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FCC-1Laser WARNING FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or m odifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void t he user’s authority to operate this equipment. FOR YOUR RECORDS Please record the model number and serial number below, for easy reference, in case of loss or theft.
FO1650U-INBU <P=001> INTRODUCTION Welc ome to the FO-16 50/185 0 and th ank you fo r choosi ng Shar p! The FO-1 650/ 1850 comb ines a f ascim ile an d an swer ing m ach ine into a sin gle unit , allow ing you t o en gage in both f ax a nd v oice c ommu nica tion s wit h co nvenie nce and ec onomy .
<P=002> Important safety information • If a ny of yo ur teleph one e quipm ent i s not op erating p rope rly, you shoul d im medi atel y remov e it fr o m your te le ph on e li ne , as it m ay cau se har m to th e te le ph one n et wor k.
UX1300U-TCTC RT <P=001> TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INSTALLATION Unpacking Check List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Installing the Imaging Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<P=002> Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 10 Timer Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 13 Entering and Using Programs .
FO1650 U-ISUN RT <P=001> 1 INSTALLATION UNPACKING CHECKLIST Afte r un pa ck in g yo ur f ax, mak e su re you hav e al l th e it em s sho wn be lo w.
FO16 50U-I SIF YF <P=001> INSTALLING THE IMAGING FILM The prin ter un it in your fax creat es print ed tex t an d image s by apply ing he at to the imag ing film, wh ich ca uses t oner to be t rans ferr ed f rom the film to the page . Foll ow the step s below to instal l or replace the imag ing film.
<P=002> 4 Take th e new fil m out of it s pa ck ag e, and ins er t two of th e ge ar s prov id ed with the fax int o th e en ds of th e sp ool w it h film . Ma ke s ure that t he t wo ta bs o n the gears fi t proper ly into th e slots in the ends of th e spoo l.
<P=003> 7 Pull the empt y sp oo l tow ar d th e ba ck of the compa rtmen t, unwind ing th e fi lm as you pull . 8 Inser t the em p t y spo ol int o the ba ck of the compa rtmen t so that the ge ar and the flan ge fit in t o the sl ot s on the s ides of the co mpa rt men t.
<P=004> 10 Rotat e the prin ting he a d frame bac k down , an d pr ess do w n on the " PUSH " mark in th e ce nt er of the fr ame unt il the fra m e cl ic ks int o pl ac e.
UX1300U-ISCO DD <P=001> CONNECTIONS Conne ct the p ow er cord , tele phone li ne, and ha ndse t as sho wn belo w . If desir ed, you can al so con nect an ex tens ion tele phone to your fax. ♦ You can use an ex tensio n phon e connec ted to the fax to mak e an d rece ive call s lik e any othe r exte ns ion ph one on y ou r line .
<P=002> T E L . S E T T E L. L IN E Use th e handse t to make ordi nary p hone c alls, or t o tran sm i t an d re ce ive do cu - ments man ually. Inser t one en d of the telep ho ne line cord into t he " TEL. LI NE " jack . Inser t th e ot he r en d in to a sta nd - ard (RJ 11C) si ngle-l ine te lephon e wall jack.
UX1300U-ISAT DD <P=001> ATTACHMENTS Atta ch the rec ei ve d do cu m en t tr ay by in se rt in g the ta bs int o th e ho les at the rear of the fax.
UX13 00U-IS LP DD <P=001> LOADING PRINTING PAPER The pap er tr a y ho ld s th e pa pe r on wh ic h re ce iv ed doc um e nt s an d copi es ar e printe d. Up to 30 0 shee ts o f lett er or le gal size p aper f rom 16 to 24 lbs. (60 to 90 g/m 2 ) can be lo ad ed in th e tr ay .
<P=002> 5 Inser t th e pa pe r tr ay int o th e fa x m a- chine , mak in g sur e it cl icks int o pl ac e. 6 Repl ac e th e pa pe r tr ay cov er . • • • • The pa pe r tray cover a ls o serv es as a tray fo r origin al doc uments whi ch come out of the fa x after sc anni ng for trans missi on or copyin g.
UX1300 U-IPSG RT <P=001> 2 INITIAL SETTINGS SETUP GUIDE Before yo u can be gi n usin g your fax , there are so me settin gs whic h must be made with th e keys on th e operat ion pa ne l. Some of the setti ngs are re quired for basi c use of y ou r fax, oth ers may or may not be nece ssary de pendin g on how yo u want to use t he f ax.
UX1300 U-IPOP DD <P=001> 12 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY 0 OPER SPEED DIAL REDIAL HOLD/SEARCH SPEAKER REC/MEMO REPEAT PLAY/SKIP DELETE REMINDER SLOW PLAY FAST PLAY A LOOK AT THE OPERATION PANEL Befor e yo u make th e settin gs, take a moment to fami liariz e yourse lf with the operat ion pane l.
