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www .axi s .com Axi s Communication s T echnical Support User’s Manual AXIS 250S P art No: 19194 Revision: 1.0 Date: May 2002 Mobile Printing ©2002, Axis Communications AB. Axis and the Axis logo are registered trademarks of Axis Communications AB.
AXIS COMMUNICATIONS <Product Name> Quick User’s Guide AXIS 25 0S Us er’ s M anua l 2 About This Document This manual i s intended for administr ators and operators of t he AXIS 25 0S MPEG-2 Video Server, and is a pplica ble fo r fi rmware release 3 .
AX IS 2 50S U ser’ s M anual 3 Table Of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AXIS 250 S User’s M anua l 4 Appendix C - Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Obtaining Updated firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Introdu ction 5 Introduction The AXIS 250S MPEG -2 Vi deo Serve r is a one- po rt MPE G-2 vide o serv er that al lows real-t ime c omp ressio n and transm iss ion o f DVD qual ity MP EG-2 vide o st reams ove r a TCP/ IP networ k (LAN).
Intr oduc tion AXIS 250S User ’s Manua l 6 The on- board AXIS ETRA X 10 0-LX pr ocess or pr ovid es up to 25/3 0 frames /se cond ov er 10Mb ps or 100M bps netwo r ks. Configurable event types - Remot e sto rage of MPEG- 2 vide o rec ording s to FTP -serve rs, an d/or activa tion of exte rnal dev i ces.
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Introdu ction 7 Applic ation s The AXIS 250S MPEG- 2 Vi deo Se rver can be use d in a wi de r ange o f surv eillanc e and monitoring ap plications, and is the perfect choic.
Prod uc t De s cr ipt i on AXIS 250S User’s M anu al 8 Product Descrip tion Read the f ollo wing infor mat ion to f amil iariz e yo urself with the AXIS 250S , ma king particular note of where th e connecto rs and indi cators are located.
AXIS 250S Use r’s Man ual Produc t Desc ription 9 Hardware I nv ent ory Chec k the item s suppli ed with your AXIS 250S aga inst the f ollowing lis t: Notes: •*The label on the carton contain ing your AXIS 250S will show the part n umber for the country of purchase.
Instal li ng th e AX IS 250 S AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 10 Installing the AXIS 250S This s ection is in tende d for u se by t he pr oduct admin ist rator . Oper ators and v iewer s shou ld read Operating the AXIS 250S, on page 1 4. • Quick installation - Follow the instructions b elow to quic kly install on an Ethernet network.
AXIS 250S U ser’s M an ual Inst allin g the AXIS 25 0S 11 ❼ Ap p r ox i m a t e l y 1 0 - 1 5 se c o n d s a f ter con n ect i n g t h e p o w e r s u p p l y , t h e m e ss a g e ‘ Reply from ’ - or similar , is returned within the window .
Instal li ng th e AX IS 250 S AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 12 Installing the AXIS MPEG-2 Viewer (Client) The fir st time th e AXIS 25 0S is acces sed from a bro wser , the AXI S MPEG -2 Vie wer wi ll automati cally be inst alled . This c o mponent is requi red f or view ing the vi deo stream in the brows er.
AXIS 250S U ser’s M an ual Inst allin g the AXIS 25 0S 13 Accessing th e AXIS 250S from Internet Expl orer Import ant! Configuring the video source and audio equipment You sh ould now confi g ure th e connecte d video sou r ce an d audio equi pment: 1.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 14 Oper atin g the AXIS 250S This sec tion is inten ded mainl y for sys tem Operators, that is, pers onnel r esponsi ble fo r usin g the AXIS 250S a s part of e. g. an int egrated su rveill ance system or simil ar.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 15 Access from a br ow ser The video stream and the se tup tools in the AXI S 250S can be acces sed using Micros oft Inte rnet E xpl orer 5 .5 on W indow s 20 00 o r Wi ndo ws XP . Foll ow t he in st ructio ns b elo w to a cc ess y ou r ima ges: 1.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 16 Disconnected V ideo Source Any probl em with the cam era or vide o so urce is i ndi cate d by a bla nk d isp lay. Th is may indi cate a bre ak i n the signal tran smis sion or t he cable , and any such inc ide nt sh ould b e immed iately ref erred to your sy stem ad ministrato r.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 17 Events and Event Types Your AXIS 250S MPEG- 2 Vi deo Server is c apa ble o f pe rfor ming variou s action s when certa in t ype s of even ts o ccu r.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 18 Click the Add button. Thi s launches the Even t Type Setup dialo g. De pendi ng on the event type you requi re, y ou wil l the n ne ed to prov ide s om e or a ll of the f ollo wing inf orma tion: General • Name - Give the e vent type a suitable name.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 19 • Manua l T rig ger - This is used for manually starting and stopping th e event . It is also possible t o use this option to trigger th e event via the se rver’s API. When Triggered... These setti ngs describ e the actions to take whe n the event typ e is tr iggered.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 20 Importa nt! • Send email no tifi cati on to - Chec k this b ox to enable the sendin g of e mail to n otif y recipi ents of events.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 21 Notification S ervers To allow your event types to send HTTP and TCP notifica tions, the necess a ry servers must first b e configu red. T he Notif ication Server li st sho ws th e se rv er s cu rre n tl y co n fi gu r e d.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 22 The following information should be provided for a TCP notification server: • Name - This can be any descriptive name you like. • Networ k addr ess - Provide t he address of the server here.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 23 Exactl y how much pre- trigger reco rding w ill be pr odu ced depend s mainly on the bit rate setting. A hig h-quality vi deo stream will occupy more of the internal memo ry and thus shor ten the dur ation of the rec ordin g.
