SharpメーカーAR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 188
Warranty While every e ffort h as be en mad e to make this document as ac curate and helpf ul as possible , SHAR P Corpo rati on makes no war ranty of an y kind w ith re gard to its conten t. All i nfor matio n incl uded h erein is su bject to chan ge wi thout no tice.
Part 1: General Information 1 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分. 2 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
0-1 PRODUCT CONFIGURATIONS The table below shows the produ ct models cov ered by this manu al. (As o f December 2004 ) OPERATION MANUALS The fol lowing operation manual s are provi ded for the machine . Pleas e read the ap propri ate manua ls as need ed for the featu res you wish to l earn abou t.
0-2 Imprope r instal latio n may damage thi s produc t. Pleas e note the fol lowing duri ng init ial ins tallat ion and whe never th e mach ine is m oved. 1.The mac hine s hould be inst alled n ear an access ible power outlet fo r easy c onnect ion. 2.
0-3 CAUTIONS 1.Do n ot touc h the pho toconduc tive dru m. Scrat ches or sm udges on the drum wil l ca use dirt y prints . 2.The fusin g unit is extreme ly hot. Exe rcise ca re in thi s area. 3.Do not loo k direc tly at th e ligh t source. D oing s o may dam age y our eyes.
CAUTIONS 0-4 Laser Information Wave length 785 nm +10 nm -15 nm Pulse ti mes North Am erica: 35 cpm m odel: (4.1 µs ± 4.1 ns)/7 m m 45 cpm m odel: (5.7 µs ± 5 .7 ns) /7 mm Europe: 35 cpm m odel: (3.8 µs ± 3.8 ns)/7 m m 45 cpm m odel: (4.4 µs ± 4 .
0-5 CONTENTS Page PRODUCT CONFIGURATIONS ..................... ............. 0-1 OPERATION MANUALS..................... ................. ........ 0-1 INSTALLATION REQ UIREMENTS...................... ........ 0-2 CAUTIONS.................... .........
CONTENTS 0-6 CHAPTER 5 CONVENIENT CO PY FUNCTIONS SPECIAL MODES ................. ................ ................. ...... 5-2 ● General p rocedure fo r using s pecial f unctions ..... 5-2 ● Margin sh ift ... ................. ................ ..
1-1 CHAPTER 1 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT This ch apter con tains b asic inf ormation that shou ld be read b efore us ing the product. Page INTRODUCTION ....................... ................. ................ ................. ........... 1-2 MAIN FEATURES .
1-2 INTRODUCTION Than k you f or pur chasi ng a SH ARP di gital mul tifun ctio n copie r. Please read thi s manual before u sing the machi ne. In particu lar, be s ure to r ead "INS TALLATIO N REQU IREMENT S" before using the mac hine. Please keep thi s manu al clos e at han d for re ference whenever necess ary.
1-3 1 MAIN FEATURES The di gital mul tifunc tion copi er is c apable of p erformi ng a var iety o f functions . This page shows features related to the cop y functio n. ● Sort mo de See pa ge 1-3 ● Group mod e See page 1-3 ● 2-sided Co py See p age 1-3 (When the duplex modul e is ins talled.
MAIN FEATURES 1-4 Reduction / Enlargement See page 4-15 Copies can be enlarged or reduc ed to the d esired size . XY Zoom See page 4-18 Separat e ratio setti ngs ca n be sele cted for the length and width of a co py. Margin Shift See page 5-3 Margins can be a dded to copie s.
MAIN FEATURES 1-5 1 Job Build See page 5-8 When y ou ha ve a v ery lar ge nu mber of or igina ls, the pages can be scann ed in s ets. Tandem Copy See page 5-9 Two mac hines c an be used to run a large c opy job in para llel. Covers/ inserts See page 5-11 Front co vers , back co ve rs, and insert s can be added .
MAIN FEATURES 1-6 Card Shot See page 5-26 The front an d back of a card can be copied onto one sheet of pape r. This func tion is con venient for m aking c opies fo r certifi catio n purpos es and he lps s ave pape r. Job programs See page 5-41 Variou s step s of a copy oper ation can b e stor ed as a program , and up to 10 programs can be stored.
MAIN FEATURES 1-7 1 Page numbering See page 5-34 Page num bers c an be added to cop ies. Text See page 5-38 Entered text can be adde d to copi es. Interrupting a copy run See page 5-43 A copy job in progres s can be inter rupted for a rush job.
MAIN FEATURES 1-8 Hole punching See page 3-17 Copies can be punc hed to add holes . Document filing function See CHAPTER 7 A docu ment image can be stored o n the ha rd di sk.
1-9 1 PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS Exterior (1) Bypass tr ay* (2) Exi t tray* (3) Automatic docu ment feeder (See page 4-2.) This au tomati cally fee ds and s cans m ultiple sheet origin als.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-10 Interior ( 14 ) Duplex module side cover Open whe n a mis feed h as occu rred i n the duple x module. ( 15 ) Si de cover la tch Push up to open the s ide cov er when a mi sfeed has occu rred in t he main unit. ( 16 ) Fusing unit Lift up to o pen the s ide cover when a m isfeed ha s occurre d in the main unit.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-11 1 Part names and f unctions of periph eral devices (1) Uppe r exit tray extension (AR-TE4) Mount this unit to the upper paper ex it tra y. This extensi on is ne eded to suppo rt large size pa per. (2) Finisher (AR-FN6) Output sheets can e ither be sor ted in page o rder or grou ped by page .
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-12 ■ ■ ■ ■ Other optional equipment ● ● ● ● Printer s erver card (A R-NC7) This is an NIC card (Network Inte rface Car d) that i s required t o use th e network printer and networ k scanner functio ns.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-13 1 Operation panel (1) Touc h panel The machi ne statu s, messages and touch k eys are displa yed on the panel. The doc ument fili ng* 1 , copy, net work scanne r* 2 , and fax* 3 functio ns a re used by s witch ing to the s creen for the desir ed funct ion.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-14 Touch pan el The tou ch panel scree ns show n in t his man ual are printed image s, an d may a ppear differe nt from the actual scre ens. ■ ■ ■ ■ Using the touch panel [Example 1 ] Items on the t ouch pan el are easi ly se lecta ble by touching the k ey as soci - ated wi th th e it em wi th a fi nger.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-15 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ Job status screen (c ommon to print, co py, fax, network s can and Internet fax) This screen is di splayed when the [J OB STATUS ] key on the ope ration pa nel is p ressed.
