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Contents Pr eface .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ... .... ..... .. 1 El ectr ost atic di sch arge pr ote ctio n .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... ..... ... ..... .... ..... .. 1 Im por t an t sa f e ty inform at ion and pre ca utio ns .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 1 Pref ace This manua l contains i nf or mati on fo r users of the Seaga te® ST19171 Ba rrac uda™ 9 SCSI disc drive s. It pro vides suppor t services , perf ormance speci ficat i on s, and initial s etup inf orma- tion.
2 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B • T urn off t he po wer bef ore r emovi ng or ins tallin g the DC power c able. • Do not rem ov e any ci rcui t boar ds from the driv e.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 3 Alwa ys o bserve the f ollo wing warni ngs an d preca ut ions : • P erf orm all maint enance b y fo l l owin g t he procedur es in this manua l . • Fol low all cau tions and w arnin gs in t he pro cedures .
4 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B As a co mponent, this dr i ve is desi gned to be inst alled and oper- ated i n accordance with UL19 50, EN60950, CSA C2 2.2 950- M89, and VDE0805. Seagate t akes al l reasonab le steps t o ensure that its produ cts are certifi able t o curr ently acce pted st andards.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 5 arat ur der Ein heit. Ei ni ge V erf ahren er f order n Spezialwerk zeuge; diese müsse n z ur sachgemäßen A u sführung der W art u ngsarbe- iten und au s Si c herheitsg ründen den Em pfehl ungen ent sprech- end ver wendet we rden .
6 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B • W enn eine Einhei t unter Spannu ng steht , gehe n Sie bei der Fehl erdi agnose besonder s v orsichti g v or . Schalt en Sie di e Einhei t aus , be vor Sie mit den Repar atur arb eiten beg inn en. • T rag en Si e Sich erheit sschuhe , w enn Sie schw ere T eil e aus- bzw .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 7 Als T e i l k o mponen te ist die ses Laufwer k für di e Installati on und de n Be trie b in Über eins timm ung m it U L 195 0, E N60 950 , CSA C22.
8 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Regulat ory a g ency c omplian ce El ec t rom ag n e ti c s u sc e p ti b il ity As a com ponent as semb ly , the dri ve is not r equired t o meet any suscept ibili ty perf ormance requi rement s.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 9 Electr o magnetic compl ia nce for the Eur opean Union If t his mo del has t he CE Marking it co m p lies wi th the Eur opean Union r equireme nt s of the .
10 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Seag ate tec hnical sup por t services If y ou ne ed assi stance instal ling y our dri ve , consul t y our d ealer . Dealers are fam iliar wit h their un ique sys t em con figurat ions an d can help y ou with sys tem confl icts and ot her techni cal issues .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 11 Se ag a t e C o m p u S e r ve for u m Online technical support fo r Seagat e products i s a vailab le o n CompuServe . T o acces s our techn i c al suppor t f orum, typ e go seagat e . Thi s f oru m provides inf o r mat ion simil ar to t hat f o und on SeaBO ARD .
12 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B F AX ser vices SeaF AX ® Y ou can use a touch -tone teleph one t o access Seagate’ s aut o- mated F AX syste m to recei ve t echnical supp or t inf or mat ion by r etu r n F A X. T his s er vi ce i s avai la ble 24 ho ur s dai ly .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 13 Direct-su ppor t serv ices Seag at e t echnica l support For on e-on-on e help , y ou can talk to a technical support special- ist during local bus iness hours. Bef ore call ing, not e you r syst em confi guratio n and d rive m odel nu mber (ST xxxx ).
14 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Customer servi ce centers Seagate direc t O EM, Dist r ib ution, and Sys tem Integ rato r cus- tomers should contact their Se agate s er v i ce represent ativ e f or warr anty inf ormation. Other c ustomers should con tact their pl ac e of purcha se.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 15 General des cr iption Barra cuda 9 SCSI disc dri ves are hi gh-spe ed, r andom-ac cess digit al-data stor age de vices . The dr iv e is a com ponent for i n stallation in an enclosu r e designed for th e driv e.
16 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Characte ristics S T19171 Inter face SCSI F ast-20 ( also called Ultra SCSI ) 1 Capacit y Unf ormatted 11.7 Gb ytes Fo r m a t t e d 2 9.1 Gbyt es Recording Cyli nder s (user ) 5,2 7 4 Read/wri te d at a hea ds 20 Servo head s Embedded Seek time 3 A ver age r ead 9.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 17 DC power requi rements 1 Measured wi th an a ver age readin g DC ammeter . I nstanta- neous +1 2V curr ent p eaks will e xceed th ese v alues . Singl e-ended Diff erenti al +5V 11 ± 5% +12V ± 5% 2 +5V 11 ± 5% +12V ± 5% 2 V olta ge regulat ion 5 Amps Maxim um oper ating c urrent 1 0.
18 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 2 A –10% t olerance is permissib le during initia l start of th e spin- dle b ut must return to ±5% bef or e r eaching 7,2 00 RPM.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 19 11 No terminator power . See 11 .7.3.4 i n the Barr acuda 9 Product Manua l . 12 All po wer -sav in g f eatur es are en ab led; ASA II code onl y . 13 Seeking is def ined a s a thi rd -stro k e seek at OD .
20 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Initial s etup inf ormation The gener al i nformati on beginni ng on t his page a pplies to all of the Barr ac uda 9 driv e m od els.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 21 SCSI ID jumper s Each de vice o n th e SCSI chain m ust hav e a uni que SCSI ID . The host system’ s SCSI con troller us ually uses the hi ghes t-num- bered I D av ai l able; ther efore the l ower-n umbered SC S I IDs are normally used f or other SCSI de vices s uch as t his Barr acuda disc dri v e.
