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AX1 50 0 Dual Chann el Digital Motor Contr oller User ’ s Manual v1 .9b, Jun e 1, 2007 visit www .ro boteq. com to d ownload th e latest revision o f this man ual ©Cop yright 2003-2007 R obote q, Inc.
2 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User’ s M anual V ersio n 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manu al 3 Revision History The inf ormation contained in this man ual is beli ev ed to be accura te and reli able.
4 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 5 Re vision Hi story 3 SECTION 1 Impo rt ant S af et y W arn ings 13 This produc t is inte nded for use with rec harge able ba t terie s 13 A void Sho rts w.
6 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 SECTION 5 Genera l Operat ion 39 Ba sic Oper ation 39 Inpu t Com mand Modes 39 Selec ting the Moto r Control Mo des 40 Open .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 7 Recommended Encode r T ypes 68 Installi ng th e Encod er Modu le 69 Conne cting the Encode r 70 Cable Lengt h and Nois e Consider ations 71 Motor - Enco d.
8 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Adjust Offset and M ax Spe ed 96 Contro l Loop Descr iption 96 PID tuning in S peed Mode 97 SECTION 10 Normal and Fault Cond.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 9 Conne ctor I/O Pi n Assignment (RS 232 Mode) 122 Cable c onfigurat ion 123 Extendi ng the RS232 Ca ble 123 Commu nica tion S et tings 124 Est ablishing Ma.
10 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Contro ller Ident ificat ion Register 144 Current Amp s Limit Register s 14 4 RS232 Encoder Comma nd Set 145 Read Encoder C.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 11 Logging Dat a to Dis k 17 3 Conne cting a Joystic k 174 Using t he Console 174 Vie wing and Logging Da ta i n Analog and R/C Modes 176 Loading and S avin.
12 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 SECTION 1 Impor tant S afety W arnings Read this Section First The AX1500 is a high po wer electr onics device. Ser ious damag e, includi ng fire, may occur t o the uni t, motors, wir ing and bat t er ies as a r esult of its mis use.
Imp ortant S afety Wa rnings 14 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 SECTION 2 AX1 50 0 Quic k Star t Thi s sectio n will g ive you t he basic inf ormation needed to quic kly install, s et up and r un you r AX1 500 controller i n a minim al configura tion.
AX1 50 0 Qu ic k Start 16 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The front side (s how n in Figure 1) contains the P ow er/St at us LED and the 1 5-pin conn ector to the R/C ra dio, jo ystic k or microcomputer , as w ell as con nections to o ptional swi tc hes and senso rs.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 Connecting to the Bat teries and Moto r s Connecting to the Bat teries and Motors Connecti on to the ba t teries and m otors is sho wn in the figure bel ow a nd is done by c on- necting wires to the c ontroller ’ s terminal strip.
AX1 50 0 Qu ic k Start 18 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt W arning Do not r ely on cuttin g pow er to the contr oller f or it to tur n of f if the P ower Co ntr ol is lef t floating.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 19 Connecting the R/C Radio Connecting t he R/C Radio Connect the R/C adapter cable s to the controll er on one side and to two or thre e c hannels on the R/C r eceiv er on the other side . If present , the third c hannel is f or activ ating the access or y ou tputs a nd is op tion al.
AX1 50 0 Qu ic k Start 20 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 P ow ering On the Cont ro ller Impor tant r eminder: T here is no On-Of f switc h on the controlle r .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 21 Connecting the contr oller to your PC using Roborun Connecti ng the contr oller to y o ur PC us ing Roboru n Connecti ng the con troller to y our PC is not nec essary for ba sic R/C op eration.
AX1 50 0 Qu ic k Start 22 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The intuitive G raphica l Use r Inter face will l et you view an d c hange any of the c ontrol ler ’ s paramet ers.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 23 SECTION 3 AX1 50 0 Motor Contr oller Ov er vie w Congrat ulations! B y selecting R oboteq ’ s A X1 5 00 you have empowered your self with the industry ’ s most v ersatile , and prog rammable DC Motor Controller f or mobile robots.
AX1 50 0 Moto r Con tr olle r Ov er vie w 24 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The motors ar e driv en using high-ef ficienc y P ow er MOSFE T transi stors con trolled us ing Pulse W idt h Modul ation (PWM) at 1 6kHz.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 25 T ec hnical features • User defi ned purpos e (R S232 mod e only) • 2 Extra an alog inp uts. Used as: • P otentiomete r input for po sition wh ile .
AX1 50 0 Moto r Con tr olle r Ov er vie w 26 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 • 20A e xtended • High cur rent op eration ma y b e ext ended wit h forc ed c.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 27 P o wer Connections SECTION 4 Connecting P o w er and Motor s to the Contr oller Thi s section des cribes the AX1 50 0 Controller ’ s co nnections to po wer s ources a nd motors. Importa nt W arning Please f ollow the instr uction s in this sectio n very car efully .