PART NAMES AND FUN CTIONS 1-16 (3) [PRIN T JOB] key This disp lays the print jo b list of print mode (copying , printing, fax reception , Interne t fax reception, and se lf pr inting ).
1-17 1 TURNING THE POWER ON AND OFF Use the power swi tch on the front of the mach ine to turn the p ower on or off. Power swit ch "OFF" positi on "ON " po si tio n CAUTION Before turni ng off the mai n power switch, ma ke sure that th e commun ication and d ata in dicato rs are n ot blinki ng on the op eration panel.
1-18 AUDITING MODE Auditi ng mo de can be e nabled to k eep trac k of t he number of pag es pr inted and transm itted (sca nned) by ea ch ac count (up to 500 acco unts can be esta blish ed).
2-1 CHAPTER 2 MANAGING THE MACH INE This ch apter explai ns how to loa d paper, repla ce the tone r cartridg e, and remo ve pap er misfe eds. It also co ntains informa tion ab out su pplies . Page LOADING PAPE R ................ ................. ....
2-2 LOADING PAPER If the pape r runs out duri ng printi ng, a mes sage will appea r in the d isplay. Follow the procedu re below to load paper. Loadi ng pa per in pape r tray 1 1 Pull out paper tray 1. Gently pull the tra y out until it s tops . 2 Load paper into the tray.
LOADING PAPER 2-3 2 Specifi catio ns of pa per tray s The s pecific ations fo r types and si zes of p aper t hat can be used i n each tr ay are shown b elow. Tray Tray No. (tray name) Applicable pa per types Applicable pa per sizes Paper weight Paper tray 1 Tray 1 Plain paper (Refe r to the next page for app licable plain pap ers.
LOADING PAPER 2-4 ■ ■ ■ ■ Applicable plain paper For sati sfactory resul ts, plain paper mu st co nform to the fo llowing r equire ments. ■ ■ ■ ■ Applicable special pap er For sati sfactory r esults , specia l paper m ust confo rm to the followi ng requi rements .
LOADING PAPER 2-5 2 Setting th e paper type and pa per size Foll ow these step s to cha nge the paper type se tting if th e paper typ e is ch anged in either pape r tray. For the paper types that ca n be used in eac h tray, s ee page 2 -3. 1 Press the [CUSTOM SETTIN GS] key.
LOADING PAPER 2-6 7 Select the size of paper that was loaded in the tray. Touc h the ap propriate k eys ( checkbo xes) . 8 Touch the [OK] key in the size setting screen. You will retu rn to the tray se tting scree n of s tep 4. 9 Select output functions that can be used with the selected tray.
LOADING PAPER 2-7 2 Progra mming and edi ting pap er types To progr am or ed it the n ame of a paper ty pe or s et paper a ttributes , follow th e step s below. 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 of "Setting the paper type and paper size" (page 2-5) 2 Touch the [PAPER TYPE REGISTRATION] key.
LOADING PAPER 2-8 Load ing pap er in th e mu lti purp ose drawer The met hod of l oading pa per into the mul tipurpos e draw er is the s ame as for pape r tray 1 de scrib ed on pa ge 2-2. For spec ific ations of p aper, see page 2- 3. Whe n loading e nvel opes, post card s or tran sparenc y film, fo llow th e descr iption s below.
LOADING PAPER 2-9 2 Printing onto envelo pes ● Do not us e env elopes t hat hav e met al clas ps, plas tic sn aps, s tring cl osures , windo ws, lini ngs, self-ad hesive patch es or syntheti c materia ls. Attempt ing to pri nt on these may cause misf eeds, inade quate tone r adheren ce or other troub le.
LOADING PAPER 2-10 ■ ■ ■ ■ Loading transparency fi lm Be sure to load t he tra nsparen cy film with the white labe l side u p. Mak e sure n o imag e will be printed o n the la bel. Printing on the l abel m ay caus e smu dges on prints. T ranspa rency f ilm mu st be s et in the portr ait orie ntatio n.
LOADING PAPER 2-11 2 Loading paper in th e stand/MPD & 2000 sheet paper drawer Upper paper tray: The up per paper tray i s equiv alent to th e mult i pur pose dra wer. Th e method of loadi ng pape r and the paper that can be used are the s ame as fo r the m ulti pur pose dr awer.
2-12 CUSTOM SETTINGS The item s that can be se t with th e custom setti ngs are shown b elow. ● Total cou nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T he number o f pa ges pro cessed by the ma chine and op tional equip ment can be d isplaye d. (See p age 2- 14) ● Default s ettings .
CUSTOM SETTINGS 2-13 2 5 Touch the [D ATE FORMAT] key. The fol lowing s creen ap pears. 6 If you wish to chang e the format of the date and time, touch the desired format keys. Touch ed keys are high lighted. The sel ected format is appli ed to lists printed out in "LIST PRINT".
CUSTOM SETTINGS 2-14 About the settings ■ ■ ■ ■ Total count This displ ays the followi ng s heet cou nts (the counts that can be displa yed v ary de pendin g on the o ptions ins talled ): (1) Numb er of page s outp ut by t he mac hine. (2) Numb er of or igina l pages transmi tted by the machine.
2-15 2 REPLACING THE TONER CARTRIDGE When tone r runs low, a m essage wi ll appea r to infor m yo u that the to ner car tridge m ust be re place d. Follow t he steps below t o replac e the toner cartrid ge. 1 Open the front cover. 2 Lower the cartridge lock lever.
2-16 STORAGE OF SUPPLIES Standa rd supp lies for this pr oduct tha t can replace d by the use r incl ude pap er, toner cartrid ges, a nd sta ple car tridges for the fi nisher. ■ ■ ■ ■ Proper storage 1. Store the supp lies in a locati on that i s: ● clean an d dry, ● at a stabl e temp erature, ● not expos ed to dir ect sun light.
2-17 2 MISFEED REMOVAL When a mi sfeed has oc curred during p rinting, the message " A MISFEE D HAS OCCURRED". wi ll appear i n the touch panel dis play of t he oper ation panel a nd print ing in cluding copying and fac simile output will stop.
