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i This manual is provided for information purposes only . All inf o rmation included here in is subje ct to change without notice. Samsung Electronics is no t responsib le for any changes, dir ect or indi rect, ari sing from or re lated to use of thi s manual.
ii C ONTENTS 1. Introduction Spec ial Featur es .......... ........................ ................................ ................................ .................. 1.1 Und erstand i ng Com ponent L ocations ...................... ................
iii Collat ion Cop ying .... ................................ ................................ ........................ ................. . 4 .4 Auto Fit Co pying ..................... ........................................ .........................
iv Additional Features Using Secur e Receiving Mode ........................ ................................ ................................ ........ 7. 13 Printin g Repo rts ................... ................................ .....................
v Important Precautions and Saf ety Information When using th is mac hine, these b asic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce risk of fire, electr ic shock and i njury to pe o ple: 1. Read and understand all i nstructions. 2. Use common s ense whenever o perating elect rica l appl iances.
vii Ri nger Equiva lenc e Numb er The Ringe r Equi valence Number and FCC Registrati on Number fo r this machine m ay be found on the label located on the botto m or rear of th e machine. In some instances you may need to provide these numbers to the telepho ne com pany .
viii W ARNING If you cut off the mo ulded plug, get rid of it str aight away. You cannot r ewire the plug an d you may receive an e lectric shock if you plug it into a socket.
ix Differences B etween Bri tish an d Am erican English British English Am er ican Engl ish (Re)dial li ng (Re)dial in g Colour Color Emph asi se Emph asi ze Rec o g n is e Re c o g n i z e Organise O.
Intro duc tion 1.1 1 Introduction Thank you for purchasing thi s Samsung multifunctional product. Yo ur machine provides p rinting, copy ing, scanning , and faxing (onl y for SCX-4521F) functions! Thi.
Intro duc tion 1.2 Understanding C omponent Locations These a re the main c omponents of your m achine: Front View Docume nt Gui des Document Input T ray Doc ume nt Cover Documen t Glass Automatic Document F eeder Control Panel (SCX -4521F: s ee page 1.
Intro duc tion 1.3 Control P anel Functions SCX -4521 F Darkness Adjusts the brightness of the documents for the current copy job. Original Ty pe Selects the document type for the cu rrent copy job. No. o f Co pies Selects the number of copi es. Reduce/En l arge Makes a copy smaller or larger than the original.
Getting Started 2.1 2 Getting Started This chapter gives you step-by -ste p instructions for setting up your machine. This cha pter in clude s: • Unpa cki ng • Installi ng the Ton er Cartr idge .
Getting Started 2.2 2 Remov e the pac king t ape fr om the front, back, and sid es of the machine. Selecting a Loca tion Select a level, stab le place w ith adequate space for air circul ation.
Getting Started 2.3 3 Gently ro ll the cart ridge 5 or 6 times to di stri bute the toner . Thoroughly roll ing the cartri dge wil l assure maximum copies per cart ridg e. N OTE : If toner gets on yo ur clot hing, wipe it off with a dry cloth and wash clothing in cold water .
Getting Started 2.4 2 F an the ed ges of the pape r stack to sep arate the pag es. Then tap the stack on a flat surface to ev en it up. 3 Load paper with the pr int side f acing up . Mak e sure that a ll four corners are flat i n the tra y . Pa y at tention not to overload paper .
Getting Started 2.5 Plug the cord of your extension p hone or answeri ng machine into the EXT. jack. UK users should plug t he cord of the extension p hone int o the sup plied TAM lead and plug the cord of the TAM lead into the EXT. jack on the back of your machine.
Getting Started 2.6 2 Connect a USB cable to the USB connector on yo ur machine. Y ou need to b uy a USB 1.1 compli ant cable t hat is w ithin 3 m in le ngth. If you want to use a parallel printer cabl e, purchase onl y an IEEE-1284 co mpliant parallel ca ble and conne ct it to the parallel connector on your machine .
Getting Started 2.7 Installing P rinter Softwar e You must install software using the supplied CD- ROM after you have set up your machine and connected it to your co m puter.
