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38 T esla Ir vine, CA 92618 Phone: ( 949) 679- 8000 Barricade TM Br oadband Rou ter User Guide F rom SMC’ s Barr icade l ine of Broadba nd Routers March 2003 Pub.
COPYRIGHT Information fur nishe d by SMC Networ ks, Inc. (S MC) is b eliev ed t o be accurate and r eliable. Howe ver , no respo nsibilit y is assumed by SMC for its use, nor for any infr ingem ents of pa tents or other righ ts of third par ties which may result from its use.
i C OMPLIA NCES FCC - Class B This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonab le protection against har mful interference in a resident ial installation.
Com pliances ii EC Conformance Dec laration - Class B SMC contact f or these products in Europe is: SMC Networks Europe, Edificio Conata II, Calle F r uctuós Gelaber t 6-8, 2 o , 4 a , 08970 - Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona, Spain.
iii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS About the Barricade Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 LED Indicato rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS iv System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 WAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 LAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 A BOUT THE B ARRI CADE R OUTER Congratul ations on y our pur chase of t he Barricad e™ Broadb and Router. S MC is proud to provi de you wi th a powe rful ye t simple commu nicatio n device for conn ectin g your loc al area network (LAN) t o the Internet.
About the Ba rricade Router 2 Features and Benefi ts • Internet con nection to DSL or c able mod em via a 10/100 Mbp s WAN po rt • Internet con nection to ISDN TA or PSTN m odem via an RS- 232 co .
3 I NSTALLING TH E R OUTER Before i nstalling t he Barr icade™ Br oadband Rou ter, ver ify that you h ave all t he item s liste d under “ Packag e Contents.
Inst al l ing th e Ro ute r 4 Hardware Descr iption The Barr icade Router can be c onnected to the Inter net or to a remote s ite us ing its RJ-45 WAN por t or RS -232 se rial por t. It can be connec ted direct ly to your PC or to a local ar ea network u sing any of th e Fast E thernet LAN po rts.
Hardware Descr iption 5 • 4 RJ-45 ports for c onnectio n to a 10BA SE-T/100 BASE -TX Ethernet Local A rea Networ k (LAN). T hese po rts can auto-neg otiate th e operating s peed to 1 0/100 Mbps , the mode to half/ful l duplex, an d the pin s ignals to MDI/MDI- X (i.
Inst al l ing th e Ro ute r 6 System Requireme nts You must have a n ISP that meets the follow ing minim um requireme nts: • Internet acce ss fro m your local teleph one comp any o r Inter net Servi ce Provid er (ISP ) usin g a DSL modem, ca ble mo dem, ISDN T A, or PS TN analog modem.
Connect t he System 7 • TCP/IP n etwork pr otocol installe d on ea ch PC that needs to access th e Internet . • A Java-e nabled Web brow ser, such as Microsoft Intern et Explorer 5.0 or ab ove, or Netscape Communica tor 4. 0 or above in stall ed on one P C at yo ur site for configu ring the Barrica de Router.
Inst al l ing th e Ro ute r 8 3. Connect your pr inter : Use s tandard pa rallel pri nter cable to connect your printe r to th e printe r por t on the Barr icad e Router . 4. P ower on: Conn ect the power ada pter to the Barr icade Router . Fig ure 2.
9 C ONFIGURING C LIENT TCP/IP If you hav e not pre viously i nstalle d the TCP /IP protoc ols on y our client P Cs, refer to the followin g sectio n. If yo u need informati on on how to c onfigure a TCP/IP address o n a PC, refer to “S etting Up TCP/IP” on page 11 .
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 10 5. Select M icrosoft i n the manufacturers lis t. Select TCP /IP in the Networ k Proto cols li st. Click the O K button to retur n to the Network win dow . 6. The TCP/IP protoc ol will b e listed in the N etwork w indow .
Setting Up TCP/IP 11 4. Doub le-clic k Protoco l. 5. Choose Int er net Proto col (TCP /IP). Click the OK button to retur n to th e Network wi ndow . 6. The TCP/IP protoc ol will b e listed in the N etwork w indow . Click OK to compl ete the installati on proce dure.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 12 Subnet Ma sk: 25 Note: These set tings may be ch anged to s uit your network requireme nts, bu t you must first con figure at least one compu ter as d escribed i n this chapter to acce ss the Barrica de Route r’s Web c onfigu ration in terface.