MISFEED REMOV AL 2-18 Misfeed in the tran sport area , fusing area, and exit area 1 Unlatch the duplex module and slide it to the left. Unla tch the module an d gently move the m odule away fr om the mac hine. If th e mach ine is not equippe d with a duplex module, open th e sid e cover si milarl y.
MISFEED REMOV AL 2-19 2 Misfeed in the duplex module 1 Unlatch the duplex module and slide it to the left. Unla tch the u nit an d gently move the mo dule away fr om the mac hine. 2 If the duplex module has an exit tray, rotate it up out of the way and open the cover of the duplex m odule.
MISFEED REMOV AL 2-20 Misfeed in the paper feed ar ea ■ ■ ■ ■ Misfeed in paper tr ay 1 1 Unlatch the duplex module and slide it to the left. Unla tch the module an d gently move the mo dule away from the m achin e. If th e mac hin e is no t equippe d with a dup lex module, open th e sid e cover si milarl y.
MISFEED REMOV AL 2-21 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ Misfeed in the multi purpose drawer 1 Unlatch the duplex module and slide it to the left. Unla tch the module an d gently move the mo dule away from the m achin e. If th e mac hin e is no t equippe d with a dup lex module, open th e sid e cover si milarl y.
2-22 REMOVING AN ORIGINAL MISFEED Removing a misfed original from the automatic document feeder If an ori ginal m isfeed o ccurs in th e autom atic doc ument feeder, f ollow the steps belo w to rem ove th e misf ed ori ginal. Check l ocations A and B in the d iagram at l eft to remov e the ori ginal .
2-23 2 TROUBLESHOOTING Check the follow ing troub lesh ooting li st befo re reque sting ser vice as ma ny probl ems c an be f ixed by the user . If you are unabl e to solv e the problem by ch ecking t he list, t urn of f the pow er switc h, unpl ug the power co rd.
TROUBLESHOOTING 2-24 Print ing stops before the job is finish ed If too many pag es co llect on the ou tput tray, the tray full s ensor a ctivates and sto ps printing . Remove the paper fr om the out put tra y. You hav e run ou t of pape r. Load paper.
TROUBLESHOOTING 2-25 2 Print ed paper is wrin kl ed or the image r ubs off easily . Is paper other than SHA RP- recom mended pap er be ing used? Use SHARP -reco mmended pa per. (P age 2-16 ) Is paper size or weight out of the allo wabl e rang e? Use paper in the al lowable r ange. 26 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
3-1 CHAPTER 3 PERIPHERAL DEVICES This cha pter descri bes oper ating instru ction s for t he Mai l-Bin Stacker , the Finish er, th e Saddle S titch Finisher , and the Duplex Modul e. Page DUPLEX MODULE .............. ................. ................
3-2 DUPLEX MODULE If a duple x mod ule is instal led, prin ting o nto both sides o f paper can be pe rformed . Two typ es of duplex m odules are availab le: dup lex m odule /bypass tr ay and duplex module . The descripti ons in t his manua l are f or the d uplex modu le/byp ass tr ay.
DUPLEX MODULE 3-3 3 Loading paper in the bypass tray The by pass tray c an be used f or pla in paper an d specia l paper includ ing lab els. Up to 100 sh eets of stan dard p aper can be set. For paper ty pes t hat can be used in t he byp ass tray, re fer to p age 2-3.
DUPLEX MODULE 3-4 Troubleshooting ( concerning the duplex modul e) Check th e list be low bef ore cal ling for service. Problem Check Solution or cause The machine wil l not print du plex p rints. Message indicating th e paper t ype canno t be used for two-si ded prin ting display ed? Specia l paper c annot be u sed for two-s ided printing.
3-5 3 MAIL-BIN STACKER The mai l-bin st acker has 7 mai l bins whi ch can each be desig nated to rec eive pri nted outpu t from a user or a group of user s . Output p aper in the copy m ode and th e fax mode wi ll be d eliver ed to the to p tray of the stacker separat ed from pr inted output.
MAIL-BIN S TACKER 3-6 Misfeed in the mail-bin stacke r If a mis feed has o ccurr ed in the m ail-bin stac ker dur ing pri nting, re move the m isfed paper fol lowin g the proc edure below. 1 Open the top c over. Move the tab in the direction of the arrow as shown in the illus tration to open the top co ver.
3-7 3 FINISHER The fi nisher c an deliv er coll ated sets either s tapled or unsta pled. Un stapl ed sets c an be off set st acked fr om the previous set for easy s eparatio n of the sets. Part names Specifi catio ns Speci fication s are su bject to c hange for improv ement without notice.
FINISH ER 3-8 Finisher func tions ■ ■ ■ ■ Sort mode Sorted s ets will be deliv ered. ■ ■ ■ ■ Offset mode ■ ■ ■ ■ Group mode Grou ps of prin ts or cop ies of the s ame pag e will be deliv ered.
FINI SHER 3-9 3 Using the finisher functions When the [O UTPUT] key on the main scre en of copy mode is touched, a scre en for selecti ng the sort/gr oup/stapl e sort fu nction s and sel ecting an exit tra y will app ear. As a s electio n is ma de, the tou ch key for the selec tion will be highli ghted.
FINISH ER 3-10 Staple cartridge replac ement When th e sta ple c artrid ge becom es e mpty, the m essage "Add staples ." will appe ar in the mess age d isplay of th e operati on pane l. Follow the proc edure be low to rep lace the staple car tridge.
FINI SHER 3-11 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ Checking the staple u nit If the message "CHECK THE STAPLER UNIT" or "CHECK STAPLER POSITION OR STAPLER JAM" appea rs, follow th e proced ure belo w. 1 Open the finisher compiler. Release the latch to open the fi nish er compile r.
FINISH ER 3-12 Misfeed in the finisher When a mi sfeed occurs i n the fi nisher , remove the mi sfed pa per foll owing the p rocedur e belo w. 1 Remove the misfed paper from the output area. Be car eful not to tear the misfed pa per du ring remo val .
FINI SHER 3-13 3 Troubleshootin g finisher problems Check the list b elow befor e calling for ser vice. Problem Check Solution or cause The fin isher do es not oper ate.
3-14 SADDLE STITCH FINISHER The s addle stitch finis her can autom atica lly pla ce two staples for c entrelin e bind ing o f prints or copie s and fo ld the m along the centrel ine. An optio nal ho le punchi ng uni t is ava ilable fo r installa tion i nto the finisher .