Getting Started 2.8 Printer Driv er Features Y our printe r drivers support the foll owing standard fe atures: • Paper source selection • Paper size, orientation and media type • number of copies The following table lists a general overview of features supporte d by your printe r drivers .
Getting Started 2.9 Setting the Machine ID (Only for SCX-4521F) In some countrie s, you are required by law to indicat e your fax number on an y fax you send. The Machine ID, containing your telephone number and name (or company nam e), wil l be printed at th e top of each pa ge sent from your machi ne.
Getting Started 2.10 Setting the Date and Time (Only for SCX-4521F) When you turn your machine on for the fir st time, t he displ ay prom pts you to enter the curren t date and time . After entering, it w ill not ap pe ar an ymor e. N OTE : When turning on the machine after t urning i t off f or a long time, y ou nee d to reset date and time.
Getting Started 2.11 Setting Sounds (Only for SCX-4521F ) Y ou can control the fol lowing sounds: • Spe aker: You can tur n on or off the sounds from the telephone l ine t hrough the speaker , such as the dial tone or a fax tone . With this o ption set to “Comm .
Getting Started 2.12 Setting the Dial Mode (Only for SCX-4521F) Y ou can select the type of the telephone di al system where your machine is connecte d. N OTE : The Dial Mode setti ng may be unavailable depending on your country . 1 Press Menu until “Machine Set up” appears on the top li ne of the disp lay .
Pape r H andli ng 3.1 3 Paper Handling This chapter introduces you to the basics of sel ecting print materials an d loading them into yo ur mach ine. This cha pter in clude s: • Select ing Print Mat.
Pape r H andli ng 3.2 Guidelines for Paper and Specia l Mat er ial s When sel ecti ng or loa ding pa per , envelopes , or other spec ial materia l, kee p these guidel ines i n mind: • Always use paper and other materials that conform with the spe cificatio ns listed un der “Pap er Specifi cations” o n page 10.
Pape r H andli ng 3.3 Loadin g Paper Proper paper loadi ng helps p revent pape r jams and ensure troubl e-fr ee prin ting. Do not remove the paper i n the tray while a job is print ing. Doing s o may cause a paper jam. See “ Paper T ype, I nput Sourc es, an d Capaci ties ” on page 3.
Copy ing 4.1 4 Copying This chapter gives you step-by - step instructions for c opying documents. This cha pter in clude s: • Loading Pa per for Copy ing • Preparin g a Docume nt • Making Copies.
Copy ing 4.2 Making Copies on the Document Glass 1 Lift and ope n the docume nt cover . 2 Place t he document face down on the document glass and align it a t the top left corner of th e glass. N OTE : Make sure that no documents are in the ADF (Autom atic Document F eeder).
Copy ing 4.3 3 Customize the copy settings including number of copies, copy size, darkness, and or iginal type, by using the contr ol panel but tons. S ee “Set ting C opy Opti ons” on page 4 .3. T o clear the settings, use the Stop/Clea r button .
Copy ing 4.4 Using Special Copy Features Y ou can use the fol lowing copy feat ures: • Off : Prints in normal mode. • Clone : Prints multiple image copies from the original document on a s ingle page. The num ber of i mages is automatically d e termined by the original image and pape r size.
Copy ing 4.5 5 If necessary , customize the copy settings, including number of co pies, darkness , and orig inal t ype, by us ing the control panel but tons. See “Set ting Copy Opt ions” on page 4.3. N OTE : Y ou cannot adjust the copy size using the Reduce/ Enlarg e button w hile Auto Fit copy ing is enab led.
Copy ing 4.6 Changing the Default Setti ngs The copy options, includi ng darkness, original type, copy size and number of copi es, can be set to the most freq uentl y used modes. When you c opy a document , the de fault s etti ngs are used unless they are changed by using the cor responding buttons on the co ntrol panel.
Basic Printing 5.1 5 Basic Printing This cha pter in clude s: • Printing a Docu ment • Canceling a Pri nt Job Printing a Document Thi s ma ch ine allow s you to pri nt in v ariou s W indo ws applicatio ns, a Macintosh computer , or a L inux system.