Opera tin g t he AXI S 250S AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 24 Devices This se ction allo ws yo u to co nfigure and use Pa n/Ti lt/Zo om devices w ith you r AXIS 250S . Click the Modify button to open a new window allo wing you to create/e dit prese t posit ion s.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Operat ing t he AXIS 250S 25 Live View Layout The home p age f or t he AXIS 25 0S MP EG-2 Video Serv er can be al tere d to yo ur own requir ements. Cl ick the link to Live View Layout to open t he Personal S ettings. Most of the f eatu res on the Live V iew pag e can be customi zed.
Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 26 Administration & System Options This sec tion lists and de scribes the admini stration tool s used fo r the ge neral c onfig uration of th e AX IS 25 0S - the System Optio ns .
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 27 System Options Overview The tabl e b elow pr ov id es a brie f overview of th e Sy stem O ption s.
Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 28 Adding Users Click Add to ad d a new user . The fo llowing f ields must th en be comp leted: • User Name - M ust contai n at lea st one, but not more than fourteen charact ers.
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 29 Allowed Po rts - Check th e boxes for th e protoco ls that the us er (IP addres s) will be al lowed to use to access the server.
Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 30 TCP/IP Networ k Settings From the Network Settin g s, configure the TCP/IP net w ork setting s as follows : Automatic IP C onfi.
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 31 Manual IP Configu ration IP A dd re ss - Sp ecify a unique 32-bi t IP addres s for your se rve r, to establish communic ation with your network. Written as four numbers separated by periods, each number withi n the addr ess mus t be in the rang e 0 - 255.
Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 32 Network Traffic This can b e used to chang e the network spee d for your server. Normall y, there is no need to use anything o ther than A uto -nego tiate , which will automati call y sel ect t he corr ect media type .
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Adm inist ration & System Options 33 COM-Port The CO M port on the AXIS 250S is ac cess ed via the R S-2 32 serial connecto r on the re a r o f the uni t, or via the RS -485 on terminal bl ock B. Select the p ort from the Physical port drop -down l ist .
Admini s trati on & Sy s tem Options AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 34 As w ell as the log file s, t he fo llowi ng a re als o avai lable : •T h e Server Repor t - The Server Report displays a listing of important inform ation about the AXIS 250S.
AXIS 250S Use r’s Ma nual Other I P Se tup Method s 35 Appendi x A - Other IP Setup Methods Import ant! As an alterna tive to the ARP command (as describ ed on page 10), you ca n set the IP a ddress.
Othe r IP Set up Met hod s AXIS 2 50S User ’s Manu al 36 Setup_IPInstaller .exe prog ram to start the installa tion. 2. The AXIS IP Inst aller - Setup dialog i s display ed on t he scr een. 3. Fo llow th e in st ructio ns as the y app ear . Click Finis h to c omp let e th e instal la tion .
AXIS 250S U ser’s Manual Troubl eshooting 37 Appendi x B - Tro ubleshooting This appe ndix prov id es use ful i nfo rmatio n t o hel p yo u to resolv e any dif fic ulty you mi gh t have with your AXIS 250S. Sympto ms, p ossib le ca uses an d rem edia l acti ons a re prov ided in a qui ck refe rence tabl e.
Troubl eshooting AXIS 250S Us er’s M anual 38 PINGing Yo ur IP Addr ess By sendin g a packet to the sp ecified addres s and waiting for a repl y, the PING uti lity ca n determine whether a spe cific IP ad dress is accessib le. It al so prov ides a usef ul method for confir ming add ressing conf licts wi th your A XIS 250S on th e network.
AXIS 250S U ser’s Manual Troubl eshooting 39 Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial Actions Sym ptoms Possible ca uses Remed ial action s The AXIS 250S cann ot be accessed from a browser. The IP address is already being used by another de vice. Run the PING ut ility (as described abo ve) and follow the appropria te recommendations.
Troubl eshooting AXIS 250S Us er’s M anual 40 Note : If you still have a problem after rea din g this information, please con t ac t your reseller or visit the Axis Support W eb at Slow video Outdated driv ers for graph ics car d.