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 28 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Co ntro ll er P ower The AX1 50 0 uses a flexible pow er supply sc heme that is best des cribed in Fi gure 8.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 29 Controller P ower When po wered on ly via the P ow er Control input, the con troller w ill t urn On but motors will not be a ble to t urn until po wer is als o present on th e VMot termi nals. The P ower Cont rol in put also ser ves as th e Enab le signa l for the DC/ DC converter .
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 30 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 All 3 grou nd (-) are connecte d to eac h other ins ide the con troller . The tw o main ba t ter y wires a re also con nected to eac h other inte rnally .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 31 Controller P owe ring Sc hemes The re is no n eed to inser t a separate switc h on P owe r cables, although f or saf ety reasons, it is highly recommend .
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 32 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt W arning Unless y ou can ensur e a st eady 12V to 4 0V volta ge i.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 33 Single Channel O peration If yo u ar e using this type of mot or , mak e sur e that it is mounte d on isolat ors and that its casi ng will not caus e a shor t cir cuit with other mot ors and cir cuits whic h ma y also be i nadv ert ently connect ed t o the sam e metal ch assis.
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 34 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 It will be saf e to wire in p arallel the c ontroller ’ s outputs onl y af ter you h av e ve rified that both outp uts react ide ntically to c hannel 1 comm ands.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 35 Electrical Noise Reduc tion T echn iques be ampli fied be yond the con troller ’ s capability to corre ct them.
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 36 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Please dow nload the Applicati on Note “ Understandi ng Regen eration ” from the www .roboteq .com f or an in-dep th disc ussion of this co mple x but important topic.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 37 Using the Controlle r with a P ow er Supply • Use a p ow er sup ply that wil l not suf f er dama ge in ca se a v olt age i s applie d at its output that is higher tha n the transformer ’ s own output v oltage.
Connecting P ower and Motors to the Controller 38 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 39 Basic Operat ion SECTION 5 General Operation Thi s sectio n discusses the co ntroller ’ s normal op eration in all i ts suppor ted operating mode s.
General O peration 40 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Selecting the Moto r Control Modes F or eac h motor , the AX1 500 supports mu ltiple mo tion control m odes. T he con troller ’ s fac- tory def ault mode is O pen L oop Speed control f or eac h motor .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 41 Selecting the Motor Contr ol Modes Closed Loop Speed Contr ol In this mode, illu strated in Figure 1 6, an anal og tac hometer or a n optical encoder is us ed to measure the act ual moto r speed.
General O peration 42 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 User Selected Current Limit Set tings The AX1 50 0 has cu rrent sen sors at e ac h of its t wo outpu t st ages. Ever y 1 6 m s, this cu rrent is mea sured and a correcti on to the o utput po we r lev el is applied if higher than the us er preset v alue.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 43 Battery Cu rren t vs . Mot or Cur ren t The numb ers i n the tab le ar e the ma x Amp s allowed by the c ontr oller at a gi ven temp era- t ure poin t.
General O peration 44 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The relation between B at ter y Cur rent and Motor cur rent is gi ven in the f ormula b elow: Motor Cu r.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 45 Pr ogrammable Accel eration P rogrammable A cceleration When c hanging speed co mmand, th e AX1 500 will go from th e present s peed to th e desir ed one at a user s elect ab le accel erati on.
General O peration 46 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt W arning Depending on the load ’ s w eight and ine rtia , a quic k acceler ation can cause consider- able cur r ent sur ge s from the bat te r ies int o the mot or .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 47 Lef t / Right T uning Adjustment The AX1500 i s deliver ed wit h the “ linear ” curves selected fo r both jo ystic k c hannels . T o select di f f erent cur ve s, the user wil l need to c hange the v alues of “ E ” (c hann el 1) an d “ F ” (c hannel 2) ac cording to the table belo w .
General O peration 48 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 is f ound on a ll R/C trans mit ters, and w hic h is act ually an of fset cor rection, th e Lef t/Right .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 49 Activ ating Brake Release or Separate Motor Ex cita tion Activ ating Br ak e Releas e or Separate Moto r Ex cit ation The controlle r may b e configu red so tha t the Outpu t C will t urn On whene ver o ne of the two moto rs is r unning.