Sca nning 6.1 6 Scanning This cha pter in clude s: • Scanning Basics • Sc an nin g Fro m the Con trol P ane l to a n App licati on Scanning Basics Y our SCX -4x21 Se ri es offer s four w ays to scan. The se are: • From the contro l panel on your machin e to an applicati on: Use the Scan-to button on the co ntrol pane l to init iate scann ing.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.1 7 Faxi ng (Only for SCX-4521F) The fax f eature i s only availa ble on the S CX - 4521F. Thi s chapter gi ves you information about using your machine as a fax machine.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.2 Darkness Y ou can select the default contrast m ode to fax you r documents lighter or darker . • Ligh t works wel l wit h dar k prin t. • Normal works well with standard typed or printed documents. • Dark wo rk s w ell w ith li ght print o r fain t pen cil markings.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.3 Sending a Fax Loading a Document Y ou can use the Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) or the docume nt glass to load an original d ocument for faxing. Using the ADF , you can load up to 30 sheets of 20 lb (75 g /m 2 bond ) paper at a time.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.4 Adjusting the Document Resolution The default d ocument setting s produce good re sults when using t ypical text-base d documents. Howe ver , if you send d o cume nts that are of a poor quality , o r contain photo graphs, you can adjust the resoluti on to produce a higher quality f ax.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.5 Sending a Fax Manually 1 Load the docume nt(s) face up into the ADF . OR Place a single docu ment face d own on the docume nt glass.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.6 Receiving a Fax Abo ut R ece iving Mo des •I n Fax mode, the machine answers an incoming fax call and immed iately goes into the fax reception mode.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.7 Rec eivin g Manu ally Using a n Extension Telephone This features w orks best when you are using an extensio n telephone connected to the EXT . jack on the back o f your machine. Y ou can re ceive a fax from someone you a r e talking to on the e xtension telephon e witho ut going to th e fax mach i ne.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.8 Automatic Di aling Speed Dialing Y ou can store up to 100 fr equently di aled numbers i n one or two-di git speed dial loca tions (0-99).
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.9 9 Press the Upper Level button when you have entered all of the desi red numbers. The displ ay prompts you to ente r a group I D. 10 T o assign a na me to the g roup, ente r the nam e you wa nt. F or details abou t entering ch aracter s, see “Enter i ng Characte rs Usi ng the Number K e ypad” on pa ge 2.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.10 Searching with a Partic ular First Letter 1 Press Phone Book . 2 Press Enter when “Searc h&Dial” appear s on th e displ ay . 3 Press the butto n labeled with the letter yo u wa nt to search for . A name begi nning with the l ette r displ ays.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.11 Sending a D elayed Fax Y ou can set your machine to send a fax at a later time when you will not be present. 1 Load the docume nt(s) face up into the ADF . OR Place a single docu ment face d own on the docume nt glass.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.12 8 Press Enter . The document is scanned int o memory before transmission. The display shows m e mory capacity and the number of page s being s tored in memory . For a document pl ac ed on the document glas s, t he displ ay asks if you want to load another page.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.13 Additional Features Using Secure Rec eiving Mode Y ou may need to prevent your re ceived fa xes from being accessed by unauthor ized peop le . Y ou can turn on Secure Re ceiving mode to restri ct printing of re ceived faxe s when the machine is unattended.
Faxing (Only for SCX-4521F) 7.14 Power F ailure Rep ort This report is printed out autom ati cally when powe r is restored after a powe r failure, if any d ata loss occurs due to the powe r failure . N OTE : The lists you have set to print out automatically d o n’t print out when t here i s no pape r lo aded or a paper jam has occurre d.
Maintenance 8.1 8 Maintena nce This chapter provid es informatio n for maintaining your machine and the toner cartri dge. This cha pter in clude s: • Clearing the Memory • Sett ing the Machine to .
Maintenance 8.2 Setting the Machine to be Checked by Ph one (Only for SCX-4521F) The Remote T est fe ature allows your machine to be chec ked out by a se rvic e company at a remote place by phone. 1 Press Menu on the control p anel until “ Maintenance” appear s on the t op li ne of t he di splay .
