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Setup Gui de Read this man ual carefully before you use this pro duct and keep i t handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Aficio AP3200 Setup Guide RICO H COMPAN Y, LTD. 15-5, Mi nami Aoyam a 1-chome, Minato- ku, Tokyo 107 -8544, Ja pan Phone: +8 1-(0)3- 3479-3111 Overse as Affili ates U.S.A. RICOH CO RPORAT ION 5 De drick Place West Ca ldwel l, New Jer sey 07 006 Phone: +1-9 73-88 2-200 0 The Netherlands RICOH EU ROPE B.
Introdu ction This manu al conta ins detai led instruct ions on t he oper ation an d maint enance of this machine. To get maximum v ersatil ity fro m this machine all operat ors sho uld car efully re ad and follow t he instr uctions in this manu al. Pleas e keep thi s manual in a handy place ne ar the machi ne.
Note to users in the Uni ted States of America Notice: This equipm ent has been t ested and found to comply wi th the limit s for a Class B digital dev ice, pur su- ant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Th ese limits are designe d to pro vide reaso nable pro tection aga inst harmful in terferenc e in a resident ial insta llation.
Introdu ction This manu al conta ins detai led instruct ions on t he oper ation an d maint enance of this machine. To get maximum v ersatil ity fro m this machine all operat ors sho uld car efully re ad and follow t he instr uctions in this manu al. Pleas e keep thi s manual in a handy place ne ar the machi ne.
Note to users in the Uni ted States of America Notice: This equipm ent has been t ested and found to comply wi th the limit s for a Class B digital dev ice, pur su- ant to Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Th ese limits are designe d to pro vide reaso nable pro tection aga inst harmful in terferenc e in a resident ial insta llation.
i Trademark s Microsof t ® , Windows ® , an d Windows NT ® are registered trademarks of Mi- crosoft Corpo ration in the United States and/or other countries. Adob e ® , PostScr ipt ® and Acr oba t ® and PageMaker ® are register ed trademarks of Adobe System Inco rporated.
ii Safety Information When using your equip ment, the following safety precaution s should always be followed. Safety Duri ng Operation In th is manu al, the f ollowing i mportan t symbo ls are us ed: R WARNING: Indicates a p otentially haza rdous situat ion which, if instruct ions are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
iii R WARNIN G: • Connect the power cord directly into a wall ou tlet and never use an ex- tension cord. • Confirm that the w all outlet is near the mac hine and freely accessi ble, so that i n event of a n emergency, i t can be u nplugged e asily.
iv R CAUT ION: • Protect the equipm ent from dampness or wet weather, such as rain, snow, and so on. • Unplug the power cord from t he wall outlet before you mo ve the equipment. While movi ng the equipment, you should take care that the power cord will not be da maged under t he equipment.
v ENER GY STA R Pr ogram ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Low-power mod e (Energy Saver mode) This p rinter a utoma tically l ower s its pow er consu mptio n 30 minute s afte r the last operation has been comple ted. To exit Lo w-power (Energy S aver) mode, press any key on the operation panel.
vi Manuals fo r This Pr inter There are five manu als that separately describe the procedures for the i nstalla- tion o f a prin ter and for the o perati on and mainten ance o f the pr inter a nd its o p- tional equipment.
vii How to Read This Manual Symb ols In th is manual, the following sym bols are used: R WARNING: This symbo l indicates a potentially h azardous situation wh ich, if instructions are not follow ed, c ould res ult in de ath o r se rious i njury .
viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Getting Star ted Prin ter Feat ures .. ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .... ...... .... 1 Printer Drivers for This Pri nter........ .... ....... ....... ....... .... ....
ix 3. Co nfiguri ng th e Prin ter for the N etwork Configuring the Printer for the N etwork with the Operation Panel..... 63 4. Instal ling the Pr inter Dri ver and Software Insta llatio n Method.......... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... ..... .
1 1. Getting Started Printe r Features This pr inter i s designe d espec ially f or offic e workgr oups. I t can be used in net- work environments and allows you to manage documents efficiently.
Getting Sta r ted 2 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Network Utility PRINTER MANAGER *5 , software consisting of ADMIN ISTRATOR and CLI- ENT ver sions, is provided . With this soft ware, m ultiple pr int device s can be utilize d effect ively to gether o n a networ k.
Printer Features 3 1 Printer Drivers for This Printer Printing requires i nstallation of a printer driver appro priate to the operating sys- tem. The following drive rs are included on the CD-ROM that comes with this printe r.
