SonyメーカーKE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Contents 1. Confirmation Common Manual ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P1 ~ P20 2. Confirmation Manual ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ P21 ~ P44 3.
1 PDP (NP series) Confirmation Common Manual Ver.1.
2 Malfunction Phenomeno n No Picture Power-off Power-on Alarm protection No Priming No Signal W hen you tu rn-o n the m ain powe r, the LED lig ht-o ff aft er few mi nutes. Go to Pag e 8 due to che ck more detail s. The prim ing does not appea r on screen.
3 No lig hting sell are on scree n at whi te patter n. Go to Pag e 11 due to che ck more details . Colorful bl ocks ap pear on scree n at color bar pa ttern.
4 PDP Malfunction Phenomenon Vertical Vertical Line Single Line T w o Lines Many Li nes Only one line is always lighting. Go to Pag e 12 due to che ck more detail s. two li nes ar e lighti ng. Go to Pag e 13 due to che ck more detail s. Many l ines are lig hti ng.
5 PDP Malfunction Phenomenon Vertical Vertical Block One Black Block One Zebra Block Many Black Blocks One block is alw ays no- lighti ng by one IC. Go to Pag e 15 due to c heck mor e det ails. Zebra bl ock a ppears by on e IC. Go to Pag e 16 due to che ck more detail s.
6 PDP Malfunction Phenomenon Horizontal Horizontal Li ne Horizontal Block One Black Block One black line appea rs on screen. Go to Pag e 17 due to che ck more detail s. T w o Lines Two lin es a ppear o n screen. Go to Pag e 18 due to che ck more detail s.
7 Lighting strip PDP Malfunction Phenomenon Check our speci ficatio n . Screen Defect Black strip Check o ur speci ficatio n ..
8 Alarm Protection Panel Alarm FPC Opened No Picture Panel alar m li ne g o thro ugh th e edg e of the FPC. Vs Protection Panel Grid Opened High Voltage Circuit Broken Panel alar m li ne g o thro ugh th e edg e of pane l. Th is case is ca used by su lf ur issue .
9 Alarm Protection No Picture In case o f shortag e betw een Vd lin e and GND in TCP, Vd protection will be worked . Vd Protection 5V Protection TCP Broken Data Relay Board Broken Digital Board Br oke.
10 No Priming No Signal High Voltage Circuit Broken No Picture Digital Board Br oken Digital is not working. CHECK POINT Fuse on b oard, V p, Vbw and Vsw line of Power HIC. CHECK POINT fuse on dig ital bo ard, LVDS cabl e Next parts will be broken, Vp or Vbw line on Sca n Boar d, Vsw line on Comm on Bo ard, (H igh Voltag e Board) .
11 No Picture Abnormal screen High Voltage Circuit Broken CHECK POINT fuse on boar d, Vbw or Vsw l ine o n boar d. Next parts will be broken, Vbw line on Sc an Boar d, Vsw l ine o n Comm on Bo ard, (H igh Voltag e Board) . REW ORK Change th e s can or com mon boar d (Hig h vol tage bo ard).
12 Single Line The output of TCP Vertical Data Grid Open Dama ged data grid in panel EX) Sulfur , scratch CHECK POINT One lin e is no-lig hting or l ighti ng at any pure col or sign al (re d, gree n blue and black) CHECK POINT The sur face c onditi on of pan el gr id.
13 T w o Lines The output of TCP Vertical Data Grid Shortage The grids o f panel are sh ortag e due to foreig n materi al. CHECK POINT Two lin es are l ighti ng a t two col ors. CHECK POINT The sur face c onditi on of pa nel g rid. The clos ed outputs of TCP are Shortag e.
14 Many Li nes Vertical Data Grid Open Dama ged data grid in panel EX) Sulfur , scratch CHECK POINT The sur face c onditi on of pan el gr id. REW ORK W e can n ot rework this.
15 Black Block TCP Broken Vertical Data Relay Board The buffer IC is n ot working on signal lines. The co nnect or on data r elay b oard is open ed by th e crackin g of sol der. CHECK POINT The surfac e of TCP is damag ed. CHECK POINT Input sig nal conditi on.