Maintenance 8.3 5 With a dry lint-fre e cloth, wip e awa y any dust and spille d toner from the t oner cartri dge area and the toner car tridge cavity .
Maintenance 8.4 Redistributing Toner When the to ner cart ridg e is nea r the end of it s li fe, whi te streaks or l ight pri nting occurs. The LCD disp lays the warning message, “[T oner Low]” . Y ou can temporarily reesta blish pri nt qual ity by re distr ibuti ng the r emainin g toner i n the cart ridg e.
Maintenance 8.5 Cleaning the D rum Y ou can clean the OPC drum of t he toner cartri dge manually or automatically . If there are streaks or spots on d ocuments you p rint, the OPC drum of the toner cartri dge may require manual cl eaning. 1 Before starti ng the cl eaning procedur e, make sure that paper is loaded in the machine.
Maintenance 8.6 Replacing the ADF Rub ber Pad Y ou can purchase an ADF rubber pad fr om your Sam sung dealer or the retai ler where you bought your machine. 1 Open th e ADF cover . 2 Remov e the ADF r ubber pa d from th e ADF , as shown. 3 Inser t a ne w ADF ru bber pad i nto place .
Trou blesho oting 9.1 9 Troubleshooting This chapter gives he l pful informatio n for what to do if yo u encounter an error . This cha pter in clude s: • Clearing Document Jams • Clearing Paper J .
Trou blesho oting 9.2 Exit Misfee d 1 Remove an y re mai ni ng pa ge( s) fro m t he A DF . 2 Open th e ADF cover . 3 Remove t he mis fe d d ocu ment s fr om t he doc ume nt o ut put tra y . 4 Close t he ADF cover . Then lo ad the r emoved page(s), i f any , back into the A DF .
Trou blesho oting 9.3 In the Fuser Are a or Arou nd the Toner Cartridge N OTE : The fuser ar ea is hot. T ake care when removing paper from t he machi ne. 1 Open the front d oor . 2 Pull t he toner c artr idge out, lightl y pushi ng it down. 3 If necessary , p ull the manual tray out.
Trou blesho oting 9.4 3 If th ere i s any resi stanc e and the paper does not move when you pull, or if you cannot see the p aper in t he output tra y , open the rea r cove r by pulling the tab on it. 4 Rem ove the j ammed paper by gent ly pul lin g it strai ght out.
Trou blesho oting 9.5 Lo w Hea t Erro r Th ere is a pr oble m in the fus er unit. Unplug the power cord and plug it back in. If the problem persis ts, please ca ll for service.
Trou blesho oting 9.6 R emove Docu ments from ADF The F avorite Cop y button i s set to Clon e, Aut ofit, ID Card C opy or Poster and you press the button. The Clone, Autof it, ID C ard Copy or P oster featur e does not wor k wit h ADF . Remove the documents in the ADF .
Trou blesho oting 9.7 Printing Problem s Condit ion Possible cause Suggested solutions The machine does not print. The machine is not receiving power . Ch eck th e powe r cord connections. Check the power switch and the power source. The machine is not selected as the def ault printer .
Trou blesho oting 9.8 Pa ges pri nt, but are blank. The tone r c artridg e is defective or out of toner . R edistribute the t oner , i f ne cessa ry . S ee “R edis trib uting T on er ” on page 8.4. If necessar y , repla ce the toner cart ri dge. The fi le m ay have blank pages.
Trou blesho oting 9.9 Vertical lines If bl ack ve rtic al streak s ap pear o n the pa ge: • The drum i nside the toner ca rtridge has pr obably been scratched. R emove the toner cartr idge and install a new one. See “Replacing the T oner Cartridge” on page 8.
Trou blesho oting 9.10 Back of printouts are dirty Check for leaking toner . Clean the inside of the machine. See “Cleaning the Inside” on page 8.2. Bla ck pa ges • The toner cartr idge may not be ins talled proper ly . R emov e the c artrid ge an d reinser t it.
Trou blesho oting 9.11 Scanning Pro blems Fax Problem s (Only for SCX-4521F) Condition Sugg est ed so lut ion s The scanner does not work. • Make sure th at you place the document to be scanned face down on the document glass, or face up in the Autom atic D ocu ment Feed er .