SADDLE STITCH FINISHER 3-15 3 *1 Mult iple punc h modu les can not be i nstalle d togeth er. So me models may not be ava ilable i n som e regions. *2 With A R-PN1B, t wo or th ree hole s can be pun ched d ependi ng on th e paper s ize. *3 With A R-PN1C and AR-PN1D, the num ber of hol es is th e same.
SADDLE STITCH FINISH ER 3-16 ■ ■ ■ ■ Staple sort mode Collated se ts of prin ts or copie s will be stapl ed and delive red to the offs et tray. Whe n saddle stitch ing is selec ted, the prints or copie s will be st apled at the centr e and deliv ered t o the saddle s titch tray.
SADDLE STITCH FINISHER 3-17 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ Saddle stitch function The sa ddle s titch finisher can automat ically place two staples for centrel ine bindi ng of prints or copi es and fold them alon g the c entreli ne.
SADDLE STITCH FINISH ER 3-18 Using the sa ddle st itch finisher When [O UTPUT] is sele cted on the mai n scre en of copy mode, a screen for mak ing se lections for sor t, group , stapl e sort, sad dle st itch, p unch and exit t ray w ill appea r. (1) [GROUP ] key ( See page 3-15.
SADDLE STITCH FINISHER 3-19 3 Staple cartridge replac ement and staple jam removal When the stapl e cartr idge bec omes e mpty or s taple s beco me jamme d, a mes sage w ill appea r in t he messa ge display of the o peration panel. Foll ow the proc edure be low to replace the st aple car tridge o r remov e jamm ed stapl es.
SADDLE STITCH FINISH ER 3-20 ■ ■ ■ ■ Staple jam removal 1 Unlatch the saddle stit ch finisher and slide it away from the machine. 2 Open the front co ver. 3 Turn roller rotating knob C a s shown in the illustration until t he blue indication is seen.
SADDLE STITCH FINISHER 3-21 3 9 Turn roller rotating knob A in the direction of the arrow to move the staple unit to the front. Turn the roll er rotating knob un til th e trian gle mark is a ligned wit h the index. 10 Remove the st aple bo x. 11 Raise the le ver at t he end of the sta ple box.
SADDLE STITCH FINISH ER 3-22 Misfeed in the saddle stitch finisher When a m isfeed oc curs in t he sad dle st itch finis her, rem ove the mi sfed p aper fol lowing the procedu re below. 1 Press the detach button and separate the saddle stitch finisher f rom the machine.
SADDLE STITCH FINISHER 3-23 3 10 Open the front co ver. 11 Rotate roller rotating knob D in the direction of the a rro w. 12 Remove any mi sfed paper from the sad dle stitch tray . Remove the pap er gently, ta king car e not to tear it. 13 Close the cover of the sa ddle stitch section .
SADDLE STITCH FINISH ER 3-24 Troubleshooting (concerning the saddle stitch finisher) Check th e list be low bef ore cal ling for service. * When a punc h module i s in stalled Problem Check Solution or cause The sad dle st itch finisher does not operate.
Part 2: Copier Operation 1 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分. 2 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
4-1 CHAPTER 4 MAKING COPIES This c hapter e xplai ns the ba sic procedu res f or maki ng cop ies, inc ludi ng selecti on of th e copy rati o and o ther cop y setting s. Page AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT FEEDER............... ................. ................. .
4-2 AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT FEEDER The aut omatic docu ment fe eder a utomatica lly feeds original s into th e ma chine, m akin g continu ous c opying p ossi ble. In ad dition, both s ides o f tw o-sided she et orig inals can b e si multan eously sca nned.
4-3 4 PLACING ORIGINALS ■ ■ ■ ■ Using the automatic document feeder 1 Open the document cover, make sure t hat an original has not been left on the document glass, and t hen gently close the document co ver. 2 Adjust the original guides to the size of the originals.
PLACING ORIGINALS 4-4 ■ ■ ■ ■ Standard original place ment orientations Place o riginal s in th e document feeder tray or on the doc ument glas s so that the top and bott om of the origin al is pos ition ed as shown in th e illustr ation .
4-5 4 CHECKING THE SIZE OF A PLACED ORIGINAL If the placed o riginal i s a stand ard siz e, the size wi ll be automatic ally detecte d (aut omatic origin al det ection fun ction ) and di splay ed in the touch panel. M ake sur e that t he correc t size has been de tected.
4-6 STORING, DELETING, AND USING ORIGINAL SIZES Up to 9 sp ecial or iginal s izes ca n be stored . Store d sizes c an be eas ily calle d up and ar e not eras ed if the po wer is turned of f. Stor ing a frequ ently use d ori ginal si ze saves you th e trouble o f manual ly setti ng the siz e each time yo u copy th at size o f docu ment.
4-7 4 NORMAL COPYING This sect ion desc ribe s the nor mal copy ing p rocedur e. Making copies with the automatic document feeder ■ ■ ■ ■ 1-sided copies of 1-s ided originals 1 Place the originals in the document feeder tray. (pages 4-3 t o 4-6) 2 Make sure that the 1-sided to 1-sided copy mode is selected.
NORMAL COPYING 4-8 7 Select the desired output mod e (page 4-9). The sort mod e is the default mo de. To s elect the grou p mode, touch the [OUTPUT] key, then touch the [GROUP] key on the output s etting screen, and t hen tou ch th e [OK] key on the setting screen .
NORM AL C OPY IN G 4-9 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ Copy output (sort and gr oup) Exampl e: Makin g five se ts or five copies e ach o f three orig inals ● ● ● ● Sorting copies into sets ● ● ● ● G.
NORMAL COPYING 4-10 Automatic two-sided copying using the automatic docu ment fe eder When the optio nal du plex mo dule is insta lled, the follo wing a utomatic two-sid ed cop ying ca n be p erforme d. The paper i s automati cally turned ov er during copy ing, al lowing two -sided copie s to be made with ease.
NORM AL C OPY IN G 4-11 4 Copying from t he documen t glass When co pying original s which cann ot be fed fr om the auto matic doc ument fe eder such as thick ori ginals , open the docume nt cove r and c opy the or iginal s fro m the do cument glass. ■ ■ ■ ■ 1-sided copies of 1-s ided originals 1 Place the original on the document glass.