<P= 002> Display This di splays various mess ages d uring operatio n and pr og ra m m in g. RECEPTION MODE key Pres s th is key to sele ct t he mode of rece ptio n.
UX10 00U-IP SN RT <P=001> ENTERING YOUR NAME AND FAX NUMBER To have your na m e an d fa x/te le phon e nu m be r (c al le d th e "Se nd er ’s nam e " an d "Sen der’s num ber" ) pr inted at t he t op o f ev ery page y ou t rans mit, prog ram the m by pressi ng the pan el key s as show n belo w.
UX13 00U- IPEL RT <P=001> ENTERING LETTERS FOR NAMES ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PRS TUV WXY OPER 12 3 45 6 78 9 0 SPEED DIAL REDIAL HOLD/SEARCH SPEAKER SLOW PLAY FAST PLAY Names are pr ogrammed by pr essing the n umber k eys. You will notice that letters are marke d above ea ch of the nu mber keys " 2 " thro ugh " 9 ".
<P=002> Symbol list To ent er a sym bol f rom the list belo w, pr ess the " # " key or the " * " ke y re pe ated ly unt il the desi red sy m bo l ap pe ars. A A A A A B B B C A B C A B C C AB C C o A B C C o . A BC Co . A B CC o .
FO1650 U-IPSD RT <P=001> SETTING THE DATE AND TIME The dat e and ti m e ap pe ar in the di sp la y and re po rt s, and ar e pri nt ed at the to p of every pa ge you transmit . Set the date and ti me by press ing th e keys on th e operat ion pane l as sho wn belo w .
UX1300 U-IPRM DD <P=001> SELECTING THE RECEPTION MODE Your f ax has thr ee mo de s fo r re ce iv in g inco min g ca lls an d fa xes: TAD mode: Select this mode w hen you ar e out and w ant the bu ilt-in answer in g mach ine to a nswer all c alls .
FO1650 U-IP AM DD <P=001> ANSWERING MACHINE SET-UP About the answering machine The FO-1 650/ 1850 ’s b uilt- in answe ring mach ine allo ws yo u to rec eive b oth voic e messa ges and fa x transmi ssio ns whil e you are ou t.
<P=002> Recording an outgoing message To us e the built -in an swering machin e, y ou must first record a ge neral outgoi ng messa ge. Th is mu st be done e ven if you only inte nd to use pe rson al box es. An outgoi ng me ssage for ea ch p ersona l box used must a lso be recor ded.
<P=003> 5 Pick up th e ha nd set an d sp eak in to it . • • • • The gene ral ou tgoing message ca n be up to 60 s econds long. A pe rsonal outgoi ng mess ag e ca n be up to 30 seco nd s lo ng . • • • • Whil e reco rding, the d ispl ay wi ll s how the tim e rem ai ning to re cord .
<P=004> Programming a passcode A 3- digit pass code c an b e pr ogram med f or each of t he b oxes. If t his is don e, the pass co de must be en tere d before messages in the bo x can be lis tene d to or era sed. Pr ogra m a new pass code o r clear a pr evio usly p rogr amm ed passco de b y pressi ng the pan el key s as show n belo w.
<P=005> Fax reception in boxes As expla in ed at th e be gi nnin g of this se ct io n, a cal le r ca n pres s th ei r Start key aft er acce ss ing a bo x to send a fa x to that bo x. In this case, the fax wi ll not be pr inted ou t unt il you liste n to the me ssages in the bo x.
<P=006> Setting ICM time Incomin g messa ges (IC M s) are the mess ages wh ich call ers leav e for yo u on the built- in ans w ering mac hine. Th e answe ring mach ine is set at the fact ory to all ow each call er a ma ximum of 4 mi nute s to lea ve a m ess age.
<P=007> Fax reception on TAD failure If the m emo ry for r ecordi ng i ncomi ng m essag es b ecome s full wh ile yo u ar e ou t, t he answ er in g m ac hi ne will no long er be able to re co rd me ss ag es .
<P=008> Calling Party Control d etection When a c a l ler hang s up, th e centra l teleph one ex ch ange will iss ue a sig nal call ed a Call ing Party C ont rol (CPC) s igna l.
UX1300U-IPDR DD <P=001> DISTINCTIVE RINGING Distinctive ringing in FAX mode Dist in ct ive ri ng ing is a ser vice off er ed by so m e lo ca l tele ph one co m p a ni es wh ic h allo w s you to u s e up to fou r differen t tele phone nu mbers, ea ch with a diffe re nt ringin g patt er n, on your regular singl e li ne.
<P=002> 1 Press th e keys sho wn at left. "OPTI O N SETTI NG " wil l ap pe ar in th e disp la y. FUNCTION 4 2 Press th e keys sho wn at left.
<P=003> ♦ Note tha t th e ab ov e as si gn m en t of rin gi ng pat t e rn s to box es is not af fect ed by the dist inct iv e ri ng in g sett in g for FAX m od e de sc ri be d on the previ ou s pa ge .
