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©2010 Sony Corporation 4-178-244- 13 (1) Operating Instructions BDV -E970W / E670W Blu-ray Disc/DVD Home Theatr e System.
2 GB Do not inst all the applianc e in a confine d s pace, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet . To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ventilat ion o pening of th e apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains , etc. Do not place the naked fl ame sourc es such as lighted candles on the appar atus.
3 GB guaran tee matters plea se refer to the addresses given in separat e service or guar antee docume nts. For the wireless transceiver (EZW- RT10/EZW-RT10A) (Europ ean mod els only ) See “W ireless Product Safety Informatio n” (sup plied).
4 GB • Music and video rec ognition technolo gy and related da ta are provided by Graceno te ® . Gracenote i s the indu stry standar d in mu sic recogni tion te chnology and rela ted conte nt del ivery. Fo r more info rmation, pleas e visit www.gracenot e.
5 GB Tabl e of Co ntents About T hese Opera ting Inst ructi ons ....... 4 Unpackin g ............ .......... ............... .......... 6 Index to Parts and Cont rol ..... ........... ...... 8 Getting Started Step 1: Insta lling the Syste m....... 14 Step 2: Co nnecting the Syste m.
6 GB Unpacking BDV-E970W • Front speaker s (2) • Surroun d spea kers (2) • Cente r spea ker (1) • Subwo ofer (1 ) • F M wire antenna ( aerial) (1) • S peaker cords (2, gr een/ purp le) •.
7 GB BDV-E670W Inse rt two R6 (s ize AA ) batte ries (s upplie d) by ma tching the 3 an d # ends on the batteries to t he markings inside the comp artment.
8 GB Index to Parts and Co ntrol For mo re in forma tion, refer to th e pages indica ted in pa renthe ses. A " / 1 (on/standby ) Turns on the u nit, or sets i t to standby mode. B Play operation buttons Z (open/close) (page 32) Opens or c loses the d isc t ray.
9 GB About the indications in the front panel display A Displ ays the curre nt sound f ormat. B Lights up when the system is playing via the PARTY STREAMING function.
10 GB A (USB) port (page 33) B LAN (100) terminal (page 2 6) C COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks (page 21) D VIDEO OU T jack (page 21) E HDMI OUT jack (page 21) F EZW-RT10 slot (page 25) G AUDIO (AUDIO IN L/R) jacks (page 23) H S-AIR ID switch (pages 27, 44) I A.
11 GB A " / 1 (Power) Turns t he su rrou nd am plifier on/o ff. B S-AIR/STANDBY indi cator You can chec k the stat us of wirele ss transmiss ion between the main unit and surroun d ampl ifier. C S-AIR ID switc h Sele cts the S-AIR ID. D PAIRING butt on Starts pair ing.
12 GB Number 5, , 2 +, and N button s have a tactile d ot. Use the tact ile dot as a r eference when operating the remote. • : For TV op erati ons (For detail s, see “Contr olling Your TV with the Supplied Remo te” (page 53).) A THEATRE (p age 49) Switches to the optimum vide o mode for watching movies automatical ly.
13 GB F Playback operation buttons See “ Playb ack” ( page 32) . . / > (p revious/next) Skip to the previous/next c hapter, track , or file . (replay/advance) Briefl y replay the cu rrent s cenes fo r 10 seco nds./B riefly f ast for wards t he curr ent scene s for 15 se cond s.
14 GB Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System For the best po ssib le surr ound so und, p lace al l speak ers at the sam e distanc e fro m the lis tenin g posit ion ( A ).
15 GB Getting Started To add the optional surround back speakers You can enjoy 7.1 surr ound sou nd by purch asing t he Wire less Su rround Speake r Kit (W AHT- SBP2, option al). The opti onal produ ct lineup differs de pend ing on the ar ea. For the po sition of the su rround back sp eakers , refer the illus tration below ( C ).
16 GB Getting Started To disassemble the speaker (Front and su rround speake rs of BDV-E970W only ) 1 Disconnect the speaker cords from the speaker. 2 Remove the screw (pre-installed) at the rear of the speaker. This scre w is used whe n rea ssem bli ng th e sp eake r.
17 GB Getting Started 4 Pull out the speaker cord from the bottom of the lo wer part of th e speaker. The rem oved spea ker co rd is use d when i nstal ling the sp eake r on a wal l. 5 Remove the protect ion paper from the speaker-bo ttom cover, then at tach the speak er- bottom cover to the bottom of the upper part of the speaker.