General O peration 50 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Special Use of Accessory Digital Inputs The AX1 500 includes t w o genera l purpose digital input s identifi ed as Inp ut E and In put F . When an Encoder Mo dule is i nstalled, input E is disa bled.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 51 AX1 50 0 Connections SECTION 6 Connecting S e nsor s and A ctuator s to Input/Outputs Thi s sectio n descri bes the v arious inputs and ou tputs and prov ides gui dance on how to conne ct senso rs, ac tuators or o ther ac cessor ies to t hem.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 52 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 AX1 50 0 ’ s Inputs and Ou tputs In addi tion to t he RS2 32 and R/C c hannel commun ication l ines, the AX1 50 0 in cludes s ev- eral inputs and o utputs for v arious sensors and act uators.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 53 AX1 50 0 ’ s Inputs and Outputs When the controller operates i n modes that do not use the se I/O , these s ignals b ecome av ailable f or use r applicat ion. Belo w is a summary of the av ailable sign als an d the mode s in whic h the y are used b y the controller or av ailable to the use r .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 54 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 I/O List an d Pin Assi gnment The figure and table b elow lists all the i nputs and o utputs that a re av ailable on the AX1 500.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 55 Connecting devic es to Output C **T hese con nections should only be d one in R S232 mo de or R/C m ode with rad io po w- ered from the con troller . Connecti ng devi ces to Output C Output C is a buf f ered, Open Drain MOSFE T output capable of drivin g ov er 2A at up to 24V .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 56 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt w arning: Ov ervoltag e spik es induce d by s witch ing inductiv e loads, s uch a s solenoid s or r ela ys, will destr oy the tr ansis tor unles s a pr ot ection diode is used.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 57 Connecting S witc hes or De vices to EStop/In vert Input The status of Input F ca n be read in the RS 232 mode with the ?i comma nd string. The co n- troller w ill resp ond with three sets o f 2 dig it numbers .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 58 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The stat us of the ES top/In v can be read at all times in the R S232 mod e with the ?i com- mand s tring. The con troller wil l respond w ith three se ts of 2 dig it numbers.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 59 Connecting T ac hometer to Analog Inputs Connecti ng the pote ntiomet er to the co ntroller is as simple as sho wn in the diagr am on Figur e 28. The potentiom eter must be at tac hed to the motor fra me so th at its body does no t mov e in relation ship wit h the motor .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 60 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Since th e controll er only acc epts a 0 to 5V positiv e voltage as it.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 61 Connecting External Thermistor to Analog Inputs Connecti ng External Thermi stor to An alog Input s Using e xternal thermist ors, the AX1 50 0 can be made to su pervise the motor ’ s tempera- t ure and adjust the pow er ou tput in case of ov erheating.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 62 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 T o read the tem pera ture, us e the ?p command to ha ve t he controller return the A/D con- ve rter ’ s value. T he value is a si gned 8-bi t hex adecima l valu e.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 63 Connecting User De vices to Analog Inputs Meas ur ed volts = ((contr oller r e ading + 128) * 0 .255) -5 Note: The A/D con ver ter ’ s reading is retu rned b y the ?p comma nd and is a signe d 8-bit hex adecim al v alue.
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 64 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The se sensors are used to automatic ally reduce the maximum Amps that the controlle r can de live r as it o verheats.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 65 Internal Heats ink T emperature S ensors else { LoTemp =i*5-4 0 ; HiTemp = LoTemp + 5; lobound = TempTable[i]; hibound = TempTable[i+1]; temp = LoTemp + .
Connecting S ensor s and A ctuators to Input/Outputs 66 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 67 Optical Increm ental Encoders Overview SECTION 7 Installing, Connecting and Using the Encoder Module Thi s sectio n descri bes the En coder input mo dule t hat ma y be added to the AX1 500.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 68 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The figure bel ow s how s the typical co nstr uction of a quadra ture e ncoder . As the disk rotates in front o f the stationary mask, it shut ters light from the LED .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 69 Installing the Encoder Module Specifi cally , the encod er module can proc ess 250, 00 0 coun ts per sec onds. A s discu ssed in the pre vious secti on, a cou nt is generate d for e ac h transition o n the Channel A and Channel B .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 70 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 2- Car efully insert the encod er module on top of the two hea ders present o n the contro l- ler ’ s main board and sho wn in Fi gure 38.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 71 Cable Length and Noise Considerations Cable Length and Noise Considerations Cable shou ld not ex ceed one 3 ’ (one meter) to a v oid electric al noise to be capt ured by th e wiring. A f errite co re filter mus t be used f or le ngth be yo nd 2 ’ (60 cm).
