Sceptre TechnologiesメーカーE325BV-HDUの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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- 1 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Dear Sceptr e Cust omer, Congratu lations on your new SC EPTRE E325BV-HDU HDTV purchase. Thank you for your support . Although this TV’s remo te shows 3D, and Sound Bar features, they are NOT a fun ction of this TV.
- 3 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Electricity is used to perform many useful functions, but it can also caus e personal injuries and property damage if improperly handl ed. This product has been engineered and ma nufactured with the highes t priority on safety.
- 4 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS This product is designed and manufactured to operate within defined design limits, and misuse may result in electric shock or fire.
- 5 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual • Do not ove rload pow er strips and extension co rds. Overloading can result in fire or electric shock. • The wall so cket should b e installed near the equi pment and sho uld be easily acce ssible.
- 6 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual IMPOR T ANT INFORMA TION T ele vision Antenna Connection Pr otection Externa l Televis ion Antenna Grounding If an outside antenna or cab le sy.
- 7 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Opening the P a c k a g e The SCEPTRE T V is pack aged in a c arton. Any stand ard access ories are pack ed separately in another c arton.
- 8 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Attac hing or R emoving the Stand 1. Place the d isplay unit flat on a tabl e. Afterwards attach the plastic ba se onto the nec k by form fitting the circ ular hole. Reme mber the plastic base should have more area facing the fron t of the neck.
- 9 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual T a b le of Contents IMPORTANT INF ORMATION ................. ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ......... .... 2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....
- 10 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Identi fying F r ont and R ear P anel Fro n t V i e w INDICAT OR LIGHT – The li ght is red when po wer is pl ugged in but the TV i s not turned on. Th e light turns blue w hen the TV is turned on.
- 11 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Side Contr ol Buttons 1. VOL(+) – This button increases the TV’s volu me. If a sub-menu is active, pressing this button will move the select right. 2. VOL(-) – This button decreases the TV’s volu me.
- 12 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual R ear Vie w Connections 1. TV – This connec tion is for di gital or an alog cable wit hout the ca ble box or over-the-airwave antennas. The tuner is a hy brid tuner th at tunes to both analog an d digital channels.
- 13 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual 6. HDMI1- 3 – HDM I connects t o devices that use HDMI cable, such as Blu-ray or HD DVD player, or HD ca ble / satellite set- top box. This connection port receives pure digital audio and high d efinition signal through one single cable.
- 14 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual SCEPTRE R emote Contr ol This rem ote cont rol follow s SON Y’s universa l remo te code. To f ind th e actua l code you need to co nsult your cable or satellite tech support.
- 15 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual For universal remot es, this TV follow s SONY’s universal rem ote code. You need to find the ac tual code fro m your cable or satel lite or universal r emote provider. 1. POWER – Turns the TV on o r off.
- 16 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Installing Ba tteries to the R e mote Contr ol Please inse rt two AAA bat teries into the remote control. Ma ke sure t hat you matc h the (+) and (-) symbols on the batteries wi th the (+) and (-) symbols i nside the battery compartment.
- 17 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connection Suggestions If Y ou Ha ve Digital Cab le without Ca ble Bo x or Antenna… 1. Make sure the power of HDTV is turned off. 2. Connect the Co axial RF c able from your anten na or digita l cable to the TV port on the back of your HDTV.
- 18 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connecting D VD Player with Component YPbPr… 1. Make sure the power of HD TV and your DVD player is turned off. 2. Obtain a Component C able. Connec t the gr een color connector to both your DVD p layer and YPbPr’s green conn ector port on the back of you r HDTV.
- 19 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connecting Wii™ with Composite… 1. Make sure the power of HDTV an d your Wii™ is tu rned off. 2. Obtain a Yellow Video Cable. Connect the Yel low Video connector to both your Wii™ and AV’s Yell ow Video connector port on the back side of your HDTV.
- 20 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connecting Cab le or Sa tellite box es with HDMI… 1. Make sure the power of HDTV an d your set-top b ox is turned off. 2. Connect a HDM I cable to the HDMI output of your set-top box and the other end to the HDMI port on the back of you r HDTV.
- 21 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connecting to a PC with VG A and 3.5 mm minijac k … 1. Make sure the power of HDTV and your PC is turn ed off. 2. Obtain a 15-pin D-Su b VGA cable; connec t to the VGA output of your PC and the other end to the VGA port on the back of your HDTV .
- 22 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Connecting a Digit al Audio Receiv er with Coax SPDIF… 1. Make sure the power of HDTV and you r receiver is turned off. 2. Obtain a coax S PDIF c able, conn ect it to you r receiv er’s coax SPDI F digital input and the coax SPDIF connection on the LINE OUT port on the back of the HDTV.
- 23 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Switc hing Sour ces 1. Press the SOURCE but ton on the right of t he TV to sw itch sources..
- 24 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Re a d y t o Wat ch S o m e T V ? Starting up t he HDTV 1. Make sure y our power cable is connected and the standby red light in the front of the TV is lit up. 2. Check all you r conne ction cables off the s ide or the back of your TV and als o your AV devices.
- 25 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual OSD (On Scr e en Display) Contr ol s Via R e mo te C on trol In order to adjust mo st of the opt ions inside t he On S creen Disp lay (OS D), the pictur e below shows all the bu ttons used on the remote control.
- 26 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual OSD (On Scr een Di spla y) Options PICTURE – This main option has func tions for chan ging the picture se ttings for al l port s, such as tint, contrast, sh arpness.
- 27 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual 1. Press MENU t o open the OSD. 2. Press ◄ or ► to select PICTURE an d press ENTER . 3. Use ▲ or ▼ to select the on e you want to adjust a nd ◄ or ► or ENTER to adjust them. I. PICTURE SETTINGS i.
