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585-215-835 Comcode 108217571 Issue 2 May 1998 CentreV u ® Explorer V ersion 1.2 Installation and Getting Started Guide 585-215-835-I2_tp 9/21/01 2:02 PM Page 1.
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TOC -i Centr eV u E xpl or e r Table of Con tents Software Installation 1-1 Sys tem O verv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 1 Network Di agram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tabl e o f Co nt e nts TOC -ii Expl orer L ogi n Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 3 Ma in Me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 W indow Element s .
Sy st em Ove rvi ew 1-1 1 Centre V u E xplor er Softwar e Installation 1 System O verview 1 Centr eV u ® Exp lore r coll ects d ata i n a L ucen t T echn olog ies call cente r envi ronmen t.
1-2 Netwo rk Di agr am Softwa re Installation Network Diagram 1 The foll owing is a lis t of the net w ork r equire ments: ECS/s witch Centr eV u CMS Centr eV u Expl orer se rve r Lo cal ar ea net work Centr eV u E xplore r cli ent wor kstation .
Network Diagram 1-3 So ft ware Inst all ati on ECS/Switch Requireme nt s 1 The ECS/swi tch requi res a communi cati on link to the Cent reV u CM S. Ap pr opr iat e automat i c cal l distr ibution (ACD) tr a nsla tions must be configure d to generate exter nal call his tory (ECH) result s on the Centr eV u CMS .
1-4 Netwo rk Di agr am Softwa re Installation Custom er Respons ibilities 1 Y ou m ust do the fol lowing to tra nsfer cal l history dat a: 1. Pur chas e th e Ext er nal Call Hi stor y Int erf ace pac kage. 2. Contact your Lucent re presentat ive to have the E CHI feature author ized.
Network Diagram 1-5 So ft ware Inst all ati on Me mo ry 1 Centr eV u Explore r requi res 128 MB of me mory . Data ba se s erver performan c e on larg e dat a se ts is d ire ct ly affe ct ed b y av ai la ble m emo ry . Cal l cent er s of al l si ze s bene f it fro m Cent r eV u Explorer .
1-6 Netwo rk Di agr am Softwa re Installation Remote ac cess is ne cessary for sy stem dia gnosis, mai ntena nce, and sof tware update s. System Softwar e Configur ation 1 The following soft ware pac kages a re re quired to op e rate with Centr eV u Expl orer V ersion 1.
Network Diagram 1-7 So ft ware Inst all ati on Disk S tor age Require ment s 1 This t a ble shows call record stor ag e r equirements based o n the number o f calls p er day over a period of months.
1-8 Netwo rk Di agr am Softwa re Installation ECS/sw itch call ve ctor pr oc es sing has a mi nimum of one (1) segment . Over the life of the call, i nformatio n is adde d to a segm ent b ased on the .
Network Diagram 1-9 So ft ware Inst all ati on Network Con nectivity 1 Centr eV u Explore r requi res a tra nsmissi on con trol p rotocol /internet pr otocol (TCP /IP) con nection to the Ce n treV u C MS v ia a lo ca l are a net wo rk (L AN ).
1- 10 Netw o rk D i ag ram Softwa re Installation Cl ie nt Re qui re men ts an d Re com me n dat i on s 1 The clien t worksta tion must be abl e to run a supporte d web brows er . Centr eV u Explore r has been test ed with Micr osof t Int ernet Explor er 3.
Inst al l a tion In format ion Ch art 1-11 So ft ware Inst all ati on Ins t allation Info rmation Chart 1 This i nform ation appl ies to in s tal lati ons. Ple ase comp lete th e followin g tabl e an d keep for your record s when install ing or upgradi ng.
1- 12 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er I ns tall at io n Prep ar at ion Softwa re Installation CentreV u Explorer Inst allation Prep aration 1 The fol lowing ch eckli st is des igne d to assi st Lu cent T echnolo gies in th e instal latio n of your Centr eV u Explorer serve r .
Cen tre Vu Exp lorer In stall ati on P rep ar ati on 1- 13 So ft ware Inst all ati on Disk Contr oller T y pe — EIDE control ler — SCSI controller — RAID (Redunda nt Array of Inexpens ive Disks .
1- 14 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er I ns tall at io n Prep ar at ion Softwa re Installation Settin g Up the Centre Vu Explo rer Ser ver 1 V er ify th at th e Centr eV u CMS c an pi ng the Cen treV u E xpl ore r s e rv er .
