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SED2 Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) Operating Instructions.
SED2 AOP Operating Instructions 125-3206 Rev. 1, Sep tember, 2 002.
Rev. 1.0, Se ptember, 200 2 NOTICE The informati on cont ained wit hin th is docum ent is subj ect to change witho ut noti ce and should not be construed a s a comm itment by Siemens Buil ding Te chnolo gies, Inc. S iemen s Buildi ng Technolo gies, I nc.
European Lo w Voltage Direc tive The SED2 VFD produ ct range compli es with th e require ments of t he Low Voltage Direc tive 73/23/EEC as amended by Dir ective 98/6 8/EEC.
Table of C ontents Siemens B uilding Techno logies i Table of Contents How to Use this M anual ............................................................................................... 1 Manual Org ani zation ....................................
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctons ii Siemens Building Techno logie s A OP Setup & Conf iguration ......................................................................................... 24 Setup Menu .............................................
How to Use th is Manu al Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 1 How to Use this Manual The Adv anced O perator Panel ( AOP) enha nces the user interf ace and c omm unicatio ns capa bilit y of the SED2 Var iable Fre quenc y Drives (“SED 2 VF D”).
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctons 2 Siemens Building Techno logie s Manual Notations Notation Sy mbol Meaning DANGER: Indicates th at perso nal injury or los s of life m ay occur i f you d o not perfor m a procedure as specif ied.
AOP Ov erview Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 3 AOP Overview A OP Menu Structure The m enus avail able on th e AOP d ispla y depend on the c urrent ly active oper ating m ode. T he follo wing diagr am shows th e m enu struc ture when the AOP is in ei ther the L ocal or Mas ter operatin g m ode.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 4 Siemens Building Techno logie s Key Function s NOTE: This symbol is used t hroug hout this m anual to indicat e a s pecial k e ypad function. Ke y / Function Functional Description Stops the motor. OFF1 Press this bu tton to stop the S ED2 w ithin the selec ted ramp- down time.
AOP Ov erview Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 5 Ke y / Function Functional Description Change Single Parameter Digit Quickly change a s ingle d igit of a parame ter value a s follow s: 1. Ensure you are in the p aramet er value cha nging lev el.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 6 Siemens Building Techno logie s AOP Start-Up & Initialization Important Notes CAUTION: • You can m ount or rem ove the AO P while po wer is ap plied to the SED2 VF D. • You mus t set Com m and Sourc e P0700[1] =4 ( USS on BOP link or AO P) befor e the AOP c an star t or sto p an att ached S ED2 VFD.
AOP Star t-Up & Ini tiali zatio n Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 7 Language Selection 1. The AOP pr ov ides the c apabi lit y to displ ay inf orm ation in f ive dif fer ent languag es. NOTE: Prior to lang uage s elec tion, the AOP has n o contro l over the SE D2 VFD.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 8 Siemens Building Techno logie s Quick Commissioning NOTE: Simultan eousl y press and , at a ny tim e, to displ ay the m ain m enu. The f ollowing t able d escr ibes the ma in menu it em s. Menu Item Description Operate Displays the current status of the SED2 VFD/ motor.
AOP Star t-Up & Ini tiali zatio n Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 9 4. Use and to s croll t hrough t he par am eters and to highli ght Com m and Source P0700 . Press to confirm the s election and the curs or advanc es to the param eter in dex.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 10 Siemens Building Techno logie s The AOP d ispl ay the c urrent st atus of the SED 2 and m otor. The f ollowing table ex plains inform ation on t his d isp la y. ST OPPED r0000 I=0.0A M=0% F=0.00Hz RPM=0 V=0.0V Fn P Table 1.
AOP Applic a t i ons Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 11 AOP Applications NOT ES: 1. If the AOP is the c omm and s ource f or the SED2 , set U SS Tele gram Off Time for Serial Interfac e BOP Li nk P201 4[1]=50 00 (5 seconds ). T o do this , firs t set P0 003=3.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 12 Siemens Building Techno logie s 2. Configure the SED2 VFDs f or net work use. a. Set the C omm and Sourc e P0700[1 ]=5 ( USS on Com l ink) . This sets the c ontrol o ver the USS link on the c omm unicatio ns port.
Editi ng Pa rameters Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 13 Editing Parameters Parameter Access Levels You can edi t SED2 VF D parameters v ia t he AOP. Access le vels co ntrol access to t he SED 2 VFD param eters. A hi gher ac cess level co rresp onds t o a m ore sophis tic ated lev el of control techniques avai lable f or the SED2 VFD appl ications .
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 14 Siemens Building Techno logie s 5. Press to c onfirm the ne w par am eter value. The AOP r etur ns to the p ar am eter scr een so you c an selec t anoth er param eter, if desir ed. Press to r eturn to the r 0000 disp la y.