Setting Up TCP/IP 13 3. On the Net work window Configurati on tab, double-click the TCP/IP entr y for your network card . 4. Click the IP Add ress ta b . 5. Click the “Obt ain an IP address “opt ion. 6. Nex t click on the Gatewa y tab and verify th e Gatewa y field is blank.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 14 8. On the Net work Pro per ties Window , click the OK button to sav e these new setti ngs. Note: Windows may ask you for the orig inal Win dows insta llation disk or additi onal files .
Setting Up TCP/IP 15 192.168. 2. 1. The se values confi rm that your Barr icad e Router is functio ning. Click OK to close the IP Conf iguration window . Configuring Your Computer in Windows NT 4.0 1. From the Windows desk top click Sta rt/Set tings/ Control Pa nel.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 16 5. Click on the I P Address tab. 6. In the Ada pter dro p-down list, be sure your Ether net ad apter is sel ected. 7. Click on “Obtain an IP addres s from a DHCP s erver”. 8. Click OK to cl ose the wi ndow . 9. Windows ma y copy file s and wil l then p rompt you to res tar t your system.
Setting Up TCP/IP 17 3. T ype IPCO NFIG /RENEW and press the <E NTER> key . V erif y that your IP Address is now 19 2.168.2. xxx, your Su bnet M ask is 255.25 5.255.0 and your Def ault G atewa y is . These values confi rm that the Barr icade Router is function ing.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 18 3. Locate an d double-cli ck the Local A rea Conn ection icon f or the Ether net adapter that is conn ected to th e Barr icade.
Setting Up TCP/IP 19 2. Locate an d double-cli ck the Local A rea Conn ection icon f or the Ether net adapter that is conn ected to th e Barri cade Router . Next, click the Pro per t ies button. 3. the Loca l Ar ea Connec tion Pr oper ti es box, verify the box next to Inter ne t Protocol (TCP/IP) is checked.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 20 2. In the TCP/IP dialog box, make sure that Et hernet i s sele cted in the Connect V ia: fi eld. 3. Select U sing DHCP Ser ver in the Conf ig ure fi eld. 4. Cl ose th e TCP /IP dia log bo x. Configuring Your Computer in Windows 2000 1.
Setting Up TCP/IP 21 3. Locate an d double-click the Local Area C onnect ion icon f or the Ether net adapter t hat is connecte d to the Barri cade. When th e Status di alog box wind ow opens , cl ick the Pr oper t ies button. 4. On the Lo cal Are a Conne ction Prop er ti es box, v er ify the box next to Inter net Pro tocol (TC P/IP) is c heck ed.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 22 Manual IP Configuration 1. Chec k Speci fy an I P address o n the IP Address tab. Enter an IP add ress based on the default network 1 92.168.2.x (where x is between 2 and 254), an d use 255.2 55.255. 0 for the subnet mas k.
Setting Up TCP/IP 23 3. On the DNS Conf igurat ion tab, add the IP add ress f or th e Bar ricade Rout er and click Add. Thi s automa tical ly relays DNS requests to the DNS ser ver(s) pr ovided by your ISP . Other wise, add specif ic DNS ser vers into the DNS Ser ver Search Order field and cl ick Add.
Configuring Clien t TCP/IP 24 Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. there may be some thing wro ng in you r installa tion proc edure.
25 C ONFIGURING THE B ARRI CADE R OUTER The Barr icade Rou ter can be config ured by a ny Java -supporte d browser i ncluding Internet Explorer 4.0 or ab ove, or Ne tsca pe Navigator 4 .0 or abov e. Using the We b manageme nt inte rface, you can configur e the Bar ricade Router an d view st atistics to monitor netw ork activity.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 26 Disable Proxy Conn ection You will also nee d to ve rify tha t the HTTP Proxy feature of your web browse r is disab led. This is so that yo ur web brows er will be able to v iew the Barricad e configu ration pa ges.