UX1300U-IPAD RT <P=001> STORING NUMBERS FOR AUTOMATIC DIALING Autom at ic dia li ng is a qu ic k an d co nv en ient wa y of dia li ng wh ic h is don e by eit he r pressi ng a R apid Key ( Rapid Key Dialing ), or pressi ng the SPEED DIAL ke y and enteri ng a 2-dig it numb er (S peed D ialin g).
<P=002> 3 Ente r a 2-digi t numbe r (from "01 " to "99") by pre ssin g th e nu m be r ke ys . Th is will be the Spee d D ia l nu m be r. (Ex ample) 4 Enter th e fa x or voice numb er by pr es s- ing the nu mber keys (max. of 32 digits in- cludin g paus es).
<P=003> Clearing numbers Note: You ca nnot c lear a numb er if it is used in a progra m or ti mer ope ration , or i f it is inclu de d in a Gr ou p Key . Fi rs t cl ea r th e nu m be r fr om th e op er atio n or grou p, t hen pe rfor m t he f ollowin g cl eari ng pr ocedu re.
<P=004> Storing Numbers in Group Keys Grou p Keys al lo w you to di al a gro up of fa x num be r s by si mpl y pres si ng the appr opr iate G rou p Key o nce. The y ar e conv enie nt f or t he Br oadcas ting fun ction, whic h is u sed to t ransm it a doc ument to a gr oup of f ax ma chin es.
UX13 00U-IP VA DD <P=001> VOLUME ADJUSTMENT You can ad ju st the volum e of th e sp ea ke r, han ds et , an d ri ng er using the UP an d DOWN keys on the op er at io n pane l. Speaker The spea ker has th ree volume le vels : HIGH, MIDDLE, and LO W.
UX1000U-BOPS RT <P=001> 5.8" ( 148 mm ) 8.5" (216 mm) 14 lbs. 36 lbs. 5.0" (128 m m) 39.4" (1.0 m) (52 g/m 2 ) (157 g/m 2 ) 5.8" (148 m m) 8.5" (216 mm) 5.0" (128 mm) 14" (356 mm) (80 g/m 2 ) 14 lbs. 20 lbs.
<P=002> Loading the document Up t o 20 pages can b e pl aced i n th e feed er a t on e ti me. T he p ages w ill b e autom a ti ca lly fe d in to t he fax sta rt in g fr om th e pa ge on th e bo tt om.
<P=003> Optional transmission settings If desir ed, th er e ar e seve ra l tran smi ss io n se tt in gs whic h yo u can m ak e be fo re dialin g and tr ansm i tt ing th e docu m en t . Note: To make th e settin gs, th e do cumen t must firs t be loa ded in the feeder.
<P=004> Cover Sheet You can hav e yo ur fax gen er at e a co ve r sh ee t an d send it as t he las t pa ge of th e trans missi on. The co ver shee t incl ud es the dat e and ti me, the sende r’s na me an d number , and the re ceiv er ’s name and number if an automati c dialin g numbe r is used.
<P=005> Bat ch Pa ge Num berin g This se tting is used to chang e th e page numberin g of the trans mitte d documen t from si m pl e nu m be r i ng ("P.
UX1000U-BOSD YF <P=001> Dialing and transmission Once yo u ha ve loade d the do cu ment and mad e any desi red tran smiss ion sett ings, you are re ady to dia l the nu mber of the rec eivi ng fax mach ine and tr ansmit th e docum e nt .
<P=002> 4 When y ou hear th e recept ion tone , pres s the START ke y. Repl ace the ha ndset if you us ed it. • • • • When tr ansm i ss io n is com p le te d, the fax wil l be ep .
<P=003> Rapid Key Dialing If the number you w ant t o dial has been stored for a utomati c dial ing as a Sp eed Dial n umber fro m "01" to "20" (see "Stori ng Numbers f o r Automat ic Dialin g" in Chap te r 2) , yo u can dial it by pr e ssin g the corres po nd in g R ap id Key.
<P=004> Using the HOLD/SEARCH key If yo u do n ’ t remember th e Rapid Ke y or Spee d D ial numbe r in whic h yo u have stor ed a particul ar f ax num ber, yo u ca n sear ch for t he number by foll owing the steps be low.
<P=005> 4 Press th e START ke y. The d ocument will be aut omatica lly tran smitted onc e the conn ecti on is mad e. Redialing Automa tic red ialing If yo u use automa tic dialin g (inc ludi ng Di rect K eypad Dial ing) a nd the line is b usy, your fa x w il l au to m at ic al ly red ia l th e nu m be r.
UX1000U-BORD YF <P=001> RECEIVING DOCUMENTS Using F AX mode When t he re cepti on mode is set to FAX (pres s th e RECEPTI ON MODE key until "FAX " ap pears in the displ ay), you r fax auto matical ly ans w ers all ca lls on 4 rin gs and re ceiv es the incomi ng doc ument s.
