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Quick Start Guide Operating Instructions Before operat ing the TV, plea se read the “S afety Information” sec tion of this manual. Retain this manual for fu ture reference.
Quick Start Guide Operating I nstruction s 1.
2 NOTICE FOR CUSTOMERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM A moulde d pl ug com ply in g with BS1 363 i s fitte d to t his e qui pment for your safety an d conve ni en ce. Should the fuse in the plug sup plie d need to be repl aced, a 5 AM P fuse a ppro ved by AST A or BSI to BS 136 2 (i.
3 Table of Co ntents Table of Contents Quick Start Guide ......... ...... ........ ...... ......... ...... ......... ........ ...... ......... ...... ......... ..... ......... ......... ...... ........ .... .. 4 Operating In stru ctions ............ .
4 Quick S tart Guide Thank you for purchasing this Sony product. After foll ow i ng t hi s step by step gui de you wil l be ab le to: – Inser t batte ries in to the remote contro l. – Conn ect an aeria l , VCR, and mai ns le a d to yo ur T V . – Selec t the languag e of the menu scr eens.
5 Quick Start Gui de Quick Start Guide 2 Inserting Batteries into the Remote Control • Make sure you insert th e supp lied batte ri es obse rvi ng t he correct pola rit y. • Always rem ember to di spose of used batteries in an en vi ronm entally friendly wa y.
6 Quick S tart Guide 3 Connecting an A erial, VCR, and M ains Lead to the TV • Use the s u pp lied m ains l ead. • Use t he sup plied coaxi al cabl e for aeria l conn ecti on. Do not connec t to the m ai ns before all co nne cti ons ar e com p le te .
7 Quick Start Gui de Quick Start Guide • For more de ta il s regardi ng VCR co nnection, ref er to “Conne c ti ng O pt io nal Equipm en t” on pa ge 50.
8 Quick S tart Guide You can stor e th e c ables in the ba ck of the TV. You must secure t he mains p lug to th e TV’s AC IN jack. 4 Bundling the Cab les (KLV-L32M1 only) Bundle the main s lead and the coaxia l cable a nd secure the m with the cl ips on th e TV.
9 Quick Start Gui de Quick Start Guide 5 Switching On the T V 1 Connec t the TV to t he m ains (220–2 40 V AC, 50 H z ). 2 Pre s s th e (Pow e r) sw it ch o n th e TV to s w itc h it on.
10 Quick S tart Guide This TV wo rks with me nu screen s. By followin g the instruc tions below, you can selec t the desired l anguage of t he menu scre ens, and the c oun try/regi on i n which yo u w an t to operat e t he TV. The fi rst ti m e you s w itch on the TV , the La nguage menu appear s automa tically on the screen (Auto St artup).
11 Quick Start Gui de Quick Start Guide You must tun e the TV to receive ch annels (TV Bro adcast). If you fo llow the instru ctions belo w, the TV automati cally searche s an d stores al l avail ab l e broa d cas t channe ls. 1 Press OK to select Yes .
12 Quick S tart Guide By followi ng the instruc tions be low, you ca n re arran ge t he order in whic h the broa dcast cha nn els appea r on th e screen.
13 Safet y Informa tion Safety Information For Safety Operat ing Instr uctio ns Mains lead Unplug the mains lead w hen moving the u nit . Do not move t he unit with the ma ins lead plu gge d in. It may damag e the ma in s lead and result in fire or e lectric shock.
14 Safety Inform ation Installation and Moving Ventilation Never cover the ven tilation hole s in the cabinet. It ma y cause ove r he ating and result in fire.
15 Safet y Informa tion Power Sourc es Use Overlo ading This unit is de signed to opera te on a 220– 240 V AC supply only . Take care not to connect t oo many appli ances to th e same mains socket as this c ould res ult in fi re or electric sho ck .
16 Safety Inform ation Additional Safety Information Elec tric sh ock Do not touch the unit with wet ha nds. Doing so may caus e elect r ic shock or dam age the unit . Broken gla ss Do not throw anyt hing at the unit . The screen glass may exp lode by the im pa ct and cau se serious injury .
17 Safet y Informa tion LCD Scre en (KL V-L3 2 M1 on ly) • Although the LCD screen is m ade wit h high- pre c isi on technology a nd 99.99% or more of the pi xels are effecti ve, black dots may appear or bri ght poi nts of light (red , blu e, or gre e n) may appear cons ta ntly on the LCD scr een .
18 Precau tions Precautions Precaut ions conc erning ventilat ion Leave sp ac e around th e unit. Ot her wise, ade quate ai r-c irc ul ation m ay be bl ock ed caus in g overheat in g, w hic h m ay cause fi re or damage to the u nit.