18 GB Getting Started To install the speakers on a wall Befo re inst alling the spe akers on a wall, co nnect the spea ker cor d to the sp eaker . Be sure to match the speak er cords to the appropriate terminals on the speakers : the speaker cord with the color tube to 3 , and the speaker cord wit hout the colo r tube to # .
19 GB Getting Started 3 Hang the speakers on the screws. 5 mm 10 mm Hole on th e back of the spea ker Rear of the speake r.
20 GB Getting Started Step 2 : Connecting the System For conn ectin g the sy stem, r ead the in format ion on th e follow ing page s. Do not connec t the AC power cord (mains lead) of t he unit to a wa ll outlet (mains ) until all the other connec tions a re made .
21 GB Getting Started This conne ction s ends a video signal to the TV. Depending on t he jacks on your TV, select th e connection meth od. * The HDMI cab le is supplied wit h Singapore, C hinese, and Taiw an models only. Method 1: HDMI cable ( A ) connection If your TV has an H DMI jack , conn ect to the TV wi th an H DMI cabl e.
22 GB Getting Started This co nnection sends an au dio sig nal to the un it from the TV. To lis ten to TV so und via the system , perform th is connection. With a digita l audio connecti on, the system re ceives a Dolby Dig ital multiplex bro adcast signal a nd you can e njoy mu ltiplex broadca st sound .
23 GB Getting Started When you connect the system and other compone nts to the TV, video si gnals fr om the sy stem an d the compon ents ar e sent to the TV, and audio si gnals f rom th e compo nents ar e sent to th e system as follow s. You ca n enjoy conn ected co mponen ts via the sys tem’s sp eakers .
24 GB Getting Started To connect the antenna (aerial) Note • Be sure to fully e xtend th e FM wire antenna ( aerial) . • After co nnecting the FM wir e antenna (aeri al), keep i t as hori zontal as p ossible.
25 GB Getting Started You can transmit s ound fro m the unit to an S-AIR pr oduct, such as the s urround amplifie r or S-A IR rece iver. To transmi t sound from the unit, you need to insert the wi reless transceiv ers into the un it and S-AIR product .
26 GB Getting Started Wired Setup Use a LAN cabl e to connect to th e LAN ( 100) terminal o n the unit. USB Wireless Setup Use a wireless LAN via t he USB W ireless LAN Adap ter (Son y UWA- BR100* only) (n ot suppl ied). The USB Wireles s LAN Ad apter ma y not be avail able i n som e re gions/ countr ies.
27 GB Getting Started Step 3: Se tting up the S-AIR Wireless System Before performing Step 3 Make su re all co nnect ions ar e secur e, and the n conne ct the AC power cord s (mains leads ). To use the S-AIR wi reless sy stem , you need to set up th e surrou nd am plifier .
28 GB Getting Started Step 4 : Performing the Easy Se tup Follow the Ste ps below to make the basic adjus tments for usin g the syst em. Disp layed ite ms vary depend ing on the country model. Note • To use the optional surr ound back speakers , set [Surround B ack] in [Speak er Setting s] to [Yes] (page 51).
29 GB Getting Started 5 Perform the [Easy Setup]. Follow the on-screen instructions t o make the basic settings usi ng C / X / x / c , an d . For det ails a bout [ Auto C alibrat ion] setting s in [Easy Setup] , see “Calibrating the Approp riate Settings Au tomatically” (page 50) .
30 GB Getting Started Step 6 : Enjoying Surround Sound After perfor ming the previo us Steps and sta rting playbac k, you ca n easily e njoy surrou nd sound . You can al so sel ect pr e-progr ammed surr ound s etting s that a re tai lored to diffe rent k inds of sou nd sour ces.
31 GB Getting Started Note • When you selec t “A.F.D. MUL TI,” depending on the disc or source , the beginnin g of the sound may be cut off while t he optim um mode is a utomati cally se lected. To avoid cutting the so und, se lect “A. F.D. STD.
32 GB Playing a Disc For pl ayable d iscs, see “Playable Discs” (page 7 1). 1 Switch the i nput selector on yo ur TV so that the si gnal from th e system appears on you r TV screen. 2 Press Z , and place a disc on the disc tray. 3 Press Z to close the disc tray.
Pl ayb a ck 33 GB You ca n check the pl ayback informati on, etc ., by pressi ng DISPLAY. The dis played info rmatio n diff ers dependi ng on the disc t ype and player status .
34 GB Enjoying an iPo d You ca n enjoy t he sound a nd charg e the batte ry of a n iPod v ia the s ystem . Compatible iPod models The compatible iPod models are as follows. Update your iPod with the la test software before using with the system. 1 Connect the iPod to th e front (USB ) port on the uni t with the iPod’s USB cable.