<P=002> Note: If you have set Opti on Se tting 10 to "OF F" and you hear a fax tone w hen you pi ck u p the handse t, you must p ress t he START key to begin re cept ion.
<P=003> Optional reception settings 2 in 1 Print To sa ve pap er , you can have the siz e of you r in co m in g faxes redu ce d by 55%. This will all ow yo u to r ecei ve, for examp le , a 2- page docume nt on on e pa ge (no te tha t thi s may not be po ss ib le if th e documen t pa ge s ar e longer tha n your print ing pape r) .
<P=004> PC reception (only for FO-1850) If you have conn ected the FO-18 50 t o a pe rsonal com puter with the pro vided PC interf ace box an d have set the RECEI VE UNIT sett ing to "P C&q.
FO1650U-UAUA YF <P=001> 4 USING THE ANSWERING MACHINE OPERATING THE ANSWERING MACHINE Activating the answering machine Activ ate the an sweri ng machin e befo re you go ou t as follo ws: Press th e RECEPTION MODE ke y on e or two ti mes to set th e recept ion mod e to T.
<P=002> 2 If yo u want to li sten to th e messa ges in a pers onal box , ente r the numbe r of that box by p re ssin g the appr opriat e number key. 3 If th e bo x (g en er al or pe rs on al ) ha s a pass co de, en ter the pa sscode by pres s- ing the ap propri ate numbe r keys .
<P=003> Note: Playbac k will st op if you re ceive a ca ll, li ft the han ds et, pres s the STOP key, or open th e pape r co mpartmen t cove r. Erasing received messages It is im po rt an t to erase recei ve d m es sage s af te r yo u listen to th em to ens ur e that the memory does no t beco me fu ll.
<P=004> • • • • Recor ding ph one conv ersat ions : To recor d a phone co nversa tion , hold down th e REC/MEMO ke y du ri ng the conver sation you want to record.
FO1650U-UARO YF <P=001> REMOTE OPERATIONS You ca n call t he F O-165 0/18 50 f rom a ny touch- tone telephon e and play back your messa ges usin g the remot e commands . You can also us e these co mmands to chang e th e re ce ption mod e an d ot he r se tt ings.
<P=002> Toll Saver Whe n you call the FO-1 650/1850 to listen to your messages , it will ans wer a fter two rings if it has re ce ived at least on e messa ge in any of the boxes , or after four ring s if no me ssages are received. This allows you to sa ve mone y on t elepho ne c harges , partic ular ly if you ar e call ing long distance .
(Ex ample) (Examp le) <P=003> Retrieving your messages Follow the steps below to li sten t o your messag es f rom a remo te l ocatio n. Note that you can on ly acc ess on e box per ca ll; if you want to ac cess more than one bo x, you must make a sep arat e call f or e ach box.
<P=004> • • • • If no me ssages hav e be en r eceive d in the box, you wi ll hea r a sh ort beep. You ca n eith er hang up, or perform any of th e oper ations des cribed in the followi ng sec tion " Other rem ote oper atio ns".
<P=005> 5 Whe n yo u ha ve f in is he d li st ening to you r mess ag es , yo u ca n do any of the fo ll ow- ing: • • • • Eras e all mess ages: To er as e al l of the me ssages in the bo x, pre ss " 3 ", " 3 ", and " # ".
(Ex ample) <P=006> Other remote operations After list ening to your me ssages , yo u can do any o f the operatio ns describ ed b elow by press in g th e ap pr opriate ke ys on th e te le ph on e. Note: The following comm ands cannot b e en tered while me ssages are bei ng played back.
(Examp le) (Examp le) <P=007> Turnin g the T ransf er func tion on or o ff (The T rans fer fu nction is descri bed in the follo wing sectio n, "O ther f unctio ns".
<P=008> Recording a "Memo" You c an lea ve a "memo" for yourse lf or ot her us ers of the machin e. It will be recor ded in the Ge ne ra l Box , an d pl ay ed bac k whe n m es sa ge s in tha t bo x are listen ed to. 1 Press " * " and " # " on the te leph on e.
FO1650U-UAOF YF <P=001> OTHER FUNCTIONS Transfer function The Tr a ns fe r fu nc ti on is us ed to m ak e th e FO - 16 50 /1 85 0 automatic al ly cal l yo u at a spec if ied numbe r every ti me it recei ves an inc oming message in a selecte d box.
<P=002> Note: I f ne ed ed, you can ch an ge the tr a ns fe r nu m be r fr om a remote lo ca tion. See "Oth er r emote ope rati o ns" in th e pr evio us sec tion, "Re mote operatio ns".