AXIS 250S Use r’s Ma nual Updatin g th e Firm ware 41 Appendix C - Updating the Fi rmwa re The AXIS 250S fi rmware i s st ored in Flash me mory. T his mem ory i s pro vide d by a sil icon chip that, just like any other ROM device, retains data content eve n after power is removed.
Customizin g The AXIS 250S AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 42 Appendix D - Cu stomizing The AXIS 2 50S Modifying the File System The Linu x-based operat ing system and flas h memory fi le system make i t.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Cust omizi ng The AXIS 250S 43 Custom Web Pages The AXIS 250S contains a re-writab le flash memory file system that allows some direct ories and f iles to be chang ed by the root u ser, us ing FTP.
Customizin g The AXIS 250S AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 44 7. Sta rt your browser an d view the W eb pages you upl oaded, by ente ring the fol l owing URL in the lo cation/A ddress fi eld: Example ! The images are now updated in your browser. 8. Enter bye in the command window to exi t the ftp program.
AXIS 250S User’s Ma nual Cust omizi ng The AXIS 250S 45 Creating a New Home Page Havin g cr eate d and stor ed y our new c ustom Web pag es in prod uct memo ry, pr oce ed to assig n o n e of the s e pa ge s a s you r de fau lt Home page in the AXI S 25 0S , a s de scr i bed belo w : Caution! 1.
Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 46 Appendix E - Unit Connecti ons The D-Sub Connec tor The AX IS 250S provides one 9-pi n D-sub co nnector , prov iding the phy sical interfa ce for a.
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Unit C onnection s 47 Schematic Diagram - Terminal Connectors A & B o o Mode Power Supp ly 3.3V ! ! ! ! ! o Switch A1 o ! ! COM ! GND PIN 5 o ! ! o o Infrared Senso r - + AXIS 250S PS-K 9 W o A2 o o ! ! o A3 A4 ! ! ! ! ! ! o B2 o B1 o B3 o B4 RS-4 85 ! De vice o o o o o ! ! ! A B (e.
Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 48 Co n nec t i ng P an/ Til t De v ic es The AXIS 2 50S support s a ra nge of Pan Tilt de vice dri vers. The driv er is selecte d from t he COM Por t settings , w hic h are fou nd unde r System o ptions - P orts & Devices .
AXIS 250S Us er’s Ma nual Unit C onnection s 49 Control li ng and Monito ri ng By enter ing http r equests i n your browser’ s URL fiel d, you can: • drive the t ransistor output hi gh or low .
Uni t Co nnec ti ons AXIS 2 50S Us er’s Manu al 50 The AXIS 250S th en displays th e stat us of the in pu ts, as follo ws: Inpu t1=0 Inpu t2=1 Inpu t3=0 Inpu t4=0.
AXIS 25 0S Us er ’ s Manu al Te c h nical Sp eci f ic atio ns 51 Appen d ix F - Tec h ni cal S pe c if i c atio n s System Requirements - The AX IS 25 0S uses the sta ndard Interne t TCP/IP suit e of pr otocols and can be use d with Win dows 2000 or XP.
Tec hnical Specific ations AXIS 250S Us er’s M anu al 52 Ap pro vals - EMC • EN 55022:19 98 (CISPR 22 :1997), Class B - Emission, Eur ope. • EN 55024:19 98 - I mmunity, Europe. (Line input only. The Mic input may be su bj ect to int e rfer- ence from nearby radio transmitters.
AXIS 250S User’s M anua l Bandwi dth 53 Appendix G - Bandwidth As dif ferent net work s have dif ferent charact erist ics and di ffe rent a mount s of b andwi dth avai lable, the AXIS 250S ’s vi deo an d audi o settin gs may need to be ad justed to suit th e prevaili ng condi tions.
Bandwidth AXIS 250S User ’s Manua l 54 Other Considerations • Event types th at perform uploads sh ould be kept to the absolute minimum requir ed for your application. There is a limit of 3 simu ltaneous uploads at any one time, alt hough more may be configured.
AXIS 250S User ’s Man ual Index 55 Inde x A Act io ns 17 Acti va te o utp u t port 19 Add ing Allowed IP addresses 28 Notifi cation servers 21 Upload servers 20 Users 27 Additional informatio n - up.
Index AXI S 25 0S U ser’ s M anua l 56 IP address notification 30 IP addresses - allowed 28 IP setup m ethods 35 K Keep ac t iv e duri n g ev e nt 19 Keep ac t ive for 19 L Log files 33, 37 Log file.
AXIS 250S User ’s Man ual Index 57 Uploading to FTP servers 19 User groups 28 Users 27 Using the Video Ser ver 35 V Video bit rate 53 Video Sou rces 13 View er - user gr oup 28 W Warning Log 33 When triggere d.
デバイスAxis 250Sの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Axis 250Sをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAxis 250Sの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Axis 250Sの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Axis 250Sで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Axis 250Sを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAxis 250Sの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Axis 250Sに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAxis 250Sデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。