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Contents Pre f a ce . ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... ... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. . 1 Ele ctro sta tic dis ch arge pro tec tion .... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... . 1 Important saf ety inf ormati on and pre cautions .
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 1 Pre face This manual contain s inf ormation for users of the Seagat e ® Barr acu da 3 6 SCSI dis c drives . It pro vides support s er v ices , per- f ormance specifi cations , and initia l set up informat ion.
2 Barracuda 36 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B • T ur n of f the po wer before removi ng or i nstalling the DC po wer cabl e. • Do not remo ve an y circuit b oard s fr om t he driv e.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 3 • Fo llo w the pr ec autions l isted a bov e in “ Electro static dischar ge prot ection. ” • Do not r emov e any ci rcuit boa rds from the d ri v e. Ret u r n the enti re driv e f or depot repai r if any cir cuit boar d is def ectiv e.
4 Barracuda 36 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B thr ough the Seagate Saf ety De par tment to assist the su bsystem desi gner . Wic htige Si cherh eitsh inweise Vo r s i c h t . Beim T esten des Laufw erks auf dem Pr ü ftisch is t F remdbel ü ftung v or zusehen , um e ine au sr eic hende K ü hlun g der Laufw erkkompon enten si cher zustel l en.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 5 • T r e ffen Si e beim Betrieb , be i der Insta l l ation oder bei de r Entf er nung der Einhei t ange m essene Sicher heitsv orkehrun- gen. • W enn eine Einhei t u nter Spannung st eht, gehen Si e bei der Fe hlerdi agnose besonders v orsicht ig v or .
6 Barracuda 36 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Als T eilkompon ente ist diese s Laufwe rk f ü r di e Insta l l ation u nd den Bet rieb in Ü be reinstimmun g mit UL 19 50, EN6 0950, C AN/ CSA C22.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 7 Regulator y agency compliance Elect romagn etic suscepti bility As a componen t assembl y , t he drive is no t requir ed to meet an y suscep tibi li t y perf ormance re quirement s .
8 Barracuda 36 Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Elect romagn etic compliance f o r the Europ ean Union If this model has the CE Marking it com plies wit h the Euro p ean Union requirement s of the El ec.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 9 Se agat e T e ch nol ogy su p po r t se rv i c es Onli ne Se r v ices In te rne t F or onl ine inf or mati on about Seag ate pr oducts , visit www .sea gate. com or e-mail your disc or tape question s to: Presal es Sup por t: Disc: ht tp://www .
10 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B ti ps and specif ications for disc driv es and tape dri ves 24 hour s dail y . I nter nat ional c allers c an reac h this se r vice by dial ing +1 - 405-93 6-1234. SeaF AX ® is Seag ate's automat ed F AX deliv er y syst em.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 11 Custo me r Ser v ice (C S O) W arra nt y R e pair Seagat e of fers w or ld wide customer suppo r t fo r Seagate driv es. Seagat e direct OE M , Di strib uti on and System Inte grat or c ust om- ers shoul d contact thei r Seagate ser v i c e cente r representa tive f or war ranty inf or mati on.
12 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B W arra nt y R e pair USA 1-800- 468-3472 F AX: +1-405- 949-674 0 Mexi co an d Lati n Ame ric a +1-405- 949-7758 F AX: +1-405-949- 6738 A ut hor ized .
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 13 Ita ly 1 677 90 695 Netherl and s 0 800-732 4283 Norwa y 800-113 91 P oland 00 800-311 12 38 Spain 900-98 31 24 Sw eden 0 207 90 073 Swit zerland 0 800-83.
14 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B SeaF AX A ustra lia +61-2-9 756-5170 W arra nt y R e pair Jap an +81-3-5 462-2904 F AX: +81- 3-54 62-2979 Asia/ P acific and +65-485- 3595 F AX: +65-.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 15 Gener al descr iption Barr acuda 36 SCSI disc driv es are hig h-speed, r andom-acce ss digi tal-dat a st orage de vice s. The dr i ve is a com ponent for instal l a tion in an enclosure designed f o r the drive.