<P=003> Note: I f ne eded, you can tu rn the T ransfe r function on or o ff f rom a remote l oca- tion . See "Other remote ope ration s" in the previo us s ection , "Re mote op era- tions" .
(Example) <P=004> Overriding the answering machine Your calle rs should foll ow th e st ep s be low to overri de t he ans wer ing machine . 1 Your caller cal ls the FO-1 650/18 50 fro m a touch -t one teleph on e. Whe n th e ou tg o- ing me ss ag e be gi ns, they shoul d pr es s the " # " key on th eir te leph one.
FO1650U-BOCY YF <P=001> 5 MAKING COPIES A B C A B C A B C A B C C C C B B B A A A Originals Sorted (SORT COPY) Not sorted (MULTI COPY) Your fa x can also be used to mak e copies . Singl e and mul tiple co pies (up to 99 per origin al) ca n be made, en abling your fax to doubl e as an offi ce cop ier.
(Examp le) (Examp le) <P=002> 3 Press " 1 " (MULTI COPY ) if you do n’t want th e copies sorted, or " 2 " (SORT COPY) if yo u wan t th em so rt ed. 2 4 Ente r the de si red nu mber of cop ies w it h the nu mb e r ke ys . • • • • If the de sire d nu mber of c op ies is from 1 to 9, en ter "0" fi rst.
<P=003> Copy Cut- off When ma king a cop y, you r fax has been s et at the fa ctory to not print the rema inin g part o f a do cumen t if t he doc ument i s lo nger t han th e prin ting paper . If y ou wa nt your fax to alway s print th e remaini ng part of the docume nt on a seco nd pag e, follow the step s below .
FO1650 U-BOVC RT <P=001> 6 MAKING TELEPHONE CALLS Your fax c an be used like a regu lar teleph one to ma ke a nd rec e ive voice c alls. ♦ To make or re ceive a ph one ca ll, the po wer must be on . 1 Pick up th e ha nd se t or pre ss the SPEAKER key.
<P=002> Using the HOLD/SEARCH key You can us e th e HO LD/SEARCH key to searc h fo r a Rap id Key or Spee d D ia l numb er. First search f or t he n umber as descri bed in "U sing t he HOLD/ SEARCH key" in "Sen di ng Docu m en ts " in thi s ch ap te r, and then pi ck up th e ha nd se t or pre ss the SPEAKER key.
FO1650 U-SFCI RT <P=001> 7 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS CALLER ID If yo u su bs cr ib e to a caller id en ti fi ca tion servi ce fro m you r te le ph on e co mpany, you can set yo ur fax to di splay th e name and nu mber of the caller whi le the fax rings.
<P=002> Viewing the caller list If you su bs cr ib e to a calle r ID se rv ice an d have set Option Sett in g 13 to YES, your fax w ill ke ep inf ormatio n on t he most recen t 20 u nans wered c alls you h ave recei ved. (Not e that i f th e ca ller sends a f ax or leav es a voice mess age, inf ormat ion on tha t call will not b e stor ed.
<P=003> To delete calls from the caller list If yo u want to de lete a sin gle call f rom the cal ler li st, pr ess th e " 0 " key while the cal l appe a rs in th e di sp lay.
<P=004> Direct Call If des ir ed, you ca n allo w a desig nated ph one numbe r to acc ess a pe rs onal box dire ctly wh en t he ans werin g machi ne i s acti vate d. In this c ase, when the c alle r calls , he or sh e wil l im m e di at ely hear the out go in g message of th e pe rs on al box inste ad of th at of th e ge ne ral box.
UX1300U-SFAJ YF <P=001> ANTI JUNK FAX The An ti Junk Fa x fu nction all ows you to block receptio n of f axes from parties whic h yo u sp ec if y.
UX1300 U-SFM E YF <P=001> MEMORY Your fa x has a memory which ca n be used to temporar il y store bo th inc omi ng and outgoi ng d ocument s. ♦ When no voice m essag es (includ ing outgoi ng m.
<P=002> 4 Press th e START key if you en tered a Speed D ia l nu m be r or a ful l nu m be r. • • • • The docum ent will be scanne d and stor ed in mem o ry . You r fa x wil l th en dial t he recei ving mach ine and tr ans- mit the do cumen t (rediall ing wil l be done au tomatic ally if ne cessar y).
UX1300U-SFBR (Ex ample) YF <P=001> BROADCASTING This fun ctio n allow s yo u to sen d the same do cument to as many as 20 differ ent locat ions w ith j ust one op eration. Fir st sto re t he d ocume nt in memory, th en enter the numb ers of the rec ei ving machin es .
(Examp le) <P=002> 5 Press th e START ke y. Tra nsmis sion will begin. • • • • A Tran sa ct ion Repor t is aut omatica ll y prin te d ou t af te r Bro ad ca st in g is com - pleted .
