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©2003 Sony Cor poration 4-249-347- 15 (3) Multi-Channel Integrated Amplif ier Oper a ti ng Inst ructions T A-D A9000ES.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or m oi st ur e. To prevent fir e , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, e tc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an dle s on the appa r at us.
3 GB Getting Started 1: Che ck h ow to ho okup you r componen ts ....... ........... ........... ....... ... 4 1a: Connectin g co mpo ne nt s with digital audio out put jacks ........ ... 6 1b: Conn ecting c ompone nts with multi cha nnel output jacks.
4 GB Steps 1a t hr ough 1c beg innin g on page 6 des cribe how to ho ok up you r com p onents t o t hi s am plifi er . Befor e you begi n, refe r to “Conn ectable comp onent s” bel ow for the p ages wh ich descri be h ow to connec t each com pon en t.
Getting Started 5 GB Requir ed cord s The hoo ku p diag ra ms on th e su bseq uent pag es ass um e th e us e of the fo l lo wing op tion al co nnect i on cords ( A to I ) ( not su pp lied ).
6 GB . Hookin g up a DV D player, L D playe r, VCR, TV monitor, or satellite tuner For details on th e required cords ( A – I ), se e pa ge 5. 1 Connect the audio jacks. * Connect to eithe r the DVD COAXIAL IN or t he DVD OPTICAL IN jack. We recommend making connections to the DVD COAXIAL IN j ack.
Getting Started 7 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The follo wing illust ration shows how to connect a TV or satellit e tuner and a DVD player wit h COMPONENT VIDEO (Y, P B /C B /B-Y , P R /C R /R -Y) ou tput ja cks. Co nnecti ng a TV w ith co mpone nt video in pu t jacks allo ws yo u t o en joy high er qua lity vide o.
8 GB Hookin g up a CD /Super Audio CD player or MD/DAT d eck For details on th e required cords ( A – I ), se e pa ge 5. * Connect to either the CD/SAC D COAXIAL IN or the CD/S ACD OPTICAL IN jack. We rec ommend making connections to the CD/SAC D COAXIAL IN j ack.
Getting Started 9 GB 1 Connect the audio jacks. If y o ur D VD o r Su pe r Aud io CD p laye r is equi pped w it h mul t i cha nn el ou tput jack s, yo u can co nnec t it to this amplifier’s MULTI CHANNEL INPUT jacks to enjoy the multi channe l sound.
10 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The following illustration s hows how to c onnect a DVD player with COMPONENT VIDEO (Y, P B / C B /B-Y, P R /C R /R-Y) output jacks. Connecti ng a TV with component video inpu t jack s al lows you to enjo y high er q ualit y vi deo.
Getting Started 11 GB Hookin g up a udio compon ent s For d e ta il s on t he r e q ui re d co rds ( A – I ), se e page 5 . Note If your turntable has a ground wi re, connect it to the U SIGNAL GND terminal. 1c: Connecti ng compo nents wi th only ana log au dio jac ks DIGITAL AUDIO VIDEO CONTROL A1 II i.
12 GB Hookin g up v ideo com ponents If you co nn ect yo ur TV to the M ONIT O R j acks, yo u can w at c h the vide o fro m the se lected input (page 22). You can also disp lay the SP EAKE R SET UP, LEVEL, SUR R SET UP, EQ UALI ZER, CUSTOM IZE me nu sett ings and sound fields on yo ur TV by pre ssing ON SCR EEN o n the re mote .
Getting Started 13 GB Connect your speakers to the amplifier . This amplifie r allows you to use a 9.1 channel syste m. To fully enjo y theater -li ke multi chann el su rr ound sound re quires fiv e s pe aker s ( two front sp ea kers , a center spe aker , a nd t w o s urro und speak ers) an d a sub w oo fer ( 5.
14 GB Required cords A Speaker cords (not supplied) (+) B Monaur al audi o cord ( not sup plied) Black (–) a) When you conne c t a sub woof er wit h an auto st an dby f unc ti on, turn off the f unc tio n when watching mo vies. b) You can se lect the surrou nd speakers you want to use with SPEAKER S SURROUND.
Getting Started 15 GB Tip (Mode ls of ar ea code U, C A only) To conn ect certain spea kers to another pow er amplifier, use t he PRE OUT jacks. The same signal is output from both the SPE AKERS F RONT jacks an d t he PR E OUT jack s.