Cen tre Vu Exp lorer In stall ati on P rep ar ati on 1- 15 So ft ware Inst all ati on Settin g U p Centre Vu Explorer Clie nt 1 If you plan on ac cessing the Cent reV u E xp lo rer se rv er f ro m a clie n t w o rkst a tion , verify th a t you can reac h the Ce ntr eV u Explore r server by pingi ng it from a worksta tion.
1- 16 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er I ns tall at io n Prep ar at ion Softwa re Installation Prov isio ning an d Acti vation of E CHI 1 Call your Luce nt re present a tive to sc hedule act ivati on of E CHI.
Cen tr eV u Expl or er Ser v er Sof tw ar e Ins tal lati on Seq ue nc e 1-1 7 So ft ware Inst all ati on CentreV u Exp lorer Server Software I nst allati on Sequence 1 This s ect ion doc uments th e s oftware inst allatio n seque nce r equired to i nsta ll t he software co mponents fo r the Ce ntr eV u Ex plo rer ser ver.
1- 18 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er S er ver S oftw a re I ns tall at i on Seq ue nce Softwa re Installation Mic rosof t Wi ndow s NT 4. 0 and Mic rosof t In tern et Inf ormatio n Server 2 .0 1 Micr oso ft W indows NT Server 4.0 is the operating s ystem for t h e Ce ntre V u Explo rer and mus t be loade d befo re an y othe r software compone nts.
Cen tr eV u Expl or er Ser v er Sof tw ar e Ins tal lati on Seq ue nc e 1-1 9 So ft ware Inst all ati on Mic rosoft In ternet In formatio n Ser ver 3.0 1 Th e Mic r osof t Int ernet Infor m ati on Server 3 . 0 with ASP su pport i s i ntende d to b e loade d on top of t he Micr osoft Inte rnet Infor mation Serv er 2.
1- 20 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er S er ver S oftw a re I ns tall at i on Seq ue nce Softwa re Installation Installin g on CentreVu Ex pl orer Se rv er 1 Th e prim ary t asks in Centr eV u Explore r server i nstallati on are a s fo llows: Loadi ng Cent r eV u E xplorer soft w are Establ ishing n e two rk conn e ctio n.
Cen tr eV u Expl or er Ser v er Sof tw ar e Ins tal lati on Seq ue nc e 1-2 1 So ft ware Inst all ati on E stabl i shi ng Ne two rk C onn ec t ion 1 Appendix A of this document contai ns a high -level ove rview fo r connecti ng a s erver running M icros of t N T S erver 4.
1- 22 Cen tr eVu Ex plo r er S er ver S oftw a re I ns tall at i on Seq ue nce Softwa re Installation Launc hing CentreVu Ex pl orer 1 After insta lling th e appropri a te browser , cli ck on the int ernet browse r ico n o n your deskt op. After cli cking th e internet brows er ico n, your prede fined “home page ” is activ ated.
Verify ing the In sta llatio n 1-2 3 So ft ware Inst all ati on V erifying the Inst allation 1 When you have c ompleted t he instal la tion of Centr eV u Explor er , the fo llowing procedu re can be used to dete rmine if dat a is flowing from the Ce ntr eV u CMS: 1.
1- 24 Veri fyi ng t he Ins tal la tio n Softwa re Installation Y ou shoul d then see the Ce n treV u Data Import Servic e Control applet as s hown below: V er ify th at th e Centr eV u E x plo rer S er vic e is ru nni n g. I f t he st at us is sto p ped , clic k on the St ar t bu tto n to st art t he s er vic e.
Verify ing the In sta llatio n 1-2 5 So ft ware Inst all ati on The last two items i n the list can be checked by lo oking in the NT E vent Log for any errors pert aining to the SQL Server or the Ce ntr eV u E xp lo rer S erv ice.
1- 26 Veri fyi ng t he Ins tal la tio n Softwa re Installation CentreVu Expl or er Da tabase Ba cku p 1 Centr eV u Expl orer stor es ECHI data fr om the Cen tr eV u CMS in a Micr osoft SQL Server dat abase. W e recommend the databa se be periodi call y arc hived to al low for data recove ry in the event of a catastro phic sy stem failure .
Prod u ct Ove rvi ew 2-1 2 C Centre V u E xplor er Getting S tarted with Explor er 1 Produ ct Overview 1 Centr eV u ® Explorer tra nsforms valu able DEFINITY ® ca ll c en ter i nf orm at ion i nto powerful kno w led ge. This kno w led ge is cruc ial to t he m ana gement of your ca ll cen ter .