NORMAL COPYING 4-12 4 Select the desired out put mode. (page 4- 9.) Group m ode is the default mo de. To sele ct so rt mo de, touch the [OUTPUT] key, touch the [SORT] key in the scree n that appears , and then touc h the [OK] key. 5 Use the numeric keys to set the desired number of copies.
NORM AL C OPY IN G 4-13 4 Automatic two-sided copying from th e docu ment glass When th e opti onal d uplex m odule is ins talled, th e foll owing auto matic two-sid ed copy ing c an be per formed. The paper i s automa tical ly turned over d uring copy ing, a llowing tw o-sided copies to be m ade with eas e.
4-14 ADJUSTING THE EXPOSURE Select an app ropriat e expo sure mode f or the or igin al to b e copied. The se lecti ons are AUTO, T EXT, TEXT/PHO TO and PHO TO. ■ ■ ■ ■ Automatic exposure adj ustment The defaul t exposure setting is " AUTO", whic h automa tically adjusts the expo sure for the origina l.
4-15 4 REDUCTION/ ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM Reducti on and enlargem ent ratio s can be selec ted au tomatical ly or m anually . ● Automati c selecti on: Auto image (see be low) ● Manual s electio n: Pr ese.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 4-16 Manual selection (preset copy ratios/zoom) Preset r atios ( maximu m 400%, minimum 25%) can be sele cted with the e nlar gement an d red uction k eys. In addi tion, the zoom keys can be u sed to select a ny rati o from 25% to 400% i n incre ments of 1 %.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 4-17 4 6 Make sure that an appropriate paper size has been selected based on the selected ratio . Auto pa per selec t displa y 7 Use the numeric keys to s et the desired number of copies.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 4-18 XY ZOOM The XY ZOOM fea ture al lows the h orizon tal and verti cal cop y ratios to be cha nged se parat ely. The ratios can se t from 25% to 400% in i ncrements of 1%. Exampl e: Selectin g 100% fo r the len gth and 50% for the width 1 Place the original in the document feeder tray or on the document gl ass.
REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM 4-19 4 7 Use the reduction, enlargement, and ZOOM ([ ], [ ]) keys to change the copy ratio in the vertical (Y) direction. A fixed ratio key will no t beco me highlig hted when touc hed. The zo om key s ca n be used to c hange the ratio from 25% to 400 % in increm ents o f 1%.
4-20 SPECIAL PAPERS The tray 2 and the bypas s tray on the optional duple x module with b ypass t ray can be us ed to m ake cop ies on transp arencie s, pos tcards, la bel s heets, envelope s* 1 , an d plain pa per. *1 Env elopes c an be pla ced in the tray 2.
5-1 CHAPTER 5 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS This ch apter exp lains sp ecial -purpos e functio ns, sto ring of cop y settin gs, and othe r conven ient func tions. P lease select and read section s of thi s chapte r as nee ded. Page SPECIAL MODES .........
5-2 SPECIAL MODES Touch th e [SPECIAL MODES] k ey in the mai n screen of c opy mo de to open the s pecial modes sc reen. The following functions can be s elected in the special modes screen.
SPECI AL MODES 5-3 5 Margin shift The margin sh ift functi on will automa tically shift the text or ima ge on the copy pape r approxi mately 10 m m (1/2") in its init ial setti ng. This fu nction i s conve nient wh en sta pling or binding copie s with a string.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-4 Erase The erase fu nctio n is used to erase the s hadow line s on co pies prod uced wh en copyi ng thick or iginal s or books . The erase m odes that can be se lecte d are s hown be low. T he eras e wid th is ap proxim ately 10 mm (1/2") i n it's initial setting.
SPECI AL MODES 5-5 5 Dual page copy The dual page copy function produ ces sep arate cop ies o f two docume nts plac ed side by side on t he doc ument gl ass.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-6 Pamphlet copy The pamph let copy functi on is used to arr ange cop ies in proper or der fo r eventu al centr e-staplin g and f olding int o a bookl et. Two ori ginal pa ges are copie d onto e ach side o f copy p aper. Four pages a re, t heref ore, co pied on to o ne sh eet.
SPECI AL MODES 5-7 5 5 Select whether or not you wish to copy on the cover ("YES" or "NO"). 6 Select the paper tray for the cover. (1)The curr ently se lected pape r tray for th e cover is displayed . (2)The size an d type of pape r in the curr ently select ed tray is displa yed.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-8 Job build Use jo b build m ode when you ne ed to c opy more origin als th an can be p laced in the doc ument f eeder at once. T he maximum number of o riginal s that can be plac ed.
SPECI AL MODES 5-9 5 Tand em c opy Two mac hines co nnecte d to the same network c an be used to r un a la rge copy job in p arallel . By div iding the job in half, appr oximate ly half th e time is requ ired to c omple te the j ob. To use this function, two machines must be connected to your network as network printers.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-10 5 Press the [START] key. NOTES ● To per form tan dem co pying , the ser ver mac hine and clie nt mach ine mu st mee t certai n conditi ons. After th e [START ] key is pr essed on th e server machine, the serv er mach ine veri fies tha t the conditi ons have been me t.
SPECI AL MODES 5-11 5 Covers/inserts A differ ent type of pap er can be i nserted in po sitio ns cor respond ing to front a nd bac k cov ers of a copy job wh en the automat ic docum ent feed er is used . A diffe rent type of pape r can als o be au tomatica lly ad ded as an i nsert at specifi ed pages.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-12 ■ ■ ■ ■ Procedure for inse rting front and bac k cover paper The pape r for the front cover is ca lled the front co ver paper ("FRONT COV ER" in the touch panel). The pap er for the back cove r is call ed the back cover p aper ("BACK CO VER" in the touc h pane l).
SPECI AL MODES 5-13 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Procedure for add ing inserts You c an hav e diffe rent pape r auto matical ly in serted as an insert at a sp ecifi ed pag es. Two types of inser t pap er can b e use d. These are spe cifie d with th e [INSE RTION TYPE A SE TTING] k ey and [INSER TION TYP E B SETTI NG] in the touch panel.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-14 8 Touch the [INSERTION SETTINGS] key to specify the pages where you wish to insert the insert papers of [INSERTION TYPE A SETTING] and [INSERTION TYPE B SETTING].
