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Product Name Product Name/Number Engineering > Ava ya Networking Licensin g Guide Avaya Net w orking Document Date : July 2012 Document Numbe r: NN4850 0-540 Document Ve rsion: 7.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 2 avaya.com July 2012 Notices While reasonable efforts hav e been made to ensure that the infor mation in this document is complete and accurate at the time o f printing, Avaya assumes no liabili ty for any errors.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 3 avaya.com July 2012 Abstract This docum ent s erves as a guide to sof tware f eature lic ensing on A vaya Net work ing products . Revision Control No Date Version Revised B y Remarks 1 Apr 30th 20 07 1.0 ESE Final Version for 1st Release Internall y.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 4 avaya.com July 2012 Table of Contents Tables ................................................................................................. ........................................................... 6 1. Overview .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 5 avaya.com July 2012 Figures Figure 1.1 – Access C ontro l Portfolio .......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 1.2 – Ethernet Switchin g Portf olio .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 6 avaya.com July 2012 Tables Table 2.1.1-1 – Ignit ion Server Standa lone License Kits ............................................................................ 13 Table 2.1.1-2 – Ignit ion Server Bundle Lice nse Kits .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 7 avaya.com July 2012 Table 4.2.3 – Secur e Router 100x T1/E1 Licens e Kits ............................................................................. 101 Table 4.2.4 – Secur e Router 100x/3120 VPN Lic ense Kits .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 8 avaya.com July 2012 Conventions This s ection desc ribes the t ext, im age, and com m and conventions us ed in th is doc ument. Symbols Tip – Highl ights a conf igura tion or tech nical tip. Note – High lights im portant inf orm ation to the re ader.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 9 avaya.com July 2012 1. Overvie w This docum ent s erves as a guide to acqu iring and install ing licenses on Ava ya Converge d Data Network ing products. F or eac h product c overed in t his guide t he fol lowing infor m ation will be pr ovided: 1.
July 2012 1.2 Avaya Netw orking p roducts The f ollowing Ava ya produc ts are address ed in th is doc ument Note that the Ethernet Rout ing Switch 3 500 s eries in t he Stac kable Ether net s witching portf olio does not yet conta in an y licensed f eatures and th erefor e is not listed with in this doc um ent.
July 2012 A dvanced Gatewa y 2330 Secure Router 1X00 Section 4.1 Section 4.2 Figure 1.3 Unified Commun ication s M anagemen t Configuration and Orchestration Manager (COM) Visualization Performance and Fault Manager (VPFM) Section 5.1 Section 5 .2 Figure 1.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 12 avaya.com July 2012 2. Access Control 2.1 Identif y Engines Portfol io Avaya Ident ity Engines Por tfolio solut ions ena ble bus inesses to control who access es a net work, when, where, an d ho w the net work is access ed, and whic h devices will be allo wed on the networ k.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 13 avaya.com July 2012 Ignition Server as Standalone Table 2.1.1-1 provid es the s tandalone licens es av ailable f or the Igniti on Ser ver: Order Code Description EB1639193 Avaya Identi ty Engines Ignition Server LA RGE.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 14 avaya.com July 2012 EB1639E30E5 Enterprise & Guest Access SMALL. IDEngine s Guest Manager and 1xIgnit ion Server licensed for 20 Authentica tors. W LAN Controller - 2x10GigE & 12x10/100/100 0 Base-T & 12xGigE ports licensed fo r 64 APs (expandable).
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 15 avaya.com July 2012 2.1.4 TAC ACS+ Integ ration M odule The T ACACS+ Integr ation Module is o ptional a nd can be purc hased to e nable T ACAC S+ policies on the Avaya Ignit ion Server.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 16 avaya.com July 2012 2.1.6 Ignition Access Portal and C A S E W izard The Ignition Access Portal i s an optiona l server is deliv ered pre-ins talled w ith its O perating S ystem FreeBSD as a Virtua l Applianc e.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 17 avaya.com July 2012 2.1.7 Order Ful fillment W hen a custom er places a n order, the y will rece ive a set of DVDs along with a Li cense Author ization Code (LAC) paper s heet for each of the Identit y Engines c om ponents.
