Sound Performance Labメーカー2383の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Mod el 2 38 3 Use r ’ s Guide GainSt ation 8 Eight channel microphone and instrument preamplif ier Clip Hi Z Mic Off SOURCE HI PASS PHASE PHANTOM LIMITER 50 Hz Off Fet Peak Nor.
2 GainStation 8 User’ s Guide GainStation 8 Model 2383 Ver s io n 1.0 – 6/ 2003 Designer: Ru be n Ti lgne r Thi s use r's gu ide co nt ains a descr iption of the pro duct . It in no way represent s a guarantee of par ticular charac teristic s or result s of us e.
GainStation 8 3 Introduction .................................................................. 4 Be fo re you begin .......................................................... 7 Rear pane l/ conn ec tion s .............................................
4 GainStation 8 Introduction Inpu t makes all th e difference. Modern aud io produ ction relies increa singly on digit al systems fo r recording and mix ing processe s (DAW‘s, dig ital consoles etc.). The a dvantages o f di gita l audio ar e manif old and in clude af fordable storag e, comfor table ed iting, reca ll capabili ties and automa tion.
GainStation 8 5 Introduction Main tec hnical f eature s of the Gain Statio n 8 • Cu stom -de sign ed and b uilt , ful ly disc rete, c la ss A op -amps ( no of f-t he- shelf s tuf f her e). T he GainSt atio n‘s op-am ps fea ture 60-V ol t o pe r ating voltage — t w ice as hi gh as mo st common op-amps— for an incredible dy namic range.
6 GainStation 8 Thi s cu tting -edge tec hno logy ensures that signals recorde d with the GainSt ation 8 ha ve more p res ence an d subs tan ce and will easily c ut thro ug h a mix e ven at l ower le vel s. E x tr emel y low-frequenc y sig nal s ar e tigh t and t rans paren t wit h clear i nto- nation.
GainStation 8 7 It mak es good sens e to thin k abou t where y ou pla ce your GainStation 8 be for e con necting it. It shou ld be po sitioned so that you ca n easi ly reac h it, b ut th ere are ot her con sider ati ons.
8 GainStation 8 R ear panel/connections Wir ing Gain Station 8 1230321 Made in Germany XLR Wiring : P in 1 = GND/ P in 2 = H igh (+)/ P in 3 = L ow (–) OUT 2 ( BAL. ) INSTR. IN (UNBAL.) 1 POWER SUPPL Y DC INPUT OUT 1 ( BAL. ) MIC INPUT OUT 2 ( BAL. ) INSTR.
GainStation 8 9 Aga in , wh il e t h e GainSta tion 8‘ s hous ing is EM V-pro of and protects agains t HF-interf erence, pl acement of th e uni t is ver y impor tant since it amplif ie s m icroph one sig nal s a s well as o ther unwa nte d s ign als.
10 GainStation 8 R ear panel/connections MIC IN PUT Dynami c, co ndense r o r tube microp hones ca n be conn ec ted to the Mic In put. The 48 V s witc h prov ides t he phan tom pow er necessar y for some microphones (see als o „ Control elements/ Phant om“ on pa ge 1 3).
GainStation 8 11 Control elements CLE AN GA IN Thi s po te ntio me ter con trol s th e amoun t of preamp lif ic ati on provided by the cl ass A so lid -st at e stage. A r ange of up to + 63 d B is provided. Fo r mor e infor mat ion, p leas e se e “S et ting le vel s on the GainS tat ion 8“ on page 16.
12 GainStation 8 SOURCE Thi s swit ch a llo ws you to sel ect between the Mic and Inst rume nt inputs . Both inputs can remain connec ted at all times, reg ard- less of which in put is se lec ted. When f irst th rown af ter power ing up the uni t, th is swi tch ca n cause a noticeab le pop due to t he disc harg e of residual c urre nt.
GainStation 8 13 IMPED. Ω This 3-way switc h a l lows you t o sele ct bet wee n th ree inp ut impedance s for the Mic Input. In general , higher impe dances increas e levels and em phasize high f requenc ies, while mids and bass frequenic es are dampene d.
14 GainStation 8 LIMI TER The Gai nS tati o n 8 off ers t w o t ype s of outp ut leve l limit ing: Peak and FE T . Th e limi ter is pre - out put le vel cont rol , so t hat the limit ed signal ca n be opt imall y adapte d to an ex ter nal conver ter .