22 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B The top e xample i n Figure 2 sho ws an int ernal h ard disc at on e end of th e SCSI bus wit h the SCSI contr oller at th e other end (both ar e te r mi nat ed).
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 23 T er m in ator powe r Y ou usuall y will not need to chan ge this option and c an normally lea ve the d r iv e c onfigured as i t was shipp ed fr om the fact or y .
24 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Figure 3 shows tw o design a ppr o aches with one or more f ans used to gen erate air flow . The air- flow patt erns can be create d by t he f ans either pushing or dr awi ng ai r . The ov erall f l ow pattern can be dire cted from front to bac k, bac k t o fr ont, or side to side .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 25 Kühlun g des Systems Die Gehäusekonst ruktion muß eine aus reichende Kühlung de s Laufwerk e s g e währleis ten.
26 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B . Figure 3. Suggested ai r flow Abbildun g 3. Em pfohl ener Luf tstromver lauf SEAGATE SEAGATE Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 27 Mounti ng the d ri ve and connecting cables Do not touch the connect or pins or any component s on the con- trol board with out observing s tatic-d ischarge pr ecautions . Alwa ys handl e the driv e by th e fr ame only .
28 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 1. Befest igen Sie das Laufwerk mit vier 6-32-UNC-Schrauben am Ge häuse des Host -Systems. Die beid en Seiten de s Laufw erkes sin d mit j ewe ils z wei Bef estigung slöch ern versehen, die Untersei t e des Laufwerkes weist vier wei tere Bef estig ungsl öcher auf .
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 29 defin ed in IEC 950. F igu re 4 pro vides t he pin i nf ormation f or the DC powe r connector . T o connect th e DC powe r cable t o the driv e, si m p ly insert the cabl e end into the driv e’ s DC power connec tor .
30 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B Note. Signal g round on the po wer co ntrol boa rd (PCB) and the head and di sc asse m b ly (H D A) ar e connect ed together in this drive a nd yo u cannot separ at e them.
Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 31 te m einb auen. Die d arau s u.U. resu ltiere nde v e rstä rkte elekt romagnetisc he Strahlung fällt in den Zuständ igkeit s- berei ch des Systemdes ign ers. 5. Replace t he host s ystem’ s cov er . 5.
32 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B N drives N/ND dri ves section Setti ng th e SCSI I D jump e r s Use the J6 con nector to set the SCSI ID (see Figur e 5). T o change t he SCSI I D , i ns tall j umpers on the appro priate pin s as show n in t he il lustr ation.
Barra cuda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 33 N drives T er m in a t in g t h e d ri ve ST19171N dri ves ar e term i nated wit h permanently m ounted IC activ e t er min ators.
34 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B N drives T er m in ator powe r There ar e thr ee possib le te r minat or po wer confi guratio ns f or ST19171N driv es (s ee Figure 7). Y ou will no t normally need t o change t his o ption and can lea v e the driv e conf igured a s it was shipped fro m the f actory .
Barra cuda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 35 N drives Ot her ap plic ab le j ump er opti on s Sev era l other jumper op ti ons are av ailab le as ill ust rat ed. Figure 8. Additi onal jumper options Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default). Disable parity check.
36 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B W/WD drives W/WD drives secti on Setti ng th e SCSI I D jump e r s Use the J6 jumper bloc k to set the SCSI ID (Figur e 9). T o change t he S C S I I D, in st al l j um pe r s on t h e ap p r op r i at e p in s as s h ow n i n the i llustr atio n.
Barra cuda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 37 W/ WD dr iv e s Figure 10. Using the J1 auxi li ary jumper bl oc k A 3 A 2 A 1 A 0 DC Power Connector 68 Pin SCSI I/O Connector J1 Auxiliary Pin 1 J1 Auxi.
38 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B W/WD drives T er m in a t in g t h e d ri ve ST19171W dri v es are termina ted with p er m anently m o unted IC activ e t er min ators.
Barra cuda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 39 W/ WD dr iv e s T er m in ator powe r There ar e thr ee possib le te r minat or po wer confi guratio ns f or ST19171W drives (see Figu r e 12). Y ou will not nor mal ly n eed to change t his o ption and can lea v e the driv e conf igured a s it was shipped fro m the f actory .
40 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B W/WD drives Ot her ap plic ab le j ump er opti on s Ot h er opti on ju mp e rs ar e availa ble as illu s tr at e d bel ow . Figure 13. Additional jumper options Enable parity check of SCSI bus (default). Disable parity check.
Barra cuda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B 41 WC/DC drives W C/D C d rive s se ct ion Setti ng th e SCSI I D jump e r s The SCSI ID fo r WC and D C driv es is normally set ov er th e SCSI bu s by the host syst em u sing connec t o r contact s 39 (I D0), 40 (ID2) , 79 (ID1), and 80 (ID3).
42 Barrac uda 9 Installat ion Guide, Re v . B WC/DC drives Ap pl ica ble j um pe r o pt ion s Option jumper s are avai lab le as i llustr ated below . Figure 14.
Seaga t e T echnology , Inc. 920 Di sc Dri ve, Scotts Val ley , C A 950 66-4544, USA Publ ication Number: 8332 9020, Re v . B, Pr i nt ed in USA.
デバイスSeagate ST19171Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Seagate ST19171Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSeagate ST19171Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Seagate ST19171Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Seagate ST19171Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Seagate ST19171Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSeagate ST19171Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Seagate ST19171Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSeagate ST19171Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。