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BDV -E690/BDV-E490/BDV- E290/BDV-E190 4-418-860- 13 (1) Blu-r ay Disc™/ DVD Home Theatr e Syst em Operating Instructi ons.
2 GB Do not inst all the ap pliance in a confine d space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet. To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ven tilation o pening of the apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains, etc. Do not place the naked flame s ources such as lighted candles on the apparatus.
3 GB disposal service or the shop whe re you purchased the product. Notice f or cus tomers: th e fol lowing inform ation is only appli cable to equipme nt sold in countries applying EU dire ctives. This prod uct has been manufactur ed by or on behalf of Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Toky o, 108-0075 Japan.
4 GB • “ Blu-ray 3D” and “Blu- ray 3D” logo are tradema rks of Blu-ray Disc Associ ation. • “BRA VIA” is a tr adema rk of So ny C orp ora tio n. • “AVCHD” and the “AVCHD” logo ar e trademar ks of Panaso nic Corporation and So ny Corporation.
5 GB End User License Information Gracenote ® End User License Ag reement This appli cation or device con tains software from Grac enote, Inc. of Emeryville , Californi a (“Gr aceno te”) .
6 GB About Th ese Operat ing Instruct ions • The instructi ons in these Oper ating In structio ns descri be th e cont rols on the remo te. You can also use the controls on the u nit if they have the sa me or si milar names as those on the r emote.
7 GB Tabl e of Cont ents About T hese Operatin g Instructi ons ....... 6 Unpackin g ........ ........... ....... ....... ........... ... 8 Index to Parts and Controls ........... ........ 12 Getting Started Step 1: Insta lling the System....... 16 Step 2: Co nnecting the Sy stem.
8 GB Unpacking BDV-E690 • Fro nt speak ers (2) • Sur round sp eakers (2) • C enter spea ker (1) • Sub woofe r (1) • Spe aker-b ott om cove rs (4) • Bases (4) • Lowe r par ts o f t he fro.
9 GB BDV-E490 • Fron t speake rs (2) • Surr ound spe akers (2) • Cente r speake r (1) • Subw oofer (1) • Spe aker-bot tom cover s (2) • B ases (2) • Low er parts of the fr ont speak ers .
10 GB BDV-E290 • Fro nt speak ers (2) • Sur round sp eakers (2) • C enter spea ker (1) • Sub woofe r (1) • FM wire an tenna ( aerial) ( 1) • Rem ote comma nder (rem ote) (1) • R6 (size A.
11 GB BDV-E190 • Fron t speake rs (2) • Surr ound spe akers (2) • Cente r speake r (1) • Subw oofer (1) • Foo t pads (2) • FM wire antenn a (aerial ) (1) • Rem ote comm ander (remo te) (.
12 GB Index to Parts and Controls For mo re info rmation, refer to the pages indicated i n parenthe ses. A " / 1 (on/standby ) Turns on the u nit, or s ets it t o standby mode. B Disc tray (pag e 24) C Play operation buttons Z (open/close) N (pl ay) x (sto p) VOL +/– .
13 GB About the indications in the front panel display A Light s up wh en repeat play is activated. B Lights up when stereo sound is received. (Radio only) C Lights up when the system is playing via the PARTY STREAMING function. D Light s up wh en muti ng is on.
14 GB Number 5, AUDIO, 2 +, and N butt ons have a tactil e dot. Use the tact ile dot as a refe rence when operating the remote. • : For TV op eration s (For detail s, see “ Controllin g Your TV with the Supplied Remo te” (page 37).
15 GB F Playback operation buttons See “ Pla ybac k” ( page 24). . / > (p revious/next) Skip to the previo us/next chap ter, tra ck, or file . m / M (fast/slow/freeze frame) Fast re verse/ fast forward th e disc du ring playbac k. Each time you press the bu tton, the se arch spe ed cha nges.
16 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System Instal l the system b y ref erring t o the illustr ation belo w. A Fron t speaker ( L (left)) B Fron t speaker ( R (right)) C Cent er speaker D Su r.