July 2012 2.1.8 License K e ying and Licenses are tied t o the Ig nition Ser ver Ignition Ser ver Seria l Num bers in the cas e of a n HA deplo yment. T he Serial Num ber i identificat ion of each Ignitio n Server License. The installe d licenses deter m ine how man y authenticat ors the Ig nition S erver supp orts as well as modules ar e enabled .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 19 avaya.com July 2012 2.1.9 License Acquisi tion W hen a custom er places a n order, the y will rece ive a s et of DVDs along with a Li cense Author ization Code (LAC) f or each of the Ident it y Engines com ponents .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 20 avaya.com July 2012 Avaya Ignit ion Server licen se k eys can be obta ined for an individ ual virtua l applia nce using th e instructions provided on the LAC paper: INSTRUCT IONS 1. Obtain the S erial Num ber o f y our Ide ntity Engi nes Ignit ion Server a gainst which you wish to enable this product 2.
July 2012 2.1.10 Ignition Ser ver Licens A license fi le ma y be install ed on the Ig nition S erver using the Ign ition Dashb oard following pr ocedure: 1 W ithin t he Ignition D ashbo ard Avaya Inc.
July 2012 2 To inst all a Base Lic ens e or Guest Manager 1) Select Brows e and sele ct t he path and filenam e of t he license f ile to inst all. T his will install all th e evaluatio n or p urchased l icenses at one tim e.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 23 avaya.com July 2012 2.1.11 Ignition Anal ytics Ser ver Lice nse Inst allation A license fi le ma y be install ed on th e Ignition A nal ytics Server usi ng a W.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 24 avaya.com July 2012 2 If the licens e ke y registra tion is succ essful, a lo gin w ind ow will be d isplayed: 2.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 25 avaya.com July 2012 • Does the c ustom er need to purchase 2 x Guest M anager s in case of HA? o No. Once license of Guest Manager will work with an HA c onf.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 26 avaya.com July 2012 2.2 VPN Gatew ay The Ava ya VPN Gat ewa y portfolio is an S SL VPN remote acc ess securit y solution that ex ten ds the reac h of enter prise a pplications to rem ote/mobile em ployees, contractor s, partner s and c ustom ers.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 27 avaya.com July 2012 2.2.3 SSL / IPs ec VP N The VPN Ga tewa y 3050/30 70 ships with 50 S SL and 5 0 IPsec licenses while the Virtu al Appl iances sh ip with 10 or 50 SSL a nd IPse c licenses.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 28 avaya.com July 2012 2.2.5 Portal Guar d The Portal G uard lice nse al lows the V PN Gate way to c onvert exist ing HT T P sites to HT TPS links .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 29 avaya.com July 2012 2.2.8 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y License k eys are base d on the MAC address of the VP N Gate way 3050/3 070 hard ware appl iances and the VPN G ateway v irtual applianc es.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 30 avaya.com July 2012 2.2.10 License Ins talla tion License k eys m ay be installed us ing the com m and line interf ace or Browser B ased Interf ace b y perform ing one of the f ollowing procedur es: 2.
July 2012 Browser Based Interface 1 Using the BBI select Conf ig > Host(s ) to install th e new license to: 2 Select Licenses . In the New L icense Save . Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on Browser Based Interface (BBI) Conf ig > Host(s ) .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 32 avaya.com July 2012 3. Ethernet S w itching 3.1 Ethernet Rou ting S w itch 2500 series The Ava ya Ethernet R outin g Switch 2 500 series ( ERS2 500) is a f am .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 33 avaya.com July 2012 Order Code Description AL2515001 Ethernet Routing Switch 2500 Stacking License Kit, for 1 switch, to enabl e stacking functionality on ERS2500 seri es standalone switches. For use with AL2500xxx-E6 order c odes.
July 2012 3.1.4 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y Stacki ng licenses are base d on the MA C addres s of th e Etherne t Routi ng Switch 2500 an d each standalone s witch m ust have a stack Ad ditional ly for stac king su pport, eac h ERS To generate a stack ing licens e, the MAC a ddress of obtained a nd provide d to http://ww w.
July 2012 2 In the Generat e License page ent er the r equired informatio n to click Gener ate Licen se : Switch MAC Address Enter the MAC addre ss of the Etherne t Routing Switch 2500 show sys File N.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 36 avaya.com July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation page w ill be d ispla yed confirmin g the li cense fil e generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The license f ile is a c ompr essed binar y file.
July 2012 Avaya Enterprise Device 1 In EDM select Edit then File S ystem TftpServerIn etAddr ess field en ter the IP address o f th e TFT P server wh ere the lic ense file is located.
July 2012 3.1.7 Replacing a Sw itch In the even t of a s witch failur e, licenses m a y be transfer red bet ween Ethern et Ro uting Switch 2500 switches usi ng the f ollowing pr ocedure: 1 Access the .
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on page, ent er the Repla cement Switch MAC Addr ess Switch MAC address t o r eplace .