19 Preca utions Vie win g t h e TV co m f o rtab ly • To vi ew the TV comfortab ly, the r ecomme nded viewin g positi on is fr om four to seven times th e scree n’s ver tical l ength awa y from the TV. • View the T V in mode rate light , as vie win g the TV in poo r li ght tax es yo ur ey es.
20 Precau tions On the PDP (Plasma Display Panel) (KE-P42M1 only) On image • Please no te that the PDP scr een is made wit h hi gh- precision te chn ology.
21 Over vie w Overview Overview of the TV Buttons and Indicators To open th e dr op-down pa ne l of your TV, pu sh up the panel do or ju st und er t he mark until yo u hea r a click, then the pan el door will ope n.
22 Overvie w Status of th e indi cat or s (Power/Standby) i ndicator lights up in green The po wer o f the TV i s on. (Power/Standby) i ndicator lights up in red The TV is in the sta ndb y mode. (Power/Standby) i ndicator flashes in r ed The TV is re ce iv in g remote control signals.
23 Over vie w Overview of t he Remote Control Buttons a Switching the TV to the standby mode: Pre s s th i s but ton to te mpo rar ily tur n of f th e TV and sw i tch it to th e stan d b y mode (the (Power /Standby ) ind ic ator on the TV lights up in red) .
24 Overvie w n Selec t in g ch ann el s: Press these buttons to selec t the nex t or previ ous c ha nnel. o Adju sting the TV volu me: Press th ese b ut ton s to ad jus t th e vol u m e of the TV. p Recording prog rammes o n your VCR: If the V C R is se le cte d , press t his bu tto n to rec o rd pro gr amm es.
25 Installa tion Installati on Inserting Batteri es into the Remote Con trol • Make sure you insert th e supp lied batte ri es obse rvi ng t he correct pola rit y. • Always rem ember to di spose of used batteries in an en vi ronm entally friendly wa y.
26 Installa tion Connecting an Aerial and a VCR • Use the s u pp lied m ains l ead. • Use t he sup plied coaxi al cabl e for aeria l conn ecti on. Do not connec t to the m ai ns before all co nne cti ons ar e com p le te . Connec t the supplied coaxia l ca ble.
27 Installa tion • For mo re de t ai ls re gar ding VCR con nection , refe r to “Conne ct ing Option al Equip me nt ” on page 50. • No te that s o m e Sc a rt lea ds ma y no t fi t in to th e c onn ec tor o n th e TV . OUT IN 3 (SMARTLINK) / VCR Connecting a VCR wi th an aerial KLV-L 32M1 3 (SMARTLINK) / OUT IN VCR Scart lead is opti onal.
28 Installa tion Bundling the cables (KLV-L32M1 only) Securi ng the mains plu g (KE-P4 2M1 only) You can stor e the cabl es in t he back of t he TV. Bundle the main s lead and the coaxia l cable a nd secure the m with the cl ips on th e TV. Insta ll th e co axia l cable (s h own on the righ t) when yo u store the coax ial ca bl e with the cli p.
29 Installa tion Preventing the TV from Falling Down Afte r aerial and othe r equi pm en t conne cti ons ar e com p le te d, be sur e to at ta ch the su pplied cl amp sc re ws to th e rear of the TV, an d thread a st urdy cord or chai n thr ough it and a ttach i t to a wal l or p illar .
30 Fir st Time Oper ati o n First Time Operation Switching On the TV and Tuning the TV Automatically The fi rst time you switch on y our TV, a sequen ce of me nu screens app ear on the TV en abling y .
31 First Time Op erati on Your TV is now read y for use. 6 The TV star ts s ea rchin g an d storing all av aila bl e broad ca st channel s. • Thi s pr oce dure co uld ta ke so me mi n ute s . Pl ease be patient and do not press any buttons, otherw ise the auto tuning will not be completed properl y.
32 Menu S ystem Menu System Introducing and Using the Menu System Your TV uses a n on-sc reen menu syst em to guide you thro ugh the ope r at ions . Use th e fol low in g but ton s o n th e re mo te contr ol to opera te th e menu syste m. 1 Press MENU to swi tch th e fi r s t le vel menu o n .
33 Menu S ystem Picture Adjustment The “Pict ure Adjustmen t” men u al lows you to al ter t he pict ur e ad just men ts. To do this: After select ing the it em you want to alt er , pr ess OK , then pre ss / / or repe atedly to ad ju st it.
34 Menu S ystem Sound Adjustment The “Soun d Adjus tment” men u allows y ou to al ter th e sound adjustments. To do this: After select ing the it em you want to alt er , pr ess OK , then pr ess / / or repeate dly to adjust it . Effect * Off No effect .
