Rose electronicメーカーcrystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cryst alView D VI Pro fiber ™ DVI / VG A FIBER EXT ENDER INSTALL ATION AND OPER ATION M AN U A L 10707 Stanc liff Road Phone: ( 281) 933 - 767 3 Houston, T exas 77099 WW W .
LIMITED W ARRANTY Copyrigh t Rose Elect ronics 2006. All right s reserv ed. No part of this m anual may be repr oduced, store d in a retriev al system , or t ranscri bed in any fo rm or any me ans, el ectronic or mech anical , includi ng ph otoco pying a nd recor ding, without the pri or writt en permissi on of R ose El ectro nics.
EUROPE AN UNION DECLARATION OF CO NFORMITY CE DECLARA TION OF C ONFORMI TY This equi pment is in conf orm ity with the Council D irectives 89/336/ EEC The Dec laration of Confor mit y is based upon complia nce of the product with the fol lowing standards: EN55022: 1999 Class A EN55024: 1999 IEC6100 0 -4- 2: 2001 IEC6100 0 -4- 3: 2001 IEC6100 0 - 4.
TA B LE of CONTENT S Contents Page # Disc laim er ............................................................................................... 1 System Introduct ion ................................................................................ 1 Features .
INTRODUCTION CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 1 Disclaimer W hile every preca ution ha s been tak en in th e prepar ation of this m anual, the manuf acturer assumes no responsi bilit y for errors or omiss ions.
2 CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Features Perfect image qua lity at res olutio ns up to 1 600 x 120 0 @ 60 Hz (The 2.5G Bit optio n allo ws a resolu tion u p to 1920 x 1200 @ 6 0Hz) Extend a KVM stat ion fr om a com puter up to: 650 feet (2 00m ) over 62.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 3 DVI or VG A The Cr ystalVie w Pro Fiber i s design ed to work with an y com bination of VGA and DVI vide o cards a nd monitor s. The i deal con figuratio n is usin g a DVI video c ard, a T FT m onitor and DV I video c ables.
MODELS 4 CRYST ALVIEW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL PC Model Receiver Transm itter Figure 1 . PC (PS/2) M odel Connectors: Receiver u nit RJ11 – Program m ing (See App endix C).
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 5 SUN Model Receiver Transm itter Figure 2. SU N M odel Connectors: Receiver DVI -I – K VM statio ns vide o m onitor connecti on. MiniD in -8 – K VM stati ons ke yboard and mous e connection.
6 CRYST ALVIEW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL USB Model Receiver Transm itter Figure 3 . USB Model Connectors: Receiver DVI -I – K VM statio ns vide o m onitor connecti on.
OPTICA L ELEMENTS / CA BLES CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 7 Optical Elements The Mult imode m odels are Class 1 laser pro ducts an d com ply with IEC 825 - 1 and F DA 21 CFR 1040.1 0 and 1040. 11 The Singlem ode m odels ar e Class 1 laser pr oducts an d com ply with I EC 60825 -1 a nd FDA 2 1 CFR 1040 .
ON - SCREEN DIS PL AY (OSD) 8 CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Device Control – OSD (PS /2 model only) (See App endix G f or OSD access for the USB m odels ) The on - sc reen disp lay prov ides an eas y way to d efine t he follo wing param eters: 1.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 9 OSD Menu descriptions Menu descripti ons The input select m enu is th e firs t menu to dis pla y when the OSD is act ivated. T his m enu allo ws you to sel ect the graphic source t ype. This is typical ly the video card type ( VGA or D VI).
10 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL The receiver wi ll alwa ys generate an ex act r epr oducti on of the s ourc e signal (up to the m ax res olution of the unit) if the Fixe d Resolut ion is s et to “OFF”.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 11 The color and col or tem perature m enu can autom atica lly calibrate f or the bes t color param eters or be set m anuall y.
12 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL The im age selectio n menu allows r e - positio ning of the im age, for manuall y adjust ing the num ber of pixels per line (p ixel cloc k), and manuall y adjusting the phas e This optio n is onl y availab le with a VGA so urce.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 13 The T ools menu al lows you to adjus t the OSD p osition , reset to factor y defaults , adjust sharpnes s, and oth er param eters.