UX1300 U-SFPO RT <P=001> POLLING Polli ng a llows you t o requ est anothe r fax machi ne to send a doc ument t o your fax mach in e. In ot he r wor ds, the rece iv in g fa x m ac hi ne , no t th e tr ansmitt in g fa x machi ne , initia tes th e transmi ssion.
<P=002> Being polled (Pollin g Standby) To let an other fax mac hi ne pol l your fax, si m pl y set th e receptio n m od e to FAX, an d load th e do cument( s) to be sent. Tra ns m is si on will t ak e pl ac e whe n th e ot her fax machi ne calls you r fa x an d acti vates pollin g.
<P=003> Storing and clearing fax numbers for polling permission You can st ore up to 10 f ax num b er s in your fa x’ s li st of pe rm i tt ed number s. 1 Press th e keys shown at lef t . "EN TRY MODE" wil l appear in the disp lay. 2 Press th e " * " key 4 t imes.
UX1300 U-SFTI YF <P=001> TIMER OPERATIONS The Timer functio n allo ws you to set a trans missi on and/or po llin g op eratio n to be per fo r me d automat ic al ly at a ti m e yo u sp ec if y.
<P=002> 7 Enter the Sp eed Dial nu mber of the r e- ceivin g fax mac hine. (Examp le) 8 Press th e START ke y. 9 If th is is a tr an sm i ss io n op er at ion, you can ad just t he res olutio n and/ or con trast (skip thi s st ep if you don’ t wan t to ).
UX1300 U-SFEU YF <P=001> ENTERING AND USING PROGRAMS If yo u fr eq uently per fo r m th e sa m e op er ation invo lv in g th e sa me party, you can progra m all the s teps o f the operat ion in to o ne Prog ram Ke y. Thi s al lows you to per fo rm th e op er ation by simp ly pre ssing that key .
<P=002> 5 Press th e START ke y. 6 Press th e " # " key or the " * " un til the de - sired op eratio n appear s in the dis play .
<P=003> 12 Enter the Sp eed Dial nu mber of the r e- ceivin g fax mac hine. 13 Press th e STA RT key. 14 If des i r ed, set th e reso lution and/or co n- tras t by press ing th e RESOL UTION key (ot he r wi se, skip thi s st ep ). 15 Press th e STA RT key an d th en the STOP key.
<P=004> Broadcasting (Con tinu ed f rom " Initial pr ocedure" .) 8 Enter the Speed Di al number s of the re- ceivin g machi ne s. 9 Press th e STA RT key. 10 If des i r ed, set th e reso lution and/or co n- tras t by press ing th e RESOL UTION key (ot he r wi se, skip thi s st ep ).
<P=005> Using a Pr ogram Key A programme d operat ion is per formed as fol lows: 1 Load t he doc ument . 2 Press th e ap pr opriate Pro gr am Key .
FO16 50U-SF RE DB <P=001> REMINDER FUNCTION The R eminder funct ion al lows you to sen d eith er a v oice me ssag e, fax messag e, or both to an othe r pe rson or yourse lf at a pres et time. If the remind er is for an othe r pers on, yo ur fax will cal l the other machi ne and trans mit t he mess age w hen th e select ed time arr ives.
<P=0 02 > 7 Press th e START key. 8 To recor d a voice mes sage , pick up th e handse t and sp ea k into it. When fi n- ished , re pl ac e th e ha ndset or pre ss the STOP key. (Skip this step if you only want to send a fax message. ) 9 If you are only s ending a voice mes- sage, pr ess th e REMINDER ke y.
FO16 50U-SF PC RT <P=001> PC LINK FUNCTION Note: This sect ion applie s on ly to th e FO - 1650. If yo u hav e a pe rson al comp uter w ith a fax modem a nd fax sof tware, you can connec t the co mputer to your fax w ith a regu lar te le phon e cord and set you r fax to PC Mode (P C mode is a sp ecial mod e for oper ation w ith a compu ter).
<P=002> 2 To tur n PC Mode o ff, pres s th e FUNC - TI ON key and th en the " # " ke y once agai n. • • • • The re ce ptio n mod e ("FA X ", "T E L", or "TAD") will app ea r ne xt to th e ti m e in the disp lay.
<P=003> 2 Load t he d ocument . • • • • If des i r ed, pres s the RESOLUTION key to make a res olut ion an d/or con - trast se tt ing. 3 Press th e START key. 4 Star t your fax sof tware on yo ur comput er (if it i s not alre ady ru nning) and sel ect manu al r ec ep ti on .
UX1000 U-OSOS RT <P=001> 8 OPTIONAL SETTINGS A var iety of op tional set tings are av aila ble w hich y ou c an use to fine-t une yo ur fax to better suit yo ur n eeds. The settings a re made by pr essing t he pan el keys, a nd each s etti ng is descri bed in the list below .
<P=002> Settin g 3: RECALL INTERVAL This sets the a mount of time your fax will wait between auto matic redials w hen t he line i s bu sy. E nt er " 01 " for 1 m inu te, " 02 " for 2 minut es , etc., up to a maximu m of 15 minutes .