16 GB Tips for using the 9.1 channel speaker system You can also use the CINEMA STUDIO EX modes with the 9 .1 channel spea ker syste m. In this case, th e number of virtual surr ound speakers dou bles (fo r a total of 12 vir tua l surround spea ke rs).
Getting Started 17 GB Connect the su ppli ed AC pow er cord to t he AC IN term i nal o n th e am plif i er , then co nnect th e AC power cord to a wall outlet . * Th e configur ation, shape , and numb er of AC outlets vary acco rding to the area code.
18 GB You can use the SPEAKER S ET UP menu to set the si ze a nd d istanc e of th e s peake rs conne cted to this sy stem. 1 Press ?/1 to turn o n the system. 2 Rotate MAIN MENU to select “SPEAKER SET UP”. 3 Rotate MENU to select the menu item you want.
Getting Started 19 GB •N O o r M I X If you did no t conn ect a cen ter spe aker, select “NO” or “MIX”. When set to “MI X”, th e sound of th e ce nter speak er ca n be o utput from the front sp e akers without d et er io rating the so und qua lity.
20 GB When pl aci ng t w o s u r ro und bac k spea ke rs (The a ngle B should be t he same) x CENT ER XXX met er (Center speaker distance) Initial setting: 3.0 meter Lets you set the distanc e from your lis tening position to the center speaker. You can adjust from 1.
Getting Started 21 GB Adjust the spea ke r leve ls and balance while list ening the t est tone from your lis tening positio n. Use the remote for th ese operat ions. For det ails on r emote operat ions, refer to the operati ng instruct ions suppli ed with the r emote.
22 GB 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. The sel ecte d in pu t appe ar s in the d isplay . * See “Note when “ i.LINK” is selected ” below. 2 Turn on the component and start playback. 3 Rotate MAST ER VOL UME to adjust the volume. Note wh en “i.
23 GB Amplifier Operati on You can se lect the au dio directly from the compon ents conne cted to the MULTI CHANNEL IN jacks. This enables you to enjoy high qual ity analog in puts like DVD or S uper Audi o CD. Surro u nd effe cts and LI P SYNC (pa ge 37) are not a c tiv at ed wh en usi ng th is inp u t.
24 GB A SW: L ights u p w hen su b woof er sele ction is set t o “YES” ( page 18). Whi le this indic ator lights up, the am pli f ie r cr eate s a sub w oo fer sign al ba sed on th e LFE s igna l in the d isc being pl aye d bac k or th e lo w freq ue ncy compon ents of th e front c ha nne ls.
25 GB Amplifier Operati on O H.A.T.S .: Lights up wh en the conn ected i.LINK co mpon en t is co mp ati ble with the H.A.T.S. fu nction. P 96/24: Lights up when the ampli f ier is decoding DTS 96 kHz/24 bi t signa ls. Q MATRIX: Ligh ts up w he n DTS-E S Mat ri x decoding is activa ted.
26 GB In this mo de, the a mplifier ou tputs the s ound from th e fr ont L/R s pea kers only. Th er e is no sound f rom th e su b woo fer. Listen ing to 2 ch annel s tereo sources (2CH STEREO) Standa .
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sound 27 GB Enjoy ing stere o sound in mu lti chann el (2 ch anne l decodi ng mode) This mode lets you spec ify the type of decoding for 2 ch an nel au di o s ourc es .
28 GB science -fi c tion or action movie s wi th lot s of sound effects . x CINEMA STUDIO EX C DCS Reproduc es the sound charac teristic s of the Son y Pictu res Ente rtainm ent sco ring st age. Thi s mode is ideal fo r watchi ng musi cals or fi lms where orchestra music is fe atured i n the s oundtr ack.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sound 29 GB x HEADPHONE THEATER DCS Press MOVIE or M USIC. All ows you to experience a theater-l ike enviro nment whi le liste ning thr ough a pa ir of headph ones. To turn off the surround effect Press 2C H, or press A.F.D. to sele ct “A.
30 GB How to se lect th e surr ound b ack dec oding m ode You ca n se lect th e sur ro und back m od e you w a nt acc or ding to the in put str ea m. When you select “AUTO” When the input s tream conta ins the 6.1 channel decode f lag a) , th e appr opri ate dec ode r is ap plied to deco de the su rr ound b ack si gn al.