SPECI AL MODES 5-15 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Checking , editing, and deleting cov er/insert pages The [PA GE LAYO UT] key appe ars aft er covers /inserts settin gs are con figured ( the setting s of step 1 th rough step 7 on pag es 5- 12 a nd 5-13 ).
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-16 ■ ■ ■ ■ Examples of cove rs and inserts The re lations betwe en the or igina ls and f inish ed copie s whe n cover s or i nserts are ins erted ar e sh own on the followi ng pages.
SPECI AL MODES 5-17 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Covers (One-sided copying of one-s ided originals) One- sided co pies ar e made of the fo llowing o ne-side d origi nals.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-18 ■ ■ ■ ■ Covers (T wo-sided copying of one-si ded originals) Two- sided co pies are made of the fo llowi ng one-s ided ori ginals.
SPECI AL MODES 5-19 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Covers (One-sided copying of Two-s ided originals) One- sided co pies are made of the fo llowing t wo-si ded orig inals .
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-20 ■ ■ ■ ■ Covers (T wo-sided copying of two-sid ed originals) Two- sided co pies are m ade of the fo llowi ng two-si ded or igina ls.
SPECI AL MODES 5-21 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Inserts (One-sided copying of one-si ded originals) One- sided and two-side d copyin g is p erformed using the follow ing one -sided o riginal s.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-22 Transparency film with insert sheets When cop ying onto transpa rency f ilm, b lank ins ert she ets can b e plac ed between trans parent s heets. ● This function only operat es in "one-sided to one- sided" and "two-sided t o one-sided" modes.
SPECI AL MODES 5-23 5 9 Select the tray 2. 10 Touch the [TRANSPARENCY INSER TS] key in the special modes screen (2nd screen). The Transparency inserts setting screen wi ll appear. The transparency inserts icon ( , etc.) will also appear in the upper left corner of the screen to indicate that the function is turned on.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-24 1 Touch the [MULTI SHOT] key in the s pecial modes screen (2nd screen). The MULTI SHOT se ttin g screen will appear. A multi shot icon ( , etc.) will al so appear in the upper left o f the screen to indicate that the function is turned on.
SPECI AL MODES 5-25 5 Book copy This functi on is conveni ent when y ou wish to com pile copi es of books or other boun d origina ls into an attr active pamphlet f ormat .
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-26 Card shot When cop ying a c ard, t his func tion allo ws you to co mbine t he front a nd bac k sides on a sin gle s heet of pape r. This fu nction i s conve nient fo r makin g cop ies for cer tificat ion pur pose s and helps s ave paper .
SPECI AL MODES 5-27 5 4 Touch the outer [OK] key. You will return to the main sc reen of cop y mode. 5 Place the original on the docum ent glass. Place t he front side of the orig inal face do wn and clos e the documen t cover. 6 Follow steps 4 through 6 of "Copying from the document glass" (page 4-11).
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-28 Mirror image This f unction is used to pr int a mirror image of the origin al. The imag es will be in verted in the right t o left directi on on the copie s. 1 Touch the [MIRROR I MAGE] key in the special modes screen (2nd screen).
SPECI AL MODES 5-29 5 Print menu The date, a s tamp, page numb ers, and entered te xt can be printed on copi es. Four sel ections are availabl e for the PRINT MENU: • Date print (page 5-32) This pri nts the dat e on the paper.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-30 ■ ■ ■ ■ Common operation procedure for usin g the print menu 1 Touch the [PRINT MENU] key in the special modes screen (3rd screen). The print menu setting screen will app ear. The print menu icon ( ) will also appear in the upper left corner of the screen to indicate that the function is turned on.
SPECI AL MODES 5-31 5 8 Check the print layout if needed (page 5- 40). To disp lay the l ayout and print c onten t of the config ured prin t menu, touch t he [LA YOUT] key. T he po sition can be cha nged an d setting s cancel led if needed. 9 Touch the [OK] key on the print menu setting screen.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-32 ■ ■ ■ ■ Printing the date on copies The dat e can be printed on copies. Fo ur selec tions each are avai lable for the date fo rmat a nd the ch aracter that separa tes the year , mo nth, an d day. 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 of "Common operation procedure for using the print menu" (page 5-30).
SPECI AL MODES 5-33 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Printing a stamp (r everse text) on c opies A mes sage suc h as "CO NFIDENT IAL" can be pr inted in rever se text on cop ies. The fo llowing 1 2 mess ages ar e avail able. You ca n sel ect from three den sity levels for the ba ckgrou nd of the stamp .
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-34 ■ ■ ■ ■ Printing the page n umber on copies The pa ge num ber can b e printe d on copi es. O ne of 6 f ormats can be selec ted for th e page n umber . 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 of "Common operation procedure for using the print menu" (page 5-30).
SPECI AL MODES 5-35 5 7 When covers/insert s are added and you wish to include t he covers/inserts in the page number count, touch the [COVERS/ INSERTS COUNTING ] key. 8 Select the checkboxes of the items that you wish to include in the page numbe r count and then touch t he [OK] key.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-36 Examples of page numb er printing Page number printing during one-sided copying (5 original s) Page number printing during two-sided copying (9 originals) Page number printing dur.
SPECI AL MODES 5-37 5 Page nu mber pri nti ng d uring tw o-si ded copyi ng o f bo dy p ages w ith covers (o ne-si de copyi ng) i nser ted (9 orig inal s) When a back c over is inser ted, pag e numbe rs are co unted a nd printe d in the same way. Note that page numb ers a re neve r printe d on front and bac k cover s.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-38 ■ ■ ■ ■ Printing entered te xt on copies Enter ed text can be printed on cop ies. Up to 50 cha racters c an be pr inted. Up to 30 sequen ces o f freq uently us ed text can be s tored. S ee "St oring text s equen ces" (page 5- 39).
SPECI AL MODES 5-39 5 Storing text sequences 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 of "Common operation procedure for using the print menu" (page 5-30). 2 Touch the [TEXT] key. 3 Touch the [STORE/DE LETE] key. 4 Touch a key that has not been programmed (a key in which No.
SPEC IAL MODE S 5-40 ■ ■ ■ ■ Checking and cha nging the print lay out You can ch eck the prin t layout afte r the print item s have been selected. If need ed you can change the print position or delete prin t content. 1 Touch the [LAYOUT] key on the print menu screen.