Trou blesho oting 9.12 Common Linux Problems Problem Possible Cause and Solution The machine doesn’t print. • Chec k if th e prin ter dr iver i s ins tall ed in y our syste m. Open MFP configur a tor and switch to the Printers ta b in Printers configuration window to look at the list of av a ilable pri nters.
Trou blesho oting 9.13 I can’t print when I installed both Linux Print P ackage (LP P) and MFP driver on the same machi ne simultan eously . • Since bot h Linux Printer Pa ckage and MFP driver mak.
Spe cific at ions 10.1 10 Specifications This cha pter in clude s: • General Specifications • Scanner and Copier Specifications • Print er Specif icati ons • Facsimile Specifications (Only fo .
Spe cific at ions 10.2 Scanner and Copier Specifica tions Item Description Compatibili ty TWAIN standard / WIA standard Scanning method ADF and Fl at-bed CIS ( Contact Image Sensor ) module Reso lu t io n Optical: 600 x 600 dpi (Mono and color) Enhanced: 4,800 x 4, 800 dpi Effecti ve scanning length Platen: 11.
Spe cific at ions 10.3 Fac sim ile S pec ifi cat ions (Only for SCX-4521F) Item Descriptio n Compatibili ty ITU- T Group 3 App lica ble li ne Public Switched T elephone N et work (PSTN) or be hind PABX Data coding MH/MR/MMR (ECM M ode )/JPEG Modem speed 33.
Spe cific at ions 10.4 Supported Sizes of Paper N OTE : Y o u may e xpe ri enc e ja ms wh en usi ng p ri nt ma te ri als with a length of le ss than 5 in. (127 mm). For optimum performance, ensure that you are st oring and handl ing the paper correct ly .
Spe cific at ions 10.5 Paper Specif icat ions Paper Output Capacity Paper Storage Enviro nment Paper storage environmental condi tions d irectly affect t he feed operation. Ideall y , the machi ne and paper storage envir onment should be at or near ro om temperature, and not too dry or humi d.
Spe cific at ions 10.6 Envelo pes with Doub le Side Seam s Double side -seams construction has verti cal seams at both ends of th e envelope rather than di agonal seam s. This style may be m ore l ikely to wrinkle. Be sure the se am extends all the way to the corn er of the en velope as illustrated below.
I NDEX Numerics 2/4- up, sp ecial copy 4.5 A adding docu ments 7.12 ADF (Automatic Document Feeder), load 4.2 , 7.3 ADF rubber pad, replace 8.6 auto fit, special copy 4.4 automa tic diali ng group 7.8 speed 7.8 automa tic redial ing 7.5 B broadcasting faxes 7.
P paper guidelines 3.2 pap er jam, cl ear 9.2 pap er loa d manu al tray 3.3 tray 2.3 paper lo ad capacity 3.1 paper size , set paper tray 2.10 paper type, set paper tray 2.10 parallel,connect 2.6 post er copying 4.5 pow er s ave mo de, u se 2.11 print quali ty problems, solve 9.
Samsung Printer Software User’s Guide.
1 C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NSTALLING P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software .............. ................... ............ ..................... ..................... ............ ..... 4 Reinstalling Pri n ter Software ............
2 Deleting a Page Overlay ...................... ..................... ................... ............ ...................... 18 Chapter 4: S HARING THE P RINTER L OCALLY Setting Up a Host Computer .................. ............ ....................
3 Printing from Appli cations ............... ................... ............ ............ ................... ............ ..... 31 Printing Files .............. ..................... ...................... ................... ............ .........
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This chapter include s: • Installing Printer Software • Reinstall ing Printer Soft ware •R e m o v i n g P r i n t e r S o f t w a r e Installing Printer Software All applications should be closed on yo ur PC before beginning installation.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 2 Choose the type of installation. • Typical : Installs the most common software for y our printer . This is reco m mended for most users. • Custom : Allows you to choose both the language of the software and the individual com ponents you want to install.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 Reinstalling Printer Software Y ou can reinstall the software if installation fails. 1 Start Window s. 2 From the Start menu select Programs or All Progr ams → your prin ter driver name → Maintenance . Or place the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
Basic Printing 7 2 Basic Printing This chapter explains the printing options and common printing tasks in Windows. This chapter include s: • Printing a Document •P r i n t e r S e t t i n g s - La.