Getting Sta r ted 4 1 Software and Utilit ies Included on the CD- ROM ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Agfa Font Manager Helps you to install new fo nts, or organ ize and manage fonts already in- stalled on your system. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ PRINTER MANAGER FOR ADMINISTRATOR A utili ty for the system a dministrat or to m anage printer s on th e network .
Guid e to th e Prin ter 5 1 Guide to the P rinter Exterio r: Front View 1. Parallel Interface Port Plug the parallel c able into this port. 2. Network Interfac e Port Plug the network ca ble into this port. 3. Ventilator These holes help to keep comp onents in- side the printer fr om overheating.
Getting Sta r ted 6 1 Exter ior: Rear View 1. Right Cover Open this c over to replace the fusing unit or transfer roller, or to remove the misfed paper. 2. Lower Right Cover 1 Open th is cover to remove m isfed paper. 3. Lower Right Cover 2 Open th is cover to remove m isfed paper.
Guid e to th e Prin ter 7 1 Interior 1. Fusing Unit Whe n “ Repla ce Maint enance Kit ” ap- pears on the pa nel display , replace this unit. 2. Transfe r Unit Whe n “ Repla ce Maint enance Kit ” ap- pears on the pa nel display , replace this unit.
Getting Sta r ted 8 1 Oper ati on Panel 1. Panel D isplay Shows the current status of the printer and error m essages. For more inform a- tion about the messages, see “ Error & Sta- tus Message s on the Operation Panel ” in the Printer R eference included as a PDF file on th e CD-ROM.
Guid e to th e Prin ter 9 1 Keys 1. { { { { On Line } } } } key Press this key to swit ch the printer online or offline. When the printer is online, the printer can receive data from the comput- er. 2. { { { { Job Re set } } } } key When the printer is online, press this key to canc el any on going print j obs.
Getting Sta r ted 10 1 Guides The guides of the output tra y minimize curling of pri nted output . Use these guides when you print on A3 short-edge feed, 11" × 17" short-edge feed size pa- per, o r thin paper .
11 2. Setting Up the Printer Unpacking the Printer and Checking the Contents of t he Bo x R CAUTIO N: A Check the contents of the box ac- cording to the follow ing list. If any items are miss ing, please co n- tact you r sales or s ervice repres en- tative.
Setting Up th e Printer 12 2 D Remove the adhesive t ape. E Slide tray 1 out ( A A A A ), and release the side guide adhesive lever ( B B B B ), and then sl ide the side guide while p ressin g the rel ease lever ( C C C C ). F Remove the adhesive t ape.
Unpacking th e Printer and Checking the Contents of the Box 13 2 J Close the front c over. K Set th e paper sens or wit hin the output tray on the top of the print- er as shown in the illustration. L Put the tray number seal directl y below the pape r size display on the front of the paper tr ay.
Setting Up th e Printer 14 2 Where to Put the Pri nter A The printer's location should be carefull y chosen because environmental conditions greatly affect its performance. R WARNING: R CAUTIO N: • Confirm that the wall outl et is near the machine and freely acces- sible, so that in the event of an emergency, it can be easily un- plug ged.
Where to Put the P rinter 15 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Optimum Environmental Conditions Possible and recomm ended temper ature and humidit y ranges are as fol- lows: A: Possible range B: Reco mmended r ange The mac hine must be level w ithin 5 mm, 0 .2" bot h front to rear and left to right.
Setting Up th e Printer 16 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Space Required for Installation Leave enough space around the printer. This space is necessary to operate the pr inter. The recomme nded (or mini mum) space requi rements are as follows: A: more than 10 cm (4.
In stall ing O ption s 17 2 Installing Op tions R CAUTIO N: You can increase the functiona lity of the printer by a dding options. See "Op- tions" in the Printer Reference in cluded as a PDF file on the CD-ROM to c onfirm what kin d of options are avail able.
Setting Up th e Printer 18 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Option Installati on Ord er A Installing th e paper feed unit There are two types of paper f eed units: PS440 (1000-sheet paper feed unit) an d PS420 (2000-sheet pape r feed unit). Only one of them can be installe d at once .
In stall ing O ption s 19 2 Available Options The fol lowing op tions can be installe d on th e printe r. 1. Paper Fee d Units Place the p rinter on the pape r feed unit and fasten the screws that join th e printer and the pap er feed unit. There a re tw o types of pa per feed units that are de - scribed be low.
