put er, it be gin s prin ting b y pick ing up pa pe r from t he pap er tra y. T he pa pe r tra y can fee d man y typ es of pa per a nd e nvelo pe s. (F or in form ati on ab ou t the Pa per T ray and Reco mmen ded pape r, s ee Bas ic User’ s G uid e.
Printin g 6 2 Manual duple x (two-si ded) printing 2 Th e sup plied p rinte r drive r sup por ts ma nual du ple x prin ting . Guid eline s for p rint ing o n both si des of the pa per 2 If the paper is t hin, it m ay wri nkle.
Printin g 7 2 Simult aneous s canning, printing and faxing 2 You r ma chin e can pri nt from yo ur co mpu ter whi le se ndi ng or re ceiv ing a fax in me mor y, or w hile s cannin g a document i nto the co mp uter. Fa x se ndin g will n ot be stopped d ur ing the co mputer printi n g.
Printin g 8 2 Printer driver se ttings 2 You can ch ange the fo l lo wing prin te r s e tt i ng s when you pr i nt from your computer : Paper Size Orientation Copies Me di a Ty p e .
Printin g 9 2 Acces sing the printer d r iver settings 2 a (Fo r W indow s ® XP) Click Start , an d the n Pri nter s an d Fax es . (Fo r W indow s Vista ® ) Click t he but ton, Co ntr o l Pa ne l , Ha rdware a nd Sound , and t hen Prin ters . (Fo r W indow s ® 7) Click t he butt on, and then cl ick Dev ice s and Pr inte rs .
Printin g 10 2 Basic tab 2 You can a lso change t h e P age Layout se ttings b y clicki ng the ill ustration on the l e ft side of t he Basic tab. a Choose Pa per Siz e , Or ient ati on , Copies , Media Type , Resolution a nd Print Set t i ngs (1 ). b Choose Multiple Page a nd Duplex / Booklet (2).
Printin g 11 2 Or ient ati on 2 Orie ntat ion s elec ts the positio n of ho w yo ur doc um ent will be pr inted ( Port rait or Landscape ). Copies 2 The copie s selectio n sets the n umber of copies that will b e print e d.
Printin g 12 2 M edi a Ty pe 2 You can use the foll owing type s of me d ia in your machine. For the best prin t qualit y, se le ct the type of me dia that you wish to use. Pl ain Pa per Thin Paper Thick Paper Thicker Pape r Bond Paper Env elop es Env.
Printin g 13 2 Print Settin gs 2 You can ch ange the pri n t settin g s as f o ll ows: Graphics This is th e b est mode for pri n t ing documents th at contain graphi cs.
Printin g 14 2 Man u al du plex (tw o-sid ed)/ Bo ok let 2 Whe n you want t o pr int a bookl et o r do manu al d upl ex pr int ing , us e t his func ti on. None Di sabl e duple x prin ting. Duplex (Manual) W hen y ou wa nt to do d up lex pri nting , use t his op tion .
Printin g 15 2 Paper Sour ce 2 You can choose Auto Select , T ray 1 or Manual and specify se para te t rays for pri n t ing the fir st page and for printin g from the second page onwards.
Printin g 16 2 Advan ced tab 2 Ch ange the ta b sett ings by clic king o ne of t he f ollow ing se lectio ns: Scal in g (1) Reverse Print (2) Use Watermark (3 ) Header-Foote r Print (4) Toner Save Mode (5) Administrator (6) Other Print Options (7) Sc aling 2 You c an ch ange the pri nt i mage scal in g.
Printin g 17 2 Use W atermark 2 You can p ut a logo or text into yo ur do cum ent as a w aterm ark. You can ch oose one of t he p rese t W ate rma rks, or you can use a bi tmap file th at you h ave created. Chec k U se W ater mar k and th en click t h e Setting s.
Printin g 18 2 Trans parent 2 Check T ran spar ent to p rint the waterm ark ed im age in the bac kgro und o f your do cume nt. If th is feat ure is no t checked t hen the wate r mar k will be prin ted on to p of y o ur document. In Outlin e Text 2 Check In Outlin e Text if you on ly want to pri nt an o utline of the wat erm ark .
Printin g 19 2 He ader -Fo oter Pr int 2 W hen th is feat ure is enabl ed , it will pr int the da te an d tim e on y our doc um ent fro m yo ur co mpu ter’s s yste m clock an d the PC l o gi n user name or the text yo u entered. B y clicki n g Settin gs , yo u can custo m ize th e inf or mati on.
Printin g 20 2 Watermark Lock Loc k the c urren t se ttings of the W at erma rk op tion to pr even t ch ange s bein g mad e. Header-Foote r Print Loc k Lock the current se tti n gs o f the Hea der-Footer Print opti on to pr event ch anges being ma de.
Printin g 21 2 Sk ip Blan k Pag e 2 If Ski p Bl ank Page is chec ke d, the prin ter driv er aut oma ticall y dete cts bla nk pa ges an d e xclud es th em from prin ting.