2-2 Produ ct Over view Getting Started w ith Ex plor er Queue tre atment such as holdin g t imes and aban dons in que ue. Centr eV u Expl orer deliver s knowled ge to the deskt op via powerfu l Micr osof t * W indows N T † bas ed in ternet serve r tech nologie s .
E xplore r Lo gin Wi ndo w 2 -3 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer Exp lorer Login Wind ow 1 Af t er la unc h in g Centr eV u Expl orer , the login window appear s as follows: Enter a vali d a ccoun t na me and pas sword then cl ic k the Submit button t o gain acce ss to the Centr eV u Expl ore r Main Menu wi ndow .
2-4 Main Menu Getting Started w ith Ex plor er Mai n Me nu 1 Th e Cen tr eV u Expl orer main window displ ays four icons as shown below: Click on Ex plo rer to go t o the qu ery and reporting i nterface o f Cent r eV u Explorer . Click on Agent In-Focus t o acce ss pre defi ned qu eri es for commo n r epor tin g scena rios.
Main Menu 2-5 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer Wind ow El ement s 1 Th e Cen tr eV u E xplorer window i s divid ed in to the f ollowing frames: El em ent Se le cti on Fra m e — Thi s fra me con tain s t he EC HI elem en ts that are u se d to formula te q ueries.
2-6 Main Menu Getting Started w ith Ex plor er Sampl e Qu ery ” i n the C entr eV u Explor er User Guide ( 585-215-840) for addit ional inf ormation on buil ding queries .
Main Menu 2-7 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer Wind ow Viewi ng a nd Sizi ng 1 Based on your mo nitor ’ s size and termin al resolut ion, a varying amount of data may be dis played in a sin gle window .
2-8 Main Menu Getting Started w ith Ex plor er Re du c e Sea rch C rit er ia S ec tio n —Moving the con trol bar betw een win dows expa nds the re sults s ec tion. Sessi on Di splay —V iewi ng with the S ession Display mode reduc e s elemen ts to most commonly requ ested ite m s.
A Qui ck S tart t o Cen treV u Ex plo rer 2-9 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer A Quick St art to CentreVu Expl orer 1 1. T o enter Ce n treV u Explor e r , click on the Explorer icon as shown be low: final_manual.
2-1 0 A Qu ick S tart to Ce n tr eV u Exp lore r Getting Started w ith Ex plor er Th e Elem ent Se lect ion win dow appe ars: 2. Check the query ele ments for you r se arch and clic k on Bu ild Query .
A Qu ick S tart t o C ent r eVu Ex plo rer 2-11 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer When the foll owing window refr eshes, para meters f or each of the options you sel ected appear in th e Search Crite ria frame on the r ight side of the window .
2-1 2 A Qu ick S tart to Ce n tr eV u Exp lore r Getting Started w ith Ex plor er The Query R e sul ts frame a ppears a t the bottom of the window . T his fram e shows t he results of your search. The top of the scree n contin ues to displ ay the Elemen t Se le cti on an d Se arc h Cr it eri a fra me s.
A Qu ick S tart t o C ent r eVu Ex plo rer 2-13 Getting S tarted wi th E xplorer The Cradle -to-Gr ave window appears as shown below: final_manual.book : getting started.
2-1 4 A Qu ick S tart to Ce n tr eV u Exp lore r Getting Started w ith Ex plor er final_manual.book : getting started.fm Page 14 Monday, May 4, 1998 1:00 PM.
In trod uct ion 3 -1 3 C Centre V u E xplor er T r oubleshooting 1 Intro ducti on 1 If you are havi ng trouble with an y of the proced ures mentione d in this document , please read t hrough t his sect ion be fore cal ling the Na tiona l Customer Care Ce nter .
3-2 In tr oduct ion T rou ble shoot ing T ro uble sh oot ing Tips 1 This se ction helps you with proble m s you may en counte r when ins tall ing, log ging into, or running Centr eV u ® Expl ore r . It cont ains ta bles wh ic h de scribe e rror m ess ag es tha t m ay ap pe ar i n Centr eV u Expl orer .
Int rod uction 3 -3 Trou blesh oot ing * Microso f t is a reg ister ed trademar k of Micro soft Corp. † Windows NT is a registe r ed trad emark of Micr osoft Corp. This m achin e does not have the co rrect ver sion of Mi cr osof t Inte rnet I nform ati on Server ins ta lled .