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 72 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt W arning Exc essive cable le ngth will caus e electr ical noise t o be captu r ed by the contr oller and cause e r ratic fun ctioning that ma y lead to f ailur e.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 73 Wiring Optional Limit S witc hes In Figure 42, the encoder and swit c hes are w ired to the enco der module using a se t of resis tors desig ned to create a mult i-level sig nal com bini ng bot h piec es of i nformati on.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 74 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Using thi s circuit w hen the sw itc h is open, a 0V (low -le vel ) output from the encod er goes through a 1k an d 4.7k v olt age di vider , thus crea ting a v oltage that will ne ver be belo w 0.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 75 Wiring Limit S witc hes Without Encoders Wiring Li mit Switc hes Wi thout En coder s If no enc oder is u sed, the En coder Mod ule ’ s input s can be used t o wire limit switches dire ctly wit h sole ly a pul l-up re sistor as shown in t he diag ram bel ow .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 76 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 In Singl e Channel Mode, limit sw itc hes 3 and 4 are use d.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 77 Using the Encoder to T rac k P osition A simpl e procedu re is in cluded i n the R obor un PC utili t y to easily determine and se t these paramet ers.
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 78 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Th e a ctu al fo r mu la is a s fo l low s : Dis tance = (Des tination -.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 79 Encoder T esting and Set ting Using the PC Utility Encoder T esting and S et tin g Using t he PC Utility Extensi ve di agnostic , calibrati on, set ting and testin g support is pro vided in the R obor un PC utili t y .
Installing, Connecting and Using the E ncoder Mod- 80 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 81 Mode Description SECTION 8 Closed Loop P osition Mode Thi s section des cribes the AX1 500 P o siti on mode, ho w to wire the moto r and position sen- sor assem bly and how to tu ne and op erate the contro ller in th is mode.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 82 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 P osition S ensor S election The AX1 500 may b e used w ith the f ollo wing ki nd of sen sors: .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 83 Feedba c k Potentiometer wiring The m ec hanical coupling between the motor an d the sen sor must b e as tigh t as poss ible. If the gear bo x is loose, th e position ing will not be accu rate and w ill be unstable , potential ly causing the motor to os cillate.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 84 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Feedbac k P otentiometer wiring in Analog Mode When the c ontroller is config ured in Ana log mode , the anal og inputs 1 and 2 are used f o r comman ds whil e the analog inputs 3 and 4 are used f or f eedbac k.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 85 Analog F eedbac k on Single Channel Controllers Analog F eedbac k on Single Channel Contr ollers On Sing le Channe l controllers (SC V ersion - not to be.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 86 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Thi s wiring is also the one to use when the contro ller is in Ana log mode but switc hed to R S.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 87 Encoder Err or Detection and Pr otection 10 . If the motor t urns in th e direction a wa y from the sen sor , then the polari t y is rev ersed.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 88 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 The diode pola rity depends on the pa rticular wi ring and moto r orientation used in the appl i- cation. If the diod e is mounted bac kwards , the moto r will not stop once the limit sw itc h lev er is pressed .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 89 Using Current Limiting as Pr otection Importa nt W arning Limit switc hes must be use d when oper ating the controll er in P osition Mode. Thi s will sign ificantly r educe the r isk of mec hanical damag e and/or injury in c ase of dam- age to the position s ensor or sensor wir ing.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 90 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 A higher P roportional Gain will cause t he algorit hm to appl y a higher l ev el of po wer f or a giv en measur ed error , thus making the motor mo ve qui c ke r .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 91 PID tuning in P osition Mode The Rob orun PC utility mak es this e x peri mentation easy by pro viding one scre en for c han g- ing t he Pro portional, Integral and Dif fe rential ga ins and another scre en fo r r unning a nd monitori ng the moto rs.
Closed Loop P osition Mode 92 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 93 Mode Description SECTION 9 Closed Loop Speed Mode This s ection disc usses the AX1500 C lose Loop S peed mode . Mode Desc ription In this mode, an analog or digital sp eed sens or meas ures the a ctu al motor speed a nd com- pares i t to the desi red sp eed.
Closed Loop Speed Mode 94 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Detailed i nforma tion on ho w to install and w ire optical encoders is pro vided at “ Inst al ling , Connecti ng and U sing the Enc oder Modul e ” on pa ge 67.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 95 Speed Sens or and Motor P olarity Speed S ensor and Mot or P olarity The tac hometer o r enco der polari t y (i .
Closed Loop Speed Mode 96 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 A djust Offset and Max Speed F or proper opera tion, the c ontroller mu st see a 0 analog s peed v alue (2 .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 97 PID tuning in Speed Mode The Dif fere ntial com ponent of the a lgorithm c omputes the c hanges to the er ror from one 1 6 ms time peri od to the ne xt. Thi s c hange will be a relativ ely la rge number ev er y time an abr upt c hange o ccurs on the desi red speed v alue or the me asured spee d va lue.
Closed Loop Speed Mode 98 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 In Speed Mo de, the Integra l compone nt of the PID is the most important and mus t be set first. T he P roportio nal and Dif feren tial compone nt will hel p impro ve th e respons e time and loop stability .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 99 Pow e r O n L E D SECTION 10 Normal and F ault Condition LED Messages Thi s sectio n discus ses the meaning of the v arious message s and code s that m ay be dis- pla yed on the LED d ispla y during normal operation and f ault cond itions.
