SharpメーカーVersion 2.5の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Ve r s i o n 2 . 5 MF P M o d u l e G u i d e f o r t h e Shar p Ex tens ion.
Editi on Inf o rmat ion in thi s doc ume nt app li es to v ers io n 2.5 of the Rig htF ax MF P Mod ule Guid e fo r the Sh arp E xte nsi on. T rade marks Cap tari s an d Rig htF ax ar e tr ade mar ks of Ca ptar is , In c.
iii END USER LI CENSE AG REEMENT for Exter nal Document Connector Modules I M PO RT ANT – READ CAR E FU LL Y: T hi s End Use r Lice nse Agr eement (“ E U LA ”) is a legal ag reeme nt between you (eit her an ind ivid ual or a sing le ent ity) an d Captari s, Inc.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension iv d. rever se en ginee r , dec ompile , disassemb le or att empt to discov er the sou rce code f or or an y trade secre ts re lated to the Pr oduct, exce pt and on ly to the ex tent that s uch acti vity is e xpr essly p ermit ted by app licabl e law notwit hstanding thi s limitation ; e.
Ca ptari s Inc . Sof tw are Lic ense Ag reem en t v O T H E RWISE U N DER OR I N CO N NECTI ON W I TH TH IS EU LA OR THE PRO DUC T , WH E THE R BA SED ON CONT RA CT , T ORT (INCL U DING N E G L I G E .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension vi.
vii Ch ap te r 1 In st all ing th e Rig htF ax M F P Mod ul e . .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .. ..... 9 Overv iew of th e Right Fax M FP Module ... ..... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .... .. ..... . 9 Right Fax Serv er Supp ort and Req uireme nts ... ..
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension vi ii.
9 Chapter 1 I nstalling the RightF ax MFP M odule Overview of the RightF ax M FP Module Th e Sharp Ex tension f or the RightFa x M F P Module l ets you link one or mor e of several supp orted Sha rp Mult i-Functi on P roducts (M FPs) via your netwo rk to the R ightFax server .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 10 Right F ax Server Sup port and Requi rements A ll RightF ax se rvers t hat will b e used fo r sen ding f axes fro m Shar p devices must be ver sion 9 .0 or hig her . M icroso ft Int ernet E xplorer v ersion 6 is requ ired on all Rig htFax se rvers .
Chapter 1 Instal ling the RightF ax MFP Modul e 11 othe r RightF ax M F P Mod ule 2.5 p rod ucts, reins t allati on is not necessar y. In stead, you o nly need to contact Captaris S upport to acti vate th e Connect or . If yo u are runni ng a new ins tall, you shoul d pro ceed with t he inst allatio n instr uction s in the next se ction.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 12 3. Click Next on the op ening screen. Th is ope ns the Ri ghtFax M FP Module l icense agreement. Y ou must select the option to accept the li cense agr eement in o rder to cont inue th e inst a llatio n.
Chapter 1 Instal ling the RightF ax MFP Modul e 13 If yo u want to use the de fault Righ tFax use r I D “W ALKU P , ” you mus t create this use r I D in Rig htFax using Ente rpri se Fax Manag er . Al ternati vely , you can set t he De fault Us er Name fiel d to the name o f an existi ng Ri ghtFax user I D.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 14.
15 Chapter 2 Con fig uring the R e posi tor y F o lde r and RightF ax I nterface on the S harp MFP s Sha rp M F Ps must b e con figured in two w ay s befor e they w ill be abl e to communi cate wi th the Ri ghtFax server us ing th e Right Fax M F P Modul e.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 16 T o cr eat e t he Sh arp r epo si to ry f old er 1. On the I IS serv er , cr eate a new folde r call ed Sharp under I ne tpu bf tpro ot. 2. Se le c t St art > P rograms > Administrative Tools > II S Man age r .
Chapter 2 Config uring the Repos itory Fo lder and Righ tFax In terfa ce on the S harp MF Ps 17 7. In the Pa sswo rd fi eld, type a password fo r the specifi ed FTP user if applic able. 8. In the Direct ory field, type Sharp ( this i s the re posit ory folder you created under th e Ine tpubf tproot f older on the IIS s erver) .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 18 6. T o add a prompt (a data entry field) , you must enter a spe cific R ight F ax ke yw or d in t he Metadata Field and the actual text that will b e displ ayed on t he Shar p devi ce in t he Disp lay Name field .