16 Zebra Block Vertical Data Relay Board The le ad of t he bu ffer IC or th e connect or on data re lay boar d are shortag e by for eign ma terial. CHECK POINT Input sig nal conditi on.
17 Single Line The output of Scan IC Horizontal Scan Relay Bo ard Mis-cont act betw een FPC and th e connect or of sca n rela y boar d. CHECK POINT One lin e is no-lig hting or l ighti ng at white signal. CHECK POINT The output of scan IC. Reco nnecti on.
18 T w o Lines Horizontal Scan Relay Bo ard CHECK POINT FPC insert shifting. Foreign mate rial in connecto r. The lead of scan IC . The output of sca n IC are shortag e. Th is line is not c lear and not constant. REW ORK Clean in the connecto r. Reco nnect the FPC .
19 Block Scan IC broken Horizontal The output of sca n board is not wor ki ng . CHECK POINT The surfac e of sca n IC. CHECK POINT The outp ut of Scan Board. Scan IC is not w orking. REW ORK Change th e s can relay boar d. REW ORK Change th e s can board.
20 Sample Sample 55 x 15mm 20 x 17mm Dimension Label B 55 x 25mm 40 x 17mm Dimension Label A Since July 2003 By June 2003 Vs Vd Vbw Vs w Vp Vw Voltage Informa tion.
21 PDP (NP42D2MF01) Confirmation Manual Ver.2.
22 Type,Ser ial N umb er Check pr ocess Panel Crac k OK NG NG Con nectors OK Tester Checking Reappe aran ce OK Strip D efect Vert ical Line Horiz ontal Line No Display W riti ng Issues Page 38-4 2 Pag.
23 SERIAL NO. 211200192 Vd=65V Vs=190.1V CODE AA-01 212211041621 Panel ID Serial Num ber Exam ple : Type N ame NP42D 2MF0 1AA Serial Numbe r 211200192 NEC NP42 D2MF01 211200192 *******************.
24 Panel Crack This issue ma y be caused by transportation or treatm ent after shipm ent. We would like y ou to take s ome pictures, the br oken module, the outside box , and inform the shipment date. If you do not the pictures, we can dispos e the broken modules on our responsibility .
25 Flexible Cable Cutting cable or brok en In this case, it caused by handlin g them at cu stomers line. We would like y ou to be car eful to handle the modules.
26 High Voltage Board 5 connectors Comm on Relay Board 3 connectors Digital Board 6 connectors Scan Relay Board (Up) 5 connectors Comm on Bypass Board Data Relay Board (Lef t) 10 connectors Data Relay Board (Right) 13 connectors Scan Relay Board (Do wn) 5 connectors Connectors Check the Cables or Connectors whether connected and locked, or not.
27 Connector Checking 2 High Voltage Board - Digital Board Each C onnect or Scan Relay Board - Flexible Cable Locked Unlocked Common Relay Board - Flexible Cable.
28 Connector Checking 3 Each C onnect or Digital Board - High Voltage Board High Voltage Board - Data Relay Board Locked Unlocked High Voltage Board - Scan Relay Board.
29 Tester Checking 1 Fuse Glass Fuse o n Hig h Volt age Bo ard (F30 1 、 F302) OK: Shortag e NG: O pened Chip Fuse on Digital Board (F U801 ) OK: Shortag e NG: Opene d.
30 Tester Checking 2 Fuse Resistance and Chip F use on Hi gh Vol tag e Boar d Fuse Resista nce (R10), ( R4), (R 6) Ch ip F use Re sis ta nce (R20) On High Volt age B oard Fuse Resista nce (R7), (R3) Ch ip Re si st an ce (R9) On High Volt age B oard R4 R20 R10 R3 R10 OK: Abo ut 2.
31 Tester Checking 3 Fuse Fuse Resista nce on Hi gh Volt ag e Boar d (R1) Fuse Resista nce on Hi gh Voltag e Board (R2) R1 R2 R1 OK: Ab out2.2 Ω NG : Opened R90 OK: A bout2.