<P=003> Settin g 9: DISTINCTIVE RINGING Thi s sets the rin g pa tter n to whic h your fax will answer i f yo u su bscr ibe to a distin ctiv e ringin g servic e. Ente r a numbe r from " 1 " to 5 " to sel ect a pa ttern. Se e "Disti nctive Ring ing" i n Cha pter 2 for more details.
<P=004> Settin g 15 : ACTIVITY REPORT AUTO PRI NT OUT Press " 1 " to hav e yo ur fax aut omaticall y pr int out an Activi ty Repo rt once ev er y 30 operat ions. (The l ist can st ill be print ed out manual ly wh en des ired .) Pres s " 2 " to turn aut omati c print- out off.
UX13 00U- PRPR YF <P=001> 9 PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS You can pr int out a vari et y of lis ts sho w in g se tt in gs and inf ormatio n en te re d in t he fax. You can als o ha ve the fax aut omaticall y pr int out a repo rt on tr ansactio ns aft er they ar e made.
<P=002> Explan ation of he adings SENDER/ RECEIVER The fax number of the other mach ine invo lved in th e transa ction. If this mach ine does n ot have an I D fun ction, t he c ommu nica tion mode will appear (for examp le , "G3"). PAGES Number of pa ges tran smitted or receiv ed.
<P=003> Reception errors E-0 Able to recognize handshake signal, but it has errors. E-1 Line disconnected during reception. E-2 Cannot recognize t he handshake signal from the transmitter side. E-3 Cannot recognize t he last handshake signal from t he transmitter side.
<P=004> Teleph one Numb e r List Thi s li st sho w s th e fa x an d vo ic e nu mbers whic h ha ve been st ored for aut om a ti c dial ing. Passcode List Thi s list shows se ttin gs ma de for p o.
<P=005> Optio ns Sett ing Li st This list show s the current stat us o f the optional s ettings. The b ottom p art of t he l ist show s th e st at us of the sett in gs ma de for answ er in g m ac hi ne conne ct ion.
<P=006> T.A.D . P rogram List This list shows the s etting s and codes progra mmed for the a nswer ing mac hine. Message List This lis t sh ow s inf or m at io n about the mes sa ge s cu rr ently reco rd ed in th e an sw e ri ng machin e, inc luding the dat e an d time of rec ordi ng , the le ngth, an d the type (ICM or memo).
<P=007> Program and G roup Li st The t op par t of this li st sho w s th e pr og rams which hav e be en ent er ed. The bott om part sho ws the fa x numbers which ha ve been st ored in ea ch Group K ey . Caller ID List This lis t shows informat ion abou t your most rec ent unan swere d ca lls (max i mum of 20 call s).
<P=008> Print S et List This li st show s th e cu rr en t status of th e pr in ting setti ng s mad e by pr e ss in g th e FUNCTION ke y and the " 6 " key. Transaction Report This re po rt is prin te d out automat ic al ly aft er an oper ation is comp le te d to allow yo u to chec k th e result.
FO1650U-MAMA SO <P=001> 10 MAINTENANCE Reading glass and rollers Clea n th e re ad in g gl ass and roller s frequent ly to en sure the qua li ty of tr an smitted images an d copi es. Open th e operat ion pane l by pul ling the front edge up (grasp it at the " PANEL RELEASE " mar k) , and clean th em as sho wn be low.
<P=002> Fax print head Clea n th e pr in t head frequ en tl y to ens ur e op ti mum printi ng per fo rm a nc e. To cl ean the prin t head , first un plug the powe r cord, op en the paper comp artmen t cover (gra sp the fin ger hold on the righ t side of the cove r and pu ll up), an d re move th e imag in g fi lm.
UX1300 U-TSPS RT <P=001> 11 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Prob le m Check an d re m ed y Noth ing appe ars in the display . • • • • Make su re the power cord i s pr oper ly plug ged in to a p ower outl et. • • • • Make su re the powe r swi tch has been swit ch ed to th e correct po si ti on .
<P=002> The pow er is on , bu t no tran sm i ss io n ta ke s pl ace. • • • • Make s ure th at the recei ving ma chine has prin ting pap er. • • • • Make su re tha t th e telephon e li ne cor d is plug ged in to the " TEL . LINE " jack, an d not th e " TEL.
UX1300U-TSDM DD <P=001> MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Display messages CHECK PAPER SIZE The paper size setting i s incorrect. Change the paper size setting as described in "Loading the Paper" in Chapter 1. COVER OPEN The printing compartment cover i s open.
<P=002> Audible signals Continuous tone 3 seconds Indicat es the end of transmission, reception, or copying. Intermittent tone (3 beeps) 5 seconds (1 second on, 1 second off) Indicates incompl ete transmission, reception, or copying. Rapid intermittent tone 0.
