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© 2010 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. BN68-02580A-05 Plasma TV user manual imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product. T o receive more complete service, please register your product at www Model _____________ Serial No.
2 English Figures and illustrations in this User Manual ar e provided for r eference only and may dif fer from actual pr oduct appearance. Product design and specifications may be changed without notice. Important W arranty Information Regarding T elevision Format V iewing ✎ See the warranty car d for mo re in formatio n on war ranty te rms.
3 Contents ENGLISH English Getting Started y List of Features ......................................................... 4 y Accessories .............................................................. 4 y Install the Stand ..............................
4 English Getting Started List of Features y Excellent Digital Interface & Networking never put a space before punctuation: With a built-in HD digital tuner , nonsubscription HD broadcasts can be viewed without a cable box / STB (Set-T op-Box) satellite receiver .
5 01 Getting Started English Input Cables (Sold Separately) HDMI HDMI-DVI Component Composite (A V) Coaxial (RF) VGA Install the Stand 50 inches model only See separate guide for installing the stand. Stand (1EA) Guide Stand (1EA) Screws (9EA) Follow the steps below to connect the TV to the stand.
6 Getting Started English Viewing the Contr ol Panel ✎ Th e prod uct co lor a nd sh ape m ay var y de pen ding o n the mo del. SOURCE E T oggles between all the available input sources. In the on-screen menu, use this button as you would use the ENTER E button on the remote contr ol.
7 01 Getting Started English Viewing the Remote Contr ol ✎ Th is is a sp eci al re mote cont rol for th e vis uall y imp aire d and h as Bra ill e poin ts on the Powe r , Ch ann el an d V olu me but tons. PN50C550 / PN50C590 / PN58C550 / PN58C590 F A V .
8 Getting Started English Installing batteries (Battery size: AAA) ✎ NOTE x Use th e rem ote contro l with in 23 feet f rom th e T V . x Br ight l ight m ay af fect t he pe rfo rma nce of t he rem ote co ntrol. Avoid u se wh en ne arby f luo resc ent l ights o r neo n sig ns.
9 01 Getting Started English Connecting to an Antenna When the TV is initially powered on, basic settings pr oceed automatically. ✎ Co nne cting t he powe r cord a nd ante nna. ✎ Th e PDP dev ice m ay inter fe re wit h an am ateur ra dio or A M radi o.
10 English Connections Connecting to an A V Device Using an HDMI or HDMI/DVI cable: HD connection (up to 1080p) We r ecommend using the HDMI connection for the best quality HD picture. Available devices: DVD, Blu-ray player , HD cable box, HD STB (Set-T op-Box) satellite receiver .
11 English 02 Connections Using a Component (up to 1080p) or Audio/Video (480i only) Cable Available devices: DVD, Blu-ray player , cable box, STB satellite receiver , VCR ✎ Wh en co nne ctin g to A V IN 1 , th e col or of the AV IN 1 [ Y / VI DEO] jac k (gre en) wil l not match th e vid eo c able (ye llow).
12 Using an EX-Link Cable Connection Available Devices: External devices that support EX-Link EX-LINK : Connector for service only. Connecting to a PC Using an HDMI/DVI cable or a D-sub cable English .
13 English 02 Connections Display Modes (D-Sub and HDMI/DVI Input) Optimal resolution is 1920 X 1080 @ 60 Hz. Mode Resolution Horizontal Frequency (KHz) V ertical Frequency (Hz) Pixel Clock Frequency (MHz) Sync Polarity (H / V) IBM 640 x 350 720 x 400 31.
14 English Connections Changing the Input Source Source List Use to select TV or an external input sources such as a DVD / Blu-ray player / cable box / STB satellite receiver .
15 English 03 Basic Features Channel Menu ¦ Seeing Channels Channel List Add, delete or set Favorite channels and use the program guide for digital br oadcasts. O MENU m → Channel → Channel List → ENTER E Select a channel in the All Channels, Added Channels, Favorite or Programmed scr een by pressing the ▲ / ▼ and ENTER E buttons.
16 English Basic Features ✎ NOTE x Wh en se lec ting th e Cab le T V syste m: STD, HRC and I RC id enti fy v ari ous t ype s of ca ble T V sy stems. Co ntact yo ur lo cal c abl e com pany to id entif y th e t ype of c abl e system th at exis ts in you r par tic ula r are a.
17 English 03 Basic Features ✎ NOTE x On ly me mor ized c hann els c an be r ese r ved. x Re ser ve d prog rams w ill be d isp layed i n the Pro gr amm ed m enu. x Wh en a di gita l cha nne l is se lec ted, pres s the ► but ton to vi ew the di git al pro gram.
18 English Basic Features ■ Eco Sensor (Off / On) : T o enhance your power savings; the picture settings will automatically adapt to the light in the room. ✎ If you ad jus t the Ce ll Li ght , the E co Se nso r will be se t to Of f . Min Cell Light : When Eco sensor is On , the minimum screen brightness can be adjusted manually.
