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© 2007 Sams ung Electr onics Co., Ltd. All rights re served. This user’s guid e is prov ided for in formation pu rposes on ly . A ll informa tion incl uded herein i s subje ct to change without noti c e. Samsung Electroni cs is not responsi ble for any di rect or ind irect damag es, arisin g from or re lated to u se of this us er’s guide.
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C ONTENT S 1. Introduction Special fea tures ..................... ................. ................. ................. ...................... ................ ...... ............................ ...... 1.1 Machine o verview ............ ............
5. Selecting and loading print media Loading orig inals .................... ................. ................. ................. ................ ................. ..... ...... ................. ................. 5. 1 Selecting pri nt media ........
10. Maintenance Printing re ports ................. ....................... ................. ................. ................ .................... ......................... ............... 10.1 Printing a report ............................ .......
i Safety and Regulat ory Informatio n Importa nt Precautions and Safety Information When us ing th is mach ine, these basic safe ty prec auti ons sh ould a lways b e followed to re duce ri sk of fire , electr ic shock , and injury t o peop le: 1 Read an d under stand al l in struc tio ns.
ii Ozone Safe ty During norma l operat ion, this machi ne prod uces oz one. The oz one pro duce d does not pres ent a ha zard to the opera tor. However, it is ad visabl e th at the machin e be opera ted i n a well vent ilat ed ar ea. If you need ad ditional inf ormatio n about ozon e, please contact your neare st Samsu ng deal er.
iii Replacing the Fitted Plug (for UK Only ) Important The ma ins lead for th is mac hine is f itted wit h a st andard (BS 136 3) 13 a mp plug and has a 13 amp fu se. When you cha nge or examin e the f use, yo u must r e-f it th e corr ect 13 amp f use.
1 .1 < Introduct ion> 1 Introducti on Thank yo u for purchas ing this Samsung multifunc tional produ ct. Y our machine provides pri nting, co pying, s canning func tions.
1 .2 < Introduct ion> Machine overview These are the main compone nts of your machin e: Front view 1 scanner lid 8 tray 2 scanner gla ss 9 manual feeder 3 USB memor y port 10 manual feeder p ape.
1 .3 < Introduct ion> Control p anel overview 1 Disp lay : Shows the c urrent st atus and pr ompts during an operation. 8 ID Copy : Y ou can copy both sides of the ID Card like a driver’s license to a single side of p aper .
1 .4 < Introduct ion> Under st and ing the St atus LE D The Stat u s LED on the control p anel shows the stat us of y our mach ine. See th e tabl e belo w to kno w your m achi ne’s stat us. St atus LED Status Descri pti on Off • The ma chine is of f-line.
1 .5 < Introduct ion> Finding m ore inform ation Y ou can fin d informat ion for set ting up and using your m achine from the following resources, e ither printe d or onsc reen.
1 .6 < Introduct ion> Printing a d emo p age Print a d emo p age to mak e sure that the machine is operati ng correc tly . T o pri nt a demo page: In r e ady m o d e, p r e s s a nd ho l d t h e OK b u tt o n f o r a b out 2 s e c on d s.
2 .1 < System setup> 2 System setu p This cha pter give s you an ove rview o f menus a vailable on your m achine and step- by-step in struction s for sett ing up the ma chine’ s system s.
2 .2 < System setup> Changing the disp lay language T o ch ange the la nguage tha t appears o n the contro l panel, fo llow the se steps : 1 Press Menu u ntil Copy Menu appears o n the botto m line o f the display and pres s OK . 2 Press th e Scro ll buttons until System Setu p appear s and pr ess OK .
3 .1 < Software over view> 3 Software overvie w This chap ter gives you an overview of th e softw are that comes with your machine . Further de tails about inst alling a nd using the sof tware are explain ed in the Sof tware Sectio n .
3 .2 < Software over view> System requ irement s Before you begin, ensu re that you r system me ets th e following requ irem ents: Windows Item Requirement s Recomme nded Operatin g system Win d.
4 .1 < Network setup (CLX-21 60N only)> 4 Network setup (CLX-2160N only) This cha pter give s you step- by-step instructi ons for setti ng up you r machine for net work conne ctions.