July 2012 3.2 Ethernet Rou ting S w itch 40 The Avaya Etherne t Routi ng Switc h 40 convergence- read y, secure and resilien t Ethern et sw available in the ER S4500 fam ily, while 4 m odels are ava ilable in th e ERS480 0 fam ily The ERS400 0 series pr ovides support f or Plus (802.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 41 avaya.com July 2012 An Advance d License is re quired for each standa lone or stack of Etherne t Routin g Switch 4 000s.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 42 avaya.com July 2012 B ase M A C A ddress (standalone s w itch) Obtaining th e Base M AC a ddress of a standal one (not stack ed) Ethernet R outing Swit.
July 2012 3.2.5 License Acquisi tion Please ref erence S ection 7 for detai ls on us ing the bank. Onc e the l icense ba nk has be en create d, an Advance d license f ile.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The license f ile is a c ompr essed binar y file.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 45 avaya.com July 2012 3.2.6 License Ins talla tion A license fi le ma y be install ed using t he comm and line interface or Enter prise Dev ice Man ager b y perform ing one of the f ollowing procedur es: 3.
July 2012 Avaya Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) 1 In EDM select Edit > File System field enter th e IP add ress o f the T FTP server w here t he license f ile is lo cated. In the LicenseFilen ame field en ter the nam e and extension of the licen se file.
July 2012 3.2.7 Replacing a Sw itch In the even t of a switch f ailure, licens es m ay be transf erred be tween Ethernet R outing S witch switches usi ng the f ollowing pr ocedure: 1 Access the Li cen.
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace 3.2.8 License S cenar ios An Ethernet R outin g Switch 400 0 series or stack . The f ollowing section will deta il what h appens and what is require d in cas e of a s witch/stac k becom ing inoperable or wh en creating/ adding u nits to a stack .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 49 avaya.com July 2012 L oss of Temporary Base Unit i n a Stack The loss of the tem porar y base unit in the s tack follows the sam e sc enario as in dicated in the pre vious section. The o nl y difference bei ng that the base unit re mains in c ontrol of the s tack .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 50 avaya.com July 2012 3.3 Ethernet Rou ting S w itch 5000 series ERS 5500 Series Avaya’s Ether net Rout ing Sw itch 5000 s eries com bines high perform ance, sc alability and ad vanced L ayer 3 feat ure s in one vers atile solution.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 51 avaya.com July 2012 3.3.3 Advanced Lice nse If required, an Adva nced lic ense is purc hased s eparat ely to the Base soft ware lic ense and u nlock s additional f eatures to th e bas e features when an a dvanc ed license f ile is inst alled.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 52 avaya.com July 2012 Table 3.3.4 pr ovides t he Pr em ier license kit order code s availabl e for the ERS500 0 series s witches: Order Code Description AL1017001 Ethernet Routing Switch 5000 series Premier L icense Kit, for 1 switch or s tack.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 53 avaya.com July 2012 B ase M A C A ddress (existing s w itch stack) The Base M AC addres s of the Base U nit in an existing stack of Ethernet R outing Switch 50 00’s can b e obtained b y ACLI usin g the following pr ocedure: (For Advance d licenses on ERS5000 s oftware re lease 6.
July 2012 1 Access the Li cense Ban k page w here the Advanced Licens e Autho rizatio n Code 2 In the Generat e License page ent er the r equired informatio n to click Gener ate Licen se : MAC Address.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The license f ile is a c ompr essed binar y file.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 56 avaya.com July 2012 3.3.7 License Ins talla tion A license fi le ma y be install ed using t he comm and line interface or Enter prise Dev ice Man ager b y perform ing one of the f ollowing procedur es: 3.
July 2012 Avaya Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) 1 In EDM select Edit then File S ystem TftpServerIn etAddr ess field en ter the IP address o f th e TFT P server wh ere the lic ense file is located. In th e Licens eFilen ame enter 0 (def ault) to sele ct T FTP serv er.
July 2012 3.3.8 Replacing a Sw itch In the even t o f a s witch failur e, licenses m a y be transfer red bet ween Ethern et Ro uting Switch switches usi ng the f ollowing pr ocedure: 1 Access the Li c.
