Axis Communicationsメーカー700の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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AXIS 700 User ’s Manual 2 Safety Notices Please observe al l safety marking s and instructions when using this product. Cauti on! - potential hazard that can damage the product. Important - potential hazard t hat can serio usly impair operation. Do not proc eed an y of the a bove n otic es un til y ou ha ve fu lly understood the implications.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Preface 3 Preface Thank you f or purchas ing the AXIS 70 0 Network Scan Server . This produc t has been de veloped to connect your scanners anywhere in your network , simplifying dist ribution and archiving of paper-based information.
Preface AXIS 700 User’s Manual 4 IBM Mainframe and S/3x - AS/400 P rint Servers and P rotocol Converters - includes a wide range of LAN, coax and twinax attached print servers for the IBM host environment.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Table of Contents 5 Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The AXIS 700 Network Scan Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 6 Appendix B The Parameter List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Appendix C Updating the So ftware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 1: Introduction 7 Section 1 Intr oduc tion The A XIS 700 Net w ork Scan Serv er The AXIS 700 connects document scanners to Ethe rnet networks.
Section 1: Introduction AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 8 Featur es and Benefits File Server Indepe ndence The AXIS 700 is connected as a no de in an Ethernet network, enabling scanners to be ac cessed thr ough the network, vi a Internet and intranet-rel ated proto cols.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 1: Introduction 9 Flexibility From the AXIS 700 control panel, you can scan directly to e-mail addre sses and files on FTP server s or deskto p file dire ctori e s. Yo u can also use a standard Web b r owser to trigger and save scanned documents.
Section 1: Introduction AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 10.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 11 Section 2 Basic Installation This se ction includes a b rief product description and instr uctions for installing t he AXIS 700 i n your network environment.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 12 AXIS Online CD The AXIS Online CD provides an easy-to-use electronic catalogue, that incl udes all of the AXIS product so ftware, utilit ies softw are, white papers, user documents, technical references etc.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 13 Ph ysical De scription Back P anel Network Connect ors The AXIS 700 is equipped w ith 10baseT and 10 base2 connectors for connection to the Ethe rnet network. Power Supp ly The AXIS 700 can use either the AXIS PS-C or AXIS PS-E power supply .
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 14 Busy The Busy indicator turns on when t he AXIS 700 i s allocated for use and remain s on during the scanning pr ocess. Netwo rk Th e Networ k ind icator in dicate s net work act ivity. Power T he Pow e r indic ator indicates that power i s connected to t he AXIS 700.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 15 Menu The M enu key scrolls the menu. Enter The Enter key s elect s mul tiple d estin atio ns. Up/Down The Up and Down keys scroll and se lect menu options. Cancel The Cancel key cancels the scanning process at any stage and clears any sel ection s made fr om the menu .
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 16 Connectin g the AXIS 700 to the Scan ner Caution! Make sure that the power supply (AXIS PS-C, 12 V DC, 36VA or AXIS PS-E, 12 V DC, 13,2VA) included in the delivery is mar ked with the correct main s voltage.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 17 During the self test, this message will appear on the display: where x.xx is the so ftware versi on number.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 18 4. Press E nter to edit the Internet addre ss: 5. Press M enu to move through the digits and highlight each digit, one at a time. 6. Use to increase or decrease each highli ghted digit, as required.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 19 15. Press Menu once more to display the fi nal instructions: 16. Press Enter to exit the IP settings. The AXIS 700 then complet es the sta rtup sequ ence. 17. Note the name o r Internet address of the AXIS 700 on the instructi on label and attach it to the top c over.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 20 DHCP DHCP is available in Windows NT and UNIX. It operates on the entire network and allows for automatic but temporary assignment of Internet addresses from a central pool.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 21 Before you begin Make sure the AXIS 700 is power ed on and attached to t he network. System Privileges You will n eed ad minist rator privileg es on the Window s NT serve r or root priv ileges on th e UNIX system.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 22 Using DHCP Follow th ese steps to use the DHC P method: 1. Edit or cr eate a scope in the DH CP manager of the DHC P daemon. For Windows NT s ervers, refe r to the “W indows NT Resource Kit” on how to do this.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 23 The host wil l return ‘Reply from’ or a similar message. T his indicates that t he address has been set and that the communicatio n is establis hed.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 24 Notes: The arp -s command may vary between different systems. So me BSD-t ype sy stems exp ect the host name and Ethernet addre s s in reverse order. IBM AIX systems require th e additional argument ether for Ethernet netw orks, e.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 25 Using BOOTP in UNIX Follo w these s teps to download the Inte rnet addr ess usi n g t h e BOOTP me thod: 1. Append the following entry to your boo t table. This is typically perfo r med by e diting the file /etc/bootptab .