4 .2 < Network setup (CLX-21 60N only)> 6 Set the firs t byte betw een 0 and 25 5 using th e Scroll buttons and press OK to mo ve to the n ext byte . Repeat thi s to comple te the add ress from the 1st byte to th e 4th byte. 7 When yo u have fin ished, pr ess OK .
5 .1 < Selecting and loading print media> 5 Selecti ng and load ing pr int medi a This chapter introduces you to how s elect and lo ad print me dia for your machine .
5 .2 < Selecting and loading print media> Supported print medi a types and sizes Ty p e Size Dim ensions Wei gh t Capacity a Plai n paper Letter 216 x 27 9 mm (8.50 x 1 1.00 inches ) • 60 to 90 g/m 2 (16 to 24 lb bond) for th e paper in put tray .
5 .3 < Selecting and loading print media> Media sizes supported in e ach mode Guidelines for se lecting and storing print me dia When select ing o r load ing pap er , envel opes, or ot her pri nt m ateria ls, keep these gui delines in mind: • Always use p rint medi a that con form with th e specifica tions liste d on page 5.
5 .4 < Selecting and loading print media> T ransp arencies • T o avoi d damagi ng the mac hine, us e only transp arencies de signed fo r use in las er printers. • Tran sparen cies used in the printer must be able to withst and the machine ’s fusin g tempera ture.
5 .5 < Selecting and loading print media> Loading p aper In the tray Load the p rint medi a you use fo r the majo rity of your p rint jobs i n the tray . The tr ay can h old a ma ximum of 150 s heets of 7 5 g/m 2 (20 lb bond) plain p aper . Loading pa per in the tray 1 Pull the t ray out of the machi ne.
5 .6 < Selecting and loading print media> 8 Clos e the pap er co ver . 9 Slide the tray back i nto the ma chine. Y ou can l oad letterh ead with the design s ide face up. The top edge of the sh eet with the logo sho uld be go in to the mac hine first.
5 .7 < Selecting and loading print media> For pap er smaller than Lett er-sized, re turn the pape r guides to th eir original positions an d adjust th e paper leng th guide an d paper wi dth guide. 5 Clos e the pap er co ver . 6 Slide the tray back in to the ma chine.
5 .8 < Selecting and loading print media> 2 Squeeze th e manual feeder p aper wid th guides and adjust them to the wid th of the p aper . Do not forc e too mu ch, or the p aper wi ll be bent, whic h will res ult in a p aper ja m or skew . 3 Afte r loadin g p aper , set the p ape r type a nd size for the m anual f eede r .
6 .1 < Copy ing> 6 Copying This chap ter gives you step-by-st ep instruc tions for co pying docum ents. This cha pter incl udes: • Selecting the p aper tray • Copying • Changing the s etti.
6 .2 < Copy ing> • Normal : works well with st andard ty ped or prin ted documen ts. • Dark : works we ll with lig ht print or faint penc il marki ngs. 5 Press OK to save the se lecti on. Original type The origin al type s etting is used to im prove the copy qu ality by se lecting the docum ent type for the current copy job .
6 .3 < Copy ing> ID card copying Y our machi ne can print 2-sided or iginals on one shee t of A4-, Letter-, Leg al-, Folio-, Ofici o-, Executive-, B5-, A5-, or A6- sized paper.
6 .4 < Copy ing> Poster copying Y our mac hine can pri nt an image o nto 9 sheet s of paper (3 x3). Y ou c an past e the prin ted pag es t oget her to make o ne poster-s ized docum ent. This c opy featur e is availa ble only when you p lace origi nals on the sc anner glass.
6 .5 < Copy ing> Erasing background image s Y ou can s et the m achine to p rint an i mage with out its backgr ound. This copy fea ture removes the backgrou nd color and can b e help ful when copying an original contai ning col or in the back ground, s uch as a newspa per or a ca talog.