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace If you have m ultiple entries f or the sam e license t ype, you will have to s ystem aticall y ch.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 60 avaya.com July 2012 L oss of Base Unit in a Stack (release 6.1 and belo w ) W hen a License file is gener ated on the Avaya e lectronic licensing port al to b e inst alled on an ERS500 0 switch run ning softw are rel ease 6.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 61 avaya.com July 2012 releases 6.1 and be low, havi ng the bas e unit and tem p base un it (unit #2) M AC addr esses in t he licens e file provides license r edund ancy in the event of a base unit failure. 3.3.10.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 62 avaya.com July 2012 3.4 Ethernet Rou ting S w itch 8300 The Ava ya Ethernet R outin g Switch 8 300 is a un iquel y versatile modular LAN Switch p erfec tly suitable f or use i n both the n etwork core and edge.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 63 avaya.com July 2012 3.4.3 Advanced Lice nse If required, an Adva nced lic ense is purc hased s eparat ely to the Base soft ware lic ense and u nlock s additional f eatures to th e bas e features when an a dvanc ed license f ile is inst alled.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 64 avaya.com July 2012 Table 3.5.4 pr ovides a list of order c odes of Prem ier Lic ense k its which are a vailable for the Ether net Routing S witch 8300 series switches: Order Code Description DS1421010 Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Premier License Kit, for 1 chassis.
July 2012 3.4.6 License Acquisi tion Please ref erence S ection 7 for detai ls on us ing the bank. Onc e the l icense ba nk has be en create d, the following steps are re an Advance d or Prem ier license f ile.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. An Ethernet R outin g Switch 830 0 license f ile nam e c an use an y file nam e or exten sion, however, if the filenam e is updated wit h the exac t licens e filenam e and locati on.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 67 avaya.com July 2012 3.4.7 License Ins talla tion During the bo ot sequenc e, an Ethernet R outing Switch 8300 ser ies switch f irst uses the bootco nfig inform ation for the lic ense fi le nam e and location.
July 2012 Avaya Device Manager (DM) 1 Open th e switch in Device M anag er select Edit t hen Fil eSystem . Enter tf tp server I P address & source fil ename in t he then destin ation locat.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 69 avaya.com July 2012 3.4.8 License C onfig uration A va ya Command Line Interface To update the license f ile nam e and pat h inform ation u sing ACLI (t his is not neces sar y if the license f ile name is licen se.
July 2012 Avaya Device Manager To update the license f ile nam e and pat h inform ation u sing license f ile nam e is license .dat and is loc ated in th e 1 In Device M anager op en t he swit ch and select the m aster sw itch fab ric. In the m ain men u select Edit t hen Card .
July 2012 3.4.9 Replacing a Chassis In the even t of a s witch failur e, licenses m a y be transfer red bet ween Ethern et Ro uting Switch switch chass is using the f ollowing proced ure: 1 Access the.
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace If you have m ultiple entries f or the sam e license t ype, you will have to s ystem aticall y check the LAC entr y by click ing on th e Details butt on and look ing at the lice nse file nam e in the transac tion entries.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 73 avaya.com July 2012 3.5 Ethernet Rou ting S w itch 8600 / 8800 The Ava ya Ethernet R outin g Switch 8 600/8800 is a ve rsatile m odular LAN Switch p ositione d for use as a high p erform ance s witch for the network c ore.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 74 avaya.com July 2012 3.5.2 Base Lic ense Each ne w ERS8600/8 800 chas sis requ ires that a Base Sof tware Licens e Kit b e pu rchased separ atel y for every chass is, as the Base Sof tware Licens e is no t autom aticall y included with an ERS 8600/8800.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 75 avaya.com July 2012 An Advance d License is re quired for each ERS 8600/8800 c hass is and is a vailable in k its of 1 and 10 licenses.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 76 avaya.com July 2012 Table 3.6.4 pr ovides a list of order c odes of Prem ier Lic ense k its which are a vailable for the Ether net Routing S witch 8600 /8800 s eries switches : Order Code Description DS1410026 Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 Premier License kit, for 1 Chassis.
July 2012 3.5.6 License Acquisi tion Please ref erence S ection 7 for detai ls on us ing the bank. Onc e the l icense ba nk has be en create d, the follo wing steps are requ ired to c reate and downl oad an Advance d or Prem ier license f ile.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. An Ethernet R outin g Switch however, if the filenam e is updated wit h the exac t licens e filenam e and locati on.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 79 avaya.com July 2012 3.5.7 License Ins talla tion During the bo ot sequenc e, an Ethernet R outing Switch 8600/8800 s eries s witch fir st uses the bootco nfig inform ation for the lic ense fi le nam e and location.
July 2012 Avaya Enterprise 1 In EDM select Edit then File S ystem and license f ile name . In t he Destination Apply : 2 In EDM select Edit then Chassis Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on Avaya Enterprise Device Manager (EDM) File S ystem .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 81 avaya.com July 2012 After the lice nse f ile has be en succes sfully upl oaded, you can iss ue the lo ad-licen se comm and from CLI to activate l icensed f eatures im mediate ly on an ER S8600/88 00 switc h, or, you can reboot the s witch to ac tivat e licensed f eatures.
