SamsungメーカーML ML-2240の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ML-1640 Series ML-2240 Series Mono Laser Printer User’s Guide imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. To receive a more complete service, p lease register your product at www.
2 _Feature s of your new laser product features of your new laser product Your new machin e is equipped wi th a numbe r of special features th at improve the q uality of the documents you p rint. With the machine, you can: Print with exce llent quality and spe ed • You can print wit h a resolutio n of up to 1200*600 dpi.
Features of your new l aser prod uct_ 3 FEA TURES BY MODELS The mac hine is d esigned to support all of yo ur docume nt needs. Basic fea tures of th is mach ine incl ude; ( : Includ ed) ABOUT THIS USE.
4 _Feature s of your new laser product FINDING MORE INFORM ATION You can fi nd inform ation for s etting up and usin g your ma chine from th e follo wing resou rces, eith er as a pri nt-out or on screen.
Safety information _ 5 safety information IMPORTANT SAFETY SY MBOLS AND PRECAUTIONS What the icons and signs in this user’s guide mean: These warning s igns are here to prevent injury to y ou and others. Fo llow them explici tly. After reading this section, keep it i n a safe place for futu re reference.
6 _Safety informa tion LASER SAFETY STATEM ENT The printe r is certifie d in the U.S. to conform to the require ments of DHHS 21 CFR, chap ter 1 Subchapte r J for Clas s I(1) las er products, a nd elsewhere is certif ied as a Class I laser prod uct conf orming to the require ments of I EC 825.
Safety information _ 7 OZONE SAFETY During norm al operat ion, th is mach ine produc es ozone. Th e ozone produced d oes not pres ent a haz ard to the o perator. H owever, it is advisa ble that th e machin e be opera ted in a well ven tilated are a. If you ne ed additi onal infor mation ab out ozone , reque st your neares t Samsun g dealer.
8 _Safety informa tion Canadian Radio Interference Regul ations This digi tal apparatu s does not e xceed the Cla ss B limits for rad io noise emis sions fro m digital ap paratus as set out in the in terference -causing equipment s tandard e ntitled “D igital Appara tus”, ICES-0 03 of the I ndustry a nd Science C anada.
Safety information _ 9.
10 _Conten ts 2 Features of your new laser produc t 5 Safety information INTRODUCTION 12 12 Printer overview 12 Front view 12 Rear v iew 13 C ontrol panel ov erview 14 U nderstanding th e control p an.
Contents_ 11 contents 38 Co mmon Wind ows pro blems 38 Co mmon Lin ux prob lems 39 Com mon Mac intosh p roblems ORDERING SUPPLIES AND ACCE SSORIES 40 40 Supply 40 Maintenanc e pa rts 40 How to pu rcha.
12 _ Introducti on introduction These are the main components of you r machine: This chapte r includes: • Pri nte r over view • Control pan el overview • Underst anding the control p anel • Su.
Introduction _1 3 CONTROL PANEL OVE RVIEW 1 On-Line / Error LED Shows the s tatus of your mac hine. (See " Underst anding the control p anel" on page 14 fo r more info rmation.) 2 To n e r L E D Shows the s tatus of the toner c artridge. (Se e "Understa nding the control pa nel" o n page 14 for more i nformation .
14 _ Introducti on UNDERSTANDING THE C ONTROL PANEL The co lor o f the O n-Lin e / Error LED and tone r LED ind icates the m achine's curre nt sta tus. On-Line / Error LED Toner LED ] Cancel button STATUS DESCRIPTION Green On The machine is warm ing up or r eady to receive the data .
Introduction _1 5 SUPPLIED SOFTWARE You must install t he prin ter software using the suppl ied CD af ter you ha ve set up y our machi ne and co nnected it to your c omputer.
16 _ Getting s tarted getting started This chapter gives you step-by-step in structions for setting up the machine. This chapte r includes: • Setting up the har dware • Printing a demo pag e • S.
Getting st arted _1 7 Macintosh Linux INSTALLING THE S OFTWARE You have to ins tall the machi ne softwar e for printing. The software inc ludes drivers, a pplications , and othe r user frien dly pr ograms. 1. Make sure that your mach ine is conn ected to the compu ter.