7 .1 < Basic printing> 7 Basic printing This chapt er exp lains common prin ting tas ks. Printing a do cument Y our mach ine allow s you to pri nt from v arious Window s, Macin tosh, or Linux ap plications. The exac t step s for printi ng a doc ument ma y vary dependin g on the a pplication y ou use.
8 .1 < Scanning> 8 Scanni ng Scanning with your m achine let s you t urn pictures and text i nto digit al files that can be stored on your c omputer . Then you can email the files, upload th em to your w ebsite, o r use them to create proj ects that you can print.
8 .2 < Scanning> Scanning using a networ k connection (CLX- 2160N only) If you have connecte d your ma chine to a ne twork and s et up netwo rk param eters corre ctly , you can s can and sen d images over the netw ork.
8 .3 < Scanning> Setting network s can timeout If the Netwo rk Scan p rogram on your comput er does no t send a re fresh request a nd does not s can a jo b within a s pecified ti meout peri od, your machine cancels the scan j ob. Y ou can chan ge this time out settin g as needed.
9 .1 < Using USB fl ash memory> 9 Using USB flash memory This chapte r explains h ow to use a U SB memory devic e with you r machine . This cha pter incl udes: • About USB memory • Plugging .
9 .2 < Using USB fl ash memory> Scanning to a USB memory d evice Y ou can s can a doc ument and s ave the sca nned image o nto a USB memory device. T here are two ways of do ing this: you can sc an to the device using the default setti ngs, or yo u can cu stomize yo ur own sca n settings .
9 .3 < Using USB fl ash memory> Printing from a USB memo ry device Y ou can dire ctly print f iles store d on a USB memor y device . Y ou can pr int TIFF , BM P , JPEG . Direct Print option su pported fil e types: • BMP: BMP Uncomp ressed • TIFF: TIFF 6.
9 .4 < Using USB fl ash memory> Viewing the US B memory st atus Y ou can check the amount of memory s pace ava ilable fo r scannin g and saving doc ument s. 1 Insert the USB memory de vice into th e USB memory po rt on your machine . 2 Press Scan to .
10 .1 < Maintenance> 10 Maintenance This chapt er pro vid es inf ormati on fo r main tainin g your machi ne an d the toner cartridg e. This cha pter incl udes: • Printing report s • Clearing.
10 .2 < Maintenance> Cleaning you r machine T o ma intai n print and scan qu ality , follow th e cleanin g procedu res below each tim e the tone r cartridge is replaced or if print and scan qua lity problems occur . Cleaning the out side Clean the c abinet of the mach ine with a soft li nt-free clo th.
10 .3 < Maintenance> 5 Pull the i maging unit about hal f and pus h it until it sounds ‘c lick’. Repeat thi s action two o r three times . 6 Push the imaging uni t until it sounds ‘cl ick’ in t o the machi ne. 7 Close the fron t cover firml y .
10 .4 < Maintenance> Maint aining the t oner cartridge T oner cartr idge storage T o get t he most from the toner cartrid ge, keep the following g uidelines in mind: • Do not remove the ton er cartr idge from its packa ge unti l ready f or use.
10 .5 < Maintenance> Replacing t he toner cartridge The mach ine uses four colors and has a dif ferent to ner cartrid ge for each one: yellow (Y), mage nta (M), cy an (C), and b lack (K).
10 .6 < Maintenance> Replacing t he imaging unit The life o f the imagin g unit is approximate ly 20,000 pages for black o r 50,000 im age printi ng whiche ver comes f irst.
10 .7 < Maintenance> 7 Holding the handl es on t he new im aging un it, push the imagi ng unit until it sounds ‘ click’ int o the mac hine. 8 Remove f our dummy c aps which are on the toner cartridg e entrance s of the i maging unit. When you remove the d ummy cap from the cartridge, lift the handle up an d pull it out.
10 .8 < Maintenance> Replacing the wa ste toner cont ainer The l ife of the wa ste to ner con tainer unit i s appr oxima tely 1 ,250 pa ges for full color 5% image pri nting or 5,000 ima ges for black prin ting.
10 .9 < Maintenance> Maintenance p arts T o av oid print quality a nd pap er feed pro blems resul ting fr om worn p arts and to ma intain your machi ne in top working co ndition th e followin g items will need to be re placed at the s pecified number of p ages or wh en the l ife span of eac h item has exp ire d.