Setting Up th e Printer 20 2 Note ❒ If you want to install SR 720 (1000- sheet finish er), Br idge Un it Type 320 and PS420 or PS440 are requir ed. ❒ If you want to install SR72 0 (1000-sheet finisher), contact your sa les or service repre- sentative.
In stall ing O ption s 21 2 Installi ng PS440/PS420 (Pape r Feed Unit) R CAUTIO N: There are two types of paper feed unit s: PS440 (10 00-she et paper fe ed unit) and PS420 (20 00-sheet pa per feed unit). Only one o f them can be in- stalled at once. The installation of PS4 40 is descri bed belo w.
Setting Up th e Printer 22 2 C Remove t he adhesive ta pe and the pack ing m ater ials . Importa nt ❒ Do not re move the ad hesive tape holding t he cable and the paper feed unit yet.
In stall ing O ption s 23 2 E By holding the handles, align t he front fac e of the print er and the paper fee d unit, t hen place the printer on the paper feed unit. Importa nt ❒ The prin ter should be held by at least two peopl e. ❒ Do not pinc h the harness on the back of t he paper fe ed unit and the printer.
Setting Up th e Printer 24 2 L Push the cable of the connect ed harness into the groove for the ca- ble. M Attach cover 1 ( A A A A ) and secure cov- er 1 to the printer fastening the scre w ( B B B B ). Note ❒ Ma ke sur e t he c ore o f t he scr ew is pulled out slig htly before in- serting it.
In stall ing O ption s 25 2 Installing Interchange Unit Type 280 A Confirm that the box contai ns the following item. • Insta llation Guid e B Turn o ff the printer , and rem ove all cables and cords f rom the printer. C Remove t he adhesive ta pe and the pack ing m ater ials .
Setting Up th e Printer 26 2 H Put y our finger s in side the upper cover of t he printer and remove the cover by pulling upward. Note ❒ The uppe r cove r of the printer is no longer required. I Remove th e interchange un it cov- er from the interchange unit.
In stall ing O ption s 27 2 N Close the right cover by pushing the area as sh own in the illu stra- tion. O If the mailbox is not install ed, at- tach the interch ange unit cover that was re moved in st ep I I I I . Attach the side of the cover facing the front of the printer first ( A A A A ) and then the other side of the cover ( B B B B ).
Setting Up th e Printer 28 2 B Turn o ff the printer , and rem ove all cables and cords f rom the printer. C Remove t he adhesive ta pe and the pack ing m ater ials . D Remove the two small covers from the top ri ght side o f the printer. Note ❒ The removed small covers are no longer required.
In stall ing O ption s 29 2 G Moun t the brackets of the hold er by placing them in the printer and pushing downwards slightly. H Use the wr ench to fast en the fou r socket screws in the order as shown in the illustration ( A A A A - D D D D ), to secure the holder to the printer.
Setting Up th e Printer 30 2 L Hang the su pport bar in the du- plex unit on to the ho ok that was attached in step J J J J ( A A A A ) and se cure the ba r by attach ing the h ook holder to the joint ( B B B B ). M Close the duplex unit. Note ❒ If the duplex unit is not closed completely, the holder was not insta lled pr operly in step H .
In stall ing O ption s 31 2 Installi ng Bypass Tray Type 270 Prep arat ion The installation procedure for in- stalling th e bypass tray when the duplex u nit is not yet in stalled is descri bed below. If the duplex unit is alrea dy in- stalled, remove the holder cover.
Setting Up th e Printer 32 2 D Use a coin to remove the two screws of the right side of the printer. Note ❒ The two rem oved screws a re no longer re quired. E Remove the two socket screws holding the cover on the right side of the printer using the in- clude d wrench, an d remove the cover.
In stall ing O ption s 33 2 H If the duplex unit is not insta lled, skip this step and go to step I I I I . If the duplex unit is installed, the plastic edges on each side of the unit must be removed. T he edge s are held in place by four small posts.
Setting Up th e Printer 34 2 Installing Bridge Unit Type 320 Note ❒ If the mailbo x is already ins talled, remove the fou r mailbox t rays from the mail box.
In stall ing O ption s 35 2 F Use a coin to remove the screw from the front right cover, and then remove the front right cover. Note ❒ The front right cover has a clear film to pr event the rem oved screw falling in the printer. Do not remove the screw from the film.