17 GB Getting Started Select one of the following co nnection metho ds according t o the inp ut jacks on your TV. Video connections 1) High Speed HDMI c able 2) If the HDMI IN jack of your TV is c ompatible with the ARC (Au dio Return Channel) functi on, an HDMI cable connectio n can also se nd a digital audio signa l f rom the TV .
18 GB Getting Started Conn ect the syste m so that vid eo signal s from the sy stem and o ther compon ent are sen t to the TV, a nd audio s ignals from the comp onent are sent to the syste m as follow s. Select one of the f ollowing con nection methods accordin g to the jack type o f the compo nent.
19 GB Getting Started • Be su re to fully exten d the FM wire antenna (aerial). • Afte r connec ting th e FM wir e antenn a (aeria l), keep it as hori zontal as possi ble. • If you have poor FM reception, use a 75-ohm coaxial cable (not s upplied) to con nect the unit to an outdoor FM ante nna (aerial).
20 GB Getting Started Turn the un it off before connect ing the exte nsio n cabl e or in serti ng t he USB Wirele ss LAN Adapter. After i nsertin g the USB Wireless LAN Adapter to the base and c onnecting th e extension cable to the (USB) port, turn the unit on again.
21 GB Getting Started Step 4 : Performin g the Easy Setu p Before performing Step 4 Make su re all conn ections ar e secure, an d then conne ct the AC pow er cord (m ains lead). Follow the Steps belo w to make the b asic adj ustme nts an d net work se tti ngs f or the syste m.
22 GB Getting Started Step 5 : Selec ting the Source You ca n select the pl ayback sou rce. Press FUNCTION rep eatedly until the desir ed functi on appe ars in t he fron t panel display.
23 GB Getting Started To select the sound mode from the option menu 1 Press OPTIONS and X / x to select [Sound Mode ], then press . 2 Press X / x to select the sound m ode, then press . • The sound mod e can be selected only when [So und Effect] is set to [Soun d Mode On] ( page 42).
24 GB Playing a Disc For pl ayable disc s, s ee “Play able Disc s” (page 5 2). 1 Switch the i nput selector on your T V so that the si gnal from the system appears on you r TV screen. 2 Press Z , and place a disc on the disc tray. 3 Press Z to close the disc tray.
Pl ayb ack 25 GB You ca n check the pla yback informa ti on, etc ., by pressi ng DISPLAY. The dis played in format ion differ s dependi ng on the d isc t ype and sy stem s tatus .
26 GB To enjoy an iPod/iPhone via the system 1 (For Eu rope, Austral ia, a nd Sout h Africa models) Connect the Dock for iPod/iPhone to the (USB) port (page 12), then place the iPod /iPho ne onto th e Dock for iPod/ iPhone.
Pl ayb ack 27 GB Playing via a Networ k Sony Ent erta inme nt Net wor k serv es as a gatew ay deliveri ng selected In ternet cont ent and a variet y of on-deman d entertain ment straigh t to your u nit. • Some Inte rnet content requir es registrati on via a PC before i t can be played.
28 GB To play files stored on a DLNA server via the system (DLNA Player) Select the DLNA se rver icon f rom [Video], [Music], or [Photo] in th e home menu, then sel ect the fi le that you want to pl ay.
Pl ayb ack 29 GB • If conten t that is not co mpatible with the PARTY STREAMING f unction is played, the syst em closes PART Y automati cally. To use the system as a PARTY guest Sele ct [PA RTY] in [Musi c], then select the PAR TY host dev ice icon.
30 GB [Video] only [Music] only [Ph oto] only [Leave PAR TY] Leaves from a par ty which the sys tem is participa ting in. The PARTY STREAMING function co ntinues among other partic ipating devices. [Close PA RTY] For PARTY host : C loses a party. For PARTY guest : Closes a party which the syste m is partic ipating in .
Pl ayb ack 31 GB When the sound does not matc h the pictures on the TV screen, y ou can adj ust the de lay betwe en the pictur e and so und . The setti ng method diff ers depending on the function. When playing via other than the “FM” or “TV” function 1 Press OPTIONS.