Netscap e (4 or ab ove) 27 2. In the Pr eferences window , under Cate gor y , double-cl ick Advanced, t hen selec t the P ro xies option . 3. Check “Direct co nnection to th e Inter ne t.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 28 Navigating th e Web Browser Inte rface The Barr icade Rou ter’s mana gement i nterface fe atures a Setup Wizard and an Advanc ed Set up sectio n. Use the Se tup Wizard i f you want to quickl y set up the Barric ade Router for use wi th a cable mo dem or DS L mode m.
Setup Wizard 29 . Broadband Type Select t he type of broadb and conne ction you h ave. For a cab le modem c onnecti on see the following page. Fo r a Fixed-IP xDSL co nnect ion se e “Fixed -IP xD SL” on p age 30, and for a PP PoE xDS L conn ection, s ee “P PPoE” on page 31.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 30 Cable Modem After se lecting Cable M odem as th e Broadb and Typ e, a message will appe ar statin g that y our data h as been s uccess fully save d. Note: Select H ome to r eturn to the hom e page, then sele ct Adva nced Sett ings/WA N to con figure th e req uired paramete rs.
Setup Wizard 31 PPPoE Enter the PPPoE User Name and P assword assigne d by you r Servi ce Provid er. The Service Name is normal ly optio nal, bu t may be r equired by so me serv ice prov iders. Leave the Maximum Tra nsmission Un it (MTU) at the default valu e (1454) unl ess yo u have a partic ular reas on to cha nge it.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 32 Advanced Setup Use the W eb managem ent int erface to define system paramete rs, mana ge and con trol the B arricad e Router an d its ports, o r monitor n etwork cond itions. T he follo wing ta ble outli nes the selec tions av ailabl e from thi s program .
Advanc ed Setup 33 Syste m Time Zone Sets the time z one for th e Barricade Router. T his inform ation is used for log entr ies and c lient access contro l.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 34 Password Se ttings Use this menu to r estrict ac cess b ased on a passw ord. By default, th ere is no passw ord. For s ecuri ty you s hould assign one before ex posing the Barric ade Router to the Inte rnet. Passwor ds can contain fr om 3– 12 alphanu meric charact ers and are no t case sensit ive.
Advanc ed Setup 35 Remote Management Remote Man agement allow s a remote P C to co nfigure, m anage, and monito r the Barricad e Router usi ng a st andard W eb brows er. Check Enabl e and e nter the I P address of the rem ote host. Clic k APPL Y. Note: If you sp ecify 0.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 36 Dynamic IP The Hos t Name is o ptional, b ut may be required b y some IS Ps. The defa ult MAC add ress i s set to t he WA N’s phys ical in terface on the Bar ricade Rou ter. Use this addr ess when register ing for Internet s ervice, a nd do n ot change it unless requir ed by y our ISP.
Advanc ed Setup 37 Point-to-Point Ov er Ethernet (PPP oE) Enter the PPPoE User Name and P assword assigne d by you r Servi ce Provid er. The Service Name is normal ly optio nal, bu t may be r equired by so me serv ice prov iders. The MTU ( Maximum Transmi ssion Un it) gove rns the m aximum size of the data pac kets.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 38 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol ( PPTP) Point -to-Point Tunneli ng Protocol (PPTP) can be u sed to join differen t physical n etworks using the Int ernet as an intermed iary.
Advanc ed Setup 39 Static IP Address If your Internet S ervice P rovider h as assign ed a fixe d IP a ddress, enter the assigne d addres s and subnet ma sk for t he Barr icade Router, th en enter th e gatewa y address of yo ur ISP. You may need a f ixed addr ess if you want to provid e Internet servi ces, such as a W eb serv er or FTP server .
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 40 DNS Domain Nam e Serve rs map n umerical IP addr esses to t he equival ent domain name ( e.g., ww m). Your IS P sho uld provid e the IP add ress o f one or m ore domai n name servers . Enter tho se addr esses in th is scree n.
Advanc ed Setup 41 Dial-up If you are ac cessing the Intern et via an ISDN TA o r PSTN modem atta ched to the se rial port on the Bar ricade Rou ter, then you m ust spec ify your a ccount i nformati on on th is screen as describe d below .