July 2012 3.5.9 Replacing a Chassis In the even t of a s witch failur e, licenses m a y be transfer red bet ween Ethern et Ro uting Switch series switch c hass is using the fol lowing proc edure: 1 Ac.
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace If you have m ultiple entries f or LAC entr y by click ing on th e Details butt on and look ing at the lice nse file nam e in the transac tion entries.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 84 avaya.com July 2012 3.6 Virtual Ser vices Platform 9 000 Avaya’s Virtu al Ser vices Platf orm 9000 ( VSP 90 00) is a nex t-generat ion solution for m iss ion-critical data c enters a nd cam pus c ore network s, designed for the needs of large e nterpr ises, and ot her such as m ulti- tenant operat ors.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 85 avaya.com July 2012 The Ava ya VSP900 0 software r elease 3 .4 will sup port the f ollowing licensing l evels and f eatures: Base Advanced Premier Core Layer 2 Switching, ACLs, policers, shapers , 802.1D/w/s, 802.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 86 avaya.com July 2012 Link Aggre gation: M LT/LA CP/SMLT up to 512 gr oups of 8 link s per gr oup IPv6 Routi ng (Intern et Prot ocol versio n 6) Table 3.
July 2012 3.6.5 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y Licenses ar e based o n the chassis bas e MAC address and a sin gle license is req uired for e ach Services P latform 9000 chass is regardless of the num ber of Switch Fabr ic Mod ules installed.
July 2012 2 In the Generat e License page ent er the r equired informatio n to click Gener ate Licen se : Switch MAC Address Enter the base MAC address of the be File Name of lis t of MAC Addresses An.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The license f ile is a c ompr essed binar y file. It is im port ant that when do wnloadin g or saving t his file, that your browser does when addin g the licens e to the s witch.
July 2012 If the load ing fails, or if the s witch to base f unctionalit y. Installed l icenses m ay be vie wed in the Ensure the license f ilename uses lower cas e char acter s when bei ng copied an d config comm and to save t he system configurati on.
July 2012 2 In EDM select Edit then Chassis If the chass is has tw o CP m odule inst alled, you do no t need to ins tall the l icense f ile on the secondar y CP m odule. After H A is enable d, the pr imary C P will cop y the license vector s to the secondar y CP m odule.
July 2012 3.6.8 Replacing a Chassis In the even t of a s witch failur e, licenses m a y be transfer red bet ween switch chass is using the f ollowing proced ure: 1 Access the Li cense Ban k page w her.
July 2012 3 In the Replace Switch MAC page, ent er the Switch MAC address t o r eplace If you have m ultiple entries f or the sam e license t ype, you will have to s ystem aticall y check the LAC entr y by click ing on th e Details butt on and look ing at the lice nse file nam e in the transac tion entries.
July 2012 4. Unified Branch 4.1 A d vanced G atew ay 2330 This f lexible branch g atewa y solution enables ent erpris es to rel iabl y extend centr alized Interoperab le with A vaya Aur a® and other .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 95 avaya.com July 2012 4.1.2 Base Lic ense The base A dvanced G atewa y utilizes a v ariation of the Secur e Rout er softwar e that pro vides sup port for all of .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 96 avaya.com July 2012 4.1.4 SSM Use r Licen se The Advanced Gate way 2330 s upports a f eature k nown as SI P Sur vivabilit y Mode (SSM ). Each S IP device needs a SIP user licens e in order to m ake us e of the SSM f unction.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 97 avaya.com July 2012 Both the SC IM and t he full r outing upgrad e license are required t o support V PN o n the Advanced G atewa y 2330.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 98 avaya.com July 2012 4.1.9 DSP Licen se In stallation A DSP lice nse k ey ma y be installed usi ng the com m and line interf ace b y perform ing the follo wing .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 99 avaya.com July 2012 4.1.11 Full Rou ting Lic ense Ins tallatio n A full rout ing license k e y may be insta lled using t he com mand line inter face b y per form ing the following procedure: 1 Using the CLI enable the con figuration mode and issue the system license s convertT oRoute r command .