32 GB Selecting the Au dio Format, Multilingual Tracks, o r Channe l When the sy stem is playing a BD/DVD VI DEO record ed in multip le audi o formats (P CM, Dolby Dig it al, MPEG a udi o, or DT S) or multilingual tracks, y ou can change the audio forma t or lang uage.
T uner 33 GB Listening to the Ra dio 1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly until “FM” appears in the front panel d isplay. 2 Select the radio st ation. Automatic tuning Press a nd hold TUNING + /– until th e auto sca nni ng st arts. [Aut o Tuni ng] ap pear s on the T V screen .
34 GB Using the Radio Dat a System (RDS) (Europe model s only) The Radi o Data Syst em (RDS) i s a broadcasti ng servi ce that allows radio st ati ons to send additional information al ong with the regular prog ram s ignal . Th is tu ner offe rs co nveni ent RDS fe atures, suc h as station na me displ ay.
Other Operations 35 GB Using th e Control fo r HDMI F unctio n for “BRAVIA” Sy nc This func tion is a vailable on TVs wi th the “BRA VIA” Sy nc fun cti on. By conn ecting Son y componen ts that are compatible with th e Control f or HDMI f unction via an H DMI cable, op eration is simp lified.
36 GB [Front Le ft/Right] 3.0 m : S et the fro nt speaker dist ance . [Cen t re] 3. 0 m : Set the cent er speake r distance . [Surr ound Left/Ri ght] 3.0 m : Set th e surround speak er di stan ce. [Subw oofer] 3.0 m : Set the subwoof er distance . x [Level] You ca n adjust the s ound level of t he speaker s.
Other Operations 37 GB Deactivat ing the Buttons on the Un it (Child Lock) You can deactivate the buttons on the unit (exce pt for " / 1 ) for pr eventing m isoperat ion, such as c hild misc hief (ch ild lock function). Press x on the unit for more than 5 seconds.
38 GB Browsing Websit es 1 Prepare for Internet browsing. Connect the system to a networ k (page 1 9). 2 Press HOM E. The hom e menu appe ars on the TV scr een. 3 Press C / c to select [Netw ork]. 4 Press X / x to select [Internet Browser], then press .
Other Operations 39 GB Various settings and opera tions ar e availabl e by pressing OPTION S. The availa ble items dif fer depend ing on the situatio n. Available options Items Deta ils [Browse r Setu p] Displ ays the Inter net Browser setti ngs. • [Zoom]: Increase s or decreas es the s ize of the displayed c ontents.
40 GB Using the Setu p Display You can make various a djustments to items such as pictur e and sound. The defa ult settings are underl ined. • Playback se ttings stored in th e disc take priority over the Setup Display settings and not all the functions described ma y work.
Settings an d Adjustme nts 41 GB [Screen Se ttings ] x [3D Outpu t Setting] [Aut o] : Normal ly sele ct this. [Off]: Sele ct this to displa y all contents in 2D.
42 GB [Fram e]: The p icture, incl uding su bjects tha t do not move dynamic ally, is output in h igh resolutio n. [Audio Settings] x [BD Audio MIX Setting] [On] : Outputs the au dio obtaine d by mixing th e interac tive audio an d second ary audio to th e primar y audio.
Settings an d Adjustme nts 43 GB [BD/DVD Viewing Setting s] x [BD/DVD Menu Language ] You ca n sele ct the de fault menu lang uag e for BD-ROMs or DVD VIDEOs. When y ou sele ct [Select Languag e Code], the displa y for entering t he languag e code appear s.
44 GB [Music Sett ings] x [Super Audio CD Playback Layer] [Supe r Au dio CD] : Plays the Super A udio CD layer. [CD]: Plays the C D lay er. x [Super Audio CD Playback Channels] [DSD 2c h]: Plays th e 2-channel ar ea. [DSD Multi ] : Plays t he multi- channel ar ea.
Settings an d Adjustme nts 45 GB [Networ k Settings] x [Inte rnet S etting s] Connect th e system to the network befor ehand. For deta i ls, see “ Step 3: Prepar ing for Networ k Conn ecti on” (p age 19) . [Wire d Setu p] : Select this when you connect to a broa dband rou ter using a LAN cable.