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 31 GB You can ass ign the digita l a udi o i n p uts to ot he r inpu ts . T hi s fu n c tio n is c o n ve ni e n t in t he foll ow in g ca ses. (Example) When you have two DVD players and no digital audio input jack is available for the second DVD player.
32 GB You ca n sw i tch th e au dio inpu t mode f or components fo r which t his amplifi er has d igital audio i np ut jack s. 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. 2 Press INPUT MODE repeatedly to select the audio i nput mode. The sel ect ed au di o inpu t mo de app ears in the displa y.
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 33 GB Adjust ing the L EVEL menu You ca n ad just t h e bala nce an d lev el of ea ch speak er . T hes e sett in gs are app lied to al l sound fields . 1 Start playing a source encoded with multi channel surround effects (DVD, etc.
34 GB “S.F. Initi ali ze ” appea rs in the display and all sound fields are r eset to th e initial setting. Yo u can adjust th e tonal qualit y (bass, mid range, treble le vel) of each sp eake r us ing the EQUALIZER menu. You ca n st ore up to 5 d iffer ent equali zer s ettin gs in the eq ua lize r ba nk (EQ BANK [1] – [5] ) and apply t hem .
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 35 GB x SURR/SB BASS XXX dB (Surrou nd/sur round back sp eaker b ass le vel) x SURR/SB TRE. XXX dB (Surrou nd/sur round back sp eaker trebl e level ) Initial settin g: 0 dB You can adjust fro m –10 dB to +10 dB in 1 dB st eps .
36 GB Using the CUSTOMIZE menu to adjust the amplifier You ca n adju st va riou s amp l if i er settin gs usin g the CUSTOMIZE menu. 1 Rotate MAIN MENU to select “CUST OMIZE ”. 2 Rotate MENU to select the parameter. For de tails, see “CUST OMIZE menu parameters” b elow.
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 37 GB Note This functi on does no t work whe n “SURR BACK SP ” in the SPEA K E R SE T U P me nu is set to “N O ” (page 19). x LIP SYNC (Time alig nment) Initial settin g: 0 ms Lets you delay the out put of audio to adju st the gap between vi deo an d audio.
38 GB Lets you adju s t the sharpn es s of th e im ag es when you upconve rt the v ideo or S-vid eo signals to co mponent video s ignals. You can a djust f rom 1 to 5.
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 39 GB •S I D E / L O W Select if the loc a tio n of your su rrou nd spe a kers corresponds to secti on A an d C . • SIDE/HIGH Select if the loc a tio n of your su rrou nd spe a kers corresponds to secti on A an d D .
40 GB All SURR SET UP menu parameters * Adjustable only when “MENU EXPAND” is set to “ON”. x C. WIDTH L_C_R (Cen ter widt h con trol) Initia l se tt ing: (3) Lets you pe rform further a djustments for Do lby Pro Logic II Music mode decoding. You c an set th is parame te r o nly w he n A .
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 41 GB All LEVEL menu parameters a) Adjustable only when “MENU EXPAND” is set to “ON”. b) When surrou nd ba ck speake r is se t to “ SINGLE ” (page 19). c) When surround back speaker is set to “DUAL” (page 19).
42 GB All EQUALIZER menu parameters * Adjustable only when “MENU EXPAND” is s et to “ON”. x FRONT BASS XXX Hz (Fr ont speaker ba ss freq uency ) Initia l se tt ing: 500 H z You can a djust e ither to 250 H z or to 500 Hz. x FRONT T REBLE XXX Hz ( Front sp eaker tre ble freq uency ) Initia l se tt ing: 2.
Adv anced Adjus tments a nd Settings 43 GB To use the USER PRESET 1 Press USER P RESET repeatedly to select the U SER P RESET yo u want. 2 Press ENTER. Note If the DIGITAL A SSIGN settin g is c hanged afte r you store a USER PRES ET and if t he stor ed INPUT MODE setting ca nnot be used , a sele c ta ble se tti ng is applied a utoma tica ll y.
44 GB You ca n ente r a name of up to 8 chara ct er s for inputs sele cted with INPUT SELECTOR, and display it in th e amplifier ’s displa y. 1 Rotate INPUT SELECTOR to select a n input you want to create an index name for. 2 Rotate MAIN MENU to select “CUST OMIZE ”.