5-41 5 STORING, USING AND DELETING JOB PROGRAMS The steps of up to 10 copy job s can be stored as job progr ams. Job pr ograms can be called u p with ease, and are retained even when the power is turned off.
STORING, USING AND DELETING JOB PROGRAMS 5-42 Calling up a job program 1 Press the [# /P] key. 2 Touch the number key of the desired job program. The screen autom ati call y closes and the jo b program is calle d up. A numbe r key tha t does not have a jo b prog ram canno t be selecte d.
5-43 5 INTERRUPTING A COPY RUN The cop y of the or igin al scan ned in interru pt mode is output before the rema inder of the i nterru pted copy job. 1 Touch the [INTERRUPT] key. If in terrupt copy ing is possibl e during a copy run, the [INTERRUP T] key will appear. 44 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
6-1 CHAPTER 6 MACHINE MAINTENANCE (FOR COPYING) This chap ter expl ains pr ocedure s for c leaning th e mac hine, a nd troubles hooting. Page USER MAINTENANCE .............. ................. ........... ................. ................ 6-2 ● Cleaning the docume nt gla ss and the automatic document feeder .
6-2 USER MAINTENANCE Cleaning the document glass and the automatic document feeder If the doc ument g lass, do cumen t cover or automa tic do cumen t scanni ng uni t have dir ty spot s, thes e spot s will f orm lines in scanned im ages. T hese will show up as defec ts when the images are print ed.
6-3 6 TROUBLESHOOTING Check the foll owing tr oubleshoo ting l ist before r equesti ng serv ice as m any p roblems can be fi xed by th e user. If you are una ble to so lve th e proble m by che cking th e list, tu rn off the p ower swi tch, and u nplug t he power c ord. 4 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
7-1 CHAPTER 7 DOCUMENT FILING FUNCTION Page OVERVIEW ............... ................. ........... ................. ................. ........... ..... 7-2 ● Document filing funct ion ................ ........... ................. .................
7-2 OVERVIEW Document filing function This fu nction c an only b e used on the AR- M351N/ AR-M451N, or when th e docu ment fi ling func tion ha s been added. The doc ument filing fu nction allows you to sav e a docum ent im age in the ma chin e's hard disk as a dat a file .
OVERV IEW 7-3 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ Quick File folder When [ QUICK FI LE FOL DER] is select ed in th e main scree n of any of the mod es, the file i s save d in thi s folder. Up to 1 000 files can be save d in the Qu ick Fil e fold er. All file s in the Quic k File F olde r can b e del eted usin g a k ey operator p rogram.
7-4 TO USE THE DOCUMENT FILING FUNCTI ON A look at the operation pane l (1) Touch panel (see the next page) This dis plays m essages and ke ys. Keys ca n be touched to se lect a nd enter s etting s. When a k ey is t ouched, a b eep wil l sound a nd the key wi ll be h ighli ghted to indic ate tha t it is selecte d.
TO USE THE DOCUMENT FILING FUNCTION 7-5 7 Main screen of document filing To disp lay th e main screen of docu ment fi ling, p ress the [DOCUMENT F ILING] key when the touch pane l shows th e copy m ode s creen, imag e sen d mode, or the job statu s scre en.
7-6 SAVING A DOCUMENT IMAGE FILE Quick File When pri nting or trans mittin g a document i n copy mode , printe r mode, or fax/i mage tr ansmissi on mode, "QUICK FILE" c an be se lected to save an ima ge of the docum ent to th e Quick F ile folder.
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMA GE FILE 7-7 7 Filing When pri nting or tra nsmittin g a docum ent in copy mode, print er mode , or image se nd mode, "FILE" can be selected to save an im age of the docum ent to the ma in fol der or a previ ously created cust om fol der.
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMAGE FILE 7-8 9 Touch the [OK] key. The tou ched f older is selected and y ou retur n to the s creen o f step 7. The se lecte d folder name is dis playe d. 10 If needed, select the [CONFIDENTIAL] checkbox (only in copy mode). When thi s is sele cted, th e file is stor ed wit h the attri bute [CONFI DENTIAL].
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMA GE FILE 7-9 7 Print jobs Print job s sent to the machi ne usin g the machine's printer driver c an be s aved in the mai n folde r or a previo usly cr eated custo m folde r when pr inted. Th e save d print d ata can be ca lled up an d pri nted or transmitted withou t having to open th e origi nal file o n your c omputer.
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMAGE FILE 7-10 Scan Save Scan save is used to save a scanned document image in the main folder or the custom folder without copying or transmitti ng it. 1 Press the [DOCUMENT FILING] key on the operation panel. 2 Touch the [SCAN TO HDD] key.
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMA GE FILE 7-11 7 11 Touch the [RESOLUTIO N] key. 12 Touch the key of the desired resolution. Select one of four reso lution lev els as app ropria te for the o riginal. The se lecte d resol ution key is high light ed. 13 Touch the [OK] key.
SAVING A DOCUMENT IMAGE FILE 7-12 ■ ■ ■ ■ Using special func tions for scan sa ve. Touc h the [SPE CIAL M ODES] k ey in the main s can sav e scre en to di spla y the spe cial mod es sc reen. The fu nction s below c an be selected in thi s scr een.
7-13 7 CALLING UP AND USING A FILE Searching for and calling up a saved file When cal ling up a file, you can e nter t he file na me, fol der name, or user name t o quick ly sear ch for th e file .
CALLING UP AND USING A FILE 7-14 7 The results of t he user name search appear. Touch the desired file name or fold er na me. ● See page 7- 5 for a lis t of the docume nt fili ng icons. ● When a fil e name is to uched, the oper ation selecti on scree n appea rs.
CALLING UP AND US ING A FILE 7-15 7 Calling up and using a saved fi le A file s aved with the doc ument f iling fun ction ca n be call ed up a nd printe d or m anipulat ed as n eeded. The foll owing oper ation s can be perfo rmed: ● [Pri nt] : Prin t the file ( page 7 -16).
CALLING UP AND USING A FILE 7-16 5 Touch the key of the operation that you wish to perform. (1) [PRINT] key (see below) (2) [SEND] key (see p age 7- 17) (3) [PROPERTY CHANGE] key (see page 7 -18) (4) .