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 26 V erifyin g the Insta llation Upon succ essful i nstallation, the AXIS 700 will identify the a t tached scanner and display the name of the detected devi ce. If the scanner is not supported, an erro r message will be displayed.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 2: Basic Installation 27 4. The AXIS 700 H ome P age, the Scan Document page, is display ed. Click Sc a n . Depending on the image format specifi ed by the scanning profile, the W eb browser will display the scanned image in an associated image vi e wer or ask you to save the file.
Section 2: Basic Installation AXIS 700 User’s M anual 28.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 29 Section 3 Configuring the AXIS 700 This section describes how to configure the AXIS 700.
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 30 Accessing the Administr ation Pages You can acc ess the AXIS 700 Home Page using a stand ard Web browse r such as N etsca pe Navig ator or Inte rnet Expl orer. 1. Start the Web browser.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 31 This page is displayed: 4. From this page you can access the Ad ministration tool s: •T h i s A X I S 7 0 0 - spec ifying s ystem set.
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 32 Specif ying Netw ork Settings You must set up the AXIS 700 for all t he network protocols that you intend to use. Click Network Settin gs . Wizard Clic k Wizar d to enter a configuration wizard that guides you throug h the configur ation proced ures for eac h protoco l.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 33 Specifying D estinations Destinations are used when sending scanned images from the AXIS 700 control panel. A destinati on can be an e-mail address or a file on an FTP server. 1. From with in the Administration pages, cl ick De stina ti ons .
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 34 E-mail Destinations E-mail destinations allow the users to send scanned images to e-mail addresses using the SMTP pr otocol. 1. Click New E-mail Destina tion to define a new e-mail destin ation.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 35 The fi le name can be ad justed to your spe cific needs: • If you have a se r ies of image files, you can append a unique sequence number to the file name. A new image file will then be stor ed each ti me some one scan s to t he specif ied d estinat ion.
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 36 Specifying S ystem Settings Click T his AX IS 700 to display gene ral syst em informat ion.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 37 Use r Opt ions Specif y what tasks the use rs are permitted to perfor m: • Add tem porar y e-m ail de stina tions • Add temporary s.
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 38 You can e dit thes e profiles or create new ones to specific do cument types s uch as invoices , mailings etc. 1. Click Scann ing Profil es to create and edit the scanning profiles. 2.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 3: Configuring the A XIS 700 39 Optional ly, you can edit these pape r sizes or create new ones to s uit your sp ecific needs. 1. Click Paper Sizes to specify pap er size s. To ed it a paper size in the list, click the Pape r Si ze N ame link.
Section 3: Configuring the A X IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 40 2. Login using the user id root and the pa ssword pass . 3. Type get config.ini to download the configuration file to your curr ent directory. 4. Edit the file using your preferred text editor.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 41 Section 4 Using the AXIS 700 This se ction includes t he following i nformation: • Scanning methods • Scanning to destinations • Scanni.
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 42 Destinations Scanning to destinations, i.e. e-mail and f ile destinations, is performed directly via the AXIS 700 control panel. This is typ ically how the AXIS 700 will be used. However, the Administrator must first set up the dest inati ons from the We b brows er inte rface.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 43 We b Browse r S canning to a Web browser is a convenient metho d for users that infrequently scan or users that do not have an e-mail address. It is also useful if you want to try a number of scanning profiles.
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 44 Not e: B e careful not to transmit images to an unwanted destination. The scanned image wi ll always be sent to the desti nation currently show n in the di splay , whethe r expl icitly select ed or no t.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 45 The AXIS 700 kee p s all temp orary settings in memory fo r 60 seconds fro m the last scan, and then rese ts all settings to the default setting s. Multipage Image Files When scanning multiple pages, yo u can accumulate all the pages in one image file.