46 GB Precau tions On safety • To prevent fire or shock haz ard, do not place obje cts filled with liqu ids, such as vases, on th e system, or place the syst em near water, s uch as near a b athtub o r shower room.
Additiona l Inf ormation 47 GB On moving the system • Before moving the system, make sure that ther e is no disc inserted, and remove the AC po wer cord (mains lead) from the wall outle t (mains). Notes ab out Discs On handling discs • To keep the dis c clea n, handle the disc b y its edge .
48 GB Troublesh ooting If you ex perience any of the follow ing dif ficul ties w hile u sing t he sys tem, use this trou bles hoot in g gui de t o hel p re medy the problem before requ esting repair s. Should any problem per sist, consu lt your nea rest Sony deale r.
Additiona l Inf ormation 49 GB No p ictur e ap pears w hen t he v ideo output resolu tion s elected in [Outpu t Vide o For mat] is incorrect . t Press and hold N and VOL – on t he unit for more tha n 5 second s to reset the video ou tput reso lution to the lowe st res olution .
50 GB Distor tion occur s in the s ound of a connected compone nt. t Reduce the input level for the connec ted com ponen t by settin g [Atte nuate - AU DIO] (pag e 42). Radio s tations cann ot be tu ned in. t Check that the a ntenn a (aer ial) i s conn ected secu rely.
Additiona l Inf ormation 51 GB The [C ontro l for HD MI] fu nction does not work (“BRAVIA ” Sync). t Check that [Contro l for HDMI] is set to [On] (page 44). t If you change th e HDMI connec tion, turn the system off and on a gain. t If power failu re occurs, set [Cont rol for HDMI] to [Off], then set [ Control for HD MI] to [On] (page 44).
52 GB Playable Discs 1) Since Blu-ray Dis c specifi catio ns are ne w and evolvin g, some discs may not be playable dep ending on the disc type an d version. Also, the audio output differs depe nding on the source, connec ted output jack, an d selected audi o settings.
Additiona l Inf ormation 53 GB Playable Ty pes of Files Video Musi c Photo 1) The syste m does not play files e ncoded with DRM. 2) AVCHD Ver.2.0 (AVCHD 3D/Progressive) comp atible. 3) The sy stem play s AVCHD-for mat files t hat are recorded via a digit al video camera, etc.
54 GB Support ed Au dio Formats Audi o formats s upported by this system are as follows. a : Support ed format. –: Unsupp orted format. • For LPCM 2ch format, the sup ported sampling frequency of the digit al signal is up to 48 kHz when using the “TV” functio n.
Additiona l Inf ormation 55 GB FM T un er Sect io n Sys tem PLL qu ar tz- loc ked d igi tal synthesize r Tuning range 87.5 MHz - 108.0 MHz (50 kHz step) Antenna (aerial) FM wire an tenna (aeria l) Antenna (aer ial) terminals 75 ohms, unba lanced Speakers Front/ Surround (SS-TS B119) for BDV-E690 Front (SS-TS B119) for BDV-E490 Dimension s (approx.
56 GB Language Cod e List The lang uage spelli ngs confor m to the ISO 639: 1 988 (E/F) st andard. Parental Control/Area Code List.
57 GB Index Numerics 3D 24 3D Outpu t Sett ing 41 A A/V SYNC 31 Attenuate - A UDIO 42 Audio DRC 42 Audio Language 43 Audio O utput 42 Audio R eturn Cha nnel 44 Audio Se ttings 42 Auto Display 4 4 Auto.
The software of this system may be updated in the future. To f ind out details on any available updates, please vis i t the following URL. For customers in Europe and Russia: For customers in other countries/regions: http://www.
デバイスSony BDV-E190の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony BDV-E190をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony BDV-E190の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony BDV-E190の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony BDV-E190で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony BDV-E190を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony BDV-E190の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony BDV-E190に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony BDV-E190デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。