CALLING UP AND US ING A FILE 7-17 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ [Send] A saved file c an be tra nsmitted b y Scan to E-mai l, Scan t o FTP, fax , or Interne t fax. Thes e transm issi on met hods req uire ins talla tion o f the app ropria te optio ns. The fol lowing s creen app ears whe n the [SE ND] key is tou ched.
CALLING UP AND USING A FILE 7-18 (11) [SEND SET TING S] key [SE ND SET TING S] key is dis playe d in E- mail /FTP mode an d Inter net FAX mod e. Touc h this ke y to set the su bject and file nam e.
CALLING UP AND US ING A FILE 7-19 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ [Move] This operati on is used to move a fil e to a differe nt fol der. The fo llowing s creen a ppears wh en the [ MOVE] key is se lected.
CALLING UP AND USING A FILE 7-20 ■ ■ ■ ■ Calling up and ma nipulating a file fro m the job status s creen File s saved usin g the "FI LE" an d "QUICK FILE" f unctio ns appear as key s in the finis hed jo b status screen. You ca n vie w informa tion on a file that ap pears i n this sc reen an d manip ulate t he file.
7-21 7 CUSTOM SETTINGS Creating, editi ng, and deletin g user names and folders This se ction expl ains how to crea te, edit, an d delete us er names and custo m folders for saving files with the document filing f uncti on. Use r names and cu stom f older s are c reated and ed ited a t the o peration panel of the machine or in the Web pa ge.
CUSTOM SETTINGS 7-22 ■ ■ ■ ■ Programming a us er name To progr am a user name , follow steps 1 and 2 on page 7-21, touch the [US ER NAME REGIST RATION] ke y in step 3, and the n follow the se steps : 1 Touch the [USER NAM E] key. The lowes t numb er that has not yet bee n programm ed appea rs autom aticall y in "No.
CUSTOM SETTINGS 7-23 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ Editing and deletin g a user name To edi t or del ete a user name, follow st eps 1 a nd 2 on pag e 7-2 1 and th en follow t hese step s: 1 Touch the [AMEND/DELETE USER NAME ] key. 2 Touch the [USER NAME] key that you wish to edit or delete.
CUSTOM SETTINGS 7-24 ■ ■ ■ ■ Creating a custom folder Up to 500 cus tom fo lder s can b e cr eated. When no furthe r folder s can be crea ted, de lete u nneede d fold ers (p age 7-25) an d then crea te a ne w folder. A pas sword can be om itted wh en crea ting a folder.
CUSTOM SETTINGS 7-25 7 9 Touch the [OK] key. 10 To exit, touch the [EXIT] key. To create another folder, tou ch the [NEXT] key. If you to uched the [EXIT] key, you will return to the screen of step 3 on page 7-21. If you touche d the [NEXT] key, a new folder screen wi ll appear.
7-26 ENTERING CHARACTERS To enter or edi t characte rs in setting s creens such as auto dial k ey progra mming screens, foll ow the step s below. Characte rs that can be ente red are alphab etical char acters, s pecial charac ters, num bers, an d symbol s.
ENTERING CHARACTERS 7-27 7 ■ ■ ■ ■ Entering numbers and symbols 1 Touch the [AB/ab 12#$%] key. When th e cha racters "12 #$%" a re high lighted, numbe r/symb ol entry mode is selec ted.
7-28 TROUBLESHOOTING This sec tion e xplains pr oble ms frequ ently encou ntere d when u sing the document filin g function . If yo u expe rience any diffic ulty, refer to the fol lowing table.
8-1 CHAPTER 8 SPECIFICATIONS This chap ter cont ains u seful in forma tion ab out the m achine. Page SPECIFICATIONS .... ................. ................. ........... ................. ................ 8-2 LIST OF COMB INATION OF PERIPHERAL DEVICES.
8-2 SPECIFICATIONS Automatic document feede r * Maximum of 15 sheets when origi nals a re heavie r than 105 g /m 2 (28 lbs. ) . If the number of placed s heets excee ds this, sc annin g of the origina ls will not take p lace correct ly and a n exte nded imag e may r esult.
SPECIFICATIO NS 8-3 8 Continuo us co pying s peed (w hen the off set fun ction is not us ed) AR-M35 1N/AR-M35 1U AR-M451N /AR-M451U Copy pa per size 100 % / Reduc ed / Enlar ged A3 (11 " x 17") 17 copi es/min. 20 copies /min. B4 (8-1/ 2" x 1 4") 20 copi es/min.
8-4 LIST OF COMBINATION OF PERIPHERAL DEVICES The tabl e below sh ows the possibl e system configur ation s. Some d evices requir e the insta llati on of other s (B) to be functiona l and som e can not be ins talled together (A).
8-5 8 INDEX [ ] key . ............. ............. ............. ............. ........... 1 -13 [#/P] key ....... ............. ............ ............. ............. ..... 1 -13 ■ ■ ■ ■ Numerics 1-side d copy -Automatic document feeder ....
INDEX 8-6 Erase ..... .................... ............ .......... 1-4, 5- 2, 5-4, 7 -12 Example s of cov ers and inserts ... ............ 5-16 to 5-21 -Covers ................... ............ ............. ...... 5- 17 to 5-2 0 -Inserts ...... ......
INDEX 8-7 8 ■ ■ ■ ■ P Page numb erin g ........ ............... 1-7, 5- 29, 5-34 to 5-37 Pamphlet copy ...................... ............. ...... 1-4, 5-2, 5-6 Paper cur led ....... ............. ............. ............. ........... 2 -24 Paper tray .
INDEX 8-8 Top tray . ............. ............. ............. ................... 3-5, 3-7 Total coun t ............................ ............. ............. ..... 2 -14 Total numbe r of origin als . ............. ............. ............. 4-2 Touch pane l . 9 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分. 10 ページ 2004年 9月28日 火曜日 午後 9時54分.
The CE mark logo label is affixed on an equipment in case that the directives described in the above sentence are applicable to the product. (This sentence is not applicable in any country where the above directives are not required.) This equipment complies with the requirements of Directiv es 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC as amended by 93/68/EEC.
OPERATION MANUAL (for general information and copier operation) PRINTED IN CHINA 2004L KS1 TINSE2881FCZZ SHARP CORPORA TION This manual has been printed using a vegetable-based soy oil ink to help protect the environment.
デバイスSharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp AR-M351U AR-M451U AR-M351N AR-M451Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。