Normal and F ault Condition LED Messages 10 0 AX1 50 0 Motor Contr oller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. Ju ne 1, 2007 Output Of f / F ault Conditio n The contr oller LE D will tun On so lid to si gnal th at the ou tput st age i s of f as a r esult of a any of the recov erable conditio ns listed be lo w .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 101 Mode Description SECTION 1 1 R/C Operation Thi s section describes the c ontroller ’ s wiring and functio ns specific to the R/C radio control mode. Mode Des cription The AX1 500 can be directl y connected to an R/C rec eiver .
R/C Oper ati on 10 2 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 S electing the R/C Input Mode The R/C Input Mo de is the f actor y def ault set ting.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 10 3 R/C Input Circuit Description R/C Inpu t Circuit Description The AX1 500 R/C inputs are di rectly co nnected to the MCU logi c. Figure 63 sho ws an elec- trical repre sentation of the R/C i nput circuit.
R/C Oper ati on 10 4 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 . P ow ering the Radio fro m the controller The 5V po w er and gro und signal s that are av ailable on the controlle r ’ s conne ctor ma y be used to pow er the R/C radio.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 10 5 P o wering the Radio fr om the contr oller Importa nt W arning Do not conne ct a bat t ery to the rad io when in thi s mode. The bat tery v oltag e will flow dir ectly int o the contr oller and cause per mane nt damag e if i ts v oltag e is h igher than 5.
R/C Oper ati on 10 6 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 Connecting t o a Separat ely P o we red Radio Thi s wiring option must be used w hen the contro ller is u sed with a R C receiv er that is pow ered b y its o wn separa te bat tery .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 10 7 Reception W atc hdog ond ind icates th e minimum joy stic k position a nd 2.0 mi llisecon ds indic ates the maximum joy stic k position. When the jo ystic k is i n the cente r positio n, the pulse s hould be 1 .
R/C Oper ati on 10 8 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 Simila rly , if the pulse tra in is lost w hile the motors w ere enabled, the controller will wait a short pre set amoun t of time be fore i t disable s the moto rs.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 10 9 Command Control Curves The deadban d is mea sured as a percen t age of total normal joy stic k tra ve l. F or example , a 1 6% deadban d means tha t the first 1 6% of jo ystic k motion in either dire ction wi ll ha ve no ef fec t on the mo tors.
R/C Oper ati on 11 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Lef t/Right T uning A d justment When ope rating in m ixe d mode wi th one moto r on eac h side of the ro.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 111 Data Logging in R/C Mode Output C is a buf f ered output capable of drivin g a 2A devi ce at up to 24V . Details on ho w to wire thi s output to us er access ories can b e foun d at “ Conn ecting Se nsors an d A ctu ators to Input /Outputs ” on page 51.
R/C Oper ati on 11 2 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 T o read the outpu t string wh ile opera ting the c ontroller w ith the R/C radio , yo u must mod - ify the R/C cable to add an R S232 out put wire and co nnector that w ill be conne cted to the PC ’ s commu nication port.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 11 3 Mode Description SECTION 12 Analog Control and Operation Thi s sectio n descri bes ho w the mo tors ma y be op erated us ing anal og v oltage comma nds.
Analog Control and O peration 11 4 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 Connector I/O Pin Assi gnment (Anal og Mode) When use d in the An alog mod e, the pins on the contro ller ’ s DB1 5 con nector are mapped as des cribed in the table belo w T ABLE 1 8.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 11 5 Connecting to a V oltage S ource Connecting to a V oltage Source The analog inputs e xpect a DC v olt age o f 0 to 5V w hic h can be so urced b y an y cust om cir- cuitr y (po tent iomete r , Di git al to Analog converter ).
Analog Control and O peration 11 6 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 The controlle r incl udes two 47K ohm re sistors p ulling the input to a mid-v oltage point of 2.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 11 7 Analog Deadband A djustment Analog D eadband A djustment The controlle r may b e configu red so that some amoun t of potentio meter or jo ystic k trav el of f its center position is requi red befo re the motors activ ate.
Analog Control and O peration 11 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1 , 2007 Importa nt Notice Some analo g jo ystic ks do not c ause the pot entiomete r to reac h either extr eme.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 11 9 Data Logging in Analog Mode Data in Analog a nd R/C Modes ” o n page 1 7 6). It ma y also b e stored in a PD A that can be placed in the mo bile robot. The string a nd data fo rmat is de scribed in “ Analog and R/ C Mod es Dat a Logg ing St ring For- mat ” on page 1 56.