18 _ Getting s tarted 4. Select Typica l , and t hen clic k Next . 5. After the in stallatio n is fini shed, a win dow app ears asking you to pri nt a test page and to reg ister you rself as a user of Sam sung ma chines in order to rec eive inform ation from Samsung.
Selecti ng and lo ading pr int media _1 9 selecting and loading print media This chapter intr oduces you ho w to load o riginals and pri nt media into your machine.
20 _ Select ing and lo ading print me dia Specifications on print media TYPE SIZE DIMENSIONS WEIGH T A CAPACITY B Plain paper Letter 216 x 279 mm (8.5 x 11 inches) • 60 to 90 g/m 2 (16 to 24 lb bo n.
Selecti ng and lo ading pr int media _2 1 Guidelines for spe cial print m edia MEDIA TYPE GUIDELINES Envelopes • Suc cessful printing o n envelop es dep ends upo n the quality of the env elopes.
22 _ Select ing and lo ading print me dia z LOADING PAPER Loading paper in the tray Load the p rint media you u se for the ma jority of y our print j obs in th e tray. The tray can hol d a maxim um of 15 0 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 l b bond) pl ain paper.
Selecti ng and lo ading pr int media _2 3 4. Pinch the rear guide to adjust for the pap er leng th and pin ch the si de guide and slide i t to the lef t flush ag ainst the paper. 5. If necessary , close the paper cov er to keep the pape r loaded in the tray from dust .
24 _ Select ing and lo ading print me dia 3. Load the p aper in th e manual tray. (For ML -1640 S eries, load p aper in the paper inp ut tray. 4. When you print in a pplicatio n, start th e print me nu. 5. Open printer properti es. 6. Press the Paper tab in printer properti es, and sele ct an app ropriate paper typ e.
Basic p rinting _2 5 basic printing This chapter explain s common pri nting tasks. This chapte r includes: • Printing a docum ent • Canceli ng a print job PRINTING A DOCUMENT Your mach ine allows you to p rint from various Wi ndows, Ma cintos h, or Linux ap plicatio ns.
26 _ Maintena nce maintenance This chapter pr ovides inform ation for maintain ing your machine and the toner cartr idge. This chapte r includes: • Cle aning your ma chine • Maintaining the cartri.
Maintenance _2 7 5. With a d ry, lint-fre e cloth, wipe a way any dust and spilled toner fro m the toner cartidg e area and the toner c artridge cavi ty. 6. Locate th e long st rip of glas s (LSU) i nside the top of the cartridge compartm ent, and g ently swa b the g lass to see if dirt turns the wh ite cotton bl ack.
28 _ Maintena nce MAINTAINING THE CARTRIDGE Toner cartridge storage To get the most from the toner cartrid ge, keep t he follow ing guid elines i n mind: • Do not remo ve the ton er cartr idge from its package until read y for use . • Do not refil l the tone r cartridge.
Maintenance _2 9 4. Reinsert th e toner ca rtridge into the mac hine. Ensu re that the toner cartridge snaps in to place. 5. Close the fr ont cover. Make sure tha t the cove r is securely closed. If it is not firmly c losed, pri nting error s may occu r when you print.
30 _ Maintena nce 4. Holding bo th han dles on th e toner ca rtridge, tho roughl y rock it from side to side to evenly distribut e the toner. 5. Locate th e cartridge slots i nside the machine , one on e ach side . 6. Unfold the toner cartridg e handle an d grasp it.
Trouble shooti ng _3 1 troubleshooting This chapter gives he lpful informatio n for what to d o if you enco unter an error. This chapte r includes: • Tips for a voiding paper jam s • Clearin g paper ja ms • Solving other prob lems TIPS FOR AVOIDING P APER JAMS By selec ting the c orrect me dia types , most pa per jams can be a voided.
32 _ Trouble shooting 2. Open the top cove r and the i nner cove r. 3. Loosen th e paper if it is ca ught in the heat rolle rs. The n pull the pape r gently ou t. 4. Close the in ner cover and th e top cover. Print ing resumes automatic ally . In the pap er feed area 1.