16 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B T abl e 1. Dri v e ch a r ac t er is t ic s Inte r fac e Ul tra S C S I [1 ] Capaci t y Formatt ed [2] 36 Gby te [2] Max. da ta b loc ks 71132960 Record in g Cylin ders (user ) 11,721 Read/write dat a heads 20 Acc e s s ti m e [3] A v erage read 7.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 17 T abl e 2. DC powe r require ments (Amps), multimode (SE/L VD) [1] Meas ur e d with an av erage reading DC ammeter .
18 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B [5] Se e “ Conduc ted n oi s e immun ity ” in the Barr acuda 36 Prod- uct Man ual. The speci fied v oltage toleran ce is incl usiv e of rippl e, noi se, and tr ansient response . [6] Oper ating con dition i s defined as r andom seek r ead opera- ti ons with a bloc k co unt of 64.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 19 Initia l setup inf o rmat ion The gen eral info r mat i o n begin ni n g on this page appl ies to all of the Barrac uda 36 dri ve models .
20 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B SC SI ID ju m p e rs Each de vic e on the SCSI chai n must have a un ique SCSI ID . The hos t syst em ’ s SCSI co ntrolle r usuall y uses t he ID that has the hi ghest pr i or i ty int errupt in the SCSI I/O syst em .
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 21 the case, change the ID so that each de vice on t he SCSI chain has it s own uniqu e ID . Al so check you r system or co nt r oller user ’ s manual to ensure t hat y ou hav e not vio lated it s SCSI ID num beri ng recommendat io ns.
22 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B Fo r inf or mat ion about how t o ter min ate your dri ve , re fer to the approp riate driv e- specif ic sect ion.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 23 gro und (see Fi gur e 1 2) . The host dev ice cannot overri de the SE j umper. If “ DIFFSNS ” i s at nom i n al ground (0V to . 6V), al l of t he bus receiv ers/ dri v er s operate i n sin gle-ended mode .
24 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B [1] F or en vir o nm ents wh ere a ll eleme nt s of the b u s ( cabl e s, de vi ce i nt er- f aces , en vir onme ntal nois e and ot her pa ram eters ) ar e contr olle d to be be tter than min ima lly req ui red , it may be po ss ible to exte nd t he pat h le ngt h an d devi ce cou nt.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 25 [1] F or en vir o nm ents wh ere a ll eleme nt s of the b u s ( cabl e s, de vi ce i nt er- f aces , en vir onme ntal nois e and ot her pa ram eters ) ar e contr olle d to be be tter than min ima lly req ui red , it may be po ss ible to exte nd t he pat h le ngt h an d devi ce cou nt.
26 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B Figur e 3a. Six ty-eight pin c onnection t o drive.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 27 [1] Cl osed e nd ty pe 6 8 pin c on nec tor used. T er mi nat or req uir ed . [2 ] Ope n end t ype (in -lin e ap plic at ion) co nnec tor use d. N o t erm inat or. [3 ] H os t ne ed no t be on th e en d of th e d ai sy c h ain .
28 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B Note. This driv e model plu gs directly in to a backp l an e c onnec- tor and t heref ore us es no cabl es.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 29 Providin g ade q ua te cool in g The encl osure desi gn must ensure adeq uate cool i ng f or the driv e. The maxim um ambient ai r temperat ure around the driv e shoul d not e xceed 50 ° C .
30 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B K ü hl un g des S y st ems Die Geh ä usekonstrukt ion m u ß ei ne ausreichende K ü hl ung des Laufw erk es gew ä hrleist en.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 31 . Figur e 4. Sug gested air flow Abbil dung 4. Empfohlener L uft strom verl auf Note. Air flows in the direction shown (front to back) or in reverse direction (back to front) Note.
32 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B Mounting the drive and connecting cables Do not tou ch the connector pins or any compon ents on the con - tro l board wit hout observing static-di scharge precautio ns. Alwa ys handle the driv e b y the frame onl y .
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 33 1. Bef estigen Sie das Laufw erk mit vi er 6-32- U NC-Schr auben am G eh ä use des H ost- S ystems. Die beiden Sei ten des Lauf werke s sind mit j eweil s zwei Bef estigu ngsl ö chern ver sehen, die Unterseite des Laufwerk es weist vi er w eitere Bef estigung sl ö cher auf .