- 28 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual V. ADVANCE PICTURE SETTI NGS i. DYNAMIC CONTRAST – This feature allo ws the TV to automatically adjust the contrast of the TV dependin g on the picture yo u are viewing.
- 29 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual SOUND This option a llows users to ad just the TV ’s sound f unctions. 1. Press MENU t o open the OSD. 2. Press ◄ or ► to select SOUND and press EN TER . 3. Use ▲ or ▼ to select the on e you want to adjust a nd ◄ or ► or ENTER to adjust them.
- 30 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual iv. BALANCE – This feature adju sts the balance between the two speakers movi ng sound from left to rig ht. II. SURROUND MOD E – This feature enable s the TV two speaker s to provide a wid er sound effe ct.
- 31 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual CHANNEL This option al lows user to adjust the T V’s tuner func tions. 1. Press M ENU to open the OSD. 2. Press ◄ or ► t o select CHANNE L and press ENTER . 3. Use ▲ or ▼ to select the one you wan t to a djust and ◄ or ► or ENTER to adjust them.
- 32 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual PA R E N T A L This option a llows us ers to filter T V programs an d movies while usi ng the TV tun er. To use this op tion you wi ll need to enter in the pa ssword fi rst. 1. Press M ENU to open the OSD.
- 33 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual SETUP This option a llows us er to adjus t the TV’s miscel laneous options. 1. Press M ENU to open the OSD. 2. Press ◄ or ► to select SETUP and pres s ENT ER . 3. Use ▲ or ▼ to select the one you wan t to a djust and ◄ or ► or ENTER to adjust them.
- 34 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual c) CC OPACITY – Thi s changes the transpa rency of the captioning . d) TEXT COLOR – This changes the color of the te xt. e) CC BACKGROUND OPACITY – This cha nges the transpa rency of backgrou nd of the text.
- 35 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual OT H E R S This option allows users to set other features of the TV. 1. Press MENU t o open the OSD. 2. Press ◄ or ► to select OTHERS and press ENT ER . 3. Use ▲ or ▼ to select the on e you want to adjust a nd ◄ or ► or ENTER to adjust them.
- 36 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Detailed Explana tions USB Connection Explained The TV is a widescre en TV with an USB port. With the USB port the TV can access USB flash drives (up to 2GB) and di splay pict ures or play MP3 files.
- 37 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Media Setting 1. SLIDESHOW INTERVAL – This option adjusts the tim e interval of a displayed picture . 2. SLIDES HOW EFFECT – This option adjusts the video effects when pictures intercha nge.
- 38 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Closed Captioning (digit al and analog) Explained Your TV is eq uipped w ith an i nternal Closed Capt ion deco der. It a llows you to vie w conservatio ns, narration a nd sound effects as subtitles o n your TV.
- 39 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual TV-G (USTV) – Ge neral Audi ence Most parents would find this program suitable for all ages . Although thi s rating does no t signify a program desi gned spe cifically fo r children, most parents may let youn ger children w atch this program unattended.
- 40 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Aspect Ra tio Explained The TV is a widescreen TV, but most TV pr ograms are still broa dcasting in a square format, the refore the TV is offe ring mult iple ways of viewing videos .
- 41 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Shor tcuts to B r owsing Channels Browsing through the en tire channel list on the TV can be tedious. This TV features a fa vorite channel list, where you can add i n channels th at you always want to watch TO ADD TO THE FAVORITE LIST 1.
- 42 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual How do I c lean the TV ? IMPORTANT 1. The power cab le has to be remov ed from the s ocket b efore clea ning the TV. 2. Do not use vol atile solvent (alcohol, rosin, and toluene) to clean the TV.
- 43 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual T r oubleshooting The followin g table c ontains t he comm on problems and t he solutions to these problems. Please chec k this list be fo re you contac t the technicians. Problems Solutions Connect power c ord correctly .
- 44 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Problems Solutions TV’S UNIVERSAL REMOTE CODE This television follows SONY’s uni ve rsal remot e co de. To find the actual c ode you mu st read thro ugh your ow n universal remote’s guide book.
- 45 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Problems Solutions I CANNOT CHANGE THE TIME MANUALLY Your TV syncs time automatically accordi ng to your local TV channel. This function only works while the TV’s tuner is connected to an ANTENN A.
- 46 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Call Us If Y ou Need Help! Products are often returned due to a tech nical problem rather than a defective product that may resu lt in unnecess ary shipp ing charges bill ed to you. O ur trained support personnel c an often reso lve t he problem over the phone or email.
- 47 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Specifica tion Display panel Item Illustration Active Area / Screen Size D i a g o n a l 3 1 .
- 48 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Channel au to scan Yes Sleep time r Off / 10mins / 20 mins / 30mins / 40m ins / 50mins / 60m ins / 90mins / 120m ins Standby power Under 1W Ti.
- 49 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY Please read this w arranty card carefull y, it is a “ONE-YEAR LIMIT ED WARRANTY” on parts and labor (90 days for .
- 50 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual water, lightning, power surges, ab normal environmental condit ions, or other acts of nature; normal wear an d tear (SCEPTRE reserves th e rig.
- 51 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual Disc laimer , T r adem ar k s , & Copy right Inf orma tion • “HDMI , the HDMI lo go and High-D efinition Multimedia Interfa ce are tradem arks or re gistered t rademark s of HD MI Licensing LLC.
- 52 - www.SCEPTRE. com SCEPTRE E 325BV-HD U User M anual FCC Compliance Sta tement This dev ice complies with Part 15 of t he FCC Rules . Operation is s ubject to the following two conditions : (1) t.
デバイスSceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSceptre Technologies E325BV-HDUデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。