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Con tents Prefac e .. . ... . .. . .... ....... . .... . ... ...... . ...... ....... . .. . ..... ...... . .... . ... ........ . .... . 1 Electr ostatic discharge protection ....................................... ........ 1 Imp ortant safety informatio n and p re cautions .
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 Preface This manual contains inf ormation for users of the Seagate ST1917 1FC ( Fibre Channe l inter face) Bar racu da disc dri ves. It provides technical supp ort information, per formance specifica- tions, i nstallatio n instructions, and a troubleshooting sec t ion.
2 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A any grounded metal assembly. As a general rule, remember that you and the drive electronics must all be grounded to avoid potentially damaging stati c disc har ges. • Do not remove any circuit boards from t h e drive.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 3 Always obse rve the following war nings and p re cautions: • Perform all maintenance by followin g the pro cedures in this manual. • Follow all cautio ns a nd war nings i n the proce dures. • Use sound safety practices when operating or repair ing th e unit.
4 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A subs ystem designers ar e respo nsible for meeting t h ese cond i- tions of acceptability in obtaining safety-regulatory agenc y com- plia nce in their e nd- use produc ts and for certi f ying where re quired by law.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 5 Die Warn- und Vo r sichtshinweise sind nicht allumf a s send ! Es i st uns einfach nich t möglich, alle Wartungsmethoden oder die even tuel len Risiken jeder Methode zu kennen , zu beurteilen und Sie entsprech end zu beraten.
6 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A • Nehmen Sie keine Platinen aus dem Laufwerkgehä use. We nn eine Platine defekt ist, muß das gesa m te Laufwerk zur Rep- aratur einges chickt werden.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 7 haltung der Sicherheit sanford erungen ist die Bereitstell u ng eines Übe rlastschutzes f ür die SEL V-Versorgungsspan nunge n des Lau f werks. Dieses Gerät ist eine Baugruppe un d unterl iegt als solche nicht den Anforderungen der FCC oder ähnlicher nationaler Behörden für eigen st ändige Geräte.
8 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Tec h nical s upport s ervices Seaga t e Technology provides technica l support li t eratur e and diagnos t ic utilities to authorized distributors. Please c ontact your dealer for technical supp ort and installation troubleshoo ting.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 9 are on hold. Rec or din gs ar e a cces sible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. SeaT DD: (40 8) 438 -5382 TDD is a telecommunication device f or the deaf where two peo- ple can communicate using a keyb oard conn ected to th e phone line.
10 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Gen eral des criptio n Barracuda 9FC disc drives are high-speed, random-ac cess d igi- tal-data stor age de v i c e s desig ned to be used within a Fibre Channe l host sys tem. The drive is a compo nent f or installation in an en c l osure designe d f or the drive.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 1 Characteris t ics ST1917 1F C Interface Fibre Channel Capac ity Unformatt ed 11.7 Gbytes Formatted 9 .1 Gbytes Recording Cylinders (user) 5,273 Read/write dat a heads 20 Avg bytes/tra ck (unformatted) 102,000 Seek tim e Average read 8.
12 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Ins talling t he ST 19171FC d rive To install a ST1 91 71FC dr ive , simply pl u g t he drive dire c tly into your sy s tem’s Fibre Channel bac kpan el 40- pin single c o nnector atta chment (FC-SCA). There are no j ump ers or ter minators on the drive, and power is supplied thro u gh the connec tor.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 3 Figure 2 s hows one design approac h with one or more fans used to g e ner ate air flow. The air-flow patt ern can be created by the fans either pushing or drawing air . The overall flow patt ern must be dire cted from side t o side in mo st FC-SCA systems.
14 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Figure 2. Suggested air flow Abbild ung 2. Empfohlener Luftst romverlauf Above unit Under unit Note. Air flows in the direction shown or in reverse direction (side to side) Above unit Under unit Note.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 5 Mou nti ng the driv e Do not touch the c onnector pins or an y compo- nents on the c ontrol bo ard wi thou t observing st atic- disc harge precautions. Al ways handle the drive by the frame only. Mount the drive to the host s y st em’s chas si s using fou r 6-32 UNC screws.
16 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Schraube nicht ohne Widerstand ei nschraube n läßt, sind die Gewinde nicht ko rrekt a neinander ausgerichtet. Figure 3. DImensions Abbild ung 3: Lauf werkabmess ungen A F D E C M L [1] [4] Pin 1 Motherboard Ref.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 7 5.760 4.010 1.026 .620 4.000 .250 1.750 3.750 2.370 1.750 0.181 1.646 1.625 .1215 .1215 146.304 101.854 26.06 0 15.748 101.60 0 6.35 0 44.
18 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A Inse rtin g the dri ve Most sy stems provide a way to i n sert the drive using a carrier or tray which allows the drive to be hot-plug ged int o the s ystem’ s Fibre C hannel 40-pin single co nnector at tachment (FC-SCA).
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 1 9 Warning. I nformation can be l ost if you enable writ e cache a n d there is a system f ailur e (for example, power failure) before the data has actuall y been p hysically wri tten to the disc . OEM driv e s are shipped with write ca c he disabled b y default to enhan ce data integr ity.
20 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A [1] The drive has a 2 .2K o hm resisto r i n seri es wi th th is LED drive r. Co nnect t he minu s side of an exter nal h igh-e ffici ency LE D (i.e . 2ma ) to th is p in. C onn ec t the plus s id e of the L ED to + 5V.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 2 1 Table 1: FC- SCA pin descripti o n s Pi n/c on tac t Si gna l n ame Si gna l type 1* –EN bypas s por t A TTL o u t p u t 2* 12 Vol t s 3* 12 Vo l ts 4* .
22 Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A *Shor t pins i n the mating backpa nel connecto r. 26 Groun d 27* +CH2_ in Di ff. PECL in put pa ir 28* –CH2_in 29 Gro und 30* +CH1_ou t Di ff. PECL output pa ir 31* – CH1_ out 32 Groun d 33* +CH2_ out Diff.
Barracuda 9FC Installation Guide, R ev. A 2 3 Trou blesho oti n g Before cal ling Seag ate Technical Supp ort, plea se read the pos- sibilitie s disc usse d be l ow. The s ugges tions prese nted here wi ll re solve the majori ty of installation pr obl ems.
Seagate Techno l og y, Inc . 920 Disc D ri ve, Scotts Valley, CA 9 5066-4544, USA Publicatio n Number: 83 329090 , Rev. A, Printed in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST19171FCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST19171FCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST19171FCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST19171FCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST19171FCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST19171FCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST19171FCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST19171FCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST19171FCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。