Analog Control and O peration 12 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 12 1 Use and benefits of RS232 SECTION 13 Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation Thi s sectio n descri bes the co mmunica tion set tings and the c ommands accepted b y the AX1 500 in the R S232 mode of operati ons.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 12 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Connector I/O Pin Assi gnment (RS232 Mode) When use d in the R S232 mode, the pins on the control ler ’ s DB1 5 connec tor are ma pped as des cribed in the table belo w T ABLE 20.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 12 3 Cable configuration Cabl e conf ig uration The R S232 con nection re quires the s pecial cabling as descri bed in the figure be low . T he 9- pin f emale co nnector pl ugs into th e PC (or othe r microco ntroller).
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 12 4 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Commu nicat ion Set tings The AX1500 ser ial co mmuni catio n port i s set as fol.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 12 5 Establishing Manual Communica tion with a PC COM1port. Y ou can easily c hange this set ting to a dif f erent port from the program ’ s menu s.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 12 6 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Af ter this inf ormatio n is sent, the Encoder ’ s MCU wi ll “ liste n ” for ap proxima tely 1 0 0ms and will enter the In Sy stem Programm ing mode (ISP) if the let ter “ Z ” is s e nt to it .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 12 7 Commands A c know ledge and Error Mess ages RS232 Mode if default If the con troller is configure d in R S232 mo de, it will a utomatic ally be in t he R S232 mod e upon res et or po we r up.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 12 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 RS-232 W atc hdog F or applications demand ing the hig hest operatin g saf et y ,.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 12 9 Controller Commands and Q ueries S et Motor Command V alue Descrip tion: Send a spe ed of positio n value from 0 to 1 27 in the forward or re vers e direction f or a given c hannel.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 13 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Query P o wer Appli ed to Motor s Descrip tion: Thi s query will cause the co ntroller to re turn the act ual amou nt of po wer tha t is bein g applie d to the motors at that tim e.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 1 Controller Commands and Q ueries Query Analog Inputs Descrip tion: Thi s query will cause the controlle r to ret urn the values of the si gnals pre sent at its tw o analog inputs.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 13 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 ages: the fir st is th e Main Batter y volt age pr esent at the thi c k red and b lack wires. The se c- ond is the interna l 1 2V s upply neede d f or the contr oller ’ s mic rocomputer and MOSFE T driv ers.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 3 Acc essing & Changing Configuration P arameter in Flash R eply: None. Controller w ill reset and disp lay pro mpt messa ge A ccessing & Changin.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 13 4 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Syn t a x: ^FF R eply: + Succ ess, c hanged parameters are no w active - if erro r T abl e 22 be low lists t he compl ete set of conf igurat ion pa rameter s that m ay be access ed and c hanged using R S232 commands.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 5 Acc essing & Changing Configuration P arameter in Flash The se param eters are st ored in th e controller ’ s Flash memor y and a re not intended to be c hanged a t runt ime. Importa nt Notice The abo ve p arameters are st ored in the MCU ’ s configura tion flas h.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 13 6 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Thi s paramete rs selects the vari ous open loo p and close d loop operati ng modes as well as the f eedbac k method.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 7 Acc essing & Changing Configuration P arameter in Flash A cceleration A ddre ss: ^03 Access: R ead/Write Eff ective: Aft er Reset or ^FF Thi s param eter confi gures the rate at whi c h the controll er internal ly c hanges t he comma nd va lue from th e one it w as to the one ju st receiv ed.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 13 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 RC Jo ystic k or Analog Deadband A ddre ss: ^06 Access: R ead/Write Eff ective: A.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 13 9 Acc essing & Changing Configuration P arameter in Flash Thi s parameter c onfigures the transf er cur ve that is a pplied the input comma nd.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 14 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Default Encoder Distance Divider A ddre ss: ^0E Access: R ead/Write Eff ective: Aft er Reset or ^FF Thi s parameters is the Encoder ’ s Distance Divider that is loa ded af ter the controller is reset or po wer ed on.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 14 1 Reading & Changing Operating P arameters at Runtime ^1C - J oystic k Max 2 MS ^1D - J oy stick Max 2 LS Ef f ectiv e: Instan tly The se param eters are t he Gain s valu es that a re load ed af ter the co ntroller is reset or po w- ered o n.
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 14 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt Notice: Do not wr ite i n the locations ma r k ed as Read Only .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 14 3 Reading & Changing Operating P arameters at Runtime ^86 - I2 ^87 - D2 Access: R ead/Write Ef f ectiv e: Instan tly The Pro portional, Integral and Deri vati ve ga in for eac h cha nnel can be read and c hanged on- the-fly .