19 English 03 Basic Features ■ Size : Y our cable box/satellite receiver may have its own set of screen sizes as well. However , we highly recommend you use 16:9 mode most of the time. 16:9 : Sets the picture to 16:9 wide mode. Zoom1 : Use for moderate magnification.
20 English Basic Features Pixel Shift (Off / On) : Using this function, you can minutely move pixels on the PDP in horizontal or vertical direction to minimize after -images on the screen. ✎ Opti mum c ondi tion fo r pixe l shi ft Item TV/A V/Component/ HDMI/PC Horizontal 0~4 4 V ertical 0~4 4 Time (minute) 1~4 min.
21 English 03 Basic Features Sound Menu ¦ Changing the Preset Sound Mode O MENU m → Sound → Mode → ENTER E Mode (standard sound mode only) ■ Standard : Selects the normal sound mode. ■ Music : Emphasizes music over voices. ■ Movie : Provides the best sound for movies.
22 English Basic Features SLEEP ✎ Wh en Sp ea ker Se lec t is set to T V S pea ker x T V Sp eake r: O n, Ex te rna l Sp eake r: O n ✎ If the re is no v ide o sig nal, b oth spe aker s will b e mute.
23 English 03 Basic Features On Time / Off Time : Set the hour , minute, and activate / inactivate. (T o activate the timer with the setting you’ve chosen, set to Activate .) V olume : Set the desir ed volume level. Source : Select TV or USB content to be played when the TV is turned on automatically.
24 English Basic Features Canadian English : Y ou can block TV programs depending on their Anglophone Canadian ratings. − C : Programming intended for childr en under age 8. / C8+ : Programming generally consider ed acceptable for children 8 years and over to watch on their own.
25 English 03 Basic Features ■ Caption Mode : Y ou can select the desired caption mode. ✎ Th e avail abil it y of capt ions d epe nds o n the pro gram b ein g broad cas t.
26 English Advanced Features ¦ Picture In Pictur e (PIP) PIP Y ou can watch the TV tuner and one external video source simultaneously. PIP (Picture-in-Pictur e) does not function in the same mode. O MENU m → Setup → PIP → ENTER E ✎ NOTE x For PIP s ound, r efer to the S oun d Sel ec t ins truc tion s.
27 English 04 Advanced Features Software Upgrade Software Upgrade can be performed by network connection or downloading the latest firmware fr om “www .,” to a USB memory device. Current V ersion - the software already installed in the TV .
28 English Network Connection Y ou can set up your TV so that it can access the Internet through your local area network (LAN) using a wir ed or wireless connection.
29 English 04 Advanced Features Network Setup (Auto) Use the Automatic Network Setup when connecting your TV to a network that supports DHCP . T o set up your TV’ s wired LAN connection automatically, follow these steps: How to set up automatically 1.
30 English Advanced Features ¦ Connecting to a Wireless Network T o connect your TV to your network wirelessly, you need a wireless r outer or modem and a Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter (WIS09ABGN, WIS09ABGN2, WIS10ABGN), which you connect to your TV’ s back or side panel USB jack.
31 English 04 Advanced Features Network Setup (PBC (WPS)) How to set up using PBC (WPS) If your router has a PBC (WPS) button, follow these steps: 1. Connect your TV to Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter as described in the previous section.
32 English Advanced Features 5. If the Security/PIN pop-up appears, go to Step 6. If the Network Connecting Screen appears, go to Step 10. 6. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select Security or PIN . For most home networks, you would select Security (for Security Key ).
33 English 04 Advanced Features Network Setup (Manual) If the other methods do not work, you need to enter the Network setting values manually. Getting the Network Connection V alues T o get the Network connection values on most W indows computers, follow these steps: 1.
34 English Advanced Features Media Play ¦ Connecting a USB Device 1. T urn on your TV . 2. Connect a USB device containing photo, music and/or movie fi les to the USB 1 or USB 2 (HDD) port on the back or side panel of the TV . 3. When USB is connected to the TV , popup window appears.
35 English 04 Advanced Features ✎ Func tion s that ar e not sup por ted w hen c onn ecti ng to a PC thro ugh a n etwo rk: x Th e Bac kgro und Mu sic a nd Ba ckgr oun d Mus ic Se tt ing f unct ions. x Sor ti ng fi les by p refer enc e in the Ph otos , Mu sic , and V id eos fo lde rs.
36 English Advanced Features ¦ Screen Display Move to the desired file using the up/down/right/left buttons and then pr ess the ENTER E or (Play) button. The file is played. ✎ Sup por ts th e Vie w Devi ces a nd Ho me in Me dia P lay ho mepa ge.
37 English 04 Advanced Features y Supported Video Formats File Extension Container Video Codec Resolution Frame rate (fps) Bit rate (Mbps) Audio Codec *.avi *.mkv A VI MKV Divx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8 MP3 / AC3 / LPCM / ADPCM / DTS Core XviD 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8 H.
38 English Advanced Features Playing movie continuously (Resume Play) If you exit the playing movie function, the movie can be played later from the point wher e it was stopped. 1. Select the movie file you want to play continuously by pressing the ◄ or ► button to select it from the file list section.