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 46 Ad ding T empor ary Destinations If you want to send a scanned document to an e-mail destination that does not appear in the destination list on the AXIS 700 d i splay, you can add it tem porarily from th e Web br owser int erface .
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 47 5. Click OK to save the de stination temporarily . Note that only the five most-recently added temporar y destinations will appear in the destination list. Contact your A d ministrator if you want to add a destin ation permanently .
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 48 Not e: All tempo rary scanning profiles disappear when the AXIS 700 is shut do wn or re-started .
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 49 This table outline s when to use the predefin ed scanning pr ofiles : Not e: T he defau lt sca nning p rofile is Text. Paper Sizes The AXIS 700 co mes pre-installe d with 11 paper sizes designed to cover mos t needs.
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 50 Scanning to the W eb Br o w ser Follow th ese s teps to scan to yo ur Web br owser: 1. Place the materi al in the scanner. 2. Start the Web browser. 3. Enter the name or Internet address of the AXIS 700 on the location/add r ess l ine: Example 4.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 51 7. If you ar e no t satisfied with the result, you can try one of the other available profil es or set up a new one by clicking Cu s to m > > .
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 52 V ie win g Image Fi les The AXIS 700 generates standard TIF F, PDF and JPEG images that are supported by most image-related applications. The AXIS 700 does not re ly on any product -specific s oftware install ed on each client.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Section 4: Using the A XIS 700 53 Notes: W hen usin g the “ Text” pr ofiles fo r scann ing do cument s, ens ure that the vi ewing tool sup ports multipage CCIT T G.4-compr essed TIFF; this format is the most common standard for imaging and archiving of scanned documents.
Section 4: Using the AX IS 700 AXIS 700 U ser’s Manual 54 4. Click New to define an action for this file type . 5. In the Action field, type Open . In the Application used to perform action fie ld, specify the path to th e applicatio n you want to use for opening f iles that have this extension.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual : 55 Appendix A T r oub leshooting This appendix helps you to: • Restore factory d efault settings to the AXIS 700 • Interpret the AXIS 700 front panel indicators • Inte.
: AXIS 700 User’s Manual 56 Push Button Follow th ese steps to restore th e default set tings using th e Push button: 1. Turn off th e AXIS 700. 2. Press and hol d the Push butto n wh ile you s w itch on the AXIS 700. Keep the Push button presse d until the Status, Busy and N etwork indicators flash at regular two second intervals.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual : 57 FTP Fol low these steps to resto re the de fault set tings usin g FTP: 1. Log in to the AXIS 700 with the command ftp <Internet address> , where <Internet address> is the name or Internet address assigned to your AXIS 700.
: AXIS 700 User’s Manual 58 Error Conditio ns This table lists a su mm ary o f error c onditions: Status Indic ator O n If the Status i ndicator re mains on after startup, this may indicate an error. Most likely, there is a problem with the scanner comm unicati on.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual : 59 Err o r and W arnin g Messag es This table lists the e rror and warning messages that might appear on the AXIS 700 message di splay: Messa ge Descr iption Scanner lamp failure The lamp in the s canner is broken. See the scanner manual for instructions.
: AXIS 700 User’s Manual 60 Displa ying the Log File The AXIS 700 log file automatically logs all events and errors that have o ccurred since the last re start. You can acce ss the l og fil e using one of thes e method s: • Control pane l • Web browser Contro l Panel Follow thes e steps to disp lay the log file from the control panel: 1.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual : 61 We b Browse r F ollow these st eps to display the lo g file from a Web br owser: 1. Start the Web browser. 2. Enter the name or Internet address of the AXIS 700 in the locati on/address f ield: Example 3. The AXIS 700 H ome Page is displayed.
: AXIS 700 User’s Manual 62.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix B: The Parame t er List 63 Appendix B The P ar ameter List This table shows the AXIS 700 parameter list. The middle column shows the default val u es, when applicable. The right-hand column gives a brief descri p tion o f the parameter .
Appendix B: The Para meter List AXIS 700 User’s M anual 64 DefaultRouter = Specifies the Internet address for the defa ult router. All traffic dire cted outside the local network (according to the Ne tMask) is sent to the de fault rout er. A ny re- routing vi a other router s is done automa tically.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix B: The Parame t er List 65 SystemContact = Optiona l entry which should be in plain text and may be used to show the na me of t he sys tem contac t perso n. SystemName = Optiona l entry which should be in plain text and may be used to sh ow the name of t he system.