Pl ayb a ck 35 GB Playing via a Networ k BRAVIA Internet Vid eo serves as a gate way delive ring th e select ed Inte rnet con tent an d a variety of on-d emand e ntertain ment straig ht to your u nit. 1 Prepare for BRAVIA Internet Video. Connect the unit to a network (page 26).
36 GB The c omponen t that plays a udio f or the party through th e use of [Start Party] is ca lled the “party host. ” A component that is in vited to the part y from t he party host an d plays the same audi o as the party host is call ed a “pa rty gue st.
Pl ayb a ck 37 GB Available Option s Various settings and play back o peration s are availabl e by pres sing OP TIONS. The availa ble items di ffer de pending on the situ ation.
38 GB [Photo] only When th e sound does not ma tch the pict ures on the TV s creen, you ca n adju st the delay between the pict ure and so und. 1 Press SYSTEM MENU. 2 Press X / x repeatedly until “A/V SYNC” appears in the front pa nel display, then press or c .
Sound Adjustm ent 39 GB Selectin g the Effect to Suit the So urce You ca n se lect a s uitabl e soun d mode for m ovies or mu sic. Press SOUND MODE repeatedly during playback until the desired mode appears in the front panel displ ay.
40 GB displayed two or more times, the B D/DVD VIDEO is record ed in multiple audio formats. x DVD-VR The typ es of s ound tr acks rec orded o n a di sc are disp layed.
Sound Adjustm ent 41 GB 2 Press X / x re pea tedl y un til “ NIG HT MODE” app ears in the front panel display, then press or c . 3 Press X / x to select a setting. • “ NIGHT ON”: On. • “ NIGHT OFF ”: Off . 4 Press SYSTEM MENU. The system menu tu rns off.
42 GB Listenin g to th e Radio You ca n enjoy ra dio sou nd wit h the syst em’s spe akers. 1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly u ntil “TUNER FM” appears in the front panel display. 2 Select the radio station. Auto matic tuni ng Press an d hold TUNING +/– until the auto scanni ng star ts.
T uner 43 GB 5 Press X / x to select the preset number you w ant. Ti p • You can select the preset number directl y by pressing the number button s. 6 Press . “COMP LETE” ap pears i n the front panel displa y, and th e station is stored. 7 Repeat Steps 2 to 6 to store other stations.
44 GB Using an S-AIR Product About S-AIR products There ar e two typ es of S-AI R product . • S-AI R ma in u nit ( this u nit) : Th is is for transmitt ing sound. You c an use up to th ree S-AIR main units. ( The number of usabl e S-AIR m ain units de pends on the use envi ronment .
External A udio De vice 45 GB To enjoy a 7.1 channel system You can enjoy t he mor e realisti c surro und soun d eff ect of 7.1 ch annel s when you use th e Wire less Surroun d Speake r Kit (W AHT-S BP2, op tional). For de tails, ref er to the o perating inst ructions of the Wirel ess S urroun d Speak er Kit.
46 GB When us ing S-AI R product s, neigh bors may also receive your sys tem’s so und if IDs are the same , or y ou may receiv e sou nd from neig hbors. To prevent this , you can identify the unit with a speci fic S-AIR su b unit by per formin g the pair ing oper ation .
External A udio De vice 47 GB If you us e multiple wire less syst ems, such as wireless LAN or Bluet ooth, th e transm ission of S-AIR signals or other w irele ss signal s may be unstabl e. In this cas e, the transmis sion may be impr oved b y chang ing the followi ng [RF Chan ge] setti ng.
48 GB Using the Contro l for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is availa ble on TV s with the “BRAVIA” Sync function. By conn ecting Sony compone nts th at are compatibl e with t.
Other Operati ons 49 GB 6 Press X / x to select the setti ng, then press . •[ O n ] : On. • [ Off]: Off. (System Power Off ) When yo u turn the TV off by usin g the POWER button on th e TV’s remote or TV " / 1 on the system ’s remo te, the syst em t urns off automatica lly.
50 GB (Audio Return Channe l) The s ystem ca n rece ive the digita l audio signa l of t he TV vi a an HD MI cable when y our TV is compatible with the Audio Return Channel funct ion. Yo u can enjo y TV sound via the system b y using just one HDMI cable.
Other Operati ons 51 GB Be quiet during the measurement. Note • Before [Au to Calibration ], make sur e that the surround am plifier tu rns on and you insta ll the surround amplifie r in t he approp riate loc ation.