39 English 04 Advanced Features ¦ Playing Multiple Files Playing selected video/music/photo files 1. Press the Y ellow button in the file list to select the desired file. 2. Repeat the above operation to select multiple files. ✎ NOTE x Th e c ma rk ap pea rs to the le f t of the se lec ted fi les.
40 English Advanced Features Videos/Music/Photos Play Option menu During file playback, press the TOOLS button. Category Operation Videos Music Photos Title Y ou can dire ctly to another Title. > Repeat M ode Y ou can pl ay movie and mus ic files repea tedly.
41 English 04 Advanced Features Anynet+ What is Anynet+? t Anynet+ is a function that enables you to control all connected Samsung devices that support Anynet+ with your Samsung TV’ s remote. The Anynet+ system can be used only with Samsung devices that have the Anynet+ feature.
42 English Advanced Features ✎ NOTE x Co nne ct the O ptica l cab le be twe en the D IGI T A L AUDI O OUT (O PTI CAL) j ack on yo ur T V an d the D igit al Aud io Inp ut on th e Home T he ater . x Wh en fol lowin g the c onne ctio n above, th e Opti cal j ack on ly ou tputs 2 c han nel a udio.
43 English 04 Advanced Features ¦ Recording Y ou can make a recor ding of a TV Program using a Samsung r ecorder . 1. Select Recording . ✎ Wh en the re are m ore tha n two re co rding d evic es x Wh en mu ltipl e rec ordi ng dev ice s are co nne cted, th e reco rdin g devi ces a re lis ted.
44 English Advanced Features ¦ T roubleshooting for Anynet+ Prob lem Possible S olution Anynet+ does not work. • Check i f the de vice is an Anyne t+ devic e. The A nynet+ sy stem sup ports An ynet+ de vices on ly. • Only on e re ceiver ( home the ater) can be conn ected.
45 English 04 Advanced Features AllShare O MENU m → Application → AllShare → ENTER E ¦ About AllShare AllShare connects your TV and compatible Samsung mobile phones/ devices through a network. On your TV , you can view call arrivals, SMS messages and schedules set on your mobile phones.
46 English Advanced Features Call Arrival Alarm If a call arrives while you are watching TV , the alarm window appears. Schedule Alarm While you are watching TV , the alarm window appears to display the register ed event. ✎ Y o u can c onf igu re view ing s etti ngs fo r sch edul e co ntents on yo ur mo bile p hon es.
47 English 05 Other Information Installing the W all Mount Attaching the Blanking Bracket When installing the TV onto a wall, attach the Blanking Bracket as shown. Installing the W all Mount Kit The wall mount kit (sold separately) allows you to mount the TV on the wall.
48 English Other Information Assembling the Cables Enclose the cables in the Cable tie so that the cables are not visible thr ough the transparent stand. Overly rigid or thick cables can damage input jacks over long term use. Securing the Installation Space Keep the requir ed distances between the product and other objects (e.
49 English 05 Other Information Securing the TV to the W all Caution : Pulling, pushing, or climbing on the TV may cause the TV to fall. In particular , ensure your childr en do not hang over or destabilize the TV . Doing so may cause the TV to tip over , causing serious injuries or death.
50 English Other Information T roubleshooting If the TV seems to have a problem, first try this list of possible pr oblems and solutions. If none of these troubleshooting tips apply, visit “www,” then click on Support, or call Samsung customer service at 1-800-SAMSUNG.
51 English 05 Other Information Issues Solutions and Explanations The TV t urns off automat ically. • Ensur e the Sleep Tim er is se t to Of f in the Setup menu (p . 22). • If your PC is c onnected to the TV , check you r PC pow er setti ngs.
52 English Other Information Issues Solutions and Explanations The TV i s making a hummi ng noise . • Plas ma TVs t ypically make a soft hum ming soun d. This is norma l. It’ s caused b y the el ectrical charges that ar e use d to cr eate t he image s on the scre en.
53 English 05 Other Information License Manufactured under license fr om Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent #’ s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & other U.
54 English Other Information Dimensions ■ Front view / Side view (Unit: inches) Model name 12345678 PN50C540 PN50C550 PN50C590 47.8 43.7 24.6 23.3 28.8 31.5 2.7 11.4 PN58C540 PN58C550 PN58C590 54.8 50.7 28.6 24.4 32.8 35.6 2.8 13.2 ■ Jack panel detail / rear view (Unit: inches) Model name 123456 PN50C540 PN50C550 PN50C590 15.
55 English 05 Other Information Index A AllShare 45 Amplify 21 Antenna 15 Anynet+ 40 AUDIO OUT 11 Auto Adjustment 20 Auto V olume 21 B Background Music 40 Balance L/R 21 Basic View 39 Batteries 8 Blac.
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デバイスSamsung PC550-ZAの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung PC550-ZAをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung PC550-ZAの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung PC550-ZAの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung PC550-ZAで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung PC550-ZAを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung PC550-ZAの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung PC550-ZAに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung PC550-ZAデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。