Appendix B: The Para meter List AXIS 700 User’s M anual 66 [Address Book] Retreive Method = None Specifies from where the address bo ok will be retreived. None , FT P or LDAP . FTP Server = Specifies the name or Internet address of the FTP server. FTP User = Specifies t h e user name for logging on to the FTP server.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix B: The Parame t er List 67 [Profile-Text] Note that th e parame ters i n this list appl ies to all prof iles param eters. Description = Speci fies the name o f the scannin g profile. This is the name tha t will appear on the AXI S 700 messa ge display.
Appendix B: The Para meter List AXIS 700 User’s M anual 68 [Paper sizes] PaperSizes = 12 Specifies the numb er of p aper sizes de fined in the AXIS 700. PaperSize0 = PaperSize-A3 ... [PaperSize-A3] = Note that th e parame ters i n this list appl ies to all paper sizes para meters.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix C: Updating the Software 69 Appendix C Updating the Softw ar e The AXIS 700 software stored in F lash memory can easi ly be u pdate d over the network using FTP. All software updates are free of charge. Instructions on ho w to carry ou t the update are supp lied with the softw are upda te.
Appendix C: Upd ating the Software AXIS 700 User’s M anual 70 Updating the Flash Memor y To upgrade over th e network you will need the foll owing: • The f i le with the new AXIS 700 sof tware. The name of the file is of th e form product-version.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix C: Updating the Software 71 You can also update the Flash memory using the flash loading port. F or more inf ormation on thi s option, ple ase contact yo ur local de aler or distribut or.
Appendix C: Upd ating the Software AXIS 700 User’s M anual 72.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix D: Technica l Specifications 73 Appendix D T echnical Specifications Support ed Syst ems Systems that s upport TCP /IP, Hypertex t Transfer Pr otocol (H TTP) client (.
Appendix D: Technical Spec ifications AXIS 700 U s er’s Manual 74 Supp orted Image Formats • TIFF 6.0, CCITT G.3 and G.4 f or black/white images, PackBits for grayscale images; both single- and mul tipage TIFF are support ed. Uncomp ressed for all imag e types.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix D: Technica l Specifications 75 Hardware CPU: 32 bit RISC Controller (AXIS ETRAX) Flash memory: 2 Mbytes RAM: 2 Mbytes EEPROM: 8 kby tes Logica l Connecti on IEEE 802.2, IEEE 802.3, SNAP and Ethernet II frame types simu ltan eou sly.
Appendix D: Technical Spec ifications AXIS 700 U s er’s Manual 76.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix E: Glossary 77 Appendix E Glossar y ADF Automatic Docu ment Feeder. AIX Advanc ed Interactive eXecutive. A version of the UNIX operating syste m from IBM tha t runs on various IBM computers including Mainframe sys tems.
Appendix E: Glossary AXIS 700 User’s Manual 78 FTP File Transfe r Protocol. T he TCP/IP pr otocol used for transfer ring files between co mputers on a network. HTML Hypertext Markup La nguage. A standard hypertext language used to create web pages and other hyper text documents.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Appendix E: Glossary 79 PDF Portable Document Format. A format for cro ss-platform distribution of elec tronic documents. Can be viewed by anyone that has Acrobat Reader from Adobe installed. RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protoco l.
Appendix E: Glossary AXIS 700 User’s Manual 80.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Index 81 Ind e x A address book 32 Administration tools 30 Advanced menu 19 , 60 AIX systems 24 archivin g 52 ARP OS/2 23 UNIX 23 Windows 22 assigning an Internet address 17 a.
Index AXIS 700 User’s Manual 82 DHCP 22 RARP 24 J job separation sheets 45 JPEG 37 , 52 L language 37 LDAP server 32 , 73 log file 60 M measurement units 37 multipage image files 45 N net mask 18 Ne.
AXIS 700 User’s Manual Index 83 time synchronization 36 U URL for e- mail 34 V viewing image files 52 W wizard 32.
デバイスAxis Communications 700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Axis Communications 700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAxis Communications 700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Axis Communications 700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Axis Communications 700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Axis Communications 700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAxis Communications 700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Axis Communications 700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAxis Communications 700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。