Setting Up th e Printer 36 2 L Close the right cover by pushing the area as sh own in the illu stra- tion. M If the duplex unit is already in- stalled, c lose the unit. N Remove the adhesive tape holding the bridge unit and cable and packing material, and attach the connector to the socket on th e right top side of the back of the printer.
In stall ing O ption s 37 2 C Remove the adhesive t ape. Importa nt ❒ Do not re move the ad hesive tape holding the finisher and ca- ble un til the connect or is at- tached i n step J . D Insert th e output guide bet ween the printer a nd the bridge u nit.
Setting Up th e Printer 38 2 H Insert the fin isher tray into the hol e of the f inis her ( A A A A ). I Attach the two stoppers to the lower of the finisher output tray to lock the tray. J Re mov e th e adh es ive tap e ho ld- ing the finisher and cable a nd packing material, and attach the connect or to the sock et on the bridge unit.
In stall ing O ption s 39 2 B Turn o ff the printer , and rem ove all cables and cords f rom the printer. C Remove the adhesive t ape. D If the duplex unit is already in- stalled, open the duplex unit by lifting the c atch. E Open the right cover by lifti ng the catch .
Setting Up th e Printer 40 2 I Close the right cover by pushing the area as sh own in the illu stra- tion. J If the duplex unit is already in- stalled, c lose the unit. K Slide the four mailbox trays int o the l ower side o f the ma ilbox first. Note ❒ After inst alling al l options, print a configuration page to confirm the installation.
In stall ing O ption s 41 2 D Tilt the memory unit so that it is thirt y degrees perpen dicula r to the slot ( A A A A ), and push it forward ( B B B B ). It s hould click in to place. Note ❒ I f t h e h a r d d i s k i s a l r e a d y i n - stalled, remove the hard disk first.
Setting Up th e Printer 42 2 D Use a coin to remove the two screws, and remove the cover. Note ❒ The remo ved screws are re- quired in st ep F . ❒ The remo ved cover is no longer requ ired .
Install ing the Toner Bot tle 43 2 Installing t he Toner Bott le R WARNING: R CAUTIO N: A Open the front c over. B Lift the g reen h andle . C While pus hing the green l ever ( A A A A ), hold the handle and slide the toner holder out slightly ( B B B B ).
Setting Up th e Printer 44 2 D Release the green lever an d slide the toner holder out until it stops gently. Importa nt ❒ If you continue to pu sh the green lever to slide the toner holder, t he toner hol der might drop.
Loading Pape r 45 2 Loading Paper This se ction desc ribe s the type, size, feed direction, and maximum amou nt of pap er that ca n be lo aded into each pap er tray in this print er.
Setting Up th e Printer 46 2 D Align all four sides of the paper stack, and load it into the tray. Importa nt ❒ Do not stack paper over the lim- it m ark. ❒ When you set thick p aper in tray 2, do not stack paper a bove the lower limit m ark ( A ) of tray 2.
Loading Pape r 47 2 H Adjus t the paper size dial to match the size a nd feed direction of paper in the pape r tray. Importa nt ❒ Confirm th at the setti ng of the paper size dial matches the pa- per size an d feed direc tion of the paper in the tray.
Setting Up th e Printer 48 2 Loading Paper in PS420 (Paper Feed Unit ) Note ❒ You can load A4 long-edge feed (Metri c version) or 8 1 / 2 " × 11" long-edge feed (Inc h version) size into PS420.
Loading Pape r 49 2 Loading Paper in Bypa ss Tray Type 270 Note ❒ Paper sizes supported by th e by- pass tr ay are in the appro ximate range of 90 - 297 mm (3.54" - 11. 69") in width, and 148 - 432 mm (5.83" - 17.00") i n length .
Setting Up th e Printer 50 2 D Push dow n the paper gu ide lever. Note ❒ If the pap er guide leve r is not pushed down, paper misfee ds might occur. E Turn on the printer. Referen ce For more inform ation about turnin g on the prin ter, see P.52 “ Connecting the Powe r Cord ” .
Loading Pape r 51 2 G Press { { { { Ente r # } } } } . The c urr ently s elec ted pa per size appea rs on the panel dis- play . Standard Si ze: *1 1 x 8 1/2 Note ❒ An asterisk ( “ * ” ) prefix es the currently selected item . H Press { { { {T T T T} } } } or { { { {U U U U} } } } to select t he stand ard s ize.