July 2012 4.2 Secure Route r The Ava ya Secure Ro uter por tfolio enab les secur e en d converged so lutions . The S ecure Router s com bine rob ust IP routi ng, flexible W AN c onnectivit y and secur.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 101 avaya.com July 2012 4.2.3 T1/E1 Lic ense The Secure R outer 1002/1004 c an be or dered with a lim ited num ber of activ ated T 1/E1 ports d epend ing on the custom er’s requirem ent.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 102 avaya.com July 2012 4.2.5 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y VPN and T 1/E1 lice nses ar e based on the m odel and serial num ber of the Secure Rou ter.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 103 avaya.com July 2012 4.2.7 T1/E1 Lic ense Ins tallatio n A T1/E1 lice nse k ey ma y be installed on a Sec ure Ro uter 100x using t he comm and line inter face .
July 2012 4.3 Secure Route r 2330 / 4134 The securit y services in a cost routing, wid e reducing th e num ber of dev ices requ ired in the branch, whil fast, s ecure, and reli able W AN Service. Offering high for unified com m unications inte grates m ultiple net work ing functions in a single de vice.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 105 avaya.com July 2012 4.3.3 SIP Media Gate w ay License W ith the optional Pac ket Voice M odule inst alled in either the Secure Ro uter 233 0 or Sec ure Router 4134 the com plete SIP M edia Gate way feature s et bec om es available.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 106 avaya.com July 2012 4.3.5 SSM Use r Licen se The Secure R outer 2330 and S ecure R outer 413 4 support a f eature k nown as SIP S urvivabil ity Mode (SSM). E ach SIP de vice n eeds a SI P User licens e in order to m ak e use of the S SM functi on.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 107 avaya.com July 2012 4.3.7 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y Licensed f eatures on th e Secur e Router 2 330 an d Secure Rou ter 4134 are bas ed on the s erial num ber of the system m otherboard (M PU_A).
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 108 avaya.com July 2012 4.3.9 DSP Licen se In stallation A DSP lice nse k ey ma y be installed usi ng the com m and line interf ace b y perform ing the follo wing.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 109 avaya.com July 2012 5. Unified Communication s Management 5.1 Configuratio n and O rchestration Man ager (COM) Avaya’s C onfiguratio n and O rchestr ation Manag er (COM) del ivers centra lized configurat ion, pro visioning and troubles hooting f or ent erprise- wide devices and technologies.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 110 avaya.com July 2012 A Bulk Conf iguration M anager ( BCM) bas e licens e is optiona lly requ ired, which includ es support of up t o 100 nodes . Additiona l nodes can be su pported b y purchas ing BCM u pgrade licenses to provide su pport of up to 5,00 0 nodes.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 111 avaya.com July 2012 Serv er hardware The f ollowing inform ation is Avaya’s m inim um recomm ended hard ware requ irem ents for PC/Server platform s for Conf iguration and O rchestr ation Ma nager version 3.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 112 avaya.com July 2012 5.2 Visua lization Performance & Fault Manager (VPFM) Avaya’s Visu alization Perfor m ance and Fault M anager (VPFM) has the abil ity to dis cover and m onitor ever y IP/SNMP d evice on your net work, even if equipm ent comes from a vendor ot her than Ava ya.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 113 avaya.com July 2012 5.2.2 Platform r equir ements Op erating System The f ollowing opera ting sys tems support Visua lization Perform ance and F ault Ma nager: • Mi crosof t W indows 2003 a nd 2008 Ser ver • V irtuali zation – H yper V an d VM ware enviro nment • V Mware E SX / ESX i 5.