Trouble shooti ng _3 3 Around the toner cartridge 1. Open the fron t cover. 2. Pull the toner cartrid ge out and remove it fro m the machine . 3. Gently pu ll the p aper tow ard you. 4. Check t hat ther e is no ot her pap er in the machine . 5. Reinsta ll the t oner cartri dge and c lose the f ront cove r.
34 _ Trouble shooting Printing problems The paper k eeps jamming. • There is too much pa per in the tray. Remov e excess p aper from the t ray. If you are pri nting on spec ial mate rials, loa d only on e size of print media a t a time in t he tray .
Trouble shooti ng _3 5 A print job is extremely s low. The jo b may b e ver y complex. Reduce th e complex ity of the page or try adjus ting the p rint quality settings . Half the page is blank. The page orientat ion setti ng may b e incorrect. Change th e page ori entation in your applicat ion.
36 _ Trouble shooting Printing quality problems If the ins ide of the machine is dirty or paper ha s been lo aded imp roperly, you may no tice a red uction in print qua lity.
Trouble shooti ng _3 7 Backgr ound scatte r Backgrou nd scatter results from bits of toner randoml y distrib uted on the printed p age. • The paper m ay be too dam p. Try printin g with a different b atch of pa per. Do no t open pac kages of paper unt il necess ary so that the paper doe s not abso rb too much m oisture.
38 _ Trouble shooting Common Windows problems Common Linux problems Cur l If the printed paper is curled or pa per does not feed into the mach ine: • Turn over t he stack of paper in the tray. Also tr y rotating t he paper 18 0° in the t ray. • Change the printer op tion and tr y agai n.
Trouble shooti ng _3 9 Common Macintosh problems CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The machin e does not print PDF file co rrectly. Some parts of graphics, text, or illus trations are missing. Incomp atibility between the PDF file and the Acrob at product s: Printing t he PDF file a s an ima ge may solve this probl em.
40 _ Orderi ng supplies and acc essories ordering supplies and accessories This chapter pr ovides inform ation on purchasin g ca rtridges and accessories available for your m achine.
Spec ificat ions _4 1 specifications This chapter gui des you about this machine ’s specifications such as various features. This chapte r include: • ML-1640 Se ries speci fications • ML-2240 Se.
42 _ Specif ications ML-2240 SERIES SP ECIFICATIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Printing method Laser be am printin g Printing speed a Up to 22 ppm (A4), 23 ppm (Le tter) First print out time • From rea dy: Less th an 10 sec onds • From co ldboot: L ess than 25 secon ds Print resolution Max.
Glossary _4 3 glossary ADF An Automatic Docume nt Feeder (ADF ) is a mecha nism tha t will automati cally fee d an origi nal shee t of paper s o that the mach ine can scan so me amou nt of the pa per at onc e. AppleTalk AppleTalk is a prop rietary su ite of prot ocols de veloped b y Apple, I nc for compute r network ing.
44 _ Glossa ry An emulat or duplic ates the func tions of o ne syste m with a d ifferent system , so that th e secon d system be haves li ke the fi rst syste m.
Glossary _4 5 LED A Light-Emi tting Diode (LED) is a s emiconduc tor devic e that indica tes the status of a mac hine. MAC address Media Ac cess Cont rol (MAC) a ddress i s a uniqu e identifi er associat ed with a netw ork adapter. MAC address is a unique 48-b it identifi er usually written a s 12 hexade cimal c haracters grouped in pairs (e.
46 _ Glossa ry Subnet Mask The subn et mask is used in c onjuncti on with the network address to determine which part of the add ress is t he network address a nd which part is th e host add ress.
Index_ 47 index C Canc el bu tton 13 cleaning insi de 26 outs ide 26 contro l panel 13 D demo page, print 16 driver installa tion 17 J jam tips for avoi ding pape r jams 31 L Linux p roblems 38 M Main.
48 _ Contact S AMSUNG wor ldwide contact SAMSUNG worldwide If you have any comm ents or questions regarding Sams ung products, co ntact the Samsung custo mer care center. COUNT RY CUSTOMER CARE CENTER WEB SI TE ARGEN TINE 0800-333-3 733 www .samsung. com/ar AUSTRA LIA 1300 3 62 60 3 ww w .
