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RICOH Americas Corp oration Con tent ID# rfg03090 1 Ver.1.9 Page 1 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Product Sup port G uide D014 / D015 Introducti on Model T ype Color M FP Launch.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 2 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Order N umber Main Frame Item Model Name EDP Code Lanier ID Notes Cop ier Lan ier LD260c Ricoh.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 3 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Item Des cription EDP Code Lanier ID Product Code Common / Unique Holder 1 bin Tray Cop y Tray.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 4 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Item Des cription EDP Code Lanier ID Product Code Common / Unique BK501 0 Staples Staples 411 .
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 5 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Supplies/ Yields Name /Desc ription Ricoh Product Code Savin Product Code Lanier Product Code .
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 6 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Paper Recommended Plain Paper Not a v ai lable at this time Recommended Special Pape r Special.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 7 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Option C ompatibilit y Hardware Op tions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 11”x.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 8 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j ect to chan ge wit hout notice Branding I nformatio n Brand ing i s required as the machines are s hipped as a gen eric version. Ricoh ve rsion mac hines: You m us t attach the mode l lab el (provided) to the f ront co v er.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 9 o f 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice MFP Opti ons MFP Opti on Board Sl ot / SD C ard As signme nts H ar dw a re Op t io n C on tr o ller O pt io n P un c h U n it fo r SR 50 00 N A 2 / 3 P ri nt er /S ca nn er U n it (In c.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 10 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice # Slo t Optio n Name 1 A Cop y Conne ctor (B328) on ly 2 B • IEEE128 4 (B679 ) • F il e Format Con v erter (D37 7) • IEEE802.11 a/g (D377 ) • Bluetooth ( B826) 3 C Gigab it Ethe rnet (D377 ).
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 11 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice # Sl ot Option Name 1 B B826 Bluetooth 2 B D377 File For m at Con v erter 3 B B679 IEEE1284 4 B D377 IEEE802.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 12 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Main Frame C om parison Feature B13 2/B200 D01 4/D015 Cop y / Pr int S peed 45/60 and 55/60 5 5/60 and 70/75 War m-up T ime 30 0 se conds 75 se conds FCOT 6.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 13 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Installatio n Installatio n Requirem ents Tempera ture Rang e: 10 ° C to 32 ° C (50 ° F to 89 .
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 14 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Space R equiremen ts 480mm (1 8.9’’) 160 mm (6 .3") L e f t 110 mm (4 .3") Right 750 mm (2 9.5") Fron t 613mm (2 4.1”) 850mm (3 3.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 15 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Power Co nsumptio n / Noise Emissio n Power Consumption Mode Power Cons umption Auto Off T i.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 16 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Storage/Tra nspor tation Conditio ns for St orage & Tra n s p ortati on T em perature Hu.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 17 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Part Nu m b er Descript i on Q ’ty / Unit P M Interva l (cop ies) Unique or Co mm on Photo.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 18 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice PM P arts / Yields cont Options Auto Reverse Document Feeder Unique / Co mmon U: Un i que fo.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 19 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Specifica tions / D ocument ation Configura tion Console Rema rks Dimens i on W x D x H 7 50.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 20 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Configura tion Console Rema rks Max Cap acity 7,400 Sheets W ith 4,00 0 sh eet LCT Option Or.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 21 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Printer S pecificati ons Printer CPU Intel Pent i u m -M 1.4GHz RAM Standa rd 1,536MB HDD Stan dard 320GB (160 G B x 2) Standa rd RPCS, PCL5c, PCL 6 PDL Option PS3 Print Res oluti on Max.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 22 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Copier En hance d Features Remar ks Auto Image De ns it y Image De ns it y Ma nual Se lectio.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 23 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Copier En hance d Features Remar ks 2 nd & 3 rd Tray Plain Pape r* Recycle Pape r Specia.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 24 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Scan-to-Ema il Req uirem ent SMT P Gatew ay and TCP/IP Authen ti ca t ion SMTP , POP be f ore SM TP Res oluti on Default: 200 dpi 100 , 150, 200, 300, 400 , 600dp i Res i ste r E-m a il Addres s in HDD Max.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 25 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Scan-to-F older Protocol Support SMB, FTP, NCP Security Client f older log-in -Log- i n na m.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 26 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Fax Speci fications Re m ark s Circuit: PSTN, PBX Compat ibility: ITU-T (CCI T T) G 3, Ad ditional G3 (opt i on), Res oluti on 8 x 3.85 line/mm, 200 x 100 dpi (std.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 27 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice T ransmission F eatures Immedia te trans m iss ion: Standard Memory tra nsmi s sion: Stand ard Serial broa dcas t ing Standa rd (Ma x.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 28 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice In t ernet F ax Basic Specifications Req uirem ent o f Mainfra m e : G3 fax op tion is requ i red .
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 29 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice MFP Supp orted E nvironm ents Window s Env iron ments OS Ty pe PCL5 e PCL6 RP CS Po stScript 3 Wind ows 9x /Me - Y Y Y Y Wor kSta tion 4.0 Y*1 Y*1 Y*1a Y*1 Wind ows N T Se rver 4.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 30 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Point & Prin t Windo ws OS Drive VIST A Yes Ye s Ye s*1 XP Ye s Ye s Ye s W2K P ro Yes Ye s Ye s NT 4.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 31 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice 1. W indows Termin al Servic e (RDP pr oto c ol) 2. Met aFrame X P 1.0 SP 4/FR3 (ICA pr oto c ol) 3. Met aFrame Pr e s en tationSer ver3.0 4.Citrix Pr e s en tationS erver4.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 32 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice SAP / R3 Environment (De vice Type / Ba rcode & OCR Package) R/3 ve rsion 3.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 33 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice PostScr i pt 3 Funct i on PCL 5c/ 6 RPCS Windows 9x / Me Windo ws NT4 Windo ws 2000 / XP Windo ws Vista Mac OS 8.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 34 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Counters Us er T ools Coun ter Print Cou nter Li s t S tar t Us er T ool.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 35 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Non Recomm en ded Throu ghput Ma terial To pre v ent faul ts, do not us e any of the f ollow.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 36 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice SD Card Firmware F ile Stru cture Contact In formatio n Name Con tact Technica l Services Ca.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 37 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice MFP Up date Certifie d Ser vice Perso nnel CBT/WB T Self-Pace U p date –De signe d sp ecifically f o r the B132 /B200 cer tified ser v ice profess ionals.
Product Sup port G uide D014 / D 015 Ver.1.9 Page 38 of 38 1/16/2009 Sub j e ct to ch a nge without no tice Revisio ns 1.0 Original 1.2 Ad ded no te on Page s 5 an d 16 abo ut de v elope r yields 1.3 C hang e Order number for Option on p. 3 an d 4. 1.
デバイスRicoh D014の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Ricoh D014をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRicoh D014の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Ricoh D014の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Ricoh D014で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Ricoh D014を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRicoh D014の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Ricoh D014に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRicoh D014デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。