July 2012 5.3 IP Flow Manager (IPFM ) 5.3.1 IPFM Lice nsing IP Flow M anager (I PFM) is licensed. A base licens e is firs t required, wh ich include s support of up to IPFIX enabl ed devices . Addit ional devices to a total of 50 IPFIX e nabl ed devices can be sup port Table 5.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 115 avaya.com July 2012 Serv er hardware The f ollowing inform ation is Avaya’s m inim um recomm ended hard ware requ irem ents for PC/Server platform s.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 116 avaya.com July 2012 5.4 Enterprise Pol icy Manager ( EPM) Avaya’s Enter prise Policy Mana ger (EPM) is a network- level applicat ion that en ables ne twork administrator s to m anage b andwidth, pr ioritize traf fic streams , set network acces s policies a nd contr ol energ y consumptio n.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 117 avaya.com July 2012 Serv er hardware The f ollowing inform ation is Avaya’s m inim um recomm ended hard ware requ irem ents for PC/Server platform s.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 118 avaya.com July 2012 5.5 Virtualizati on Provisioni ng Service (VPS) The Ava ya Virtualizat ion Prov isioning S ervice is a m anagement too l that autom atical.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 119 avaya.com July 2012 Serv er hardware The f ollowing inform ation is Avaya’s m inim um recomm ended hard ware requ irem ents for PC/Server platform s.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 120 avaya.com July 2012 5.6 Unified Communicati ons Management P ortfoli o 5.6.1 License K e ying and Me thodolo g y All Ava ya Unified C omm unications Man agem ent produ cts ( COM+BCM, VPFM, I PFM & EP M) follo w the same c ommon license generatio n, insta llation and m anagem ent proc edures.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 121 avaya.com July 2012 5.6.2 License Acquisi tion Please ref erence S ection 7 f or details on us ing the Av aya elec tronic lice nsing portal to creat e a license bank. Once the l icense bank has been creat ed, the fol lowing steps are require d to cr eate and do wnload a UCM license file.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 122 avaya.com July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation page w ill be d ispla yed confirmin g the li cense fil e generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The UCM l icense file is an ASC II file.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 123 avaya.com July 2012 5.6.3 License Ins talla tion During the U CM base d produc t Server start up/loa d sequenc e, a lice nse file m ust be pres ent. Lic ensed features wi ll be unloc ked and a vailable f or conf iguration when a va lid license file is found.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 124 avaya.com July 2012 2 Within the L icensing Administratio n sele ct + to add a license f ile: 3 Enter the file pat h locat ion o f the new ly dow nloaded UCM L icense file, o r select b rowse t o locate the li cense file .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 125 avaya.com July 2012 4 The newly inst alled licen se w ill be displ ayed in th e Licensing Administ ratio n w indow. Once the U CM licens e is a dded and v isible in the Lice nse Adm inistration window, licensed features ar e read y for immedi ate use.
July 2012 5.6.5 UCM So ftw are Release For custom er s that have a va lid Ava ya support con tract, suc h as S oftware Re lease Su bscription ( SRS), t here is an auto mated pr ocess to obt ain a new Lice nse Author izati on Code ( LAC) f or release version upgr ades.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 127 avaya.com July 2012 6. Wireless LAN 6.1 Wireless L AN 2300 Series 6.1.1 Wireless L AN 2300 Infra struc ture The Ava ya W LAN 2300 Ser ies is a com plete 80 2.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 128 avaya.com July 2012 The W ireless LAN S ecurit y Switch 23 80, 2382 a nd Tr apeze Mob ility Exchan ge 2800 Ac cess P oint licensing is up gradeab le w hich allo ws custom ers to add additiona l Access Point capacit y without hav ing to add addi tional W ireless LAN Securit y Switches t o the n etwork .
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 129 avaya.com July 2012 A d vanced Voice Module License The W ireless LAN 23 00 ser ies Release 7.1 and a bove requires an Advance d Voic e Module license.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 130 avaya.com July 2012 Mesh / Bridging Module License The W ireless LAN 23 00 ser ies Release 7.1 and a bove requires a M esh / Bridging licens e to en a.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 131 avaya.com July 2012 In the even t that a W ireless LAN Securit y Switch 238 0 / 238 2 needs t o be rep laced, th e AP licenses m ay be transf erred to a diff erence ser ial number us ing the Avaya e lectronic l icensing portal http://ww w.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 132 avaya.com July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation page w ill be d ispla yed confirmin g the li cense fil e generation.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 133 avaya.com July 2012 3 Read the Reho sting Agr eemen t then cli ck Agree : 4 A n ew Licen se Authoriz ation Code w ill be gener ated an d must be ad ded t o a new or existing License Ban k befo re a Licen se Activ ation Key for the new Wireless L AN Se curity Sw itch can be created.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 134 avaya.com July 2012 6.1.2 Wireless L AN 2300 Mana ge ment The Ava ya W ireless LAN M anagem ent Soft ware 2300 system is a comprehens ive desi gn and m anagem.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 135 avaya.com July 2012 Planning License The W ireless LAN 23 00 Ma nagement S oftware p lannin g license is option al and when purc hased ena bles additi.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 136 avaya.com July 2012 The hostnam e of a Linux b ased system can be determ ined by usin g the f ollowing pr ocedure: At the con sole issue the hostname co mman d: [root@wmsserver root]# hostname Wms.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 137 avaya.com July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation page w ill be d ispla yed confirmin g the li cense fil e generation.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 138 avaya.com July 2012 2 In the Serial # field enter t he Licens e Autho rization Code pro vided w ith t he Softw are License Certificate. In the Li cense Key field enter th e License Act ivation Code g enerated by the http://ww w.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 139 avaya.com July 2012 R eplacing a Server In the even t of a serv er failur e or hard ware upgr ade a W ireless Management Sof tware licens e ma y be transfer red to anoth er server with a dif ferent hostn ame us ing the f ollowing pr ocedure: 1.