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 42 • Maximum Idle Time – Enter a ma ximum idl e time (i n minutes) to define a maximum period of time for which th e Internet conne ction is maintain ed dur ing inac tivity (D efault: 10). If the conne ction i s inact ive for longer th an the Maxi mum Idle Time, it will b e dropped .
Advanc ed Setup 43 • LAN IP – Use the L AN menu to configure the LAN IP addres s for the Barricade Router and to enable the DHCP server for dynamic client address alloca tion. • Set a per iod for th e lease time if requir ed. For home netwo rks this may be set to Fore ver, whic h means ther e is no time lim it on the I P address lease.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 44 Address Mapping Allows one or mo re pub lic IP a ddresses to be shar ed by mu ltipl e internal users. Enter the Pu blic IP addres s you wish to share into the Global IP field. Ente r a range of inter nal IPs that will share the global IP .
Advanc ed Setup 45 Virtual S erver If you co nfigure t he Barr icade Rou ter as a virtual se rver, remote users access ing ser vices su ch as Web o r FTP at your loc al site via publ ic IP ad dresse s can be autom atically redire cted to local servers configure d with p rivate I P addresse s.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 46 Special Applications Some a pplicat ions, su ch as Inte rnet g aming, vi deoco nferenc ing, Internet t elepho ny and oth ers, requi re multi ple conn ections. These a pplication s cannot work with Network A ddress Translat ion (NAT ) enabled.
Advanc ed Setup 47 For a full list of p orts and the se rvices t hat run on them, see ssignments /port-numb ers. Firewall The Barr icade P lus firewal l can prov ide acc ess contr ol of.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 48 Note: Click on Add PC and define the appro priate set tings for client P C ser vices ( as sh own in the f ollowi ng scr een).
Advanc ed Setup 49 The MAC Filterin g feature o f the B arricade allows you to cont rol access to your network to up to 32 c lients based on the MAC (Media A ccess Control ) Addre ss of the client m achin e. This ID i s unique to each netwo rk adapte r.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 50 Schedule Rule The Sched ule Rul e feature allows y ou to con figure s pecific rules based on Time and Date. The se rule s can the n be used to configur e more s pecific Access Contro l. Enables Schedul e-based Internet a ccess co ntrol.
Advanc ed Setup 51 Intrus ion D etect ion.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 52 • SPI and Anti-DoS firewall protecti on (Default: Enabled) –The Ba rricade Ro uter Intr usion Det ection F eature l imits access fo r incoming traffic at th e WAN por t.
Advanc ed Setup 53 • Stateful Packet Inspect ion – T his is called a “st ateful” p acket inspect ion be cause it examines the cont ents of the pack et to determin e the s tate of the comm unica tions; i.e., it ensur es that the st ated desti nation computer has pr evious ly req uested the curre nt communi cation.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 54 • Connection Policy – Enter the ap propri ate value s for T CP/ UDP sess ions as descr ibed in th e followi ng table. DoS Criter ia and Port S can Criteria Set up DoS and po rt scan criter ia in the spac es prov ided (as shown below) .
Advanc ed Setup 55 Total in complete TCP/ UDP ses sions LOW 250 ses sions Defines th e rate o f newly unestabl ished sessio ns that will cause the sof tware to stop del eting half-ope n sessio ns. Incomp lete TCP/UDP sessions (per min. ) HIGH 250 ses sions Maxi mum num ber of allowe d incomp lete TCP/ UDP sess ions pe r minut e.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 56 DMZ If you hav e a clie nt PC th at cannot run an Inte rnet appl ication properly from behi nd the fir ewall, th en you can open the clien t up to unrestr icted two-way Interne t access. Ente r the IP a ddress of a DMZ host t o this sc reen.
Advanc ed Setup 57 DDNS (Dynamic D NS) Settings Domain Name – A s eries of a lphanu meric str ings s eparated b y periods, th at is the a ddress of a the Ba rricade R outer netw ork connecti on and that id entifies the owner of the addr ess.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 58 This DN S feature is powered by TZO.c om. With a DDNS connecti on yo u can hos t your o wn web site , email s erver, F TP site, and more at y our own l ocation even i f you hav e a dynam ic IP addre ss. (Def ault: Disa ble) UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Setting Enable UP nP by check ing ON in the screen ab ove.