Printin g 22 2 Print Profiles ta b 2 P rin t P r of ile s are e d ita ble prese ts designed to give you q ui ck access to frequently u sed printi ng co nfigu rati ons. Print profi le li st box (1) Edit a profil e (2) You can e dit an d sav e a new print prof ile.
Printin g 23 2 Ed it a Pr ofile 2 The Save your p rofile changes dia log b ox ap pears b y click ing Edit a prof ile . a Choose an icon you wa nt t o u se fr om the I con li st. b Enter the desi r ed title in Na me . c Cho ose th e pri nt pro file you want to over writ e, then clic k OK .
Printin g 24 2 Support 2 Click Suppor t . .. i n the Pri nti ng Pr efe renc es dialog box. Chec k Set ting (1 ) You can ch eck the cur r en t driver settings. About (2 ) Th is will list th e print er driv er fil es an d versio n in forma tion.
Printin g 25 2 Tray Settings tab 2 Note To access t h e Tra y Sett ings tab , see Accessing th e prin te r d river se ttings uu page 9 . You c an def in e t he pa per size for eac h pa per tray and a uto detec t th e ser ial nu mbe r in the Tray Settings tab as fo llows.
Printin g 26 2 Update (4 ) The Update fu nction r e f lects th e Paper Size (2) sett ing in Paper Source Setting (1). Ser ial N o. (5) By clicking Auto Detect (6 ), the p rin ter d river will q uery the machi ne and di spla y its se ria l num ber.
Printin g 27 2 Status Mon itor 2 The Stat us Monitor u tility i s a conf igurable softwa re tool for monitori ng the status o f one o r more devi ce s, allowin g you to g e t immediate noti ficatio n of err o r me ssages such a s paper e mpty o r paper j a m.
Printin g 28 2 Mo nit oring the m a chin e’s st atus 2 Th e Sta tus M onito r icon will cha nge colo ur depe nding on the mac hine ’s stat us. A gre en i con in dica tes th e norm al sta nd- by con ditio n. A y ellow icon in dica tes a w arnin g.
29 3 3 Th e scann in g opera tions and dr ivers will be d iffere nt dep en ding on your op erati ng system. The machine uses a TWA IN co mpli ant dr iver for sc annin g doc ume nts from y our ap pli cat ion s.
Scanning 30 3 d If n e cessary, a dj u st the fo l lo wing setti n gs i n the S canner S etup d ialog box: Paper s ource (1) Pic tur e typ e (2) Adjust t he quality of t he scanned picture (3 ) Page size (4) Scan (5) e Choose Document Feeder f r om th e Paper source dr op- dow n l is t ( 1).
Scanning 31 3 h If yo u ne ed advanced settings, c lick Adjust the qua lity of the sc anned picture (3). You can choose Brightne ss , Cont rast , R eso lution (D PI) an d Pi ctur e typ e fr om Ad vanc ed Prop er ties . Cl i ck OK af ter you have changed t h e settin gs.
Scanning 32 3 Scanner Utilit y 3 Th e Sca nner U tility is us ed fo r config uring the WIA sca nner dri ver fo r reso lutio ns gre ater t han 12 00 dpi. Yo u must resta rt your P C for th e new settin g s to take effe ct. Note If you scan the document at a resolu tion gr eater than 1200 dpi, the file size m ay be very large.
Scanning 33 3 Note (Windows Vist a ® and Wind ows ® 7) Wh en t he Us er Ac c o unt Control scree n appe ars, do th e follow ing. • For users wh o have admi n istr ator rights: Cl ick Yes . • For users wh o do not h ave administra tor right s: Enter th e ad ministra tor pas sword and cl i ck Ye s .
Scanning 34 3 Scanning a documen t using the WIA driver (Windows Photo Gallery and Windows Fax and Scan) 3 Sc anni ng a do cu men t int o th e PC 3 You can us e th e AD F (auto mat ic do cumen t fe eder) t o scan a who le pa ge. a Load yo ur doc um ent.
Scanning 35 3 f If n e cessary, a dj u st the fo l lo wing setti n gs i n the S can dialog box: Scanner (1) Profile (2 ) Source (3) Paper s ize (4) Color format (5 ) File t ype.
Scanning 36 3 Scanning a documen t using the TWAIN driver 3 A TWAI N com pl iant sca nner driv er is ava ila ble from t he CD-R OM at t ach ed to your mach ine . TWAI N dr iver s me et the stand ard univ ers al pr otoc ol f or c om mun icatin g betwe en scan ne rs a nd a ppl ication s.
Scanning 37 3 Note After yo u se lect a d ocument size, yo u can adju st the sca nning a rea furthe r by click ing th e left m ou se butto n an d drag gin g it. Th is is requ ire d whe n you w ant to crop an ima ge w hen scann ing. (See Pre-S can nin g to crop a po rtion yo u wan t to s can uu page 3 7.
Scanning 38 3 d Pre ss a nd h old down th e le ft mouse butt on and drag it over the port ion you wa nt to sca n. 1 Scanning a rea Note You c an enl arg e the imag e usi ng the ic on, and th en us e the ic on to re sto re th e i m a ge t o it s origin al size.