Basic Printing 8 Printer Settings Y ou can use the printer properties window , which allows you to access all of the printer options you need when using yo ur printer . When the printer prop erties are display ed, you can review and change the settings neede d for your print job.
Basic Printing 9 Paper Tab Use the following options to set the basic paper handling specifications when you access the p r inter properties. See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for more inform ation on accessing printer properties. Click the Paper tab to access v arious paper properties.
Basic Printing 10 Graphics Tab Use the following Gr aphic options to adjust the print quality for your specific printing needs. See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for mo re information on accessing printer properties. Click the Graphics tab to display the prop erties shown below .
Basic Printing 11 Extras Tab Y ou can s elect output options fo r your document. See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for more information about accessing the printer properties. Click the Extras tab to access the following feature: Watermark Y ou can cr eate a background text image to be printed on each page of your document.
Basic Printing 12 Using a Favorite Setting The Favorites option, which is visible on each p roperties tab, allows you to save the current properties settings for future use. To s a v e a Favorites item: 1 Change the settings as needed on each tab . 2 Enter a name for the item in the Favorites input box.
Advanced Printing 13 3 Advanced Printing This chapter explains printing options and adv anced printing tasks. N OTE : • Y our printer driver Propertie s window that appears i n this User’s Gu ide may differ de pending on the printer in use. However the com position of the printer properties window is similar .
Advanced Printing 14 Printing Posters This feature allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheets of paper , for the purpose of pasting the sheets together to form one poster-size d ocument. 1 T o change the print settings from y our software application, access printer p roperties.
Advanced Printing 15 Fitting Your Document to a Selected Paper Size This printer feature a llows you to scale y our print job to any selected paper size regardless of the digital document size. T his can be useful when you want to check fine details on a small document.
Advanced Printing 16 Creating a Watermark 1 T o change the print settings from y our software application, access printer p roperties. See “P rinting a Document” on page 7. 2 Click the Extras tab, and click the Edit button in the Watermark section.
Advanced Printing 17 Using Overlays What is an Overlay? An overla y is text and/or images stored in the computer hard disk drive (HDD) as a special file fo rmat that can be printed on any document. Ove rlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms and lette rhead paper .
Advanced Printing 18 Using a Page Overlay After an overla y has been created, it is ready to be printed with your document. T o print an overlay wi th a do cumen t: 1 Create or open the document yo u want to print. 2 T o change the print settings from y our software application, access printer p roperties.
Sharing the Printer Locally 19 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer dire ctly to a selected computer , which is called “host comp uter , ” on the network. The following procedure is for Windows XP . Fo r other Windows OS, refer to the correspon ding Wi ndows User's Guide or online help.
Using Printer Settings Utility 20 5 Using Printer Settings Utility This is automatically installed w hen you install the MFP (M ulti Functional Printer) driver .
Using Printer Settings Utility 21 The Phonebook Tab (fax available model only) Click the tab to create and edit Phonebook e ntries. Read R eads the Phonebook entries from th e machine to the P r inter Settings Utility . Write Downloads the Phonebook entries fr om the Printer Settings Utility to the machine.
Scanning 22 6 Scanning Scanning with your machine lets you turn pictures and text into digital files on your computer . Then you can fax or e-mail the files, display them on y our we b site or use them to create projects that you can print using Samsung SmarThru software or the WIA driver .
Scanning 23 If you select the Custom installation, y ou may choose the components you want to install. Click Next . • Basic SmarThru components : to use the basic SmarThru 4 ap plications and core service. • Scan component : to scan the original document and save it in an applicatio n or folder , email it, or publish it on a web site.
Scanning 24 4 Click Scan To . The Scan To menu bar appears on the SmarThru 4 w indow . Scan To lets you use the following services: •Applicatio n Scanning an image and p lacing it in an im age editor application, such as P aint or Adobe Photoshop. •E-mail Scanning an image and emailing it.