Contact SAMS UNG worldwide _4 9 SWITZERLA ND 0800-SA MSUNG (7 26-7864) www /ch T A DJIKIS T AN 8- 10- 800-50 0-55- 500 T AIW AN 0800-3 29-999 www .samsung. com THAILAN D 1800-29-32 32 02-689-323 2 www TRINIDAD & TOB AG O 1-800-SA MSUNG (72 6-7864) www .
© 2008 Samsung E lectr onics Co. , Ltd. Al l right s reserve d. This user’s guide is provided for in formation purposes only. Al l informa tion include d herein is su bject to c hange witho ut notic e. Samsun g Electr onics is n ot responsi ble for any direct or indire ct damages, ar ising fro m or relat ed to use of t his user ’s guide.
REV 0.94.
Samsung Printer Software section.
1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST ALLI NG P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software .............. .............. .......... .............. ............... ......... .............. ......... ..... 4 Reinstalling Printer Soft ware .
2 Editing a Watermar k .................. ......... ............... .............. .......... .............. .............. ....... 16 Deleting a Watermark ................ ......... ............... .............. .......... .............. ...........
3 Setting Up the Printer ........... .............. .............. .......... .............. .............. ............... ......... ... .. .. 27 Printing .. .............. ............... ......... .............. ............... ......... ..........
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This cha pt er in cl ude s: • Installing Printer Soft ware • Reinstalling Printer Software • Removing Printer Software Installing Pr inter Software Y ou can install the printe r software for l ocal print ing.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 • Typi cal : Installs the most common software for your printer . This is recommended f or most user s. • Custom : Allows you to choose th e individual components you want to install. N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the computer , the f oll owing wi ndow will appe ar .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 Reinstalling Printer Softw are Y ou ca n reinstall the software if installation fail s. 1 Start Windows. 2 From the Start menu select Programs or All P rogr ams → your printer driver name → Maintenance . 3 Select Repair and c li ck Next .
Basic Printing 7 2 Basic Printing This chapter explains the printing options and co mmon pr inting tasks in Windows. This cha pt er in cl ude s: • Printing a Docu ment • Printing to a file (PRN) .
Basic Printing 8 Printing to a f ile (PRN) Y ou will sometimes need to sav e the print data as a file for y our purpose. T o create a file: 1 Check the Print to file box at the Print windo w. 2 Select the fo lder and assign a name o f the file and the n click OK.
Basic Printing 9 Layout T ab The Layo ut tab provide s options to ad just how the docume nt appears on the p rinted pa ge. The Layout Opt ions includes Multiple Pages per Side , Poster Printing and Booklet Printing . See “Printi ng a Document” on page 7 for more information on accessing printer properties.
Basic Printing 10 Source Make sure that Source is set to the corresponding paper tray . Use Manual Feeder whe n p rinti ng o n s pec ial mat eria ls li ke envelopes and transparencies . Y ou hav e to load one sheet at a time i nto the Ma nual T ray or Mult i-Pur pose T ray .
Basic Printing 11 Advanced Op tions Y ou can set adv anced settings by clicking the Advanced Options button. • Print All Text To Black : When the Print All Tex t To Black option is checked, all text in your document prints solid black, regardless of the color it appears on the screen.
Basic Printing 12 About Tab Use the About tab to display th e copyright n otice and the version number of the dri ver . If you have an Internet bro wser , you can connect to the Interne t by cli cking on the we b site icon. See “Printing a Document” on page 7 fo r more informatio n about accessing printer properties.
Adva nced Printi ng 13 3 Advanced Prin ting This chapter expl ains pri nting opti ons and advanced printing tasks. N OTE : • Y our pr inter dri ver Properties window that a ppears in this User’s Guid e may differ de pending on the print er in use .
Adva nced Printi ng 14 Printing Posters This featur e allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheets o f paper , for t he purpo se of past ing th e sheets togethe r to form one poster- size do cument. 1 T o chan ge the print settings from your so ftware applic atio n, acces s print er propert ies.
Adva nced Printi ng 15 Printing on Both Sides of Paper Y ou can prin t on bot h side s of a sheet of pa per . Before print ing, decide how you want your document orient ed. The opti ons a re: • None • Long Edge , whi ch is the c onv entio nal lay out use d in book bi nding.