Serial (RS-232) Contr ols and Operation 14 4 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Control ler Identification Regist er A ddre ss: ^8A Access: Read Only Ef f ectiv e: Instan tly Thi s registe r may be used to q uer y the Co ntroller ’ s model an d some of its option al hard- ware conf igur atio ns.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 14 5 RS232 Encoder Command S et RS232 Encoder Co mmand Set When pres ent, the En coder mod ule respon ds to a d edicated set of comma nds and que- ries.
14 6 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 While res et ting is a sing le step com mand, set ting th e counters to a non-z ero value req uires two step s: 1 - load a 4 byte bu f fe r (32-bit) w ith the desire d va lue.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 14 7 RS232 Encoder Command S et Read Distance Descrip tion: Thi s query will caus e the controll er to ret urn the distance betwe en the cur rent posi tion and the v alue in the desti nation register . The val ues are s igned H exa decimal numbers r anging from -1 27 to + 1 27 .
14 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 R eply: 0 n Where: n = switc h st atus The relation ship betwee n the valu e of n and the switc h status is sho wn in the t able belo w . Extracti ng the stat us of a g iven switc h from this num ber is easil y accompli shed in so f t wa re usi ng mask ing .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 14 9 RS232 Encoder Command S et Exampl e: *84 Read value of parame ter at address hex 84 01 Controller r eplies, v alue is 0 1 Modify par ameter Syn t a x: .
15 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Importa nt W arning Do not alt e r an y other ar ea locations, as this m ay c ause pr ogram exe cution f a ilur e inside the encoder mod ule.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 1 Reg ister Descr ipt ion The se two reg isters c ontain eithe r the meas ured spee d or the me asured di stance. Whether s peed or distance inf ormation is ret urned depend s on t he set tings contained in the Mode register described at.
15 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 *9A *9B - Least Sign ificant Byt e The se two 32 -bit (4- bytes ) register s are use d to store th e desired destinat ion when the controll er is used in positi on mode. T hese regist ers shoul d alwa ys be set using the mailb ox mec hanism describ ed abo ve .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 3 Counter Read Data Format Counter Read Data Format When r eceiving a counte r read query , the encod er module will outpu t the v alue of i ts 32-bit counter . If all 3 2-bit are s ent, this w ould re quire 8 A SCII digits to repres ent the v alue.
15 4 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 5 Automatic S w itc hing from RS232 to RC Mode Automatic Switc hing from RS23 2 to RC Mod e In man y computer contr olled app lication s, it ma y be u seful to a llow the controll er to switc h bac k to the R C mode.
15 6 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Controlle r is on, Rad io is t urned Of f (or Radio On w ith RC c h3 Of f) • Rel ay deactiv ates. RS 232 is now connect ed to shar ed inpu t. • String of Car riage R et urns no w receiv ed b y controller .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 7 Decimal to He xadecimal Con version T able logging purposes . Thi s cable has a 1 5-pin m ale conn ector and 3 1 5-pi n connectors .
15 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 5 0 5 3 72 56 9 4 51 0 1 6 5 6 0 6 3 82 67 0 4 61 0 2 6 6 7 0 7 3 92 77 1 4 71 0 3 6 7 8 0 8 4 02 87 2 4 81 0 4 6 8 9 0 9.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 15 9 Decimal to He xadecimal Con version T able -1 21 1 35 87 -89 1 67 A7 -57 1 99 C7 -25 231 E7 -1 20 1 36 88 -88 1 68 A8 -56 200 C8 -24 232 E8 -1 1 9 1 37.
