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C ommunicat or User guide Events Edition R9806075 R5976790/00 09/0 7/2004.
Barco nv Events Noordlaan 5, B-8 520 Kuurn e Phone: + 32 56.36.89 .70 Fax: +32 56.36.8 8.24 E-mail: Visit us at the web: Printed in Belgi um.
Changes Barco provides thi s manual ’as is’ w ithout warrant y of any kind, eithe r expressed or impli ed, including but no t limited to the implie d warranties o r merchantability an d fitness for a particu lar purpose.
Table of contents T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . I n t r o d u c t i o n ............ ................................................................ ..............3 1 . 1 G e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n ................................................
Table of cont ents 6 . P r o j e c t o r C o n f i g u r a t i o n ............................................................. ............ 3 9 6 . 1 S e t u p o f t h e S e r i a l B u s A d d r e s s ...............................................
1. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General introduction XLM configuration tool A uniquely powerful and easy to use confi guration progr am for the Barco XLM projector , Communicator , Events Edition, provide s all of the tools necessary fo r the total proj ector set-up and control .
1. Introduction 4 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
2. Software installation and start up 2. SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION AND ST ART UP Overview • Required Conf iguration • Installing the So ftware • Upgrading the S oftware • Removing the Communicator software 2.
2. Software installation and start up 2.3 Upgrading the Software How to update 1. Downloa d or copy the upd ate zip file locally . 2. Unzip the updat e file in the commu nicator instal l directory .. 3. Run Setup. exe . The window s install shield opens.
3. Projector Connection 3. PROJECT OR CONNECTION Overview • Introducti on • Network connection • Serial Network Connect ion • Disconnect ing from the XLM project or • Controllin g one or mo re projecto rs • Shortcut keys 3.
3. Projector Connection Image 3-2 Add projector Image 3-3 Projector settings 3.2.4 Delete a projector W h a tc a nb ed o n e? Any projector in the list can b e deleted o ut of the list. How to delete ? 1. Right clic k on the projector which has to be remo ved.
3. Projector Connection Image 3-4 Delete projector 3.2.5 Edit projector settings How to edit 1. Right click on a projector name. (imag e 3-5) 2. Click on Edit. The projector settin gs window opens. (image 3-6) 3. T o change the name, click i n the input fi eld next to Project or Name and enter the new name.
3. Projector Connection 3.2.6 Making connection What should be done ? Before a connecti on can be made with one or more projectors, these projecto rs should be check. Making connection 1. Check first the projectors t o which the Communi cator should make a c onnection (1).
3. Projector Connection MONIT OR OUT 2 1 3 PUSH 2 1 3 PUSH HARDWIRED REMOTE 10/100 BASE T SERIAL NETWORK MONITO R OUT RS232/422 OUT RS232/422 IN WIRELESS REMOTE CTRL 3 CTRL 2 CTRL 1 PORT 1 PORT 2 BI-DIRECT IONAL UNI-D IRECTIONA L Image 3-8 Serial connection, physical location Necessary parts Straight serial cable Software connection 1.
3. Projector Connection 3.5 Controlling one or more projectors T o control only one projector 1. Go to Connections ,s e l e c t Network connections and check only those proj ector you want to contro l. Now it is possible to fully cont rol these project or .
3. Projector Connection 14 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
4. Projector Setup 4. PROJECT OR SETUP Overview • Control Interf ace Set up • Internal Pa tterns Shortcuts •L a m p O N / O F F • Shutter Open or Close • Lens shift • Lens Focus 4.1 Control Interface Set up Overview of the layout All the setti ngs and setups are visual ized in this control i nterface.
4. Projector Setup T o se t a pattern 1. Click on o ne of the predefi ned icons. (image 4-2) The selected pa ttern will be disp layed by the project or when the lamp is on and the shut ter is open.
4. Projector Setup T oggling the lamp status 1. Press lamp on ico n ( ). The lamp will be sw itched ON. The interface w ill indicate lamp ON . 2. Press lamp o f f icon ( ). The lamp w ill be switched OF F . The interface will in dicate lamp OFF . Comm and will be send to all “write ” projectors 4.
4. Projector Setup How to shift the image ? 1. T o shift the i mage horizo ntally , click on the l eft and rig ht red arrow un der Lens shift .( i m a g e 4 - 4 ) 2. T o shift the image vertically , click on the up an d down red arrow under Lens shift .
5. Adjustment 5. ADJUSTMENT Overview • General introduct ion • Create a new layout • Edit an existing layout • Renaming a layout • Deleting a lay out •W i n d o w i n g • Settings • Input slot confi guration 5.1 General introduction Overview With the XLM it i s possible to connect up to four sources which can be mi xed to one image.