52 GB [Subwoofer] [Yes] x [Distance] When yo u move the speakers , be sure to set t he parameter s of the distance ( A ) from the listen ing po sition to the spea kers .
Other Operati ons 53 GB Note • The test to ne signals are no t output from the HDMI OUT jack. Ti p • To ad just the v olume of all the speakers a t one time , press 2 +/–. Using the Slee p Timer You ca n set the sys tem to turn off at a preset time, so you can fall a sleep listenin g to music.
54 GB Saving Power in St andby Mode Check th at the fol lowing set tings are made: – [Cont rol for HDMI] in [HDMI Se ttings] is se t to [O ff] ( page 48 ). – [S tandb y] in [S -A IR Se tting s] is set t o [Off ] (page 45). – [Quick St art Mode] is set to [Off ] (page 59).
Settings and Adjustments 55 GB Using the Set up Display You can make v arious a djustme nts of i tems su ch as pict ure and so und. Select (Setup) on the home menu when you need to change the se ttings of th e system. The defaul t settings are und erlined.
56 GB [Scree n Settings] x [3D Ou tput Setti ng] [Auto] : Norm al ly se lect this . [Off]: S elect this to d isplay all co ntents in 2D. x [TV Screen Size Setting for 3D] Sets the sc reen size of your 3D compatible TV. x [TV Type] [16: 9] : Select this when connecting to a wide- screen TV or a TV with a wide-mod e functio n.
Settings and Adjustments 57 GB [Fra me]: The pictu re, incl uding s ubject s that do not move d ynamically, is outp ut in high reso luti on. [Audio Settings] x [BD Audi o MIX Setting] [On] : Outputs the au dio ob tained by mix ing the int eracti ve audio an d second ary audi o to the pri mary au dio.
58 GB [BD/DVD Viewing Setting s] You can make d etailed settin gs for BD/DVD playba ck. x [BD/DVD Menu] You ca n select the defa ult menu languag e for BD-ROMs or DVD VIDEOs. Whe n you sel ect [Sel ect Lang uage Code], th e displ ay for en tering th e langua ge code appears .
Settings and Adjustments 59 GB [Music Settings] You can make de tailed s ettings for Supe r Audio CD playba ck. x [Super Audio CD P layback Layer] [Supe r Audio CD ] : Plays the Super Audio CD laye r. [CD]: Plays the C D lay er. x [Super Audio CD P layback Channels] [DSD 2ch] : Plays the 2c h area .
60 GB x [Auto Display] [On] : Automa tically displa ys information o n the screen when ch anging t he view ing tit les, p icture modes , audio signal s, etc. [Off ]: Disp lays in forma tion on ly when you pres s DISPLAY. x [Screen Saver] [On] : Turns o n the scr een sa ver func tion.
Settings and Adjustments 61 GB [Rendere r Name]: Displays the system ’s name as it is listed on other DLNA devices on the net work. x [Renderer Access Control] Sets whet her or no t to acce pt comm ands fro m DLNA controll ers.
62 GB Precau tion s On safety • To prevent fire or shock hazard, do no t place obje cts filled with liqu ids, such as vas es, on the system, or place the system n ear water, su ch as near a bathtub or shower room.
Additio nal Informat ion 63 GB On moving the system • Before moving the system, make sure that there is no disc inserted, and remove the AC power cord (mains lead) from the wall outle t (mains). About S-AIR function • As the S-A IR produc ts trans mit s ound by r adio waves, sound may skip when radio waves are obstructe d.
64 GB Troublesh ooting If you exp erience any of th e following diffi culties while us ing the system, use this troublesho oting guide to h elp remedy the problem before requesting r epairs. Shoul d any problem per sist, consult y our neares t Son y de aler.
Additio nal Informat ion 65 GB Sound Video signa ls are only output from the HDMI OUT jack when connecting the HDMI OUT jack and other video outp ut jacks at the same tim e. • Set [Output Video Format] in [Sc reen Settin gs] to [Componen t Video] (page 56) .
66 GB There is no digita l sound from the HDMI OUT jack when using the Aud io Retu rn Channe l function. • S et [Control for HDMI] in [HDMI Set tings] of [Syst em Settings] to [On] (page 59) . Also, set [Au dio Ret urn Chann el] in [HDM I Setti ngs] of [Syste m Settings] to [Auto] (pag e 59).
Additio nal Informat ion 67 GB Operation There is no sound fro m the surround sp eakers or surround back speakers. Check the stat us of the S-AIR/STA NDBY indicator on the surround amplif ier. • Turns of f. – Check tha t the AC power cord (mains l ead) of the sur round amp lifier is connect ed securely.