Advanc ed Setup 59 Tools Use the T ools menu to backup the curr ent confi guration , restore a previo usly sa ved co nfiguration , resto re factor y setting s, upda te firmware, a nd reset the Ba rricade Ro uter. Tools - Configuration Tools • Backup – save s the Ba rricade’ s con figurati on to a file.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 60 Tools - Firmware Upgrade Use this sc reen to update t he firmware or user i nterface to th e latest v ersions. D ownload the upgrade file from the SM C Web site (ww and save i t to your hard drive. In the Upgrade Ta rget fiel d, choose Firmw are.
Advanc ed Setup 61 Tools - Reset Click A PPLY to reset the Barri cade Route r. The r eset wil l be complete when th e power LE D stops b linking. Note: If you us e the Reset button on th e front pa nel, the Barrica de Router p erforms a power rese t.
Configuring the Ba rricade Router 62 The foll owing ite ms are i ncluded on this s creen: Section Descr iption INTER NET Displ ays WAN co nnecti on type a nd sta tus.
63 C ONFIGURING THE P RINT S ERVER If you want to use the pr int server bui lt into the B arricad e Router, then you m ust first i nstall t he Port M onitor pr ogram a s descri bed in the following sect ion for W indows 95 /98/Me/ NT/2000.
Configuring the Print Server 64 3. Select the de stination folder and c lick on the Next button. The setup pr ogram will the n begin to insta ll the programs into the destinati on f olde r . 4. Select t he Program Folder tha t will co ntain t he program ic on f or unins talling t he por t monitor , an d then c lick Ne xt.
Install the SMC Printer Port Monitor 65 5. Enter the pri nter por t name that wi ll be use d to identi fy the por t monitor in your system, an d press Next. 6. When t he setup p rogram finishe s instal ling the p or t m onitor , check the radio b utton to restar t y our co mputer and then cl ick OK.
Configuring the Print Server 66 Configure the Print Server The Barr icade’s print s erver su pports M icros oft Window s 95/98 / Me/NT/200 0, and U nix.
Config ure th e Prin t Server 67 2. F ollow the promp ts to a dd a Local pri nter to your system .Specify the pr inter type attached to the B arric ade. 3. Select t he moni tored por t (the default por t name is SM C100) and then c lick the Create a new por t button.
Configuring the Print Server 68 5. Continue following the prompts to finish inst alling th e Barr icade pr int ser ver . The prin ter type you specif ied wil l now be added to your Prin ters menu.
Config ure th e Prin t Server 69 3. Select the mo nitored por t. The def ault por t name is SMC100. Then cl ick the Config ure P or t button. 4. Enter the IP add ress o f the Barr ica de and cl ick OK, and then click Next in the Add P rin ter Wiz ard dial og box.
Configuring the Print Server 70 5. Specify the pr inter t ype attac hed to the B arr icade. 6. Continue following the prompts to finish inst alling th e Barr icade pr int ser ver . The prin ter type you specif ied wil l now be added to your Prin ters menu.
Config ure th e Prin t Server 71 4. Click Next b utton to b egin the pr inte r instal lation pr ocess. 5. On the next dialog b ox, choose th e Loca l Pr inter op tion and v er ify the “ A utomati cally dete ct and install my Plug and Play pri nter” optio n is u nchecked.
Configuring the Print Server 72 8. When you click the Next b utton the “ Add Sta ndard TCP/IP Pri nte r P or t Wiza rd” wil l laun ch..
Config ure th e Prin t Server 73 9. T o star t this new installatio n wizard c lick the Ne xt button. 10. Provide the appropr iate IP and P or t n ame in f or mation f or your new Printe r por t. If you are us ing default setting s on the rou ter you can use t he follo wing informati on: Pri nter Name or IP Ad dress: 192 .
Configuring the Print Server 74 11. Click the Ne xt b utton to cont inue 12. On the next dialog b ox, under the Device ty pe choos e the Custom opt ion 13. Then cl ick the Settings … button to inpu t the Sp ecific Barric ade Print er port inf ormation .
Config ure th e Prin t Server 75 14. In the Configur e Standar d TCP/IP P or t Moni tor dialog box you will need to co nfigure s ome addi tional se ttings. Pl ease confir m th ese s ettings be low: • Port Nam e: IP_192.1 68.2.1* • Printer Na me or IP Address : 192.