11 .1 < Troubleshoot ing> 11 Troublesho oting This chapt er gives help ful informat ion for what to do if you en counter an error . This cha pter incl udes: • Tip s for avo iding p aper jams .
11 .2 < Troubleshoot ing> In the manual feeder 1 Pull the t ray out. 2 Push the manual feede r tab d own. 3 Pull the j ammed p aper out of the manu al feeder . 4 Insert the tray into the mach ine until it s naps into place. 5 Open an d close the front cover .
11 .3 < Troubleshoot ing> 5 Lower ing do wn t he scan unit gentl y and s lowl y unt il it is comp letel y closed . The inner co ver will be closed automatic ally by the scan unit closed .
11 .4 < Troubleshoot ing> Inst all T oner Th e color tone r cartridge is not insta lled. The arrow indicate s which c olor toner cartr idge. Insta ll the color toner cartridge. Inst all Imaging Unit The corres ponding Imaging Unit of the machine is not insta lled.
11 .5 < Troubleshooting > Replace [zzz] * zzz indicates the part of the machine. The life of the p art expires totally . Replace the part with a new one. Call for service. Replace [zzz] Soon * xxx indicates the part of the machine. The life of the p art expires soon.
11 .6 < Troubleshoot ing> Printing problems Condition Possible cause Suggested solu tions The machine does not print. The mach ine is n ot receiving p ower . Check the power cord connecti ons. Chec k the power swi tch and the p ower source . The mach ine is n ot selecte d as the default pr inter .
11 .7 < Troubleshoot ing> The machine prints, bu t the text i s wrong, garbled, o r incompl ete. The printe r cable is loose or defective . Disconne ct the prin ter cable and recon nect. T ry a print job that you have already printed succes sfully .
11 .8 < Troubleshoot ing> White Sp ot s White spots appears on th e page : • The pa per is too rough and a l ot of dirt f rom a pape r falls to the inner dev ices with in the machine , so the tr ansfer roller m ay be dirty . Clean the ins ide of your mac hine.
11 .9 < Troubleshoot ing> Curl or wave • Ensure tha t the pa per is lo aded prope rly . • Check the paper type and qualit y . Both high temperatu re and hum idity can c ause pap er curl. See p age 5.1. • Turn ov er the stac k of pa per in the tray .
11 .10 < Troubleshoot ing> Copying problems Condition Sugges ted so luti ons Copies are too light or too dark . Use Darkness to darke n or lighten th e backg round of th e copie s. Smears, line s, mark s, or spo ts appears o n copies. • If defects are on the origi nal, use Dar kne ss to ligh ten the bac kground of y our copie s.
11 .11 < Troubleshoot ing> Network Scan proble ms (CLX-2160N only) Common Windows problems Condition Sugges ted solutions I cannot f ind a scanned image file. Y ou can check th e scanne d file’ s destina tion in the Ad vanced page in the Netw ork S can program ’s Prop erties scree n.
11 .12 < Troubleshoot ing> Common Linux problems Problem Possible cause and solutions The mach ine does not print. • Check if the printer driver is inst alled in your syste m. Open Unified Dr iver configura tor and swi tch to the Printers tab in Printers conf iguration w indow to look at th e list of av ailab le pr inte rs.
11 .13 < Troubleshoot ing> The mach ine does not appea r on the scanners list. • Check if your machi ne is att ached to your compute r . Make sure that it i s connected properly via the USB port a nd is turn ed on. • Check if the scanner d river for your machin e is inst alled in your s ystem.
11 .14 < Troubleshoot ing> I encount er error “Cannot open port device file ” when prin ting a docum ent. Please av oid changi ng the pr int job param eters (via LPR GUI, for exam ple) while a pri nt job is in progress.
12 .1 < Ordering su pplies> 12 Ordering supplies This chapte r provides in formation on purchasi ng supplies for your machine . • Supplies • How to purcha se Supplies When the tone r runs ou.