32 Tester Checking 4 Data IC Data Relay Board (Right ) #1 pi n or # 2 pi n at CN1 2 ( Vd Volt age Li ne of Data IC ) OK: Opened NG: Shortag e Check between (#1 pin or #2 pin) and GND Check th e resista nce b etween ( #1 pi n or #2 pin) and GN D with test er.
33 Tester Checking 5 Part s Loca tion Hig h Volt age Bo ard PH2203F.
34 Tester Checking 6 Power HIC PH2203F on High Vo ltage Boa rd Checking point Between A and B Betw een C an d U Betwee n J and O Between A and U Between F a nd U B etwee n L an d M .
35 Tester Checking 7 Scan IC NEGA 1 Checking Point Betwee n NEGA a nd POSI Scan R elay Board (Up) Sc an Rela y Bo a rd (Dow n) Judgm ent OK : More t han KΩ NG : Shortag e POSI 1 N.
36 Strip Defect 1 Compare w ith sp ecification 1 strip 2 strip 2 strip Strip D efect.
37 Strip Defect 2 3 strip 3 strip 3 strip Strip D efect.
38 Vertical Line 1 [Chec k Poin t] Red 1 Line Open Mode a) The broken data flexible ca ble. If OK, Data IC Brok en. All Red Pa ttern All Green P attern All Blue Pattern All Black Pattern Black 1 Line .
39 Vertical Line 2 [Chec k Poin t] Shorta ge betw een Red and Blue a) This phenome non is caused by pan el issues. All Red Patter n All Green P attern All Blue Pattern All Black Pattern Blue 1 Line Re.
40 Vertical Line 3 Vert ical Line [Chec k Poin t] a) The broken surface IC on da ta IC. b) The broken data flexible ca ble. 1/2 data IC Bloc k (Width 30mm ) block.
41 Vertical Line 4 Vert ical Line [Chec k Poin t] 1 data IC Block a) Lackin g co nnector be tween Data Relay board a nd Da ta IC. b) The broken data flexible ca ble.
42 Vertical Line 5 Vert ical Line [Chec k Poin t] Many data IC Blo ck a) Lackin g co nnector be tween Data Relay board a nd S can or Commo n bo ard. b) The broken data flexible ca ble.
43 Horizontal Li ne single line, tw o line s or block Single Two lines Block Block a) The broken surface IC on scan IC dri ver. Check the resistan ce be tween NEGA and POSI on scan IC board . ( Nor mal: K Ω Leve l) b) The broken scan flex ible cabl e.
44 42HD2 Board Location Data Relay Board (Right) Data Relay Board (Lef t) Comm on Relay Board Digital Board High Voltage Board Comm on Bypass Board Scan Relay Board (up) Scan Flexib le Cable A A B C D.
45 PDP (NP42D2MF01) Repair Manual Ver.2.
46 Prepar ati on Panel Se tting Remov e Co nnect ors Remove Screws Remov e Old B oards Install New Boards Drive screws Con nect Con nectors Mounti ng Setting Con nect Sup ply cabl e Aging Inspecti on .
47 Tools a) Driver ---------- Plus Type b) Wrist Discharge ---------- Prevent Electrostatic c ) Signal Generat or (PC) d) Supply Pack age e) Mounting ---------- To Stand Module f) T e s t e r g) Cushion ---------- To put the Module on A TTE NTI ON Replacing the boards, always use the wr ist band to prevent electrostatic .
48 Put the cushion on a table an d repaired module on cus hion A TTE NTI ON Put panel like c atching all sur face on cushion. Pre-setting.
49 Remove the re pairing Board High Voltage Board 5 Connectors Scan Relay Board 5 Connectors Comm on Bypass Board Comm on Relay Board 3 connectors Digital Board 5 Connectors Data Relay Board (Right) 1.