3-4 In tr oduct ion T rou ble shoot ing SQL S erver Er ror Messa ges 1 Th is tabl e lis ts t he SQL s erver er ror me ssa ges. Erro r Message Co rrective Action Error : 1 105, Sev erit y: 17, S tate: 2 Can’ t allo cate s pace for object ’ Sysl ogs ’ i n datab ase ’ [ d bname ]’ beca use the ’ lo gse gme nt’ is ful l.
Int rod uction 3 -5 Trou blesh oot ing Dat a Import Ser vice Mes sag es 1 T his tab le list s th e da ta im port se rv ic e mes s age s. Erro r Message s Correcti ve Action Th e se rvi ce was st ar te d . INFO RMA TI ON No cor rect ive acti on requi red.
3-6 In tr oduct ion T rou ble shoot ing OBDC Error Mes sages 1 T his ta b le l ist s the O B DC erro r me ss ages . DB-Libra r y Error Messa ges 1 This t able li sts t he DB-Lib rary error m essage s.
Int rod uction 3 -7 Trou blesh oot ing Log-i n Error Messag es 1 This t able li sts t he DB-Lib rary error m essage s Servi ce Affecti ng Automa ted Proc edure s 1 This se ction doc uments th e automat ed procedures wit hin Centr eV u Expl orer that cause servi ce int errupti ons.
3-8 In tr oduct ion T rou ble shoot ing Dat abas e Mainte nance Pr oce dures 1 Centr eV u Explore r cont a ins built in dat abase maintena nce procedu res des igned to keep the dat abase healt hy a nd res ponsive.
NT Server Connection Assistance A-1 A Centre V u E xplor er Appendix A 1 NT Server Connection Assist ance 1 The fo llowing s ec tions provide a ssis tanc e in connec ting Ce ntr eV u ® Expl orer to your local are a network (LAN). In part icula r , these inst ruction s pertain to the adminis trati on of the Micr osoft * W indow s NT † Serv er 4.
A-2 NT S erver Connection Assistance Appe ndix A Est ablis hing Serve r Netw ork C onnec tio n 1 Hardware 1 Communic a tion be tween Centr eV u Expl orer a nd Cen tre V u Call Ma nagement Syste m (CMS) is provi ded via a LAN c on nection. Additi onally , for ter minals e xte rn al to th e Centr eV u Explorer serve r , acces s is provided via a LAN.
NT Server Con n ection Assi sta nce A-3 Ap pendi x A Cen treVu Explo rer Ser ver Iden tificat ion 1 Se le ct the Iden tifica tion tab in the Ne twork Adm inis trati on window . The follo wing scr een app ears: E nte r th e foll o win g inf o rmat i on : 1.
A-4 NT S erver Connection Assistance Appe ndix A Ce ntr eV u Exp lorer Prot ocol A ssi gnmen t 1 The Ethern et or T oken Ri ng assign ments must be made to successfu lly connect to the net work. Assignme nts are made in the Pr otocols ta b of the Network Admini stration window .
NT Server Con n ection Assi sta nce A-5 Ap pendi x A Se le ct t h e TC P/ I P Pr ot oc ol item fro m t he Proto cols tab of the Network dial og box. The foll owing window is dis playe d: Enter the appropri a te IP addre ss for the Centr eV u Expl orer se rver .
A-6 NT S erver Connection Assistance Appe ndix A The DNS Server inf orm ati on is configure d via the DNS t ab . Af te r s e le cti ng th e DNS tab, the followi ng s cre en a p pears: The following information is re quired: Host Name—Ent er the same info rmation ent ered in the Compute r N ame field in the Identi ficat ion tab.
NT Server Con n ection Assi sta nce A-7 Ap pendi x A Se t th e a da pte r to Au to Det ec t in the Adapters ta b. If you are stil l e xperie ncing pro blems, contac t your network ad ministr a tor f or the proper softwa re setup. Caution After sett ing up the syst em software, y ou must re start your computer for the c hanges t o take ef fect.
A-8 NT S erver Connection Assistance Appe ndix A final_manual.book : appe ndix.fm Page 8 M o nda y, Ma y 4, 1998 1:00 PM.
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Avaya 1.2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya 1.2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya 1.2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya 1.2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya 1.2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya 1.2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya 1.2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya 1.2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。