Other Operations 45 GB This amplif ier all ows you to swi tch between 3 differ ent su rrou nd sp eake r con figu ratio ns (A , B, and A+ B) . There ar e two se ts of su rrou nd speak er te rmin als ( A and B). The SPE A KERS SURROUND A terminals a re for standar d operat io n with up t o 7.
46 GB • Befor e sett ing the surr oun d speak ers, se le ct the surround speake r syste m you use. Before you b egin , ma ke s ure yo u ha ve connect ed al l c om p onent s p roper l y. Recor ding on an audio tape or MiniD isc You can record on a Mini Disc or ca ssett e tape using the amplifie r.
Other Operations 47 GB Recor ding on a vide o tape You ca n re cord f ro m a VCR, a TV, or an LD player u si ng the am p lifie r. You can also a dd audi o fro m a va riety of audio sour ces wh en edi ting a vi deo t ape. See t he o pera ting ins truc tions of y our VCR i f you need hel p.
48 GB The CONTROL A1 II Cont ro l Sy stem was desi gned t o sim plif y th e oper ati on of audi o syst ems co mposed of s epar ate So ny components. CONTROL A1 II connecti ons provide a path for the trans mission of control signals wh ich enable a utomatic o peration and contr ol fea tures usu ally asso ciated w ith inte grat ed syst ems.
Other Operations 49 GB If yo u ha ve the i.LI NK co mpone nt SC D- XA9000ES, connec t to this amplifier with an i.LINK ca bl e ( suppli ed with SC D -XA 900 0E S). This amplif ier is on ly compatible wit h i.LINK connect i ons to th e SCD - XA9 00 0ES.
50 GB On sa fety Should any soli d obje ct or l iquid fall into the cabinet, unplug the amp lifier and have it c hec ked b y q ualif ied personnel before ope rat ing it any further. On powe r source s • Befo r e ope r a ting the un it, che c k tha t th e opera ting voltage is iden tica l w ith your loc al po w e r sup ply.
Additiona l Inform ation 51 GB If you ex peri ence a ny of the f oll owing difficu ltie s while using the amplifi er , use this troubles hoot in g gu ide to he lp you re med y th e proble m . Sh ou ld any pr obl em per sist, co nsul t your n ear es t Son y deal er .
52 GB There is s evere hum or noise. • Check that th e speake rs and com ponents are connecte d se c ur el y. • Check that th e connec ting cord s are awa y from a transf ormer o r motor, and at l east 3 meters away from a TV s et or f luoresce nt li ght.
Additiona l Inform ation 53 GB PROTECTOR/CHECK CODE 11 Irregular curren t is outpu t from the spe ak ers . Turn off the am p li f i er, check th e speaker c onnecti o n an d turn on t he power again. PROTECTOR/CHECK CODE 12 The ampli fier se ction i s overheat ed.
54 GB 3) Input shorte d a nd se aled at VOL MAX. 4) We ight ed n etw or k + 20 kH z LPF , inp u t le ve l. Inputs (D igi tal) Outputs EQUALIZER Video se ction Inputs/ Outputs Video: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms S-video: Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohm s C: 0.286 Vp-p, 75 ohm s COMPONENT VIDEO:Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms P B /C B /B-Y: 0.
Additiona l Inform ation 55 GB.
56 GB Main unit A.F.D. 7 (26, 27, 2 9) BASS ej (35) DECODE PRIORITY wf (37) Digital C inema Sound i ndicator 5 DIMMER qh DIRECT wg (29) DIRECT i ndicator 2 DISPLAY wd (23) Display 3 (23) ENTER wa (31,.
Additiona l Inform ation 57 GB v 1 2 36 5 4 7 8 9 qd qg qa qs 0 qf wg wh wj ql qk qj qh w; wa ws wd wf eh ef eg ed ej es wl ea e; wk.
58 GB A Adju stin g CUSTOMIZ E para m eter s 36 EQUALIZER para meter 34 LEVEL parame ter 33 , 40 , 41 SPEAKER SET UP param- eters 18 , 38 speaker volume 21 SURR SET UP parameters 32 C Chan ging disp l.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Japan Printe d on 1 00% re cycled pap er ..
デバイスSony TA-DA9000ESの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sony TA-DA9000ESをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSony TA-DA9000ESの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sony TA-DA9000ESの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sony TA-DA9000ESで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sony TA-DA9000ESを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSony TA-DA9000ESの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sony TA-DA9000ESに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSony TA-DA9000ESデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。