5. Adjustment 6. Click in the Filename inpu t field and ent er a new nam e for the layout. (image 5-3 ) 7. Click o n Save . The new layout will be saved.
5. Adjustment 5.3 Edit an existing layout How to edit 1. Click on Layout file on the menu b ar . The menu drops down. 2. Select Open . An overview window wi th the existing l ayout files wil l be displayed. 3. Select the file you w ant to edit o ut of the list a nd click Open .
5. Adjustment Image 5-5 Rename layout file 5.5 Deleting a layout How to delete 1. Click on Layout file on the menu bar . (image 5-6) The menu drops down. 2. Select Delete (1). The layout fi le selection window opens (2). 3. Sele ct the layo ut file you wan t to delete (3).
5. Adjustment Image 5-6 Delete l ayout 5.6 Windowing Overview • Window s election • Enabling or d isabling a Windo w • Moving W indows • Scaling W indows • Z-orde r •F u l l s i z e • Aspect Ratio All window manipulations wi ll be executed on all “write” proj ectors.
5. Adjustment Using the mouse 1. Move your mouse over the wi ndow you want to select. 2. Click with the left mouse butto n on that window . The border color c hanges to yellow . (image 5-7) Image 5-7 Select a window Using the menu bar 1. Click Vie w to pull down the select ion menu.
5. Adjustment 5.6.2 Enabling or disabling a W indow How to disable a window 1. Sel ect the win dow . (image 5-9) The border colors wi ll change to yel low 2. Remove the checked symbol next to enable by clicking on it. The window representa tion will be r emoved from the layout pane .
5. Adjustment 5.6.3 Moving W indows Moving via drag and drop 1. Click on the window you want to move. (image 5-1 1) The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Hold down th e mouse button to gra b the selected wi ndow .
5. Adjustment 5.6.4 Scaling W indows Scaling via drag and drop 1. Click on the window you want to scale . (image 5-13) The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Mo ve your cursor to corner . The cursor chang es in a two arrow cur sor .
5. Adjustment How to order 1. Sele ct the window you chan ge the order . The border chan ges to yell ow and the cursor cha nges to a four ar row cursor . 2. Change the Z-value in the right pan e by clicking on the + or - button (i mage 5-15) Or , by entering t he desired val ue with the keyboar d.
5. Adjustment Image 5-17 Reset to full size 5.6.7 Aspect Ratio Aspect ratio horizonta l & vertic al dimension in which the win dow will be displayed , e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9. How to change 1. Select the wi ndow o f which you want to chang e the aspect ratio.
5. Adjustment Image 5-18 Aspect rat io via right cli ck Image 5-19 Aspect ratio via button Image 5-20 Fixed aspect ratio selected 5.7 Settings Input File ma nipulation s are not automatical ly executed on all “write” projectors.
5. Adjustment 5.7.2 Load a file H o wt ol o a daf i l e 1. Sel ect a window . (image 5-21) The input number and the associated file name wil l be indicat ed in the setti ngs pain. 2. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Load [All] (1) or Load [Fi t] (1).
5. Adjustment Image 5-22 Load file [All] Image 5-23 Load file [fit] Image 5-24 Load file message 32 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
5. Adjustment 5.7.3 Save a file How to save 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Save . (image 5- 25) The settings of the actual input will be saved. Image 5-25 Save actual settings 5.7.4 Save all file How to save all files 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and s elect Save all .
5. Adjustment Image 5-27 Rename input file 5.7.6 Delete a file How to delete 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and select Delete (1). (image 5-28) The Select Input F ile to delete window opens (2). 2. Select an input file (3) and clic k on Delete (4).
5. Adjustment 5.7.7 Auto Load Enabled W h a tc a nb ed o n e? When this funct ion is enabl ed, the ACSAR 2 will creat e by itself a new custom file when i t detects a relevant input signal . How to enable ? 1. Click on Input File on the menu bar and check Auto Load Enabl ed (1).
5. Adjustment 5.7.9 Input Settings How to change 1. Cl ick on the Input setting s tab. The input set tings values wil l be displ ayed 2. Click in the inpu t field of a sett ing and change the valu e with the keyboard. Or , click on the up or down arrow key t o change the value.
5. Adjustment Ve r t i c a l T o t a l Lines already filled w hen an active file is s elected to be edited Ve r t i c a l A c t i v e Lines number of hori zontal lines d etermining the hei ght of the proje cted image. This value is norma lly given in the specificatio n of the source.