Scanning 39 3 Resol ution 3 You can ch oose a scannin g resolutio n f rom the Resolut ion dr op-down list . Higher resolutio n s take more memory and transfer time, but produce a fine r scanned ima g e. The foll owing table shows the resoluti o ns you can choose .
Scanning 40 3 Note Th e Co ntrast sett ing is o nly ava ilab le wh en Grey (Error Diffusion) or True Grey is ch osen. W hen s cann ing pho tog rap hs or o ther im age s for us e in a w ord pro cess or o r othe r gr aphic s app lica tion, t ry differen t sett ings fo r the contrast and resol u t ion to see wh ich setti ng best suits your needs.
Scanning 41 3 Note • You can s ee th e actu al pa per s ize you chos e on th e scre en. • Wi dt h : s hows t he w idt h of scan nin g ar ea. • Height : shows th e hei ght of sca nnin g area. • Data Size : sho ws the r ough data si ze in B itma p format.
42 4 4 Remote Setup 4 Th e R emo te S etu p pro gra m lets y ou conf igure ma ny mac hine se ttings fro m a W indow s ® app lica tion. W hen yo u start this ap plica tion, the se ttin gs on y our m ac hine w ill be do wnlo ad ed aut om aticall y to you r PC a nd displ ayed on your P C screen.
Rem ote Setu p 43 4 Pri nt Lets you print th e chosen items o n the machine. Y ou cannot pri n t the data u nti l it i s uploaded t o the machine. Cl ick Apply to upl oa d the n ew da ta to th e mac hine and th en cli ck Pr int . Export Lets you save the cu r re nt config u ra tion setti ngs to a f ile.
44 5 5 PC-FAX sending 5 Th e PC -FAX featur e le ts you use you r PC t o se nd a doc um ent fro m an a pp licatio n as a s tan dard f ax. All y ou hav e t o do is s et up t he re ceiv ing p ar ties a s mem ber s or gr oups in y our PC- FAX Ad dres s B ook or s imp ly en ter the destin ation addr ess or fax number i nto the user i nterface.
PC-FAX Send Software 45 5 d Enter a fax n u mber u sing any of the foll owing method s: Use th e dia l pad t o ent er the num ber . Click th e Address Book button , and then choose a memb er or gro u p fr om the Addr e ss Book. If yo u make a mistake, c lick All C l ear t o delete a l l t h e e ntries.
PC-FAX Send Software 46 5 c Click OK to save the Us e r Information . Note You can s et up the User Informa tion separately fo r each Windows ® acco unt. Se nd ing set up 5 From the PC- FAX Se tup d ia log box, click the Sending t ab to displ a y the scree n belo w.
PC-FAX Send Software 47 5 Set tin g up a co ver pa ge 5 From the PC-FAX se nding d ialog bo x, click th e icon to access t he P C-FAX Cover Page Setup screen .
PC-FAX Send Software 48 5 Address Book 5 If Outl o ok o r Outlook E xp re ss is in stalled on yo ur PC, you ca n ch oose in t h e S elect A dd res s Book dro p- down list wh ich address b ook to use fo r PC-FAX s ending.
PC-FAX Send Software 49 5 Addr ess B ook 5 a Click t he St ar t button , All Pr ograms , RFG , TY PE 1195L , PC-FAX Sending , t he n PC-FAX Addre ss Book . The Address Book dialog box appe ars: Se tti ng u p a m emb er in the Ad dres s B ook 5 In the Address Boo k dia log box you can a dd, ed it and delet e me mbe rs and group s.
PC-FAX Send Software 50 5 Se tti ng up a gr oup fo r br oad cas ting 5 You can cr eate a gro u p to send the sa me P C-FAX to sever a l r ecipie n ts at one ti me .
PC-FAX Send Software 51 5 Dele ting a me mber or gr oup 5 a Choose the member o r group you want to d el ete. b Click t he i con. c Wh en the confirm at ion dia log b ox ap pears , clic k OK . Ex po rtin g the A dd ress Bo ok 5 You can e xport the wh ol e Address Book to an ASCII te xt file ( *.
PC-FAX Send Software 52 5 d Click OK to save the data. e Enter the name of the file , and the n cli ck Save ..
PC-FAX Send Software 53 5 Im por ting to the Addr ess Boo k 5 You can i mport ASCII text files ( *.csv), vCa rds (electr onic busine ss cards) o r Remot e Se tup D ial D ata in to your Addre ss Book. Importing a n ASCII te xt file 5 a Do one of the fo ll owing: From the Address Book, click File , Impor t , t he n Text .
PC-FAX Send Software 54 5 e Enter the name of the file , and the n cli ck Ope n . Note If you chose Text fi le in step a , Files of type : w ill be Te xt files {*.
I ndex 55 A A A Admi nis trator ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .......16 , 19 B Brigh tness .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .... 39 C Contrast ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .
This machi ne i s approved for use in the coun try of purchas e only. H560-6021.
デバイスRicoh 1195Lの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh 1195Lをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh 1195Lの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh 1195Lの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh 1195Lで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh 1195Lを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh 1195Lの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh 1195Lに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh 1195Lデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。