Editi ng Pa rameters Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 15 6. Press to ac cess the in dex va lue. Us e and to sc roll th rough t he in dex val ues and to highlight the des ired index value. 7. Press to c onfirm the ne w index value. T he AOP re turns to the p aram eter selec tion sc reen so you can s elec t anot her par am eter, if des ired.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 16 Siemens Building Techno logie s 2. In the Internal m ode, sc roll throug h the l ist of par am eter sets unt il the AOP param eter set appears . Press to conf irm the select ion. 3. Press aga in to s elect Al l p aram eters.
Editi ng Pa rameters Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 17 1. From the m ain m enu, us e and to sc roll thr ough the lis t of opti ons and t o high light the Upread item . Press to c onfir m the select ion. Pr ess to c ancel the uploa d proces s.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 18 Siemens Building Techno logie s 1. From the m ain m enu, us e and to sc roll thr ough the lis t of opti ons and t o high light the Download item . Press to c onfir m the select ion. Pr ess to c ancel the downlo ad proc ess.
AOP Op erating Modes Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 19 AOP Operating Modes Selecting an Operating Mode The m ode m enu allo ws you to s elect th e des ired AO P operat ing m ode. T he f ollowing table summ arizes the AOP operatin g m odes and lists as soc iated m ain m enu item s.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 20 Siemens Building Techno logie s 2. Press to c onfirm the s elected o perat ing m ode (pr ess to return to the m ain m enu.) NOTE: To exit an o peratin g m ode, eith er foll ow the o n-sc reen ins tructions or retur n to th e main m enu and s elect the m ode menu to c hoose a diff erent opera ting m ode.
AOP Op erating Modes Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 21 Operating in Master Mode (Broadcast Operation) In mas ter m ode, the networ k contr ols the S ED2 VFDs eith er indi vidual ly or b y broadcas t operatio n. A broa dcast op er ation can s im ultaneous ly star t or stop all net work ed SED2 VF Ds.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 22 Siemens Building Techno logie s Timer Function NOT ES: 1. Before us ing the t im er f unction as a con trol m ethod, set the AOP r eal tim e c lock as descr ibed in the Set T ime/Dat e section.
Timer Function Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 23 In genera l, use the follo wing k e y s to s et the t imer : • Press to c onfir m the in put. • and to scroll thr ough input ranges. • Press to c ance l the inp ut and to return to the pre vious entr y.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 24 Siemens Building Techno logie s AOP Setup & Configuration Setup Menu Using the Setup option f ro m the Main Men u of th e AOP, you can p ersona lize t he f o.
AOP Setup & Confi gur at io n Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 25 4. W hen you selec t ON f or b ack lighting tim er, the AOP di spla ys a bac klighti ng tim e setti ng screen. Use and to s et the t imer period of inact ivit y (in secon ds).
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 26 Siemens Building Techno logie s 2. Use and to s elect the desi red curs or type ( blink ing un derline or invers e-vide o [def ault]). Press to c onfir m the s elect ion and the AO P returns to the setup m enu. NOTE: Simultan eousl y press and at a ny tim e to disp la y relevant h elp s creens.
AOP Setup & Confi gur at io n Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 27 2. Use and to s elect an ON or OFF user tex t status. Press to c ance l this sel ection a nd to r eturn to t he set up m enu. Press to c onfir m the s elect ion and the AO P dis plays a text sc reen with t he fir st ch aracter highlight ed.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 28 Siemens Building Techno logie s 3. The AOP d ispla ys a set d ay/d ate scr een an d highli ghts the firs t field (d ay of week ). Use and to s croll t hrough and hig hligh t the des ired d ay of week . Press to c onfir m the entr y.
AOP Fa ults & W ar nings Siemens B uilding Technolog ies 29 AOP Faults & Warnings NOTE: If a fault/ warning condit ion oc curs on a SED 2 VFD( s) to which an AOP c onnects , a fault/ warning c ode dis pla ys with a desc ription of the r eleva nt fault/ warnin g.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions 30 Siemens Building Techno logie s Multiple Faults If a SED 2 VFD or net work of VFDs repor ts m ore than one fau lt condit ion, th e AO P displa ys all fault m ess ages by c ycling t hrough th em until the y are all clear ed.
AOP Fa ults & W ar nings Siemens B uilding T echnolog ies, In c. 31.
SED2 AO P Op erating I nstr uctions Siemens Bu ilding T echno logies, In c. 1000 Deerf ield Par kwa y Buff alo Grove, IL 60089- 4513 Tel: +1 847-215- 1000 Fax +1 847-215- 1093 Siemens Building Technologies, Ltd.
デバイスSiemens SED2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Siemens SED2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSiemens SED2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Siemens SED2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Siemens SED2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Siemens SED2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSiemens SED2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Siemens SED2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSiemens SED2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。