UX1300U-TSCP RT <P=001> CLEARING PAPER JAMS Clearing a jammed document If a do cu m en t do es n’ t fe ed pr o pe rl y du ri ng tra ns m issi on or copyin g, or D OC UM EN T JAMMED ap pears in the displ ay, fi rst try pr es sing the START key.
<P=002> 4 Remov e th e pa pe r tr ay from the fax . 5 Gently pu ll the jamme d pape r out of the printi ng c ompartme nt. 6 Repl ac e th e im a gi ng fil m , m ak in g su re that t he f lange goes into the rear s lot on the lef t side of the pr in ti ng comp ar tm e nt .
FO1650 U-SPSP YF <P=001> SPECIFICATIONS Appl icable tele p hone line: Public switched telephone network Compatibil ity: ITU-T (CCITT) G3 mode Config uration: Half-duplex, desktop transceiver Memory s ize *: 512 KB (approx.
SHARP Date Issued: Feb. 9,1996 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS No. B-1006 Section 1. Produ ct Identification Product Code: FO-16CR Imaging Film Section 2. Suppl ier’s Name and Address Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
SHARP Date Issued: Feb. 9,1996 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS No. B-1006 Section 6. Physical Chemical Characteri stics Boiling/Melting Point m.p. about 70 ° C for ink Specific Gravity about 1 Vapor .
FO1650U/FCC6 8-FO FCC REGULATORY INFORMATION FCC regulatory information This equ ip m en t co m pl ie s wit h FC C ru le s, Part 68. On thi s eq ui pm e nt is a labe l th at cont ains, among other i nfor mat ion, the F CC Regist rati on Nu mber and Ringer Equ ivalen ce Number (REN) fo r this equ ipmen t.
UX1300U-R-CARD FRONT # # AY <P=001> REMOTE OPERATION CARD The card below is prov ided as a qui ck guid e to remo te oper ation. C ut it out an d carry it wi th you when you go ou t. Remote Operation Guide 1. Call y our fax fr om a to uch- tone tel ephone , and press when th e outgoi ng mess age begi ns.
UX1300U-R-CARD REAR # 2 5 # # 7 3 # 3 3 # # 0 # 0 # # # 3 8 1 8 2 8 # # # 0 9 1 9 2 9 # 9 3 # # 6 4 # (Box#) # (Tel.#) REMOTE COMMANDS • • • • PLAYBACK Pla y mess age s . . . . . . . . . . Move backw ar d/ re pe at . . . . Ski p forw ard . . .
UX1300 U-QRQR RT <P=001> QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE INSTALLATION 1. Connect the handset as shown. 2. Plug one end of t he telephone line into the "TEL. LINE" jack on the rear of the fax, and the other end into your telephone wall jack. 3. Plug the power cord into a grounded, 120 V outlet.
<P=002> SETTING THE DATE & TIME To set the date and time, press the following sequence of keys: "DATE & TIME SET" will appear. Press the START key: Enter two digits for t he Month (01 through 12). Enter two digits for t he Date (01 through 31).
<P=003> Record an outgoing message for a box as fol- lows: 1 Press the following sequence of keys: 2 Press a num ber key to select t he outgoing message you want to record: General outgoing message Box 1 outgoing message Box 2 outgoing message Box 3 outgoing message Transfer outgoing message 3 Pick up the handset and speak into it.
<P=004> FUNCTION key menu The foll ow i ng cha r t sho ws th e la yout of the fu nc ti on s an d se ttings acces se d by pre ss in g the FUNCT ION k ey. Firs t pres s the FUNCTION key, th e ap pr opriate nu mer ic key as sho wn, and th en " # " or " * " un ti l th e de si red item ap pe ar s.
<P=005> 6 5 7 Op ti o nal S ettings Fine Resolution Priori ty (8-1) Number of Rings in Auto Mode (8-1) Recall Wait I nterva l (8-2) Recall Times (8-2) Remote Reception Number (8-2) Remote Recept.
FO1650U-ININ INDEX A Acti vity Report , 9-1 - 9-3 Automa tic prin t-out, 8-4 Anti Jun k Fax/ Number , 7-5, 8 -3 Anti Ju nk Nu m be r Li st, 9-5 Audi ble sign als, 11- 4 Auto Cov er Shee t, 8-3 Automa .
Playba ck , 4- 1 - 4- 3 Erasin g, 4-3 Date a nd tim e, 4- 4 N Norm al Di alin g, 3- 6, 3-17 Numbe r of Ri ngs in FAX Mode, 8-1 Number ke ys , 2-2 O Option Settin g List, 9- 4 Outgoi ng me ssage, 2-10 .
デバイスSharp FO-1850の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp FO-1850をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp FO-1850の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp FO-1850の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp FO-1850で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp FO-1850を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp FO-1850の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp FO-1850に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp FO-1850デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。