14 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Color dep th of th e source s creen pic ture Low color mode: th is m ode allows high fr ame r ates, select for f ast screen c hanges (i.e .video). Transm itting on C AT - 5 with 5 vits /color = 15 bits total = 3 2768 col ors.
INSTAL LATION CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 15 Insta llation Please ref er to the s afet y section f irst bef ore procee ding with any installatio n or co nfigurat ion of the Crysta lView Pro Fibe r.
16 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Refer to F igure 11 f or the s et - up for your s ystem appl ication. A. 1- Connect t he appr opriate CPU cab le to the k eyboard, video monitor and m ouse ports on the CPU a nd to th e corres ponding p orts on t he transm itter.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 17 SET - UP instructions (Mixed DV I and VGA) The f ollowing set - u p instruc tions are f or s y stem s that us e a m ixture of VGA and DVI prod ucts. S ystems with DVI video cards , DVI m onitors and use DVI c ables norm all y do not requir e an y set - up.
18 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Pixel clock set co rrectly Pixel clock set i ncorrectly Pixel clock set i ncorrectly Phase se t incorr ectly Table 3 . Pi xel clock /phas e examples If one or m ore v ertical are as have sm eared li nes, the pixelcloc k needs adjustin g.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 19 A dditional keyboard commands • Private m ode - <C tr l > + <S h if t > + <Sc r ol l Loc k > (Issue f rom the t ran.
OPERATIN G INSTRUCTIONS 20 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Operating instructions Once the transm itter and re ceiver un its are co nnected and conf igured, th e KVM stat ion will f unction as if it were direc tly connec ted to a C PU or KVM switch.
TROUBLESHOO TING CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 21 Troubleshooting The troubl eshootin g secti on is use d as a gu ide to und erstanding t he capabil ities of the C r y s talV iew Fib er and f or general troubles hooting.
SERVICE 22 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Service Information Maintenanc e and Repair This Unit d oes not contain any inter nal user - servicea ble parts .
S AF E T Y CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 23 Safety The Cr ystalVie w Pro Fiber KVM e xte nder has be en te sted for conform ance to s afety regu lations a nd requ irem ents, and has been certified f or inter national use.
24 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL Safety and E M C Regulatory Statements Safety i nfor mation Docum entation ref erence s ymbol. I f the pr oduct is m ark ed with this s ymbol, r efer to th e produc t docum entat ion to get m ore inform ation abo ut the pr oduct.
APPENDICES CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 25 A ppendix A. General Specifications Max im um resolution VGA – 1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz DVI – 1600 x 1200 @ 60Hz Video compatibi lity DVI, SVGA, VGA, XGA, RGB Keyboard PS/2 / SUN / USB Mouse PS/2 / SUN / USB T ransm itter power 90 - 240 VAC ada pter to 6VDC / app.
26 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL A ppendix B. Par t s and cables Part Num ber Descripti on CRK - 2DFMPDV I PC – Multi Mode – Local KVM acc ess CRK - 2DFSPD VI PC .
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 27 A ppendix C. Firmwar e updates The Cr ystalVie w Pro Fiber firm ware m ay be updated when add itional enhancem ents and impr ovements are devel oped. Contact Rose El ectronics technica l suppor t for inf ormation o n firm ware updates.
28 CRYSTAL VI EW PRO FIBER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL A ppendix F. Supported Video Modes Name Pixels Lines Clock Rates Horiz V ert Dot Clk KHz Hz M Hz Framerate Fiber HiCol loCol Framerate CAT 5 HiCol loCol DOS grap hic mo de 640 350 70 31.
CRYST ALVIEW PRO FI BER INSTAL LATION AND O PERATION S MANUAL 29 (Continue d) Name Pixels Lines Clock Rates Horiz Vert Do t Clk KHz Hz MHz Framerate Fiber HiCol loCol Framerate CAT 5 HiC ol loCol SGI 1600 102 4 72 77.6 158.3 18(36)2 4(36) 12 18 Vesa St andard 1600 120 0 60 75.
10707 Stanc liff Road Phone: (281) 933 - 7673 Houston, T exas 77099 W WW .ROSE.CO M.
デバイスRose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Rose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Rose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Rose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Rose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Rose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRose electronic crystalview dvi pro fiber dvi/vga fiber extenderデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。