Setting Up th e Printer 52 2 Connecting the Power Cord R CAUTIO N: A Turn off the printer. B Insert the p lug of the p ower cord securely into the printer. C Insert the p lug of the p ower cord securely into the wall outlet. Importa nt ❒ Make sure that t he printer is turned off before you inser t or pull the plug of the po wer co rd.
Selecti ng the Panel Displ ay Language 53 2 Select ing the P anel Disp lay Language Messages on the panel display are shown in E nglish by default. You can change the language to Ger man, French, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Nor- wegia n, D anish, Spani sh, F innish, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, or Hun- garian by follo wing the steps belo w.
Setting Up th e Printer 54 2 Printing a Configuration Page You c an con firm the cu rrent confi gu- ration of the printer b y printin g a con- figuration p age. Referenc e For more inf ormation abou t the items on the configuration page, see P.55 “ Interpreting a Configura- tion Page ” .
Inter preting a Conf iguratio n Page 55 2 Interpreting a Configuration Page Reference ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Printer ID Shows th e serial number of the print er. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Firmware V ersion Shows the ver sion number of the printer firmware. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Pages Printed Shows th e tot al numbe r of page s prin ted.
Setting Up th e Printer 56 2 Job Control Shows the s ettings made under the “ Job Control ” menu. Referenc e For mo re inf ormati on abou t the “ Job Control ” menu, see “ Job Control Menu ” in the Printer Reference included as a PDF file on the CD-ROM.
Connectin g the Pr inter 57 2 Connect ing the Printe r Requirements General Before using this printer, c onfirm that all t he environmental and electrical re- quirements h ave been met . Connect the p rinter to the host comp uter using th e parallel port, 10BASE- T/100BASE-TX port, or both .
Setting Up th e Printer 58 2 Referenc e For more information about confi guring the Networ k Interface B oard, see the Operating Instructions for the Network Interface Boar d included as a PDF file on the CD-RO M.
Connectin g the Pr inter 59 2 D Attach the ferrite core to the loops. A: 10 cm (4 in ch) E Attach the network cable to the 10 BASE-T/100BASE-TX port of the print er. Referen ce See P.5 “ Ext erior: Front View ” to con firm the position of the 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-T X port.
Setting Up th e Printer 60 2 Buttons and Indicators on the Network Interface Boar d 1. Indicator (gr een) Stays on while the printer is in a network environment. 2. Indicator (gr een) Stays on while 100BASE-T X is worki ng. Stays off while 10BASE-T is work ing.
Connectin g the Pr inter 61 2 Connecting the Pr inter to the Host Using a Parallel Cable Follow thes e steps to connec t the printer to th e host compu ter using a parallel cable compliant with IEEE 1284. A Confirm that you have the correct cable. B Confirm that both the printer an d the host comput er are turned off .
Setting Up th e Printer 62 2.
63 3. Configuring the Printer for the Network Configuring the P rinter for the Network with the Operation Panel Referenc e This pr inter co ntains a Netw ork Interface Board as a standard.
Configuri ng the Printer for the Netwo rk 64 3 D Referring to the following table, select the menu item appropriate to the network. • ' mean s that this prot ocol is ac- tive.
Configuri ng the Printer for the Netwo rk with the Operat ion Panel 65 3 B Press { { { { Ente r # } } } } . Byte 1 of t he IP address ap pears on the panel display. IP Addres s: Byte 1= 11 C Use { { { {U U U U} } } } or { { { {T T T T} } } } to e dit th e v al- ue.
Configuri ng the Printer for the Netwo rk 66 3 I If you use NetWare, selec t the NetWare frame type . Select on e of the item s below if necessary. • Auto Sele ct (Default) • Ethernet 802.3 • Ethernet 802.2 • Ethern et II • Ethern et SNAP Note ❒ In most situations, use the de- fault set ting ( “ Auto Sele ct ” ).
Configuri ng the Printer for the Netwo rk with the Operat ion Panel 67 3 - - - - Address ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Subnet Mask A number used to mathematically "mask" or hide an IP A ddress on the netwo rk by eliminating tho se parts of the address th at are alike for all the prin ters on the network.
Configuri ng the Printer for the Netwo rk 68 3.
69 4. Installing the Printer Driver and S oftw are This manual assumes that yo u are familiar with gener al Windows procedur es and practices. If you are not, see the doc umentation that comes with Windows for detail s. Instal lation Metho d The following table shows how to install the printer drivers and software.