35 Menu S ystem Dual Sound Stereo/Mono For a ste reo b roadc ast, select St ereo or Mono . A/B/Mono For a bili ngual bro adcast, sel ect A for sou nd channel 1 , B for sound channe l 2, or Mo no for a m ono chan nel, i f ava ilable. If you select oth er equipm e nt conn ected t o the TV , set the D ual Sou nd opti on to Ster eo , A , or B .
36 Menu S ystem Screen Control The “Sc re en Control ” menu al l ow s you t o al ter the screen adjustments. Auto Format The “Aut o Form at” opt io n al lows you to automatic a lly chang e the as pe ct ratio of the screen. To d o th is: 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK .
37 Menu S ystem Screen Fo rmat The “S creen F ormat ” opti on all ows yo u to modify the fo rmat o f the scre en. To d o th is: 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK . 2 Press or to select the desired screen f ormat and pre ss OK . Smart Imitat ion of the wide scr een effe ct for a 4:3 broad cast.
38 Menu S ystem Features The “Fea tures” menu a llows you to alte r va rio us adjustments of the T V. Power Saving The “Pow e r Sav ing” op ti on a llows you to reduce t he p ow e r con sumption of the TV. To d o th is: 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK .
39 Menu S ystem Screen Save r (KE-P 42M 1 onl y) The “Sc ree n Saver ” opt i on al lows you t o red uce ima ge retention. If t he foll owing i mages are displa yed for an exte nded pe riod ti me, im age reten ti on ( a fter im age) in a reas of the s cr ee n may res ult due t o t he ch ara ct eris tic s of the Plasma Displ ay Pa ne l.
40 Menu S ystem Set Up The “Set Up” menu a llows you to alter various op tions on the TV. Language T he “L an guage” op tion allo w s you t o sel ect the lang uage tha t th e m en us are displa ye d in. To d o th is: 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK .
41 Menu S ystem Program me Labe ls The “P rogramme Labels” option allows you to name a channe l using up to five characte rs (let ters or numbers). To d o this : 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK . 2 Press or to select the programme n umber wit h the channel you want to na me, then pres s OK .
42 Menu S ystem Manual Progra mme Pres et The “Manua l Program me Pre set” optio n (A –E ) a ll ow s you to: A) Preset cha nn els, one by on e, in the pr ogra mme ord er of your choic e. To d o th is: 1 Afte r s ele ct ing th is op t ion , p r es s OK .
43 Menu S ystem C) Normally t he autom atic fine tunin g (AFT) opt ion will gi ve the best possible pic ture, howev er you can manual ly fine-t une the TV to ob tain a b etter pict ure if the picture is dis torte d. To d o th is: 1 Press PROG + / – to sele ct the progra mme numbe r with the channel you w ant to fine - tune ma nually.
44 Other Fu nctions Othe r Functio ns Sleep Timer Functio n To set t h e Slee p Time r f u ncti on Press on t h e r e mote co n trol re p eat edly un ti l the desired time p er io d (“ 30 min,” “60 min,” “90 min,” or “ 12 0 min”) appea rs on the scre en.
45 Othe r Functi ons Screen Memo Functi on To use the Sc reen Mem o function When t he picture yo u want to fre eze appe ars on the sc reen, press on the rem ote control . Press again to canc el the Sc reen Memo func tion an d retur n to th e normal TV pictu re.
46 Other Fu nctions Teletext To swi tch on Te letex t After selec ti ng th e T V chann el which ca rri es t he Teletext servi ce you w a nt to view, press . To select a Teletext page Input thre e digi ts fo r the page nu mb er, using th e nu mber buttons.
47 Othe r Functi ons NexTView * * D epend in g o n a vaila bili ty of s er v ice. Displayi ng NexTV iew 1 Select a broad ca st chann el pro vi ding th e N ex T Vi ew serv ice. In t his case , the ind ic atio n “Ne xTVie w” is di splay e d as soon as data i s availa ble.
48 Other Fu nctions “Programme List” interface ( fig. 1) “Over vi ew ” in terface (fig. 2) A Icons for diffe rent theme s Refer to “Ico n ke y ” on pag e 49. B Date C Progra mme li st D Record This function only wo rks if yo u ha ve connected a VCR which supports Sm artLink and Ti mer Prog rammi ng fe atures.
49 Othe r Functi ons Icon key Full sele ction l ist All the progra mme informati on is listed by time a nd broa dcast c hannels or der. Chan nel sele ction If the NexTV iew provi der sends inf ormation on more th an eight broa dcast cha nnels, you can sel e ct eigh t of th em to create a pe rsonal list.