Configuring the Print Server 76 • The Queue Name is LPT1. • Verify the LPR Byte Countin g Enabled and S NMP Status Enabled options a re unche cked. 15. Once you hav e verifi ed all of these set tings, click the OK button to sav e these settin gs and c lose the “Co nfigure Standard TCP/IP P or t Mon itor” window .
Config ure th e Prin t Server 77 20. Once you hav e your pr inter listed a nd selec ted in thi s dialog bo x click t he Ne xt butt on..
Configuring the Print Server 78 21. Name your pr inter . In thi s dialog box you will give your install ed pr inter a n ame; this will be th e name this pr inter is ref erred to in y our Printer f older . 22. Once you hav e nam ed your pri nter , c lick Ne xt to c ontinue.
Config ure th e Prin t Server 79 Once you have com pleted the print er in stallati on, you wi ll need to config ure some proper ties on your printe r. To do so , please follow the steps listed below: 1. If you cl osed out t he Print ers wind ow, pleas e re-open i t from the contr ol panel .
Configuring the Print Server 80 • All of th e other options shoul d be disa bled or uncheck ed. 4. Click on the P or ts tab and v eri fy that you h a ve the TCP/ IP por t that you just c reated s elected and the En able bidirect ional suppo r t and E nable pr inter p ooling op tions are unch eck ed.
Config ure th e Prin t Server 81 Confirm printer conne ction On the s tatus page of the web- based lo gin, you c an confi rm the printer c onnection to the B arricad e.
83 T ROUBLESHOOTING The info rmation outlined i n this s ection de scrib es some u seful steps for getting your co mputer and Bar ricade ro uter onli ne. Verify y ou are co nnected to the B arricade Router If you ar e unable t o access th e Barric ade’s web -based admin istration p ages t hen yo u may not b e pro perly conn ected or configur ed.
Troubleshooting 84 If you hav e any oth er IP address i nformat ion list ed see be low. If you have an IP address that s tarts with 169.25 4.XXX.XX X then see th e next secti on. If you hav e anothe r IP addr ess con figured, t hen se e sectio n A.3 I am getting an IP Address th at starts w ith 169.
Troublesh ooting 85 3. Then type i pconfig/ renew . Symp tom The 10/1 00 LED does not ligh t after a con nection i s made. Possible Solutions • Check tha t the host compu ter and hu b are both power ed on. • Be su re the ne twork ca ble is c onnected to both d evices .
Troubleshooting 86 • Check the network card co nnect ions. • The 10B ASE-T/10 0BASE-TX hub/swi tch por t, network card, or cable m ay be d efective.
87 S PECIFICATIONS Below is an outline of the T echnica l Specif ications for the Barri cade 4-P or t Cable/DSL Bro adband Router (SMC7 004AB R) Standards IEEE 802 .
Specifications 88 Temperature Operating : 0 to 40 °C ( 32 to 104 °F) Storage: -20 t o 70 °C (- 4 to 15 8 °F) Dimensions 19.05 x 11 .43 x 3 .31 cm (7.
Specifications 89 Industr y Canada Clas s B EN55022 ( CISPR 22) Class B C-Tick - AS/NZS 3548 (199 5) Class B Immunity EN 61000-3-2/3 EN 61000-4-2/3 /4/5/6/8 /11 Safety UL 1950 EN60950 ( TÜV) CSA 22.
Specifications 90.
FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT , CALL: Fr om U.S.A. and Canada (24 hours a day , 7 days a week) (800) SMC-4-Y OU; Phn: (949) 679-8000; F ax: (949) 679-1481 Fr om Europe (8:00 AM - 5:30 PM UK Time) 44 (0) 118 974 8700; F ax: 44 (0) 118 974 8701 INTERNET E-mail addresses: techsupport@smc.
デバイスSharp SMC7004ABRの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp SMC7004ABRをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp SMC7004ABRの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp SMC7004ABRの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp SMC7004ABRで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp SMC7004ABRを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp SMC7004ABRの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp SMC7004ABRに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp SMC7004ABRデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。