Chapter 2 Config uring the Repos itory Fo lder and Righ tFax In terfa ce on the S harp MF Ps 19 Righ tFax pho nebook g roups are st ored for eac h indi vidual R ightFax user ID and can be viewed usi ng the FaxUti l cli ent. T o vie w a list of phone book entr ies for a use r , run FaxUtil as that use r and sel ect Tool s > Ph on eboo k .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 20 7. Click th e Des t ina ti o n tab . Figu re 2.3 Setting C ertified De livery as the defa ult send meth od 8.
21 Chapter 3 A dvanced C onfiguration Settings in the Sharp DataF lo w Th e RightF ax M FP Modul e inc ludes a soft ware componen t called the E xternal Do cument Co nnector w hic h is d esigned to act as a commun ication link bet ween Rig htFax se rvers and se veral suppo rted type s of docu ment-based har dware and soft ware syste ms.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 22 Fol low t hese steps t o confi gure th e Sharp MF P Module: 1. On the Ri ghtFax ser ver , select Start > All Programs > Rig ht Fax ED C Mon i to r to op en the EDC Mon itor ap pl ication.
Chapter 3 Advanced Configurat ion Settings in the Sharp DataFlow 23 In the Va lue field, ty pe or browse to the path to the Shar p reposi tory f older on the I IS compu ter on your network . Y ou may speci fy eith er a U N C path o r a fol der name on a mapped or local d rive.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 24 8. Se le c t DefaultT oName a nd click Ed it . T hi s opens th e Editing Macr o Def aul tT oNa me di alo g b o x.
Chapter 3 Advanced Configurat ion Settings in the Sharp DataFlow 25 In the Va lue field, select Em ail a no tif ic a tio n b ac k to th e se nder if you want a tr an smission status message to be automat ical ly e-maile d to the sender eac h time a docume nt is se nt .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 26 Conf iguring the Sharp_M FP Flo wP oints The S harp_M FP DataFlow c ont a ins 18 num bered Fl owP oints specific to t he Sharp Ext ension . Additio nal “ B e gin” and “E nd” FlowP oints, gener ic to al l DataFlows, are al so in cluded makin g a to t a l of 2 0 Fl ow Poi nt s.
Chapter 3 Advanced Configurat ion Settings in the Sharp DataFlow 27 Sending D elivery No tifications A notifi cati on message about e ach transmissi on can be provi ded to the us er either as a p rintout or as an e-mail message.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 28 T o conf igur e Port 9100 pri nt ing in th e E DC 1. On the Ri ghtFax ser ver , select Start > All Programs > Rig ht Fax ED C Mon i to r to op en the EDC Mon itor ap pl ication.
Chapter 3 Advanced Configurat ion Settings in the Sharp DataFlow 29 6. Click Conf igu re Pr oces sor . Thi s op en s t he E ma i l Flow Point Settings dia log b ox.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 30 The k eywords and data are n ot case-sen sitive. T o enter a string of key word s and data, type a s emic ol on be twe en ea c h key wor d an d value pa ir . The se micolo n acts as a log ical OR statement, so do cume nts tha t meet an y one of y our key word cr iteria w ill be filt ered.
App endix A Un derst and ing th e Ex terna l D ocumen t C onne ctor 31 Appendix A U nderst anding the Exter nal Document Con nector Overview of the External Document Connector Th e Exte rnal Do cument Co nnector ( E DC) is a mod ule for the RightFax server th at monitor s the M FP repo sitory f older for docum ents to p rocess and tr ansmi t.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 32 req uired by th e Flow P oin ts are listed, a nd the s epar at e inst ance s of each p rocessor are li sted in t he botto m right p ane. C urrent status info rmatio n is disp layed f or all obje cts lis ted in the E D C Mo nitor.
App endix A Un derst and ing th e Ex terna l D ocumen t C onne ctor 33 A dding and removi ng proc esso rs Y ou can run a maxi mum of 1 6 of eac h ty pe of p rocessor .
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 34 1. Run the E DC Monitor and select Tool s > A dvanc ed EDC C onfiguration to open the Captaris EDC Configuration dial og bo x. 2. Click th e Sy s te m butto n. Thi s opens the EDC System Settin gs dial og box .
35 A add processors 33-3 4 C c onf ig ur e Flo wPoi nts 26 -2 7 Sh arp M PF modu le 21 -25 D downloadin g the M FP Module 11 E ED C ad ding proc esso rs 33-3 4 ED C M o ni t or 31- 3 4 moni toring ser.
RightFax MFP Module 2.5 Guide for the Sharp Extension 36.
デバイスSharp Version 2.5の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sharp Version 2.5をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSharp Version 2.5の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sharp Version 2.5の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sharp Version 2.5で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sharp Version 2.5を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSharp Version 2.5の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sharp Version 2.5に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSharp Version 2.5デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。