July 2012 6.2 Wireless L AN 8100 Series 6.2.1 Wireless LAN The Ava ya W LAN 8100 Ser ies com bines the lat est 802.11 n wireless standard wit h a ne w and trul y unified wire less/ wired arc hitecture that delivers wired perfor m ance to wireless user s at a lower total c ost of ownership.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 141 avaya.com July 2012 Table provides the AP license u pgrade ord er codes availabl e for the W ireless Controller 818 0 and 8180-16L: Order Code Description W L81ULK64 Key to unlock W C-8180-16L to a standard W C-8180 with 64 Access Poin t Licenses.
July 2012 License A cquisition Please ref erence S ection 7 for detai ls on us ing the bank. Once the l icense bank has been creat ed, the fol lowing steps are require d to cr eate and do wnlo.
July 2012 3 A Rec eipt and Proof o f Installation generation. T he lic ense file and confirm ation w ill be sent v ia email. The license f ile is a c ompr essed binar y file. It is im port ant that when do wnloadin g or saving t his file, that your browser does when addin g the licens e to the s witch.
July 2012 Avaya Enterpris e Device Manager (EDM) 1 In EDM select Edit then File S ystem TftpServerIn etAddr ess field en ter the IP address o f th e TFT P server wh ere the lic ense file is located.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 145 avaya.com July 2012 6.2.2 Wireless L AN 8100 Mana ge ment Avaya’s W LAN Mana gem ent Softwar e 8100 s ystem is a full-featur ed tool suite th at enables adm inistrators to perfor m configuration, verification , managem ent, and optim ization of the W ireless LAN 8100 series infras tructure.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 146 avaya.com July 2012 A ccess Point Upgrade License The W ireless LAN Ma nage ment 8100 Software AP licens e m ay be upgrade d as the e nterprises AP c ount increases.
July 2012 License Acquisition Please ref erence Sec tion 7 for details on using th e Ava ya electron ic licensin g portal t o create a license bank. Onc e the licens e ban k has been c reated, t he foll owing steps are req uired to c reate the Access Point upgra de licens e file.
July 2012 License Installation A license fi le ma y be install ed on the W ireless Managem ent S y stem 8100 1 Place the li cense file into t he wind ows host where the WM S service s reside s: 2 Stop the W M S services by sel ecting Avaya Inc.
July 2012 3 Start the WM S serv ices b y selecting By default W MS is installed in the The W MS services m us t be restarted f or the Acc ess To m inimize downlo ad and loss of data, A va ya recomm ends that the s y s tem reboot be scheduled d uring a nor m al maintenance window.
July 2012 7. Licensing Portal The Ava ya data pro ducts li censing porta l work s on the concept repositor y for all l icense ent itlem ents and license f iles license ba nk b y entering a Licens e Authori zation C End users ma y deposit m ultiple license ent itlem en banks eac h with its own log in.
July 2012 2 The f ollowing screen show s the in itial informat ion requ ired to create a n ew license bank. On e the Electron ic Licensin g pag e, select th e option t o bank . Enter th e requir ed inf ormation an d then cli ck First Name End users first name.
July 2012 3 Once the license bank ha s been cre ated and t he lic ense entitl ement dep osited , end use rs may dow nload th e license file or exit the p ortal and use dow nload a license at a lat er date.
July 2012 2 The f ollowing screen show s the in itial informat ion requ ired to add a new license ent itlemen t to an existing license b ank. O ne the Ele ctronic L icensing page, sele ct the op tio n to licenses into an EXISTIN G licens e bank First Name End users first name.
July 2012 7.3 A cce ssing an Existing License Bank End users can acces s an e xisting lice nse bank to downlo ad or v iew details on licens es using the follow ing procedure: 1 Using a w eb brow ser ope n the Avaya electroni c licensin g portal http:// www.
July 2012 Product The product t hat the license authorisation code applies to. Order Code The order cod e for the license authorisation c ode. License Authori sation Code The license au thorisation code deposted in to the license bank.
Avaya Inc. – External Distributi on 156 avaya.com July 2012 © 2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya Logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and are reg is tered in the United S tates and other countries. All trade m arks identified by ®, TM or SM are regi stered marks, trademarks, and ser vic e marks, respectively, of Avaya Inc.
デバイスAvaya DS1410026の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Avaya DS1410026をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAvaya DS1410026の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Avaya DS1410026の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Avaya DS1410026で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Avaya DS1410026を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAvaya DS1410026の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Avaya DS1410026に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAvaya DS1410026デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。