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 70 4 Note ❒ If the "plug and play" function is st arted, click [ Cancel ] in the [ Ne w Hardwar e Found ] , [ D evice Drive r Wizard ] or [ Found New Ha rdware Wiza rd ] dialog box , and then in sert the CD-R OM.
Install ing by Auto Run 71 4 Installing by Auto Run You can install the PCL printer driver and soft ware, and set them up easily by using Auto Run. Follow these steps to i nstall the PCL printe r driver and softw are on W indows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 72 4 Installing t he PCL 6/5e P rinter Driver Windows 95/98/Me - Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver Installing the printer driver Install the driver in accordanc e with the steps explained.
Instal ling the PCL 6/5e Pr inter Dri ver 73 4 A Click [ Start ] on the tas kbar, point to [ Settin gs ] , and th en cl ick [ Print ers ] . The [ Print ers ] window appears. B Click the icon of the printer you want to use. On the [ File ] menu, c lick [ Properties ] .
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 74 4 Installing t he PostScri pt Printer Dri ver Windows 95/98/Me - Inst alling the Post Script Prin ter Drive r Important ❒ Be sure to install the PPD file for Windows 95/98/Me. Do not accidentally in- stall the PPD file for Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.
Install ing the Post Script Prin ter Drive r 75 4 M From the [ Available ports : ] box, sele ct the prin ter port, and th en click [ Next ] . N Change the name of the printer if you want, and then click [ Next ] . O In the next dialog box asking if you want to print a test page, select [ No ] and then click [ Finish ] .
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 76 4 Windows 2000 - In stalling t he PostScript Printer Driver Limitatio n ❒ Installi ng a pr inter dri ver requir es Manage Printers permission . Members of the Administrators, and Powe r Users groups have Manage Pr inters permis- sion by default.
Install ing the Post Script Prin ter Drive r 77 4 K In the box, double-clic k [ DRIVERS ] , [ PS ] and [ WIN2000 ] . Then do uble-cli ck the folder of the ap propriate language for the oper ating system, and dou- ble-click [ DIS K1 ] . Finally, click [ Open ] .
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 78 4 B Click the icon of the printer you want to use . On the [ File ] menu, click [ Prop- ert ies ] . C Click the [ Device Se ttings ] tab. D From the [ Installable O ptions ] list, select the options you have installed.
Install ing the Post Script Prin ter Drive r 79 4 H Change the drive name in the list box to the name of the CD-ROM drive, and then click [ Browse ] . I In the box, double-click [ DRIVERS ] , [ PS ] an d [ NT4 ] . Th en double- click the folder of the appropriate lan guage for the operating system, an d double- click [ DISK1 ] .
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 80 4 C Click the [ Device Se ttings ] tab. D Select any options you have installed from [ Installable Opti ons ] group.
Using Adobe PageMaker Versi on 6.0 or 6.5 81 4 Using Adobe Pa geMaker Version 6.0 or 6.5 If you use the printer under W indows 95/98/Me/Windows 2000/Windows NT 4.0 with Adobe PageMaker, you ne ed to copy the PPD fi le to the PageMaker folder. The PPD f ile is th e file wi th exte nsion ".
Install ing the Print er Driver and Sof tware 82 4 Macintosh Macintosh - Installing the PostScript Printer Driver I t i s n e c e s s a r y t o i n s t a l l a p r i n t e r d r i v e r a n d a P P D f i l e t o p r i n t f r o m a M a c i n t o s h .
Macinto sh 83 4 Setting Up the PPD File Prep arat ion Conf irm that the pri nter is co nnecte d to an A ppleT alk net work befo re pe r- forming the following proced ure.
84 INDEX A Access Control Address , 63 , 67 Access C ontrol Mask , 63 , 67 ActiveProt ocols , 63 AD380 , 27 Agfa Font M anage r , 4 Auto Run , 71 B Bridge Unit Type 320 , 34 Bypass Tray Type 270 , 31 .
85 P Pag eMake r 6. 0 or 6.5 , 81 Pag es Pri nted , 55 panel di splay , 8 pape r fee d un it , 5 paper tra y , 5 paralle l cable , 58 , 61 paralle l interface port , 5 PCL 5e , 3 Windo ws 2000, ins tall , 72 Windows 95/98/Me, i nstall , 72 Windo ws NT 4.
86 UE US A G06 2.
デバイスRicoh AP3200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh AP3200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh AP3200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh AP3200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh AP3200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh AP3200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh AP3200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh AP3200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh AP3200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。