13 .1 < Specificat ions> 13 Specifications This cha pter incl udes: • General sp ecifications • Printer specification s • Scanner and c opier specific ations General specificatio ns Item D.
13 .2 < Specificat ions> Scanner and copi er specification s Item Description Comp atib ility TW AIN sta ndard / WIA st andard Scannin g method Color CIS Resolu tion Optical: Up to 600 x 1 200 dpi (m ono and col or) Enhanced : 4,800 x 4, 800 dpi Effe ctive scannin g length Max.
1 I NDEX Numerics 2/4-up, speci al copy 6.3 B Back 1.3 backgrou nd image, era se 6.5 Black Start 1.3 C cleaning inside 10.2 outside 10.2 scan un it 10.3 clone, s pecial copy 6.4 contrast, cop y 6.1 copying 2/4-up 6.3 darkness 6.1 default s etting, chan ge 6.
2 scannin g default s etting, chan ge 8.3 scan se tting s 8.3 to appli cation 8.1 to netw ork computer 8.2 USB flash mem ory 9.2 special copy fea tures 6.3 special print media, guidelin es 5.3 specifi cations general 13.1 printer 13.1 scanner an d copier 13.
Samsung Printer Software section.
1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST ALLI NG P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software ..... .............. .............. ............... ......... ..... ..... .............. .............. .... . .... 4 Installing Softwar e for Local Printi ng .
2 Using an Existing Watermark ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. .. 21 Creating a Watermark ...... ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ..
3 Chapter 7: U SING Y OUR P RINTER IN L INUX Getting Started .......... .............. ............... .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. ..... .. 30 Installing the Unified Linux Driver .... .............. ....
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This c ha pte r in clu des : • Installi ng Printer Software • Reinst all ing Printer Software • Removing Pr inter Soft ware Installing Pr inter Software Y ou can inst all the printe r software for lo cal printing or network printing.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 4 Select Typical installation for a local printer . Click Next . N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected to the computer , the f ollowi ng wi ndow will appear . • After connecting the printer , click Next .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 3 Click Next . • If necessary , select a language from the drop-down list. • View U ser’s Gu ide : Allo ws you to vi ew the User ’s Guide. If your comput er doesn’ t have Adobe Acrobat, clic k o n this op tio n a nd it wil l au to ma tica lly ins ta ll A do be Acrobat Reader for you.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 7 9 T o register yourself as a user of Samsung Printers in order to receive information from Samsung, select the checkbox and click Finish . Y o u a re now sent to the Samsung web site. Otherwise, just click Finish .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 8 5 The list o f pr in ter s a v ailabl e o n th e n et wo r k ap pea r s. Select the printer you wan t to install from the list and then click Next . • If you do not see you r printer on the list , click Update to refresh t he lis t, or select Add T C P/IP Po rt to add your printe r to t he n e twork .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 9 4 Select Custom installati on . Click Next . 5 The list o f pr in ter s a v ailabl e o n th e n et wo r k ap pea r s.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 10 Otherwise, just click Finish . N OTE : After setup is com p lete , if your printe r dr iv e r do esn ’t wor k pro p erl y , re ins t a l l the pri n te r d riv er . Se e “R einst allin g Print er Soft ware” on page 10.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 11 Removing Printer Software 1 Start Windows. 2 From the Star t menu select Programs or All Programs → your printer driver name → Mai ntena nce . 3 Select Remove and click Next . Y ou will see a component list so that you can remove an y item ind ivid ua l ly .
Basic Printing 12 2 Basic Printing This chapter explains the printing options and com mon printing tasks in Windows. This c ha pte r in clu des : • Printing a Documen t • Printing t o a file (PRN).
Basic Printing 13 Printer Settings Y ou can use th e printer p roperties wi ndow, which allows you to access all of t he printer options you need when using your printer . When the p rinte r prope rties are display ed, y ou can review and change t he settings ne eded for your print job.
Basic Printing 14 Pape r Ta b Use the following options to set the ba sic pap er h an d ling specif icat ions when you acc ess the pr inte r propert ies. See “Printing a Document ” on page 12 for more info rmation on accessing printer properties. Click the Paper tab to access various paper properties.