GainStation 8 15 POW ER Swit ches t he unit on or of f. The s witc h illumin ates wi th del ay, because it i s fed by the 250 V anode p ower – don’ t panic .
16 GainStation 8 In spite of its quality an d f le x ibili t y , th e GainSt atio n 8 ‘s tr ans - parent user inter face allows quick , intuitive oper ation.
GainStation 8 17 Combining dif ferent amount s of cl ean an d t ube g ain will c reat e vario us effect s. Th e G ain Sta tio n 8 oper ates v ir tuall y dis tor tion - fr ee wi th the tube stag e byp as sed . The s ound is c lean and t ra ns- parent with ext re me de ta il a nd v ery low noise.
18 GainStation 8 Limit er To a c h i e v e the desi re d re sult s wit h the i nteg rate d limi ter , it i s impor tan t t o unde rstand i ts opera tion .
GainStation 8 19 The adve nt of digi tal recording and th e f ac t th at more a nd more material remains in the digital do main f rom star t to f in ish have rai sed d em ands on p r eamplif iers.
20 GainStation 8 Vo c a l s /sp e e c h The tube stag e is well su ited f or addin g pres ence to vo cal s. Ex er c i se ca u ti o n wh en setting leve ls, parti cu l arly w ith the cl ean stage , si nce vocal s can be e xt remely dynamic.
GainStation 8 21 Elec t r ic B a ss If an elec tr ic bass is direct ly connected to the instr ument input, a combination of clean an d tub e st ages is u suall y bes t.
22 GainStation 8 Drum s /snare drum Ex er c i se ca u ti o n wh en s e t t i n g l e v e l s t o avoid clippin g. Drums are notoriou s fo r fa st , pow er f ul tr ansien ts t hat c an eas ily add 10 dB t o the average level.
GainStation 8 23 Inside the Ga inStat ion 8 The most tim e-cons u ming par t of the deve lopm ent of the GainStation 8 wa s searching for , selec ting and matching compo - nents, P CB‘s and IC ‘s .
24 GainStation 8 An o utpu t st age , wh ich a lso operat es in clas s A m ode wi th ove r 6 mA of c lose d- circui t cur rent , fu nct ions a s a cur rent a mplif i er . The trans ist ors and resis tor s util ized al s o had an en orm ous ef fec t on the audio quality.
GainStation 8 25 The Instru men t Input is a f ully di scr ete impe danc e conver ter that also operates in class A mo de. It is based on a lo w-n oise fi e l d e ff ec t t ra n s is t o r th a t is e s p ec i a l ly w e l l s u i t e d t o t h i s t a s k due to it s e xt reme ly hig h input im peda nce.
26 GainStation 8 In the case of the power supply , n o ex pen se wa s sp ared. A f te r all, the p owe r suppl y is one of th e prim ar y f ac tors in t he audio qualit y an d over all so und of any de vice.
GainStation 8 27 Fre q ue n c y response (Clea n Ga in 30 d B, T u be G ain off, o utput level 0 dB, +/- 0.5 dB): ‹1 H z-1 25 kH z Fre q ue n c y r e sp o n se ( C l e a n G a i n 3 0 d B , T u b e .
28 GainStation 8 Dimensions (W x H x D ): 482 x 8 8 x 237 mm Weig ht ( w/ o Lund ahl transf ormer): 6 , 3 k g Ext e rn al p o we r su p p ly – dimensions: 219 x 85 x 25 7 mm Weig ht: 6 ,8 k g The fo.
GainStation 8 29 SPL produc ts are manufa ctured u sing carefull y selected compo - nents an d ma teria ls an d sta te- of-t he- ar t pro duct ion tech no- log y . Ever y S PL pro duct i s thor ough in spec ted a nd tes ted be fore leaving the f actor y, including acoustic and elec tronic testing.
< Manual GainStation 8, Model 2383 All yo u need i s imag inat ion, g ood ea rs an d thre e let ter s:.
デバイスSound Performance Lab 2383の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sound Performance Lab 2383をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSound Performance Lab 2383の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sound Performance Lab 2383の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sound Performance Lab 2383で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sound Performance Lab 2383を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSound Performance Lab 2383の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sound Performance Lab 2383に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSound Performance Lab 2383デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。