50 Additional Informat ion Additional I nformation Connecting Option al Equipment Connecting to the fron t of the TV Using the f ollowing instruc tions, y ou can connec t a wi de ran ge o f option al equ ipment t o your TV. (Connec ting c ables a re not su pplied.
51 Additi onal I nformat ion • To avoi d a no isy pict ure , do not con nect ext er nal eq uip m ent to conn ectors B and C at th e same t ime. • Even if h eadph ones are con nected to th e T V , yo u ca n he ar the sound fro m the TV speakers.
52 Additional Informat ion Connec tin g to the rear of the TV * “Play Station 2” is a pr oduct o f Sony C omputer Entertain me nt , In c. * “Pl ay Station” is a t r ad emark of Son y Comp ute r E nte rt ai nment, Inc . Do not conne ct a Decod er to th e S car t connect or / 2.
53 Additi onal I nformat ion * “Play Station 2” is a pr oduct o f Sony C omputer Entertain me nt , In c. * “Pl ay Station” is a t r ad emark of Son y Comp ute r E nte rt ai nment, Inc . Do not conne ct a Decod er to th e S car t connect or / 2.
54 Additional Informat ion KLV-L32M 1 CENTRE SPEAKER IN 180W (6 ) MAX R/D/D/D 4 12 3 (SMARTLINK) L/G/S/I R/D/D/D L/G/S/I Y P B /C B P R /C R / / F E H J N I G L M K.
55 Additi onal I nformat ion E Conne ct the supp lied m a ins le a d. F Connec t th e suppli ed coax ial cable. G 4: AV 4 Au dio in put jacks H 4: AV4 Y P B /C B P R /C R jacks I : Audi o out put ja cks J 5 CENTRE SPEAKER IN terminals K / 1: AV1 Scart c onnecto r AV1 Sc art conn ector outpu ts the vid eo signal from the TV tuner.
56 Additional Informat ion Connecting a VCR To conn ect a V CR, refe r to “Con nectin g an Ae rial an d a VCR” on pag e 26. We re commend you co nnect y our VCR using a Sc art lead. If you do not have a Sc art lead, tu ne in the V CR test signal to t he T V prog ramme number “0 ” by using t he “Ma nual Program me Prese t” option.
57 Additi onal I nformat ion Using Optional Equipment For mono equipm e nt Connec t th e ph ono plug to th e L /G/ S/I jack an d press / repeatedly unt il the in put symbol 5 or 5 appea rs on th e screen. Select the “So und Adju stm ent” menu and set “Dual Soun d” to “A” (see pag e 35).
58 Additional Informat ion Remote Control Configuration for VC R/DVD This remote control is set by default to operate th e basic functio ns of this Sony TV, most So ny DVDs and Sony VCRs when batterie s are init ially instal led.
59 Additi onal I nformat ion VCR Brand List DVD Brand List Brand Code Brand Code SONY (VHS ) 301, 302, 303, 308, 309, 362 SONY 001 SONY (BET A) 303, 307, 310 AIWA * 021 SONY (DV) 304, 305, 306 DENON 0.
60 Additional Informat ion Specifications Display Unit: (KLV-L3 2M1) Power R equirement : 220–240 V AC, 50 Hz Screen S ize: 32 inch es Approx. 80.0 cm measu red diag onally Display R es olution : 1,366 dots (horizonta l) × 7 68 lines (verti cal) Power C onsumptio n: 145 W Standby P ower Con sumption: 0.
61 Additi onal I nformat ion Troubleshooting Self-diagnosis f unction Thi s TV is e qui pped w ith a self- dia gnos is fun ctio n. If th ere is a pr oblem with your T V, the ( Pow er/St and by) in dic ator w ill fla sh in red repeat edly.
62 Additional Informat ion Poor picture/Unstable picture Double i mages or ghosting • C heck aeri al/cable connection s. • C heck the aerial l ocation and directio n. Only snow and nois e appear on the scr een. • C he ck if th e aerial is broken or bent .
63 Additi onal Inform ation Distorted picture when changi ng progr amm e s or select ing Tele text • Turn off any equipm ent con nected to t he Scart connecto r on th e rear of the TV .
64 Additional Informat ion Television Channel Number Guide for the United Kingdom Only the main transmi tters ar e listed . Inform ation rega rding th e reg ional sub -relay cha nnel nu mbers can be obtaine d by cont acti ng the BBC Eng ineerin g Info rmatio n D ep t.
http://www.s Sony Es paña, S .A. Printed in Spain.
デバイスSony KE-P42M1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony KE-P42M1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony KE-P42M1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony KE-P42M1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony KE-P42M1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony KE-P42M1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony KE-P42M1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony KE-P42M1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony KE-P42M1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。