16 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 16 1 SECTION 14 Using the Roborun Conf iguration Utility A PC-base d Configurat ion Utility is av ailabl e, free of c harge, from R oboteq. This pro- gram makes configuri ng and op erating the AX1 500 muc h more int uitive b y using pull-do wn menus, but tons and s liders.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 • af ter the insta lla tion is complete, r un the program from your Start Menu > Pro grams > R oboteq The controlle r does not nee d to be conne cted to the PC to start the Utility .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 16 3 Roborun Frame, T ab and Menu Descriptions Roborun F rame, T ab and Menu Des criptions The Ro boru n screen contains the fou r main s et of co mmands and inf ormation frames des cribe d below: 1 - Progr am Revision N umber Thi s is the revis ion and da te of the R obor un utility .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 4 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 This i s th e prog ram ’ s main frame an d includ es se ve ral types o f tabs, eac h of w hic h has se v- eral but tons, menus a nd other Use r Interf ace o bjects.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 16 5 Loading, Changing Controller P arameters When starting Rob orun , this sc reen is fille d with the defa ult v alues. If the controller is con- nected to you r PC, Ro boru n will a utomatically d etect it an d ask y ou if y ou wish to read its set ting s.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 6 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 4- Emer g ency St op or In ver t Switc h Sele ct Thi s pull do wn menu allo ws the se lection of the control ler ’ s response to c hanges on th e opti onal sw itc h in put: Emerge ncy St op, I nv ert C omman ds, or n o acti on.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 16 7 Loading, Changing Controller P arameters accelera te a motor fro m idle to ma ximum speed . See “ P rogrammab le Ac celeration ” on page 45. Analog or R/C Specif ic S et tings The screen sho wn in Figure 9 2 slightly c hanges in func tion of whe ther or not th e Analog Input mode is sel ected.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 16 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 Closed Loop P arameters The screen s how n in Figure 9 3 is used to set the Propo rtional, In tegral and Dif feren tial gains needed f or the PID algorithm.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 16 9 Encoder S et ting and T esting With this utili ty , the fo llo wing acti ons can be accomp lished: • Set and pro gram the En coder mod ule ’ s para.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 0 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1 , 2007 The Time B ase parameter is used to compute the speed measure d by the modul e. The measure d speed is a relativ e number rangin g from 0 to +/-1 27 .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 1 Running the Motors 1 - Run/St op Butt on Thi s but ton will cause the P C to send th e r un comman ds to the c ontroller a nd will update the scre en with measure ments receiv ed from the controll er . When the progra m is runni ng, the but ton ’ s ca ptio n c hange s to “ Sto p ” .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 2 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1 , 2007 case the p ow er lev el will be th e one need ed to k eep the Amps within th e limit. No te that the disp lay va lue is no t signed and thus does not pro vide ro t ation direction info rmation.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 3 Running the Motors 7 - Data L ogging and T imer A timer is pro vided to ke ep trac k of time while runn ing the motors. An addition al set of but- tons and displa y s are pro vided to ope rate a data logge r .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 4 AX1 50 0 Motor Contr oller User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. Ju ne 1, 2007 Connecting a Jo ystic k Exe rcising the moto rs can e asily be do ne using a J oy stic k in add ition to the on-scree n slid- ers.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 5 Using the Console cannot be establi shed (e.g. “ Controller not f ound ” , no respon se to com mand c hanges, commun ication er rors, ... etc.). The R obor un utility will le t you ex ercise a nd monito r the moto rs, se nsors and actuato rs usi ng a com pute r .
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 176 AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1, 2007 4- Send Res et Str ing Clic king this but ton wh ile the control ler is in R S232 mode, will cause the re set string to be sent to th e controll er .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 7 Operating the A X1 50 0 over a W ired or Wireless LAN T o oper ate over th e net work, two co mputer s are requir ed, as show in F igur e 9 7 bel ow . The top comp uter is co nnected to the contro ller via its COM port.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 17 8 AX1 500 Motor Controller Us er ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b. J une 1 , 2007 Updating th e Contr oller ’ s Sof tw are The AX 150 0 ’ s opera ting sof tware ca n be easi ly upgra ded af ter it has le f t the fact or y .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 17 9 Creating Cust omized Object Files Do not r einstall the same fir mwar e version a s the one al r eady instal led in the encoder m odule.
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 180 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 8- Install the ne w objec t file in t he control ler using the Ro boru n utility .
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 181 Mec hanical Dimensions SECTION 15 Mec hanical Specif ications Th is sect ion details the mec hanical c haract eristic s of the AX1 500 contro ller . Mec hanical Dimensions The AX1500 is de livere d as an as semble d and te sted Prin ted Circ uit Board .
Mec hanical Specifications 182 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 Mounting Co nsideratio ns The AX 150 0 ’ s heatsin k is locate d at the bo t tom of the board. T his requires ther efore that the board be mounte d with sp acers that are at m inimum 0.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 183 At tac hing the Controlle r Directl y to a Chassis boar d against a verti cal surf ace as sho wn in the figure belo w will ensu re a bet ter nat ural con vec tion flo w and is, the ref ore, recom mended.
Mec hanical Specifications 184 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007 Note tha t the bac k of the PCB has large copper ar eas e xposed jus t under the pow er MOS area.
AX1 500 Motor Controller U ser ’ s Manual 185 Wire Dimensions Wire Dimensions The AX1 500 uses screw terminals f or the pow er connections to the bat teries an d motors. The se conn ectors are rated t o support the c ontroller ’ s maxim um spec ified cur rent.
Mec hanical Specifications 186 AX1 500 Motor Controll er User ’ s Manual V ersion 1 .9b . Ju ne 1, 2007.
デバイスRoboteQ AX2550の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
RoboteQ AX2550をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRoboteQ AX2550の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。RoboteQ AX2550の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。RoboteQ AX2550で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
RoboteQ AX2550を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRoboteQ AX2550の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、RoboteQ AX2550に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRoboteQ AX2550デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。