Adva nced Printi ng 16 Using Watermarks The W a termark option allow s you to prin t text over an ex isting document. For example, you may want to have large gray lett ers rea ding “ DRAFT” or “CONF IDENTIAL ” printe d diagona lly across the fi rst page or all pa ges of a d ocument.
Adva nced Printi ng 17 Using Overlays What is an Ov erlay? An overlay is t ext and/ or images sto red in t he computer hard disk driv e (HD D) as a spe cia l file form at tha t can be prin ted on any do cumen t. Over lays are ofte n used to take the place of preprinte d forms and letterhead paper .
Shar ing the Printe r Lo call y 18 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer directly to a selected computer , which i s called “ host com puter , ” on the ne twork. The follo wing procedure is for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer t o the corr esponding Windows U ser's Guide or online help.
Using Smart Panel 19 5 Using Smart Pa nel Smart P anel is a prog ram that monitors and informs y ou of the status of the printer , and allow s you to custom ize the printer’ s settings. Smar t P anel is installed automatically when you install the printer sof tware.
Using Smart Panel 20 Opening the Troubleshooting Guide Using the troubleshooti ng guide, you can view soluti ons for error status prob lems. Right-click (in Window s or Linux) or cl ick (in Mac OS X) the Smart P anel icon and select Troubleshooting Guide .
Usin g Your Printer in Linu x 21 6 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou can use your machine in a Linux environment. This cha pt er in cl ude s: • Getting St arted • Installing the Unif ied Linux Driv.
Usin g Your Printer in Linu x 22 4 When the welcome screen appears, click Next . 5 When the installation is complete, click Finish . The ins tall ation pr ogram has added the Uni fie d Driver Configurator desktop i con and Samsung Unified Driver group to t he system menu for your convenience.
Usin g Your Printer in Linu x 23 Using the Unified Driver Configurator Unified Linux Dr iver Configurator is a tool pr imarily intended for configuring Pr inter . After installing the Unif ied Linux driver , the Unif ied Linux Driver Configurator icon will automatically be created o n your desktop .
Usin g Your Printer in Linu x 24 Classe s Tab The Classes tab shows a list of available printer classes. • Refresh : Renews the classes list. • Add Class... : Allows y ou to add a new pri nter class. • Remove Class : Remove s the selected printer class.
Usin g Your Printer in Linu x 25 Printing a Document Printing from A pplications There a re a l ot of L inux appl icat ions that you are allowed to print fr om using Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). Y ou can print on your machine from any such application.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 26 7 Using Your Printer with a Macin tosh Y our printer supports Macintosh systems with a built-in USB inte rface or 1 0/100 Bas e- TX n etwo rk in terf ace c ard. W hen you print a file from a Macintosh computer , you can u se the CUPS driver by installing the PPD fil e.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 27 Setting Up the Printer Follow th e instructions on “Ins talling Softw are” on page 26 to install the PPD and Filter files o n your computer . 1 Open the Applications folder → Utilities , and Print Setup Utility .
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 28 Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh printer ’s properties window that appears in this User ’s Guide may diffe r depending on th e printer in use . Howeve r the com position of the printe r properties window is similar .
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 29 Graphics The Graphics tab provides op tions for selecti ng Resolution(Quality) and Col or Mod e . Select Graphics form the Presets ' drop-down list to access the graphic feature s. • Resolution(Quality) : Y ou can select the printing resolution.
30 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 13 B booklet printing 14 D document, print Macintosh 28 Windows 7 double-sided printing 15 E Extras properties, set 11 F favorites settings, use 12.
31 true-type option 10 software install Macintosh 26 Win dow s 4 reinstall Win dow s 6 system requ irements Macintosh 26 uninstall Macintosh 26 Win dow s 6 status monitor, use 19 T toner save, set 10 .
デバイスSamsung ML ML-2240の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung ML ML-2240をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung ML ML-2240の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung ML ML-2240の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung ML ML-2240で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung ML ML-2240を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung ML ML-2240の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung ML ML-2240に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung ML ML-2240デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。