68 GB File names a re not displayed correct ly. • The system can only display ISO 8859- 1-compli ant character for mats. Other character for mats may be displ ayed differently . • De pending on the writing software used, the input cha racters ma y be dis played different ly.
Additio nal Informat ion 69 GB USB device S-AIR Bo nus co ntent s or ot her da ta tha t are co ntained in a BD-ROM cannot be played . • Try t he following: 1 Remov e the di sc. 2 Turn the system off. 3 Remove a nd reconnec t the USB de vice (page 3 3).
70 GB BRAVIA Internet Video Network connection Other Symptom Problem s and soluti ons The picture/ sound is poor/ce rtain program s displa y with a loss of detail, especially during fa st- motion or dark scenes. • Picture/sou nd quali ty may be poor d epending on Int ernet cont ent pro viders.
Additio nal Informat ion 71 GB Playable Disc s 1) Since th e Blu-ray Disc specificat ions are new and evolving, som e discs may not be playabl e depending on the disc ty pe and the version . Also, the audio output di ffers de pending o n the s ource, con nected output jack , and selected au dio setting s.
72 GB Playable Types o f Files Video 7) Music Photo 7) 1) The system does not pl ay files encoded wit h DRM. 2) ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX ® is a digital video format cr eated by DivX, Inc. Th is is an official DivX Certifie d device that plays Di vX video.
Additio nal Informat ion 73 GB Suppor ted Audio For mats Audi o format s suppor ted by this sy stem are as foll ows. a : Sup ported format. –: Unsupported f ormat. Video Output Resolution Output re solution di ffers dependin g on the [Outp ut Video Format] se tting in [S creen Setting s] (page 56) .
74 GB Specifica tions Amplifier Sec tion POWER OUTPUT (rated) Front L + Front R: 108 W + 108 W (at 3 ohms, 1 kHz, 1% THD) POWER OUTPUT (reference) Front L /Front R/Ce nter: 167 W (per ch annel at 3 oh.
Additio nal Informat ion 75 GB Standby: 0.3 W (at the Power Saving mo de) Dimension s (approx.) 430 m m × 85 mm × 335 mm (w /h/d) incl. projectin g part s 430 mm × 85 mm × 365 mm (w/h /d) (i ncl.
76 GB Language Cod e List The lang uage spelling s confor m to the IS O 639 : 1988 (E/F ) standa rd. Code Lang uag e Code Lang uage Code Lang uage Code L ang uage 1027 A far 1028 A bkhazian 1032 A fri.
Additio nal Informat ion 77 GB Glossary AVCHD The AV CHD form at is a hi gh-d efini tion digita l video ca mera form at used to reco rd SD (stand ard defi nition) or HD (hi gh defi nition) signal s of either the 1080 i speci ficatio n* or the 720p spe cification** on DVDs, using efficie nt data com press ion coding tech nology.
78 GB Dolby P ro Logic II Dolby P ro Logic II creates fi ve full -bandwidth outp ut channe ls from 2 ch annel sour ces. Thi s is done using a n adva nced, high-p urity m atrix surro und decoder that extr acts th e sp atial properties of the origin al recording with out adding any new sound s or tonal co lorat ions.
Additio nal Informat ion 79 GB Pop-up menu An enha nced me nu operat ion ava ilable on BD- ROMs. Th e pop-up me nu appear s when POP UP/MEN U is p ressed during playba ck, an d can be operat ed whi le play back is in pr ogre ss.
80 GB Index Numerics 24p True Cinema 79 3D 32 3D Outpu t Sett ing 5 6 A A/V SYNC 38 Attenuate - A UDI O 57 Audi o 58 Audio DRC 57 Audio O utput 57 Audio R eturn C hannel 59 Audio Se ttings 57 Auto Cal.
81 GB S-AIR Settings 59 Screen Format 56 Screen Saver 60 Screen Settings 56 SLEEP 5 3 Slideshow 38 Sound Effect 57 Speak er Sett ings 51, 57 Conn ection 5 1 Distan ce 52 Lev el 52 Subtit le 58 Super A.
The software of this system may be updated in the future. To f ind out details on any available updates, please vis it the following URL. For customers in Europe and R ussia: For customers in Asia and A ustralia: http://www.
デバイスSony BDV-E670Wの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony BDV-E670Wをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony BDV-E670Wの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony BDV-E670Wの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony BDV-E670Wで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony BDV-E670Wを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony BDV-E670Wの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony BDV-E670Wに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony BDV-E670Wデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。