34 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B the DC po wer connec t or . T o connect the DC power cab l e to the dri ve , si mply insert the cabl e end into th e d ri v e ’ s DC powe r connect or . 4. Schli e ß en Sie das SCSI-Kabel an den SCSI-Stec kv erbinder des Laufwer k e s an.
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 35 Note. Signal gr ound on the print ed cir cuit board asse m bl y (PCBA) and the head and disc assem bly (HD A) are con- necte d toge ther in this d rive and y ou c annot separ ate them.
36 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B elek tromagneti sche St rahlung f ä llt in den Zus t ä ndigk eits - berei ch des Systemd esi gners . 5. Replac e the hos t system ’ s cov er . 5. Setz en Sie das Geh ä u seobert eil des Host-Syste m s wiede r auf .
Barr acuda 36 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 37 Figur e 6. Mounti ng confi guration di mensions F D A E [3] C G [1] B H M [6] [6] N J2 J6 LED K S [8] [2] R P [5] Inches A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S 146.05 101.60 41.1 60.00 28.45 101.60 6.35 44.45 95.
38 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B Formatting the drive W arning. F ormatting a d ri v e er ases all user data. Be sur e that you underst and this pri nciple bef ore f ormatting an y hard di sc drive .
Barr acuda 3 6 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 39 L W drives W / WD d ri ves s ecti on Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe r s Use t he J6 j um per bl ock t o set the SCSI I D ( Figure 7) . T o cha nge the SCSI ID , instal l jumpers on t he appropriat e pins as shown i n the i llustr ation.
40 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B L W drives Figur e 7 . Set ti ng th e SCSI ID on model “ LW ” drives SCSI ID = 0 (default) Jumper Plug (enlarged to show detail) J6 Drive Front P.
Barr acuda 3 6 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 41 L W drives Figur e 8 . Usi ng J5 connec tor f or model “ LW ” drive alt ernate ID select an d LED connecti on J1-DC Power J1 68 Pin SCSI I/O Connecto.
42 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B L W drives Othe r a pplica ble jum per op tions Other option jumpe rs are a v ail ab le as i l lustra ted in Figu res 9 and 10. [1] Se e Fig ure 10 for thi s jum per posi tion optio n for “ LW ” dr ives.
Barr acuda 3 6 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 43 L W drives [1] “ TP ” no t u sed on “ LC ” drive s . [2] J u mpe r not t o be used f or “ LW ” op er at ion. [3 ] Jump er p osit ion nam es shown h ere are not mar ked on the PCB A. They are shown here for reference only .
44 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B LC dr ive s WC/ DC drives section Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe r s The SCSI ID fo r “ LC ” model drives is normally se t ov er the SCSI bus by the host syste m using connect or contacts 39 (ID0) , 40 (ID2 ), 7 9 (ID1), and 80 (ID3 ).
Barr acuda 3 6 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 45 LC drives [1 ] Jump er p osit ion nam es shown h ere are not mar ked on the PCB A. They are shown here for reference only . Figur e 11. Jum per op t ions for “ LC ” driv es Enable parity check of SCSI bus.
46 Barr acuda 36 I nst allati on G uid e, Re v . B LC dr ive s Sing le-en d ed/l ow-v olt age-diff eren tial s electio n The SE j umper , when in stalled o n J2, f orces t he drive I/O ci rcu its and al l other dev ices on the SCS I b us t o operate in the s ingle - ended (SE) m o de.
Barr acuda 3 6 Instal lation Guide, Rev . B 47 LC drives [1 ] Jump er p osit ion nam es shown h ere are not mar ked on the PCB A. They are shown here for reference only .
Seagate T echno logy , Inc. 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , CA 95066-4544, USA Pub lic ation Numbe r : 7 7767529 , Re v . B , Print ed in US A.
デバイスSeagate ST136475LW/LCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST136475LW/LCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST136475LW/LCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST136475LW/LCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST136475LW/LCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST136475LW/LCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST136475LW/LCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST136475LW/LCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST136475LW/LCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。