Basic Printing 15 Grap hics T ab Use the following G raphic options to ad j ust the print qualit y for your specific printing nee ds. See “Pri nting a Document” on page 12 for more information on accessing printer properties. Click the Graphic tab to display the p r o per ties sh ow n b e low .
Basic Printing 16 Extras Tab Y ou can select output optio ns for your document. See “Printing a Document” on page 12 for more information about accessing the printer pr o pe r ties. Click the Extras tab to access the following feature: Watermark Y ou can create a background text image to be printed on each page of your document.
Basic Printing 17 Using a Favorite Setting The Favo rite s option, which i s visibl e on each propert ies tab, allows you to save the curre nt properti es settings for future use. To s a v e a Favorites item: 1 Change th e settin gs a s nee d ed o n ea ch tab.
Adva nce d Prin ti ng 18 3 Advance d Prin ting This chapter expl ains pri nting opti ons and advanced printing tasks. N OTE : • Y o ur printer driver Properties window that a ppears in this User’s Guide may dif fer de pending on the printer in use.
Adva nce d Prin ti ng 19 Printing Posters This featur e allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheets o f paper , for th e purpos e of pasti ng the sheets togethe r to fo rm o n e po ste r - siz e docum en t. 1 T o chan g e the p rint settin g s from your softw ar e applic ation, access printer properti es.
Adva nce d Prin ti ng 20 Printing on Both Sides of Paper Y ou ca n prin t on bot h side s of a sheet of pape r . Before printi ng, decide how you want your document oriented. The op tions are : • None • Long Edge , whi ch is the con ventional la you t us e d in book bi nding.
Adva nce d Prin ti ng 21 Using Watermarks The W aterm ark option allows you to print text over an ex isting document. For example, you may want to have large gray lette rs rea ding “D RAFT” or “CONFI DENTIAL ” pri nted di agonall y across the fi rst page or a ll pages of a d ocument.
Adva nce d Prin ti ng 22 Using Overlays What is an Ov erlay? An overlay is t ext and/or i mages stor ed in the co mputer hard disk driv e (H DD) as a s pecia l file form at th at can be p rinte d on any do cu m ent. Ov e r la y s ar e o fte n u sed to take the place of preprinte d forms and letterhead paper .
Sha ring the P rinte r Lo cally 23 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer directly to a selected computer , which i s ca lled “ host com puter , ” on the ne tw ork. The follo wing procedure is for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer t o the correspo nding Windows User' s Guide or online help.
Using Smart Panel 24 5 Using Smart Pa nel Smart P anel is a progra m that monitors and informs you of the status of the printer , and allows y ou to customiz e the printer’ s settings. Smar t Pa nel is installed automatically when you install the printer sof tware.
Using Smart Panel 25 Opening the Troubleshooting Guide Using the troubleshooti ng guide, you can view solutions f or error status prob lems. Right-click (in Window s or Linux) or cl ick (in Mac OS X) the Smart P ane l icon and select Troubleshooting Guide .
Scanni ng 26 6 Scanning Scanning with your machine lets you tur n pictures and text into digital files on y o u r com puter . Then y ou can fax o r e - m ail the files, display them on you r w eb site o r u se th e m to create projects that you can print using Samsung SmarThru software or the W IA driver .
Scanni ng 27 Using Samsung SmarThru Follow these steps to st art scanning using the SmarThru: 1 Make sure that your machine and computer are turned on and proper ly connec ted to ea ch other . 2 Place your ph otograph or pag e on t he docu ment glass or ADF .
Scanni ng 28 5 Click the service ico n according to your job. 6 SmarThru 4 opens for the selected service. Adjust the scan settings. 7 T o start scanning, click Scan . N OTE : If you want to cancel the scan j ob, click Cance l . Using Onscreen Help File For more information about SmarThru, click at the top ri ght corner of the window.
Scanni ng 29 Windows Vista 1 Load t he do cum ent(s ) face u p into the DADF (or A DF). OR Place a single document fa ce down on the document glass. 2 Click Start → Control Panel → Hardware and Sound → Scanners and Cameras . 3 Click on Scan a document or pict ure .