50 Repair 1 Remove connec tors a nd cable (2 ) How to remove the connecto rs Flat Cable (Type A) Flat Cable (Type B) Locked Unlocked Be car eful to remov e the connectors b ecause the structur e of each connector is diff erent. Or, it is possible to broken th e connectors.
51 Flat Cable (Type C) Cable (Type D) Locked Unlocked Repair 1 Remove connec tors a nd cable (3 ) Be car eful to remov e the connectors b ecause the structur e of each connector is diff erent. Or, it is possible to broken th e connectors.
52 Repair 2 Remo ve the Boards A TTENSION Do not drop the screwdriv er or screws on the board. Be careful to n ot mak e the screw dust --- ---- Shorta ge factor Comm on Bypass Board Comm on Relay Boar.
53 Repair 3 Ins tall the new boards Install the n ew board A TTENSION Install the sam e number board as module3 Do not add any stre ss board.
54 Repair 4 Conne cting (1 ) Check the cab les and in so ckets Flat Cable (Type A) Socket (Type A) A TTENSION Check th e surface of grids whether it is tearing or not. A TTENSION Check whether ther e are som e for eign materi als or not in socket.
55 Repair 4 Conne cting (2 ) Connect so me connecto rs A TTENSION Pleas e check that connector conne ction of a red circled is mad e normally .
56 Repair 4 Conne cting (3 ) Locked Unlocked High Voltage Board (Photograph) - Digital Board Scan Relay Board (Photograph) - FF C Cable Common Relay Board (Photograph) -.
57 Connection C ondition Locked Unlocked Digital Board (Photograph) - High Voltage Board High Voltage Board (Photograph) - Data Relay Board High Voltage Board (Photograph) - Scan Relay .
58 Check w orking Mounting Setting A TTE NTI ON Do not stand the module direc tly on table. ----- Broken the flex ible cable To fix the connectors from supply board. ----- Broken scan & common board A djust supply board to the suitable voltage (Vs) of panel.
59 VSW VSW VSW VSW 、 、 、 、 - - - -VW Adju stment VW Adjustment VW Adjustment VW Adjustment VR10 1 Adjust the [VSW( ± 0.5V)] w ith VR2 at TP3 28 on High Volt age B oard.
60 Voltage Adjustment (2) VBW VBW VBW VBW 、 、 、 、 VP Adjustmen t VP Adjustmen t VP Adjustmen t VP Adjustmen t Measuring VP which i s betw een TP327 and GND . Adj ust V P by VR1 . (To ler ance: +/- 1. 5 volt ) Measuring VBW which is be tween TP3 29 an d TP33 0(–VW ).
61 Check w orking Aging A TTE NTI ON Do not u se fixed signals to agin g. For example window s pattern or window pattern. ACT IO N Aging on all wh ite pattern for at least 30 min.
62 Check w orking Inspection A TTE NTI ON In case of some black s trips or light strip, to aging more for one hours with all wh ite pattern. ACT IO N Inspect the screen condition under all red, all gr een, all blue, color bar and gray scale. List the replaced r esult as attached sheet.
63 Stocking Condi tion A TTE NTI ON To stock the modules in the room keeping on standard temperature and humidity. To keep the modules side ways as following picture.
64 4. THE PARTS INFORMA TION PDP Module R epai r Parts Li st Sony M ode l nam e NPD PDP M odule Part N um be r Spare Part s Nam e Supplie r' s Part Num be r V e rsion Note KE -42M R 1 ( AEP) N P .
65 NP 4 2 D 2 M F 0 1 AA , AB Upper c om pat ible if no ter m s . Nam e of P ac kage( boa rd) Vers i on R eplac ea ble Vers ion C ondit ion s Note H ig h Volt ag e B o ar d 01A PKG42D2G1 0 1C 03A 03A T his vers i on of th e boar d sh all be us ed w it h D igit al boar d 02 A - 05 or 02A-06 .
Sony EMCS Corporation Ichinomiya TEC 9-878-233-01 English 2004DL08-Data Made in Japan 2004. 4.
デバイスSony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony KE-42MR1, KE-42MR1E, KE-42MR42M1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。