5. Adjustment 5.8 Input slot configuration W h a tc a nb ed o n e? Each of the input slots c an be configured wit h the correct se tting. How to configure ? 1. Click on Installati on and select Input slots . (image 5 -33) The Input slots co nfigurati on menu appears.
6. Projector Configuration 6. PROJECT OR CONFIGURA TION Overview • Set up of the Serial Bus Address • Set up of the Network Properties 6.1 Set up of the Serial Bus Address Do not change the se rial bus address when connected over a serial l oop. How to set up 1.
6. Projector Configuration Default Gateway A router that serves as an entry poi nt into and exit point out of a network. For example, a local network (LAN) may n eed a gateway to connect it to a wide area network (W AN) or to the Internet. DHCP Dynamic host con figuration pr otocol.
6. Projector Configuration Image 6-3 Network settings w indow , Barco controller 6.2.3 Manually assign an Ethernet address How to set up 1. Click on the BARCO butt on. The Network se ttings window will ope n. (image 6-4) 2. Check the check box next to Use the following IP address 3.
6. Projector Configuration Image 6-4 Network settings, Barco controller If no router is present , then the PC’ s IP Address MUST be within the same subn et as the projector’s IP Addr ess in order for communica tion to be possible. This requires checking the PC’ s and projector ’ s Subnet-Mask set tings.
6. Projector Configuration Remark : Communicati on possible. PC address is in the subn et range of the proje ctor ’s IP addr ess. The third group in th e IP¨ addresses can be any val ue as the third group in th e subnet mask is 0.
6. Projector Configuration 44 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
7. Projector Status 7. PROJECT OR ST A TUS 7.1 General overview Summary This interface gi ves feedback on any item that can be red ou t in the XLM projector . Image 7-1 Overview status If the Statu s indication is NO K, follow the description in the error message windo w and check the read outs to fi nd out what is wr ong with your proj ector .
7. Projector Status • Lamp run time : expressed in hours. Time lamp is run ning since first start up of this lamp. • Lamp strikes : number of strikes si nce first start up of the lamp. • Active cooling Red (activ e - not active) : when activ e, Peltier cooling is activated fo r Red DMD.
7. Projector Status Image 7-4 Status overview voltages 7.3.2 T emperature statuses Status overview When one of the te mperatures ar e out of specif ication, the indicati on will b e red.
7. Projector Status Image 7-5 Status overview temperatures W ARNING : Servi cing only allowed by a Barco auth orized service techni cian. Sensor locat ions Image 7-6 Ambient temperature sensor Image 7.
7. Projector Status Image 7-8 Lamp house sensor 7.3.3 Fan statuses Status overview If one of the fans fai l, the correspondin g indication wi ll be displaye d in red. Image 7-9 Status overview fans W ARNING : Servi cing only allowed by a Barco auth orized service techni cian.
7. Projector Status Fan locations Image 7-10 Cold mirror bottom fan Image 7-1 1 Cold mirror top fan Image 7-12 F a n1–4e l c abox Image 7-13 Lamp fan cathode Image 7-14 Lamp fan anode Image 7-15 Start pulse generator fan 7.
7. Projector Status Image 7-16 Log information R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004 51.
7. Projector Status 52 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
8. Version Inf o 8. VERSION INFO Overview • V ersion Information 8.1 V ersion Information Overview The version informati on pane gives an overview of the fi rmware versions used in the boards.
8. Version Info 54 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
Glossary GLOSSAR Y Aspect rat io horizontal & ve rtical dim ension in which the win dow will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9. Default Gateway A router that serves as an entry point i nto and exit point out of a net work.
Glossary 56 R5976790 COMMUNICATOR 09/07/2004.
Index INDEX A ACSAR 2 25–29, 33–36, 38 Input slots 38 Configur ation 38 Settings 33–3 6 Auto load enabled 35 Delete file 3 4 Image s ettings 35 Input settings 36 Rename fil e 33 Save all file 3 .
Index V oltages 46 R Remove projector 9 S Settings 37 Apply to all projectors 37 Shortcut keys 1 3 Shutter 17 Software 5–6 Installation 5 Removing 6 Start up 5 Updating 6 U Updating 6 Software 6 V V.
Revision Sheet To : Barco nv Events/Documentation Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne Phone: +32 0, Fax: +32 E-mail: ant oon.dejaegher@ba rco.
デバイスBarco R9806075の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Barco R9806075をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBarco R9806075の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Barco R9806075の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Barco R9806075で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Barco R9806075を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBarco R9806075の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Barco R9806075に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBarco R9806075デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。