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 30 7 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou can use your machine in a Linux environment. This c ha pte r in clu des : • Get ting Star ted • Installi ng the Unified Li .
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 31 5 When the installation is complete, click Finish . The ins tall ation program has a dded the Uni fied Dri ver Configurator desktop i con and Samsung Unified Driver group to t he system menu for your convenience.
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 32 Using the Unified Driver Configurator Unified Linux Dr iver Configurator is a tool primar ily intended for configuring Printer or MFP device s. Since an MFP device combines the pr inter and scanner , the Unifi ed Linux Driver Configurator provide s options l ogically grouped f or printer and scanner functions .
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 33 Classe s Tab The Classes tab shows a list of available printer classes. • Refresh : Renews the classes list. • Add Class... : Allows y o u to add a new printer class. • Remove Class : Remove s the selected printer class.
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 34 Configuring Printer Properties Using the p r o pe rtie s w indow pr o v ide d b y the Printer s configuration, you can change the various prope rties for your machine as a printer . 1 Open the Unified Driver Configurator .
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 35 The following four tab s disp lay at the top of the w ind o w . • Gener al - allows yo u to change the paper size, the pa per type, and th e o r ien tation o f the docume n ts, en a bles the duplex feature , adds st art and end banner s, and changes the number of pages per sheet .
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 36 The document is scanned and the image preview appears in th e Pr e v i ew P ane. 7 Change th e scan o ption s in the Im age Qua lity and Sca n Area sections. • Image Qu ality : allows you to select the color composition and the scan resolution for the i mage.
Usin g Yo u r Pri n t er in Lin ux 37 Y ou ca n u se th e fo llowing tool s to ed it the ima ge: For further details about the Image Manager appli cation, ref er to the onscree n help . Tools Functi on Saves th e im a g e. Cancels your last act ion. Re s tores the ac ti on you c anceled .
Using Your Prin ter w it h a Macintosh 38 8 Using Your Printer with a Macin tosh Y our pri nter supports Macintosh systems with a built-in USB inte rfa ce o r 10 /1 00 B ase- T X netw ork in terf ace ca r d. W hen you print a file from a Macintosh compu ter , yo u can use the CUPS driver by installing the PPD fil e.
Using Your Prin ter w it h a Macintosh 39 Instal l t he Sc an driv e r 1 Make sure that you connect your printer t o the computer . T urn on your computer and pri nter . 2 Insert the CD-R OM wh ich cam e w ith your printe r into th e CD-ROM d rive. 3 Dou ble -cli ck CD-ROM icon that appears on yo ur Macintosh desktop.
40 Using Your Prin ter w it h a Macintosh Printing N OTES : • T he Macintosh print er’s properties wi ndow that appears in this User ’s Guide may differ dep ending on the p rinter in use . Howeve r the com position of the pr inter properties wind ow is similar .
41 Using Your Prin ter w it h a Macintosh Printer Features Setting The Print e r Feat u r es tab provides opt ions for sel ecting the paper type and adjus ting pr int qual ity .
42 Using Your Prin ter w it h a Macintosh Scanning If you want to scan documents using other so ftware, you will need to use TWAI N-compliant softw are, such as Adob e PhotoDeluxe or Adobe Photoshop. The fi rst time you scan wit h your machine, select it as your TW AIN source in the application you u se.
43 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 18 B booklet printing 19 C canceling scan 28 , 29 Color 15 D document, print Macintosh 40 Windows 12 double-sided printing 20 E Extras properties, .
44 R resolution printing 35 S scanning Linux 35 SmarThru 26 TWAIN 28 WIA driver 28 scanning from Macintosh 42 setting darkness 15 favorites 17 image mode 15 resolution Macintosh 41 Win dow s 15 true-t.
R e v . 3.00.
デバイスSamsung CLX-2160の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung CLX-2160をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung CLX-2160の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung CLX-2160の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung CLX-2160で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung CLX-2160を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung CLX-2160の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung CLX-2160に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung CLX-2160デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。