Scanning 25 Scanning Process with TWAIN- enabled Software If you wa nt to scan documents using other softw are, you will need to use TW AIN-compliant software, such as Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Adobe Photoshop. The first time you scan with your machine, sele ct it as your TWAIN source in the application you use.
Using Your Printer in Linux 26 7 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou can use your machine in a Linux environment. This chapter include s: • Getting Started • Installing the MFP Driver • Using t he .
Using Your Printer in Linux 27 Installing the MFP Driver 1 Make sure that you connect your machine to your computer . T urn both the co mputer and the machine on. 2 When the Administr ator Login window appears, type in root in the Login field and enter the system password.
Using Your Printer in Linux 28 Uninstalling th e MFP Driver 1 When the Administr ator Login window appears, type in root in the Login field and enter the system password. N OTE : Y ou must log in as a super user (root) to install the printer software.
Using Your Printer in Linux 29 Printers Configuration Printers configur atio n has the two tabs; Printers and Classes . Printers Tab Y ou can see the current system’ s printer configuration by clicking on the printer icon button on the left side of the MFP Configurator window .
Using Your Printer in Linux 30 MFP Ports Configuration In this window , you can view th e list of available MFP ports, check the status of each port and release a port that is stalled in busy state when its owne r is terminated for any reason. • Refresh : Renews the av ailable ports list.
Using Your Printer in Linux 31 Printing a Document Printing from Applications There are a lot of Li nux applications that you are allo wed to print from using Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). Y ou can print on your machine from an y such application.
Using Your Printer in Linux 32 Scanning a Document Y o u can scan a document using the MFP Configurator window . 1 Double-click the MFP Config urator on your desktop. 2 Click the button to switch to Scanners Configuration. 3 Select the scanner on the list.
Using Your Printer in Linux 33 10 When you are finished, click Save on the toolbar . 11 Select the file directory wher e you wa nt to save the image and enter the file name. 12 Click Save . Adding Job Type Settings Y ou can save your scan option se ttings to retriev e for a later scanning.
Using Your Printer with a Macintosh 34 8 Using Your Printer with a Macintosh Y our printer support s Macintosh systems with a built-in USB interface or 10/100 Base- TX netw ork inte rface card. When y ou print a file from a Macintosh computer , y ou can use the CUPS driver by installing the PPD fi le.
Using Your Printer with a Macintosh 35 Install the Scan driver 1 Make sure that you connect y o ur printer to the computer . T urn on your computer and printer . 2 Insert the CD-ROM which came with your printer into the CD-ROM drive. 3 Double-click CD-ROM icon that appears on your Macintosh desktop.
Using Your Printer with a Macintosh 36 Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh printer’s proper ties wind ow that appears in this User’s Guide may diffe r depending on the p r inter in use. However the com position of the printer properties window is similar .
Using Your Printer with a Macintosh 37 Printer Features Setting The Printer Features tab provides options for selecting the paper type and adjusti ng print quality . Select Printer Feature s from the Presets drop-down list to access the following features: Paper Type Make sure that Paper Type is set to Printer Default .
Using Your Printer with a Macintosh 38 Scanning If you wa nt to scan documents using other softw are, you will need to use TW AIN-compliant software, such as Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Adobe Photoshop. The first time you scan with your machine, sele ct it as your TWAIN source in the application you use.
1 I NDEX A advanced printing, use 13 C canceling scan 25 D document, print Macintosh 36 Window s 7 E Extras properties, set 11 F favorites set tings, use 12 G Graphics proper ties, set 10 H help, use .
2 resolution Macintosh 37 Window s 10 toner save 10 true-type option 10 software install Macintosh 34 Window s 4 reinstall Window s 6 system requ irements Macintosh 34 uninstall Macintosh 34 Window s . Rev.1.0 2.
デバイスSamsung SCX-4321の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung SCX-4321をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung SCX-4321の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung SCX-4321の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung SCX-4321で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung SCX-4321を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung SCX-4321の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung SCX-4321に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung SCX-4321デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。